Summit Township

Summit Township       S - T

1893 School Taxes Summit Township, Crawford County


Total Val*

Val of Occ*

Net Tax

5% -

 5% +

Seabaugh, John 24 paid 1.06 1.11
Steel, John 2060 paid 6.15 5.85
Struble, W. S. 1728 paid 4.32
Stevens, Charles Hrs. 972 paid 2.43 2.31
Smith, David W. 2564 paid 7.01 7.36
Smith, Harrison W. 2592 paid 7.48

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Smith, John J. 2836 paid 8.09 8.49
Stockton, James C. 1656 paid 4.14
Stevens, William 12 ex 1.09 1.08
Sloan, Andrew J. 432 paid 2.08 2.18
Shumaker, Simon 2726 paid 7.82 8.21
Splitstone, A. H. 2158 paid 6.4
Swager, W. R. 1312 paid 4.28
Sweet, Arson Hrs. 96 ex 0.24 0.25
Scott, Matthew 228 ex 1.57 1.65
Smith, Charles E.

x 1226

paid 4.07 3.37

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Shellito, Jno. 1729 paid 5.32 5.06
Smith, Harry 2216 paid 6.54 6.87
Smith, Willie 2776 paid 7.94 8.34
Sweet, Will 12 paid 1.03 1.08
Stevens, G. W. 430 paid 2.08 2.18
Smith, Alva W. 104 paid 1.26
Soper, Nelson 64 paid 1.16 1.22
Shumaker, Hugh 64 paid 1.16 1.22
Soper, Levi 12 paid 1.09 1.08

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Stevens, William Jr. 12 paid 1.03 0.98
Shellito, Fred 40 paid 1.10 1.05
Shumaker, David G. 12 ex 1.03 1.08
Splitstone, Sylvester 921 paid 3.30
Smith, Fred B. 40 1.10 1.16
Stevens, Joseph 40 paid 1.10 1.05
Shadely, George 12 ex 1.03 1.08
Scott, Edward M. 12 paid 1.03

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Terrill, Ellis 448 paid 2.12 2.28
Tranx, James 496 paid 2.24
Tranx, De Forest paid 1.00
Teats, Absolom 931 paid 3.33 3.17
Thompson, M. D. Hrs. 58 paid 0.15
Taylor, Frank M. 40 paid 1.10 1.05
Taylor, Anson J. 532 paid 1.33
Thompson, Evaline Hrs.


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*complete headings for the two columns: 

Total Val - Total valuation of all property subject to levy for school purposes

Val of Occ - Valuation of Occupation

**illegible text - see image scan of actual page