First Kentucky "Orphan" Brigade Veterans of Cobb's Kentucky Battery
This photo of veterans of Cobb's Battery (and others) was taken at a reunion at Mint Springs (Kuttawa), Lyon County, Kentucky, in 1901. Shown, left-right, are: Gen. Hylan Benton Lyon (first commander of the Battery), Lt. Bart James, Corp. James Darrah, Dobbins (unit unknown, possibly Pvt. D. G. Dobbins, 10th Kentucky Partisan Rangers), Pvt. Frank M. Wadlington, (unknown), Pvt. Newton Payne, Pvt. Daniel Black, Pvt. Daniel Hawley. (collection of Julian and Georgette Beatty, Eddyville, Kentucky; used by their kind permission) First Kentucky "Orphan" Brigade Homepage
Comments to page authors: Geoff Walden: enfield577 (at) All contents copyright �1996-2014, Geoff Walden, Laura Cook. All rights reserved. No text or photos may be reproduced without the permission of the owners. We gratefully acknowledge the generous permission of the owners in allowing us to show their images and other information on this page. |