No SurnamesV: Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE

Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE


Index of People with Names Beginning with V (No Surnames)

Valdar Hroarsson             (547-)      I3874   1-55
Valdimar (Holti) the Nimble  (1020-)     I7994   8-40, 720-40
Vana                                     I4236   708-68
Vanlandi Svegdason           (298-)      I4232   708-67
Vazul of Hungary             (-1038)     I7315   81-38, 261-39
Velasquita                               I10473  227-39, 659-41
Velasquita                               I14311  787-43
Vermudo II "el Gotoso" of Leon
                             (953-999)   I10164  227-43, 787-44, 788-43
Vermund Frodason             (366-)      I3886   1-62
Viacheslav                               I7992   8-40, 720-40
Victor II                                I7079   725-43
Violante                     (-1301)     I5757   174-33
Visbur Vanlandason           (319-)      I4231   708-66
Vislas_I                                 I4127   711-51
Vissavald of Kiev                        I7755   720-41
Vladimir (St.) the Great of Kiev
                             (-1015)     I7757   8-40, 720-41
Vladimir_II "Monomachos"     (1053-1125) I2961   1-37, 58-38
Vladislav II                 (1041-)     I10725  178-36, 296-39, 506-38
Volmar I                     (-1076)     I7082   815-40
Vsei                                     I8938   713-54
Vsevolod Gavriil             (1102-1135) I6493   1-36
Vsevolod I of Kiev           (1030-)     I7996   8-40, 720-40
Vukan Gliubomir              (-1113)     I6488   530-37
Vulkan (Stephen Uros)        (1080-1130) I6484   81-35, 259-38, 530-37
