
 Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board


known as the famous Rutherford system. Water of the best quality is piped throughout the barns. Numerous windows are so placed that a splendid light is obtained. A uniform temperature is maintained.
       The granary is located directly above the cattle barn, and the hay storage above the horse barn. These are both equipped with the latest conveniences. Automatic hay forks carry hay to all parts of the interior. A spacious root cellar is one of the many modern accessories.
       For the personal use of the farm manager, Mr. Leitch has built, in close proximity to the barns, a modern, city-type brick house with all up-to-date adjuncts.
       Besides the house and barns, other buildings on the premises, which go to make up a perfectly-appointed farm property, are a modern pig pen, sheep house, hen house, machinery shed and pump house.

By D. A. McIntosh
eXPERIMENTS show that cheese, even green cheese, if very thoroughly digested can, when properly arranged in the diet, be used in comparatively large quantities without causing any pronounced physiological disturbances, but they have also established the fact that cheese is a valuable food, and that it can be safely used as a substitute for other protein food in the diet.
       In connection with the use of raw cheese there is, however, one point that should be emphasized, and that is that it should be thoroughly masticated, otherwise the digestive juices do not readily penetrate the fatty matters of the cheese.
       In this country cheese is used chiefly for its flavor or as a condiment, and little thought is given to the food value of it in the diet. However, in view of the facts established by these experiments, housekeepers would be justified in going farther and using cheese as a source of protein material for the diet, or, in other words, use it as a substitute for meats. In doing this they will but follow the example of people in the older European countries, where long experience has not only established the value of the full cream cheese such as the Cheddar, but also the high value of skim milk cheese and the home-made Cottage cheese.
       Estimates made by the United States Department of Agriculture show that the people of that country use about 175 annually per capita, besides fish and poultry, while the annual consumption of cheese is only about 4 pounds per capita. It is probable that if we had similar data gathered in this country the results would be about the same. Even granted that fresh meats are more palatable to most people, it is a question whether it is a good practice to use so little cheese when meats of all kinds are so expensive. There are some dishes that may be prepared in which cheese is one of the sources of protein, and, if such dishes were made to substitute meat once or twice a week a saving would be effected.
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