Perth Courier Obituaries
supplied by Christine M. Spencer of Northwestern University, Evanston, Il., USA.
Bell—Died, suddenly at Hemingford (?) on the 27th Sept., Elizabeth Bell, widow of the late Rev. Andrew Bell, L’Orignal, Ontario, aged 74.
McGee—Died, on the 6th inst., at the residence of Joseph McCreary, Ramsay, Mr. James McGee, former resident of the Township of Lanark, aged 54 (?) 84 (?).
Halliban—Died, at
Morrison—Died, on Wednesday, 10th Oct., Mr. David Morrison, North Elmsley, aged 50 (?) 59 (?).
Anderson—Died, at Ramsay on the 2nd Oct., the wife of Mr. William Anderson, aged 31. (note, unsure of this surname.)
McGuire—Died, at Lanark on Thursday, 11th Oct., Mr. Thomas McGuire, aged 53 (?) 83(?).
Dobbie—Died, at Lanark on Friday, 6th Oct., Tennant (?) Dobbie, aged 98.
Elsewhere in the same paper: On Friday last Thomas Dobbie, veteran hotel keeper of Lanark Village, departed this life after a lingering illness from disease of the stomach. He was 98 years of age.
MacLean—Died, at Ferncliff, Gananoque, on the 6th Oct., Margaret MacLean, widow of the late Rev. John MacLean, D.D., formerly of St. Andrew’s Church, Kingston, aged 86 (?).
Craig—Died, on Wed., 10th Oct., Isaiah Craig, son of Mr. Stewart Craig, Lanark Township, aged 24.
Elsewhere in the same newspaper: Lanark News—Our community was saddened by the death on Wednesday, 10th inst., of Isaiah Craig, son of Mr. Stewart Craig, Esq., of Hopetown, at the early age of 24 years. He had for nearly two years sustained the unequal conflict with that insidious disease consumption. Fitful returns of strength sometimes fanned the expiring embers of hope but for some weeks before death terminated his sufferings he recognized the certainty of his longed-for release. Although the burden of distress was very heavy, no utterance or murmur of complaint was heard. To all inquiries as to the sustaining presence of the “Help of the Helpless” he had but one answer “Oh yes”. All that was possible to relieve and comfort him was done by his nearest and dearest; while many friends were unremitting in their watching and care. He leaves to the protection of the “Husband of the Widow” one who was called upon with him last winter to mourn the death of their only child. Thankfulness that the wearied body had at last found rest blends with the sorrow of bereavement in the minds of kindred and friends. A few hours before his death he called round him his family and tenderly urged them to “Come to Jesus in the better land”. The funeral services were conducted on Friday afternoon by the pastor, Rev. B. W. Day and Rev. E. C. W. McCall. A large number of friends accompanied his remains to Hopetown where they were placed in the family plot.
Stanley—Died, at Pembroke, on Friday evening, 12th Oct., Catherine Stanley, beloved wife of Mr. J. M. Stanley, Esq., aged 42.
Grier—Died, in the Perth gaol, on Tuesday, 23rd
inst., Mr. James Grier, vagrant, aged 80 (?).
Lavalier—Died, by drowning at Arnprior on the 13th ult., Francis Lavalier, youngest son of Mr. Prosper Lavalier aged 11 years, 6 months and (illegible) days.
Doyle—Died, at Franktown on Tuesday, 16th ult., Catherine Doyle, eldest daughter of Mr. Thomas Doyle, aged 14 (?) 16 (?) 18 (?).
Fisher—Died, at Rossback, McNab Township on the 8th inst., Annie McNab Fisher, beloved wife of Mr. Donald Fisher, aged 23.
Robertson—Died, at Lanark on Friday, 26th Oct., Annie Robertson, daughter of Mr. John T. Robertson, aged 17.
Barchill(?) Barchid (?)—Died, at Merrickville, on the 5th (?) Oct., Michael Barchill (?) Barchid (?), 14, a native of Ireland.
Doyle—Died, at Turtle River, Dakota on the 27th ult., Mr. Andrew Doyle, aged 62 (?), formerly of Lanark County, having emigrated to the west and settled in Iowa in 1870 (?) and latterly in 1874 (?) settled in Dakota where with his family has operated la large tract of land up until his death.
Stewart—Died, on the 29th Oct. at the Bathurst Mills (?), of dropsy, Margaret Maud Stewart, only daughter of Mr. John Stewart, aged 2 (?) years (?) months and 1 day.
Ferguson—Died, on the 10th (?) inst., at 41 Logan Street West, at (place illegible), Mr. William H. Ferguson, youngest son of Mr. Duncan Ferguson, aged 7 years and 11 months.
McLaren—Died, at the 4th line Bathurst, on the 5th Nov., Miss S. Roxanne McLaren, daughter of the late Mr. Neil McLaren, aged 21.
Rimer—Died, at his late residence on William St., Winnipeg, Mr. Harry Rimer, late of Portage du Fort in the 34th year of his age. (note, name could also have been Elmer.)
Ward—Died, at Lanark on Thursday, 8th November, Andrew Ward, son of David and Isabella Ward, aged 8 years and 4 months.
Halfpenny—Died, on the 3rd inst., at the Township of Lanark on the 12th (?) Line, Mr. William Halfpenny, aged 56.
Robertson—Died, at Carleton Place on the 31st Oct., Sarah Ann Robertson, beloved wife of Mr. Andrew Robertson, aged 21.
Sneddon—Died, at Bennie’s Corners on the 9th inst., Christina Sneddon, wife of the late Mr. James Sneddon, aged 50 (?). (note, unsure of this surname.)
Rutherford—Died, at Kemptville on Thurs., 15th Nov., Catherine Rutherford, wife of the late Mr. William Rutherford, aged 26 (?).
Herron—Died, at Bristol, Quebec, on the 19th Nov., in the 59th (?) year of her age, Margaret Cram Herron, beloved wife of Mr. John Herron, and third daughter of the late Mr. John Cram, Esq., one of the original planners of Beckwith.
Fisher—Died, at Rossback, McNab, on Monday, 8th Oct., Annie Fisher, beloved wife of Mr. Donald Fisher, aged 23.
Russell—Died, at Pakenham, on the 17th inst., of heart disease, Mr. John Russell, aged 79.
McLachlin—Died, at Carleton Place, on the 22nd (?) 23rd(?) Nov., John P. McLachlin, aged 49 (?).
Elsewhere in the same paper: Mr. John McLachlin, Carleton Place, late bridge superintendent of the E. D.. of the C.P.R., died on Thursday evening of last week.
McIntyre—Died, at White Lake on the 26th Oct., Isabella Robertson McIntyre, wife of Mr. James McIntyre, aged 34 years, 4 months and 4 days.
Riley—Died, at Eau Clarie on the 13th (?) Nov., Matthias Riley, formerly of North Elmsley, aged 41.
Van Du- - - Died, at Smith’s Falls, on the 29th Nov., Florence Annie Van Du- - -, daughter of George and Jennie Van Du - - - , aged 6 months.
Melrose—Died, at Campbellford, Ont., on the 1st Dec., Mr. James P. Melrose, second son of Mr. John Melrose, late of Glen Tay, aged 28 (?). (note, unsure of this surname, could also have been Melrone.)
McDonald—Died, at Almonte on the 7th inst., Bessie M. McDonald, aged 19 years and 9 months.
Hill—Died, at Darling, on (date illegible), Jane Hill McIntyre, relict of the late Mr. David McIntyre. (no age given_
Stewart—Died, on the 15th Dec., Mr. John (?0 Stewart, 6th Concession Beckwith, aged 54.
Wilson—Died, at N. Sherbrooke on the 21st Dec., after a long illness, (first name illegible) Wilson, youngest daughter of Mr. George Wilson, aged 13 years, 7 months. “She is not dead but asleep.”
Oliver—Died at the residence of her son, Mr. Robert Oliver on Wed., 26th Dec., Ellen (?) Jordan Oliver, relict of the late Mr. Thomas Oliver, Scotch Line, aged (illegible).
Ledgerwood—Died, at McNab Township, on the 2nd (?) inst., William H. Ledgerwood, son of Mr. H. Ledgerwood, aged 13 years, 8 (?) 6 (?) months and 4 (?) days.
Downing—Died, at Kingston, on the 16th Dec., James Downing, B.A., eldest son of Mr. W. Downing, aged 21 (?) years and 3 months.
McCulloch—Died, on Thursday, 20th Dec., Agnes Barber McCulloch, wife of Mr. George McCulloch, Sr., Perht, aged 78 (?).
Campbell—Died, at Drummond on the 15th Dec., Kate M. Campbell, aged 25 (?) 26 (?).
Carnagie—Died, at Port Elmsley on the 14th (?) 24th(?) Dec., Mr. John B.(?)or R.(?) Carnagie, Kiscardinshire, Scotland, aged 56 (?) years and 3 months.
Allan—Died, at Perth on Sat., 29th Dec., Josie (?) C. Livingstone Allan, wife of Mr. F. B. Allan, 21 (?) years. “Be not afraid only believe.”
Andison—Died, at Perth on Sunday evening 30th Dec., Jane (?) Jean (?) Brown Andison, relict of the late Mr. Robert Andison, aged 57 (?).
Cox—Died, suddenly on Wed. morning 2nd Jan., Mr. George P. Cox, aged (illegible).
Elsewhere in the same paper: One of the oldest residents of Perth, George Cox, was found dead in his bed on Wednesday morning, having been ailing for some time.
Perth Courier, Jan. 11, 1884
Ross—Died, at Pictou County, Nova Scotia on the 8th Oct., Mrs. Alexander Ross, mother of the late Rev. Walter Ross, M.A., in the 83rd year of her age.
Graham—Died, at Montreal on the 5th Jan., Maria M. Ryan Graham, widow of the late Hon. Henry Graham, formerly of Perth, in the 85th year of her age. (note, unsure of surname.)
Sullivan—Died, on the 6th Jan., Timothy Sullivan, North Elmsley, aged (illegible), native of County Limerick, Ireland.
Smith—Died, at his residence in North Elmsley on the 8th Jan., Ralph Smith, in the 85th (?) year of his age. The funeral will take place on Friday, 11th inst., at 10:00 from his late residence to the old burying ground.
Tucker—Died, at Pembroke on Wednesday morning, 16th Jan., Hannah Delacotte (?)Tucker, wife of Mr. Joseph Tucker, aged 51 (?) years and 9 (?) months.
Evans—Died, at the Township of Alice, on Monday, 14th Jan., Mrs. Julia Evans, widow of the late Mr. Robert Evans, aged 40 (?) 49 (?).
Bothwell—Died, at Drummond on Wed., 16th inst., Elizabeth Clarke Bothwell, relict of the late Mr. Thomas Bothwell, aged (illegible).
Munro—Died, at McDonald’s Corners, Dalhousie, on the 14th Jan., Henry (?) Lloyd Munro, infant son of John and R - - - - - Munroe. (no age given)
Keys—Died, at Carleton Place on the 30th inst., Mrs. William Keys, aged 21 (?).
Brennan—Died, at Smith’s Falls on the 13th ult. Teresa (?) Brennan, daughter of Ellen (?) and John Brennan, aged 19 years and 11 months. (note, unsure of this surname.)
Burrows—Died, at Carleton Place on the 29th Jan., Anna Laura Burrows, daughter of Mr. Jas. Burrows, aged 6 (?) 8 (?) years and 25 days.
Wilkie—Died, at Detour(?), Michigan (note, it was NOT Detroit) on the 18th Jan., Mr. James Wilkie, second son of Mr. W. Wilkie aged 23 years and 10 months.
Elsewhere in the same newspaper: The late J. H. Wilkie, the Central Canadian says: “About three years ago, Mr. J. H. Wilkie, who learned stationery with Mr. Hart of Perth, and for a short time was in the bookstore here with Mr. Stackhouse, left Carleton Place for Michigan in the best of health, ruddy, strong and hopeful. Last Saturday morning his remains were brought back by his brother Andrew Wilkie in a metallic casket. About ten days before, he had been seized by a pain and sought refuge in salts. Feeling that all was not yet right he took another dose. Something else, not positively known here, but the effect of the medicine was that death came to him in the day after. He was 90 miles from the railway and his brother, but his employer with whom he was learning mill-wrighting, sent the body by sleigh to East Saginaw and the brother 90 miles away. The funeral on Monday was one of large proportions. This young man had been well known and the sadness of his departure left a widespread feeling of sympathy.
Gould—Died, at Smith’s Falls, on Friday, 18th Jan., Maggie B. Gould, daughter of Mr. J. H. Gould, aged 10 (?).
Brennan—Died, at Smith’s Falls on the 16th Jan., Lydia Brennan, daughter of Ellen and John Brennan, aged 9 (?) years. (note, unsure of this surname.)
Warwick—Died, at South Elmsley on Monday, 31st Jan., Duncan (?) Warwick, aged 49 (?).
Perth Courier, Feb. 8, 1884
Livingstone—Died, at Grafton, Dakota, on Friday, 9th Jan., William Livingstone, only son of Mr. William Livingstone, formerly of North Elmsley, aged 1 year, 7 months and 15 days.
McNaughton—Died, at Do-herty Village, near Arnprior, on the 26th (?) Jan., Mr. William McNaughton, aged 56 (?) years 5 (?) months and 2 (?) days.
Morris—Died, at Smith’s Falls on Sat., 26th Jan., of consumption, Elizabeth Morris, wife of Mr. William Morris, aged 26 (?) years.
Burns—Died, at Renfrew on Monday, 28th Jan., Rev. James Burns, aged 29 years, 15 (?) 13 (?) days.
Kellett—Died, at Bathurst, on 22nd Jan., James J. Kellett, eldest son of Mr. Thomas Kellett, aged 27.
Cameron—Died, on the 4th inst., at the residence of Hon. A. V - - - l, Sarnia, Christina C. Cameron, daughter of the late Hon. Malcolm Cameron, in the 49th year of her age.
Gilday—Died, at Montreal, of diphtheria, on Sunday, 10th Feb., Jennie (?) Jessie (?) Gilday, eldest daughter of Mr. Thomas Gilday of Lombardy, aged 12.
Phillips—Died, at Perth, on Wednesday, 6th inst., Susan (?) Sharpe Phillips, wife of Mr. Andrew Phillips, aged 58.
Ramsbottom—Died, on Sunday, 3rd Feb., of paralysis, Mr. William Ramsbottom of Lanark Township, aged 78 (?). The deceased was born in Cl-th-r-, Lanarkshire, England in 1805 (?) 1806 (?) and in early life he enlisted as a soldier and came to Canada with his regiment in 182?. While stationed at Kingston he married Marion Lockhart who returned to Britain some years afterward. After following the life of a soldier for some 18 years, he returned to Canada as a private citizen in 1843, his wife dying soon after. In the meantime, he had crossed the Atlantic 7 times. Mr. Ramsbottom settled in the Township of Lanark over 40 years since and lived upon the same farm up to a year or so ago. He attained the rank of sergeant in the army and for many years acted in the capacity of assistant paymaster of pensioners at Perth station. As tall, straight and soldierly a form, erect even in the partial decrepitude's of old age, was noticeable in our streets each pay day for 40 years back.
Craig—Died, at Ramsay, on the 8th (?) inst., Mrs. Thomas Craig, aged 62 (?).
O’Conner—Died, at Almonte, on the 7th inst., Teresa (?) Mary O’Conner, aged 20.
Moore—Died, at Perth on Wed. morning, 20th inst., Minnie Moore, aged 19 years and 8 months.
McGregor—Died, on Monday, 18th Feb., Catharine McGregor, wife of Mr. James McGregor, aged (illegible).
McCullen—Died, on the 16th Feb., after a protracted illness, Mr. William McCullen, postmaster, Elliott, Township of Bathurst, aged 56.
Letang—Died, at Almonte on the 11th inst., Mary Rose Lavalle (?) Letang, wife of Mr. Jas. Letang., Sr. aged 60. (note, not sure of this surname Letang.)
Gracie—Died, at Allumette Island on the 9th inst., Catharine Lackey Gracie, beloved wife of Mr. Robert Gracie, aged 27. Deceased left four small children, the oldest only 8 and the youngest 2 years old to mourn her death.
Graham—Died, at her son’s residence at Carleton Place on the 22nd (?) Feb., Catharine Graham, relict of the late Ar- - - - Graham, aged 73 (?) years, 11 months and 13 days.
McCarthy—Died, at Perth on Tuesday, 19th Feb., Mary Ellen McCarthy, daughter of the late Mr. John McCarthy, aged 10 years, 8 months.
Wrathall—Died, at Bathurst, on Monday, 18th inst., Mary Wrathall, daughter of Mr. Lapton (?) Wrathall, aged 17.
Clarke—Died, at Pembroke on the 20th (?) inst., Emily Bernard Clarke, beloved wife of Mr. Thomas Clarke, Esq., aged 37.
Cameron—Died, at Pakenham Township on the 17th inst., William Cameron, aged 51 (?).
Green—Died, at Perth on Wednesday, 27th Feb., Samuel Green, aged 30.
Elsewhere in the newspaper: Samuel Green, the young Englishman who was so terribly injured in the tannery accident here a short time ago, died on Wednesday morning last and was buried in the old cemetery yesterday.
Brown—Died, at the old family residence Township of Caledon (?), County Peel, on the 7th Feb., Miss Elizabeth Brown, second daughter of Mr. John Brown, aged 46 (?) years and 7 days. The deceased was a sister to Reverends R. & J. Brown, now in southern Manitoba and with them also at one time residents of Lanark. During the last 7 years of her life the deceased was a great sufferer from cancer and endured several severe surgical operations, two of which were amputations of both breasts. Few have battled with disease and endured suffering with more brave fortitude and one can say like the Psalmist “I am a wonder unto many”. But while the fight went on these cancers –external and internal- the general system became weakened and she gave way. During the last few weeks of her illness she suffered little or no pain. Her mind was clear and her spirit calm and her end was peace. The deceased leaves a large circle of friends to mourn her departure among whom are her aged parents, 6 brothers and 4 sisters who are like the well known Dr. Kitte able to say for the first time “we are now possessors of a grave”.
McCormack—Passed away on Wed., evening, 5th inst., Ruby McCormack, youngest daughter of Mr. E. McCormack, aged 1 year and 6 (?) months.
Moffatt—Died, at Smith’s Falls on Tuesday, 26th Feb., Mary Ellen Moffatt, daughter of Mr. Joseph Moffatt, aged 12 years and 6 months.
Dempany—Died, at Lombardy on Monday, 25th inst., Christina Dempany, relict of the late Mr. Daniel Dempany, aged 76. (note, unsure of this surname.)
Chaplin—Died, at Bathurst on Tuesday morning, 11th inst., Mr. John Chaplin, aged 78 (?).
Shirley—Died, at Bathurst on the 11th inst., Mr. James Shirley, Councillor of Bathurst. (no age given.)
Mitchell—Died, at Arnprior, on the 19th March, Elizabeth Robertson Mitchell, relict of the late Mr. James Mitchell, Blairgowrie (?), Perthshire, Scotland aged 64 (?) 84 (?).
Montgomery—Died, on the 9th March, at the Township of Westmeath, Margaret Graham Montgomery, wife of Mr. William Montgomery, in the 42nd year of her age.
Adams—Died, on Wed., 5th March, Mr. Alexander Adams, North Elmsley, aged 75 (?) 78 (?).
Shields—Died, at Toronto on Tuesday, 25th March, Mary Vandusen (?) Shields, wife of Mr. James Shields, aged 41 (?). Deceased was formerly a resident of Smith’s Falls.
Fraser—Died, at Monday (date illegible) April, William Fraser, fourth son of the late Mr. William Fraser, Esq., Perth, aged 26 (?) 36 (?).
Campbell—Died, at Toronto after a long illness, Susannah Campbell, relict of the late Mr. Duncan Campbell, Almonte. (no age given.)
James—Died, at Perth, on Saturday evening, (date illegible) March, Mr. Alfred W. James, son of Mr. Thomas James, aged 20 (?) 29 (?).
Waugh—Died, at Carleton Place on the 6th inst., of consumption, Andrew Waugh, aged 25 (?) 35 (?).
Hoops—Died, at Perth on the 11th inst., Robert Hoops, aged 82.
Murphy—Died, at his late residence, South Elmsley on the 2nd April, Mr. Cornelius (?) Murphy, aged (illegible). Deceased was a native of Cork, Ireland and emigrated to America in 1827 (?).
McIntyre—Died, on the 1st April, at her son’s residence in North Sherbrooke, Ann McIntyre, relict of the late Mr. Duncan McIntyre, in her 88th (?) year. Deceased was a native of Balguabbler (?), Perthshire, Scotland.
McNeil—Died, at the residence of his son-in-law near Middleville, on the 27th March, Mr. Robert McNeil, aged 83 (?).
Newman—Died, at Riverside Cottage, on Sunday, 13th April, Mr. Thomas Newman, aged (illegible, two numbers, the second is a zero).
McIntosh—Died, at Carleton Place on Sunday, 20th April, Mr. Duncan McIntosh, in his 79th year.
Lewis—Drowned, at the Ottawa River on Wednesday, 9th April, Hamilton Lewis, second surviving son of Right Rev. The Bishop of Ontario, aged 13 (?) 18 (?) years and 11 months.
Robertson—Died, at her residence near Pilot Mound, S. Manitoba, in the 82nd year of her age, after a long period of weakness, Margaret Watt Robertson, wife of Mr. William Robertson, formerly of Lanark Village. (no date given).
McLaren—Died, at Perth on the 26th April, William John Duncan McLaren, son of Mr. John McLaren, of the Revere House, aged 4 years and 5 months.
Logan—Died, at Arnprior on the 12th April, Julia Logan, second daughter of Mrs. William Logan, aged 1 year, 8 (?) months and 10 days.
Brogan—Died, at Cheloygan, Michigan on the 14th April, Mary Brogan, daughter of Mr. James Brogan, formerly of Glen Tay, aged 23 (?).
Harty—Died, at Admaston on Wed., 16th April, Michael Harty, in the (illegible, two numbers, the second is a ‘8’) year of his age.
McIntosh—Died, at Carleton Place on Sunday, 26th April, Mr. Duncan McIntosh, aged 79.
McLean—Died, on Wednesday, 16th April, Miss Margaret McLean, of Dalhousie, aged 58 (?).
Brady—Died, at Smith’s Falls on the 14th April, Maggie Brady, aged 26 (?).
Wallace—Died, at Smith’s Falls on the 15th April, Mrs. Susan Wallace, aged (illegible),
Lees—Died, at Fallbrook on Monday, 5th May, Annie Irvine Lees, wife of Mr. William Lees, Esq., M.P.P., aged 43.
McLaren—Died, on Friday, 2nd inst., James McLaren, South Elmsley aged 43.
Layden—Died, on the 1st April at Sharbot Lake, Rose Emma Layden, aged 3.
Taggart—Died, on the 1st inst., at her late residence near Westport in the 90th year of her age, Mrs. J.M. Taggart, mother of Mrs. B. Ewing and Mrs. Jas. Ewing of Carleton Place.
Carey—Died, at Clough (?), - - rd, on Tuesday, 6th inst., Mrs. John Lotian (?), daughter of Mr. Richard Carey of Smith’s Falls, aged (illegible—maybe 26?). (note, unsure of the deceased’s maiden surname, could also have been Casey.)
Tetlock—Died, at Lombardy on Thursday, 8th inst., Susan Tetlock, wife of Mr. John Tetlock, aged 60 (?).
Gordon—Died, on Wednesday, 24th April, Margaret Hudson (?) Gordon, beloved wife of Mr. James Gordon, aged 30 (?).
Taitt—Died, at her residence at the Township of Bathurst, on the 11th (?) May, Susannah Taitt, aged 25 (?) 26 (?).
Elsewhere in the newspaper: Death of a Character—Last Monday the remains of Miss Susannah Tait, of the 3rd Line Bathurst, near Glen Tay, were interred in their last resting place in Elmwood Cemetery, her death having taken place on the previous Saturday at an advanced age probably 77 years. For many years she lived a lonely life in a half ruinous log house about three miles from Perth and several times a week she would make an appearance in town where her tall and erect form and decided features combined with eccentricities of mind and bearing rendered her a conspicuous and notable character on our streets. She came, we are told, from England, of a family of originally Scottish but lived in this neighborhood nearly all her life. Her father died early a half century ago leaving behind him a daughter besides Susannah and two sons Thomas and William. The deceased sister married an officer in the navy dock yard in Kingston named Spratt who left a son Lt. Col. Spratt of the British Regulars who a few years ago paid a visit to the farm house of his mother and friends. This gentleman possessed a kind heart and assisted his eccentric aunt to the extent of her willingness to accept financial help. One of her brothers, Thomas, left here years ago for the States and soon disappeared forever in the great ebb and flow of humanity there. The surviving brother, William, lived till the day of his death a few years ago on the farm upon which his sister died last week and now that all are gone there is nothing left by which to remember one of the oldest and most aristocratic families of the early days of Perth. Even the lonely and tumble down log cabin must soon disappear as well and give place, we hope, to a more pretentious farm house with more cheerful surroundings.
Robb—Died, at Brooklyn, New York, on Tuesday, 20th inst., Mary Robb, daughter of Mr. T. B. Robb, Esq., and niece of Mrs. R.J. Drummond of Perth.
Sloan—Died, at Perth on Sunday morning, 18th inst., Janet Morrow Sloan, wife of Mr. John Sloan, aged (illegible).
Tennant—Died, at Owen (?) Sound, on Sunday, 11th inst., Mr. George A. Tennant, aged (illegible). (Note, unsure of this surname.)
Inman—Married, at Fallbrook, on the 23rd (?) April, Mr. Stephen Inman, aged 75.
Shilson—Died, at Almonte on Friday, 23rd May, Richard B. Shilson, son of Mr. Robert Shilson, aged 20 (?). (note, unsure of this surname.)
Paul—Died, at Maberly, on the 12th (?) May, Jane Paul, aged 56 (?), relict of the late Mr. Andrew Paul, an old settler of Dalhousie.
Hogg—Died, at Smith’s Falls on Monday evening the 26th May, Janet Hogg, relict of the late Mr. Walter Hogg, aged 45 (?). The remains were taken to Elmwood Cemetery for burial.
McLaren—Died, at Horton on Sunday, 25th May, Catharine McLaren, relict of the late Mr. J. McLaren, in the 89th (?) year of her age.
Dewar—Died, at Beckwith, on the 2nd June, Mr. Robert M. Dewar, fourth son of Mr. Archibald Dewar, Esq., aged 19 years and 8 (?) months.
Gemmell—Died, at Sarnia, on the 6th inst., Mary Elizabeth Gemmell, youngest daughter of Mr. J. H. Gemmell, formerly of this county. (no age given.)
Farry—Died, on Sunday, 8th Ult., Mr. John Farry, North Burgess, aged 71, a native of County Sligo, Ireland. (note, unsure of this surname.)
Walker—Died, at Perth on Thursday, 5th inst., Mr. John Walker, aged 76.
Munro—Died, at Anloch (?), Township Clarendon, on Friday, 6th June, Elizabeth Dale (?) Munroe, eldest daughter of Mr. Alexander Munroe, aged 16 years and 9 months.
McCallum—Died, at Burnstown on Thursday, 5th June, Mr. John Fisher McCallum, shoemaker, aged (illegible two numbers the second is a ‘5’) years and 9 months.
Adams—Died, on Tuesday, 17th June, Mr. Alva Adams, N. Sherbrooke, aged 78.
Trace—Died, at Perth on Saturday, 21st June, Mr. John Trace, aged 51 (?) 81 (?). (note, unsure of this surname.)
Spaulding—Died, at Perth on Saturday evening, 23rd June, Arthur James Spaulding, son of Mr. Jas. Spaulding, aged 4 years, 10 months.
McPhee—Died, at Arnprior, on the 21st June, Mary McPhee, beloved wife of Mr. James McPhee, aged 23.
Lockhart—Died, at Carleton place on the 26th (?) June, Francis Ann Lochart, aged (illegible).
Donald—Died, at Carleton Place on the 2nd July, Mr. John Donald, Esq., aged 84.
One of the oldest settlers of the county, Mr. John Donald, of Dalhousie, passed away from earth on Wednesday of last week at the residence of his son-in-law Mr. William Taylor, Carleton Place, after a long and protracted illness at the good old age of 84 years. He was a native of Hamilton (?), Scotland and came to Dalhousie in (year illegible), marrying that same year. He was a popular man with his neighbors and was frequently elected both Councillor and Reeve. He left a large and prosperous family.
Avery—Died, at her residence, Dalhousie, on the 15th (?) May, the beloved wife of Mr. B. Benjamin Avery, aged 63 years, 3 months and 15 days.
A tender parent, loving friend,
She’s gone and left us here below
But soon we must that voice attend
That called her from this world of woe.
McAdam—Died, at the residence of Mr. John McMaster, Perth, on Sunday evening, 13th (?) July, Horace H. McAdam, aged 23. The remains were taken to Pakenham for burial.
Smith—Died, on Saturday, 12th inst., Elizabeth Smith, wife of Mr. John Smith, 3rd Line Drummond, aged (illegible).
Turnbull—Died, at the residence of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jas. Duncan of Dalhousie on Thursday, 24th July, Elizabeth Turnbull, aged 58 (?) 68 (?) 88 (?) years, 6 (?) 8 (?) months and 9 days, relict of the late Mr. Thomas Turnbull and former native of Langl- - d, Scotland, who immigrated with her father to Canada in 1821. (note, unsure of this surname.)
Fisher—Died, at Carleton Place on the 22nd inst., Nathaniel Fisher, aged (illegible) years, 8 months and 9 days.
Ward—Died, at Smith’s Falls on the 20th (?) July, T. H. (?) Ward, in the 54th (?) year of his age.
Murray—Died, at P - - - ry, Scotland, on the 13th (?) July, James Murray, aged (illegible, two numbers, the second is a ‘7’).
Smart—Died, at her residence in North Elmsley on Thursday evening, 31st July, Lois Ann Smart Moore, relict of the late Mr. J.S. Moore, aged (illegible).
Barris—Died, at Perth on Sunday evening, 27th July, George Earl Barris, son of Mr. George F. Barris, aged 1 year, 9 months.
Holmes—Died, at Brockville, on Sunday, 20th July, Eliza J. Foley Holmes, beloved wife of Mr. J. F. Holmes, aged 21.
Code—Died,. On Thursday, 24th July, at the residence of her son, Mr. William Code, Kensington, Dakota, Mrs. Letitia (?) Code, aged 68 (?).
Code—Died, at Innisville on the 6th Aug., Jane Hopkins (?) Code, wife of Mr. George Code, Sr.
Smith—Died, at Perth on Friday morning, 22nd inst. Jennie Maud Livingston Smith, youngest daughter of Mr. Jas Smith, aged 8 (?) months.
Korry—Died, at Bolingbroke, S. Sherbrooke, on Wed., 20th inst., Christine Korry, wife of Mr. John Korry, aged 51 (?).
Detterick—Died, at Perth on Saturday, 23rd inst., John Detterick, infant son of Mr. Alexander Detterick, aged 3 (?) months.
Sinclair—Died, on the 22nd August, Alexander Cuthburtson Sinclair, son of Mr. Colin Sinclair, Drummond, aged 14.
Brooke—Died, at Perth on Tuesday evening, 26th inst., Thomas Mathie Brooke, attorney at law, aged 34.
Elsewhere in the same newspaper:
The legal profession of the county lost one of its members this week in the death on
Tuesday morning of Mr. Thomas M. Brooke
Barrister at law of this town, at the age of 34. The deceased practiced for seven years both at Toronto and Brockville, having been a participant in the firm of Judge MacKenzie of York County, who was the senior member.
Cleland—Died, at Innisville on the 23rd inst., Wilbur Morris Cleland, youngest son of Mr. John M. Cleland, teacher. (no age given.)
Davis—Died, at Smith’s Falls on the 22nd inst. Thomas A. Davis, in the 35th year of his age.
Fennell—Died, at Perth, on Wednesday morning, 27th August, Elizabeth Fennell, aged 23 (?) years.
Edwards—Died, at Pembroke on Monday, Florilla Ellen Edwards, of congestion of the brain, youngest daughter of Mrs. J. H. Edwards, aged 14.
Clark—Died, at Smith’s Falls, on Tuesday, 26th Aug., Mr. Joseph A. Clark, M. A. B.., late head master of Smith’s Falls High School. (no age given.)
Sempler—Died, at Perth on Wednesday morning, 2nd Sept., Jeanne (?) Mandale (?) Sempler, daughter of Mr Andrew Sempler, aged 14 (?) days.
McLaren—Died, on Sunday, 24th Aug., James McLaren of Drummond, aged 63 (?).
McNaughton—Died, at the residence of her brother, Mr. Duncan McNab, on Sunday morning, 17th Aug., Catharine McNaughton, relict of the late Mr. John McNaughton, a native of Loch - - - - head, Perthshire, Scotland, aged (illegible, two numbers, the second is a ‘7’) years.
Sergeant—Died, on Tuesday, 26th Aug., Mr. Henry Sergeant, Church Warden, St. Paul’s Church, Oso, fell asleep, aged 44 (?) years, and 5 (?) months.
Farrell—Died, on (illegible date) at her residence, Bathurst, Annie Farrell, mother of Mr. Alexander Farrell, church warden, St. Stephen’s Church, Bathurst, in her 70th year.
Lord all pitying Jesus blest
Grant her Thine eternal rest.
Goth—Died, at Horton Township in Renfrew County, on the 6th Sept., Mrs. John Goth, formerly of Beckwith and mother of Mr. William Goth, aged (illegible).
Tysack—Died, on the 1st Sept., Robert Tysack, at his residence in Bathurst, in the 65th (?) year of his age.
McCann—Died, at Beckwith on the 5th Sept., Mrs. Duncan McCann, aged 46 (?). (note, unsure of this surname.)
Thompson—Died, on the 16th (?) Sept., William John Thompson, North Burgess, aged (illegible).
Note, one death was completely illegible and could not be transcribed.
Posted: 05 September, 2003