Kings Daughters archives BuildingSouthern Lancaster County Historical Society

This is a copy of a newspaper article, hand dated Sept. 5, 1941 small sections were missing due to the condition of this article, these marks - - will indicate missing letters or words.


Observance Held by Quiet Workers in Fulton Township

Charter Members-List of Officers

A joint picnic of the Four Circles of King's Daughters, Pansy, Golden Link, United Workers' and Quiet Workers' Circles, and the celebration of the golden anniversary of the Quiet Workers' Circle, was held at Penn Hill Friends Meeting house Friday, August 29th. A very bountiful picnic dinner was enjoyed by the following, under the large oak trees on the lawn: Mrs. Elizabeth Paxon, Mrs. Walter Gregg, Misses Flora Jackson and Anna Jackson, Mrs. Isabel Overly, Mrs. Haines Jackson, Mrs. Thomas Graff, Mrs. Edgar Jackson, Miss Cora McLaughlin, Mrs. Harry Runner, Mrs. Charles Smedley, Mrs. Harry Pownall, Mrs. Clifton Pownall, Miss Mildred Shoemaker, Mrs. Arthur Shoemaker, and Mrs. Joe Eshleman, all of Quarryville; Miss Alice M. Penrose and Mrs. Elmer McSparran, Greene; Mrs. Sallie Feiler and Mrs. Lulu Grabill, Holtwood; Mrs. Lester Gallagher, Mrs. John D. Sheetz, Mrs.Philip Giffing, , Mrs. Zell Hershour, Mrs. Chester Wiley, Miss Josephine A. Smith, Miss Mary Gregg, Mrs. Anna J. Gregg, Misses Ada Heeps and Cora Wood, Mrs. Raymond Good, Mrs. Sara Pierce, Mrs. Lindley, King, Mrs. William Stubbs, Mrs. Laura B. Stubbs, Mrs. Walter Woodrow, Mrs. Dora Spence, Mrs. Mary B. Cooney, Mrs. Howard Kirk, Mrs. Calvin Herr, Mrs. Rankin Wiley, Mrs. Brabson, Misses Mary M. Herr, Katherine Weaver, Helen KIrk, Mabel Brabson, Adaline and Iva Haines, Esther Hershour, Sara Giffing, Mrs. James G. Herr, Mrs. Martin Bradley, Mrs. Sadie Fite, Mrs. Walter Wood, Billlie Willey, Romaine Wilbar, Lewis Herr, all of Peach Bottom; Mrs. Samuel B. Long, Mrs. James Sinclair, Mrs. RoySmith, Mrs. Mary H. Witmer, Mrs. Albert Stubbs, Mrs. Stella T. Long, Mrs. Sara Myers, Mrs. Elizabeth Flahart, all of Drumore; Mrs. Katherine J. Beyer and Anna Beyer, Paulsboro, N.J.: Mrs. Lila O. Beyer, Mrs. Elsie L. Hastings, Nora May Robinson, Mrs. Charles Coates, Mrs. Robert Wood, Mrs.- - - Wood, all of Nottingham; Mr- - - - aff, of Washington, D.C.; M - - - - - - old, Burlington, N.J.; Mrs. - - - - - - - , Mrs. Margaret Eck- - - - - Spence, Addison Sp - - - - -Md.; Mrs. Clara Cro- - - - - -Mena Nesbitt Drummo - - - - - - - -Nesbitt Clark, Wilmington- - - - - - - George W. Leonard, Mrs. - - - -Schnupp, Mrs. Myrl s. - - - - - - - caster; Mrs. Charles F. - - - - - Holland. In the afternoon - - - - -ing program was given wit - - - - - -of Quiet Workers' - - - - - - -Philip Giffing, in char - - - - - -ing, with Miss Sara - - - - Bible lesson and prayer - - - - - - - Long; instrumental - - - - - Wilbar, Billie Wiley a - - - - readings, "Old Joh- - - - - - - --Gregg, and "The Home - - - - - -William Stubbs of - - - - - - - Mrs. Harry Pownall, Go - - - - -Circle, sang two numbers, w- - - -audience joining in the chours of the second; Mrs. Marian Graff, United Workers' Circle read "If We Had Time", Give Them Flowers Now, And If You Have a Friend Worth Loving"; Mrs. John Schnupp sang, with Mrs. Myrl Baker, pianist. The history of Quiet Workers' was given by the secretary, Mrs. Maragre Eckman Two charter members, Mrs. Mena Nesbitt Drummond and Mrs. Annie Nesbitt Clark, gave very nice talks. Mrs. Samuel Long and, in behalf of the UnitedWorkers, presented the Circle with anniversary gift of a bed table to be used in there work, which was very much appreiated. Mrs. George Leonard, Mrs. Myrl Baker, Mrs. John Schnupp and Mrs. Charles Yost, state and county officers, gave very interesting talks. Singing of "God Be With You Till We Meet Again", brought a very enjoyable day to a close.

Origin Of Circle A group consisting of eight ladies of Southern Lancaster and Upper Cecil Counties met at Pleasant Grove Presbyterian Chapel on Sept. 19, 1891, to discuss the forming of a Circle of King's Daughters by which charity work might be carried on and mean much to the less fortunate. Those present were Mrs. Alice Haines, S. E. Maxwell, Miss Lavinia Dorsey and Miss Mena Nesbitt.

A Circle of Kings Daughters was formed and the following elections made; Leader Mrs. Alice Haines; treasurer, Miss Margaret Cummings, and secretary, Miss Lavinia Dorsey.

The second meeting was also held at the Chapel, on Oct 17th, at which time two new members were added; Mrs. Ella Maxwell and Mrs. William McVey. The weather being too cold to meet at the Chapel, they gathered to meet with Mrs. Alice Haines on Nov. 18, at which time the name "Quiet Workers" was adopted. Other names were added to the roll, and a commitee, consisting of Mrs. Mattie Ingram, Mrs. Alice Fulton and Mrs. Mary Sue Carter, was appointed to look after the order of business. Soon the constitution and by-laws for the Quiet Workers' Circle of Kings Daughters of Pleasant Grove were written, printed in booklet form and each member given a copy. The same form is still being followed. During the winter months the meetings were held at privite homes, but when weather permitted they meet in Maxwell's Chapel.

According to records the Circle worked wonders, not only in their home neighborhood but large donations, as barrels of canned fruit and vegetables, raw materials, quilts and money were sent to Baltimore to be distributed by a Miss Janney. Clothing was sent to homes in Minnesota, to Alms houses, to the Anchorage Kindergarten, to Port Mission, as well as many other places.

The election of officers was always made at the September meeting and as custom then, still is, no limited terms. The following is a list of leaders and


Leaders Secretaries

Mrs. Alice Haines Miss Lavinia Dorsey 1891-1904

Hanna Fulton Alice Wiley 1905-1907

Alice B. Wiley Ella Gallagher 1908-1911

Ella Gallagher Ila Cooney 1912-1913

Ella Gallagher Della Charles 1914-1916

Kathryn Herr Della Charles 1917-1920

Ella Gallagher Della Charles 1921-1924

Sadie Fite Elsie Good 1925-1926

Ila Gallagher Susie Fite 1927-1928

Susie Fite Harriet Moore 1929-1930

Mary Giffing Della Charles 1931-1932

Mary Giffing Margaret McGarvey 1933-1936

Mary Giffing Margaret Eckman 1937-1941

During Mrs. Ella Gallagher's leadership the circle's 25th anniversary was celebrated at the home of Mrs. John Fulton on Oct.19, 1916. The only charter member present was Miss Lavinia Dorsey who was called from our midst on January 27, 1941, in her 85th year, an active member during the forty nine and one half years of her membership, a lovely character, much missed. Guest at that convention, as of today, were members and friends of the Pansy Circle of Fulton, the Golden Link of Little Britian and the United Workers' of Drumore- about 80 in number.

Since our guest today are mostly King's Daughters and close associates, I feel it would be needless and tiresome to relate each or part of work done by the circle during the past 50 years, but going over differnt data I found that the type of work done, the form or handling of such, has been practically the same, some years being able to do more than other years, but we are proud to say that all has been done willingly "In His Name".

And in memory of those whom our All-Wise father has seen fit to call from us, let us feel that they were all true Daughters of the king, and in being such were charity workers, giving of their time, talent, handiwork, and kind sympathy to all who were in need or trouble. May each of us when our task is finished and our life book closed, have it said, "She hath done - - - she could", and hope for a - - - -nion in the Better Land, - - - - - -- - "

- - - - - - - - - -W. Eckman, Sec.

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