
 Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board


milking vessels thoroughly washed and scalded, and everything about thee neat and clean, it shall become a mark of distinction unto thee, and thou shalt be favoured before thy brethren, and shall increase in possessions and honour.
       7.  Thou shalt cool and air thy milk as soon as drawn from the cow, by using the best appliances at thy command — not by putting cold water or ice into it, for that would be a violation of both the law and the commandments — but by bringing thy milk in contact with a cool surface above the freezing point, and exposing thy milk in thin sheets to a clean atmosphere, that it may become charged with oxygen, which has a wonderful virtue to prevent souring and tainting. It is shrewdly suspected by some of the prophets that airing milk is of more value than cooling it, and experience showeth that stirring with a dipper has a preservative effect. Thou shalt confine thy milk in a covered can as short a time as possible, and protect it from the rays of the sun and the hot atmosphere.
       8.  Thou shalt not water thy milk by mixing with it the contents of the spring, the well, the cistern, the brook, the watering trough, or other source of water supply; nor by feeding thy cow villainous slops, whey, or extremely succulent food, whereby the contents of thy milk-can shall be increased in quantity at the expense of quality, with the view of cheating thy neighbor; for thou wilt thereby be cheating thine own soul and stand in constant danger of the penalty of the law.
       9.  Thou shalt not skim thy milk by taking off the cream that riseth in the can over night, that thou mayest have a little cream for coffee; nor by sitting it in pans or other utensils over night; nor by saving strippings, nor by any other process — for if thine own sense of honesty does not restrain thee, thou shouldst constantly have the fear of the law and of the watchful eyes of thy neighbors before thee. It is better to save out a small mess of milk for thine own use.
       10.  Thou shalt not commit adultery by adulterating thy milk with burnt sugar, chalk, salt, soda, or any ingredient or compound whatsoever; nor by giving vile stuffs to thy cow; nor by any means, trick, device, or process, known or unknown to be naturally depraved. The laws of the country, the health of the community, and the lives of the people, especially of the hosts of little ones who are likened unto the kingdom of heaven, cry out against this unpardonable sin.
       Under the new dispensation, I add the eleventh commandment:
       11.  Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, and keep thy Sunday's milk at home for the purpose of making sweet butter for the use of thy family, and that the cheese-maker and all who labor with him in the factory may rest, and worship according to the dictates of conscience, on every Sunday. Thereby shalt thou meet the requirements of the Scriptures and the laws of the country, and prolong the lives and improve the morals of a large and constantly increasing class of useful citizens.
       By faithfully observing these commandments, the dairyman shall keep a clear conscience, avoid annoying and expensive prosecutions, retain the respect of his neighbors, secure a competency of this world's goods, live a peaceful life, and in his old age "approach the bed of death like one who wraps the drapery of his couch about him and lies down to pleasant dreams."
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