Haldimand Biographies


A Canada GenWeb project


Biographies of some Haldimand Folk.

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Was born in the city of Quebec in 1817. His parents were Irish, being natives of the city of Dublin. His youth and a portion of his manhood was spent in the township of Trafalgar, in the County of Halton. In 1852 he made the overland trip to California, which occupied four months. He remained in California until 1855, when 6e returned to Canada and bought a farm in Walpole, there being at that time very little improvement in the north part of the township. Mr. Walbrook bought part of 'a bush lot and in the course of a few years cleared it up and brought it under cultivation. This may sound very commonplace, and may appear to be an achieve¬ment scarcely worthy of mention or of public interest. Canada was once a vast and unbroken wilderness, and its present condition of fertility and productiveness has not been produced by spasmodic effort or by the brilliant ideas of the author or the statesman. 1 t is to patient, untiring industry, and the unwavering determination of men who like Mr. Walbrook, have foot by foot and acre after acre subdued the primeval forests, and replaced the unsightly slashing with fields of grain or meadow. In fact it has been the homely and unromantic occupation of chopping and logging that has made Walpole one of the richest and most productive agricultural townships in the Dominion of Canada.
Mr. Walbrook now owns a fine farm, and is in comfortable cir¬cumstances, the result of industry and frugality. In 1861 and the three following years he was Reeve of Walpole, as also in 1876 and 1878, and in 1864 was elected Warden of Haldimand. In 1875, at the urgent request of his political friends, but contrary to his own wishes, he contested the county in the Conservative interest as a candidate for a seat in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, but was unsuccesful. Mr. Walbrook's practical good sense and discrimin¬ating ,judgment have made him a useful municipal officer, while his genial manners and obliging disposition have secured him a large number of warm personal friends.



Monday, 10-Sep-2018 17:48:57 MDT

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