
Updates to this webpage have been few and far between in the past few years, and many folks who have so kindly sent in information and photos have waited a long time to see them appear on this site. For this, I can only express my regret, and let you all know that since 2003 I have moved my household four times in overseas military moves and I have made five military deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. This really puts a crimp in the time I have to spend on this webpage, and I ask your understanding. Thanks!

- Geoff Walden


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Comments to page authors:

Geoff Walden: enfield577 (at)
Laura Cook
: lcook62 (at)

All contents copyright ©1996-2014, Geoff Walden, Laura Cook. All rights reserved.   No text or photos may be reproduced without the permission of the owners.  We gratefully acknowledge the generous permission of the owners in allowing us to show their images and other information on this page.
