Perth , Drummond Twp., Lanark Co., Ontario , Canada


Below are some of the BMD’s, and miscellaneous Newspaper Items I have come across while researching my family tree.  Some items were difficult to read, even with a magnifying glass, so I have added a “( )” or “?” around the letter, word or date that I am unsure of and have added what I think it looks like.  If you see in brackets (rest was cut off) that just means, that a portion of it was cut off by accident, when the page was copied.  In brackets (after the item), is the date the article was placed in the newspaper.  I’ve been working on this quite a bit, so don’t be surprised if you find some typo’s.  Good luck in your search.



MCLENAGHAN                    On the 12th Sept., the wife of Mr. Albert McLenaghan, 2nd con?, Drummond, of a son.  ( 13 Sep 1901 )

STEWART                              On Friday, 6th September, the wife of Mr. John Stewart, 4th line Bathurst , of a son.  ( 13 Sep 1901 )



LAURIE – MEREDITH           At the residence of the bride’s father, on the 28th inst., by the Rev. James Ross, B. D., Mr. John Laurie, of Laurie’s Mills, to Sarah Meridith, daughter of Mr. John Meredith, of the third concession of Bathurst.  ( 30 Sep 1887 )

RUSHTON – JONES              At Perth, on the 29th August, 1887, by the Rev. H. Farrer, Mr. James Rushton, to Miss Sarah Jones, both of Perth.  ( 30 Sep 1887 )

TRUELOVE – DOWDALL     At St. James Church, Perth, on the 20th August 1887, by the Rev. T. J. Stiles, M. Wm. Truelove, to Miss Mary Jane Dowdall, both of the Township of Bathurst .  ( 30 Sep 1887 )



BAIRD                                    Miss Jean Baird, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Henry Baird, Smith’s Falls, died of the effects of typhoid fever on Monday 2nd inst. At the age of twenty-five years.  Deceased was a general favorite.  The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Nixon, Presbyterian minister.  ( 13 Sep 1901 )

BROWNLEE                           On Monday, 9th September, Annie Fisher, wife of Mr. William Brownlee, McDonald’s Corners, Dalhousie, aged 58 years.  ( 13 Sep 1901 )

CURRIE                                  Passed away, at Perth , on Friday morning, 6th September, Rose Currie, aged 22 years.  ( 13 Sep 1901 )

HOGAN                                  In Smith’s Falls, on Sept. 8th, Mr. James Hogan, formerly of Perth , aged 80 years.  ( 13 Sep 1901 )

HOGAN                                  Sudden Death – An old man named James Hogan, for many years a resident of Perth, where he worked as a cooper and maker of fanning mills, died at Smith’s Falls, where he had been living lately, on Sunday last, of disease of the heart.  His wife died some years ago, but he leaves a grown up family.  His age was 80 years.  The funeral took place to the R. C. cemetery at Perth on Tuesday.  ( 13 Sep 1901 )

HOGAN                                  At Smith’s Falls on Sunday, June 19th, 1921 , Foch, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Hogan, aged 18 months.  ( 24 Jun 1921 )

HOGAN                                  Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Hogan suffered the loss of their little son, Foch, whose death took place early Sunday morning in St. Francis General Hospital after an illness of ten days from pneumonia.  He was a bright little child of eighteen months and his parents and brothers and sisters have the sympathy of all in their bereavement.  The funeral was held from the parent’s home, 21 Main Street west, yesterday afternoon at two o’clock to St. Francis de Sales church and thence to St. John’s church cemetery, Perth – also in Record News June 21st. (24 Jun 1921)

HOGAN                                  NICHOLAS FRANCIS HOGAN - Highly respected resident of Smiths Falls for more than 50 years, Nicholas Francis Hogan died suddenly in Ottawa Civic Hospital on Tuesday evening and his passing occasions sincere and lasting regret in this district.  Deceased had been in ill health for some time but had been in the hospital for only a week.  Born in Perth , 67 years ago, he was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Hogan.  Coming to Smiths Falls as a boy, he had made his home here for more than a half century and for more than 27 years had been employed with the CPR shops here.  In religion he was a Roman Catholic and a member of St. Francis de Sales congregation.  Surviving are three daughters Mrs. J. H. Morris, Toronto , Mrs. Clifford Logan, Sudbury and Miss Gertrude, Ottawa and three sons CSM Frank, overseas, CPL Harold "Bus" OTC Brockville and Ernest, Smiths Falls .  The funeral is being held tomorrow morning from the J. J. Marsh and Sons Funeral Home to St. Francis Church at 9 a.m. where Requiem High Mass will be chanted.  Burial will be at St. John's Cemetery , Perth .  ( 31 Aug 1944 )

HARTNEY                              On Thursday, September 28th, there passed away a respected old lady in the person of Margaret Hogan, wife of Mr. Patrick Hartney, Grant St .  She had been in delicate health for about two years and at last her death came suddenly.  Deceased was born in the County of Wexford , Ireland in the year 1827 and came to Canada in 1851 and has been a resident of Perth for 60 years.  She was of a kind disposition, good mother and friend.  Her husband, one son James, and Miss Annie survive and have the sympathy of the whole community in their bereavement.  The funeral was largely attended.  The body was taken to the Roman Catholic Church where Requiem Mass was sung by Rev. Father Hogan.  The several friends that came from a distance are Mr. Lloyd Hartney and Mrs. James Thornton, of Toronto ;...and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hogan of Clayton.  ( 6 Oct 1911 )

HARTNEY                              MARGARET HOGAN HARTNEY - In Perth, Sept. 28, Margaret Hogan, wife of Patrick Hartney, Grant St. , aged 84 years.  Born in Co. Wexford, Ireland in 1827 and came to Canada in 1851.  Husband, son James and daughter Annie survive.  Roman Catholic.  ( 6 Oct 1911 )

LAFFERTY                             At Orillia , on Tuesday, September 10th, Elizabeth Brown relative? (illegible) of Mr. James Lafferty, Perth , aged 73 years.  ( 13 Sep 1901 )

LESLIE                                    The following is from the Nelson? DC? (illegible – line going through sentence), News of recent date: “Attended by a large number of mourners from Rossland, Trail, Kaslo and Ainsworth, the funeral of the late Mrs. Emily Leslie, daughter of the late John and Mrs. Scott, of Ainsworth, took place from the family residence.  Rev. E. Paul of Rossland, officiated.  The late Mrs. Leslie was born in Perth , Ont., 51 years ago, was a widow, her husband having died nine years ago.  She leaves a family of four children, Jack, Donald, Elizabeth, and Mrs. Boyd Paul, all of whom reside in this city.  Other surviving relatives are her mother, two sisters, Mrs. T. S. Jerome, and Mrs. John McCallum, of Nelson; and three brothers, Archie, who is now in Texas , William who lives at Cloverdale, and John? (cut off), who lives at Ainsworth.  She (bottom line cut off), Frizelle, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. James Frizelle, Mr. and Mrs. D. Walsh and family, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russell, Mr. and Mrs. R. Tovey, Mr. and Mrs. T. Tovey, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dowdall, Mr. and Mrs. C .J. Foy, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Conway, Mr. Leonard and Miss M. Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hagan, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hogan, sr., Mrs. James Sheridan.  ( 24 Jun 1921 )

MOORE                                   At Perth , on Wednesday, Sept. 28th, 1887 , Mr. John W. Moore, of Newboro formerly of Perth , aged 34 years.  ( 30 Sep 1887 )

PIERCE                                   On Sunday, August 28th, 1887 , at her father’s residence, Township of Drummond , Margaret McPhail, wife of Mr. Richard Pierce, aged 33 years.  ( 30 Sep 1887 )

THORNTON                           At Orilla, on Saturday, Sept. 24th, 1887 , James M. Thornton, aged 38 years.  ( 30 Sep 1887 )

THORNTON                           The death occurred at Vanguard, Sask. , on Thursday, October 26th, of Catherine Hogan, wife of the late James M. Thornton.  The deceased who was fifty-five years of age, was a native of Perth , but she and her husband resided in Smiths Falls for many years.  Two months ago, the late Mrs. Thornton went west, to make here home with her son.  She had been suffering from heart trouble for some time, but a paralytic stroke was the cause of her death.  She is survived by one son, Mr. Ross Thornton, of Vanguard, Sask. , and four brothers and three sisters.  Mr. Thos. Hogan and Mr. Nicholas Hogan of Smiths Falls are brothers.  In religion the deceased was a devout Roman Catholic.  Mr. James Hartney of town, is a cousin of deceased.  ( 3 Nov 1916 )

According to her date of birth in her baptismal record, she would only have been 53 years of age at the time of her death.



WEST END GROCERY         Mr. Norman Miller is receiving fresh fruit daily.  Also dainty confectionary.  His stock of general groceries, new canned goods, etc, is growing.  Look in and see him.  ( 13 Sep 1901 )

CALVIN CHURCH                The anniversary services will be held, D.V., Sabbath, 2nd instant, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.  

BATHURST                             The Rev. Thos. Nixon, pastor of St. Paul ’s Presbyterian church, Smith’s Falls, will officiate at both services.  ( 13 Sep 1901 )

CHURCHILL’S GROCERY   Mr. W.H. Churchill has his grocery re-opened in the old stand, Henderson block, and a brand new stock of choicest goods, embracing everything wanted at the family table.  These goods were all bought for spot cash, and are all fresh and choice.  See ? (illegible) advt.  ( 13 Sep 1901 )

HOP PICKING                       A company of eighteen Indians from the Iroquois reserve at Caughnawaga, near Montreal, were picking  hops in the yard of Mr. John Hughes, 3rd line Bathurst, for an even six days, leaving for home again on Wednesday afternoon. They were fast pickers, and got good wages.  The crop was an abundant one.  ( 13 Sep 1901 )

MISS JESSIE GIBSON          a graduate of the Brockville Business College , has a position in Toronto , and Miss Nellie Miller has a position as stenographer in Smith’s Falls.  The Brockville Business College is the one to attend.  ( 13 Sep 1901 )

PRAYERS FOR                      In most of the churches in town on Sunday, prayers were offered up for the recovery of PRESIDENT MCKINLEY President McKinley, after the assassins bullet had laid him low.  The feeling here was intense, and the appeals to the Divine throne met with a responsive mental amen from all who heard them.  ( 13 Sep 1901 )

HARVESTERS’ EXPORT      In replying to a reporter of the Ottawa United Canada, Mr. F.T. Frost, of the Smith’s Falls agricultural works said: “We sent over 1,000 harvesters to Germany this year, and they have given great satisfaction.  We can send three thousand next year if we can supply the demand.  We sold three mowers to Cecil Rhodes for his own farms in South Africa , last month.”  ( 13 Sep 1901 )

MARKS BROS                       The R. W. Marks Dramatic and Musical Company concluded a fortnight’s entertainment here on Wednesday night to their usual crowded houses, although it was to some extent the nature of  rehearsal of a new set of people for the coming season.  The reorganized company is full of capable and popular actors, and with the well known star, May A.  Bell, constitute the best variety troupe travelling.  The new company, with their new set of plays, now well drilled into their parts, start on their fall and winter’s tour in Canada and the United States under good auspices; and with such management as Mr. R. W. Marks can give it, has promise of a brilliant season.  In Perth the performance gave the utmost satisfaction every night.  (13 Sep 1901)

FARM FOR SALE                  The farm formerly owned and occupied by the Duncan Campbell, situated near Balderson, in the township of Drummond, containing 128 acres, with a solid brick house and good outbuildings.  For further particulars apply to Oswald B. Allan, Balderson, P.O.  (13 Sep 1901)

WANTED                               At once – a good general servant.  Apply to Mrs. J. F. Kellock.  (30 Sep 1887)

AUCTION SALE                    Of Farm Stock & Implements – Mr. John McLaren, has instructed me to sell by Public Auction at his residence, Lot No. 28 in the 10th con. Of Elmsley, near Perth on Scotch Line, on Monday, October 10, ’87.  (lists farm implements, some illegible) Auctioneer, Geo. Devlin.  Mr. McLaren has sold his farm and therefore everything must be sold.  (30 Sep 1887)

THE FINAL WORK               on Portage du Fort bridge, namely, that of painting, was commenced this week.  Mr. Bolton, who lives close to the bridge, will likely be appointed care taker.  (30 Sep 1887)

ST. ANDREW’S CHURCH  -  CENTENARY AT LANARK – The greatest event in the history of the Village of Lanark was the Centenary celebration of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, which was held on Wednesday June 22nd and it is estimated that over 2,000 people were in attendance.  The church was established just two years after the foundation of the village itself.  So that the centenary took the form of a double event.  An introductory short song service was held in the church first in the afternoon after which a procession was formed and paraded to the fair grounds where several addresses were made.  Among the speakers present were Hon. W. E. Raney, Attorney General for Ontario; Mr. Andrew Haydon, K. C, Ottawa; Rev. Duncan Morrison, Sarnia; Mr. T. B. Caldwell, Perth; Mr. David McLaren and Mr. C. M. Forbes and Rev. Father Carey of Lanark; Mr. R. Robertson and H. McCreary M.P.P.  Rev. T .J. S. Ferguson, pastor of St. Andrew’s Church (bottom cut off).  (24 Jun 1921)
