Bruce County Genealogical Society - Bruce Township
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Bruce County Genealogical Society

Box 1083, Port Elgin, Ontario, Canada N0H 2C0

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Bruce Township

A map of Bruce Township can be found on the Bruce County GenWeb website. Bruce Township was named after James Bruce, 8th Earl of Elgin, Governor General of Canada.

Bruce Township Places

  • Eskdale - see Kincardine Township.

  • Glammis - see Greenock Township.

  • Gresham - an early post office near the centre of the township. The first postmaster was Edward J. Brown in 1861, and the post office closed in 1915 when rural mail delivery began.

  • Inverhuron -  a hamlet and post office on the Lake Huron shore. Its first postmaster, in 1854, was William Gunn, who also operated a general store.

  • Lovat - see Greenock Township.

  • North Bruce - see Saugeen Township.

  • Queen Hill - see Saugeen Township.

  • Tiverton - see Kincardine Township.

  • Underwood - a hamlet and post office in the centre of the township. The township hall was located here.

    Bruce Township Hall plaque, Underwood, Bruce TownshipBruce Township Hall plaque, Underwood Underwood United Church, Underwood, Bruce TownshipUnderwood United Church, Underwood, Bruce Township
  • Willow Creek - an early post office near the centre of the township. The first postmaster, George Patterson, was appointed in 1874.


Bruce Township Notable People

William Hunter was a farmer and poet who lived on the 5th concession, near Underwood.

Donald MacGillivray, born on the 12th concession, became a Presbyterian missionary and scholar.

Alexander Patterson Mewhinney was a member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.


Bruce Unofficial website for the Township of Bruce Historical Society, with lots of information about the township's history.

Bruce Township Memories by the Township of Bruce Historical Society, 1986. Amicus No. 6766234.

Bruce Township Tales and Trails: From Early Years to 1983 by the Bruce Township Historical Society, 1984. Available online.

A Historic Album of Tiverton by the Tiverton Centennial Book Committee, 1979. Amicus No. 1355586.

History of the County of Bruce by Norman Robertson, 1906. Available online.

MacGillivray of Shanghai: the life of Donald MacGillivray by Margaret H. Brown, 1968. Amicus No. 15556329.


Bruce County's Townships (before  1998 amalgamations)

Albemarle Township
Colpoy's Bay United Church, Colpoy's Bay, Albemarle Township, Bruce County

Amabel Township
Wiarton, Amabel Township, Bruce County

Arran Township
Christ Church Anglican Cemetery Record, Tara, Arran Township, Bruce County

Brant Township
Walkerton town clock, Walkerton, Brant Township, Bruce County

Bruce Township
Underwood United Church, Underwood, Bruce Township, Bruce County

Carrick Township
Mildmay church, Mildmay, Carrick Township, Bruce County

Culross Township
Salem United Church, Culross Township, Bruce County

Eastnor Township
Barrow Bay, Eastnor Township, Bruce County

Elderslie Township
Memorial plaque, hamlet of Williscroft, Elderslie Township, Bruce County

Greenock Township
Plaque, village of Pinkerton, Greenock Township, Bruce County

Huron Township
Huron Township Hall, Ripley, Huron Township, Bruce County

Kincardine Township
Mural, village of Tiverton, Kincardine Township, Bruce County

Kinloss Township

Lindsay Township
War Memorial, Lindsay Township, Bruce County

Saugeen Township
Dunblane Presbyterian Church, Saugeen Township, Bruce County

St. Edmunds Township

Lighthouse, Tobermory, St. Edmunds Township, Bruce County
Bruce County Genealogical Society
PO Box 1083, Port Elgin, Ontario, Canada N0H 2C0
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