
 Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board


W.S. Friend, First Secretary-Treasurer
Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board

W.S. Friend, First Secretary-Treasurer Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board       No more striking illustration of Cheese Board co-operation and unity can be afforded than in the huge delegation of patrons, who, last summer, waited on the Federal Government at Ottawa, to protest against the "fixing" of the price of cheese by the British Government at a figure that was considered below the cost of production. Secretary James W. McLeod and others representing the Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board were the most conspicuous figures in this delegation, which made such strong representations that Premier Borden promised to take immediate steps to see that proper action be instituted to rectify this grievance.
       From a few thousand dollars' worth of cheese boarded and sold in 1898, the Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board last year sold cheese amounting in value to approximately a million and a half of dollars. This year it will exceed even this amount. From a few thousand pounds of cheese sold in 1898, the total grand aggregate, annually, to-day amounts to hundreds of thousands of pounds.

P.N. Tait, Ex-First Vice President
Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board

P.N. Tait, Ex-First Vice President, Former President Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board
       The names of the clear-eyed, far-visioned group of men who, on May 14, 1898, conceived the idea of and organized the Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board will be blazoned in the Hall of Fame as inaugurating an epoch in local and district dairying progress. No vague visionaries, no speculative theorists, no idle dreamers, these men who succeeded in welding and cementing into harmonious and cooperative action the farmers of this district. If dreamers, their dream has come true. Optimism and faith were their outstanding virtues. Optimism as regards the potential dairying wealth of the surrounding country, and faith in the farmers to develop that wealth. Possessed they were of a sturdy, indomitable courage and the will and intelligence to succeed. To place the farmer in a position where the fullest measure of reward could be obtained for his arduous labour and his superior product was the motif of their inspiration. Truly, as the Honorable George S. Henry, Minister of Agriculture for Ontario, in a specially
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