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Sudbury District GenWeb

Thanks to Mary A. Kelly for hosting 1999-2006


Sudbury and surrounding districts
Welcome to the Sudbury District Ontario GenWeb site! We are located in what is considered as "North Eastern" Ontario. Northern 'districts' are fairly large, geographically, compared to their 'county' counterparts in the south of the province. The City of Sudbury is the largest community within the district; and we are located closer to the southern extremity of the district.
Sudbury District stretches from the following communities: to the west, Massey; to the north, Gogama; to the east, Warren; and to the south, from the north side of the French River; and is bounded by the following districts: to the west, Algoma; to the north, Cochrane; to the east, Timskaming and Nipissing; to the south, Parry Sound and Manitoulin. This map may be of some assistance in figuring out the boundaries, and distances.
I am just starting out with this site, and have a lot of research to do on my district's history and resources - so please be patient with me for a while! If you are aware of any organization/service that you feel should be listed on these pages, please let me know (if you know the web site address, street address, phone number or postal code also, that would be great!).
The Sudbury District has a substantial French speaking population; while I do not have the capability, if someone could volunteer to translate the pertinent information into a French language version and/or send in information of interest to the French-speaking genealogical population, I would be very happy to be able to post a French language version as a part of this Ontario GenWeb site.
Here is a link that provides access to scanned copies of a former Sudbury French language newspaper called L'ami du peuple. You may be able to find references to some of your ancestors in some of the newspaper articles.
If, while driving through the Sudbury District, during July and August, you pass multitudes of cars parked on the highways - the area has not been evacuated - it simply means that many folks are out 'harvesting' our annual crop of blueberries - that bountiful and delicious little berry that stains your lips blue and makes it worth all of the trouble fighting off the mosquitos! And represents the background theme for this site!

Sudbury District History
Population: 166,340
The City of Sudbury (population 92,884) is part of the Regional Municipality of Sudbury. It began in the 1880s (as a small railroad junction), and timber was the main industry. Copper and nickel were discovered during railway construction, and prospectors flooded in from all over the world. The first copper smelter opened in 1880.
When Sudbury was incorporated as a town in 1893, it had a population of about 1,000. By the time it became a city, in 1930, there were 18,000 residents.
Today Sudbury is Canada's largest mining and metal smelting and refining centre. There are 17 mines in the vicinity. The Sudbury Basin, formed by a fallen meteor, provides about 16 per cent of the world's nickel, as well as significant amounts of copper and platinum metals.
Sudbury is the commercial centre of northeastern Ontario. It is also the home of Laurentian University, a science museum, and many excellent tourist and recreational facilities.
If you have any articles or links pertaining to the history of the Sudbury District I would appreciate hearing from you.
If you want to verify if your ancestors' community is covered by the Sudbury District (or is located in another area), you can check at this excellent site (which however does not identify whether the name in question is a township, which could encompass a large geographical area, etc): Querying Canadian Geographical Names...simply enter the community name

The area mentioned in your 'ancestral lore' may not lie within a largely populated area or community, but was perhaps one of the townships comprising the Sudbury District; many of which have or had no large concentration of population or central community and could have been considered a remote area.

The previously well functioning GenConnect Query board system has been 'destroyed' this past week. The query board now in place consists of boards combined between the old Rootsweb GenConnect boards, Ancestry.com query boards and Family.com query boards. The combined board does not appear to be working properly at this time and the usefulness of the boards now operated through Ancestry.com / Family.com which is a commerical money making venture remains to be seen. Any will, deed, obituary, biography (etc) board postings have now been combined with the query board. You will now require to register with a user-name and password in order to post to the query board system. You do not need a password in order to read the messages however.
Post your queries* to the 'Message Board'. Please ensure that your posted inquiries pertain in some way to the Sudbury District. In the heading of your query, list the surname and location for your ancestor (it makes it so much easier for folks to quickly zero in on your info)! This query board is not intended for use as a bulletin board, do not post messages back and forth that should be sent to the original poster by private e-mail. Good luck with your family research!
(Note: Query services are offered by the Ontario Genealogical Society, Sudbury Branch , please check out their website for details.)
These communities that are not within the Sudbury District; for your convenience, I have posted a link to the appropriate query and websites. (Go to the Main Ontario GenWeb listing of county websites) (The Manitoulin Island is within the Manitoulin District - Go here to post your Queries) (Sault Ste. Marie is in Algoma District - Go here to post your Queries) (Timmins is in Cochrane District - Go here to post your Queries in their 'guestbook') (Britt is in Parry Sound District Go here to post your Queries) (North Bay is in Nipissing District -Queries)
If you do not know the location of the community in Ontario in which your ancestors lived, then you should be posting your query to the 'unknown origins' sections: Ontario - unknown queries (Ontario, unknown County/District - administered by OntarioGenWeb)
Canada - unknown queries (Canada, unknown Province - administered by CanadaGenWeb)
Canada - general queries...another board 'mixup' due to the excellent GenConnect boards being taken over by Ancestry.com
*If you are not sure if your ancestors' community is covered by the Sudbury District, please check here before posting your query - then I won't have to ask you to move your inquiry to a different inquiry board: Querying Canadian Geographical Names...simply enter the community name!

The Sudbury Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society branch has transcribed many of the area cemeteries. Check the site for their cemetery publications list.
NEW! I also found a Northern Ontario Canada Gravemarker Gallery online.

Funeral Homes
Co-operative Funeral Homes 222 LaSalle Blvd, SUDBURY, Ont (705) 566-2100 4691 Regional Road 15, CHELMSFORD, Ont (705) 855-4448 4570 Blvd St Joseph, HAMMER, Ont (705) 969-7272
Jackson & Barnard Funeral Chapel (Now owned by the Louheeds) 233 Larch St, SUDBURY (705) 673-3611 Fax (705) 675-1329
Lougheed Funeral Homes (705) 673-9591 Fax (705) 673-2525 252 Regent St, SUDBURY, Ont P3C 4C8 1815 Main St, VAL CARON, Ont 4605 Michelle Dr, HANMER, Ont

Local Genealogical Resources
- Family History Center, LDS, 900 Cambrian Heights Dr, Sudbury...705-524-3136
Hours: 9:00am - 9:00pm
- J. N. Desmarais Library, Laurentian University, Ramsey Lake Rd
(microfilm-Canada census, newspapers) please check the library site itself to verify hours of operation which are dependent on university sessions
- Ontario Genealogical Society, Sudbury Branch, (query services offered!)
Branch Meetings are the third Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the Parkside Centre, situated in the YMCA on 140 Durham Street unless otherwise noted. In the event the meeting date falls on a holiday, please check the Next Meeting announcement for update information. There are no meetings in July or August.
- Sudbury Public Library, 74 Mackenzie St (microfilm for printing or saving to a computer - Ontario census)
Accessible at the library's web site, there exists the Sudbury Historical Database that was made in 2004. Since June 2008, I have been using it to find newspaper articles and obituaries indexed on microfilm. It also has some links to pictures that you can view online. For example, searching for Aho produced a link which gives access to view a photograph.
- Société franco-ontarienne d'histoire et de généalogie, PO Box 1363
École secondaire catholique l'Héritage, Room 222, 323 Second Avenue North, Sudbury, ON (apparently no permanent web site address available - page address is frequently changed) Wednesday evening 6:30 pm to 9:30 Thursday afternoon from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Public Libraries
- Alban Public Library, Hwy 64...857-1771
- Bibiloteque Cosby, Mason & Martland, Rue St. Antoine, Noelville...898-2965
- Capreol Public Library, Morin St...858-1622
- Chapleau Public Library, Pine St. East...864-0852
- Earle Jarvis Public Library, 2 Hillside Ave, Onaping... 966-2740
- Gogama Public Library, Low St....894-2448
- Nickel Centre Public Library, Main Office, 214 Orell, Garson...693-2729
- Coniston Branch, 30 Second Ave...694-6611
- Skead Branch...969-2416
- Ontario Library Service-North, 334 Regent St...675-6467
- Sudbury Public Library, Main Branch, 74 Mackenzie...673-1155
- Copper Cliff Branch, Balsam St...673-1155
- New Sudbury Branch, 1346 Lasalle Blvd...673-1155
- South Branch, 1991 Regent St...673-1155
- Valley East Public Library, 4199 Elmview Dr, Hanmer...969-5565
- Walden Public Library, Main Branch, Lively...692-4749
- Naughton Branch...692-3177
- Za-Geh-Do-Win Information Clearing House, Reserve Rd, Naughton...692-0420

Looks ups and Resources
Do you have access to genealogy resources for the Sudbury District and are willing to volunteer to do free lookups for folks? If so, please contact me, listing the resource (books, films etc) involved.
Are you aware of any Sudbury District links that could be added to this site?
Do you have any suggestions or comments for this site?

- Chapleau Express, 8 Birch St E...864-2579
- Le Voyageur, 20, chemin Sainte-Anne, P3C 5N4 (705) 673-3377 [email protected]
- Northern Life (community newspaper), 158 Elgin St...673-5667
- Northern Ontario Mining News Ltd, 74 Balsam...682-1544
- Sudbury Star, 33 Mackenzie St, - P3C 4Y1...674-5271
- Walden Observer, 613 Main St, Lively...692-9666

PERSONAL PAGES ABOUT SUDBURY & AREA (or containing information pertaining to Sudbury district)
I didn't know that! A gore is a piece of a township that does not fit in the rectangular shape, ie: "extra" land or land that goes around a body of water.

Things to see and do while in Sudbury
- Anderson Farm Museum, Regional Road 24, LIVELY (705) 692-4448
- Centre Fanco-Ontarien de Forklore, 38 Xavier, SUDBURY (705) 675-8986
- Copper Cliff Museum, COPPER CLIFF
- Flour Mill Heritage Museum, Nolin St, SUDBURY
- Northern Ontario Railroad Museum & Heritage Centre, 27 Bloor, CAPREOL (705) 858-5050
There are many more festivals listed elsewhere although they don’t have links to specific festival websites.

This Ontario GenWeb site at: https://sites.rootsweb.com/~onsudbur/ was created and maintained by: Mary A. Kelly starting on 24 May 1999 It is now being maintained by: John M Reynolds
Last updated on: 01 September, 2017
Blueberry background courtesy of Graphics Gallery
This site is generously

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