
 Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board


Secretary-Treasurer Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board
wHAT wheat is to the North West, dairying is to Eastern Ontario, the one thing that the farmers of this section are chiefly dependent upon for a living, and while Dairying in all its branches is more or less practised, the production of milk for the manufacture of cheese is what may be justly called the basic industry of this district, and anything that contributes to the success of this industry should have the appreciation of everyone, whether directly connected with the trade or not, for upon the success of our farmers depends to a great extent the success of our country.
       In looking back to the time of the inception of the Cornwall Cheese Board some twenty-one years ago, and refreshing our minds with conditions as they were at that time in the rural parts of this end of the province, and comparing them with conditions as they are before us to-day, we cannot but be impressed with the change. The old 30 ft. x 40 ft. barn has been replaced in many instances with magnificent buildings equipped with the most modern conviences; the old log houses which did excellent, and service was all that could be afforded by those who built them, are fast disappearing, to be replaced by beautiful homes with all the comforts known to city dwellers. If we pick up the annual report of the Bureau of Municipal Affairs for 1900 showing the number of chattel mortgages in force at that time against farmers in these three counties, it is with a sense of appreciation that we may compare it with the last report of this Bureau and note the falling off in the number and amount of these mortgages. This is as it should be, and the farmer is not rolling in wealth as some would have us believe, having on the whole very little ready money. The farmer of today invests any profits that may have accrued from slaving and saving in increased and improved herds of cattle, new machinery, better buildings, etc., etc. In other words he is putting his business in better shape to meet any period of depression that may occur. To be able to have done this the farmers of the district can thank cheese ana its by product, pork.
       Canadian dairymen should feel justly proud of the position they hold today in the markets of Great Britain. Not only is Canada the largest exporter of cheese but she also holds the record as to quality. Not so many years ago our cousins to the south had the inside track in the British market, and as they had very little competition, they paid more attention to quantity than quality, with the very natural result that an opportunity was given for Canadian dairymen to try and capture that market. How well they succeeded need not be dwelt on here. It is sufficient to say that Canadian cheese — one of our largest manufactured products and exports — is competing successfully in the markets of the world against all comers. The reason for this is not hard to find, it is simply that the quality of the goods appeal to that greatest of all food value experts, Britian.
       Canada has been fortunate in having at the head of her dairy affairs farsighted men, whose motto has always been "quality first," and have succeeded in having placed on the statute books such laws and regulations that are bound to keep the quality at a high standard. A great deal of credit must be given to our present Chief Dairy Commissioner, Mr. J. A. Ruddick, who, by the way,
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