Paul - Armstrong A quiet marriage took place in St. Alban's Church, at Ottawa, on Wednesday of this week, when Mr. C. E. Paul, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Paul, of Almonte was married to Miss M. L. Armstrong, daughter of Dr. Armstrong of Waverley street. The ceremony was performed at 4:45 p.m., Rev. Mr. Dickson of the Cathedral, officiating, and only the immediate friends of the bride and groom were present. After the ceremony, the bridal party returned to the home of the bride, where light refreshments were served, after which Mr. and Mrs. Paul left by the 6:45 p.m., train for Montreal, where a brief holiday will be spent, ere they return to Ottawa to take up residence at 231 Driveway. Mr. Paul is one of Almonte's young men, who have made good, and his many friends here, extend to him and his bride the heartiest of good wishes for future happiness and success. |
Beck - Clint (3 October, 1917) On Wednesday, Oct. 3rd, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Clint, Calgary, the marriage took place of their daughter, Miss Nellie G. (Clint), to Mr. W. Clifford Beck, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beck, of Almonte, only immediate friends witnessing the ceremony. The bride wore a travelling suit of blue, with pink georgette blouse, and hat to match and a corsage bouquet of pink rose buds. Mrs. Beck left the same evening for the east, and will make their home in Montreal, where the groom holds a responsible position with the C.P.R.. Both the bride and groom are well and favorably known here, and many sincere wishes are expressed for their future life. |
Memorial Service for Pte. Currie (16 August 1917) A memorial service was held on Sept. 16th, 1917, in the Union church Arelee, Sask., in honor of Pte. Earl Currie, who was killed in action on August 16th. Pte. Currie, son of the late Thomas Currie of Clayton, Ont., had for the past three years practically made Arelee his home from which place he enlisted about a year and a half ago, and where he will be greatly missed by both relatives and friends. Practically the whole community assembled on Sunday evening to pay its last tribute of honor to this young man who figures as its first hero in the great war. The church was fittingly prepared for the occasion with flags, crossed-guns, flowers and trappings. A picture of the young here adorned the centre of the platform, while directly above it was another in which an angel was seen in the act of stopping to minister to a dying soldier, and between the two was the motto. "He loved, honor more than he feared death." The service was conducted by the Arelee missionary, Rev. C. H. Hetherington, who, speaking from the words, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his ____ls." (balance missing). |
Dransfield - Becker A number of friends were invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Dransfield on Wednesday evening of this week, the occasion being the marriage of Miss Martha Becker to their youngest son, Mr. Howard Dransfield, Rev. S. G. Brown officiating. The bridge wore her travelling suit of navy blue, with pale pink crepe blouse, and black hat. She was attended by her sister, Miss Lena Becker, while the groom was supported by his brother, Mr. Fred Dransfield. Congratulations followed, after which the guests were served with a daintily prepared supper. The bride and groom were remembered by their friends with many pretty and useful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Dransfield will make their home at St. Catherines, Ont. |
Kedey - Stevenson At the home of Mrs. A. Stevenson, Union street, on Tuesday, the 23rd inst., at 8 o'clock, Rev. S. G. Brown united in holy matrimony her youngest daughter, Sadie Violet (Stevenson), and Mr. T. A. Kedey, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Kedey of Fitzroy Harbor. The ceremony was witnessed by immediate friends only and took place under an arch of fern and clematis. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. W. N. Stevenson, and wore a travelling suit of brown, with brown velvet hat, pink crepe de chene blouse and corsage bouquet of pink and cream rosebuds. During the signing of the register, Mrs. E. Bradley sang "Because." A buffet luncheon was served, the bride's table being decorated with carnations and ferns and white satin streamers and centered with the wedding cake. Mr. and Mrs. Kedey left on the Soo train for Arnprior, motoring from there to their new home at Fitzroy Harbor, and the sincere wishes of many friends here are for continued prosperity and happiness. Many choice gifts received by the young couple testified to the popularity and the esteem in which they were held. |
Knight - Young At the prettily decorated home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Young on Wednesday evening of this week, Rev. S. G. Brown united in holy wedlock their only daughter, Etta Alice (Young), to Mr. Edwin Hobert Knight, the ceremony being witnessed by immediate friends of both parties. Miss Edna Davis played the Bridal Chorus as the wedding party assembled and took their places beneath an arch of maple leaves. The bride, given away by her father, was charmingly gowned in a dress of white hand-embroidered net over white satin, with veil and carried a bouquet of white roses and fern. The only attendants were two little flower girls, Miss Margaret Williams and Miss Eileen MacFarlane, both wearing dainty lingerie dresses and carrying baskets of pink and white asters. Following congratulations a wedding supper was served in the dining room, the table decorations being lavender chrysanthemums and smilax. Mr. and Mrs. Knight left the same evening on a motor trip to Toronto and Hamilton, the bride wearing her travelling suit of navy blue serge, with pink crepe de chene blouse and black velvet hat. The high esteem in which both parties are held was evidenced by the many costly and beautiful gifts received by the bride, these accompanied by sincere wishes for future happiness and prosperity. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Knight will take up residence on Union St. |
Pte. Robert James Burt Word was received here last week that Mr. Jas. Burt of Arnprior received the sad news on Sunday, Nov. 11th, of the death of his only son, Pte. Robert Jas. Burt, who died in France from gunshot wounds in the head and body. Deceased was born in Arnprior thirty-two years ago, and when grown to manhood learned the trade of blacksmith with Mr. R. J. Neil of Arnprior. In April, 1915, he went to Ottawa and enlisted in an infantry battalion as farrier and carpenter until his death, according to letters received. Mr. Burt and family were resident in this vicinity for a number of years, and deep sympathy goes out from here to the deceased parents and sister, Miss Jessie Burt, of Arnprior. |
Mr. and Mrs. D. O'Connor Leaving The home of Mr. and Mrs. D. O'Connor of Cedar Hill was the scene of a bright gathering on Monday evening, when friends and neighbors surprised the venerable couple, who are pioneers of that section, by presenting them with two beautiful oak chairs, and Miss O'Connor with a pretty chain and locket. They leave shortly to live in Almonte. Messrs; Driscoll and Lawson made the presentation in an able manner, while Mrs. J. Buchanan read very feelingly the following address; "Dear Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor, Our hearts were saddened on learning that you had decided to leave our midst to pass a peaceful autumn in Almonte. We could not let the occasion pass without expressing our feelings. Looking back on the many years you have lived amongst us, we can remember many beautiful lessons taught us, by your energy, your thrift, but greatest of all, by the spirit of charity that filled your hearts and your home. Who amongst us, when shadows clouded our lives and our homes, have not received from your hands many kindly attention? You were ever and always willing to lessen the weight of cares of others. Such deeds cannot readily be forgotten. For years this home, now a model one, has been the scene of many happy gatherings; we, too, have rejoiced in your happiness; we sympathized with you in your sorrows, and the strength of character displayed by both of you on many occasion did not pass unnoticed. To you, Miss Cecelia, we confide the care of those exemplary parents, to minister to their every want in their declining years. We regret your departure also, more than we can say. You leave us now for new scenes and new friend and what shall we wish you? That God's choicest blessing may be yours, down through the years, which we hope to be many to enjoy a well-merited rest. To assure you that our wishes are sincere and as a slight mark of our appreciation of the many kindly acts towards us, we ask you, Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor, and Miss Cecelia, to accept the accompanying gifts. Rest assured we shall always entertain pleasant memories of you all and your hospitable home. Signed on behalf of your friends and neighbors; Misses Driscoll, Mr. and Mrs. Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. Driscoll. Although taken entirely by surprise, Mr. O'Connor rose to the occasion and on behalf of Mrs. And Miss O'Connor and himself, thanked the people thus assembled in a few well chosen words. Refreshments were then served, and after a few hours spent in social chat and games, the gathering dispersed, each one feeling that in Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor they were losing friends not readily replaced. |
Mrs. John Fender Mr. and Mrs. D. Fender were called to Innisville on Saturday morning, but Mr. Fender's mother, Mrs. John Fender, who has been seriously ill for some time, had passed away before they reached the home. The funeral took place on Monday. The sincere sympathy of old neighbors and friends goes out to the sorrowing husband and son and friends. |
Matthew McMunn (1917) Our citizens and the whole community was shocked on Saturday morning about eight o'clock when the sad news was phoned around of the very sudden passing away of Mr. Matthew McMunn. The late Mr. McMunn had a stroke about two months ago and was very ill, but has seemingly gotten over that attack, and was able to be about his stable and to a neighbor's house, and was to church on Good Friday. On Saturday morning about four o'clock, Mrs. McMunn was awakened by heavy breathing, and called Mr. Richard McMunn, who has been with his brother ever since his first illness, and everything possible was done, but Mr. McMunn never spoke or opened his eyes, and passed away about eight o'clock, in the presence of Rev. Mr. Brunet and other kind friends. The funeral on Monday at 1:30 o'clock to St. George's church and cemetery, was largely attended. The sympathy of the community goes out to Mrs. McMunn and friends in their sudden bereavement. |
Duncan - Johnston A very pretty wedding took place on the lawn under an arch of evergreens and asters, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Duncan of Pakenham on Wednesday of last week at 3 p.m., when their only daughter, Miss Hazel (Duncan), was united in holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. R. Turley, to Mr. D. W. Johnston, of Toronto, son of Mr. Jas. Johnston of Almonte. The winsome young bride, who was given away by her father, was unattended and neatly gowned in pale blue surah satin, trimmed with see pearls, with bodice of georgette crepe wearing her confirmation veil with wreath of orange blossoms, also the groom's gift, a necklace of emeralds and pearls. At the signing of the register, Miss Ryan played the wedding march. The ceremony and congratulations being over, the guests repaired to the dining room, where a sumptuous lunch was served by a number of young lady friends of the bride. Amongst the large number of useful and valuable presents was one most prized by the young bride, a cut glass vase, presented to her by the members of the Girls' Auxiliary, she being one of their enthusiastic workers. The newly married couple left next day for their new home in Toronto. A large reception was held in their honor the evening of their wedding day. The bride's going away costume was a gray silk poplin, with hat to match. |
Dunn - Moynihan A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday morning in St. Mary's church, Almonte, when Mary Helena (Moynihan), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Moynihan, was married to Dr. John Francis Dunn. Rev. Father Burke, cousin of the bride, performed the ceremony, assisted by Rev. Fathers Cavanagh and Corkery. The bride who was given away by her father, wore a very charming suit of grey silk, with white fox scarf and hat of grey georgette crepe. Little Miss Margaret, sister of the bride, made a very dainty flower girl and carried a basket of bridal roses and sweet peas. The wedding march was played by Miss Eileen Dowdall, and during the Mass, solos were rendered by Miss Kathleen Moynihan. After the wedding breakfast, Dr. and Mrs. Dunn left for a short trip down the St. Lawrence. |
Mary Buchanan (1917) Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan of Maberly brought the sad news to Mrs. (Rev.) Brunet of the death of her sister, Mary Buchanan, who has been seriously ill for some time, and who passed away on Saturday night. Mrs. Brunet and Vitaline went back with Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan on Sunday afternoon, and Rev. Mr. Brunet left on Monday morning to attend the funeral on Monday afternoon. |
Mr. John E. Bellamy It is again our sad duty to chronicle a very sudden death in our midst, that of Mr. John E. Bellamy, one of our most respected citizens, on Tuesday. He had been troubled a good deal with his head, but had been better than usual that day. About nine o'clock the family was retiring for the night, and as he was undressing he was seized very suddenly with a severe pain in his head, and in a few minutes he had passed away. The funeral takes place this Thursday, at two o'clock, from the home to the Presbyterian cemetery. The deepest sympathy goes out to the bereaved ones. |
Matthew Ritchie News came as a shock to many on Thursday morning of last week of the death of Mr. Matthew Ritchie. When his daughter Edith went to waken him she found he had passed away in the night. The Coroner, Dr. A. A. Metcalfe, was called and pronounced heart failure the cause of his death. The late Mr. Ritchie was born in Fitzroy 67 years ago, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Ritchie, land surveyor. Forty-one years ago he married Alice Stanley of Cedar Hill, who with two sons and four daughters he leaves to mourn his loss. The family are; Wesley of Nicholson, William of Pakenham, (Sadie), Mrs. Roy Nontell; (Edna), Mrs. Robt. Edmonds; (Edith), Mrs. Robt. Robertson, of Almonte; (Ruby), Mrs. Fred Morphy, of Toronto. One daughter, Kate, Mrs. Harry Dunlop died about ten years ago. One brother, Mr. Alex Ritchie of Arnprior, and one sister, Jessie, Mrs. Jas. Drysdale of Grand Forks, N. D. also survive. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon St. Paul's Church, thence to the Cemetery and was largely attended. The sympathy of the community goes out to the family in their sudden, sad bereavement. |
Houston - Bowland (1920) St. Paul's Anglican church was the scene of a very happy event on Thursday, Feb. 26th, when Miss May Bowland was united in marriage to Mr. J. Stewart Houston, a prosperous farmer of Tyvan, Saskatchewan. Rev. W. H. Green, Rector, performed the ceremony. The couple were unattended. The bride who was given away by her father wore a gown of navy blue charmeuse satin and georgette heavily embroidered in gold, with a corsage bouquet of sweetheart roses and fern and the groom's gift an onyx and pearl pendant. During the signing of the register Mr. W. Morton sang "Oh Perfect Love." After the ceremony the wedding party drove to the home of the bride were dinner was served. Among the out of town guests were; Mrs. R. B. White, Mr. F. P. Robson, Miss Susie Armstrong and Mr. O. Bowland, of Ottawa; Mr. Thos. Houston, Miss Ella Houston, Miss McArton and Mr. and Mrs. John McArton of Carleton Place; Mrs. Allie Bowland, and Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bowland of Clayton and Miss Grace Farmer of Aylmer. Several guests were unable to be present owing to illness. The popularity of the bride and groom was evidenced by the number of beautiful gifts received. Among the gifts were several cheques and the wedding cake. Mr. and Mrs. Houston left on the evening train for a short honeymoon trip to Ottawa. On their return they will spend a couple of weeks in Almonte, before leaving for their home at Tyvan. |
Johnston - Patterson First United Church, Ottawa was the scene of a pretty wedding, Friday afternoon at 1:15 o'clock, of Miss Ethel Patterson, daughter of Mr. John Patterson and the late Mrs. Patterson, to Mr. Delmer J. Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston, of Almonte. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. A. Whidden with only a few immediate relatives present. Miss Edith Lambe presided at the organ. The bride was given in marriage by her father and was attended by Miss Joy Muir, as bridesmaid. Mr. J. H. Patterson, brother of the bride, was best man. The bride wore a charming gown - (nothing more) |
Rev. Brunet and New Churches In Clayton the two old frame buildings of the Anglican and Presbyterian churches have been replaced by splendid structures of stone and brick. A few years ago Clayton Anglican church was part of Almonte parish and the Almonte minister drove to Clayton, very often over very bad roads. This was all changed and Clayton, St. John's and Innisville became one parish when the frame church at St. John's was replaced by a substantial stone edifice. During Rev. Mr. Brunet's short time in Clayton he undertook the task of building a very beautiful and commodious rectory which is a credit to the community, and will, it is hoped, be of great service in the years to come. Such a task, like many others during the war, caused endless worry, hard labor, and many disappointments, but Mr. Brunet put his shoulder to the wheel and by working early and late, helped in many ways to accomplish the work. Many decades have passed and most of the pioneer work is now done. In Clayton we regret losing a man of such trustworthy qualities and wish him health and success in his new field in Pakenham. |
Mrs. Harry Richards (1924) Mrs. Harry Richards, of Clayton, died suddenly at the R. M. Hospital early this Thursday morning. She had been ill for about two months, and a week ago was brought to the hospital for treatment. She appeared to be progressing favorably until early this morning. Mrs. Richards was a native of Clayton. Her maiden name was Mary Elizabeth Dunlop, daughter of the late Peter Dunlop. She was 51 years of age. For a number of years she lived in Almonte. Twenty-six years ago she was married to Mr. Harry Richards of Clayton, and she leaves to mourn her loss her husband and two children, Mina and Charles. She also leaves an only brother, Charles Dunlop, who resides near Winnipeg. Mrs. Richards was a very well known lady. She was a prominent exhibitor at the N.L.A.S. and other fairs. She took an especial interest in the Almonte Fair. She was very industrious, had many friends and was an excellent neighbor, who will miss her much. |
Mrs. Wm. Donaldson (2 September, 1924) On Tuesday, September 2nd, there passed peacefully away at her home in Cedar Hill, an old and respected citizen in the person of Jane Moreton, wife of the late William Donaldson, who predeceased her some nineteen years ago. Mrs. Donaldson had attained the ripe age of over eighty-seven years. She was born in Fitzroy on October 31, 1836. After her marriage she and her husband settled in Fitzroy, where they lived until 1892, when they moved to Cedar Hill on the present Donaldson homestead. Mrs. Donaldson enjoyed excellent health until July last when she had the misfortune to dislocate her shoulder. The shock proved too great for her and her health gave way. There remains to mourn her, two daughters; Mrs. W. F. Green of Arnprior and Mrs. Wm. Parker of High River, Alberta; one son, Mr. George Donaldson, one sister, Miss F. Moreton and one daughter-in-law, Mrs. J. W. Donaldson, all of Cedar Hill. Besides these there are twelve grandchildren. The funeral service at her late home on Thursday, September 4th, was conducted by her pastor, Rev. H. Hunter Hillis, and was attended by a large number of sympathizing friends. The pallbearers were; W. D. Buchanan, C. W. Lawson, Fred Forsythe, W. T. Johnston, W. A. Scott and John C. Fulton. Interment took place at the Pakenham cemetery. |
Mrs. Samuel Johnston (27 October, 1924) A well Know and highly respected resident of Pakenham township passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wesley Donaldson, of Cedar Hill, on Monday, October 27, in the person of Ann Mawhimey, wife of the late Samuel Johnston, after a brief illness. Deceased was born in Ireland, 84 years ago, and there resided until after her marriage to the last Mr. Johnston, when she came to Canada and settled at Cedar Hill, Pakenham Township, over sixty years ago. Later she moved to Clayton where she resided for a number of years and then she moved back to Cedar Hill. About eighteen years ago Mr. Johnston passed away. This union was blessed by a family of twelve children of whom eight survive; James, John, Samuel and (Agnes) Mrs. Robt. Whalen, of Clayton; Robt. of Roland, Man.; (Millie) Mrs. Thos. Crozier, of Lewiston, Idaho; (Ella) Mrs. W. Donaldson; (Clara) Mrs. Geo. Donaldson; and Wm. Of Cedar Hill. Four daughters predeceased her; (Bella) Mrs. J. Tennant; (Annie) Mrs. Bolger; (Lizzie) Mrs. T. Crozier, and Ethel. The funeral took place on Wednesday, October 29, interment being made beside her late husband in Cedar Hill cemetery. Rev. H. H. Hillis conducted the services. The funeral was largely attended, many coming from a distance to pay their last tribute of respect to the deceased and to extend sympathy to the surviving family in their sad bereavement. The pallbearers were Messrs; John, Archie and Sylvester Johnston, Joseph Tennant, Robert Whalen and Fred Forsythe. |
TRAGIC DEATH OF ROSS LEACH UNDER A LOAD OF WOODWas Taking Load, From Bush When it Overturned and Pinned Him Below Young Man Was Found by His Father Body Had Lain Under For Probably About an Hour.Mr. Ross Leach, who resided on the Old Templeton farm of Ramsay, met a tragic death on Monday afternoon. His body was found under a load of wood His father, Mr. Wm. Leach found his son. It appears that Ross Leach after dinner on Monday went to the bush for a load of wood. About four o'clock, Mr. William Leach who had been also in the bush, came upon the overturned sleigh. The horses were still standing as evidently they had been for about an hour. Removing the sticks Mr. Leach found his son underneath. Life was extinct. It, is thought that the sleigh became unmanageable going down a hill at the foot of which Ross Leach was found, and that the horses had become entangled in the harness with the result that the load, was overturned, and pinned the unfortunate young man underneath. Ross Leach, who was only thirty-three years of age, was widely known, and held in high esteem. His wife was Miss Sadie Toop daughter of Mrs. A. E. Toop. He leaves, besides his widow; two little daughters aged 8 and 2 years. The sad occurrence stirred the sympathy of the community and there was a very large concourse of people at the funeral, which took place to the Anglican Church and cemetery on Wednesday. The service was conducted by Rev. J. J. Lowe. 'The pallbearers were: Messrs. Wilfred Toop, John Toop, William Leach, Daniel Leach, Frank McNeely and Daniel Lynch. Dr. A. A. Metcalfe, the coroner, was notified of the fatality but decided that an inquest was unnecessary |
Lester - Bowland A pretty October wedding took place very quietly at noon on Tuesday at the Church of the Ascension Ottawa of Edna Irene (Bowland), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Bowland of South Mountain, and formerly of Ramsay to Roy Lester, son of Mrs. Margaret Lester. Rev. Robt. Jefferson, officiated. Mrs. A. G. Baker presided at the organ with the full choir in attendance The bride who was given in marriage by her father, was attended by her sister, Mr. N. B. F. Cobb, as matron of honor and Mr. Cobb acted as best man. The bride wore a charming gown of grey georgette effectively beaded in steel and embroidered, with a grey hat trimmed with a grey and blue ostrich feather and wore a corsage of pine roses. Mrs. Cobb was in dark brown georgette with bands of ecru lace, with a brown hat and wore a corsage of pale yellow roses. Immediately after the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Lester left for Toronto, en route for Georgia and Kentucky. On their return they will reside in Ottawa. The out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. O. Bowland, Mr. Reginald Bowland, of South Mountain; Mrs. Hugh Stevenson, of Arnprior; Miss Anne Young of Westmeath; Mr. Stewart Cavers and Miss Meda Cavers, of Carleton Place. |
Obituary - 1922 - Mrs. James Giles There entered into rest of Paradise On Friday last a much honored and respected citizen in the person of Mary Ann Smith, beloved wife James Giles of Cedar Hill and only daughter of the late John and Mary of Pakenham. The late Mrs. Giles was visiting her son and daughter of Clayton in July last took ill on August 18th and after four months of suffering she peacefully fell asleep in Jesus on Dec 22 in her 80th year. The deceased was a faithful member of the Anglican Church. The great affection and thoughtful care of her family will ever remain among the brightest memories of her husband and children. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, one brother, John Smith of Pakenham, also three daughters, Thomas H. and James Edward of Cedar Hill and William John of Clayton, Mrs. D. B. Evans (Eliza Jane) of Burritts Rapids, Mrs. J. C. Jackson (Margaret) of Edmonton Alta., and Miss Mary Agnes of Clayton. The funeral took place on Sunday, Dec. 24, from her son's residence, at Clayton to St. Mark's Church and cemetery, Pakenham. Services at the house were conducted by Rev. G. A. Brunet of Pakenham. The sympathy of the whole community was shown by the large concourse of friends who attended the funeral to pay their last respect to one who was so widely know and respected. May the great Physician, the Healer of all sorrows comfort the hearts of the sorrowing ones, knowing that they have the blessed consolation that the dear wife and mother left behind her a high record of a noble life, well spent, unselfishness kindliness of heart, a Christian lady in word and deed. The floral offerings were a pillow from the family; cut flowers Mr. and Mrs. James and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barr. The pallbearers were her two grandsons, Roy and Clifford Evans, two nephews, Max Smith and James H. Giles, two cousins, Edward McMunn and Harry Richards. She is not dead, the mother of your, But gone into that school. When she no longer needs your kind protection, Where Christ Himself doth rule. |
Clayton - 1921 A marriage of very great interest took place on Wednesday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, Feb. 23. in St. George's Church, Clayton, when Miss Nina Evans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Evans of Burritts Rapids, became the bride of Mr. Cecil Delabough of Smiths Falls, Rev. Mr. Bruce tied the nuptial knot. The bridesmaid was Miss Mary Drynan of Almonte, and groomsman, Mr. Earl Arcon, of Smiths Falls, the bride was given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. Abe Evans and after a wedding dinner given by the bride's uncle, and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Giles, the bridal party left for their home near Smiths Falls carrying with them the good wishes of a host of friends. |
Gibson - Reid - 1940 A very pretty lawn wedding took place on Wednesday afternoon, June 19th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander C. Reid, when their eldest daughter, Miss Annie Isobel (Reid), was united in marriage with Mr. John McCallum Gibson, eldest son of Mr and Mrs. William M. Gibson of Rosetta. 'The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. D. Snelgrove of Middleville, to the strains of the Bridal March, played by Mrs. Snelgrove, the wedding party took their places under an arch of evergreens, peonies and ferns. The bride given in marriage by her father looked charming in white crepe, her veil of embroidered net was in cap effect, with a wreath of orange blossoms and carried an arm bouquet of white peonies. The bridesmaid, Miss Mary Gibson of, Carleton Place, sister of the groom, wore a pink crepe dress with, sky blue buttons and embroidery with hat to match and carried a bouquet of pink peonies. The groom was attended by Mr. David Reid, brother of the bride. During the signing of the register, Mrs. Snelgrove sang "I love you truly." Mrs. Reid received with the young couple wearing a navy blue silk dress. Mrs. Gibson wore black and white. The dainty wedding supper was served to about 40 immediate relatives. Those assisting were Misses Leita Reid, sister of the bride, Margaret Craig and Florence Somerville of Middleville, and Bernice Caldwell of Halls Mills. The bride's gift to the groom was a gold watch chain. The groom's gift to the bride was a cabinet of silver, to the bridesmaid a signet ring, to the groomsman an auto strap razor, and to Mrs. Snelgrove a bracelet. The bride and groom left on a motor trip to western points, the bride travelling in navy blue wool crepe, with matching accessories. On their return they will reside on the groom's farm at Rosetta. |
PATERSON-McDONALD. CARLETON PLACE, Aug. 9 (Special) - St. George's Anglican Church, Clayton, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday afternoon when Marjorie Eve Olive McDonald, only daughter of Orval McDonald and the late Mrs. McDonald, of Carleton Place, became the bride of William Thomas Arthur Paterson, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Paterson, of Smiths Falls. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. W. R. Meakin. The bride entered the church on the arm of her father, attired in a gown of navy sheer over taffeta with white accessories and wore a corsage of red rosebuds, baby's breath and maiden hair fern. She also wore a gold brooch more than 100 years old belonging to her grandmother, Mrs. Allan McDonald, and a gold dollar on a chain, which her mother wore on her wedding day. Attending the bride was Miss Margaret Wing, of Carleton Place, who was gowned in a dress of rose sharkskin with bolero and white accessories and wore a corsage of pink rosebuds, baby's breath and maidenhair fern. The bridegroom was supported by his brother, Robert Paterson, of Smiths Falls. Following the ceremony, a wedding supper was serviced to the immediate relatives and friends of the young couple. After a short honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Paterson will reside in Smiths Falls. |
Arnold A. Johnston - 1936 Deep regard for the memory of the late Arnold W. Johnston, was shown by the large attendance at his funeral which was held on Thursday afternoon from the residence of his father to the United Cemetery, Pakenham. Mr. Johnston was the son of William T. Johnston and his wife Jessie A. Connery and was born at Pakenham, 27 years ago. Besides his parents, he is survived by a younger brother, Keith. The late Mr. Johnston received his education at Cedar Hill Public School and Pakenham Continuation School. In 1931 he graduated from the Ontario College of Pharmacy and after spending a short time in Carleton Place, he went to Ottawa. For the past three and a half years he was employed by Mr. R. B. Howe as his assistant druggist. The impressive and comforting service was conduct by Rev. Mr. Goth of the United Church Pakenham whose theme was "The Breaking Point." The pallbearers were Messrs. Ernie, Austin, Jim and Wilbert Connery, and Messrs. Gordon and Melvin Donaldson, cousins. The floral tributes were numerous and included a wreath from the family, immediate relatives, the Y. P. S. of Zion United Church, staff of Weldon J. Graham Ltd., the National Drug, Co. and many others. Those from a distance who paid their respects to the deceased included Mr. W. A. Connery of Quebec; Mr. W. G. Connery, Ottawa, Mr. M. R. MacFarlane, Toronto; Mr. G. M. Williams, Carleton Place; Mr. T. E. Foster, Smiths Falls; Mr. William Melanson, Eganville; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Melanson, Gordon Melanson, of Arnprior; Mrs. Duncan Campbell, Miss L. Campbell, Messrs. Lorne and J. C. Campbell, Renfrew; Mrs. Gordon Buttle, Pembroke; Mr. and Mrs. Syl. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Alistair Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Armour Johnston, Messrs. Welland and Eric Johnston and Russell Wilson, Mrs. Russell Purcell, Mrs. T. Haley, all of Cobden; among those from Ottawa, were: Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Howe and Mr. J. Howe, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Melanson, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Millett Messrs. Fred Hanna, Fred MacDonald, H. Timlick and Messrs. Fred Markell and C. Clark of the National Drug Co. |
IN MEMORIAM TIMMONS - In loving memory of Walter Melville Timmons who died Feb. 15th, 1935. A bud that the gardener gave us, A pure and lovely child, He gave him to our keeping To cherish undefiled. But just as it was opening To the glory of the day. Down came the Heavenly Gardener And took our flower away. Ever remembered and sadly missed, by Daddy and Mum. |
IN MEMORIAM TIMMONS - In loving memory of Walter Melville Timmons who died Feb. 15, 1935. Before the throne of God, Thousands of children stand; Children whose sins are all forgiven, A holy, happy band, Up there among the throng, Our little Melville stands, Waiting for us to join him, In that holy, happy land. Betty, Irene and Eva Stanley. |
Funeral of James Rath - 1939 The funeral of James Rath whose death occurred on Feb. 21, following an illness of two years, was held on Thursday afternoon, Feb. 23, from the family residence to St. George's Anglican Church and was largely attended by relatives and friends. Deceased was a valued member of St. George's Church and had served as warden and superintendent of the Sunday School. Hymns sung were: "There is no night in Heaven," "Peace Perfect Peace" and "Abide With Me.", The pallbearers were five nephews, Messrs. Edgar Hudson, Clifford Stanley, Mack Richards, Welland McMunn, Thomas McMunn and William E. James, a close friend. The service at the grave was conducted by members of L. O. L. No. 1367, Clayton, of which deceased was an honorary member. Many floral pieces and other expressions of the love and esteem in which Mr. Rath was held were received from neighbors, organizations and friends in Canada and the United States. Mr. Rath is survived by his widow Catherine McMunn Rath, his four daughters, Mildred, Mrs. Charles C. McKnight, Chapleau, Ont, Ethel, Mrs. Carlos C. Gosbee, Stamford, Conn.; Alice, Mrs. Fraser W. McMunn, Pakenham Ont.; Miss Muriel Rath, Innisville, Ont.; and his son James Herbert Rath at home; also one brother, John Rath of Clayton, 11 grandchildren and one great grandson. He was predeceased by one brother, Alex and three sisters, Margaret, Mrs. Joseph Paul; Elizabeth, Mrs. Peter Dunlop and Miss Mary Rath. |
Bolger-Wilson - 1937 A quiet but pretty wedding took place at St. Luke's Anglican Church, Ottawa, Saturday, June 19th, by the Rev. Serson Clarke of Miss Isabel Mae Wilson, daughter of Mr. J. Alfred Wilson of Carp, to Mr. Herbert George Bolger of Ottawa, formerly of Clayton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bolger of Clayton. The bride was becomingly dressed in a gown of Coronation blue crepe with white accessories. She carried a bouquet of Peony Roses and maidenhair fern. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Madeline Wilson, who was dressed in a gown of Dulce blue crepe with accessories to match. Mr. Kenneth Bolger, brother of the groom, acted as groomsman. Following the ceremony the young couple left on a short honeymoon. On their return they will take up residence below Ottawa. The young couple were the recipients of useful and beautiful presents. |
IN MEMORIAM SHANE - Sacred to the memory of our beloved little Russell Leonard (Shane), who died October 23, 1933. God knew best where the little feet would roam, So He took our precious jewel home, There, dear son, you will happy be, With One who said, "Suffer little children to come unto Me." Sadly missed - Dad and Mother. |
Altar - McIntyre-Wilson - 1937 An October wedding of much interest was quietly solemnized, Monday evening at the United Church manse, Russell, when Ruby Elizabeth (Wilson), daughter of James H. Wilson and the late Mrs. Wilson of Pakenham became the bride of Gordon Elmer McIntyre of Almonte son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McIntyre of Kemptville. Rev. Thos. McNaught former pastor of White Lake, officiated. The bride wore her travelling costume, a blue Charmian frock by Lelong, blue accessories and a corsage of American Beauty roses. Her sister, Mrs. S. Millar was her only attendant, attired in a smart costume of black and white deluxe satin with corsage of Talisman roses. Mr. S. Millar acted as best man. The young couple left after the ceremony on a motor trip through the Adirondacks. On their return they will reside at Meadowbrook, Almonte. |
IN MEMORIAM McINTOSH - In fond and loving memory of our darling baby, Donald Neil (McIntosh) who passed away one year ago today, Oct. 20th, 1937. God has taken home our darling, Placed our bud among His flowers. Taken back the one he loaned us, To a better home than ours. Mother, Dad and Allan. |
1936 - Mrs. Cecil Currie The death occurred at the Rosamond Memorial Hospital on Wednesday of Theresa Lalonde, wife of Cecil Currie, third concession of Ramsay, in her 25th year. The funeral will take place from her late residence on Friday, May 29th, at 2:30 p.m. to the Auld Kirk Cemetery. Service at the home at 2 o'clock. |
AL TAR - Donaldson - Cochran An attractive wedding ceremony took place in the Presbyterian Church manse Saturday afternoon at one o'clock, when Margaret Isobel (Cochran), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cochran of Ramsay, became the bride of Gordon Donaldson, only son of Mrs. Wesley Donaldson and the late Mr. Donaldson of Pakenham. Rev. A. J. Fowlie of the Presbyterian Church, officiated. The witnesses were Miss Jean Cochran, sister of the bride and Melvin Donaldson, cousin of the groom. The young bride was charming in a powder blue silk crepe gown with navy blue felt hat and accessories to match. Immediately following the ceremony the young couple left on a honeymoon trip to points in Western Ontario and on their return will take up residence on the room's farm near Pakenham. |
Main-Philip - 1928 The marriage of Miss Nellie Philip. daughter of Mrs. Andrew Philip of Almonte, and the late Mr. Philip, to Mr. Jarvis H. Main of Kemptville, Ont., was solemnized at 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday, July 6th, at the home of the bride's mother, Anne Street. Rev. A. J. Fowlie officiated. Following the ceremony, luncheon was served to immediate relatives and friends. Later in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Main left on a motor trip and on their return will reside in Kemptville. |
Rorwick -Donaldson A quiet and interesting wedding took place Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burke, Laurentian View, Ottawa, when Mrs. Burke's sister, Miss Mina Donaldson of Stamford. Conn., became the bride of Hans Rorwick, Grimshaw, Alta. The young couple were unattended and Rev. Menzies of Westboro United Church, officiated. Immediately following the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served to the close friends. After an extended honeymoon, the young couple will reside at the groom's farm, Grimshaw, Alta. The community join in wishing the bride and groom a long and happy married life. |
McKay-Poole St. George's Anglican Church, Clayton, was the scene of a quiet but pretty Autumn wedding on Wednesday, Sept. 30th, at 3 o'clock when Marjorie May (Poole), second daughter of Mrs. George Poole and the late Mr. Poole became the bride of Thomas Wilbert (McKay), son of Mr. and Mrs. Welland McKay of Ramsay. Rev. J. W. R. Meakin performed the ceremony. The bride entered the church on the arm of her brother-in-law, Mr. Stewart Paterson, to the strains of the Wedding March played by Mr. Lloyd McKay cousin of the groom. The bride was most becomingly attired in a gown of lady crepe mahogany brown, trimmed with cut velvet and chiffon with accessories to match. She carried a bouquet of mixed gladioli and maidenhair fern. The bridesmaid, Miss Bernice Poole, sister of the bride, chose a tunic style gown of solid blue crepe with white trimmings and accessories to match. She carried a bouquet of red and mauve Dalilias. Little Delmer Paterson, nephew of the bride ably acted as ring bearer. Mr. Roy Rodger, cousin of the groom, was best man. During the signing of the register, Miss Marjorie Mealy sang sweetly "0 Perfect Love." Following the ceremony the bridal party returned to the bride's home, where a wedding supper was served to immediate friends. The young couple left on a motor tour of Western points. The bride travelled in a Spanish tile, tunic style suit with brown trimmings. On their return Mr. and Mrs. McKay will reside in Ramsay. |
IRETON - SOMERVILLE A very pretty wedding took place last Thursday afternoon in the stone church, which had been nicely decorated with ferns, roses, snowballs, daisies and peonies by the young friends of the bride. The participates were Miss Marion Isobel Somerville, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Somerville and Jno. Eldon Cecil Ireton, son of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Ireton of Lloyd. The young bride was daintily dressed in white silk crepe with veil arranged in cap effect, with orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet of pink and white peonies and ferns. The bride's brother John acted as best man and Florence (her sister) was bridesmaid, dressed in pale green organdy with white hat, shoes and gloves. The bride's going away costume was yellow silk crepe with white hat and accessories. The groom's gift to the bride was a necklace, bracelet and earrings in curved ivory, to the bridesmaid a gold triple compact, to the groomsman a morocco bill fold and to the organist, Mrs. Snelgrove, a bon bon dish. Thirty guests partook of the wedding supper and in the evening 200 attended the reception. The young couple received a nice assortment of gifts and they left next morning on a trip to Noranda, Que. We wish them bon voyage through life. |