Prescott County Facts
Prescott County Facts
The following image was borrowed from the Ontario Locator site.

Prescott was formed in 1800 from Glengarry County.  It is named for Major-General Robert Prescott.
Prescott County is a part of the Province of Ontario, formerly Eastern District and Ottawa District.
It is also known as The United Counties of Prescott and Russell; the counties were consolidated in 1820.
Present-day townships of Prescott County include: Alfred Plantagenet,  The Nation, East Hawkesbury & Champlain.
Places that no longer exist in Prescott County (or that I cannot locate on present maps) [villages, towns, townships etc]
Alfred Centre, Carratraca Springs, Chard, Fraser Ridge, Gratton Corners, Bradley Creek, Johnson's Ferry, Kerry, Lalonde, Chevrier, East Hawkesbury Mills, Maple Row, Henry, Laflamme Corners, Little Rideau, Hatsfield, Laframboise, Val Nation / Little or Petite Nation / South Nation, St-Thomas-d'Alfred, Valfranc, Rose Corner, Stepney, Springhill, Riviera Estate, Ladéroute.
Ste-Anne was once called Beaver.  Fenaghvale was once called Caledonia Flats.  Routhier was called Grevy.
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