The stock of Mr

Perth Courier - Comings and Goings

supplied by Christine M. Spencer of Northwestern University, Evanston, Il., USA.

  [email protected]

  Perth Courier, October 16, 1885

The stock of Mr. G. A. Gamsby, Perth , insolvent, was sold to the highest bidder at Toronto on Tuesday.  The purchasers were a Napanee firm who paid for the stock 66 cents on the dollar.  Several Perth men were present but the bids were below that figure.

On Wednesday Mr. R. Balderson, cattle buyer, was taken down with an attack of small pox of a light kind having caught the disease, no doubt, at Montreal .  The case was taken in hand by the Board of Health and an isolated building in the country secured for such cases.

Perth Courier, Oct. 30, 1885

Shaw and Matheson

Merchant Tailoring A Specialty

Fresh stock of overcoatings just received in Meltons, Beavers and Real Irish Frieze.  We guarantee a perfect fit at no charge.  Come and see the goods.  Fall dress goods with prices as low as any house in Perth.  Sealettes imported direct from England.  $4.50 to $5.00 per yard.  Save money by buying these goods.  New fresh teas at low prices.  Try our uncolored Japan Tea three pounds for $10.  Cash paid for oats, peas, rye, etc.  Marriage licenses issued.

Perth Courier, November 6, 1885

William Darling, one of Montreal’s most prominent citizens and representative merchant in that city, died last Saturday (?) at the age of 67 years.  He was a native of Edinburgh, Scotland and a staunch Liberal and an uncle of Henry Taylor of Perth.

Perth Courier, Nov. 13, 1885

In various parts of town, cows can still be seen feeding on the public streets.  The Chief Constable warns the owners that prosecution will take place if the animals are found straying in the future.

Mr. Robert Balderson has entirely recovered from the attack of small pox and can go about town with perfect safety to everyone.

Arthur Meighen Brothers

Winceys—We are showing a large stock which we want to reduce.  Call and see what we can do.  We call special attention to our large stock of dress goods.  Mantle cloths and Astrachan Mantles.  Our mantles are cut to fit.

Auction Ads—Farm stock, and implements:

Frank Allen—Lot 22, 2nd (?) Concession, Bathurst

Walter and William Scott, Lot 18 (?) 3rd (?) Concession Bathurst

Farm for Sale:  William Paul, Lot 25 (?) and 26, (?) Concession of North Elmsley

House and Lot for Sale

William Harvey, 4th Concession Drummond

Perth Courier, Nov. 20, 1885

On Saturday morning a painful sensation was created in Smith’s Falls that Mrs. Adam Houliston had committed suicide.  On making inquiries it transpired that during the night she aroused her husband who is a lockmaster to go and look through a lock which had just whistled.  After attending to the locks Mr. Houliston went and lay down on the sofa.  After the lapse of some time he began to wonder why his wife had not called him she being of delicate health and requiring a good deal of attention.  Springing up he entered the bedroom and was still more surprised at finding it vacant, particularly as Mrs. Houliston had not been out of the house in weeks.  He traced her footsteps to the river and finding her shawl on the bank surmised the worst.  A short search in the grey dawn found her lying face down in about two feet depth of water.  It is thought that her sufferings and the reaction caused by giving up morphine as a medicine induced depression of spirits resulting in temporary insanity.  Besides her husband she leaves a married daughter and a son ten years of age.  The family was in very comfortable circumstances.

We regret to announce the death in Almonte of Mr. J. W. Berryman of the law firm Hall and Berryman, Perth, at 5:00 Thursday morning.  The cause was consumption.  The deceased was a young man of sound and clear understanding and a good citizen in every way.  His funeral will take place at 1:30 pm Saturday. The Masons will conduct the services, Mr. Berryman having been a member of the order.  The train with Masons and friends will leave Perth for Almonte at 8:00 Sat. morning.

Change of Firm—Mr. Wood is retiring from the firm of Frost and Wood, manufacturers of agricultural implements, Smith’s Falls, after being connected with the business for over 35 years.  Messrs. Francis T. Frost and Charles D. Frost will continue the business which has grown to be one of the biggest and most successful of its kind in Canada.  The factory is now closed down to enable the proprietors to take stock.

Thomas Lafferty of this town passed his final examination for barrister and attorney at Osgoode Hall in Toronto.

We regret to announce the death of Mr. Robinson Lyons of Arnprior which took place at his residence Tuesday night at 11:30.

Perth Courier, Nov. 27, 1885

Farm Stock and Household furniture sale on Lot 1, 9th Concession Bathurst, Mrs. Joseph Jones.

Perth Courier, Dec. 4, 1885

Mr. James Hogan, volunteer, Almonte, has just died from inflammatory consumption brought on by a cold contracted while in camp in Brockville in September.  He was an old soldier.

Mr. George Devlin, auctioneer, will hold an auction sale of farm stock and implements of Mr. Thomas Moodie on Tuesday, Dec. 15.  Mr. John McCann, auctioneer, will hold a sale of farm stock and implements on Patrick Ferry’s (?) Perry’s (?) farm on Monday, Dec. 11.

The Herald announces the marriage in faraway Constantinople of Dr. Harry Graham, Carleton Place and former student at the Perth High School to Miss Ella Bray (?) former teacher at Mount Holyoke - - - iary.  Both parties went to the Orient as medical missionaries.

Perth Courier, Dec. 18, 1885

Middleville News:  Sir, I promised some time ago to send you some items of news but I have found more difficulty in gathering up anything worth sending than I anticipated.  We are such a slow people here among the hills that we cannot see anything until it gets old.  Well, after looking around for some time and finding nothing new to say I betook myself up to the belfry of our new church (for we have one that was finished nearly in the same year it was begun) to see and hear all that was to be seen and heard from that exalted position.  The first thing that transpired was the scrubbing of the floor of that new church and if your readers could have seen the faces of those unfortunates when they commenced to scrub the corner where the tobacco chewers sat, Mr. Editor, for we have a number of galoots who go to church to chew tobacco and like snails leave their filth behind.  One of our folk denounced this filthy habit but strange to say there is no improvement.  One of our ministers is Nimrod who will marry any who desire to escape from single blessedness.  Our all absorbing topic of conversation is the festival of the Christmas Tree which is to be held in St. Paul’s Church on the 18th inst.  Come one come all for everything that can be done will be done to please both eye and ear.  And then we are expecting a Christmas ship to be placed in dry dock in the Congregational Church on Christmas Eve.  The ship is to be laden with treasures from all lands:  happy, thrice happy for those whom she bears her burden.  School matters here have also engaged the attention of a few not our own, Mr. Editor, but yours.  We have level headed trustees and an excellent principal.  We country folk are wondering about your school board keeping up such strife and controversy while other schools are profiting.  Yours will not because of the big headedness and obstinacy of the trustees.  There are now six from this vicinity attending the Almonte High School and I expect more will go after Christmas.  An excellent staff of teachers and board cheaper than that in Perth has carried the day for Almonte.  Now, Mr. Editor, as this is my first I think I had better stop for this time and with your permission I will swing again into the belfry and try to keep an open ear during the holidays.  Yours in the Belfry.

Our present excellent mayor, Mr. William Meighen, Esq., will no doubt stand for a second term and be elected without opposition.  Mr. Peter Hope informs us he will not be a candidate for municipal honors in the West Ward this year.  Mr. John McCann informs us he intends to stand again for Councillor in the East Ward.

We learn from the Education weekly that Mr. Henry Bowell, the present principal of the Carleton Place Public School, has been offered and has accepted the position of Mathematical and Science Master at Norwood High School.

Perth Courier, Dec. 25, 1885

The college boys are home for the holidays.  Messrs Donald McPhail, D. and W. Cameron are home from Queen’s College.  Mr. H. S. Robertson is home from Toronto University.  Mr. Ewin McEwen of Franktown and his brother John McEwen of Queen’s University also turned their steps homeward until college starts up again.

Besides the names mentioned last week, as possible candidates for Councilors, we have additionally, in the Centre Ward Messrs H. B. Wright and M. Foy and in the West Ward Messrs. Stanley, Kippen and Weldon.

Mr. Thomas Smith, who removed to Westport last year, has made up his mind to come back to Perth and will live in his brick house in Caroline Village.

Mr. Francis T. Frost of Frost and Woods, Smith’s Falls, gave us a call on Tuesday and expressed himself gratified in seeing so many plate glass fronts since his last visit.  He reported the electric lights have been started in Smith’s Falls on Sat. night and the indoors and on the streets to give intense satisfaction to everybody there.  The system was adopted by the firm Ahearn and Soper which he thinks is ahead of the others.  He thought that before Perth adopted any system a delegation should see how theirs works.

Economy In Wealth

Gentlemen if you want to economize

Just listen to me I will tell you no lies

But go to Vineberg’s Cash Clothing Store

You will get bargains you never got before.

I have suits and overcoats for young and old

That will keep you all from taking cold.

My goods are well made and sure to fit

If you try them you will not grumble a bit.

I have also a splendid assortment of braces

All beautifully done up in neat cases

Just the thing for a Christmas present

They will make your husband’s face pleasant.

You can buy in my store a flannel shirt

Cheaper than in any other store in Perth

I can also show you a splendid tie

In any style or shade you may wish to buy.

Young men, if you want to make a mash

Come into my store for a tucque and sash

I can rig you out from head to toe

So that you can defy the wind and snow.

I have goods in my store too numerous to mention

Come in and you will see it is not mere pretention

An assortment of furs you are sure to find

Sealskin, lambskin or any other kind.

Before going to see your lady love

Secure a pair of Vineberg’s warm kid gloves

They are of the very best that can be found

If you travel for 50 miles around.

Ladies and Gentlemen my advice is

Come in and see the very low prices.

AT:  J. L. Vineberg’s    Foster Street, Perth.

Perth Courier, Jan. 1, 1886

Mr. Jas. Halliday wishes it to be expressly understood that he is not a candidate for election in the West Ward and will not serve if elected.

Mr. T. A. Code wishes us to state that upon very urgent solicitation he has reconsidered his determination to withdraw from the Council and wishes to state that if elected he will continue to serve as usual to the best of his ability. 

Mr. H. D. Foster writes us that owing to the feeling against him on account of his non-residency, he will not be a candidate for Councilor in the Centre Ward for the present election.  In thanking the electors of the ward for past support he asks the votes of his friends be given to Mr. T. A. Code.

The Granite Division Sons Of Temperance repeated on Tuesday evening in the Town Hall the beautiful and thrilling drama “Fruits of the Wine Cup” and were greeted by a crowded house and appreciative audience.  The play was introduced by a number of songs, one of which was by Mr. King and a reading by Mr. G. B. Farmer both of which were contributed by parties outside the Division.  The drama was well put on and a large measure of both pleasure and amusement and as the aim was moral and pro-temperance and sobriety the audience felt they were patronizing a profitable entertainment.  The part of the leading victim, Mr. Hamilton, was well taken by George Farmer.  Mr. Andrews, the villain of the play, was exceedingly well done by George Finlay.  Mr. Ransome, another victim to drink, was represented by Mr. Lymburn who had a strong claim to a professional actor and character singer.  Mr. James Moore as Jeremiah the servant was wonderfully acted and the character of Mr. Bailey and son and the policemen were excellently taken by Messrs. J. MacDonald and W. J. McKerracher and Peter Dodds.  For the ladies, Miss Draper took the leaching character and was well supported by Miss Maxwell and especially Miss McGillivray.  The proceeds were about $70.

Perth Courier, Jan. 8, 1886

For many years past an old couple, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nallan, lived alone in an old and crazy house on the eastern limits of Perth, opposite the residence of Mr. William McLaren.  The old man was infirm and helpless and they were partly supported by the charity of the townspeople.  A few weeks ago the Relief Committee of the Council called and pressed them to consent to be taken to the county gaol for the winter where they would find comfortable quarters but they refused and preferred remaining in their miserable hovel and so they were permitted to stay.  On New Year’s morning a terrible end came to their miserable life.  The fire bells rang shortly before 1:00 and flames and smoke were seen to issue from the dwelling.  Mr. Thomas McLaren was early on the scene  but he could do nothing as the fire had evidently by this time consumed the interior with the unfortunate occupants and entrance was impossible.  Long before the engine could reach the scene nothing remained but smoking ruins.  When daylight came search was made for the remains which were found and taken to the lockup.  They were buried in the Roman Catholic cemetery the next day.   The bed of Mrs. Nallan was almost entirely consumed and the limbs of the old man were gone but the trunk was not consumed.  It is supposed the fire caught from the stove which was old and they suffocated by the smoke before they could help themselves.  Nallan was perhaps the oldest man in town at the time of his death.  He remembered distinctly the Irish Rebellion of 1799.  He must have been, 87 years afterwards, nearly 100 years old.  After living so long it was a sad end.

About six weeks ago John McWilliams of the firm Howie and McWilliams, contractors, left on a hunting expedition in the Township of Lavant.  While splitting wood for a fire he cut his foot and one of the remedies used to heal the wound was the application of tobacco to the cut.  This seems to have led to blood poisoning and partial delirium and in this state the patient refused to be taken home to Perth.  At length he was brought here but more dead than alive.  Nothing could be done for him and he expired on New Year’s morning and his remains were buried in Elmwood Cemetery on Sunday.  The deceased was a young man of 27 years and a native of the north of Ireland.  He came to Canada about 3 years ago and was noted for his activity and steadiness as well as genial and obliging disposition.  His life was insured for $7,000 which we believe will go to a brother in Ireland.

The new Methodist Church in Smith’s Falls was dedicated a week ago.  It is a handsome brick edifice and nicely furnished.  At the opening services Rev. Mr. McCann (pastor) took part preaching the sermon.  After the service the day’s activity concluded with a collection taken up which amounted to $2,000 and at a tea meeting the following evening $100 was realized.

The New York papers announce George Massey has been admitted to a partnership in the firm of Lanman and Kemp of New York, one of the largest and oldest drug firms on the continent.  Mr. Massey is a brother to Mrs. Henry Taylor of Perth.

Perth Courier, Jan. 15, 1886

Messrs Walter McLean and Joseph H. Charles, Perth, and W. A. Code of Innisville have passed qualifying examinations at Ottawa for the Civil Service.

Our old friend Edward Anderson, Lanark Township, has furnished us with some figures in connection with his bee industry for the past year, which has allowed us to see what the little busy bee has been up to for its owner in that time.  Mr. Anderson began the year 1885 with 88 hives and closed it with 142 making a gain of about 60% for the year.  The bees produced 6,000 pounds of honey or an average of 69 pounds per hive.  This was sold primarily at Montreal.  Last winter was a very disastrous one for the bees from various causes, Mr. Anderson losing about 20 hives.

Robert Davidson, a native of Lanark County, died suddenly at his home in Dakota a few days ago.

Mr. W. A. Smith, who taught in the Almonte High School, 1884, will shortly enter upon a course of legal studies at the University of Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Perth Courier, Jan. 22, 1886

Thomas Turnbull, D. L. S., is engaged in the survey of the C.P.R. line between Smith’s Falls and Montreal under Mr. Lumsden, C. E.

On Wednesday two men, Terence Smith and Stephen White, were brought before Charles Rice, J.P. charged by Henry Stafford, license inspector, for having sold liquor on municipal election day at the town hall, Burgess in violation of the terms of the Crooks Act.  Smith pled guilty and was fined $20 and costs.  The case against White was dismissed for want of evidence.  Another case is expected to still be turned in.  The inspector wishes us to state that Daniel Ferry had nothing to do directly or indirectly with giving information in these cases and that he had been wrongfully charged of doing so.

What mak’s the gudewife sae happy an’ cheerio?

Sae blithe an’ newinsome like all times gone by

It’s the new roller flour that they are making in Lenerick

It cheers up the lassies and makes them quite spry.

Oh, it’s white an’ its licht like the new fa’en snaw

To taste o’ the bread is a pleasure an’ treat

We’re up bright and early horses harnessed for Lenerick

The gudewives gi’en orders we’re gaun to repeat.

She jist says she’ll mak bread frae nae ither flour

An’ I need a bring onything else tae the house

Than is grun’ in their new roller mill up at Lenerick

An’ I daurna refuse—‘twad be of nae use.

But the fack is I’m pleased as well as hersel’

I never felt better mair hearty or sound

Than since we have been making the new process frae Lenerick

Gudewives send your men there to get their flour grun.

Noo gudewives o’ Perth wha’ve nae grist to get grun

We’ve this to inform ye kenn’d na before

Dinna speer whaur to get the new process from Lenerick

Jist tak’ ye’re bawbees to Jeemes Sheridan’s store.

Perth Courier, Jan. 29, 1886

Mr. William McDaniel, of the well known “Golden Linn” store in Carleton Place, has taken his brother Duncan S. McDaniel, into partnership to date from the 1st Feb.  We congratulate friend “snake”.

Mr. Archibald Rankin, Clerk of Lanark Township, has been appointed one of the County Auditors.

A former resident of Perth, Mr. John C. Lees, a native of Bathurst, is now a successful; and promising railway contractor in the western States.  The Council Bluffs, Iowa paper says that he has just completed an extensive grading contract for the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad on a new branch of that extensive road.  Mr. Lees has done a large amount of railway work since he left here.

The Methodist Church at Maberly was dedicated in the worship of God on the 10th Jan., by Rev. R. Whiting, chairman of the Perth District.  The building is 35 x 60 and built of red brick with white trimmings having a tower and spire almost 90 feet in height covered with slate.  The windows are gothic with stained glass of exquisite design with fan light and lattices in tow.  The church has a beautiful appearance being situated on rising ground.  Inside it is furnished with ash with trimmings of walnut and cherry.  All are agreed that the church is worth the $2,000 which it cost less or about $1,700.  The contractor was J. N. Knelton of Newberg who has done his work like a man who understands his business.  He builds a church as it should be built whether he makes money or not.

Perth Courier, Feb. 12, 1886

Mr. John McCann has sold his brick house on William Street in the West Ward to Mr. R. Burris of Lanark for $1,400.  Mr. Burris intends moving to town to live by March.

A dispatch from Bell’s Corners describes a toney marriage between Mr. R. Condie of Smith’s Falls to Mrs. Ruth Plenkett of Nepean.  Among the bridal presents was a Steinway piano from the bride’s parents.

Messrs. James Allen of Perth and R. Cavangh of Franktown are buying any amount of telegraph poles and fence posts for the new line of the C.P.R. Railway between Smith’s Falls and Montreal.

Auction Sale Ad:  Lanark Township, Farm and Farm Stock, Mrs. Edward Sullivan.

Perth Courier, Feb. 25, 1886

Mrs. James McAdam returned last week from a visit to her son Mr. W. J. McAdam, station agent at Carberry, Manitoba.

Mr. Henry Bolton of Burgess has sold his farm to Mr. Peter Quinn and bought in place of it Mr. William Paul’s farm at Otty Lake.

Mr. George Massey of the firm Lanman and Kemp, wholesale druggists in New York, spent last Sunday in Perth with his brother-in-law Mr. Henry Taylor.

Mr. St. James of Smith’s Falls, who was reported last week as having been stricken with small pox in that town, died Sunday morning.  He was a young man and newly married about three weeks.

Pembroke Observer: “The eldest son of Mr. R.L. West, Esq., was accidentally shot by the discharge of a gun on Tuesday, 16th Feb., the charge entering his head.  The remains were entered her on Wednesday.”

Rev. Robert Brown writing to the Gazette from Manitoba tells of the death of Mr. James Campbell, formerly of Middleville, in southern Manitoba on the 26th December at the age of 61 years.  He left a wife and six children.  In politics he was a sound Reformer and in religion a Congregationalist.  His disease was cancer of the stomach.

We have received a package from “Manitoba Milling and Brewing Company”, Carberry, made by the new roller process.  It is a beautiful article.  Mr. Jas. P. Anderson, former teacher at Balderson School is the chief bookkeeper of this company.

Mr. John Hart, Jr., left town yesterday for Victoria, B.C. having accepted a position in a stationery house in that city, a position he is well qualified to fill.  Before going, Mr. Hart was entertained at Hick’s Hotel with a party and supper by a number of his friends here.

Dr. Swallwell of Almonte, a brother-in-law of the late Mr. Charles Sereney (?) is inclined to believe that he was not drowned on the South River as supposed.  Dr. Swallwell says assuredly his body would have been found had he drowned at the spot mentioned and is inclined to believe that he wandered off in the woods and died of exposure.

Mr. George Douglas, who opened up a boot and shoe store at Almonte about a year ago, will remove to Smith’s Falls where he will engage in the same business.

The auction sale advertised to be held last week at the residence of Mr. Dennis O’Connor, 5th Concession Drummond, has been postponed from Wednesday 17th inst., until the following Friday.

Messrs. John A. Waddell and William Waddell, M.D., Brooklyn, N.Y., arrived here to attend the funeral of their father whose death notice appeared in last week’s issue.  Mr. and Mrs. A. Dunlop of Pembroke also came to town the same day to be present at the funeral services.

Auction Sale Ads:  Mrs. Josiah White, Lot 3, 8th Concession Drummond, Friday, March 5, stock and household furniture.  Mrs. White has rented her farm.

Perth Courier, Feb. 25, 1886

On Friday afternoon the town was startled by the news of a horrible accident by which one of its citizens was called away suddenly to an awful death.  The victim was a young married man named John Hamilton in the employ of Mr. Peter McLaren.  Previous to the accident he drive Mr. McLaren’s family round the town and then proceeded to take the horse back to the stable at the farm.  Here other workmen were engaged in cutting wood with a circular saw driven by steam and Hamilton requested one of them to put the horse down while he fed the saw, a work to which he was unaccustomed.  He had fed no more than two or three sticks when probably owing to too much pressure being used the saw burst.  One piece struck Hamilton in the breast and rent up his bowels, stomach and breast, cutting into his heart and of course killing him almost instantly.  The laborers were horror struck at the sight and could do nothing but carry the dreadful news to the employees and the victim’s family.  The wife of the unfortunate man fainted away on hearing the fell tidings and even now hardly has recovered full awareness.  The deceased was only out from Scotland a short time and was a steady, good man.  His elder brother also from Scotland lately, works in the Matheson firm.  The deceased leaves a wife and two children.  He was buried Sunday.

A sale of the farm stock and implements, etc., will be held at the residence of Mr. Robert James, Jr., 3rd Concession Lanark on Wed., March 10; also a sale of farm stock and implements at the farm of Mr. Thomas Avery, 9th Concession Dalhousie on Thursday March 4; also an auction sale of the farm stock and implements will be held at the residence of Mrs. Timothy Sullivan, 8th Concession Elmsley on Monday, 8th March; also a sale will be held at the residence of John McLaughlin, Jr., 8th Concession Drummond on Thursday, March 11.  George Devlin, Auctioneer.

On Wednesday afternoon last was performed one of those ceremonies which always causes a flurry of excitement in the social circles of those who are parties to the happy event.  The participants on this occasion were Arthur Walkely (?), lumber merchant, Selkirk, Manitoba and Mary H. Thompson, only daughter of Mr. R. Thompson, merchant, Perth.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. M. Magillivray, M.A. at the residence of the bride’s father, where a large number of relatives and friends had assembled for the occasion.  The presents were numerous and of an appropriate character.  Well wishers assembled at the depot the couple left for Ottawa on a two week visit among the groom’s friends.  From thence they are proceeding by the way of Toronto, Niagara Falls and Chicago to their home in Selkirk, Manitoba.  They will also stop off at Manister, Michigan to visit the groom’s brother Rev. Albert Walkley and other relatives at St. Paul, Minn.

The Canadian American published on Saturday in an issue on Feb. 12 speaks thus of an old Perth native:  “Mr. J. M. Campbell, printer, has formed a partnership with Mr. Alexander L. Fyfe and the firm will be called Fyfe and Campbell with an office at 123 Clark Street.  Mr. Campbell is from Perth, Ontario, and has resided here for several years.    He is well up in his trade and  a steady and reliable worker.  With these qualities there can be little doubt of his success.”

We regret to record the death of Mrs. James Connery which took place at the residence of her son James Connery the respected Clerk of the Pakenham Township, on Sunday.  The deceased lady, who was widely known and respected by her many excellent qualities of mind, had attained a very old age being one of the oldest residents of the township.  The funeral took place on Tuesday and was largely attended.

Perth Courier, March 5, 1886

Mr. George Butler, tinsmith, intends to replace his present frame shop on Gore Street with a fine cut stone building two stories high with a flat roof.  He will begin work in the Spring and meantime wants a supply of building stone.

The Young People’s meeting which has been recently formed in connection with St. Andrew’s Church is fast growing in interest and numbers and the young people of the church should avail themselves of the privilege of attending.  The paper which was read on Sunday evening last by Mr. Lochead, Science Master of the Collegiate Institute and entitled “Human Nature as Reflected in the First Seven Chapters of the Book of Genesis” was exceedingly interesting and instructive.  A paper on “What was the Author’s Subject in Writing the Book of Numbers” will be read on Sunday evening next.

Perth Courier, March 12, 1886

A prominent citizen and businessman of Brockville, Mr. Robert Gill, died on Sunday last of typhoid fever at the age of 36 years.  He was a principal member of the Jas. Smart Manufacturing Co., Brockville and for many years was one of the firm of Starr, Gill Manufacturing Co., confectioners, of the same town.  He was a prominent member of the Presbyterian Church.

Mr. A.G. Mullen, who was formerly a reporter for the Ottawa Free Press and known in Carleton Place in that capacity was accidentally killed on a railway in Missouri last month.

From the Victoria, B.C. Colonial of 27th Feb we take the following paragraph: l “Mr. J. A. Hart, late of Toronto and Winnipeg, arrived from Perth, Ontario yesterday over the Northern Pacific.  Mr. Hart has a high reputation as a stationer having been connected with well known eastern houses and will take charge of Mr. J. H. Ferguson’s establishment.  He already has many warm friends in this city who give him a warm welcome.”

Lanark Leaflet:  You made mention in your paper of the sad death of Hugh Park, owner of a large cattle ranch in San Juan County, Washington Territory.  He was murdered by desperados.  He had accumulated quite a snug fortune and since then the descendant’s brothers in Dalhousie have received letters from persons in that section asking some of them to come out and look after the cattle.  Your correspondent has not yet found out whether any of them will go out or not.  The carnival here on the skating rink last Saturday was an eminent success.  A large number appeared in costume on the ice and there was a large attendance of spectators.  The Lanark Brass Band was present and gave excellent selections.  Among the funny events of the evening was an obstacle race which caused almost an endless amount of fun.  It was won by Alexander McManus.  In the contest for the gentleman’s fancy skating James King of Perth was awarded the prize.  J. N. Dobie won the two mile race.  The proprietor of the rink, J. G. Park, is to be congratulated for the success of his second carnival.

Mr. Robert Houston, late managing editor of the Winnipeg Free Press, was in town on Friday, taking a look around to see old friends.  He dropped into our sanctum for a short time between calls.

Auction Sale Ads—Farm Stock, Implements, etc.

Michael Murphy, Lot 7, 5th Concession Lanark

James Stafford, Lot 7, 7th Concession Lanark

Daniel Hogan, Lot 23, 3rd Concession Bathurst

Allan Beamish, Lot 26, 2nd Concession Drummond.

Perth Courier, March 19, 1886

Farm For Sale Ad:  Mrs. Thomas Tovey, Lot 27, 3rd Concession, Bathurst.

Mr. I. C. Grant of the Allan House, Perth, has purchased the International Hotel at Gananoque and will occupy it in a few weeks.  This hotel is a fine new building much frequented by commercial travelers and by tourists along the Thousand Islands, Gananoque and vicinity, being now a popular summer resort.

Perth Courier, April 23, 1886

Presbyterian Ministers appointed by the Synod of Montreal at Ottawa

S. Mylne, Smith’s Falls

D. J. McLean, Arnprior

John B. Edmondson, Almonte

Malcolm Magillivray, Perth

Hugh Taylor, Pakenham

James Ross, Perth

Jas. B. Stewart, Castleford

Robert McNabb, Beachburg

Henry J. McDiarmid, Kemptville

George McArthur, Cardinal

James Watson, Huntington, Que.

James Patterson, Montreal

Robert Caldwell, Montreal

Perth Courier, April 16, 1886

Mr. Cyrus Davis, North Elmsley, sells and delivers milk which he guarantees is pure and good.

A young man named William Collins, Glen Tay, color sergeant of the Perth Infantry Co., died a few days ago and was accorded a military funeral on Wednesday, the Perth Company turning out in full uniform.

On Tuesday last word was received from Montreal of the death of Mrs. A. W. Sinclair, nee Maggie Lang, which resulted from inflammation of the lungs.  A few weeks previous Mrs. Sinclair went to Montreal for the purpose of having a tumor removed which operation was successfully performed but the patient afterwards caught a cold and inflammation of the lungs set in.  Mrs. Sinclair was a daughter of Mr. William Lang of Beckwith.  She was well known in Carleton Place having for many years been a member of the choir of St. Andrew’s Church and was highly esteemed.  She was married a little more than a year ago since that time she has been living at Paisley.  The funeral to Cram’s Cemetery was largely attended.  Carleton Place Herald

Perth Courier, May 7, 1886

Of the recent medical graduates at Queen’s college, Dr. D. E. Mundell will practice in Gananoque, Dr. J. M. Shaw in Renfrew, Dr. Collins in Smith’s Falls and Dr. Foley in Perth.

Lots have been sold on the Gamsby farm to the following, all of whom intend building this summer:  Mrs. Austin, William McLenaghan, M. Foley, George Ira Morgan, George Whateley, William Cooper and James Court.  Mr. Morgan’s house will be a two story brick.

A.G. Dobbie, Lanark, has entered into partnership with B.A.. Field, Brockville, hardware merchants and will remove to Brockville with in few weeks.  In Mr. Dobbie’s removal the people of Lanark will lose a valuable and respected citizen and a worthy gentleman.  In every respect the business at Brockville, in which he has taken a half interest, is an old and established and prosperous one.

Perth Courier, April 2, 1886

Messrs R. Watt and Son have purchased the grocery stock of Mr. D. G. Craig of Lanark and added greatly to it and with their own meat market have a complete operation.

Mr. Charles Bell of Winnipeg is in town staying with his father Mr. Jas. Bell, Esq., Registrar and will stop off a few days.  Mr. Bell is well known in the Northwest in connection with historical researchers (?) of the early Red River settlement days.

Perth Courier, May 28, 1886

Church Improvement—Mr. Duncan Kippen has been awarded the contract for making certain extensive repairs on the parish church St. John the Baptist (Roman Catholic) in Perth, a work involving an outlay altogether of about $3,500.  The main points of the contract are a new roof, inside walls newly plastered, a brand new stained glass circular window at the southwest end behind the altar, and outside walls painted.  The roof will be further secured by what is called a beam filling.  St. John’s Church will be in many respects the most striking and beautiful edifice in eastern Ontario outside of the cities.  Rev. Father O’Connor has always shown great energy and perseverance in having the church property in Perth put in shape.

Notes from Mississippi 5-18

The cheese factory at Elphin started last week with fair prospects.  Mr. P. McLaren will commence sawing lumber next week.  Rev. M. Macauley of Queen’s University has been appointed minister of the new Presbyterian Church, he will preach at McDonald’s Corners Sunday, at Elphin in the afternoon and at McLaren’s Mills in the evening.  Rev. Mr. Topping from Maberly will hold a prayer meeting at Hannah’s School House Saturday night.  A basket social will be held at McLaren’s Mills on Friday.  Miss Rutherford, teacher in the school, is the moving spirit of the affair.  Fun for the young people, swinging seems to be the principal amusement at the present.  The lovely moonlight last evening attracted a number of our young friends to the bay near McGilchrist’s residence where a pleasant time was spent.

Farm for sale ad:  One of the best in Drummond, 150 acres, four miles from Perth by the macadamized road, Duncan McLees

Also for sale:  Lot 11, 10th Concession N. Burgess, Thomas B. Scott

Perth Courier, June 18, 1886

Mr. William Rathwell, Jr., son of Mr. W. Rathwell, late principal of the Perth Collegiate Institute, left here Wednesday to join a government survey party under Mr. McLatchin, D. L. S., ordered for work in Manitoba.

Mr. T. N. McLean, Fergus Falls, Minnesota is paying a visit to his parents at Oliver’s Ferry.

It has been reported that the death of a child in the household of Mr. Love was the result of scarlet fever.  We are informed on good authority that this is a mistake.  The child died from paralysis after a few hours illness.

Mr. William Lochead, B.A., Science Master at the Perth Collegiate Institute, has received a communication from the Secretary of Cornell University at Ithaca, New York, conferring upon him the position Fellow, Chemistry and Mineralogy, which entitles him to the salary of $400 for the term 1886-87.  He will, in turn, give part of his time in teaching.  This is a position which is only granted to graduates of colleges who have passed creditable examinations.

Farm For Sale ads—The estate of Margaret Campbell, S.W. ½ of Lot 4, 3rd Concession Drummond.

Robert Richardson, Lot 16, 1st Concession Dalhousie.

Perth Courier, June 25, 1886

Alderman McMillan, Past Grand Worthy Patriarch of the Granite Division of the Sons of Temperance, which met here last week, resided in Perth about 24 years ago, working at his trade with the late Mr. J. E. Fairbain, baker.  He is a jolly good fellow and a characteristic witty Irishman.

The Perth Company of Volunteers, over 40 strong, left town for camp at Prescott last Tuesday.  The officers were Captain J. W. Motherwell, 1st Lt. W. M. Kellock, 2nd Lt. H. M. Shaw. Major Matheson and Sgt. Major Tullis (?) of Lanark are also in camp with their battalion.

Mr. Clyde Davis is supplying beautiful strawberries every afternoon delivered at people’s door.  They are fresh and good.

The handsome store lighting in the store of Messrs. Gardner and Dickinson is due to the electric lighting furnished in their store.  The effect of the lamps is beautiful.

As he intends retiring from the hotel business, Mr. Phillip Kennedy will have an extensive auction sale on Saturday, 26th inst.

Kippen Monument Fund:  The treasurer acknowledges the following additional subscriptions paid: 

Previously acknowledged:  $470

G. A. Connitt $2.00

John McLatchie, D. L. S. $50

Charles E. Wolff, D. L. S. $25

Late J. J. Burrows D. L. S. $25

Total $572

Messrs McLatchie, Wolff and Burrows were members of the Surveyors Corps of Scouts and their very handsome subscriptions are given as individuals and friends of the late Lt. Kippen and not from the Corps as a body.  The additional amount outstanding is the Masonic subscription and $7 on the general list which will be paid shortly.

Hotel for Sale Ad:  Rathwell’s Hotel, Mr. E. J. (?) Rathwell

Perth Courier, July 2, 1886

Mr. Archibald Campbell of this town left for a trip across the Atlantic and throughout Great Britain.  He sails on the Lake Superior steamship from Quebec and will be gone about three months.

Mr. Thomas Hart, professor at Knox College, Winnipeg, after attending the meeting of the Presbyterian Assembly at Hamilton, came down to Perth to visit his friends.  He left for his home in Winnipeg on Tuesday accompanied by his mother, Mrs. John Hart, Sr., of this town.

We take the following from the Arnprior Chronicle of last week:  “We deeply sympathize with Mr. J. W. McElliott of this town in the death of his daughter which took place at Perth yesterday from scarlet fever.  The little girl had been visiting at her grandfather’s and about three weeks after contracting the illness she died yesterday.”

On Saturday night three lads from Barnard’s House for Destitute Children at Stepney Can - - way, London, England, arrived in Perth and were taken to their destination at the farm of Mr. Peter McLaren.  They were bright, intelligent lads, sturdy and healthy and could all read and write.  Their names were William Day, 14, Walter Bailey, 12, and Frank Turner, 13.  They had been supplied with knitted Tam-of-Shanters, knitted jerseys and corduroy trousers which constituted their everyday suit.  The Home also furnished them with extra outer wear and some clothes for Sunday so that they were sent into the world struggles clean and comfortable.  They came to Canada with 197 others on the steamship Lake Superior.

Perth Courier, July 9, 1886

Saturday about 3:00 p.m. soon after the express train from Prescott for Ottawa left Kemptville, an old woman was observed to come up from the ditch by the side of the track where she appeared to have been waiting for the approach of the train and laid her neck on the rail.  Though the driver immediately reversed the engine and had the brakes applied the train moved on and passed over the prostrate form of the woman.  It was found that the wheels had completely severed the head from the body.  The remains were taken to the station and proved to be those of Mrs. Sheridan, a resident of this district.  No motive can be assigned.

Mr. James Prentice and family, Lanark Township, have been the recipients of a legacy of $20,000 from the estate of the late Col. Fraser, a brother of Mrs. Prentice and a Scottish officer in the British Army.  The money reached her through the solicitors Messrs. Radenhurst and Shaw, Perth.

During the past week two alleged violations of the Scott Act have been tried before Messrs. C. Rice and William McLeod, Justices of the Peach.  The first was brought against Mr. William Rathwell of Perth but not having sustained it by evidence the case was dismissed.  In the second case Mr. John Sloan was the defendant, no less than four adjournments took place before all the witnesses could be secured.  Mr. E.G. Malloch, County Attorney conducted the prosecution and Mr. A.C. Shaw and Mr. E. Elliott were the lawyers for the defendants. 

Farm for Sale Ad:  Part of Lot 23, 10th Concession, Scotch Line, N. Elmsley, John McLaren.

Perth Courier, July 16, 1886

Notice to Bathers:  It shall not be lawful for any person to wash his person in any public water in or near the said town of Perth unless such person or persons shall be clothed in a proper bathing dress sufficient to prevent any indecent exposure.  R. Stone, Chief Constable

On Saturday night last Messrs. James Weekes, John Pattie and James Presley of this place left by the Pacific Express for Donald, B.C.  The party took with them sufficient supplies for a two month outing in the Rockies and propose during that time prospecting on the banks of the Columbia for silver and gold.  Mr. Pattie has considerable experience in mining and if there is anything to be found the party are sanguine of success.  Carleton Place Herald

The trial of the double strong Dittrick Fire Escape in Montreal on Saturday was a great success and on its completion the fire inspector at once adopted it for recommendation and gave the agent a list of 150 buildings upon which it would be compulsory to erect fire escapes.  The machine is now practically perfect.  The company will at once manufacture a large number.

Our Smith’s Falls Correspondent says:  On Tuesday morning about 1:00 the fire alarm awoke our citizens from their slumbers and the blaze seen across the river was said to proceed from the barn of William Graham.  The engine and reels were speedily rushed to the place and the fire was soon reduced.  The most melancholy part of the whole is the serious bodily injury received by Mr. Graham.  Some days before, he had removed his horse from the stable at the factory to the barn convenient to his dwelling for greater security.  The noise made by the horse awoke Mrs. Graham and she gave the alarm to her husband.  He ran out in his night dress to rescue the horse.  He did not succeed in his objective and came near to losing his life in his attempt.  Badly burned and almost suffocated, he reached the open air and extinguished the flames by rolling in the grass, burned flesh and skin dropping from his hands and various parts of his body.  Mr. Graham is a license commissioner for South Lanark and an earnest temperance worker and his trials for contravention of the Scott Act were in progress.  Rightly or wrongly, public opinion points to the anti-Scott Act parties as authors of the sad catastrophe.

The picnic held on Dominion Day by the kindness of Mr. Thomas North, in his grove was a great success.  The weather was all that could be desired.  Mrs. Irwin and the ladies who assisted her provided a good dinner and tea and full justice was done to all the good things which could tempt the appetite.  On the platform we had the Rev. H. Farrer of Lanark and Mr. William Lees, Esq., M. P. P. who favored us with great sensible speeches.  The impromptu program reflected great credit on all who took part in it.  Miss Kerr read very nicely a piece entitled “The Pledge”.  Mrs. Thomas North’s children and C. Campbell distinguished themselves in songs and recitations and our musical friend Matthew Foley gave us good songs in first rate style and so did Mr. T. Austin Smith, the recently appointed lay reader in the mission.  Mr. William Reading’s “Patrick’s Colt” was well received.  The grove selected for the picnic bordered on Fagan’s Lake and about four or five boats were on hand and many of the young folks enjoyed themselves on the water.  Mrs. W. G. Cameron of Fallbrook brought a croquet set which afforded pleasure to a great many players as well as spectators.  The days was thoroughly enjoyed, on which reflects credit on the committee and all concerned with getting it up.  Nearly $40 was taken at the gates.  After paying expenses, an organ will be bought which will help to brighten and beautify the well attended services held in Irwin’s School House on the 11th Line Bathurst.

Among the patents issued in the U.S. during June was one to W.W. Curry of Smith’s Falls for a station indicator for cars and one to W. D. Robb of Belleville for a device for washing out locomotive boilers.

Perth Courier, July 23, 1886

Mr. S. Wing, an old resident of Westport, was found dead in his bed on Saturday morning, 3rd July.  The cause is supposed to be apoplexy.  His wife died one week before after a short illness.

Mr. J. Bower, druggist, left for a few weeks stay with his friends in the County of Grey and also for his health.

On Monday, R.J. Drummond, agent at Perth for the Bank of  Montreal left for Quebec to take passage on the steamship Circassian of the Allan Line for Europe.  Mr. Drummond will be absent from home for about three months and will, besides visiting the Colonial Exhibition in London, extend his tour to other parts of the United Kingdom.

The following are the arrivals at Winchester Springs Sanitarium for the 15th July:  Rev. Mr. McCann and Mr. Graham from Smith’s Falls; Mr. William Roweem (?) of Farmersville;  Mrs. And Master Hume of Belleville; Mr. and Mrs. Scofield and Mr. and Mrs. Bennett of Brockville; Alonzo Wright, M. P. and Mrs. Wright from Ottawa; Mr. I. C. and Mrs. Grant and Mr. Rathwell, Perth; Dr. Grant and Mrs. And Miss Grant of Napanee; George Craig, North Gower; Mrs. Brown and Mrs. McIntosh, West Winchester.

Perth Courier, July 30, 1886

Mr. George Thornton, the popular piano and swing machine dealer in our town left last week on the steamship Circassion bound for Great Britain for a stay of some weeks.  Mr. Thornton will revisit his native country Ireland after an absence of many years, having left it in early boyhood.

Mr. John Gibson, Jr., Scotch Line, left on Wednesday for Quebec where he will take passage on the steamship Polynesian for Scotland, the home of his fathers.  His brother Andrew Gibson is a physician at Porto Bello, a suburb of Edinburgh.

Rev. M. Magillivray, pastor of St. Andrew’s Church, Perth, left yesterday for ten days stay at Winchester Springs.  Mr. George Armstrong and family also left the same day for Winchester Springs.

Mr. George McLaren, Perth, has removed to Westport and started a bakery and confectionary shop there.

The case against Mr. Jas. Pepper for infraction of the Scott Act which had been adjourned from the 19th inst., was resumed on Monday last before Messrs R. Robertson and A. Baird, Justices of the Peach.  Mr. A.C. Shaw, Perth, again appeared for the defense and Mr. E.G. Malloch for the prosecution.  Ten more witnesses were examined but did not give material evidence against Mr. Pepper.  Mr. Malloch wished to have the case adjourned again to secure two additional witnesses who had been successful in evading the law a second time but the magistrate dismissed the case.  Gazette

Perth Courier, Aug. 6, 1886

Coloma Courier—This is the name of a neat and newsy paper in Coloma, Michigan acquired by a graduate of the Courier office, Robert F. Buell, an old Perth boy.  Under his guidance the Michigan Courier should take the lead in that neighborhood.

Mr. Hugh Ryan and family returned to Perth from Europe after a 12 month sojourn.  Their tour extended through Great Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, and Italy.  Their travels were full of enjoyment and pleasure.

Mr. A. McArthur takes orders for coal this year at the lowest rates.

Those wanting coal should place their orders with Mr. H. Taylor at once while the prices are low.

Mr. James Shaw of the Merchant’s Bank, Kingston, is in town for his vacation stay at his mother’s, Mrs. William Mc. N. Shaw.

Perth Courier, August 13, 1886

The Winnipeg Free Press says”  P. C. Stanley, one of the old time Winnipeggers, died Thursday night on the 5th Aug. at Boisserain, C.P.R.  The deceased came to Winnipeg from Perth in 1871 and has resided here most of the time since.  He was a painter by trade and carried on that business for several years after coming here but latterly has been otherwise occupied.  His remains were brought to the city last evening.  The Oddfellows, of which the deceased was a member, took charge of the funeral arrangements.”

Perth Courier, August 20, 1886

Matriculated—Among those who passed the late matriculation examinations in connection with Queen’s College, Kingston, are Mr. John M. Boule, Perth, who was admitted to the Arts Course and the Science option in Physics.  We are also glad to see Mr. Poole obtained first class honors in math and English.  The exam was a very severe one many of the candidates for matriculation were rejected and this being the case Mr. Poole’s record is a specially good one, particularly as his studies in some important subjects were attended with difficulty. 

A Fine Monument—Mr. John R. Beal, our popular marble dealer, has just erected for Mr. Jas. B. Dickson, to the memory of his late and lamented son, Samuel Dickson, a handsome monument set on a free stone base.  It is of cottage style and is surmounted with a large cap and urn.  The plot is enclosed by a beautiful fence made of chains and supported by marble posts.  Mr. Dickson will have one of the finest plots in the cemetery.  Standard

Mr. Walter McLean, late of the Courier office, is at present engaged in the establishment of Warwick and Co., Toronto.

Posted: 8 October, 2003