Prescott Families
Prescott Families
Did your ancestors settle in Prescott County? Do you have a web page that includes a family connection to the area? If you would like to add a link to this page, please let us know...

Did you or a cousin publish a family history related to a local family? If you would like to add information about how others might obtain a copy, we would be happy to add your details to this page.

This picture of the Church of England, Plantagenet was originally sent as a postcard to
Alice Spaul of Chicago. It was postmarked August 16, 1907.  The family of Alice Spaul's husband
 lived in Plantagenet from 1900 to 1902. Alice Spaul was the great-grandmother of
Ms. Daryl Johnson who provided the image.

WorldConnect Databases
Ancestors of Tiffany Fugère: including the Fauteux & Moderie families of Wendover, Prescott Co. and many families of Québec.
Anderson-Hay: includes many Glengarry & Prescott names such as Hay, Steele, Eaton, Robinson, McDonald, McDonnell, MacPhee, McCaskill, Quesnel, McClure, Welden, Falkner, McInnes, Cameron, Coleman, Noble, Millar, Villeneuve, Jamieson, Stephens, Yenor, Peyto. Sandra Anderson
Fauteux: The family of André Fauteux of Hawkesbury, Prescott Co.

Family Histories (Sites are checked periodically for broken links: Broken links are removed)
Waters & Frost Families by Beth Cotter
The Ancestors of Donald Murray Brown (John Stephens and Jane Charles of Caledonia Springs, Prescott Co.)
Branches of the Barton - Shields Family Tree
The Harrigan Family
McKenzie Genealogy
The Cass Family (email)
The Story of CPL. Clifford A. Johnston
Bible Pages of the Johnstone family by Shirley Hunter [added by Tiffany]
Poaps Family by John Poaps
Bertrand Family by Normand Bertrand
Conway Family by Victoria Conway - Conway's are from Chute a Blondeau, originally immigrated from Ireland in 1843-1844
Isaie Seguin (s/o Julien Seguin and Angele St Amant) by Tanya Breese (email)
William Muir of Scotland family by Dave Muir (email)

MrDubious (email): Charles DuBois born 1820 married to Domithilde Mercier born 1826 both from Quebec. Settled in Hawkesbury West/Prescott around 1845 Had 7 children, Angus 1845, Charles 1849, Mathilde 1852, Elizabeth 1854, Edward 1856, Calix 1859, and Pascal 1863.

Cotton Mather Everett Family: Sandra Everett

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