
 Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board


is a graduade in cheese making from the Cornwall District, having made cheese for the late D. M. McPherson, in the factory now known as "Mays Fancy" just east of Earners Corners. Mr. Ruddick is a hard working, zealous and intelligent official whose work in their interest should be appreciated by all dairymen. Another who has helped in a very great measure to maintain the quality and output of this Province is the Chief Dairy Instructor for Ontario, G. G. Publow, who has gathered about him as fine a lot of instructors and inspectors as it is possible to find.
       Now while we hold the high position we do in the Dairy Industry we must not relinquish any effort that tends to retain our present standing. Uncle Sam now realizing that he made a tactical blunder when he was compelled to give up the foreign market to us in the matter of superior quality is today strenously endeavoring to get back into the game by making a finer grade of cheese. This is notably marked in the North Western States, especially Wisconsin. Therefore, it behooves the dairy farmers of Canada to be eternally vigilant and see to it that nothing is done or left undone that would in any way jeopardize a trade that means a revenue of millions of dollars annually.
       In attaining the eminence it has the cheese trade has undergone many changes both as to making and as to marketing. No longer can a careless and slovenly maker or a dirty unsanitary factory stay in business, for the law now, thanks to those who have the interests of the trade at heart, recognizes that cheese is a food for human consumption, and that the greatest care and cleanliness must be exercised in its making.
       In the matter of marketing, as great a change has taken place as in the making. In the old days, the buyers used to travel around from factory to factory buying at whatever price they could with no uniformity of prices existing, with the seller in the position that he was compelled to take the buyers word for what cheese was worth, with the patrons of the factories in the position in most cases of not knowing what his cheese sold for until many a month after. A most unsatisfactory state of affairs existed all around. This unsatisfactory method resulted in the introduction and formation of Cheese Boards.
       A system of selling was inaugurated at these boards that most nearly approaches co-operation, by bringing together representatives of the various factories at one place at a given time to the representatives of the various cheese exporting firms, where the cheese is put up and all bidding done in the open. By this method all factories are guaranteed a uniform price. The fact of the salesmen coming together in this way — rubbing shoulders, so to speak, in friendly competition — has done much to dispel the petty jealousies that used to exist between the different factories which were sometimes the indirect cause of much harm to the trade. In reality the Cheese Boards have brought about co-operative selling.
       There is one thing in particular that hurts Cheese Boards and that is those factories that do not board their cheese yet sell under contract to get some Board price. If all factories would take this stand there would be no Boards to set the price, and we would be back to the old antiquated system of selling. Also the fact that firms may be under contract to a large number of factories at a certain Board price has a tendency for that firm to attempt to depress, as far as possible, the price paid on that Board, the result being that all factories lose.
       In conclusion I wish to advise the patrons of all cheese factories not boarding cheese to demand that they be sold on some Board, preferably on the Cornwall Cheese Board, which has the reputation of receiving the highest price for this commodity of any Cheese Board in Eastern Ontario.
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