Births & Marriages - Perth Courier & Others

supplied by Christine M. Spencer of Northwestern University, Evanston, Il., USA.

  [email protected]

NOTE:  In the 1880’s perhaps the type of ink that was used in this newspaper changed.  The ink is often blurred and hard to read, not clear as previous.  Therefore, there are below many more (?) and dashes, representing names or dates which cannot be read.

Some entire issues were illegible and had to be skipped.

Perth Courier, October 6, 1882

Note:  One birth in this issue was illegible and could not be transcribed.

McArthur—Birth, at Carleton Place on the 3rd Oct., the wife of Mr. W. E. (or S.) McArthur, of a daughter.

Davis—Birth, at Perth, on the 30th Sept., the wife of Mr. Robert Davies, of a son.

Smith—Birth, at Perth, on the 2nd Oct., the wife of Mr. Thomas Smith, of a son.

Fraser-Campbell—Married, on Tuesday, 3rd Oct., at the residence of the bride’s uncle, by Rev. Robert Campbell, M.A., H. D.. Fraser, M.D., Perth, son of Mr. Donald Fraser, Esq., Pakenham, to Miss Maggie K. Campbell of Montreal.

McGannon-Morrow—Married, at St. Mark’s Church, Prescott, by Rev. Father Matheson, Mr. James McGannon of (illegible) to Miss Annie Morrow of (illegible), formerly of Almonte.

Tracy-B - - h—Married, on (date illegible) September at St. Francis Xavier Church, Brockville, by Rev. Father McCarthy, assisted by Rev. Father McS - - - - , Mr. William J. Tracy of Westfield (?) Mass. (?), to Miss Anna S. B - - h, second daughter of Mr. R. A. B - - h, Brockville.

Perth Courier, October 13, 1882

Walker—Birth, on Tuesday, Oct. 10, the wife of Mr. W. T. Walker, Winnipeg, of a daughter.

McQuat—Birth, on Sunday, 8 Oct., the wife of Mr. William McQuat, Dalhousie, of a daughter.

Sheridan-Close—Married, at St. John’s Church, Perth, on Sunday, 8th inst., by Rev. Father O’Connor, P.P., Mr. P. J. Sheridan, merchant, Perth, to Miss Annie Close of Lanark Township.  (note, unsure of bride’s surname.)

McCartney-O’Brien—Married, at St. John’s Church, Perth, on Wednesday, 11th inst., by Rev. Father O’Connor, P.P. Mr. D. McCartney of Prescott (?), to Miss T. O’Brien, Perth.

Elsewhere in the same newspaper:  On the morning of Wednesday last the town was thrown into a flutter of excitement by the approach of the hour which was to witness the nuptials between one of Perth’s most charming and popular daughters, Theresa (?) O’Brien, daughter of William O’Brien, Esq. and David McCarthy of Prescott.  The ceremony was to take place in St. John’s Church at half past 7:00 and by that early hour the church was crowded with spectators representing all denominations.  Rev. Father O’Connor performed the ceremony assisted by Rev. Father Walsh and Rev. Father Murphy (?).  The bridal party, friends and guests then proceeded to the residence of the bride’s father to partake of the wedding breakfast before setting out on the morning train.  The bridal presents were numerous and costly and were sent from various parts of the Dominion.  We join all the others in wishing Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy many years of wedded bliss.

F - - - - an-Rae—Married, at the residence of the bride’s mother, on (date illegible) October, by Rev. A. M - - d - - , M.A., L. L. B., Mr. John J. F - - - - an, of Prescott to Miss Belle (?) M. (?) Rae of Bathurst.

Buffan-Da- - -    Married, at Lanark, on Wed., 4th Oct., by Rev. D. V. Gwilyn, Mr. John H. Buffam to Miss Rachel Da - - - , all of Lanark.  (note in addition to not being able to read the bride’s surname, the groom’s surname is questionable.)

Ferguson-Quinn—Married, on the 4th (?) Oct., by Rev. Jas Stephens (or Simpson ??), Mr. David Ferguson of Drummond to Miss Mary Quinn of the same place.  (note, unsure of both surnames.)

Perth Courier, Oct. 20, 1882

Smith—Birth, on Monday, 16th inst., the wife of Mr. Robert Smith of North Elmsley of a daughter.

McCaw-Doyle—Married, at Carleton Place on Wed., 4th Oct., by Rev. Mr. Lewis, Mr. Thomas McCaw of Brockville to Miss Mary A. Doyle, daughter of Mr. J. H. Doyle of Innisville (?).

Lewis-Elliott—Married, at Port Elmsley on the 12th Oct., by Rev. Mr. Nesbitt, Mr. Samuel Lewis of Winnipeg to Miss Carrie Elliott, daughter of Mr. John Elliott of Port Elmsley.

McDonald-Murphy—Married, at St. James Church, Perth, on the 11th Oct., by Rev. R. L. Stephenson, M.A., Rector of Perth, Mr. John McDonald of Dalhousie to Miss Marie Murphy of Lanark.

Perth Courier, Oct. 27, 1882

Ferguson-G –ee – (Green? Greer?)—Married, on the 4th inst., at the residence of (illegible), Ferguson’s Falls, by Rev. John Simpson, Mr. David Ferguson of Drummond to Miss Mary G – e e -, of the same place.

The next transcription was totally illegible.

Loftus-Galvin—Married, at Almonte on the 9th Oct., by Rev. D. P. (illegible), Mr. (first name illegible) Loftus of Pakenham to Miss Mary Galvin of Almonte.

Perth Courier, Nov. 3, 1882

Glien—Birth, on the 27th Oct., the wife of Mr. James Glien, Drummond, of a daughter.  (note, unsure of this surname.)

Hall—Birth, on Sunday, 29th Oct., the wife of Mr. F. A. Hall, Esq., Perth, of a son.

McPherson—Birth, at Smith’s Falls, on the 19th Oct., Mrs. John McPherson of a son.

Smith—Birth, on the 25th (?) Oct., the wife of Mr. James Smith, Perth, of a daughter.

Meighen—Birth, on the 30th Oct., the wife of Mr. William Meighen, Perth, of a daughter.

Brodie-Lamb—Married, on the 24th Oct., at the residence of Mr. Alexander Wood, Esq., uncle of the bride, by Rev. John Crombie, Mr. Robert Brodie, B.A., to Miss Henrietta Lamb, youngest daughter of the late Mr. William Lamb, all of Smith’s Falls.  (note, unsure of bride’s surname, could have been Lane.)

Sutherland-McLaren—Married, on the 25th (?) Oct., by Rev. M. D. M.. Blakely, B.A., Mr. Herbert Sutherland, New Hamton, Iowa, to Miss Janet McLaren, daughter of Mr. John McLaren, Ross, Renfrew County.

Latimer-McIntosh—Married, on Wednesday, 18th Oct., by Rev. A. A. Scott, M.A., Mr. Jas. Latimer of Almonte to Miss Elisabeth McIntosh, daughter of Mr. Duncan McIntosh of Carleton Place.

Couch-Cowie—Married, at Ottawa on the 25th (?) Sept., by Rev. Charles A. Hanson, Mr. William H. Couch, Perth, to Miss Jane Adams Cowie, eldest daughter of Mr. J. W. Cowie, merchant, Balderson.  (note, unsure of BOTH surnames.)

Perth Courier, November 17, 1882

Scott—Birth, on the 28th (?) Oct. the wife of Rev. Mr. Scott, Bristol, of a son.

Allen—Birth, at Winnipeg, on the 10th Nov., the wife of Mr. F. J. Allen, of a son.

Cuthbertson—Birth, on Monday, 6th inst., the wife of Mr. George Cuthbertson, Bathurst, of a daughter.

Brown-Kelly—Married, at Perth, on the 15th inst., by Rev. James Ross, B.D., Mr. Robert Brown to Miss Anna R. Kelly, both of North Crosby.

Colthurst-Neil-Married, at Arnprior on the 7th inst., by Rev. A. R. Of- - - , Mr. John Colthurst to Miss Margaret Neil both of Carleton Place.

Perth Courier, Dec. 1, 1882

Anderson—Birth, on Sun., 26th Nov., the wife of Mr. John Anderson, Bathurst, of a son.

Jamieson—Birth, on the 27th Nov., Richmond, Ont., the wife of Rev. W. S. Jamieson,  M.A., of a daughter.

McLaren-Brough—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on the 15th Nov., by Rev. H. Gracey, assisted by the Rev. R. (?) D. McLaren, D.D., Brampton, brother of the bridegroom, Mr. John McLaren of M - - - - , Manitoba and formerly of Smith’s Falls, barrister, to Miss Wilhelmina Brough, youngest daughter of Mr. William Brough of Gananoque.

Hammill-Kirkham—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father on the 8th Nov., by Rev. M. McGillivray, Mr. James Hammill of Perth to Miss Mary Kirkham, daughter of Mr. Thomas Kirkham, Bathurst.

Thornton-Butler—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on the 29th Nov., by Rev. R. L. Stephenson, Mr. John Thornton to Miss Alice Butler both of the Township of Bathurst.

Code-Walker—Married, at the Rectory, Perth, on the 28th (?) Nov., by Rev. R. L. Stephenson, M.A., Rector of Perth, Mr. John Abraham (?) Code to Miss Amanda Walker, both of Perth.

Perth Courier, Dec. 8, 1882

Lynch-Brooke—Married, at St. Francis Xavier Church, Brockville, on the 29th (?) Nov., by Rev. Father McCarthy, D. P.., Mr. M.D. Lynch of Almonte to Miss Minnie Brooke, daughter of the late Mr. Alphonse Brooke, Esq., of Brockville.  (note, unsure of bride’s surname.)

McKensey-Gilday—Married, at the Rectory, Perth, on the 30th Nov., by Rev. R. L. Stephenson, M.A., Rector of Perth, Mr. (first name illegible ) McKensey of South Burgess to Miss (first name illegible) Gilday of Smith’s Falls.  (note, unsure of groom’s surname.)

Abbott-Smith—Married, at the Rectory, Perth, on the 6th Dec., by Rev. R. L. Stephenson, M.A., Rector of Perth, Mr. George S. Abbott of Perth to Miss Jane Smith of S. Sherbrooke.

Perth Courier, Dec. 15, 1882

Kerr—Birth, at Coleman (?)  Place, Larimon (?), Dakota Territory, U.S., on the 1st inst., the wife of Mr. John A. Kerr, of a son.

Ellis-Staymer—Married, at All Saints Church, Toronto on Wednesday, 6th Dec. by Rev. Arthur Baldwin, Mr. Waring (?) Ellis of Osgoode Hall, barrister-at-law, to Miss Ida Staymer, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Frank Staymer.  (note, unsure of bride’s surname.)

James-Little—Married, on Wed., 13th Dec., by Rev. G. H. Davis, Mr. Wesley James to Miss Fanny Little, daughter of Mr. George Little, manager of the car shop, all of Perth.

Stone-McNaught—Married, on the 29th Nov., by Rev. J. Campbell, Mr. George H. Stone, formerly of Perth, to Miss Margaret Ada McNaught.

Perth Courier, Dec. 15, 1882

McVeigh-Moore—Married, on the 1st Dec., by Rev. D. V. Gwilyn, Mr. James McVeigh of Bathurst to Miss Mary Moore of Mattawa.

Perth Courier, Dec. 22, 1882

McEwen—Birth, at Carleton Place, on the 13th (?) Dec., Mrs. F. McEwen, of a son.

Marshall—Birth, at Brockville on the 17th inst., the wife of Mr. V. R. Marshall, of a son.  (note, unsure of this surname.)

Morris-Bell—Married, on Wed., 6th Dec., at Emmanuel Church, Arnprior, by Rev. K. L. Jones, Mr. Montague John Morris of Montreal to Miss Eliiza Howard Bell, daughter of Mr. James Bell, of Arnprior.

G - - - - Morris—Married, on the 14th inst., at the residence of Mr. William Lewis, Carleton Place, by Rev. James Simpson, Mr. James A. G - - - - of Almonte to Miss Jennie (?) Jessie (?) Morris of Carleton Place.

Heatherington-Publow—Married, on the 29th ult., at the Methodist Parsonage, Carleton Place, by Rev. Jas. Simpson, Mr. John Heatherington of Perth to Miss Louise Publow of Drummond.

Griffith-Armstrong—Married, at the Rectory, Perth, on the 20th (?) Dec., by Rev. R. L. Stephenson, M.A., Rector of Perth, Mr. Richard Griffith to Miss Jane Armstrong, all of the Township of S. Sherbrooke.

Kearney-Cameron—Married, on the 13th (?) Dec., at the residence of the bridegroom, by Rev. George McRitchie, Mr. Stephen Kearney to Miss Catherine Munro Cameron, both of Almonte.

McGregor-Thom—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on the 7th inst., by Rev. Robert Shields, Mr. Robert McGregor of Ramsay to Miss Margaret Thom, eldest daughter of Mr. James Thom of Ramsay.

Gemmill-Willis—Married, on the 5th inst., by Rev. A.A. Scott, M.A., Mr. Robert Gemmell to Miss Martha Maria Willis, both of Carleton Place.

Perth Courier, Dec. 29, 1882

Ti- -   Birth, at Perth, on the 27th Dec., the wife of Mr. J. W. Ti- -, Esq. of a son.

Parker-Poole—Birth, at Braeside, on the 27th Dec., at the residence of the bride’s brother-in-law, Mr. David Gillett (?), Esq., by Rev. D. J. McLean, Mr. Alfred J. Parker of Aylmer, Quebec, to Miss Mary Poole, daughter of Mr. James Poole, Esq., of Carleton Place.

Sloan-Morrow—Married, at the Parsonage, Balderson, on the 20th (?) Dec., by Rev. D. V. Gwilyn, Mr. John Sloan to Miss Janet Morrow, both of Maberly.  (note unsure of both surnames.)

Churchill-Fleming—Married, at the Parsonage, Balderson, on the 20th (?) Dec., Mr. John Churchill of Harper to Miss Ellen Fleming of Bathurst.

Nicholson-Trace—Married, at St. James Church, Perth, on the 27th Dec., by Rev. R. L. Stephenson, M.A., Rector of Perth, Mr. David Nicholson of Almonte to Miss Lizzie Trace of Perth.  (note, unsure of bride’s surname.)

Walker—Birth, on Wed., 27th Dec., the wife of Mr. Richard Walker, Perth, of a daughter.

Allan-Elliott—Married, on the 29th (?) Dec., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. G. H. Davis, Mr. John Allan, Bathurst, (Scotch Line) to Miss Sarah J. Elliott, only daughter of Mr. Robert Elliott of Perth.

Grant-Caldwell—Married, at Lanark, on Wed., 3rd Jan., by Rev. B. W. Day, William Grant, M.D., Perth, to Miss Mary Caldwell, eldest daughter of Mr. Boyd Caldwell, Esq., of Lanark.

Elsewhere in the same newspaper:  The village of Lanark was very gay on Wednesday evening; large parties driving in, in merry sleigh-loads from Perth, Almonte, and adjacent places to attend the marriage of Minnie Caldwell of Lanark to Dr. Grant of Perth.  The ceremony was performed in the church, which was densely crowded, space being reserved in the front pews for the wedding guests.  The bride, who looked very sweet and lovely, was richly attired in white satin and brocade.  The bridesmaids were in pink and blue.  After the marriage ceremony the bells of the churches peeled out merrily and the party adjourned to Boyd Caldwell’s hospitable house where the bride and bridegroom, supported by the bridesmaids and groomsmen, received the guests, after which all sat down to a sumptuous dinner.  The usual speeches followed and very shortly after the bride and bridegroom took their departure for New York.  Dancing then began to the strains of a string band from Ottawa and the gay scene presented a very pretty panorama.  The rich and varied attire of the ladies contrasted with the somber lines of their partners.  Dancing was kept up with vigor until morning.  Dr. and Mrs. Grant will make a somewhat extended tour before returning to Perth.

McMullen-Bell—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on the 3rd Jan., by Rev. G. H. Davis, Mr. Thomas McMullen of Grand Forks, Nebraska to Miss Annie E. Bell, eldest daughter of Mr. John Bell of Perth.

Perth Courier, Jan. 12, 1883

Bothwell—Birth, on the 9th Jan., Mrs. John Bothwell, Drummond, of a daughter.

McLaren—Birth, on the 7th Jan., Mrs. W. McLaren, Drummond, of a daughter.

Henry-McKenzie—Married, at the Manse, Dalhousie on the 2nd Jan., by Rev. G. F. Bayne, Eganville, assisted by the father of the bride, Mr. David Henry of Montreal to Miss Sarah L. McKenzie, eldest daughter of Rev. R.(?)  McKenzie, M.A.

Bolton-Wills—Married, at the Rectory, Perth, on the 10th Jan., by Rev. R. L. Stephenson, M.A., Rector of Perth, Mr. Henry Bolton of N. Burgess to Mrs. Elizabeth Wills of S. Burgess.

Robinson-Warrington—Married, at the Parsonage, Balderson, on the 3rd Jan., by Rev. D. V. Gwilyan, Mr. Miller Robinson of S. Sherbrooke, to Miss Sarah Jane Warrington of Bathurst.

Moore-Churchill—Married, on the 1st inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. James Simpson, Mr. Wesley R. Moore of Crystal City, Manitoba to Miss Jennie Churchill of Innisville.

Robinson-Johnson—Married, at the Rectory, Perth, on the 5th (?) 8th (?) Jan., by Rev. R. L. Stephenson, M.A., Rector of Perth, Mr. John Robinson to Miss Margaret Johnson, all of the town of Perth.

Templeton-McLean—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on the 1st inst., by Rev. John Bennett, Mr. J. F. Templeton, teacher, to Miss Mary McLean, both of Ramsay.

Herron-White—Married, on the 10th Jan., by Rev. Jas. Wilson, at the house of Mr. John Herron, Esq., Lanark, Mr. Thomas Herron to Miss Margaret White, daughter of Mr. Peter White, Esq., of Darling.

Ca- - - - Judge—Married, on Wednesday, 20th Dec., by Rev. Mr. Haiden, Mr. James Ca- - - -, to Miss Lizzie Judge, both of the Township of Oso (?).

Rankin-Paul—Married, at the Manse, Dalhousie, on the 27th Dec., by Rev. R. McKenzie, M.A., Mr. James Rankin of Lanark to Miss Agnes Paul of Poland.

Do- - - - Bond—Married, at Ottawa at the C. M. Parsonage, by Rev. Leroy Hooker, Mr. J. K. Do - - - -  to Miss M.J. Bond, both of Perth.

Woods-Couch—Married, at Perth, on the 27th Dec., by Rev. M. Magillivray, M.A., Mr. W. J. Woods to Miss Martha Couch, both of North Elmsley.  (note, unsure of bride’s surname.)

More-Manders—Married, on the 21st Dec., by Rev. M. Magillivray, M.A., Mr. Thomas More to Mrs. Manders, both of S. Sherbrooke.  (note, unsure of bride’s surname.)

Perth Courier, Jan. 19, 1883

Cain-Emerson—Married, at Perth on the 17th Jan., by Rev. J. W. Thorne, Mr. Charles Cain of North Elmsley to Miss Amelia Emerson of Perth.

McCullough-Scott—Married, on the 6th Jan., at the Methodist Parsonage by Rev. G. McRitchie, Mr. William Ross McCullough of Smith’s Falls to Miss Adelia Scott of Carleton Place.

Fulton-Cameron—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on the 3rd inst., by Rev. Robert Knowles, Mr. Jas. Fulton to Miss Annie Cameron, daughter of Mr. David Cameron of Pakenham.

Cochran-Wilson—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on the 0th inst., by Rev. Robert Knowles, assisted by Rev. John Bennett, Mr. Andrew Cochran of Ramsay to Miss Catherine Wilson, eldest daughter of Mr. Daniel Wilson of Lanark.

Perth Courier, Jan. 26, 1883

Murray-Hogan—Married, at St. John’s Church, Perth, on the 19th (?) inst., by Rev. Father O’Connor, P.P., Mr. John Murray of Farmer’s Hotel to Miss Margaret Jane Hogan, 3rd Line Bathurst.

Davies-Thompson—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, Perth, on the (date illegible) January, by Rev. M. McGillivray, M.A., Mr. William Davies Esq., Perth, to Miss Mary Agnes Thompson, daughter of Mr. James Thompson, Esq., Sheriff of the County of Lanark.

Elsewhere in the same newspaper:  On Wednesday afternoon at 3:00 a number of friends assembled at the residence of our worthy sheriff James Thompson, Esq., to witness the marriage between his daughter Mary A. Thompson and Mr. William Davies, the well known manager of the phosphate mines in this vicinity.  The bride was becomingly attired in cream satin and Spanish lace and was assisted on the interesting occasion by Miss Maggie C. Buell and her sister Miss M. F. Thompson.  The bridegroom was supported by Mr. W. Inges (?) and Mr. W. A. Thompson, brother of the bride and the marriage was performed by Rev. M. Magillivray, pastor of St. Andrew’s (Presbyterian) Church.  Among the number of costly presents sent to the bride was a valuable set of diamonds.  The newly wedded couple left off by the 6:00 train the same evening for New York, from where they sail next week on a Cunard steamer for England, having a stay of about two months.  They proceed to Shropshire, of which county Mr. Davis is a native and which he left to come to this country in 1871.  We wish them a safe trip and pleasant journey.

Bell-Butler—Married, at the residence of the bride’s uncle, Bathurst, on the (date illegible) January, by Rev. R. L. Stephenson, M.A., Rector of Perth, Mr. Christopher J. Bell to Miss Sarah Butler, both of Bathurst.

Butler-Johnson—Married, at the Rectory, Perth, on the 23rd (?) Jan., by Rev. R. L. Stephenson, M.A., Rector of Perth, Mr. George Pierce Butler of the Township of Oso (?) to Miss Ellen Johnson of the Township of O - - - - .

Allan-Wilson—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. John Wilson, J.P., North Burgess, on (date illegible) January, by Rev. M. McGillivray, M.P., Mr. James Allan to Miss Janet Ann Wilson.

Moffatt-K - - - - -    Married, on the (date illegible), at the Manse, Lanark, by Rev. James Wilson, Mr. James Moffatt to Miss Sarah K - - - - - , daughter of Mr. James K - - - - - , all of Darling.

King-Thompson—Married, at St. John’s Manse, Almonte, by Rev. J. Edmondson, on the 12th (?) Jan., Mr. W. King of Darling to Miss Margaret Thompson of Lanark.

Russell-Bell—Married, at Pembroke, on the (date illegible) January, by Rev. W. D. Ballantyne, B.A., Mr. Robert Russell to Miss Maggie Bell, both of Pembroke.  (note, unsure of groom’s surname, what was certain was “- - - -ell”.)

Dowdall-W- - - -   Married, at St. John’s Church, Perth, on the 24th (?) inst., by Rev. Father O’Connor, P.P., Mr. Patrick Dowdall of Almonte to Miss Kate W - - - - of Perth.

- - - - y—Lally—Married, at St. John’s Church, Perth, on the 22nd (?) inst., Mr. Thomas - - - - y to Miss Anne Lally, both of North Burgess.

Perth Courier, Feb. 2, 1883

McDonald-Ferguson—Married, on 24th Jan., by Andrew Murdoch, M.A. L. L. B.., Mr. Archibald McDonald of Lanark to Miss Christina Lloyd Ferguson of Drummond.

Perth Courier, Feb. 2, 1883

McMaster—Birth, at Perth, on Thursday, 1st Feb., the wife of Mr. John McMaster, of a son.

Davis-McLaren—Married, at Perth on the 26th inst., by Rev. J. Ross, B.D., Mr. Joseph Davis of Elizabethtown to Miss Mary McLaren of North Elmsley.

Perth Courier, Feb. 9, 1883

Wright-Devlin—Married, at St. James Church, Perth, on the 6th Feb., by Rev. R. L. Stephenson, M.A., Rector of Perth, Mr. Clark W. Wright, Esq., merchant, Kingston, to Miss Kate Devlin, only daughter of Mr. George Devlin, Esq., Perth.

Elsewhere in the same newspaper:  On Shrove Tuesday many relations and friends of Miss Katie Devlin assembled at St. James Church on the occasion of her marriage with Mr. Clark William Wright, Esq., merchant, Kingston and churchwarden of St. Paul’s Church in that city.  The service was fixed for 11:00 a.m. at which time the bride entered the church accompanied by her father, Mr. George Devlin, Esq.  The bridegroom and his best man, Mr. Robert Keeley (?) of Kingston, had already arrived.  The bride, who looked very pretty, was attired in silk becomingly veiled with a wreath of orange blossoms.  There was one bridesmaid, Miss Ida Hicks, who wore a soft crème dress trimmed with satin.  As the bridal party moved down the nave, the choir, under the guidance of Miss Fanny Hicks, -- who played the organ very effectively – sang Hymn 366 “The Voice That Breathed O’er Eden”.  The ceremony was celebrated by the Rector, R.L. Stephenson, M.A.  The spacious church was filled to overflowing.  A number of guests from Kingston and Ottawa were present and after the ceremony were entertained to a sumptuous wedding breakfast.  Mr. and Mrs. Wright left by the 4:00 train for Ottawa.

Tregent-Roblin—Married, on the 31st Jan., at St. Mary Magdalene Church, Napanee (?), by Rev. T. Berford-Jones, M.D., Arch Deacon of Kingston, Rector of Napanee, Mr. Augustus P. Tregent, manager of Molson’s (?) Bank, Smith’s Falls, to Miss Edith May Roblin, eldest daughter of Mr. M.P. Roblin, Esq., Registrar of the Counties of Lennox and Addington.  (note, unsure of BOTH surnames.)

Perth Courier, Feb. 16, 1883

Cooke—Birth, at Balderson, on the 30th Jan., the wife of Mr. Robert Cooke, of a daughter.

Perth Courier, Feb. 23, 1883

Bishop-Geddes—Married, on the 7th Feb., at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Daniel Geddes, by Rev. R. McKenzie, M.A., Mr. Josephus Bishop, S. Sherbrooke, to Miss Jennie (?) Jessie (?) Geddes, N. Sherbrooke.

Fluker-Deacon—Married, on Tuesday, 13th inst., at the residence of Mr. S. E. Mitchell, Esq., uncle of the bride, by Rev. K. Tennant (?), Mr. Thomas A. Fluker of Pembroke to Miss Charlotte A. Deacon of S. Sherbrooke.  (note, unsure of groom’s surname.)

Cassady-Johnson—Married, at Carleton Place on the 13th Feb., by Rev. D. McDonald, M.A., Mr. Thomas Cassady to Miss Annie M. Johnson, both of Pakenham.  (note, unsure of groom’s surname.)

Leach-Lynch—Married, at the parsonage, Carleton Place, by Rev. G. J. Low (?), on the 14th Feb., Mr. William H. Leach to Miss Eliza J. Lynch, both of Ramsay.  (note, unsure of groom’s surname.)

Perth Courier, March 2, 1883

Graham-Rattray—Married, on the 2nd inst., at the residence of the bride’s parents, by Rev. A.A. Scott, M.A., Mr. James Graham of Ottawa to Miss El- - - y Ann Rattray, daughter of Mr. William Rattray of Beckwith.

Parker-McPherson—Married, on Wednesday, 7th March, by Rev. Mr. Hutchinson (?), Mr. D. H. Parker of Parker and Dickson, O - - Lake, Manitoba, son of Mr. H. Parker of Aylmer, Quebec, to Miss Barbara McPherson, third daughter of Mr. Peter McPherson of North Elmsley.

Rose-Keays—Married at the residence of Mr. N. Beyler (?) Esq., cousin of the bride, T - - pleton,  Carroll County, Iowa on the 22nd Feb., by Rev. W. Jones, Mr. Howard Rose to Miss Mary J. Keays, daughter of Mr. Thomas Keays of Bathurst.  (note, unsure of groom’s surname, could have been ‘Ross’.)

Corbett-Rice—Married, by Rev. Mr. Atherton (?) at the residence of the bride’s father, near Norquay (?), Manitoba on the 31st Jan., Mr. David Corbett to Miss H. R. Rice, daughter of the late Mr. William Rice of Renfrew.

White-Ha - - - -   Married, at Drummond, on the 25th Feb., by Rev. R. L. Stephenson, M.A., Rector of Perth, Mr. Peter White of Lanark to Miss Annie Mathilda Ha - - - - , eldest daughter of Mr. James Ha - - - - , Reeve, Drummond.

Condie-G - - - - y—Married, at Perth, on the 28th (?) Feb., by Rev. R. L. Stephenson, M.A., Rector of Perth, Mr. Charles Condie of North Elmsley to Miss Jane Ann G - - - - y, of Montague.

- - - /Kerr—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on the (illegible date) Jan., by Rev. E. Taylor, Mr. John - - - to Miss Annie Kerr, 2nd daughter of Mr. Andrew Kerr of Pembroke.

Perth Courier, March 8, 1883

Craig-Currie—Married, on the 7th March, at the Manse, Lanark, by Rev. Jas. Wilson, Mr. William A. Craig of Darling to Miss Jane Currie, daughter of Mr. Daniel Currie, Esq., of Dalhousie.

Perth Courier, March 16, 1883

Dixon-Sim—Married, at Perth, on the 7th inst., by Rev. James Ross, B.D., Mr. Walter J. Dixon of Perth to Miss J. B. Sim of Carleton Place.

Perth Courier, March 23, 1883

Weatherhead—Birth, on the 9th March, the wife of Mr. A. Weatherhead, Scotch Line, of a son.

Dodds—Birth, at Glenn Tay, on the 14th March, Mrs. John Dodds of a son.

McIntyre—Birth, on Thursday, 15th March, the wife of Mr. A. R. McIntyre, Middleville, of a son.

McTavish—Birth, at Perth on Saturday, 10th inst., Mrs. Peter McTavish, of a son.

Ne- - - - /Simpson—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, Pakenham on the 13th March, by Rev. G. Bremmer, Mr. John W. Ne - - - - of Ramsay to Miss Agnes Simpson, daughter of Mr. William Simpson, Esq.

Mahon-McGregor—Married, on the 27th ult., at the residence of Mr. Joseph Brown, Carleton Place, by Rev. D. McDonald, M.A., Mr. John Mahon of Haliburton to Miss Jennie (?) Jessie (?) McGregor of Arnprior.

Sutherland-Russell—Married, at Almonte on Monday, 12th inst., by Rev. Edmondson, Mr. David Sutherland of Lanark to Miss Bella Russell, daughter of Mrs. W. Russell of Almonte.

Perth Courier, March 30, 1883

Wilson—Birth, on the 27th inst., at the residence of her father-in-law, William Wilson, M.D., Carleton Place, the wife of Mr. J. W. Wilson, printer, Toronto, of a daughter.

Farmer—Birth, on the 18th (?) inst., the wife of Mr. J. H. Farmer, Classical Master, Woodstock, of a son.

Adams—Birth on Easter Sunday, 25th March, the wife of Mr. F. M. Adams, Glen Tay, of a daughter.

Owen—Birth, on the 20th (?) inst., the wife of Mr. C. L. Owen, Glen Tay, of a daughter.

Dodds—Birth, at Glen Tay, on the 14th March, Mrs. John Dodds, of a daughter.

Affleck-Nairn—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, 31st Jan., by Rev. E. C. W. McCall (?), Congregational Minister, Mr. Robert Affleck of Lanark to Miss Grace Nairn, daughter of Mr. Alexander Nairn, Esq.,  (note, unsure of bride’s surname.)

Crawford-McCann—Married, on Monday, 19th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. Robert Knowles, Mr. George Crawford of Carleton Place, to Miss Jane McCann, eldest daughter of Mr. James McCann of Ramsay.

Hughes-Campbell—Married, on the 27th March, at the Manse, Lanark, by Rev. James Wilson, Mr. John Hughes, Esq., of Bathurst to Miss Catherine Campbell, daughter of Mr. Duncan Campbell, Esq., of the same place.

Griffith-McCabe—Married, at the Rectory, Perth, on the 5th (?) Feb., by Rev. R. L. Stephenson, Mr. Edward John Griffith to Miss Annie McCabe, both of Perth.

Paul-Brian—Married, 8th Feb., at the Congregational Manse, Middleville, by Rev. R. C. W. McCall, Mr. James Paul to Miss Mary Stuart (?) Brian, daughter of the late Mr. Edward Brian.

Hart-Madoran—Married, at the residence of the bride, Dalhousie on the (date illegible) January, by Rev. R. C. W. McCall, Mr. William Hart of Dalhousie to Mrs. Margaret Madoran, relict of the late Mr. Andrew Madoran.

Perth Courier, April 6, 1883

Note:  One birth was illegible and could not be transcribed.

Mitchell-Mason—Married, at Winnipeg on the 20th (?) March, at the residence of the bride’s brother-in-law, by Rev. C. B. Pu- - - - , Mr. Robert Mitchell of C - - t’s Creek, Manitoba to Miss Maggie Mason, third daughter of Mr. Robert (?) Mason, formerly of Lanark County.

McFarlane-Young—Married, on Friday, 23rd ult., at the residence of the bride’s brother, by Rev. Mr. Knowles, assisted by Rev. John Bennett, Mr. John McFarlane to Miss Janet Young, youngest daughter of Mr. Peter Young, all of Ramsay.

Guthrie-Stewart—Married, on the 23rd March, at St. John’s Manse, Almonte, by Rev. J. B. Edmondson, Mr. James Guthrie to Miss Eliza Stewart, both of Darling.

Perth Courier, April 13, 1883

One birth in this issue was completely illegible and could not be transcribed.

Leith-White—Married, at Montreal, on the (date illegible) inst., at 23 St. Martin Street, by Rev. James Fleck (?), Mr. Robert Leith to Miss Ellen White, second daughter of Mr. James White of Watson’s Corners.  (note, unsure of groom’s surname.)

More-T - - p—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on the 4th inst., by Rev. John Bennett, Mr. William More to Miss Julia Minnie T - - p, both of Ramsay.  (note, unsure of groom’s surname.)

Brown-Ferguson—Married, on the 29th (?) ult., at the residence of Mr. John Lyle, Esq., Carleton Place, by Rev. D. Ma – b - - old, M.A., Mr. James Brown of Lavant to Miss Janet Cameron Ferguson, of the same place.

Thornton-Carmichael—Married, at Perth, at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mrs. B - - - -, on Wednesday, 4th April, by Rev. M. Magillivray, Mr. Thomas F. Thornton to Miss Cecilia Carmichael of Clayton.

Perth Courier, April 20, 1883

Gemmell-Kellock—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on Wednesday, 18th April, by Rev. M. Magillivray, Mr. Laurence J. Gemmell to Miss Elizabeth Kellock, eldest daughter of Mr. Daniel Kellock, Inspector of Inland Revenues, all of Perth.

Malloch-Malloch—Married, at Smith’s Falls, on the 11th April, by Rev. S. Mylne, Mr. Francis Stewart Malloch of Brockville to Miss Mary Stewart Malloch, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Edward Malloch of Ottawa.

Duke-Hughes—Married, on the 2nd April, by Rev. M. J. Carroll (?), at the preacher’s residence, Mr. A. E. Duke of Merrickville to Miss Elizabeth Hughes of Brooklyn, New York.  (note, unsure of groom’s surname.)

Perth Courier, May 4, 1883

Moore—Birth, at McDonald’s Corners, on Thursday, 26th April, the wife of Mr. William A. Moore, of a daughter.

Rodgers—Birth, on the 2nd (?) March, the wife of Mr. Joseph Rodgers, Nippissing, of a son.

Foster—Birth, at Smith’s Falls on Sunday, (date illegible), the wife of Mr. Archibald Foster, tailor, of a son.  (note, unsure of this surname.)

Cartman - Mathieson—Married, at the residence of the bridegroom’s father, by Rev. M. D. M. Blakely, B.A., on Tuesday, 27th March, Mr. John H. Cartman, son of Mr. Robert Cartman, Esq., of Ross, to Miss Nellie Mathieson, daughter of Mr. Lachlin Mathieson, Esq., of Pembroke.

Shields-McEwen—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, Montague, on the 27th (?) inst., by Rev. T. Loch- - - of Smith’s Falls, Mr. James Shields son of Mr. John Shields of Smith’s Falls, to Miss Margaret J. McEwen, fourth daughter of Mr. Donald McEwen, Esq.

McCarthy-Hicks—Married, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Perth, on the 26th (?) April, by Rev. R. L. Stephenson, M.A., Rector of Perth, Mr. Richard H. McCarthy to Miss Elizabeth Jane Hicks, both of Perth.

McLaren-McArthur—Married, on the 25th (?) ult., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. D. Donald, M.A., Mr. Peter McLaren of Beckwith to Miss Jennie (?) Jessie (?) McArthur, daughter of Mr. Peter McArthur, Esq., of the same place.

Smith-Watchorn—Married, at the residence of Mr. Henry Watchorn, Clayton, on the 24th ult., by Rev. F. L. Stephenson, B.A., Mr. Robert T. Smith, Cumberland, Russell County, to Miss Mary E. Watchorn.

Chittick-Lowe—Married, on the 3rd inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. Charles Marion, Mr. Christopher Chittick of Manitoba to Miss Annie Elizabeth Lowe, formerly of Pakenham.  (note:  unsure of this surname, could also have been Crittick.)

Haydon-Willoughby—Married, on the 24th April, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. G. McRitchie, Mr. R. W. Haydon to Miss Margaret Eleanor Willoughby, daughter of Mr. William Willoughby, all of Almonte.

Taylor-Campbell—Married, at the home of Mr. James Buchanan of Beachburg, on the 21st April, by Rev. William M. Christie, M.A., Mr. Thomas Taylor to Miss Mary Jane Campbell.

Sallis - Paquet—Married, in the English Church, Perth, by Rev. Mr. Stephenson, on the 26th April, Mr. Joseph Nellie Sallis to Miss Nellie Paquet, second daughter of Mr. Oliver Paquet  all of Carleton Place.  (note, unsure of the groom’s surname.)

Arabie-Lea- - y—Married, at the R.C. Church, Almonte, by Rev. Father Foley, on the 10th (?) April, Mr. J. J. Arabie of Carleton Place to Miss Alice Lea- - y of Almonte.  (note, unsure of groom’s surname, it could also have been Asable or something like that.)

Colborne-Venn—Married, at Almonte on the 25th (?) April, by Rev. F.L. Stephenson, B.A., Mr. B. Colborne, merchant, Smith’s Falls, to Miss Mary E. Venn of Almonte.  (note, unsure of BOTH of these surnames, the groom’s could also have  been Culborne.)

Scott-Ducette—Married, at Perth, on the 23rd April, by Rev. M. Magillivray, Mr. Edward Scott to Miss Margaret Jane Ducette, both of North Burgess.  (note, unsure of bride’s surname.)

Perth Courier, May 11, 1883

Sheridan—Birth, on Friday, 4th May, the wife of Mr. P. J. Sheridan, merchant, Perth, of a son.

Rodgers—Birth, on the 2nd March, the wife of Mr. Joseph Rodgers of Nippissing, of a son

McAdam-Kippan—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father on the 8th inst., by Rev. James Ross, B.D., Mr. William McAdam of Manitoba to Miss Mary Kippan, eldest daughter of Mr. Duncan Kippan, Esq., of Perth.

McAdam-Allan—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father on the 8th inst., by Rev. James Ross, B.D., Mr. Alan J. McAdam of Almonte to Miss Maggie Allan, daughter of Mr. Alexander Allan of Perth.

Edmunds-Shilling—Married, on Tuesday, 1st May, at Christ Church, by Ven. S.S. Laurier (?), D. C. L. of Ottawa, Mr. A.M. Edmunds of Ottawa to Miss H. E. ( or F.) Shilling of Arnprior.  (note, unsure of bride’s surname.)

Johnston-Solar—Married, on the 1st inst., at the residence of the bride’s mother, by Rev. T. Lachine (?) Mr. Thomas Johnston to Miss Emma Solar, both of Smith’s Falls.

Cooke-James—Married,  on the 7th inst., at the residence of Mr. Harvey, Carleton Place, by Rev. D. McDonald, M.A., Mr. Jas. Cooke of Drummond to Miss Isabella May James, daughter of Mr. Arthur James, Esq., of Bathurst.

Perth Courier, May 18, 1883

Noonan—Birth, on Thursday, 10th May, the wife of Mr. Dennis Noonan, Bathurst, of a son.

Cavers—Birth, on 13th May, the wife of Mr. Peter Cavers, Bathurst, of a son.

VanCortlandt-Harrington—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, St. Andrew’s, Quebec, on Thursday, 10th inst., Mr. Walter E. VanCortlandt of Arnprior to Miss Marie E. Harrington, third daughter of Mr. William Harrington, Esq.

Perth Courier, May 25, 1883

Bell—Birth, at 66 Edmunton Street, Winnipeg, on the 14th May, the wife of Mr. Charles N. Bell, of a son.

Collins-Rose—Married, on the 2nd inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. J. J. Haylock (?), Mr. John Edward Collins of Westmeath to Miss Annie Jane Rose, eldest daughter of Mr. William Rose, of the Township of Ross.  (note, unsure of bride’s surname, could have also been Ross.)

Ritchie-Rose—Married, on the 2nd inst., at the residence of the bride’s father by Rev. J. J. Haylock (?), Mr. James Ritchie to Miss Mathilda Rose, fifth daughter of Mr. William Rose, all of the Township of Ross.  (note, unsure of bride’s surname, could also have been Ross.)

Lee-McPele—Married, at Arnprior, on the 15th inst., at Emmanuel Church, by Rev. K. I. Jones, Mr. Robert Lee of Arnprior to Miss Margaret McPele of the Township of Bromley (?).  (note, unsure of bride’s surname, could have been McPhee)

Splinter-L - - - - ph - - l—Married, at the old Methodist Church of Canada (?) on the 13th (?) inst., by Rev. S.C. Grant (?), Mr. William Splinter to Miss Louise (?) L - - - - ph - - l, both of Arnprior.

Young-Gl- - - -     Married, at Almonte on Wednesday, 16th inst., by Rev. Edmondson, Mr. Andrew Young to Miss Alice Gl- - - - , both of Almonte.

G- - - - /St- - e    Married, at Arnprior on the 2nd inst., at the Emmanuel Church, by Rev. K. L. Jones, Mr. August G - - - - to Miss Jane St - - e, both of Arnprior.

Perth Courier, June 1, 1883

Morgan—Birth, on the 28th (?) 25th (?) 26th (?) ult., the wife of Mr. George Morgan, carpenter, of a daughter.

McVetty—Birth, on Monday, 21st ult., the wife of Mr. Henry McVetty, Elmsley, of a daughter.

Cro- - - or Clo- - - /Doyle—Married, at St. John’s Church, Perth, on the 29th ult., by Rev. Father O’Connor, P.P., Mr. Robert J. Cro - - - or Clo- - -, 4th Line Lanark to Miss Mary Doyle of Ferguson’s Falls.

Beale-McKerracher—Married, at Perth, on (date illegible) ult., by Rev. James Ross, B.D., Mr. John R. Beale of Pembroke to Miss (first name which is illegible) F. (or E.) McKerracher, eldest daughter of Mr. Duncan McKerracher, Esq., Perth.

Gondreau-Hall—Married at St. John’s Church, Perth on the 4th ult., by Rev. Father O’Connor, P.P., Mr. Joseph Gondreau of Ri - - - --, Quebec, to Miss Bridget Hall of Dalhousie.  (note, unsure of groom’s surname.)

Hogan-Adam—Married, at St. John’s Church, Perth, by Rev. Father O’Connor, P.P., Mr. Michael Hogan, 3rd Line Bathurst, to Miss Margaret Anne Adam of North Burgess.

Charlton-Hannah—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, Palmerston, by Rev. E. H. Taylor, Mr. George Charlton of Maberly to Miss Charlotte Hannah, daughter of Mr. John Hannah.

Wedge-Hall—Married, on the 15th (?) May, by Rev. G. J. Lowe, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. George Wedge to Miss Maggie Hall, eldest daughter of Mr. James Hall, all of Carleton Place.  (note, unsure of groom’s surname.)

B - - - - - / Umpherson—Married, on the 24th May, by Rev. Mr. Holcroft, Mr. Charles H. B - - - - - to Miss Rose A. Umpherson, both of Carleton Place.

Umpherson-Crawley—Married, at the Manse, on the 24th May by Rev. Mr. Holcroft, Mr. James Umpherson of Carleton Place to Miss Anne Crawley of Ottawa.

Perth Courier, June 8, 1883

Duffield—Birth, at Winnipeg on the 22nd May, the wife of Mr. H. J. Duffield, of a daughter.

Graham-Anderson—Married, on the 5th inst., by Rev. D. McDowell, M.A., assisted by Rev. John Farlin (?), L'Orignal (unreadable word) Hawkenbury , Mr. Adam Graham of the firm Graham Lawson and Co., Carleton Place, to Miss Kate Demlop Anderson, eldest daughter of Mr. Robert Anderson of the same place.

Armstrong-Allan—Married, on Wednesday, 6th June, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. James Ross, M.D. Mr. George Armstrong to Miss Maggie Isabel (?) Allan, youngest daughter of Mr. James Allan, Esq., merchant, Perth.

Lennox-LeBlanc—Married, on the 22nd May, at the Bishop’s Palace, Ottawa, by Rev. Father (illegible name), Mr. Jas. E. Lennox of the Department of Agriculture to Miss L - - ad- - LeBlanc, widow of the late Mr. A. Farland, formerly merchant, Perth.  (note, unsure of groom’s surname.)

Shaw-McMillan—Married, on the 22nd ult., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. G. Bremmer, Mr. John Shaw of - - - ton, to Miss Elizabeth McMillan, daughter of Mr. Peter McMillan, Esq., 7th Concession McNab.

Stewart-Rea—Married, on the 24th ult., by Rev. G. Bremmer, Mr. Robert Stewart of W – b – B - - - k, to Miss Elizabeth Rea, daughter of Mr. Samuel Rea, Esq., at - - - - River, Manitoba.  (note, unsure of groom’s surname.)

Riddell-Beladger—Married, on the 28th (?) May, at the residence of Mr. Henry Barns (?), Esq., Dalhousie, by Rev. Jas Andrew, Mr. Robert Riddell of Palmerston to Miss Jean Beladger.  (note, unsure of bride’s surname.)

Jamieson-Ell - - - -   Married, on the 22nd May, by Rev. Mr. Hammond, at the residence of the bride’s father, John Jamieson , M.D., to Miss Kate J. Ell - - - - all of Pakenham.

V - - o/Neumann—Married, on the evening of May 30, at the residence of the bride, by Rev. B. C. - - ph, Mr. John V - - o, to Mrs. Pauline Neumann, both of Arnprior.  (note, unsure of groom’s surname.)

Miller-Blackburn—Married, at Castleford on the (date illegible) May, by Rev. J. B. Stewart, Mr. John Miller to Miss Elizabeth Blackburn, daughter of Mr. William Blackburn, both of Horton.

Barrett-McIntyre—Married, at Renfrew on the 21st May, by Rev. Father B - - - - , Mr. Patrick Barrett of Arnprior to Miss Jane McIntyre of Cal - - - - -.

Perth Courier, June 15, 1883

Harold-Cochrane—Married, at the residence of the bride’s mother, Johnston Street, Kingston, on the 6th (?) inst., by Rev. G. M. Grant, D.D., Principal of Queen’s University, Mr. Thomas Harold to Miss Maggie M. Cochrane, only daughter of the late Rev. William Cochrane of Middleville and Dalhousie.

Rich-Mortimer—Married, on the 29th Aug., at St. Cuthbert’s (?) Church, Bedford, England, by Rev. Howard (last name illegible), Mr. Arthur Rich, only son of the late Mr. James Rich of Bedford to Miss Louisa Olivia Mortimer, eldest daughter of Mr. W. Mortimer of Perth.

Boswell-Hughes—Married, at the Manse, Dalhousie, on the 4th June, by Rev. B. McKenzie, Mr. Daniel Boswell, postmaster, to Miss Margaret Hughes of the same place.

Tierney-O’Brien—Married, at St. John’s Church, Perth, on the 12th inst., by Rev. Father O’Connor, P.P., Mr. Michael Tierney, Jr., 12th Line Lanark, to Miss Julia O’Brien, 12th Line Beckwith.

Greer-Graham—Married, at Bathurst on the 4th (?) June, by Rev. Edwin Radcliffe, R. C. L., Mr. George Greer to Miss Mary C. Graham, niece of Mr. William B – rr- - - - , 7th Concession Bathurst.

Cameron-Bole—Married, on the 4th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. G. Bremmer, Mr. Duncan Cameron of Carleton Place to Miss Ann Jane Bole, eldest daughter of Mr. Thomas Bole, Esq., of Pakenham.  (note, unsure of bride’s surname.)

Shaw-Moulton—Married, on the 11th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. James Simpson, Mr. John Shaw of Drummond to Miss Lavena Moulton of the same place.

Perth Courier, June 22, 1883

P - - k/Jack—Married, at Carleton Place, at the residence of the bride’s father, on Thursday, 14th inst., by Rev. A.A.. Scott, Zion Church, Mr. Robert P - - k of Montreal to Miss Annie E. Jack, youngest daughter of Mr. F. R.. Jack formerly of Brockville.

Donaldson-Greig—Married, at the residence of the bride’s parents on the 13th (?) inst., by Rev. A. A. Scott, M.A., Mr. John Donaldson of Almonte to Miss Jane G. Greig, daughter of Mr. James Greig, Esq., Carleton Place.

McNeely-Duff—Married, on the 14th (?) inst., at the residence of the bride’s parents by Rev. A. A. Scott, Mr. James McNeely to Miss Maggie J. Duff, eldest daughter of Mr. William Duff of Beckwith.

Hyde-Campbell—Married, at the Manse, Arnprior, on the 12th inst.,  by Rev. D. J. McLean, Mr. George Hyde to Miss Priscilla Jane Campbell both of the Township of McNab.

Cuthbertson-Jenkins—Married, on the 12th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. W. Sheridan, Mr. William Cuthbertson of Bristol, Quebec to Miss Martha Jenkins of Arnprior.

Hayman-Willoughby—Married, at Montreal on the 6th June, by Rev. Canon Evans, Mr. John W. (?) Hayman to Miss Augusta Laurence Willoughby, both of Pembroke.

Perth Courier, June 29, 1883

Morris—Birth, at Drummond, on the 25th (?) June, the wife of Mr. William Morris, of a daughter.

Perth Courier, July 6, 188 

Davis-Hamill—Married, on the 4th (?) July at the residence of the bride’s brother (?), James Hamill (?), by Rev. M. McGillivray, M.A., Mr. John Davis, machinist (?) to Miss Annie Hamill, both of Perth.

Perth Courier, July 13, 1883

McKenzie-Robinson—Married, at the Rectory, Perth, on the 27th (?) June, by Rev R. L. Stephenson, M.A., Rector of Perth, Mr. James McKenzie to Miss Margaret Robinson, both of Braeside, Township of McNab.

Gavin (or Gastin)-Boyle—Married, by Rev. Jas Andrew on the 12th June, at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mr. Dunan Gavin (or Gastin), Almonte, to Miss Maggie Boyle, daughter of the late James Boyle, Esq., of Lanark.

McDiarmid-Lavalee—Married, by Rev. G. J. Lowe (?) at the residence of N. Lavalee, 3rd (?) or 5th (?) July, Mr. William McDiarmid of the Gedden (?) (illegible word), to Miss Mary Lavalee, both of Carleton Place.

From the July 20 Courier:  Almonte—Mr. William McDiarmid, the well known and popular merchant of Carleton Place, “has been and gone and done it.”  He surrendered before the shaft of Cupid on Thursday last when the marriage knot between him and Miss Mary Lavalle was neatly tied by Rev. Mr. Low.  Mr. McDiarmid is the last member of the Almonte Anti-Connubial Society to join the enemy’s ranks.  The others have all been married or are deceased.

Warren-Sykes—Married, at Carleton Place on the 9th June by Rev. R. M. Hammond, Mr. Joseph R. Warren of Pembroke to Miss Minnie Sykes of Carleton Place.

Perth Courier, July 20, 1883

Harvey—Birth, at Perth, on the 14th July, the wife of Mr. James T. Harvey of a son.

Trainor—Birth, at Lanark, on the 6th July, the wife of Mr. John Trainor, of a daughter.  (note, unsure of this surname.)

Morgan-Garrett—Married, on the 2nd (?) June, at Smith’s Falls, by Rev. G. H. Davis, Perth, assisted by Rev. R. Wilson, Smith’s Falls, Mr. Albert G. Morgan of Winnipeg to Miss Hattie (?) C. Garrett of Smith’s Falls.

Holliday-Paris—Married, at the residence of the bride’s brother-in-law, on the (date illegible) July, by Rev. G. Bremmer, Mr. James E. Holliday to Miss Margaret Paris, youngest daughter of the late Mr. John Paris of White Lake.

McGregor-Inglis—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on the 5th July, by Rev. G. Bremmer, Mr. Peter McGregor of McNab to Miss Elizabeth Inglis, daughter of Mr. John Inglis of White Lake.  (note, unsure of groom’s surname.)

Stark-Lockhart—Married, on the 29th ult, at Portage du Fort by Rev. James Robertson, Mr. Thomas Stark of Clarendon to Miss Margaret Lockhart, daughter of the late Mr. William Lockhart of Almonte.

Pepper-Henderson—Married, on the 20th June, at Victoria House, Lanark, by Rev. Jas Wilson, Mr. James Pepper to Miss Olivia Henderson, daughter of Mr. James Henderson, Esq., 3rd Line Lanark.  (note, unsure of bride’s surname.)

Ashby-Clark—Married, on the 11th (?) 14th (?) July, at the Manse, Lanark, by Rev. James Wilson, Mr. John Ashby to Miss Mary Ann Clark, daughter of Mr. James Clark, Esq., formerly of Brockville.  (note, unsure of groom’s surname.)

Perth Courier, August 3, 1883

Note:  One marriage, between McIntosh and Drynan, was covered by an ink blot and could not be transcribed.

Spense-McPhee—Married, at the residence of Mr. C. W. Butler (?), Napanee, by Rev. Mr. Farr- - -, Mr. William Spence, Jr., of Arnprior to Miss Ella (?) (or Etta??) McPhee, eldest daughter of Mr. A. McPhee, Esq., McPhee’s Hotel, Arnprior.

Ashby-Clark—Married, on the 11th (?) 14th (?) July, at the Manse, Lanark, by Rev. Jas. Wilson, Mr. John Ashby to Miss Mary Ann Clark, daughter of Mr. James Clark, Esq., formerly of Brockville.

Smith-Ferguson—Married, at the Manse, Dalhousie, on (date illegible) July, by Rev. R. McKenzie, M.A., Mr. Henry Lewis Smith, of Lanark Village to Miss Annie Ferguson of Poland.

Gould-Stone—Married, at Smith’s Falls, on the 24th inst., by Rev. Mr. Wilson, Mr. Jas. P. Gould, painter to Miss Charlotte Mathilda Stone, second daughter of Mr. George Stone of Renfrew.

Nellis-Van- - - - - -   Married, by Rev. W. R. Dyre, on the 29th June, at the parsonage, Newboro, Mr. Jacob Nellis to Miss Martha Van - - - - - -.

Perth Courier, August 10, 1883

White-Moffatt—Married, at Chicago, on the 11th ult., by Rev. Dr. Thomas, Hon. (name illegible) White, merchant of Dixon, Illinois, to Mrs. Florence Moffatt of Chicago, daughter of Mr. William Barkburn (?), North Elmsley.  (note unsure of the surname ‘Moffatt’.)

Graham-Stewart—Married, on the 1st Aug., by Rev. James Wilson, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. William A. Graham of Warwick, Ontario to Miss Agnes Stewart, daughter of Mr. Robert Stewart of Lanark.

Lane-Byrne—Married, on the 6th inst., at St. John’s Church, Perth, by Rev. Father O’Connor, P.P., Mr. Edward Lane of North Lanark to Miss Bridget Byrne, of North Burgess.

Ormsby-Eaton—Married, at Smith’s Falls, on the 22nd (?) ult., by Rev. R. Wilson, Mr. Fred Ormsby to Miss Albertha (?) Helen Eaton, (illegible word but it could be ‘adopted’) daughter of Mr. A.W. Eaton of Smith’s Falls.

 Perth Courier, Aug. 17, 1883

McLean—Birth, on 9th Aug., the wife of Mr. A. C. McLean, stationer, Carleton Place, of a son.

Motherwell-Holmes—Married, at Perth, on Tuesday, 14th inst., by Rev. James Ross, B.D., Mr. James W. Motherwell of the Expositor to Miss Harriett Anne Holmes, fourth daughter of Mr. Michael Holmes, Esq., of Perth.

McIlraith-Charland—Married, at the Manse, Middleville, on the 10th inst., by Rev. M. C. W. McCall, B.A., Mr. Alexander F. McIlraith, Township of Lanark, to Miss Sarah Charland, daughter of Mr. David Charland, Esq., of Dalhousie.

Legary-Hart—Married, at the Manse, McDonald’s Corners, on Monday, 13th inst., by Rev. R. McKenzie, M.A., Mr. James Legary of Lanark Village to Miss Margaret Hart of Dalhousie.  (note, unsure of groom’s surname.)

Hy- - - / Wilson—Married, on the 5th inst., at the residence of the bride’s mother, by Rev. McRitchie, Mr. Benjamin Hy - - - of Clarendon (?) to Miss Addie (?) Wilson, of Almonte.

Stringer-Church—Married, at the residence of Mrs. Stringer, B - - - - (Bagot??), on the 15th (?) 18th (?) July, by Rev. G. Bremmer, Mr. George Stringer to (illegible first name) Church, daughter of Mr. Thomas Church of Bagot(?).  (note unsure of groom’s surname, what was certain was Str- - - ger or Scr- - - ger.)

Sloan-Thornton—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on the 8th August, by Rev. G. H. Davis, Mr. James Sloan of Perth to Miss Catharine Thornton of North Elmsley.

James-Dachman—Married, at St. John’s Manse, Almonte, on the 9th inst., by Rev. J. S. Edmondson, Mr. Thomas James to Miss Jane H. Dachman, both of Almonte.

Willis-Murphy—Married, at Perth, on the 8th Aug., by Rev. G. H. Davis, Mr. Jas. Willis of Burgess to Miss S. L.. Murphy, also of Burgess.

Perth Courier, Aug. 24, 1883

Rivington-Edey—Married, at McNab at the residence of Edmond (?) Edey, Esq., grandfather of the bride, on the 15th Aug., by Rev. A. R. (illegible name), Mr. Robert Rivington of Huntley to Miss Minerva (?) Edey, daughter of Mr. Henry Edey, Esq., of McNab.

Yuill-Sommerville—Married, on the 14th (?) ult., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. R. C. W. McCall (?), Mr. William Yuill to Miss Robina (?) Sommerville, daughter of Mr. William Sommerville, Esq., all of Lavant. (note, what was legible of the bride’s given name was Ro- - - a, the rest is a best guess.)

McAllister-Carr—Married, on Thursday, 9th ult., at the residence of the bride’s father, Carleton Place, by Rev. A. C. Chambers, Mr. James McAllister to Miss Lucy Carr.  (note, unsure of bride’s surname, could also have been Corr.)

M - - - - man-McNiece—Married, at the residence of Mr. Alexander Miller, Esq., on the 13th (?) 15th (?) ult., by Rev. J. Higgins, Mr. J. M - - - - man of Alice to Miss Catharine Jane McNiece of Pembroke.  (note, unsure of bride’s surname.)

Young-Wilson—Married, at Chalk (?) River, (date illegible), by Rev. Mark Turnbull (?) of Alice, Mr. William Young to Miss Sarah Wilson, youngest daughter of Mr. James Wilson, Esq.

Smith-Hunter—Married, at the manse, Almonte on the 13th ult., by Rev. John Bennett, Mr. John Smith of Lanark to Miss Elizabeth Hunter of Drummond.

Sadler-Lennon—Married, at St. John’s Manse, Almonte, on the 13th (?) 15th (?) ult., by Rev. J. B. Edmondson, Mr. Joseph Sadler to Miss Maggie Lennon, both of Almonte.  (note, unsure of bride’s surname, what was legible was Le - - o -, the rest is a best guess.)

Tang-Jordan—Married, at the residence of Mr. Gar - - - , on the 13th ult, by Rev. J. Higgins, Mr. John Tang to Miss Annie Jordan both of Pembroke.  (note, unsure of groom’s surname, what was legible was Ta – g, the rest is a best guess.)

Perth Courier, Aug. 31, 1883

Gillies—Birth, at Carleton Place, on the 28th (?) Aug., the wife of Mr. David Gillies, of a son.

Jamieson—Birth, at Morrisburg, on the 15th inst., the wife of Mr. J. S. Jamieson, M.A., headmaster high school, of a son.

Frohman—Birth, at Carleton Place, on the 26th (?) Aug., Mrs. Jacob Frohman of a son.

Burwack-Chamberlain—Married, on the 25th (?) inst., at the Methodist Parsonage, Maitland, by Rev. James Simpson, Mr. Stephen Burwack Principal of the High School, Carleton Place, to Miss Annie E. Chamberlain, of the same place, daughter of the late Mr. William H. Chamberlain.  (note, unsure of groom’s surname.)

Fisher-Horricks—Married, at the residence of Mr. John Gray, Perth, on the 22nd inst., by Rev. M. Magillivray, M.A., Mr. Samuel Fisher of Innisville to Miss Annie Horricks, of Drummond.

Machenany-Weeks—Married, at Port Elmsley on the 22nd Aug., by Rev. J. Mylne, Mr. John Machenany of Perth to Miss Annie Weeks, sister of Mr. Jas. Weeks, grocer, Carleton Place.  (note, unsure of groom’s surname.)

Noonan-McGowan—Married, on Monday, 27th Aug., by Rev. J. S. O’Connor, Mr. Peter Noonan to Miss Margaret McGowan, daughter of Mr. William McGowan, of Bathurst.

Perth Courier, Sept. 7, 1883

Fraser—Birth, at Perth, on Saturday morning, the 25th ult., the wife of H. D. Fraser, M.D., of a daughter.

Meredith—Birth, at Drummond, on the 16th ult., the wife of Mr. John Meredith, of a son.

Cochrathaler-Watson—Married, on the 17th Aug., at St. John the Evangelist Church, Montreal, by Rev. Edward W - - - , Mr. Robert Cochrathaler, merchant, Montreal to Miss Mary C. Watson, third daughter of Mr. S. (?) Watson of Perth.  (note, this was extremely faded, both surnames are at most a best guess.)

Corbett-Kirk—Married, at Toronto on the 30th (?) August, by Rev. A. J. Broghall, Mr. Lewis Christopher Corbett, assistant master of the Pembroke High School to Miss Sarah Jane Kirk, third daughter of Mr. Robert Kirk, Post Office Department, Toronto.

McArthur-Mann—Married, at Maryhill, Pakenham, on Wednesday, 23rd  ult., by Rev. Alex Mann, M.A., D.D., assisted by Rev. James Bennett, Rev. George McArthur, B.A. to Miss Maggie Alexandrina Mann.

Mackey-Kearns—Married, at St. John’s Church, Perth, on the 4th inst., by Rev. Father O’Connor, P.P., Mr. James Mackey of the city of Belleville, Ontario to Miss Mathilda Kearns of Perth, formerly of Glen Tay.

O’Mara-Walen—Married, at St. John’s Church, Perth, on the 4th Sept., by Rev. Father O’Connor, Mr. James O’Mara of Buffalo, New York, to Miss Maggie A. Walen,  of Perth.

Watson-Fraser—Married, by Rev. John La- - - - -, in the new parsonage at (unreadable name), Ontario, on the 16th (?) 18th (?) Aug., Mr. Benjamin Watson to Miss Jane Fraser.

Perth Courier, Sept. 14, 1883

McCann—Birth, on the 26th (?) Aug., the wife of Mr. John McCann of Perth, of a son.

Lees—Birth, at Fallbrooke, on Monday, 10th inst., the wife of Mr. William Lees, Esq., M.P.P., of a son.

Thorne—Birth, at Perth, on Tuesday, 11th inst., the wife of Rev. Mr. Thorne, of a daughter.

Northgraves-Freehan—Married, on Tuesday morning, 4th Sept., at St. Peter’s Church, Trenton, by Rev. Father Welsh, P.P., Mr. William Northgraves, jeweller, Perth, to Miss Maggie Freehan, eldest daughter of the late Mr. P. Freehan, Trenton, Ontario.  (note, unsure of bride’s surname.)

Battersby-Thompson—Married, at the Rectory, Perth, on the 3rd Sept., by Rev. R. L. Stephenson, Mr. Matthew S. Battersby, of North Crosby, to Miss Francis Thompson of the Township of Belford (?).  (note, unsure of groom’s surname.)

Perth Courier, September 21, 1883

Kennedy—Birth, at Perth on the 15th Sept., the wife of Mr. J.F. Kennedy, dentist of a daughter.

Jackson—Birth, at Perth on the 13th (?) Sept., the wife of Mr. H. Jackson, conductor, C.P.R., Mattawa, of a son.

Malloch—Birth, at Arnprior on the 18th (?) Sept., the wife of Mr. George Malloch, of a daughter.

McLaren—Birth, on Wed., 5th Sept., the wife of Mr. William A. McLaren of a daughter.

Cromace—Birth, at Perth, on Tuesday, 19th Sept., the wife of Mr. Benjamin Cromace, of a daughter.  (note, unsure of this surname.)

Taylor-Rankin—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on the 12th inst., by Rev. James Little, assisted by Rev. John Mehweo (?), Mr. Andrew J. Taylor, 2nd son of Mr. J. M. Taylor, to Miss Kate Rankin, only daughter of Mr. John Rankin, Esq., H. M. C.(?), Bowmansville and formerly M.P. for North Renfrew.

Christie-McDonald—Married, on Wed., evening 5th Sept., at the residence of the bride’s father, 81 O’Connor St., Ottawa, by Rev. Wm. Moore, D.D., Mr. W. J. Christie, Esq., Accountant, Bank of Ottawa to Miss Marie (?) McIntyre McDonald, eldest (?) daughter of Mr. W. J. McDonald, D. L. S.

Ferrill-Barrie—Married, on the 12th (?) Sept., by Rev. Jas. .Wilson, at the residence of the bride’s uncle, Thomas Ferrill to Miss Isabella Jane Barrie, daughter of Mr. D. Barrie and niece of Mr. James Barrie, Esq., Lanark.

Allan-McMartin—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, on the 12th inst., by Rev. A. B. Makay, Mr. James A. Allan, barrister, Perth, and Miss Maggie McMartin, second daughter of Mr. John A. McMartin of Montreal.

Davis-Fraser—Married, at Perth, on the 12th Sept., by Rev. G. H. Davis, at the residence of the bride’s father, Rev. G. H.(?) H.(?) Davis of Mineral Springs, N.Y. to Miss Mary F. Fraser, daughter of Mr. H. (?) Fraser, Esq., attorney, Perth.

Somerville-Myles—Married, at the Manse, Pembroke, on Wed., 5th Sept., by Rev. W. D. Ballantyne, Mr. Joseph Somerville, Pembroke to Miss Rebecca Myles, second daughter of Mr. Alexander Myles, Esq., of Alice.

Hart-McNamara—Married, at St. John’s Church, Perth, on the 5th (?) inst., by Rev. Father O’Connor, P.P., Mr. John Hart to Miss Kate McNamara, both of King’s County, Ireland.

Wilson-Roberts—Married, at the Manse, Lanark on the 5th Sept., by Rev. J. Wilson, Mr. Robert Wilson, Second Line, to Miss Ida Virginia Roberts, daughter of Mr. Jas. Roberts, Esq., 3rd Line Lanark.

Leaver-Conlin—Married, at St. James Church, Perth on the 17th (?) Sept., by Rev. R. L. Stephenson, Mr. John Leaver to Miss Eliza Conlin, both of Smith’s Falls

Ferguson-Leath—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, Beckwith, by Rev. G. J. Low, on the 5th Sept., Mr. George Ferguson of Smith’s Falls to Miss Ke - - -  Leath, daughter of Mr. R. Leath, Esq. (note, unsure of bride’s surname.)

Stover-Melrose—Married, at Carleton Place, on Thursday, 30th Aug., by Rev. D. McDonald, M.A., Mr. William A. Stover, Ottawa to Miss Bella F. Melrose, of Almonte.

Farrell-Bolton—Married, at St. John’s Church, Perth, by Rev. Father O’Connor, P.P., on Wed., 19th inst., Mr. John A. Farrell to Miss Evelyn A. Bolton, both of Lanark.

Bennett-Quigley—Married, on the 16th (?) inst., at St. John’s Church, Perth, by Rev. Father O’Connor, P.P., Mr. Arthur (?) Bennett, Westport, to Miss Margaret Elizabeth Quigley of North Burgess.

Jarvis-Gemmell—Married, at the residence of the bride’s parents, on the 12th inst., by Rev. J. B. Edmondson, Mr. Eli (?) Jarvis to Miss Janet Elizabeth Gemmell, both of Almonte.

Ro- - - - s-Johnston—Married, on the 5th Sept., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. J. Wilson, Mr. Jas. S. Ro- - - - s to Miss Margaret Amanda Johnston, eldest daughter of Mr. Hugh Johnston Esq., of Lanark.

White-Murray—Married, at the Manse, Middleville, on the 14th Sept., by Rev. Joseph Andrew, Mr. James White, Dalhousie to Miss Bridget Murray of Darling.

Boyles-Wilson—Married, on the 13th 9?) inst., at St. John’s Church, by Rev. Father O’Connor, P.P., Mr. Michael Boyles to Mrs. Catherine Wilson, both of Perth.

Young-McMaines—Married, at McDonald’s Corners on the 13th inst., by Rev. R. McKenzie, Mr. J. Young of Oso to Miss McMaines of the same place.  (note, unsure of bride’s surname.)

Paul-Paul—Married, at the Manse, McDonald’s Corners, on the 14th inst., by Rev. R. McKenzie, Mr. D. W. Paul to Miss Christina (?) Paul, all of Poland.

Perth Courier, Sept. 28, 1883

Ban- -  Gardner—Married, on the evening of the 18th Sept., at the residence of the bride’s brother on Slater Street, by Rev. William Moore, D.D., Mr. John A. Ban- - , Manager of the Bank of Ottawa at Carleton Place, third son of Mr. C.W. Ban - -, Esq., Ottawa, to Miss Helen Wallace Gardner, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Thomas Gardner, Esq., Montreal.

Fairbairn-Smith—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, Pearl St., Brockville, on Wed. 19th Sept., by Rev. John Alexander, Mr. Francis Fairbairn, merchant, Brockville to Miss Maggie M. Smith, eldest daughter of Mr. William Smith, Esq.

McEwen-O’Neil—Married, on the 19th inst., by Rev. Mr. Scott, Carleton Place, at the residence of the bride’s father, Pakenham, Mr. William P. McEwen of the Almonte Gazette to Miss Isabella O’Neil, second (?) daughter of Major O’Neil, Pakenham.

Harvie-Lafferty—Married, at St. Andrew’s Church, Perth, on Wednesday, 26th Sept., by Rev. M. Macgillivray, M.A., Mr. William McLeod Harvie, dentist, (illegible word) to Miss Cecily (?) E. Lafferty, youngest daughter of the late Mr. James Lafferty Esq., of Perth.  (note, unsure of groom’s surname.)

Thacker-Ross—Married, at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. M.D.(?)M. Blakely, B.A., on Wed., 17th Sept., Mr. Joseph E. Thacker, Cobden, to Miss Maggie Ross, eldest daughter of Mr. John Ross, Esq., Cobden, Ontario.

Townsend-Whitelaw—Married, at the residence of the bride’s mother, on the 19th inst., by Rev. John Bennett, Mr. Kilborn (?) Townsend, to Miss Margaret B. Whitelaw, both of Almonte.

Warrington-Parks—Married, at the parsonage, Balderson, on the 13th (?) Sept., by Rev. D. V. Gwilyn, Mr. John G. Warrington of Bathurst to Miss (unreadable word) Ann Parks, Dalhousie.

McMahon-Shiffington—Married, at Perth on Monday, 24th Sept., by Rev. M. Macgillivray, M.A., Mr. James Harrison McMahon, to Mrs. Shiffington, both of Lanark Village.  (note, unsure of groom’s surname.)

Cameron-Conroy—Married, at Perth, on the 21st inst., by Rev. James Ross, B.D., Mr. Richard Cameron of Perth, to Miss Margaret Conroy of S. Sherbrooke.

 Posted: 24 August, 2003