archives BuildingSouthern Lancaster County Historical Society

The Continental Congress

source -Lancaster County Historical Society Journal Vol-LVI #5 - 1952

The Continental Congress

Mr. Risk was the founder, organizer and host to that unique and fan-tastic organization known as "The Continental Congress." This group met annually on July 4th at Four Pines and as the accompanying photograph shows, were able to carry guns even if they did not discharge them.

Miss Helen M. Hensel who contributed the photograph says, "The Con. tinental Congress was held each year on the Fourth of July at the horne of Robert B. Risk, the Foul' Pines, near the Buck. The people I know of having been there were George W. Hensel, Dr. T. M. Rohrer, A. S. Harkness, James Risk, Hennie Carson, Harry H. Hensel and Redmond Conyngham. I am not sure when Rob Risk had his leg amputated so am not sure if they had this party previous to that as Dr. Rohrer, who had gone to school with the Risks, died about 1917.

"It was a day of merriment. Rob Risk had one brother who was a great character. He was a cattle dealer. I think he sold the same old cow fifty times. He thought he was quite an orator and his oratory consisted of just words. This was a great opportunity for him to talk. I think he was the jest of a great deal of their fun. At least he would tell us the next day what a wonderful speech he had made. He had given us a few dirty peppermints and given us a sample of his speech. I just told you more about Jim Risk than about the Continental Congress but I know he was a prominent figure." Dr. T. M. Rohrer was a well-known physician and schoolmate of the Risks and father of Mary Rohrer Gilbert, Richard and Robert (twins) Rohrer.

Henny or "Socky" Carson was for many years foreman of the Intelligencer Job printing room.

George W. Hensel, the Quarryville merchant.

Leander Hensel was a scrivener.

James Risk, the country drover.

Redmond Conyngham,' a Lancaster lawyer. A. S. Harkness. Quarryville banker.

Harry H. Hensel, reporter for the /ntelligencer.

Milton J. Brecht, County Superintendent of Public Schools.

The Famous Continental Congress. Front row, Robert B. Risk, George W. Hensel. unidentified, Harry H. Hensel, Leander Hensel, unidentified. Rear row, Dr. T. M. Rohrer, unidentified, Henry E. (Socky) Carson, unidentified.

**Note this Photo appears in the article but an original can be found at the SLCHS and is used on this page

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