An OKBits File Businesses In Pawnee County Contributed by Gladys Kitchen  NAME FIRST NAME ADDRESS YEAR BUSINESS Abercromble & Miller 1901 Attorneys Acme Fairfax Laundry 619 Harrison 1946 Laundry Adams John Owner 1893 Grocery Adams / Manning Owners 189- Grocery Adams Meat Market 1893 Crocery Alamo Club 409 Harrison 1962 Saloon Alamo Club 409 Harrison 1963 Saloon Alamo Club 409 Harrison 1964 Saloon Alamo Club 409 Harrison 1966 Saloon Alamo Club 409 Harrison 1967 Saloon Alamo Club Nelson Click 409 Harrison 1968 Saloon Alamo Club 409 Harrison 1969 Saloon Albright George(Owner) Main St. 1893 Hardware Allbright's Hardware Geo Main St. 1893 Hardware Allembaugh Grocery & Market 463 Harrison 1947 Grocery Allembaugh Locker System 405 4 Th. 1957 Locker Allembaugh Locker System 405 4 Th. 1961 Locker Allembaugh Locker System 405 4 Th. 1962 Locker Allen Bull Dozer Raymond E of City 1968 Dozer Allen Bull Dozer Raymond E of City 1969 Dozer Allen Bulldozer Raymond E of City 1967 Dozer Allen Bulldozer Service Raymond E of City 1955 Dozer Allen Bulldozers E of City 1956 Dozer Allen Bulldozers E of City 1957 Dozer Allen Bulldozers E of City 1961 Dozer Allen Bulldozers Raymond E of City 1962 Dozer Allen Bulldozers E of City 1963 Dozer Allen Bulldozers Raymond E of City 1964 Dozer Allen Bulldozers E of City 1965 Bull Dozers Allen Bulldozers Raymond E of City 1966 Bulldozer Allenbaugh Service Station E Hwy 64 1965 Service Station Allenbaugh Service Station E Hwy 64 1966 Service Station Allenbaugh Service Station E Hwy 64 1969 Service Station Allenbaugh Station E Hwy 64 1951 Service Station Allenbaugh Station E Hwy 64 1954 Service Station Allenbaugh Station E Hwy 64 1955 Service Station Allenbaugh Station E Hwy 64 1956 Service Station Allenbaugh Station E Hwy 64 1957 Service Station Allenbaugh Station E Hwy 64 1961 Service Station Allenbaugh Station E Hwy 64 1962 Service Station Allenbaugh Station E Hwy 64 1963 Service Station Allenbaugh Station E Hwy 64 1952 Service Station Allenbaugh Station E Hwy 64 1967 Service Station Allenbaugh Station E Hwy 64 1968 Service Station Allen's 66 Station 4 th & Harrison 1965 Service Station Alles & Garman 626 6th 1918-19 Garage Almo Club 409 Harrison 1965 Saloon Al's Butane Propane W of City 1957 Propane Al's Butane-Propane W of City 1945 Propane Al's Butane-Propane W of City 1955 Propane Ambulance Poteet 600 Illinois 1968 Ambulance Ambulance Service Poteet 600 Illinois 1965 Ambulance Ambulance Service Poteet 600 Illinois 1966 Ambulance Ambulance Service Poteet 600 Illinois 1967 Ambulance Amen Hatchery 510 1/2 Forest 1950 Hatchery Amen Hatchery 510 1/2 Forest 1951 Hatchery American Hotel Caudell Mrs. M Mgr. 1912 Hotel American Hotel 639 7th 1918-19 Hotel American Hotel Caudell Mrs. Marshell 1934 Hotel American Hotel 639 7 Th. 1946 Hotel American Hotel 639 7 Th. 1947 Hotel American Legion 1920 Club American Legion Auxiliary Headquarters 562 Harrison 1918-19 Club American Red Cross FNB Bldg 1965 Charity American Red Cross FNB Bldg 1966 Charity American Red Cross FNB Bldg 1967 Charity American Red Cross Court House 1968 Charity Anderson -Brown Lumber Co. N of City 1965 Lumber Anderson Saw Mill Beck Drive 1967 Saw Mill Ann's Package Store 313 Granite 1969 Liquor Antrim Lbr Co. 722 Harrison 1957 Lumber Antrim Lumber 722 Harrison 1956 Lumber Antrim Lumber 722 Harrison 1962 Lumber Antrim Lumber 722 Harrison 1964 Lumber Antrim Lumber 722 Harrison 1965 Lumber Antrim Lumber 722 Harrison 1965 Lumber Antrim Lumber 722 Harrison 1966 Lumber Antrim Lumber 722 Harrison 1967 Lumber Antrim Lumber 722 Harrison 1968 Lumber Antrim Lumber 722 Harrison 1969 Lumber Antrim Lumber Co. 722 Harrison 1955 Lumber Antrim Lumber Co. 722 Harrison 1961 Lumber Antrim Lumber Co. 722 Harrison 1963 Lumber Antrim Lumber Co. 722 Harrison 1966 Lumber Arkansas Valley Bank so.side of Square 1912 Bank Arkansas Valley Bank " 1910 Bank Arkansas Valley Bank " 1911 Bank Arkansas Valley National Bank " 1901 Bank Arkansas Valley National Bank " 1915 Bank Armory Hall 1915 Armory Arthurs DR Melvin 524 5 th 1968 Doctor Arthurs DR Melvin 524 5 th 1969 Doctor Arthurs MD Melvin 534 Illinois 1967 Doctor Assembly of God 439 Illinois 1965 Church Assembly of God Church 439 Illinois 1966 Church Assembly of God Church 439 Illinois 1967 Church Assembly of God Church 439 Illinois 1968 Church Assembly of God Church 439 Illinois 1969 Church Austin Jewelers/Optician 1907 Jeweler Authurs M.D. Melvin 534 Illinois 1966 Doctor Auto Inn Cafe 455 Harrison 1918-19 Cafe B & A Construction Co. 914 Harrison 1955 Construction B & E Hardware 629 Harrison 1950 Hardware Bacon Dr. C. W. 1912 Doctor Bacon Refridgeration NW of City 1966 Repair Service Bacon Refrigeration Homer NW of City 1964 Repair Service Bacon Refrigeration NW of City 1965 Repair Service Bacon Refrigeration NW of City 1967 Repair Service Bacon Refrigeration Homer NW of City 1968 Repair Service Bacon Refrigeration NW of City 1969 Repair Service Bacon Refrigeration Service Homer NW of City 1963 Repair Service Badger - Hudson Grain Co. 1918 Elevator Badger & Hudson 1915 Elevator Badger Hotel Later National Hotel Hotel Badger Hudson Grain Co. 1911 Elevator Bagby A.H. 1915 Dentist Bagby & Rockwood 1901 Druggist Bagby Dr. A H Over Marx Wheeler 1920 Doctor Bagby Drug A H Dr. 1901 Dentist Bagby Drug A H Dr. 1907 Dentist Bagby Drug A H Dr. fire April 13 1910 1910 Dentist Bagby Drug Store A A 1894 Drug Store Bagby Drug Store sold to Day 9-14-11 1911 Drug Store Baird & Kidwell 1901 Grocery Baird & Kidwell Grocery 1903 Grocery Baird Grocery Charles 1893 Grocery Bake -Rite Bakery Fischer Harry 513 Harrison 1947 Bakery Bake -Rite Bakery Fischer Harry 513 Harrison 1950 Bakery Bake -Rite Bakery Fischer Harry 513 Harrison 1951 Bakery Bake -Rite Bakery Fischer Harry 513 Harrison 1954 Bakery Bake -Rite Bakery Fischer Harry 513 Harrison 1955 Bakery Bake -Rite Bakery Fischer Harry 513 Harrison 1956 Bakery Bake -Rite Bakery 513 Harrison 1957 Bakery Bake -Rite Bakery 513 Harrison 1961 Bakery Bakers 1918-19 Meat Market Baker's Livery C. F. 1912 Livery Stable Bakery Huges G.W. sells to Belden R. 1910 Bakery Baldwin F M 1901 Restaurant Baptist 716 6 th 1965 Church Baptist Church 1911 Church Baptist Church 1912 Church Baptist Church 1919 Church Baptist Church 1919 Baptist Church 1920 Church Baptist Church 716 6 th 1966 Church Baptist Church 716 6 th 1967 Church Baptist Church 716 6 th 1968 Church Baptist Church 716 6 th 1969 Church Barnes Trucking Lee 418 Kansas 1961 Trucking Barnes & Jestes 1934 Service Station Barnes & Jestes 656 Harrison 1938 Service Station Barnes Produce B L 700 Harrison 1915 Produce Barnes Produce B L 700 Harrison 1920 Produce Barnes Trucking Lee 418 Kansas 1956 Trucking Barnes Trucking 418 Kansas 1957 Trucking Barnes Trucking 418 Kansas 1962 Trucking Barnes Trucking 418 Kansas 1963 Trucking Barnes Trucking Lee 418 Kansas 1964 Trucking Barnes Trucking 418 Kansas 1965 Trucking Barnes Trucking Lee 418 Kansas 1966 Trucking Barnes Trucking 418 Kansas 1967 Trucking Barnes Trucking 418 Kansas 1968 Trucking Bartholomew Bus & Baggage EE 1909 Taxi Bartlet H.U. 1901 Contractor/ Builder Bartley W.S. 1918-19 Grocery Bartley Grocery S H North Side of Square 1907 Grocery Bates C E 1893 Contractor Bates C.S. 1910 Bates & Co. C.S. 1918-19 Optician/Jewelry Bates Chapel C S 1911 Funeral Parlor Bates Jeweler & Optician C H 1910 Jeweler Baugh Butter Fat R J 1911 Creamery Bausell & Ellmore 1911 Blacksmith Bayhylle's Beauty Shoppe 612 Harrison 1938 Beauty Shop Bayhylle's Beauty Shoppe 509 Granite 1941 Beauty Shop Bayhylle's Beauty Shoppe 509 Granite 1946 Beauuty Shop Bayhylle's Beauty Shoppe 509 Granite 1947 Beauty Shop Bayhylle's Beauty Shoppe 509 Granite 1950 Beauty Shop Bayhylle's Beauty Shoppe 509 Granite 1951 Beauty Shop Bayhylle's Beauty Shoppe 409 Harrison 1954 Beauty Shop Bayhylle's Cleaners & Tailors 629 6 Th. 1946 Cleaners Bayhylle's Cleaners & Tailors 629 6 Th. 1947 Cleaners Beagle Livestock Transportation 453 Kansas 1967 Trucking Beagle Transportation Vernon 453 Kansas 1968 Trucking Beagle Transportation 453 Kansas 1969 Trucking Beall & Lyon Jewelers 547 6 Th. 1946 Jewelers Beall & Lyon Jewelers 547 6 Th. 1947 Jewelers Beard & Berry General Merchandise Hardware Bea's Beauty Salon wigs 429 Harrison 1969 Beauty Shop Bea's Beauty Shop 429 Harrison 1969 Beauty Shop Beaver's Paraland 400 Illinois 1964 Service Station Beaver's Paraland 400 Illinois 1965 Service Station Beaver's Paraland 400 Illinois 1967 Service Station Beaver's Paraland Station 400 Illinois 1961 Service Station Beaver's Paraland Station 400 Illinois 1962 Service Station Beaver's Paraland Station 400 Illinois 1963 Service Station Beaver's Penico Station 400 Illinois 1957 Service Station Beaver's Praland 400 Illinois 1966 Service Station Beddy J.K. Owner Main street 1893 Real Estate Beeler C.A. Dr. 619 1/2 Harrison 1928 Doctor Belden Stanley 606 1/2 Harrison 1928 Attorney Belden Bakery 1912 Bakery Belden's Cafe 720 Harrison 1955 Cafe Belden's Cafe 720 Harrison 1956 Cafe Belden's Cafe 720 Harrison 1957 Cafe Belden's Cafe 720 Harrison 1961 Cafe Belden's Cafe 720 Harrison 1962 Cafe Belden's Cafe 720 Harrison 1963 Cafe Belden's Cafe 720 Harrison 1964 Cafe Belden's Cafe 720 Harrison 1965 Cafe Bell Telephone 1928 Telephone Bellew Mayo 1915 Livery Barn Bellew Tom 1915 Grocery Bellis Cotton Co. 914 Harrison 1938 Elevator Bellis Cotton Co. J H 1929 W A Oliver Prop. Bellis Grocery 1941 Grocery Bernhart & Co.. G.A. 1901 Grocery Bernhart Grocery G A 1910 Grocery Berry C.L. Farmers Citzen Bank Owner 1893 Bank Berry & Co. around square Owner 1893 Grocery/Hardware Berry & Company Grocery Around Square 1893 Grocery Berry Ins. Agcy N of City 1950 Insurance Berry Insurance Agency 561 1/2 Harrison 1946 Insurance Berry Insurance Agency 562 1/2 Harrison 1947 Insurance Berry's Real Estate J K Along Main Street 1893 Real Estate Besly Chas !st Nat Bk Bg 1950 Attorneys Besly Chas FNB Building 1951 Attorneys Besly Chas FNB Bld 1954 Attorneys Besly Atty Chas FNB Bld 1955 Attorneys Bettye's Beauty Shop FNB Bld 1954 Beauty Shop Bettye's Beauty Shop FNB Bld 1955 Beauty Shop Bettye's Beauty Shop FNB Bld 1956 Beauty Shop Bettye's Beauty Shop FNB Bld 1957 Beauty Shop Betty's Beauty Shop 555 1/2 Harrison 1947 Beauty Shop Biddison A J. 1901 Attorneys Biddison & Merritt 1915 Attorneys Biddison & Merritt Attys Over Brunington 1912 Attorneys Biddison Campbell Eagleton Above Brunington 1910 Attorneys Big B Equipment 425 Harrison 1965 Garage Big B Equipment 425 Harrison 1966 Garage Biggs & Co. 1915 Clothing Store Biggs Music Co 809 Elm 1950 Music Biggs Music Co. 809 Elm 1947 Music Biggs Music Co. 809 Elm 1951 Music Bill Repair Shop 525 5 th 1947 Repair Service Bills Repair Shop 525 5 th 1946 Repair Service Bill's Upholstering Shop 642 Harrison 1962 Upholstering Bishop Beauty Shop 535 6 th 1941 Beauty Shop Bishop Beauty Shop 535 6 th 1946 Beauty Shop Bishop Beauty Shop 535 6 th 1947 Beauty Shop Bishop Beauty Shoppe 724 Harrison 1967 Beauty Shop Bishop Beauty Shoppe 724 Harrison 1968 Beauty Shop Bishop Beauty Shoppe 724 Harrison 1969 Beauty Shop Blakney Electrician 643 6 th 1946 Repair Shop Blakney Electrician 643 6 th 1947 Repair Shop Blakney Electrician 645 6 th 1950 Repair Shop Blakney Electrician 645 6 th 1951 Repair Shop Blakney Electrician 645 6 th 1954 Repair Shop Blakney Electrician 645 6 th 1955 Repair Shop Bland Ford Wayne 635 Illinois 1955 Car Dealer Bland Ford 635 Illinois 1956 Car Dealer Bland Ford 635 Illinois 1957 Car Dealer Bland Ford Wayne 635 Illinois 1961 Car Dealer Bland Ford Wayne 635 Illinois 1962 Car Dealer Bland Ford 635 Illinois 1964 Car Dealer Bland Ford Co. 635 Illinois 1963 Car Dealer Bledsoe 66 Station 4 th & Harrison 1962 Service Station Bledsoe 66 Station 4 th & Harrison 1963 Service Station Bob's Garage & Welding 463 Harrison 1946 Welder Bob's Market 308 Granite 1966 Grocery Bob's Market 308 Granite 1967 Grocery Bob's Market 308 Granite 1968 Grocery Bob's Market 308 Granite 1969 Grocery Bolton & Daun Meat Market/Burned 1894 S.W corner of Sq 1894 Grocery Bolton's Meat Market SW Corner of Square 1894 Grocery Bonton 1901 Restaurant Booth Bros. Grocery SE Corner of Square 1900 Grocery Bootmaker Methers,E 1911 Boss Antiques Cora 404 4 th 1963 Antiques Boss Antiques Cora 404 4th 1964 Antiques Boss Equipment 501 6 th 1961 Farm Implements Boss Equipment 425 Harrison 1962 Farm Implements Boss Equipment 425 Harrison 1963 Farm Implements Boss Equipment 425 Harrison 1964 Farm Implements Boss Ins 404 4 th 1962 Insurance Boss Ins Agency E of City 1961 Insurance Bowker Ford Co. Jack 635 Illinois 1951 Car Dealer Bowker Ford Co. Jack 635 Illinois 1954 Car Dealer Bowman Mrs. Jas. 1915 Rooms & Cafe Boyce Furniture 521 6 th 1969 Furniture Boyles Paint Store 517 Harrison 1969 Paint Store Boyle's Paint Store 517 Harrison 1968 Paint Store Braddack J.M. 1901 Pop Factory Brady & Poteet 536 Illinois 1928 Undertaking Parlor Brady & Poteet 536 Illinois 1938 Undertaking Parlor Brady & Poteet 536 Illinois 1941 Undertaking Parlor Brady Undertaking 1919 Undertaking Brady Undertaking 1920 Undertaking Branson Jake main street Owner 1893 Feed/Stable/Restaurant Branson's Feed Stable Jake Along Main Street 1893 Feed /Stable/Restaurant Branstetter Bros. Grocery North Side of Square 1908 Grocery Brilliant Bronze Station 4 th & Illinois 1941 Service Station Brilliant Bronze Station 4 th & Illinois 1946 Service Station Brilliant Bronze Station 4 th & Illinois 1947 Service Station Brilliant Bronze Station 405 Illinois 1954 Service Station Brilliant Bronze Station 400 Illinois 1955 Service Station Brock's Tastee Freez 4 & Harrison 1967 Cafe Brock's Tastee Freez 4 th & Harrison 1968 Cafe Brock's Tastee Freez 4 & harrison 1969 Cafe Brocks Tastee Freeze 4 th & Harrison 1965 Cafe Brocks Tastee Freeze 4 th & Harrison 1965 Cafe Brock's Tastee Freeze 4 th & Harrison 1963 Cafe Brock's Tastee Freeze 4th & Harrison 1964 Cafe Brock's Tastee Freeze 4 th & Harrison 1966 Cafe Brooks P. main street 1893 Cafe Brook's Restaurant&Short Orders P. Main Street 1893 Cafe Brown E.M. West of Opera House 1901 Hardware/Plumbing Brown & Catlett 1901 Livery Browning Robert Dr. 604 1/2 Harrison 1938 Doctor Browning Rob/t Dr. 532 1/2 Harrison 1941 Doctor Brown's 331 Kansas 1938 Doctor Browns Package Store 313 Granite 1965 Liquor Store Brown's Package Store 313 Granite 1962 Liquor Brown's Package store 313 Granite 1963 Liquor Brown's Package Store 313 Granite 1964 Liquor Brown's Package Store 313 Granite 1966 Liquor Brown's Package Store 313 Granite 1967 Liquor Brown's Package Store 313 Granite 1968 Liquor Browns Service Station 331 Kansas 1941 Service Station Browns Service Station 402 Kansas 1946 Service Station Browns Tinshop E M West side of H Street 1893 Repair Service Bruington 1920 Bruington - Thompson 521 6th 1897 Hardware Bruington Bros. 1901 Hardware/Furniture Bruington Hardware 521 6 th 1941 Hardware Bruington Hardware 521 6 th 1951 Hardware Bruington Hardware 521 6 th 1954 Hardware Bruington Hardware 521 6 th 1955 Hardware Bruington Hardware 521 6 th 1956 Hardware Bruington Hardware & Furniture 521 6 th 1950 Hardware Bruington Hardware & Furniture 1919 Furniture Bruington Hdw & Furn Co 521 6 th 1946 Hardware Bruington Hdw & Furn Co 521 6 th 1947 Hardware Bruington.s 521 6 th 1918 Hareware Bruington's 521 6 th 1928 Hardware/Furniture Bruington's 521 6 th 1934 Hardware Bruington's 521 6 th. 1938 Hardware Bryant S.J. 7th & Denver 1941 Office Buchanan Hardware J L 1912 Hardware Buck's Repair 501 1/2 6 th 1947 Repair Service Bud Wheeler Propane NE of City 1966 Propane Bud Wheeler Propane NE of City 1965 Propane Buffalo 536 6th 1928 News Stand Buffalo Park Sanatorium Moore Dr. 819 Ash 1911 Hospital Buffalo Park Sanatorium Moore Dr. 1912 Hospital Buffalo Park Sanitarium Moore Wm Dr. 819 Ash 1910 Hospital Buffalo Theather 1934 Movie Bulton G.C. 1901 Saloon Burch J.D. 1901 Saloon Burch's Livery Barn 1895 Livery Burkdoll & Norris 608 Harrison 1965 Real Estate Burkdoll & Norris 608 Harrison 1966 Real Estate Burkdoll & Norris Real Estate 608 Harrison 1963 Real Estate Burkdoll & Norris Real Estate 608 Harrison 1964 Real Estate Burkdoll & Norris Real Estate 608 Harrison 1967 Real Estate Burkdoll & Norris Real Estate 608 Harrison 1968 Real Estate Burkdoll & Norris Real Estate 608 Harrison 1969 Real Estate Burroughs Hack Line D 1893 Frieght Line Burr's Restaurant S W 1906 Cafe Bus Station 539 6 th 1947 Bus Bus Station 536 6 th 1941 Bus Busch's Great Variety Store 1911 Variety Store Bushorr C.A. 1893 Construction Bushorr & Bates Contractors C A & C E 1898 Construction Bushorr Shoe Store L N 1893 Shoe Shop Butane & Propane Gas 1006 Kansas 1946 Propane Buzan 635 Harrison 1938 Grocery Buzan & Buzan 635 Harrison 1928 Grocery C & P Rock E of City 1957 Rock C & P Rock Co SE of City 1955 Rock C & P Rock Co. SE of City 1954 Rock C T Soulsby & Sons 1893 Hardware Caldwell W.S. Courthouse Basement 1947 Attorney Caldwell Company Oil & Gas 216 FNB Bldg. 1911 Oil & Gas Caldwell Plumbing 1111 8 th 1967 Plumbing Caldwell Plumbing 1111 8 th 1968 Plumbing Caldwell Plumbing 1111 8 th 1969 Plumbing Caldwell Plumbing 1111 8 th 1950 Plumbing Caldwell Plumbing 1111 8 th 1951 Plumbing Caldwell Plumbing 1111 8 th 1954 Plumbing Caldwell Plumbing 1111 8 th 1955 Plumbing Caldwell Plumbing 1111 8 th 1956 Plumbing Caldwell Plumbing 1111 8 th 1957 Plumbing Caldwell Plumbing 1111 8 th 1961 Plumbing Caldwell Plumbing 1111 8 th 1962 Plumbing Caldwell Plumbing 1111 8 th 1963 Plumbing Caldwell Plumbing 1111 8 th 1964 Plumbing Caldwell Plumbing 1111 8 th 1965 Plumbing Caldwell Plumbing 1111 8 th 1965 Plumbing Caldwell Plumbing 1111 8 th 1966 Plumbing Calvert P.R. 6 th 1928 Attorney Carlile Asphalt Co. SE of City 1967 Asphalt Carlile Salvage & Garage 814 Harrison 1947 Salvage Carlin F.W. Owner 1893 Rock Quarry Carlin ,Bass & Jensen Concrete Along Railroad 1908 Concrete Carls Tavern E Hwy 64 1965 Saloon Carl's Tavern 538 Illinois 1961 Saloon Carl's Tavern E Hwy 64 1962 Saloon Carl's Tavern E Hwy 64 1963 Saloon Carl's Tavern E Hwy 64 1964 Saloon Carl's Tavern E Hwy 64 1965 Saloon Carl's Tavern E Hwy 64 1966 Saloon Carl's Tavern E Hwy 64 1967 Saloon Carl's Tavern E Hwy 64 1968 Saloon Carl's Tavern E Hwy 64 1969 Saloon Carmichael & Reid Farm Loans 1920 Farm Loans Carol's Salon 429 1/2 Harrison 1967 Beauty Shop Carol's Salon 429 1/2 Harrison 1968 Beauty Shop Carol's Salon 429 1/2 Harrison 1969 Beauty Shop Cash Beauty Parlor 507 6 th 1928 Beauty Shop Cash Grocery March 1902 Grocery Cash Meat Market SE Corner of Sq 1907 Grocery Cates Malt Shop 905 6 th 1957 Cafe Cates Malt Shop 905 6 th 1961 Cafe Cates Malt Shop 905 6 th 1962 Cafe Cates Malt Shop 905 6 th 1963 Cafe Cates Malt Shop 905 6th 1964 Cafe Cates Malt Shop 905 6 th 1965 Cafe Cates Malt Shop 905 6 th 1966 Cafe Cates Malt Shop 905 6 th 1967 Cafe Cates Malt Shop 905 6 th 1968 Cafe Cates Malt Shop 905 6 th 1969 Cafe Cather & Otis Carl 3rd & Illinois 1935 Plumbing Cather Plumbing Carl 600 Blackbear 1962 Plumbing Cather Plumbing Carl 600 Blackbear 1963 Plumbing Cather Plumbing Carl 600 Blackbear 1964 Plumbing Cather Plumbing Carl SE of City 1965 Plumbing Cather Plumbing Carl SE of City 1966 Plumbing Cather Plumbing Carl SE of City 1967 Plumbing Cather Plumbing Carl SE of City 1968 Plumbing Cather Plumbing Carl SE of City 1969 Plumbing Cather Plumbing & Electric Carl 711 Illinois 1961 Plumbjng Cather Plumbing & Electric Carl SE of City 1965 Plumbing Cathers Cream Station 703 Harrison 1936 Cathers Cream Station 703 Harrison 1941 Cathers Produce 307 Granite 1941 Cather's Produce Earl 307 Granite 1947 Produce Catletts A. main street Owner 1893 Hardware Catlett's General Hardware Along Main Street 1893 Hardware Cecil & Chris Place 409 Harrison 1955 Saloon Cecil & Chris Place 409 Harrison 1956 Saloon Cecil & Earl's Place 409 Harrison 1954 Saloon Cecil's Place 409 Harrison 1957 Saloon Cecil's Place 409 Harrison 1961 Saloon Central Feed Yard 1901 Feed Lot Central Plumbing 1308 6 th 1965 Plumbing Central Plumbing 1308 6 th 1965 Plumbing Central States Power & Light 621 7th 1938 Power Co. Central States Power&Light Corp 621 7th 1941 Power Co. Cerny's Roller Rink Glen Armory Bld 1963 Skating Rink Cerny's Roller Rink Armory Bld 1964 Skating Rink Cerny's Roller Rink Armory 1965 Skating Rink Cerny's Roller Rink Glen Armory Hall 1966 Skating Rink Cerny's Roller Rink Armory 1967 Skating Rink Cerny's Roller Rink Armory 1968 Skating Rink Chamber of Commerce 611 1/2 6th 1928 Chamber Chamber of Commerce N side of Sq 1934 Chamber Chamber of Commerce 518 Illinois 1938 Chamber Chamber of Commerce 518 Illinois 1941 Chamber Chamber of Commerce Ct House 1946 Chamber Chamber of Commerce 557 1/2 Harrison 1950 Chamber Chamber of Commerce 508 Illinois 1951 Chamber Chamber of Commerce 508 Illinois 1954 Chamber Chamber of Commerce 508 Illinois 1955 Chamber Chamber of Commerce 510 Illinois 1957 Chamber Chamber of Commerce 621 7 th 1961 Chamber Chamber of Commerce 621 7 th 1962 Chamber Chamber of Commerce 621 7 th 1963 Chamber Chamber of Commerce 621 7 th 1964 Chamber Chamber of Commerce 621 7 th 1965 Chamber Chamber of Commerce 621 7th 1966 Chamber Chamber of Commerce 621 7 th 1967 Chamber Chamber of Commerce 621 7 th 1968 Chamber Chamber of Commerce 621 7 th 1969 Chamber Chamber of Commerce 557 1/2 Harrison 1947 Chamber Champion Millinery Mrs. E. J. 1st door W.of PNB 1912 Millinery Champlin 801 Harrison 1938 Service Station Champlin Filling Station 801 Harrison 1946 Service Station Champlin Filling Station 801 Harrison 1947 Service Station Champlin Service 801 Harrison 1950 Service Station Champlin Station 801 Harrison 1951 Service Station Champlin Station 801 Harrison 1954 Service Station Champlin Station 801 Harrison 1955 Service Station Chasteen Chas A. 1901 Attorneys Chilcoats H A 1910 Grocery Christian 900 6 th 1965 Church Christian Church 1911 Church Christian Church 1912 Church Christian Church 1912 Church Christian church 1919 Church Christian Church 1919 Christian Church 1920 Church Christian Church 900 6 th 1966 Church Christian Church 900 6 th 1967 Church Christian Church 900 6 th 1968 Church Christian Church 900 6 th 1969 Church Chuck Wagon 900 Harrison 1956 Cafe Chuck Wagon 900 Harrison 1957 Cafe Chuck Wagon Cafe 900 Harrison 1954 Cafe Chuck Wagon Cafe 900 harrison 1955 Cafe Churchill & Co Cleaners S.H. /Mathews P.L. Prop 1931 Cleaners Circle In Ranch Burger 405 4 th 1966 Cafe Circle In Ranch Burger 405 4 th 1968 Cafe City Cab 539 1/2 Harrison 1947 Taxi City Cab Co. 605 1/2 Harrison 1950 Taxi City Cafe 521 Harrison 1947 Cafe City Cafe 521 Harrison 1950 Cafe City Cafe 614 Harrison 1955 Cafe City Cafe 614 Harrison 1956 Cafe City Cafe 614 Harrison 1957 Cafe City Cafe 614 Harrison 1962 Cafe City Drug 539 6 th 1938 Drug City Drug 539 6 th 1941 Drug City Drug 539 6 th 1946 Drug City Drug 539 6 th 1947 Drug City Drug 539 6 th 1954 Drug City Drug 539 6 th 1955 Drug City Drug 539 6 th 1956 Drug City Drug 539 6 th 1957 Drug City Drug 539 6 th 1961 Drug City Drug 539 6 th 1966 Drug City Drug Co. 539 6 th 1928 Drug City Drug Store 539 6 th 1934 Drug City Drug Store 539 6 th 1950 Drug City Drug Store 539 6 th 1951 Drug City Drug Store 539 6 th 1962 Drug City Drug Store 539 6 th 1963 Drug City Drug Store 539 6th 1964 Drug City Drug Store 539 6 th 1965 Drug City Drug Store 539 6 th 1967 Drug City Hall S W Corner Square 1917 City Office City Library S W Corner Square 1917 Library City Restaurant Hays Bro Along Main Street 1893 Cafe City Taxi 626 1/2 Harrison 1954 Taxi Clark Ed M. 1901 Attorneys Clark E.M. 1915 Attorneys Clark George 1918-19 Grocery Clark Elmer 526 5 th 1928 Auto Repair Shop Clark Ed 1901 Livery Clark Florence Enumerator 1910 Census Clark & Armstrong Att 1920 Attorney Clark & Clark 555 1/2 Harrison 1928 Attorneys Clark Atty. E.M. Clark Grocery Geo E 1901 Grocery Clark Grocery George 1910 Grocery Cleaning Dyeing Pressing Riseling Mr. 1911 Cleaners Cleeeton Att W T over Lehew Gro 1911 Cleeton W T Att. First National Bank Bld 1911 Attorney Cleeton W T Att. Over LeHew Gro. 1911 May 11 1911 Cleeton Atty John FNB 1912 Attorneys Close George 1918-19 Grocery Club Bar 618 Harrison 1950 Saloon Club Bar 618 Harrison 1951 Saloon Club Bar 618 Harrison 1954 Saloon Club Bar 618 Harrison 1955 Saloon Club Bar 618 Harrison 1956 Saloon Club Bar 618 Harrison 1957 Saloon Coffee Cup 618 Harrison 1938 Cafe Coffee Cup Cafe Womack Jeff 626 Harrison 1941 Cafe Coffee Cup Cafe 626 Harrison 1946 Cafe Coffee Cup Cafe O'gwin / Harris 726 Harrison 1947 Cafe Coffee Cup Cafe 626 1/2 Harison 1954 Cafe Coffee Cup Cafe 626 1/2 Harrison 1955 Cafe Coffee Cup Cafe 626 Harrison 1956 Cafe Coffee Cup Cafe 626 Harrison 1957 Cafe Cole Redmond S. 1915 Attorney Cole R S 626 1/2 Harrison 1900 Lawyer Coles J.J. & A.C. Drs. 1918-19 Physicians Coles DO. J L Reid Bldg 1920 Doctor Coles DO.Eye Care A. Catherine Reid Bldg 1920 Doctor Collins Insurance J W W of City 1966 Insurance Collins Insurance J W W of City 1967 Insurance Colored Clothing Cleaners N side Square 1912 Cleaners Colvin Sales 600 Kansas 1938 Wholesale Colvin Sales 526 5 th 1946 Wholesale Colvin Sales 526 5 th 1947 Wholesale Colvin Sales 526 5 th 1950 Wholesale Colvin Sales 526 5 th 1951 Wholesale Colvin Sales 626 6 th 1954 Wholesale Colvin Sales 626 6 th 1955 Wholesale Colvin Sales 626 6 th 1956 Wholesale Colvin Sales 626 6 th 1957 Wholesale Colvin Sales 626 6 th 1961 Wholesale Colvin Sales 626 6 th 1963 Wholesale Colvin Sales 626 6th 1964 Wholesale Colvin Sales 653 Illinois 1965 Wholesale Colvin Sales 653 Illinois 1966 Wholesale Colvin Sales 653 Illinois 1967 Wholesale Colvin Sales 653 Illinois 1968 Wholesale Colvin Sales 653 Illinois 1969 Wholesale Colvin Sales 653 Illinois 1969 Wholesale Colvin Sales Company 526 5 th 1941 Wholesale Colvin Vending 653 Illinois 1965 Wholesale Colvin Vending 653 Illinois 1966 Wholesale Colvins Sales 626 6 th 1962 Wholesale Congregational Church 1912 Church Conley H.T. 1901 Attorneys Construction Dept 604 5 th 1951 Construction Cook Buick Wayne 425 Harrison 1955 Car Dealer Cook Motor 425 Harrison 1954 Car Dealer Cook Motor 425 Harrison 1956 Car Dealer Cook Motor 425 Harrison 1957 Car Dealer Cook Motor 425 Harrison 1961 Car Dealer Cook Motor Co 425 Harrison 1947 Car Dealer Cook Motor Co. 624 6 th 1946 Car Dealer Cook Motor Co. 425 Harrison 1950 Car Dealer Cook Motor Co. Wayne 425 Harrison 1951 Car Dealer Cookson Stone SE of City 1961 Rock Cooper & Dorris Contractors 510 Forest 1962 Construction Corner Confectionery 547 6 th 1928 Bakery Cottage Hotel 1/2 blk S of 6 &Harrison 1910 Hotel Cottage Hotel N E side Square 1911 Cottage Hotel 1blk S Court House 1912 Hotel Cottage Hotel 1911 Hotel Cotton J.F. 1901 Photographer Coulter & Brown J N & E M 1893 Hardware Coulter & Brown's Hardware SW side of Sq 1893 Hardware Country Club 1928 Club Courier / Dispatch 1915 Newspaper Courier / Dispatch Kerr C R Mgr 1934 Newspaper Courier / Dispatch Newspaper 1907 Newspaper Cox 1915 Grocery Cox & Chilcoat 1910 Satbles ? Coyle Ed 1918-19 Cotton Gin Coyle Coal Ed 1920 Coal Coyle Cotton 610 6 th 1938 Elevator Coyle Cotton Gin 610 6 th 1928 Elevator Coyle Cotton Gin 1934 Elevator Coyle Cotton Gin 610 6 th 1941 Elevator Coyle Cotton Gin 610 6 th 1946 Elevator Coyle Cotton Gin 610 6 th 1947 Elevator Coyle Cotton Gin 610 6 th 1950 Elevator Coyle Cotton Gin 610 6 th 1951 Elevator Coyle Cotton Gin 610 6 th 1954 Elevator Coyle Cotton Gin 610 6 th 1955 Elevator Coyle Cotton Gin 610 6 th 1956 Elevator Coyle Cotton Gin 610 6 th 1957 Elevator Coyle Gin 1912 Elevator Coyle Produce 505 6 th 1941 Produce Coyle Produce 505 6 th 1946 Produce Coyle Produce 505 6 th 1947 Produce Coyle Produce 505 6 th 1950 Produce Coyle Produce 505 6 th 1954 Produce Coyner Livery ED Livery Craig Tombstones Monuments J T 1912 Monuments Crane D.M. 1901 Barber Crawford Welding Park Place Addition 1964 Welder Crocker & Son 530 Illinois 1956 Plumbing Crocker & Son 530 Illinois 1957 Plumbing Crocker & Son 530 Illinois 1961 Plumbing Crocker & Son 530 Illinois 1962 Plumbing Crocker & Son 530 Illinois 1963 Plumbing Crocker & Son 530 Illinois 1965 Plumbing Crocker & Son 530 Illinois 1965 Plumbing Crocker & Son 530 Illinois 1966 Plumbing Crocker & Son 530 Illinois 1966 Plumbing Crocker & Son 530 Illinois 1968 Plumbing Crocker & Son 530 Illinois 1969 Plumbing Crocker & Son Plumbing 530 Illinois 1954 Plumbing Crocker & Son Pldg 530 Illinois 1955 Plumbing Crocker & Son Plumbing 530 Illinois 1964 Plumbing Crocker & Son Plumbing 530 Illinois 1967 Plumbing Crocker Plumbing Co 530 Illinois 1950 Plumbing Crocker Plumbing Co. 530 Illinois 1946 Plumbing Crocker Plumbing Co. 530 Illinois 1947 Plumbing Crocker Plumbing Co. 530 Harrison 1951 Plumbing Crosbie J E 715 Forest 1950 Crosbie Inc. J E 919 Kansas 1946 Crosbie Inc. J E 1003 Harrison 1947 Crow Bar 618 Harrison 1961 Saloon Crystal Cleaning Parlor 1918-19 Cleaners Crystal Ice Plant Burned same year 1900 Ice Plant Cunningham Harness A T 1912 Harness Shop Cunningham Harness Shop A T 4 drs W FNB 1907 Harness Shop Cunningham Harness Shop A T 4 drs W FNB 1910 Harness Shop Cunningham Harness Shop A T Established 1902 Harness Shop Curteman & Co. 1918-19 Custer Beauty Parlor 627 1/2 Harrison 1928 Beauty Shop Custer Beauty Parlor 627 1/2 Harrison 1941 Beauty Shop Custer Beauty Shop 627 1/2 Harrison 1938 Beauty Shop Custer Beauty Shop 722 Harrison 1946 Beauty Shop Custer Beauty Shop Pearl 511 Granite 1947 Beauty Shop Custer Beauty Shop 511 Granite 1950 Beauty Shop Custer Beauty Shop 511 Granite 1951 Beauty Shop Custer Beauty Shop 511 Granite 1954 Beauty Shop Custer Beauty shop 511 Granite 1955 Beauty Shop Custer Beauty Shop 511 Granite 1956 Beauty Shop Custer Beauty Shop 511 Granite 1957 Beauty Shop Custer Beauty Shop 511 Granite 1961 Beauty Shop Customs Cotton Gin 1911 D & B Cab Co. 632 Harrison 1946 Taxi Dale August M Ballards Feed Barn 1911 Auctioneer Davidson Shorthorn Ray 1920 Cattle Davis & Pumroy N E Corner 1901 livery Davis ( Gracie Hats ) Lucie J A Peter 1911 Millinery Davis , Malcolm 1918-19 Funeral Directors Davis Filling Station S of City 1947 Service Station Davis Meat Market 539 Harrison 1928 Grocery Davis Paint Store 517 Harrison 1961 Hardware Davis Paint Store 517 Harrison 1962 Hardware Davis Paint Store 517 Harrison 1963 Hardware Davis Paint Store 517 Harrison 1964 Hardware Davis Paint Store 517 Harrison 1965 Paint Store Davis Paint Store 517 Harrison 1966 Paint Store Davis Paint Store 517 Harrison 1967 Paint Store Day Drug Store George 1911 Day's Drug West side Square 1912 Drug Day's Pharmacy 1915 Drug Day's Pharmacy 10-12-11 West side Square 1911 Drug Debolt Construction 301 Hillcrest 1969 Construction Deering Agent Toler W E 1919 Farm Implement Deering Harvester Co Henderson JW 1898 Farm Implement Dee's Package Store 459 Harrison 1962 Liqour DeLong & Co. Clothing J.F. & B.L.Peter 1902 Clothing Delux Cleaners 708 6 th 1963 Cleaners Delux Cleaners 708 6th 1964 Cleaners Delux Cleaners 708 6 th 1966 Cleaners Delux Cleaners 708 6 th 1966 Cleaners Delux Cleaners 708 6 th 1967 Cleaners Deluxe Cleaners Long 629 6 th 1938 Cleaners Deluxe Cleaners Long 629 6 th 1941 Cleaners Deluxe Cleaners Long 629 6 th 1945 Cleaners Deluxe Cleaners Long 629 6 th 1946 Cleaners Deluxe Cleaners Long 629 6 th 1947 Cleaners Deluxe Cleaners Long 629 6 th 1950 Cleaners Deluxe Cleaners Long 629 6 th 1951 Cleaners Deluxe Cleaners Long 629 6 th 1955 Cleaners Deming Investment Co. Mollie Meurer 1893 Loan Democratic Headquarters 503 Harrison 1966 Political Democratic Headquarters 511 Harrison 1968 Political Diamond Barber Shop Whipple J A S Side of Sq 1907 Barber Diamond Service Station 4th & Harrison 1941 Service Station Diamond Service Station 4th & Harrison 1946 Service Station Diamond Service Station 4th & Harrison 1947 Service Station Diamond Service Station 4 th & Harrison 1950 Service Station Diamond Station 4th & Harrison 1938 Service station Diamond Station 4 th & Harrison 1951 Service Station Dickinson Mrs. M.W. 1901 Millinery Dick's Meat Market 645 6 th 1946 Grocery Dick's Meat Market 645 6 th 1947 Grocery Dietz R.H. 555 1/2 Harrison 1928 Dentist Dietz R.H. 555 1/2 Harrison 1938 Dentist Dietz Reuben Dr. Doctor Dietz Dr R H 1934 Doctor Dodge /Pylmouth 615 7 th 1938 Car Dealer Dodge Bros. Alles & Garman 642 6 th 1928 Domeny Nu Way Help Your Self 404 4 th 1957 Laundry Domeny Nu Way Help Your Self 404 4 th 1961 Laundry Donaghy John S E Corner 1901 Painter/Paperhanger Donaghy Carpenter John 1893 Construction Donaghy Paint Shop John Old North Side Hotel 1919 Paint Shop Donl Drug 539 6th 1968 Drug Donl Drug 539 6 th 1969 Drug Donna's Beauty Shop Bates 811 7 th 1938 Beauty Shop Donna's Beauty Shop Bates 811 7 th 1941 Beauty Shop Dougan & Son J N 1912 Nursery Stock Dove T.S. & Sons 1915 Coal Company Drake & Son Plumbing 435 Harrison 1954 Plumbing Drake Battery C D S of City 1961 Refiner Drake Oil Co. 205 4 th 1938 Refiner Drake Oil Co. 205 4 th 1941 Refiner Drake Plumbing 554 Illinois 1950 Plumbing Drake Plumbing & Electric 614 Harrison 1951 Plumbiing Driesbach C W Dr. 1900 Doctor Du Rain's Skelly Ser 1010 Harrison 1957 Service Station Du Rain's Skelly Service 1010 Harrison 1956 Service Station Dugan & Son Nursery J.N. W of City 1910 Dunford DO WW 536 Illinois 1967 Doctor Du-Rite Help Your Self Laundry 315 Harrison 1947 Laundry Du-Rite Help Your Self Laundry 315 Harrison 1950 Laundry Du-Rite Help Your Self Laundry 315 Harrison 1951 Laundry Du-Rite Help Your Self Laundry 315 Harrison 1954 Laundry Du-Rite Help Your Self Laundry 306 Granite 1955 Laundry Durrett D.W. 1901 Physician Eagle Bar 1928 Saloon Eagle6ton / Blddison Bruington/Thompson 1911 Att's Eagleton,Bddison & Merrit Att. over Bruington 1911 Earl's Iceberg 4 th & Harrison 1956 Cafe Earnest Refrigeration Park Place Add 1961 Repair Shop Earnest' Refrigeration Park Place Add 1957 Repair Shop Earnest's Refrigeration Service Park Place Add 1955 Repair Shop Earnest's Refrigeration Service Park Place Add 1956 Repair Shop Eastern Star Masonic Hall 1911 Club Eastside Auto Salvage E of City 1962 Salvage Eastside Auto Salvage E of City 1963 Salvage Eastside Auto Salvage E of City 1965 Salvage Eastside Auto Salvage E of City 1965 Salvage Eastside Auto Salvage E of City 1966 Salvage Eastside Auto Salvage E of City 1967 Salvage Eastside Salvage E of City 1964 Salvage Eastside Salvage E of City 1969 Salvage Eby Bros. 1915 Salvage Ed' Super Service 4 th & Harrison 1956 Service Station Edmiston J.R. 1901 Dentist Ed's Station 4 th & Harrison 1954 Service Station Ed's Super Ser 66 4 th & Harrison 1957 Service Station Ed's Super Station 4 th Harrison 1955 Service Station Ed's Welding 518 4 th 1961 Welder Egertons Apparel Shop 543 Harrison 1928 Clothing Elaine's Dress Shop 641 6 th 1938 Clothing Elder & Phillips Meat Market 1912 Grocery Elite Hotel Dickerson M.W. 1901 Hotel Elton's Cab 602 1/2 Harrison 1950 Taxi Emile Western N of City 1969 Manufacture Emle Western Panty Hose N of City 1968 Manufacture Emma's Nursing Home 502 Granite 1950 Elder Care Emma's Nursing Home 502 Granite 1951 Elder Care Emma's Nursing Home 502 Granite 1954 Elder Care Encampment IOOF Hall 1911 Club Episcopal 7 th & Ash 1965 Church Episcopal Church 1911 Church Episcopal Church 1919 Church Episcopal Church 1919 Episcopal Church 1920 Church Episcopal Church 7 th & Ash 1966 Church Epperson Livery AE West Main Street Livery Epsicopal Church 7 & Ash 1967 Church Epsicopal Church 7 & Ash 1968 Church Epsicopal Church 7 & Ash 1969 Church Ermy Cheatham Stores 529 Harrison 1961 Variety Store Ermy 's 529 Harrison 1964 Variety Store Ermy's Cheatham Store 529 Harrison 1962 Variety Store Ermy's Department Store 529 Harrison 1946 Variety Store Ermy's Department Store 525 Harrison 1965 Variety Ermy's Department Store 525 Harrison 1966 Clothing Ermy's Department Store 525 HArrison 1966 Variety Store Ermy's Department Store 525 Harrison 1967 Variety Store Ermy's Department Store 525 Harrison 1969 Variety Store Ermy's Dept Store 529 Harrison 1947 Variety Store Ermy's Dept Store 529 Harrison 1950 Variety Store Ermy's Dept Store 529 Harrison 1956 Variety Store Ermy's Dept Store 525 Harrison 1968 Variety Store Ermy's Dept Stores 529 Harrison 1955 Variety Store Ermy's Dept Stores 529 Harrison 1963 Variety Store Ermy's Stores 529 Harrison 1951 Variety Store Ermy's Stores 529 Harrison 1954 Variety Store Ermy's Stores 529 Harrison 1957 Variety Store Ermy's Ten Cent Store 539 Harrison 1938 Variety Store Ermy's Ten Cent Store 539 Harrison 1941 Variety Store Ermy's Ten Cent Store 539 Harrison 1947 Variety Store Ermy's Ten Cent Store 539 Harrison 1950 Variety Store Ermy's Ten Cent Store 539 Harrison 1946 Variety Store Farm Bureau Ins 639 6 th 1961 Insurance Farm Bureau Insurance 531 6 th 1969 Insurance Farm Bureau Office 521 6 th 1968 Insurance Farmers '& Merchants Bank NE Corner of Square 1894 Bank Farmers Hotel 1912 Hotel Farmers Restaurant Brock J M SE Corner of Sq 1907 Cafe Farmers Union Cotton Gin Westside of Pawnee 1907 Coop Farmers Union Creamery 1911 Coop Farmers Union Creamery 1912 Coop Farmers Union Creamery & ProduceCo. 1926 Coop Farmers Union Exchange 1925 Coop Farmers Union Gin Dove Tom Mgr. 1911 Coop Farmers Union Produce 1912 Coop Farmers Union Store Lela 1928 Coop Fashion Clothing Co. 1918-19 Clothing Fashion Clothing Company Brown C L 1919 Clothing Feaster Grocery N. S. 1915 Grocery Finks- McGrann Constr Co 7 th & Denver 1951 Construction Fire Department Hose House 1915 City Government Fire Department 335 Illinois 1928 City Government Fire Department 335 Illinois 1941 City Government Fire Department 335 Illinois 1946 City Government Fire Department 335 Illinois 1947 City Government Fire Department S W Corner Square 1917 City Government Fire Department 626 6 th 1965 City Government Fire Department 626 6 th 1966 City Government Fire Department 626 6 th 1967 City Government Fire Department 626 6 th 1968 City Government Fire Department 626 6 th 1969 City Government First National Bank 601 Harrison 1894 Bank First National Bank 601 Harrison 1910 Bank First National Bank 601 Harrison 1912 Bank First National Bank 601 Harrison 1915 Bank First National Bank 601 Harrison 1918--19 Bank First National Bank 601 Harrison 1928 Bank First National Bank 601 Harrison 1938 Bank First National Bank 601 Harrison 1946 Bank First National Bank 601 Harrison 1947 Bank First National Bank 601 Harrison 1950 Bank First National Bank 600 Harrison 1951 Bank First National Bank 601 Harrison 1954 Bank First National Bank 601 Harrison 1955 Bank First National Bank 601 Harrison 1956 Bank First National Bank 601 Harrison 1957 Bank First National Bank 601 Harrison 1961 Bank First National Bank 601 Harrison 1961 Bank First National Bank 601 Harrison 1962 Bank First National Bank 601 Harrison 1963 Bank First National Bank 601 Harrison 1964 Bank First National Bank 1910 Bank First National Bank 601 Harrison 1911 Bank First National Bank 1919 First National Bank 601 Harrison 1920 Bank First National BAnk 601 Harrison 1965 Bank First National Bank 601 Harrison 1966 Bank First National Bank 601 Harrison 1967 Bank First National Bank 601 Harrison 1968 Bank First National Bank 601 Harrison 1969 Bank Fischer's Bakery 513 Harrison 1946 Bakery Fischer's Pure Food Bakery 513 Harrison 1938 Bakery Fischer's Pure Food Bakery 513 Harrison 1941 Bakery Fisher P.A. 1901 Jeweler Fite Barber Shop M S 1908 Baber Fleming Chev 504 Illinois 1938 Cae Dealer Fletcher & Rambo 1895 General Merchanise Fletcher & Rambo 1901 Clothing Fletcher Insurance P A 1919 Fletcher Insurance P A 1920 Insurance Flower Gardens Kerr Mrs 1934 Flower Shop Food Land Market 307 Granite 1951 Grocery Ford Mentzer Bros. 635 Illinois 1938 Car Dealer Ford Auto Salvage Mitchell James 425 Harrison 1967 Salvage Ford Auto Service Willard Elmer 425 Harrison 1967 Garage Foster Lumber Co. Malton 1911 Lumber Fountain Cafe & Confectionary NW Corner of 6th & Harrison 1930 Cafe Franklin Hotel 528 Illinois 1928 Hotel Frank's Cafe 304 Granite 1950 Cafe Frank's Cafe 304 Granite 1951 Cafe Frank's Cafe BeJarano 459 Harrison 1954 Cafe Frank's Cafe 459 Harrison 1955 Cafe Frank's Cafe 459 Harrison 1956 Cafe Frank's Cafe 459 Harrison 1957 Cafe Frank's Cafe 459 Harrison 1961 Cafe Frank's Cafe 459 Harrison 1962 Cafe Frank's Cafe 459 Harrison 1963 Cafe Franks Sandwick Shop 304 Granite 1941 Cafe Frank's Tire Shop 548 Illinois 1928 Garage Frank's Tire Shop 548 Illinois 1938 Garage Frank's Tire Shop 548 Illinois 1941 Garage Frank's Tire Shop 548 Illinois 1946 Garage Frank's Tire Shop 548 Illinois 1947 Garage Franks Upholstery 620 Harriosn 1967 Upholstery Franks Upholstery 463 1/2 Harrison 1968 Upholstery Franks Upholstery 604 4th 1969 Upholstery Frank's Upholstery 604 5 th 1969 Upholstery Franks Upholstery Shop 620 Harrison 1966 Upholstery Fred's Iceberg 4 th & Harrison 1962 Cafe Frisco Depot Wood J B Mgr. 1912 Depot Frisco Depot Wood J B Mgr. 1915 Depot Frisco Depot Wood J B Mgr. 1918-19 Depot Frisco Depot Wood J B Mgr. 550 6 th 1928 Depot Frisco Depot 550 6 th 1938 Depot Frisco Depot 6 th & Kansas 1941 Depot Frisco Depot 6 th & Kansas 1946 Depot Frisco Depot 6 th & Kansas 1947 Depot Frisco Depot 6 th & Kansas 1950 Depot Frisco Depot 6 th & Kansas 1951 Depot Frisco Depot 6 th & Kansas 1954 Depot Frisco Depot 6 th & Kansas 1955 Depot Frisco Depot 6 th & Kansas 1956 Depot Frisco Depot 6 th & Kansas 1957 Depot Frisco Depot 6 th & Kansas 1961 Depot Frisco Depot 6 th & Kansas 1962 Depot Frisco Depot 6 th & Kansas 1963 Depot Frisco Depot 6 th & Kansas 1911 Depot Frisco Depot 6th & Kansas 1964 Depot Frisco Depot 6 th & Kansas 1965 Depot Frisco Depot 6 th & Kansas 1966 Depot Frisco Depot 6 th & Kansas 1967 Depot Frisco Depot 6 th & Kansas 1968 Depot Frisco Depot 6 & Kansas 1969 Depot Frisco Rooming House 1918-19 Hotel Frisco Rooming House 507 1/2 6th 1928 Hotel Frontier Cafe 628 Harrison 1961 Cafe Frontier Motor 635 Illinois 1969 Car Dealer Frontier Motor Ford Dealer 635 Illinois 1968 Car Dealer Frontier Motors 635 illinois 1965 Car Dealers Frontier Motors 635 Illinois 1966 Car Dealer Frontier Motors 635 Illinois 1967 Car Dealer Frontier Motors 635 Illinois 1967 Car Dealer Frost Service 702 Harrison 1928 G & J Fountain Cafe 625 Harrison 1938 Cafe G & J Fountain Cafe 625 Harrison 1941 Cafe G I 's Inn E 64 Hwy 1947 Saloon Gambill Earl 437 Harrison 1928 Produce Co. Gambill J C 1923 Blacksmith Gambill Prod 636 Illinois 1956 Produce Gambill Prod 636 Illinois 1957 Produce Gambill Produce 1912 Produce Gambill Produce 636 Illinois 1938 Produce Gambill Produce 636 Illinois 1947 Produce Gambill Produce 636 Illinois 1950 Produce Gambill Produce 636 Illinois 1951 Produce Gambill Produce 636 Illinois 1954 Produce Gambill Produce 636 Illinois 1955 Produce Gambill Produce 636 Illinois 1962 Produce Gambill Produce 636 Illinois 1963 Produce Gambill Produce 636 Illinois 1964 Produce Gambill Produce 636 Illinois 1965 Produce Gambill Produce 636 Illinois 1966 Produce Gambill Product 636 Illinois 1961 Produce Gambill Superior Feed 636 Illinois 1941 Produce Garner & Elmore 1915 Carpenters Garner /Garner/ Beck F N. ,W J ,Dona 1920 Cattle Garr & Cantrell Real Estate FNB Building 1946 Real Estate Garr & Cantrell Real Estate FNB Building 1947 Real Estate Garr & Cantrell Realters 1st Nat Bk 1950 Real Estate Gas Office 621 7 th 1938 Public Utilities Gas Office 621 7 th 1941 Public Utilities Gas Office 621 7 th 1946 Public Utilities Gas Office 621 7 th 1947 Public Utilities Gastineau Dr. F T Over J&J 1920 Doctor Gentry & Royster Service 302 4 th 1950 Service Station Gill Grocery William Grocery Gillock Appliance 501 6 th 1954 Hardware Gillock Appliance 501 6 th 1955 Hardware Gillock Appliance 425 Harrison 1957 Hardware Gillock Appliance Co 501 6 th 1947 Hardware Gillock Appliance Co. 501 6 th 1946 Hardware Gillock Applnce Co. 501 6 th 1950 Hardware Gillock Beauty Shop 606 Denver 1941 Beauty Shop Gillock Beauty Shop Mrs. Frank 606 Denver 1946 Beauty Shop Gillock Beauty Shop 606 Denver 1947 Beauty Shop Gillock Beauty Shop Mrs. Frank 606 Denver 1950 Beauty Shop Gillock Beauty Shop 606 Denver 1951 Beauty Shop Gillock Beauty Shop 606 Denver 1954 Beauty Shop Gillock Beauty Shop 606 Denver 1955 Beauty Shop Gillock Beauty Shop 606 Denver 1956 Beauty Shop Gillock Beauty Shop 606 Denver 1957 Beauty Shop Gillock Beauty Shop 606 Denver 1961 Beauty Shop Gillock Electric Shop 556 Illinois 1938 Repair Shop Gilmore Robt 1915 Restaurant Glencliff Dairy 463 Harrison 1955 Dairy Glencliff Dairy 463 Harrison 1956 Dairy Glencliff Dairy Prod 463 Harrison 1957 Dairy Glencliff Dairy Products 463 Harrison 1950 Dairy Glencliff Dairy Products 463 Harrison 1951 Dairy Glencliff Dairy Products 463 Harrison 1954 Dairy Glencliff Dairy Products 463 Harrison 1961 Dairy Glencliff Dairy Products 463 Harrison 1962 Dairy Glenn 's Beauty Salon 429 1/2 Harrison 1965 Beauty Shop Glenn's Beauty Salon Jack/ Sherrain 429 1/2 Harrison 1963 Beauty Shop Glenn's Beauty Salon Jack / Sherrain 4291/2 Harrison 1964 Beauty Shop Globe / Democrat 1911 Newspaper Globe Hotel Bolton Mrs. B A 1910 Hotel Globe Hotel Burned 1907 West Side Square Hotel Goff J.N. 1901 Harness Maker Goff J.N. 1915 Hardware/Harness Goff J.N. 1918-19 Hardware/ Harness Goff T.C. 1918-19 Harness Shop Goff T.C. 617 Harrison 1928 Harness Shop Goff Hardware J N 1917 Hardware Goff Harness Shop Tom Next Door West Marx Bros. 1912 Harness Shop Goff Justice of Peace Oscar Ct House 1961 Justice of Peace Goff Motor Co Frank 626 6 th 1951 Car Dealer Goff Motor Co. 524 5 th 1938 Car Dealer Goff Motor Co. 642 6 th 1941 Car Dealer Goff Motor Co. 626 6 th 1947 Car Dealer Goff Motor Co. Frank 626 6 th 1950 Car Dealer Golden Rule Cash Store 527 6 th 1928 Variety Good Samaritan Center Agency Road 1962 Elder Care Good Samaritan Center Agency Road 1963 Elder Care Good Samaritan Center Agency Rd 1964 Elder Care Good Samaritan Center Agency Rd 1965 Elder Care Good Samaritan Center Agency Rd 1966 Elder Care Good Samaritan Center Agency Road 1967 Elder Care Good Samaritan Center Agency Road 1968 Elder Care Good Samariten Center Agency Road 1969 Elder Care Gooding Hatchery 708 5 th 1955 Hatchery Gooding Hatchery 708 5 th 1956 Hatchery Gooding Hatchery 708 5 th 1957 Hatchery Gordon Mrs. 1901 Dress Maker Gordon Electric Co. IOOF Bldg 1924 Public Utilities Gordon Feed & Produce 632 Illinois 1955 Produce Gorton Milling WE 1897 Elevator Gould Furniture M A West H Street 1903 (began) Furniture Gould Furniture & Hardware M A 1910 Hardware Gould Second Hand Store M A SE Corner of Sq 1907 Variety Graham Electric 531 1/2 6 th 1961 Repair Shop Graham Hotel 1918-19 Hotel Graham Hotel 531 6 th 1928 Hotel Graham Hotel 531 6 th 1938 Hotel Graham Hotel 531 6 th 1941 Hotel Graham Hotel 531 6 th 1946 Hotel Graham Hotel 531 6 th 1947 Hotel Graham Hotel 531 6 th 1950 Hotel Graham Hotel 531 6 th 1951 Hotel Graham Hotel 531 6 th 1954 Hotel Graham Hotel 531 6 th 1955 Hotel Graham Hotel 531 6 th 1957 Hotel Graham Hotel 531 6 th 1961 Hotel Graham Hotel 531 6 th 1962 Hotel Graham Hotel 531 6 th 1963 Hotel Graham Hotel 531 6th 1964 Hotel Graham Hotel 531 6 th 1965 Hotel Graham Hotel 637 6th 1966 Hotel Graham Hotel 531 6 th 1967 Hotel Graham Refrig & Elect 531 1/2 6 th 1951 Repair Shop Graham Refrigeration 531 1/2 6 th 1956 Repair Shop Graham Refrigeration 531 1/2 6 th 1957 Repair Shop Graham Refrigeration 531 1/2 6 th 1962 Repair Shop Graham Refrigeration Service 531 1/2 6 th 1955 Repair Shop Graham Refrigertion & Electric 531 1/2 6 th 1950 Repair Shop Grandstaff Grocery George 1901 Grocery Grant T.M. 1893 Contractor Grant & Thompson 1901 Grain Dealer Grant Contractor T M Contractor Gray's Machine Shop 1941 Machine Shop Green F.F. 626 Harrison 1928 Plumber Green Fred 627 6 th 1951 Optometrist Green F.F. 626 Harrison 1938 Plumber Green Fred 627 6 th 1950 Optometrist Green & Sons WW 1909 Livestock Shippers Green Optician Fred 547 6 th 1941 Optometrist Green Optician Fred 547 6 th 1946 Optometrist Green Optician Fred 547 6 th 1947 Optometrist Green Optometrist Fred 627 6 th 1954 Optometrist Green Optometrists 627 6 th 1955 Optometrist Green Plumbing F F 1920-1926 Plumbing Green Plumbing 1201 4 th 1941 Plumbing Green Stock Yards W W near Santa Fe Depot 1910 Stock Yards Gregor J.W. 453 Harrison 1928 Grocery Gregor Nu Way Help your Self Laundry 404 4 th 1955 Laundry Gregor's Meat Market J W 1905 Grocery Griffin L.D. 1915 Grocery Griffin L.D. 1918-19 Grocery Griffin & Neild Grocery 1902 Grocery Griffin Grocery 1912 Grocery Griffins Grocery L D 1900 Grocery Griffins Grocery 1911 Grimsley J.M. 1901 Construction Grimsley & Sons W of IOOF & Ford Garage 1920 Mill Groves Station 302 4 th 1951 Service Station Gulf Oil Refing N of City 1951 Refiner Gulf Refing 609 10 th 1957 Refiner Gulf Refing Co N of City 1956 Refiner Gulf Refining N of City 1955 Refiner Gulf Refining Co N of City 1959 Refiner Gulf Refining Co, 1938 Refiner Gulf Refining Co. N of City 1941 Refiner Gulf Refining Co. N of City 1946 Refiner Gulf Refining Co. N of City 1947 Refiner Gyp Water Softener & Filter Co. Donnelly-EC & EJ 1904 est. Public Utilities Haddox Chas H. Dr. 523 1/2 Harrison 1928 Doctor Haddox Chas Dr 523 1/2 Harrison 1934 Doctor Haddox Chas 523 1/2 Harrison 1938 Doctor Haddox Chas. Dr. 534 Illinois 1941 Doctor Haddox Chas Dr 534 Illinois 1950 Doctor Haddox Chas Dr 534 Illinois 1951 Doctor Haddox Chas Dr. 534 Illinois 1954 Doctor Haddox Chas Dr 534 Illinois 1955 Doctor Haddox Chas Dr 534 Illinois 1956 Doctor Haddox Chas Dr 534 Illinois 1957 Doctor Haddox Chas 534 Illinois 1965 Doctor Haddox Chas Dr 534 Illinois 1946 Doctor Haddox Chas Dr 534 Illinois 1961 Doctor Haddox Chas Dr 534 Illinois 1962 Doctor Haddox Chas Dr 534 Illinois 1963 Doctor Haddox Dr. Charles 534 Illinois 1964 Doctor Haddox Phys Chas 534 Illinois 1947 Doctor Haga Garage 1919 Haga's Garage 615 7 th 1928 Garage Hale Jas H. So.side Square 1901 Real Estate Hale J.H. 1983 Pawnee Scout Newspaper Hale & Hill Abstract Jas./ Chas. 1902 Abstract Hale cab 602 1/2 Harrison 1954 Taxi Hancock J M Dr. Catlett Bldg Doctor Hanft Millinery Mrs. A S side of Sq 1910 Millinery Hanft Millinery Mrs. A 1893 Millinery Hanna N.C. 1901 Hardware Hanna Hardware H C 1907 Hardware Hanna's Variety Store 1915 Variety Hanna's Variety Store 1918-19 Variety Hanna's Variety Store 1919 Variety Hannas' Variety Store 1919 Hargrove Robt Dr 539 1/2 6 th 1951 Doctor Hargrove Robt Dr. 524 6 th 1954 Doctor Hargrove Robert D 524 5 th 1965 Doctor Hargrove Dr Robt 534 5 th 1955 Doctor Hargrove Dr Robt 524 5 th 1956 Doctor Hargrove Dr Robt 524 5 th 1957 Doctor Hargrove Dr Robt 524 5 th 1961 Doctor Hargrove Dr Robt 524 5 th 1962 Doctor Hargrove Dr Robt 524 5 th 1963 Doctor Hargrove Dr. Robert 524 5th 1964 Doctor Hargrove M.D. Robert 524 5 th 1966 Doctor Harnden's Private School Floros D 1895 School Harp Dairy 405 4 th 1957 Dairy Harp Dairy & Locker 405 4 th 1946 Dairy Harp Dairy & Locker 405 4 th 1947 Dairy Harp Dairy & Locker 405 4 th 1956 Dairy Harp Dairy & Locker System 405 4 th 1950 Dairy Harp Dairy & Locker System 405 4 th 1951 Dairy Harp Dairy & Locker System 405 4 th 1954 Dairy Harp Dairy & Locker System 405 4 th 1955 Dairy Harrington A C S. E. Side of Square 1911 Maxwell Autos Harris Att John E 1920 Attorney Harris Water Hauling J H 1905 Trucking Harrison J W 1900 Justice of the Peace Harrison G.C. 559 1/2 Harrison 1941 Office Harrison & Gibson S side of Square 1901 Clothing Harrison & Gibson S side of Square 1902 Clothing Harrison Mercantile Co. West Side Square 1907 (Burned) Mercantile Hartwick Gulf Station 4 & Harrison 1969 Service Station Hartwick Gulf Station 4 th & Harrison 1969 Service Station Harvey Lunch Room 2 doors W FNB 1912 Cafe Harvey Restaurant Buck N side Square 1912 Cafe Harvey Restaurant Buck North side Square 1912 Cafe Burned 2-29-12 Hatfield House Moving David 306 Denver 1957 Trucking Haug Texaco Sherman 1924 Service Station Haug Texaco Glenwood sold after Glenwood died 1981 Haug Texaco Station 759 Harrison 1969 Service Station Haug Texao Station 759 Harrison 1967 Service Station Haug's Texaco Glenwood 759 Harrison 1946 Service Station Haug's Texaco 759 Harrison 1947 Service Station Haug's Texaco 759 Harrison 1950 Service Station Haug's Texaco 759 Harrison 1951 Service Station Haug's Texaco 759 Harrison 1954 Service Station Haug's Texaco 759 Harrison 1955 Service Station Haug's Texaco 759 Harrison 1956 Service Station Haug's Texaco 759 Harrison 1957 Service Station Haug's Texaco 759 Harrison 1961 Service satation Haug's Texaco 759 Harrison 1962 Service Station Haug's Texaco 759 Harrison 1963 Service Station Haug's Texaco 759 Harrison 1964 Service Station Haug's Texaco 759 Harrison 1965 Service Station Haug's Texaco 759 Harrison 1966 Service Station Haug's Texaco 759 Harrison 1968 Hayes Bros. main street Owner 1893 Cafe Haynes Butane- Propane 629 Harrison 1951 Propane Haynes Butane- Propane Gas Co. 631 6 th 1950 Propane Haynes Butane-Propane 629 Harrison 1954 Propane Haynes Butane-Propane Gas Co 924 Kansas 1947 Propane Heckers Cris around square Owner 1893 Bakery Heckers Bakery Chris Around Square 1893 Bakery Heits 1918-19 Grocery Henderson John W. 1901 Farm Implement Henry Mrs. Nettie 1901 Barber Henry John 1911 coal Henry Tom 1893 Mercantile Henry DVM R E E Hwy 64 1954 Veterinarian Henry DVM H E E Hwy 64 1955 Veterinarian Henry DVM R E E Hwy 64 1956 Veterinarian Henry DVM R E 105 Cleveland 1961 Veterinarian Henry DVM R E 105 Cleveland 1962 Veterinarian Henry DVM R E 105 Cleveland 1963 Veterinarian Henry DVM R E E of City 1955 Veterinarian Henry DVM R.E. 105 Cleveland 1964 Veterinarian Henry DVM R E 105 Cleveland 1966 Veterinarian Henry's Service Station 4 th & HArrison 1969 Service Station Henry's Sinclair Lonnie 4th & Harrisoon 1964 Service Startion Henry's Sinclair Lonnie 4 th 7 Harrison 1965 Service Station Henry's Sinclair Lonnie 4 th & Harrison 1966 Service Station Henry's Sinclair Station Lonnie 4 th & Harrison 1962 Service Station Henry's Sinclair Station Lonnie 4 th & Harrison 1963 Service Station Henry's Sinclair Station 4 th & Harrison 1967 Service Station Henry's Station 4 th & Harrison 1968 Service Station Herb's Garage Barclay 321 4 th 1947 Garage Herb's Garage Barclay 321 4 th 1950 Garage Herb's Garage Barclay 321 4 th 1951 Garage Herb's Garage Barclay 321 4 th 1954 Garage Herb's Garage Barclay 321 4 th 1955 Garage Herchel's Cabnet Shop Miller 307 Granite 1950 Cabinet Shop Hichman Atty F G 1912 Attorneys Hickman L. 1901 Jeweler Hickman Att. John T. 1912 Attorneys Hiet's Grocery 1919 Grocery Highway 64 Super Service Station 656 Harrison 1969 Service Station Hill L.C. 629 Harrison 1928 Plumbing/Electric Hill Calvin 1901 Confectionery Hill Bros. 1/2 Blk. W.of Sq. 1901 Grocery Hill Bros. Grocery December 1902 Grocery Hill Gro 308 Granite 1955 Grocery Hill Gro 308 Granite 1956 Grocery Hill Gro 308 Granite 1957 Grocery Hill Gro & Mkt 308 Granite 1951 Grocery Hill Grocery 308 Granite 1938 Grocery Hill Grocery 308 Granite 1947 Grocery Hill Grocery 308 Granite 1954 Grocery Hill Grocery & Market 308 Granite 1941 Grocery Hill Grocery & Market 308 Granite 1946 Grocery Hill Grocery & Market 308 Granite 1950 Grocery Hill Plumbing & Electric Clarence 530 Illinois 1938 Plumbing Hill Plumbing & Electric Clarence 530 Illinois 1941 Plumbing Hill Plumbing & Electric Clarence 1941 Plumbing Hill Plumbling L C 609 7th 1929 Plumbing Hill Plumbling L C 629 Harrison 1929 Plumbing Hillcrest Hotel Mrs.Nettie Hill 1901 Hotel Hillcrest Hotel Hill Mrs N J 1 1/2 Blk S of Sq 1907 Hotel Hillcrest Hotel 7 th & Granite 1910 Hotel Hillcrest Hotel 7 th & Granite 1915 Hotel Hillcrest Hotel 7 th & Granite 1918-19 Hotel Hillcrest Hotel 7 th & Granite 1911 Hotel Holman G.C. 533 th 1928 Jeweler Home & King Laundry 703 Illinois 1938 Laundry Home & King Laundry 703 Illinois 1941 Laundry Home Town Gro 517 Harrison 1955 Grocery Home Town Grocery 528 Illinois 1928 Grocery Home Town Mkt 517 Harrison 1954 Grocery Home Town Mkt 814 Harrison 1956 Grocery Hooper Auto 521 Harrison 1956 Auto Supply Hooper Auto Supply 533 Harrison 1950 Auto Supply Hooper Auto Supply 521 Harrison 1951 Auto Supply Hooper Auto Supply 521 Harrison 1954 Auto Supply Hooper Auto Supply 521 Harrison 1955 Auto Supply Hooper Auto Supply 521 Harrison 1957 Auto Supply Hope B.N. Dr. 1918-19 Dentist Hope B.N. Dr. 523 1/2 Harrison 1928 Dentist Hope B.N. Dr. 1915 Dentist Hope B N DDS. Dentist Hope DDS 1910 Dentist Hope Dr. 1911 Dentist Hope Dr. B N 1912 Dentist Horn & Sons Drilling Pawnee Hotel 1956 Drilling Horn Drilling Pawnee Hotel 1957 Drilling Horn Hardware & Furniture 641 Harrison 1947 Hardware Horn Tractor & Implement 639 Illinois 1951 Farm Implement Horn Tractor & Implement Co 639 Illinois 1950 Farm Implement Horton Cook 1901 Saloon Horton's Saloon Cook 1900 Saloon Hoskins E. H. 1915 Jewelry Hotel De Hoss Loyd McNemee Prop. 1901 Stable / Hotel Hrabe F.A. 641 Harrison 1928 Hardware Hrabe F.A. 641 Harrison 1938 Hardware Hrabe Hardware F.A. 641 Harrison 1941 Hardware Hudson & Badger 1920 Elevator Hudson & Patterson Grocery 1902 Grocery Hudson Grain Co. 306 Kansas 1928 Elevator Hughes G.W. S. of Sq. 1901 Grocery Hughes John C. 1901 Attorneys Hughes Bakery S side of Sq 1907 Bakery Hughes Bakery 1910 Bakery Hughes Bakery Geo W 1894 Bakery Hughes Barber Shop Geo W South Side of Square 1894 Barber Hughes/Patton 1901 Saloon Hulett Motor Bob 504 Illinois 1928 Car Dealer Hulett Motor Bob 644 Harrison 1938 Car Dealer Huling Dr. K W 1934 Chiropactor Hulings K W Dr 613 6 th 1934 Chiropractor Hull W.S. around square Owner "1893 Variety Store Hulls General Store W S Around Square 1893 Variety Store Hunter Bros.Grocery Grocery Hupp Dr. John 622 7 th 1961 Doctor Hurgt Att. Thurman 631 6 th 1967 Attorney Hurst Thurman S. 1918-19 Attorney Hurst Thurman S. 516 1/2 Harrison 1928 Attorney Hurst Thurman Stafford Bld 1954 Attorney Hurst Thurman Stafford Bld 1956 Attorney Hurst & Scott Atty's 631 6 th 1957 Attorney Hurst Att Thurman S FNB Bldg 1920 Attorney Hurst Att Thurman 631 6 th 1966 Attorney Hurst Att Thurman 631 6 th 1968 Attorney Hurst Att Thurman 631 6 th 1969 Attorney Hurst Att. Thurman 631 6 th 1965 Attorney Hurst Atty Thurman Stafford Bld 1955 Attorney Hurst Atty Thurman 631 6 th 1961 Attorney Hurst Atty Thurman 631 6 th 1962 Attorney Hurst Atty Thurman 631 6 th 1963 Attorney Hurst Atty Thurman 631 6th 1964 Attorney Hutchinson Bros. 1901 Restaurant Hutt Contractor- Builter E NE side of Sq 1893 Construction Hutton 1901 Photographer Ice Berg Drive In 4 th & Harrison 1961 Cafe Ice Plant 1915 Ice Plant Ice Plant 1918-19 Ice Plant Ice Plant 1920 Ice Plant Ike's Auto Laundry Stanley Johnson 438 harrison 1941 Motor Steaming Inez's Apparel 631 Harison 1967 Clothing Inez's Apparel 631 Harrison 1969 Clothing Inez's Apparel 631 Harrison 1968 Clothing International Geophysicists 604 1/2 Harrison 1954 Geophysicist Irene' Beauty Shop 510 Ash 1966 Beauty Shop Irene's Beauty Salon 510 Ash 1964 Beauty Shop Irene's Beauty Salon 510 Ash 1967 Beauty Shop Irene's Beauty Salon 510 Ash 1968 Beauty Shop Irene's Beauty Salon 510 Ash 1969 Beauty Shop Irene's Beauty Shop 509 Granite 1961 Beauty Shop Irene's Beauty Shop 509 Granite 1962 Beauty shop Irene's Beauty Shop Wilson 510 Ash 1963 Beauty Shop Irene's Beauty Shop 510 Ash 1965 Beauty Shop J & H Cleaners 533 6 th 1938 Cleaners J & H Cleaners 533 6 th 1941 Cleaners J A Peter & Co. S side of Sq 1910 Dry Goods J D Construction 621 6 th 1968 Construction J.A. Peter & Co. 1911 Dry Goods Jack & Mary's Grill 625 Harrison 1946 Cafe Jack & Mary's Grill 625 Harrison 1950 Cafe Jack & Mary's Grill 625 Harrison 1951` Cafe James Ser 207 Forest 1957 Service Station James Service 207 Forest 1956 Service Station James Service 207 Forest 1965 Service Station James Service Station 207 Forest 1966 Service Station James Station 207 Forest 1954 Service Station James Station 207 Forest 1955 Service Station James Station 207 Forest 1962 Service Station James Station 207 Forest 1963 Service Station James Station 207 Forest 1964 Service Station Jame's Station 207 Forest 1961 Service Station Jay & Jay 525 Harrison 1938 Drug Jay & Jay 525 Harrison 1951 Drug Jay & Jay 1919 Jay & Jay Drug Established 525 Harrison 1904 Drug Jay & Jay Drug 525 Harrison 1954 Drug Jay & Jay Drug 525 Harrison 1955 Drug Jay & Jay Druggist S Side of Sq 1910 Drug Jay & Jay Drugs 1915 Drug Jay & Jay Drugs 1918-19 Drug Jay & Jay Drugs 525 Harrison 1928 Drug Jay & Jay Drugs 525 Harrison 1941 Drug Jay & Jay Drugs 525 Harrison 1946 Drug Jay & Jay Drugs 525 Harrison 1947 Drug Jay & Jay Drugs 525 Harrison 1950 Drug Jay & Jay Drugs 1919 Drugs Jay's Auto Repair Narry 700 Harrison 1954 Garage Jedsco N of City 1956 Drilling Jedsco Drilling NW of City 1957 Drilling Jedsco Oil Drilling NW of City 1955 Drilling Jennings Sewing Machine Co C O NE Corner of Sq 1907 Sewing Machine Jensen Mark 1893 Contractor Jerome & Sons main street Owner 1893 Hardware Jerome & Sons General Hardware Along Main Street 1893 Hardware Jerry's Photo Studio 307 Forest 1956 Photo Studio Jerry's Studio 307 Forest 1957 Photo Studio Jerry's Studio 505 6 th 1961 Photo Studio Jerry's Studio 505 6 th 1962 Photo Studio Jerry's Studio 505 6 th 1963 Photo Studio Jerry's Studio James 505 6th 1964 Photo Studio Jerry's Studio 505 6 th 1965 Photo Studio Jerry's Studio 505 6 th 1966 Photo Studio Jerry's Studio 505 6 th 1967 Photo Studio Jerry's Studio 505 6 th 1968 Photo Studio Jerry's Studio 505 6 th 1969 Photo Studio Jesse's Sinclair Station Beaver 4 th & Harrison 1961 Service Station Jestes Service 656 Harrison 1950 Service Station Jestes Service Station 656 Harrison 1941 service Station Jestes Service Station 656 Harrison 1946 Service Station Jestes Station 656 Harrison 1954 Service Station Jestes Station 656 Harrison 1955 Service Station Jestes Super Ser Conoco 656 Harrison 1957 Service Station Jestes Super Service 656 Harrison 1951 Service Station Jestes Super Service 656 Harrison 1956 Service Station Jestes Super Service 656 Harrison 1963 Service Station Jestes Super Service 656 Harrison 1961 Service station Jestes Super Service Station 656 Harrison 1947 Service station Jestes Super Station 656 Harrison 1962 Service Station Jim's Tv Service 313 Ash 1961 Sservice Station John Deere 702 Harrison 1938 Farm Implemants Johnson 1918-19 Jeweler Johnson & McGee 561 1/2 Harrison 1938 Attorneys Johnson & McGee 561 1/2 Harrison 1950 Attorneys Johnson & McGee 561 1/2 Harrison 1951 Attorneys Johnson & McGee Attys. 561 1/2 Harrison 1941 Attorneys Johnson & McGee Attys. 561 1/2 Harrison 1946 Attorneys Johnson & McGee Attys. 561 1/2 Harrison 1947 Attorneys Johnson Gulf Ser 4 th & Harrison 1957 Service Station Johnson Oil Co. 4 th & Illinois 1938 Service Station Johnson Stanley Service 801 Harrison 1938 Service Station Jones R.E. Phys. 539 1/2 6 th 1941 Doctor Jones R.E. 539 1/2 6 th 1938 Doctor Jones Cotton Co. R.C. 1915 Elevator Jones Cotton Co. R.C. 1918-19 Elevator Jones Cotton Co. R.C. 915 Harrison 1928 Elevator Jones Dr R E 1934 Doctor Jo's Beauty Shop 612 Harrison 1965 Beauty Shop Jo's Beauty Shop 612 Harrison 1966 Beauty Shop Jo's Beauty Shop 612 Harrison 1967 Beauty Shop Jo's Beauty Shop 612 Harison 1968 Beauty Shop Jo's Beauty Shop Sexton 531 6 th 1969 Beauty Shop Juanita's Beauty Shop 627 1/2 Harrison 1951 Beauty Shop Juanita's Beauty Shop 627 1/2 Harrison 1954 Beauty Shop Juanita's Beauty Shop 627 1/2 Harison 1955 Beauty Shop Juanita's Beauty Shop Kistler 706 Elm 1956 Beauty Shop Judd Loyd Dr. 557 1/2 Harrison 1954 Doctor Junior's 66 Station 4 th & Harrison 1961 Service Station Justice A. 1915 Plumber Justice Plumbing Al 1911 Justice's Blacksmith Shop Albert 1894 Blacksmith K & K Store 501 Harrison 1954 Variety Store K & K Store 501 Harrison 1955 Variety Store Katz - Catlett 1920 Drug Katz Bros. 1915 Variety Store Katz Bros. 1918-19 Variety Store Katz Department Store 1910 Katz Department Store 505 Harrison 1941 Variety Store Katz Department Store 1911 Variety Store Katz Department Store 1911 Katz Department Store 1912 Variety Store Katz Dept Store 1910 Variety Store Katz Dept. 505 Harrison 1938 Variety Store Katz Inc. 505 Harrison 1928 Variety Store Katz Men & Boys Jacob 521 Harrison 1938 Clothing Katz Men & Boys Jacob 521 Harrison 1941 Clothing Keeton Service Station E Hwy 64 1947 Service Station Keiger Pierce Oil Frank 1918-19 Kelley Bros Hauling 1947 Trucking Kelley Implement 702 Harrison 1938 Farm Implements Kelley Implement 615 7 th 1951 Farm Implements Kelley Implement 615 7 th 1954 Farm Implements Kelley Implement 615 7 th 1955 Farm Implements Kelley Implement 615 7 th 1956 Farm Implements Kelley Implement 615 7 th 1957 Farm Implements Kelley Implement 615 7 th 1961 Farm Implements Kelley Implement 615 7 th 1962 Farm Implements Kelley Implement 615 7 th 1963 Farm Implements Kelley Implement 615 7th 1964 Farm Implements Kelley Implement 615 7 th 1965 Farm Implements Kelley Implement 615 7 th 1966 Farm Implements Kelley Implement 615 7 th 1966 Farm Implements Kelley Implement 615 7 th 1967 Farm Implements Kelley Implement 615 7 th 1968 Farm Implements Kelley Implement N of City 1969 Farm Implements Kelley Implement 702 Harrison 1941 Farm Implements Kelley Implement Co 615 7 th 1947 Farm Implements Kelley Implement Co. 615 7 th 1946 Farm Implements Kelley Implement Co. 615 7 th 1950 Farm Implements Kelly Z.A. 1915 Tailor Kenny Market 459 Harrison 1938 Grocery Kenny Market & Grocery 459 Harrison 1941 Grocery Kenoyer G.G. agent 1910 Kent's Service Station 205 4 th 1947 Service Station Kerns L.D. 1915 Bakery Kerns Cash Grocery 645 Harrison 1928 Grocery Kerr McGee Oil Co W of City 1954 Refiner Kerr McGee Oil Co 504 Illinois 1955 Refiner Kerr McGee Oil Ind W of City 1956 Refiner Kerr McGee Oil Industries 715 Forest 1951 Refiner Kerr McGee Oil; Ind W of City 1957 Refiner Kerr's Flower Shop Mellie 624 Boulder 1955 Flower Shop Kerr's Pawnee Flower Shop 624 Boulder 1957 Flower Shop Kerr's Pawnee Flower Shop 624 Boulder 1962 Flower Shop Kerr's Pawnee Flower Shop 624 Boulder 1963 Flower Shop Kerr's Pawnee Flower Shop 624 Boulder 1965 Flower Keyes E C 641 6 th 1950 Doctor Kimberlin Sandblasting Joe 705 Forest 1934 Sandblasting Kimery Att L N Berry Bldg 1920 Attorney Kimery Atty L N 522 1/2 Harrison 1947 Attorney Kimrey L N Court House 1950 Attorney Kimrey L N Court House 1951 Attorney Kimrey L N Court House 1954 Attorney Kimrey L N Court House 1956 Attorney Kimrey Atty L.N. 555 1/2 Harrison 1928 Attorney Kimrey Atty L N Court House 1955 Attorney Kirt Service Station 205 4 th 1946 Service Station Kline Feed 642 Harrison 1957 Feed Store Kline Feed 642 Harisson 1961 Feed Store Kline Feed 642 Harrison 1967 Feed Store Kline Feed Store 642 Harrison 1950 Feed Store Kline Feed Store 642 Harrison 1951 Feed Store Kline Feed Store 642 Harrison 1954 Feed Store Kline Feed Store 642 Harrison 1955 Feed Store Kline Feed Store 642 Harrison 1956 Feed Store Kline Feed Store 642 Harrison 1962 Feed Store Kline Feed Store 642 Harrison 1963 Feed Store Kline Feed Store 642 Harrison 1964 Feed Store Kline Feed Store 642 Harrison 1965 Feed Store Kline Feed Store 642 Harrison 1966 Feed Store Kline Feed Store 642 Harrison 1968 Feed Store Kline Feed Store 642 Harrison 1969 Feed Store Knights of Pythis Masonic Hall 1911 Club Knisley W.T. 1918-19 Office Kolb Oil Co 504 Illinois 1951 Refiner Kolb Oil Co 504 Illinois 1956 Refiner Kolb Oil Co 504 Illinois 1957 Refiner Kolb Oil Co. 504 Illinois 1941 Refiner Kolb Oil Co. 504 Illinois 1946 Refiner Kolb Oil Co. 504 Illinois 1947 Refiner Kolb Oil Co. 504 Illinois 1950 Refiner Kolb Oil Station A.H. 504 Illinois 1928 Refiner Krauss A. 1915 Hides & Poultry Krauss A. 1918-19 Hides & Poultry Krauss Produce Adolph 1900 Produce Kubby Hole Cafe 617 6 th 1950 Cafe Kubby Hole Cafe Blakney 617 6 th 1954 Cafe Kubby Hole Cafe 617 6 th 1955 Cafe Kubby Hole Lunch 617 6 th 1938 Cafe Kubby Hole Lunch 617 6 th 1946 Cafe Lake Side Drive -In Theater N of City 1954 Movie Lamb Auctioneer O.M. 1910 Auctioneer Lamon Bait & Tackle 504 Boulder 1969 Sporting Goods Lamons Bait & Tackle 504 Boulder 1966 Sporting Goods Lamons Bait & Tackle John 504 Boulder 1967 Sporting Goods Lamons Bait & Tackle John 504 Boulder 1968 Sporting Goods Lampton John 1915 Photo Studio Lampton Studio 1911 Photo Studio Lampton Studio John Photo Studio Lampton's Photographic Studio 1907 Photo Studio Lampton's Photographic Studio 1910 Photo Studio Lampton's Photographic Studio 1912 Photo Studio Lancaster & Bushorr Realtors 1899 Real Estate Lancaster / Bushorr 1901 Real Estate Lane Bus & Baggage Hadyen 1909 Taxi Lanscaster Grocery Oscar N of Sq 1910 Grocery Laura's Fashion 529 Harrison 1951 Clothing Laura's Beauty Shop 529 Harrison 1947 Beauty Shop Laura's Fashion Shop 539 Harrison 1950 Clothing Lawrence Drilling Roy 625 6 th 1955 Drilling Lawrence Drilling 625 6 th 1956 Drilling Lawrence Drilling 625 6 th 1957 Drilling Lawrence Drilling 625 6 th 1961 Drilling Lawrence Drilling 501 1/2 Harrison 1962 Drilling Lawrence Drilling 501 1/2 Harrison 1963 Drilling Lawrence Drilling Roy 501 1/2 Harrison 1964 Drilling Lawrence Drilling 617 6 th 1965 Drilling Lawrence Drilling 461 Harrison 1966 Drilling Lawrence Drilling Roy 461 Harrison 1967 Drilling Lawrence Drilling 461 Harrison 1968 Drilling Lawrence Drilling 461 Harrison 1969 Drilling Lawrence Furniture Co. 629 Harrison 1946 Furniture Lawrence Furniture Co. 629 Harrison 1947 Furniture Lawrence Furniture Co. 501 Harrison 1950 Furniture Lawrence Furniture Co. 501 Harrison 1951 Furniture Lawrence Maytag Co. 629 Harrison 1938 Appliance Store Lawrence Maytag Co. 629 Harrison 1941 Appliance Store Layton's Repair 518 4 th 1966 Repair Shop Layton's Repair 636 Illinois 1968 Repair Shop Layton's Repair 636 Illinois 1969 Repair Shop Layton's Repair Service 518 4th 1964 Repair Shop Layton's Repair Shop 518 4 th 1962 Repair Shop Layton's Repair Shop 518 4 th 1963 Repair Shop Layton's Repair Shop 518 4 th 1965 Repair Shop Layton's Repair Shop 636 Illinois 1967 Repair Shop Leche Laundry & Dry Cleaning S of City 1951 Cleaning Lee Att David Over Peter Drug 1920 Attorney LeHew B.A. 1901 Grocery LeHew B.A. 1918-19 Grocery LeHew J.L. Dr. 1918-19 Doctor LeHew Elton W. 555 1/2 Harrison 1938 Doctor LeHew J.L. Dr. 555 1/2 Harrison 1938 Doctor LeHew J.L. Phys. 555 1/2 Harrison 1941 Doctor LeHew Clifford H 555 1/2 Harrison 1947 Doctor LeHew J L 555 1/2 Harrison 1950 Doctor LeHew Clifford 555 1/2 Harrison 1951 Dentist LeHew J L Dr 555 1/2 Harrison 1951 Doctor LeHew J L Dr. 555 1/2 Harrison 1954 Doctor LeHew J. L. 1915 Doctor LeHew J.L. Dr. 555 1/2 Harrison 1928 Doctor LeHew C H Dr. 555 1/2 Harrison 1946 Dentist LeHew J L Phys 555 1/2 Harrison 1946 Doctor LeHew J L Dr. 555 1/2 Harrison 1947 Doctor LeHew Clifford 555 1/2 Harrison 1950 Dentist LeHew Clifford 555 1/2 Harrison 1954 Dentist LeHew Clifford 555 1/2 Harrison 1955 Dentist LeHew B. A. 1911 Feed LeHew Clifford DDS 641 6 th 1965 Dentist LeHew J.L. 1901 Doctor LeHew DDS Clifford 555 1/2 Harrison 1956 Dentist LeHew & Co. B.A. 1915 Grocery LeHew DDS Clifford 641 6 th 1962 Dentist LeHew DDS Clifford 641 6 th 1966 Dentist LeHew DDS Clifford 641 6 th 1967 Dentist LeHew DDS Clliford 641 6 th 1968 Dentist LeHew DDS Clifford 641 6 th 1969 Dentist LeHew DDS Clifford 641 6 th 1963 Dentist LeHew Dentist Cllifford 641 6 th 1961 Dentist LeHew Dentist Clifford 641 6th 1964 Dentist LeHew Dr J L 555 1/2 Harrison 1955 Doctor LeHew Dr J L 555 1/2 Harrison 1956 Doctor LeHew Dr J L 555 1/2 Harrison 1957 Doctor LeHew Dr. J L 1920 Doctor LeHew Grocery SE Corner of Sq 1910 Grocery LeHew Grocery 533 Harrison 1928 Grocery Leibenheim Clothing South Side Square 1902 Clothing Lemert Produce 429 Harrison 1946 Produce Lemert Produce 459 Harrison 1947 Produce Lemert Produce 527 5 th 1954 Produce Lemert Produce 527 5 th 1955 Produce Lemert Produce 527 5 th 1961 Produce Lemert Produce 527 5 th 1962 Produce Lemert's Prod 527 5 th 1956 Produce Lemert's Prod 527 5 th 1957 Produce Lentz Service 207 Forest 1967 Produce Lentz's Station 207 Forest 1968 Service Station Leola's Beauty Shop Smith 606 Denver 1962 Beauty Shop Leola's Beauty Shop 606 Denver 1963 Beauty Shop Leola's Beauty Shop 606 Denver 1964 Beauty Shop Leola's Beauty Shop 606 Denver 1965 Beauty Shop Leola's Beauty Shop 606 Denver 1966 Beauty Shop Leola's Beauty Shop 606 Denver 1968 Beauty Shop Leola's Beauty Shop Smith 606 Denver 1969 Beauty Shop Liebenheim Soulsby Bld. 1911 Clothing Liebenheim Bankrupt 1912 1912 Clothing Liebenheim burned July 14 1910 1910 Liebenheim Store Joe 1911 Liebenheim Clothing Joe South Side Square 1903 Clothing Liebenhelm Joe 1901 Tailor Lillian's Beauty Shop Colvin 509 Granite 1957 Beauty Shop Linclon Cleaning & Pressing 1935 Cleaning Liscum Fred S. 1915 Attorney Little Gem Market Hatfield D A S side of Sq 1907 Grocery Little Gem Market Milsap/Plumley West side of Square 1910 Grocery Lone Jack School NW of City 1965 School Lone Jack School NW of City 1966 School Lone Jack School NW of City 1967 School Long Bell Lbr 624 6 th 1957 Lumber Long Bell Lumber Boehm I T Mgr. 1907 Lumber Long Bell Lumber 624 6 th 1950 Lumber Long Bell Lumber 624 6 th 1951 Lumber Long Bell Lumber 624 6 th 1954 Lumber Long Bell Lumber 624 6 th 1956 Lumber Long Bell Lumber Douglass Stephen Mgr. 1919 Long Bell Lumber Co 624 6 th 1955 Lumber Long Bell Lumber Co. 1901 Lumber Long Bell Lumber Co. 1915 Lumber Long Bell Lumber Co. 1918-19 Lumber Long Bell Lumber Co. 624 6 th 1928 Lumber Long Bell Lumber Co. 624 6 th 1938 Lumber Long Bell Lumber Co. 624 6th 1941 Lumber Long Bell Lumber Co. 624 6 th 1946 Lumber Long Bell Lumber Co. 624 6 th 1947 Lumber Long Bell Lumber Co. Fegtly A.W. Mgr. 1912 Lumber Long Bell Lumber Yard Hammer AA Mgr Established 1893 Lumber Long Produce Park Place Add 1954 Produce Long Produce Park Place Add 1955 Produce Long Produce Park Place Add 1961 Produce Long Produce Glen Park Place Add 1962 Produce Longs Barber Shop Shorty 2 doors W est PNB 1912 Barber Long's Cleaners 708 6 th 1962 Cleaners Long's DeLux Cleaners 708 6 th 1956 Cleaners Long's DeLux Cleaners 708 6 th 1957 Cleaners Long's Delux Cleaners 708 6 th 1961 Cleaners Long's Prod Park Place Add 1956 Produce Long's Prod Park Place Add 1957 Produce Long's Produce 611 7 th 1946 Produce Long's Produce Glenn 611 7 th 1947 Produce Long's Produce 611 7 th 1950 Produce Long's Produce S of City 1951 Produce Lucky Mrs. 1901 Millinery Lucy May's Nursing Home 502 Granite 1955 Elder Care Lucy May's Nursing Home 502 Granite 1956 Elder Care Lundquist Mercantile Store A.S. 1915 Variety Store Lusk Auto Supply 533 Harrison 1947 Auto Supply Lusk Ins Ted 625 6 th 1951 Insurance Lusk Ins Ted 625 6 th 1954 Insurance Lusk Ins Ted 625 6 th 1955 Insurance Lusk Ins 625 6 th 1957 Inxurance Lusk Ins 625 6 th 1961 Insurance Lusk Ins Ted 625 6 th 1962 Insurance Lusk Ins 625 6 th 1963 Insurance Lusk Insurance Ted 508 Illinois 1965 Insurance Lusk Insurance Ted 508 Illinois 1966 Insurance Lusk Insurance Ted 625 6 th 1967 Insurance Lusk Insurance Ted 625 6 th 1968 Insurance Lusk Insurance 625 6 th 1969 Insurance Lusk Insurance Agency Ted 625 6 th 1964 Insurance Lusk Office E F 557 1/2 Harrison 1947 Insurance Lutz & Bulkley Bros Dry Goods 1907 Dry Goods Lyon Jeweler 547 6 th 1969 Jeweler Lyon Jewelers 627 6 th 1950 Jeweler Lyon Jewelers 627 Harrison 1951 Jeweler Lyon Jewelers 547 6 th 1954 Jeweler Lyon Jewelers 547 6 th 1957 Jeweler Lyon Jewelers 547 6 th 1961 Jeweler Lyon Jewelers 547 6 th 1962 Jeweler Lyon Jewelers 547 6 th 1963 Jeweler Lyon Jewelers 547 6 th 1965 Jeweler Lyon Jewelers 547 6 th 1966 Jeweler Lyon Jewelers 547 6 th 1967 Jeweler Lyon Jewelers 547 6 th 1968 Jeweler Lyon Jewelery C.J. 647 6 th 1964 Jeweler Lyon's Jeweler 547 6 th 1955 Jeweler Lyric Theatre 1920 Theatre Lytle's Gibble Gas 207 Forest 1969 Service Station Mafaffey Harry 1901 Secondhand Store Mafaffey O.H. 1901 Blacksmith Mafaffey Bros. 1901 Barber Magic Empire 400 Illinois 1967 Trucking Magic Empire Exp S of City 1950 Trucking Magic Empire Exp S of City 1951 Trucking Magic Empire Exp Park Place Add 1957 Trucking Magic Empire Exp 400 Illinois 1962 Trucking Magic Empire Exp 400 Illinois 1965 Trucking Magic Empire Express S of City 1955 Trucking Magic Empire Express 400 Illinois 1963 Trucking Magic Empire Express 400 Illinois 1964 Trucking Magic Empire Express 400 Illinois 1968 Trucking Magic Empire Express Co. E Hwy. 64 1941 Trucking Magic Empire Express Co. 631 6 th 1946 Trucking Magic Empire Express Co. 631 6 th 1947 Trucking Magic Express 400 Illinois 1961 Trucking Magic Express 400 Illinois 1966 Trucking Magic Express 400 Illinois 1969 Trucking Magnolia Service Station Hicks Guy 701 Harrison 1928 Service Station Mahaffy Contractor James F 1898 Construction Majors 66 Station 4 & Harrison 1964 Service Station Majors 66 Station 4 th & Harrison 1966 Service Station Majors 66 Station 4 th & Harrison 1967 Service Station Majors 66 Station 4 th & Harrison 1969 Service Station Majors Station 4 th & Harrison 1968 Service Station Malco Construction Co. W of City 1967 Construction Maltsberger 66 701 Harrison 1965 Service Station Maltsberger 66 Service 701 Harrison 1966 Service Station Maltsberger 66 Station 701 Harrison 1950 Service Station Maltsberger 66 Station 701 Harrison 1951 Service Station Maltsberger 66 Station 701 Harrison 1954 Service Station Maltsberger 66 Station 701` Harrisoon 1955 Service Station Maltsberger 66 Station 701 Harrison 1956 Service Station Maltsberger 66 Station 701 Harrison 1957 Service Station Maltsberger 66 Station 701 Harrison 1961 Service Station Maltsberger 66 Station 701 Harrison 1962 Service Station Maltsberger 66 Station 701 Harrison 1964 Service Station Maltsberger 66 Station 701 Harrison 1967 Service Station Maltsberger 66 Station 701 Harrison 1968 Service Station Maltsberger Propane 406 Cleveland 1965 Propane Maltsberger Propane 406 Cleveland 1967 Propane Maltsberger Propane 406 Cleveland 1968 Propane Maltsberger Propane 406 Cleveland 1969 Propane Maltsberger Service Station 701 Harrison 1941 Service Station Maltsberger Service Station 701 Harrison 1946 Service Station Maltsberger Service Station 701 Harrison 1947 Service Station Manning J.H. 608 Harrison 1915 Real Estate Manning John 608 Harrison 1928 Real Estate Manning J.H. 608 Harrison 1938 Real Estate Manning J.H. 608 Harrison 1941 Real Estate Manning J H 608 Harrison 1950 Real Estate Manning J H 608 Harrison 1951 Real Estate Manning John 608 Harrison 1954 Real Estate Manning John 608 Harrison 1955 Real Estate Manning & Richardson Quarter Horses 1948 Livery Manning Butcher Shop Frank S side Square 1911 Grocery Manning Real Estate 608 Harrison 1957 Real Estate Manning's Barbecued Meat restaurant Frank West H Street 1909 Cafe Marcum Olds 548 Illinois 1956 Car Dealer Marcum Olds 548 Illinois 1961 Car Dealer Marcum Oldsmobile 321 4 th 1962 Car Dealer Marcum Oldsmobile/ Rambler 321 4th 1965 Car Dealer Marcum Oldsmoble 321 Illinois 1963 Car Dealer Marcum Oldsmoble 321 4th 1964 Car Dealer Marcum Sales & Service 548 Illinois 1957 Car Dealer Margaret' Flower Shop Smith 1207 4th 1964 Flower Shop Margaret's 1207 4 th 1955 Flower Shop Margaret's Flower Shop 1207 4 th 1946 Flower Shop Margaret's Flower Shop 1207 4 th 1947 Flower Shop Margaret's Flower Shop 1207 4 th 1951 Flower Shop Margaret's Flower Shop 1207 4 th 1957 Flower Shop Margaret's Flower Shop Smith 1207 4 th 1961 Flower Shop Margaret's Flower Shop 608 Harrison 1961 Flower Shop Margaret's Flower Shop 1207 4 th 1962 Flower Shop Margaret's Flower Shop 1207 4 th 1963 Flower Shop Margaret's Flower Shop 1207 4 th 1965 Flower Shop Margaret's Flower Shop Smith 1207 4 th 1966 Flower Shop Margaret's Flower Shop 1207 4 th 1967 Flower Shop Margaret's Flower Shop Smith 1207 4 th 1968 Flower Shop Margaret's Flower Shop 1207 4 th 1969 Flower Shop Margaret's Flowers 1207 4 th 1954 Flower Shop Margaret's Flowers Shop 1207 4 th 1950 Flower Shop Marie's Tavern 463 Harrison 1955 Saloon Marie's Tavern 463 Harrison 1956 Saloon Marie's Tavern 463 Harrison 1957 Saloon Marie's Tavern 463 Harrison 1961 Saloon Marie's Tavern 463 Harrison 1962 Saloon Marie's Tavern 463 Harrison 1963 Saloon Marie's Tavern 463 Harrison 1964 Saloon Marie's Tavern 463 Harrison 1965 Saloon Marie's Tavern 463 Harrison 1966 Saloon Marie's Tavern 463 Harrison 1967 Saloon Marie's Tavern 463 Harrison 1968 Saloon Marie's Tavern 463 Harrison 1969 Saloon Marland Filling Station 311 Kansas 1928 Service Station Marlow Horse Breeder F M 3 miles NW Blackburn 1919 Horse Breeder Marshall Transit Trade CC 1909 Trucking Martin F.O. 1901 Stationery/Books Martin Will T. 1901 Drug Marx & Sons L. 1901 Dry Goods Marx Bros 1907 Department Store Marx Bros. 1915 Department Store Marx Bros. 1918-19 Department Store Marx Bros. 609 Harrison 1928 Department Store Marx Bros. 1910 Clothing Marx Bros. 1911 Department Store Marx Department Store 609 Harrison 1938 Department Store Marx Department Store 609 Harrison 1961 Department Store Marx' Department Store 609 Harrison 1966 Clothing Marx Dept 609 Harrison 1954 Department Store Marx Dept 609 Harrison 1956 Department Store Marx Dept Store 609 Harrison 1947 Department Store Marx Dept Store 609 Harrison 1951 Department Store Marx Dept Store 609 Harrison 1955 Department Store Marx Deptment Store 609 Harrison 1962 Department Store Marx Wheeler 1918-19 Clothing Marx Wheeler 557 Harrison 1938 Clothing Marx Wheeler 557 Harrison 1956 Clothing Marx Wheeler 557 Harrison 1965 Clothing Marx Wheeler 557 Harrison 1968 Clothing Marx Wheeler Clothing 1915 Clothing Marx Wheeler Clothing 557 Harrison 1928 Clothing Marx Wheeler Clothing 557 Harrison 1950 Clothing Marx Wheeler Clothing 557 Harrison 1951 Clothing Marx Wheeler Clothing 557 Harrison 1954 Clothing Marx Wheeler Clothing 557 Harrison 1955 Clothing Marx Wheeler Clothing 557 Harrison 1957 Clothing Marx Wheeler Clothing 557 Harrison 1961 Clothing Marx Wheeler Clothing 557 Harrison 1962 Clothing Marx Wheeler Clothing 557 Harrison 1963 Clothing Marx Wheeler Clothing 557 Harrison 1964 Clothing Marx Wheeler Clothing 557 Harrison 1966 Clothing Marx Wheeler Clothing 557 Harrison 1967 Clothing Marx Wheeler Clothing 557 Harrison 1969 Clothing Marx Wheeler Clothing Co. 557 Harrison 1941 Clothing Marx Wheeler Clothing Co. 557 Harrison 1946 Clothing Marx Wheeler Clothing Co. 557 Harrison 1947 Clothing Marx's Department Store 1912 Department Store Marx's Department Store 609 Harrison 1941 Department Store Marx's Department Store 609 Harrison 1964 Department Store Marx's Department Store 609 Harrison 1966 Department Store Marx's Dept 609 Harrison 1957 Department Store Marx's Dept Store 609 Harrison 1950 Department Store Marx's Dept Store 609 Harrison 1963 Department Store Marx's Dept. Store 609 Harrison 1946 Department Store Masonic Hall 1915 Club Masonic Hall 1918-19 Club Masonic Hall 314 4 th 1928 Club Masonic Hall 314 4 th 1938 Club Masonic Hall 314 4 th 1941 Club Masonic Hall 314 4 th 1946 Club Masonic Hall 314 4 th 1950 Club Masonic Hall 314 4 th 1951 Club Masonic Hall 314 4 th 1954 Club Masonic Hall 314 4 th 1957 Club Masonic Hall 314 4 th 1961 Club Masonic Hall 314 4 th 1962 Club Masonic Hall 314 4 th 1963 Club Masonic Hall 1911 Club Masonic Hall 314 4 th 1964 Club Masonic Hall 314 4 th 1965 Club Masonic Hall 314 4 th 1966 Club Masonic Hall 314 4 th 1967 Club Masonic Hall 314 4 th 1968 Club Masonic Hall 314 4 th 1969 Club Masonic Hall 314 4 th 1947 Club Masonic Hall 314 4 th 1955 Club Mathers E Prop. 1911 Bootmaker Mathers Boot Shop E. 1910 bootmaker Maxine Cafe 459 Harrison 1965 Cafe Maxine Mining Co. 1918-19 Mining Maxine's Cafe 459 Harrison 1964 Cafe May Livery Samuel West Main Street Livery Maybelle's Snack shop 622 6 th 1954 Cafe Mayer--Rose Infant Wear Back of Katz 1934 Clothing Mc Elroy J.H. main street Owner 1893 Livery McClain Dick 1918-19 Plumber McClain Plumbing Dick 1919 Plumber McCollum J A Pawnee Hotel Bld 1951 Attorney McCollum C C 517 1/2 1954 Attorney McCollum J A Pawnee Hotel Bld 1954 Attorney McCollum C C 517 1/2 6 th 1956 Attorney McCollum J A Pawnee Hotel 1956 Attorney McCollum C C 517 1/2 6 th 1951 Attorney McCollum & McCollum 1918-19 Attorney McCollum & McCollum 517 1/2 6 th 1928 Attorney McCollum & McCollum 517 1/2 6 th 1938 Attorney McCollum & McCollum 517 1/2 6 th 1941 Attorney McCollum & McCollum 517 1/2 6 th 1946 Attorney McCollum & McCollum 517 1/2 6 th 1950 Attorney McCollum & McCollum 517 1/2 6 th 1947 Attorney McCollum & McCollum Att Over Bruington's 1920 Attorney McCollum Att J A 1911 Attorney McCollum Atty J A 1912 Attorney McCollum Atty C C 517 1/2 6 th 1955 Attorney McCollum Atty J A Pawnee Hotel Bld 1955 Attorney McCollum Atty C C 517 1/2 6 th 1957 Attorney McCollum Atty C C 517 1/2 6 th 1961 Attorney McCollum Atty C C 517 1/2 6 th 1962 Attorney McCollum Atty C C 517 1/2 6 th 1963 Attorney McCollum Atty G. Cc. 517 1/2 1964 Attorney McCray's 66 Service Station 701 Harrison 1969 Service Station McCubbin Auto & Tractor 639 Illinois 1954 Farm Implements McDonald James around square Owner "1893 Restaurant/Bakery McDonald's Reataurant & Bakery James Around Square 1893 Bakery McElroy's Livery & Feed Stable J H Along Main Street 1893 Livery McGee Att Carl D Pawnee Hotel Bldg 1965 Attorney McGee Att Carl Pawnee Hotel 1966 Attorney McGee Att Carl Pawnee Hotel Bldg 1967 Attorney McGee Att Carl D PNB Bldg 1968 Attorney McGee Att Carl D Pawnee Hotel Bldg 1969 Attorney McGee Grocery J.M. West of FNB 1911 Grocery McGee Grocery N side Square 1912 Grocery McGee Grocery North side Square 1912 Grocery McGee Model Cleaners 621 6 th 1966 Cleaner McGinty's Livery Stable 1894 Livery McNeill Edwin R 558 Illinois 1950 Attorney McNeill Edwin 558 Illinois 1951 Attorney McNeill Edwin 558 Illinois 1954 Attorney McNeill Edwin 558 Illinois 1956 Attorney McNeill Edwin 558 Illinois 1964 Attorney McNeill & McNeill 1915 Attorney McNeill & McNeill 1918-19 Attorney McNeill & McNeill Att 1919 Attorney McNeill Atty Edwin 558 Illinois 1955 Attorney McNeill Atty Edwin 558 Illinois 1957 Attorney McNeill Atty Edwin 558 Illinois 1961 Attorney McNeill Atty Edwin 558 Illinois 1962 Attorney McNeill Atty Edwin 558 Illinois 1963 Attorney McNemee Loyd 1901 Livery McNemee Livery Stable Loyd Main Street 1893 Livery Meador Burl 1901 Saloon Meador Pool Hall West of Katz Store 1912 Pool Hall Means & Co. B.F. 1901 Elevator Means & Co. B F 1911 Elevator Means & Co. B F 1912 Elevator Means & Co. B Ginners 1910 Elevator Means Cotton Gin J.W. Owner North Edge of Town 1899 Elevator Means Cotton Mill B.F. 1910 Medley Grocery 429 Harrison 1928 Grocery Mentzer Bro Hardware Corner of Illinois & 6th 1910 Hardware Mentzer Bros 635 Illinois 1950 Ford Dealer Mentzer Bros Real Estate 553 1/2 Harrison 1951 Real Estate Mentzer Bros Real Estate 555 Harrison 1954 Real Estate Mentzer Bros. 1915 Hardware Mentzer Bros. 1918-19 Hardware Mentzer Bros. 635 Illinois 1938 Car Dealer Mentzer Bros. 635 Illinois 1941 Car Dealer Mentzer Bros. 635 Illinois 1946 Car Dealer Mentzer Bros. 635 Illinois 1947 Car Dealer Mentzer Bros. 1911 Car Dealer Mentzer Bros. Ford 635 Harrison 1928 Car Dealer Mentzer Bros. Ford 1934 Car Dealer Mentzer Flower Shop Elzie 314 Boulder 1941 Flower Shop Mentzer Flower Shop 1207 4 th 1946 Flower Shop Mentzer Ford Garage 1918-19 Car Dealer Mentzer Greenhouse Merle 314 Boulder 1938 Greenhouse Mentzer Hardware Burned 1907 1907 Hardware Mentzer's Hardware Alonzo & Orvile West Side Square 1892 1907 Burned Merchant Tailor 1900 Tailor Merchants Cafe Goodnight M A 1907 Cafe Merle Norman Cosmetic Studio 606 Denver 1967 Cosmetics Merritt George 1918-19 Office Merritt Geo. E Pawnee National Bank 1911 Attorney Merryman A.E. 1918-19 Studio Merryman Studio 543 6 th 1928 Photo Studio Merryman's Studio 1919 Photo Methodist 800 6 th 1965 Church Methodist Church Agency 1893 Church Methodist Church 5 th & Forest 1911 Church Methodist Church 1912 Church Methodist Church 1912 Church Methodist Church 1919 Church Methodist Church 1920 Church Methodist Church 800 6 th 1966 Church Methodist Church 800 6 th 1967 Church Methodist Church 800 6 th 1968 Church Methodist Church 800 6 th 1969 Church Metropal Dinning Hall 1901 Cafe Meurer P. J. 1901 Real Estate Meurer Mollie 1915 Real Estate Meurer Mollie 1918-19 Real Estate Meurer Abstract Mollie 1907 Abstract Meurer Abstract 404 Kansas 1928 Abstract Meurer Abstract Since 1900 1934 Abstract Meurer Abstract 518 Illinois 1938 Abstract Meurer Abstract 518 Illinois 1941 Abstract Meurer Abstract 518 Illinois 1946 Abstract Meurer Abstract 518 Illinois 1947 Abstract Meurer Abstract 518 Illinois 1950 Abstract Meurer Abstract 518 Illinois 1951 Abstract Meurer Abstract Spelman Mary A 518 Illinois 1954 Abstract Meurer Abstract 518 Illinois 1955 Abstract Meurer Abstract Spelman Mary 518 Illinois 1956 Abstract Meurer Abstract 518 Illinois 1957 Abstract Meurer Abstract 518 Illinois 1961 Abstract Meurer Abstract 518 Illinois 1962 Abstract Meurer Abstract 518 Illinois 1963 Abstract Meurer Abstract Thomas Paul 518 Illinois 1964 Abstract Meurer Abstract Mollie 1911 Abstract Meurer Abstract Mollie 1912 Abstract Meurer Abstract 518 Illinois 1965 Abstract Meurer Abstract 518 Illinois 1966 Abstract Meurer Abstract 518 Illinois 1967 Abstract Meurer Abstract Mollie 518 Illionois 1968 Abstract Meurer Abstract Thomas Paul W. 518 Illinois 1969 Abstract Meurer Ins & Loan Mollie 1910 Insurance Mid Continent Petro Pro. Diamond 4 th & Harrison 1938 Midway Beauty Shop 108 6 th 1928 Beauty Shop Midway Beauty Shop 535 6 th 1938 Beauty Shop Midway Beauty Shop 535 6 th 1941 Beauty Shop Midway Beauty Shop Effie Bishop 535 6 th 1946 Beauty Shop Midway Beauty Shop 535 6 th 1947 Beauty Shop Midway Beauty Shop 535 6 th 1963 Beauty Shop Midway Beauty Shop 535 6 th 1965 Beauty Shop Midway Beauty Shop 724 Harrison 1966 Beauty Shop Midway Beauty Shoppe 535 6 th 1950 Beauty Shop Midway Beauty Shoppe 535 6 th 1951 Beauty Shop Midway Beauty Shoppe 535 6 th 1954 Beauty Shop Midway Beauty Shoppe 535 6 th 1955 Beauty Shop Midway Beauty Shoppe 535 6 th 1956 Beauty Shop Midway Beauty Shoppe 535 6 th 1957 Beauty Shop Midway Beauty Shoppe 535 6 th 1961 Beauty Shop Midway Beauty Shoppe 535 6 th 1962 Beauty Shop Midway Beauty Shoppe 535 6th 1964 Beauty Shop Midway Cafe Graham Chas 1907 Cafe Midway Cafe 1918-19 Cafe Midway Cafe 537 Harrison 1928 Cafe Midway Cafe 537 Harrison 1938 Cafe Midway Cafe 537 Harrison 1941 Cafe Midway Hotel & Cafe 1915 Hotel Midway Restaurant Graham Chas 1910 Cafe Midway Restaurant Graham C C South Side Square 1907 Cafe Millard S.M. 1901 Hardware Miller Auto 533 Harrison 1938 Auto Supply Miller Auto Supply 533 Harrison 1941 Auto Supply Miller Auto Supply 533 Harrison 1946 Auto Supply Millis Shoemaker Motors Co. 663 Harrison 1928 Car Dealer Milt / Trone 1911 Miner J.A. around square Owner "1893 Grocery Miner's Grocery J A Around Square 1893 Grocery Mint Bar 602 5 th 1950 Saloon Mint Bar 602 5 th 1951 Saloon Mint Bar 602 5 th 1954 Saloon Mint Bar 602 5 th 1955 Saloon Mint Bar 602 5 th 1956 Saloon Mint Bar 602 5 th 1957 Saloon Mint Bar 602 5 th 1961 Saloon Mint Bar 602 5 th 1962 Saloon Mint Bar 602 5 th 1963 Saloon Mint Bar Hammer Joe 602 5th 1964 Saloon Mint Bar 602 5 th 1965 Saloon Mint Bar 602 5 th 1966 Saloon Mint Bar 602 5 th 1967 Saloon Mint Bar 602 5 th 1968 Saloon Mint Bar 602 5 th 1969 Saloon Misteloe Express 4 th & Harrison 1966 Trucking Mistletoe Exp 632 Illinois 1950 Trucking Mistletoe Exp 632 Harrison 1957 Trucking Mistletoe Exp 405 4 th 1962 Trucking Mistletoe Express 631 6 th 1938 Trucking Mistletoe Express 631 6 th 1941 Trucking Mistletoe express 631 6 th 1946 Trucking Mistletoe Express 632 Illinois 1951 Trucking Mistletoe Express 632 Illinois 1955 Trucking Mistletoe Express 405 4 th 1961 Trucking Mistletoe Express 4 th & Harrison 1965 Trucking Mistletoe Express 4 & Harrison 1967 Trucking Mistletoe Express 4 th 7& Harrison 1968 Trucking Mistletoe Express 4 & Harrison 1969 Trucking Mistletoe Express Service 631 6 th 1947 Trucking Mitchell C.E. FNB Building 1938 Attorney Mitchell C E 1st Nat Bk Bg 1950 Attorney Mitchell C E FNB Bld 1951 Attorney Mitchell C E FNB Bld 1954 Attorney Mitchell C E FNB Bld 1956 Attorney Mitchell & Son Contractors 7 th & Denver 1962 Construction Mitchell Atty C E FNB Building 1947 Attorney Mitchell Atty C E FNB Bld 1955 Attorney Mitchell Atty C E FNB Bld 1957 Attorney Mitchell Atty C E Pawnee Hotel Bld 1961 Attorney Mitchell Atty C E Pawnee Hotel 1963 Attorney Mitchell Atty C.E. PNB Bld 1964 Attorney Mitchell Atty C E Pawnee Hotel 1962 Attorney Mitchell Auto Parts 321 4 th 1968 Garage Mitchell Auto Sales 321 4 th 1969 Garage Mitchell Auto Sales & Service 321 4 th 1966 Car Dealer Mitchell Gulf 4 & Harrison 1964 Service Station Mitchell Gulf 4 th & Harrison 1965 Service Station Mitchell Gulf 4 th & Harrison 1966 Service Station Mitchell Gulf 4 th & Harrison 1967 Service Station Mitchell Gulf Station 4 th & Harison 1965 Service Station Mitchell's Station 4 th & Harrison 1968 Service Station Mitch's Paraland 400 Illinois 1968 Service Station Mitch's Paraland Station 400 Illinois 1969 Service Station Model Cleaners 621 6 th 1938 Cleaners Model Cleaners McGee Jim 621 6 th 1954 Cleaners Model Cleaners 621 6 th 1955 Cleaners Model Cleaners 621 6 th 1956 Cleaners Model Cleaners 621 6 th 1957 Cleaners Model Cleaners McGee Jim 621 6 th 1961 Cleaners Model Cleaners 621 6 th 1962 Cleaners Model Cleaners 621 6 th 1963 Cleaners Model Cleaners 621 6 th 1964 Cleaners Model Cleaners 621 6 th 1965 Cleaners Model Cleaners McGee Jim 621 6 th 1967 Cleaners Model Cleaners McGee 540 Illinois 1968 Cleaners Model Cleaners & Hatters 1918-19 Cleaners Model Cleaners & Hatters 621 6 th 1941 Cleaners Model Cleaners & Hatters 621 6 th 1946 Cleaners Model Cleaners & Hatters 621 6 th 1947 Cleaners Model Cleaners & Hatters 621 6 th 1950 Cleaners Model Cleaners & Hatters 621 6 th 1951 Cleaners Model Tailors & Cleaners Mathews PL Prop North side Square 1929 Cleaners Model Theater N side Square 1912 Movie Model Theater North side Square 1912 Movie Modern Woodmen IOOF Hall 1911 Club Moebuis & Bro Grocery A R 1/2 Blk W FNB 1907 Grocery Mohawk cafe 624 Harrison 1965 Cafe Monarch Billard Parlor 605 Harrison 1938 Pool Hall Monarch Billard Parlor 605 Harrison 1941 Pool Hall Monarch Billard Parlor 605 Harrison 1946 Pool Hall Monarch Billard Parlor 605 Harrison 1947 Pool Hall Monarch Billard Parlor 605 Harrison 1950 Pool Hall Monarch Billard Parlor 605 Harrison 1951 Pool Hall Monarch Billard Parlor 605 Harrison 1954 Pool Hall Monarch Billard Parlor 605 Harrison 1955 Pool Hall Monarch Billard Parlor 605 Harrison 1956 Pool Hall Monarch Billard Parlor 605 Harrison 1957 Pool Hall Monarch Billard Parlor 605 Harrison 1961 Pool Hall Monarch Billard Parlor 605 Harrison 1962 Pool Hall Montgomery Ward Catalog 511 Harrison 1969 Catalog Store Montgomery Ward Store Catalog 511 Harrison 1969 Catalog Store Moore Dr. 1909 Doctor Moore Dr. 1910 Doctor Moore Dr. 1911 Doctor Moore Dr. 1912 Doctor Morrison Dry Goods E G 1910 Dry Goods Morrow L.B. 1901 Doctor Mortenson Motor 1920 Auto Dealer Moss Chevrolet Brad 504 Illinois 1951 Car Dealer Moss Chevrolet 504 Illinois 1954 Car Dealer Moss Chevrolet Brad 504 Illinois 1955 Car Dealer Moss Chevrolet 504 Illinois 1956 Car Dealer Moss Chevrolet 504 Illinois 1957 Car Dealer Moss Chevrolet 504 Illinois 1961 Car Dealer Moss Chevrolet 504 Illinois 1962 Car Dealer Moss Chevrolet 504 Illinois 1964 Car Dealer Moss Chevrolet Brad 504 Illinois 1965 Car Dealer Moss Chevrolet 504 Illinois 1967 Car Dealer Moss Chevrolet Brad 504 Illinois 1968 Car Dealer Moss Chevrolet Brad 504 Illinois 1969 Car Dealer Moss Chevrolet 504 Illinois 1963 Car Dealer Moss Chevrolet 504 Illinois 1966 Car Dealer Moss Chevrolet Co. 504 Illinois 1941 Car Dealer Moss Chevrolet Co. 504 Illinois 1946 Car Dealer Moss Chevrolet Co. 504 Illinois 1947 Car Dealer Moss Chevrolet Co. 504 Illinois 1950 Car Dealer Mott D.O. Howard V C 536 Illinois 1950 Osteopathic Munson Livery 1912 Livery Munson Livery Lee Livery Murphey & Wats main street Owners 1893 Feed Yard Murphey & Wats Feed Yard Along Main Street 1893 Feed Yard Murray A.W. 1901 Coal/Feed/Flour Murray's A.W. around square Owner "1893 Grocery Murray's Grocery A W Around Square 1893 Grocery Myers John 1901 Grocery Myers Auto Livery & Repair 1915 Garage Myers Auto Livery & Repair 1918-19 Garage Myers Auto Livery & Repair 642 Harrison 1928 Garage Myers Cafe 604 11 th 1941 Cafe Myers Garage 1912 Garage Myer's Garage 1920 Auto Dealer Myers Motor 642 Harrison 1938 Garage Myers Motor Co. 642 Harrison 1941 Garage Nail Livery Stable Earl 7th & Main Livery Nail Service 701 Harrison 1938 Service Station Naomi 3 Way Cafe 463 Harrison 1969 Cafe National Bus, Baggage & Transfer Bartholomew J.P. Prop. 1915 Taxi National Guard Armory 45th Division E Hwy 64 1965 Armory National Guard Armory 45th Division E Hwy 64 1966 Armory National Guard Armory 45th Division E Hwy 64 1967 Armory National Guard Armory 45th Division E Hwy 64 1968 Armory National Guard Armory 45th Division E Hwy 64 1969 Armory National Hotel 6th & Granite 1910 Hotel National Hotel 1915 Hotel National Hotel 1918-19 Hotel National Hotel Barkwell Mgr. 1910 Hotel National Hotel fire in attic Aug 10 1911 National Hotel Backwell Mgr. 1911 Hotel National Hotel Dr.Scott & Wife 1911 Hotel National Hotel 1912 Hotel National Hotel Badger J.S. 1901 Hotel National Livery Stable Smalley TZ 1909 Livery Natural Gas in Pawnee 1915 Public Utilities Neal Jas. P. 1901 Attorney Neet Agency Claude 461 Harrison 1964 Insurance Neet Ins Claude 612 Harrison 1962 Livery Neet Ins Claude 612 Harrison 1963 Livery Neet Insurance Claude 461 Harrison 1965 Insurance Neet Insurance Claude 454 Illinois 1967 Insurance Neet Insurance Claude 454 Illinois 1968 Insurance Neet Insurance 454 Illinois 1969 Insurance Neet Insurance Claude 461 Harison 1966 Insurance Neild & Reid S.side Sq. 1901 Real Estate Newby Mrs.T.R. 1901 Millinery Newby & Davis Undertaking T R & MC 1919 Undertaking Newby Funeral Director T.R. 1915 Undertaking Newton Gro Ted 308 Granite 1964 Grocery Newton Grocery Ted 308 Granite 1961 Grocery Newton Grocery Ted 308 Granite 1962 Grocery Newton Grocery Ted 308 Granite 1965 Grocery Newton's Grocery Ted 308 Granite 1963 Grocery Norman C.P. 625 Harrison 1928 Optometrist Norris Stock Yards N of City 1967 Livestock Norris Stock Yards Whity N of City 1968 Stock Yards North Side Cafe 544 Illinois 1954 Cafe North Side Cafe 544 Illinois 1955 Cafe North Side Grocery 1915 Grocery North Side Hotel 538 1/2 Illinois 1928 Hotel North Side Hotel N Side of Square 1919 Hotel North Side Studio Hainey J B 1907 Photographer North Stock Yards N of City 1969 Stock Yards Northside Cafe 544 Illinois 1956 Cafe Northside Cafe 544 Illinois 1957 Cafe Norton Lumber co. 1901 Lumber Norton Lumber Co. V. M. Bach 1902 Lumber Nuttle's Garage 518 4 th 1954 Garage Nuttle's Garage 518 4 th 1955 Garage Nuttle's Garage 518 4 th 1956 Garage Nuttle's Garage 518 4 th 1957 Garage O P C H Harrison J A W side of Sq 1907 Variety O P C H Shoes 1901 Variety O. P. C. H. Store Burned 1907 West Side Square Variety Obanion & Griffin Grocery Burned 1901 N side of Sq 1901 Grocery Obanion Cream Station W. T. 1912 Creamy Odd Fellow Hall 626 1/2 Harrison 1969 Club Odd Fellows Hall 1915 Club Odd Fellows Hall 1918-19 Club Odd Fellows Hall 626 1/2 Harrison 1928 Club Odd Fellows Hall 626 1/2 Harrison 1939 Club Odd Fellows Hall 626 1/2 Harrison 1941 Club Odd Fellows Hall 626 1/2 Harrison 1946 Club Odd Fellows Hall 626 1/2 Harrison 1947 Club Odd Fellows Hall 626 1/2 Harrison 1950 Club Odd Fellows Hall 626 1/2 Harrison 1951 Club Odd Fellows Hall 626 1/2 Harrison 1954 Club Odd Fellows Hall 626 1/2 Harrison 1955 Club Odd Fellows Hall 626 1/2 Harrison 1957 Club Odd Fellows Hall 626 1/2 Harrison 1961 Club Odd Fellows Hall 626 1/2 Harrison 1962 Club Odd Fellows Hall 626 1/2 Harrison 1963 Club Odd Fellows Hall 626 1/2 Harison 1911 Club Odd Fellows Hall 626 1/2 Harrison 1964 Club Odd Fellows Hall 626 1/2 Harrison 1965 Club Odd Fellows Hall 626 1/2 Harrison 1966 Club Odd Fellows Hall 626 1/2 Harrison 1967 Club Odd Fellows Hall 626 1/2 Harrison 1968 Club Ogburn A C 1911 Painter OK Feed Barn 1900 Feed Yard OK Produce 112 Illinois 1928 Produce OK Salvage 506 9 th 1938 Salvage OK Salvage 506 9 th 1941 Salvage Okla Highway Patrol 809 Harrison 1961 State Government Okla Highway Patrol 809 Harrison 1968 State Government Okla Hwy Patrol 557 1/2 Harrison 1947 State Government Okla Hwy Patrol 809 Harrison 1950 State Government Okla Hwy Patrol 809 Harrison 1951 State Government Okla Hwy Patrol 809 Harrison 1954 State Government Okla Hwy Patrol 809 Harrison 1955 State Government Okla Hwy Patrol 809 Harrison 1956 State Government Okla Hwy Patrol 809 Harrison 1965 State Government Okla Hwy Patrol 809 Harrison 1966 State Government Okla Hwy Patrol 809 Harrison 1963 State Government Okla Hwy Patrol 809 Harrison 1967 State Government Okla Natural Gas 520 Illinois 1950 Public Utilities Okla Natural Gas 520 Illinois 1957 Public Utilities Okla Natural Gas 520 Illinois 1968 Public Utilities Okla Natural Gas Co 621 7 th 1947 Public Utilities Okla Natural Gas Co 520 Illinois 1954 Public Utilities Okla Natural Gas Co 520 Illinois 1955 Public Utilities Okla Natural Gas Co 520 Illinois 1956 Public Utilities Okla Natural Gas Co 520 Illinois 1963 Public Utilities Okla Natural Gas Co 520 Illinois 1966 Public Utilities Okla Natural Gas Co. 621 7 th 1946 Public Utilities Okla Natural Gas Co. 520 Illinois 1951 Public Utilities Okla Natural Gas Co. 520 Illinois 1965 Public Utilities Okla Natural Gas Co. 520 Illinois 1967 Public Utilities Okla Natural Gas Co. 520 Illinois 1969 Public Utilities Okla Tire & Supply 511 Harrison 1947 Auto Supply Okla Tire & Supply 511 Harrison 1954 Auto Supply Okla Tire & Supply 511 Harrison 1955 Auto Supply Okla Tire & Supply 511 Harrison 1956 Auto Supply Okla Tire & Supply 511 Harrison 1957 Auto Supply Okla Tire & Supply 511 Harrison 1961 Auto Supply Okla Tire & Supply 511 Harrison 1962 Auto Supply Okla Tire & Supply 563 Harrison 1963 Auto Supply Okla Tire & Supply 563 Harrison 1968 Okla Tire & Supply 511 Harrison 1946 Auto Supply Okla Tire & Supply 563 Harrison 1964 Auto Supply Okla Tire & Supply 563 Harrison 1965 Auto Supply Okla Tire & Supply 563 Harison 1966 Auto Supply Okla Tire & Supply 563 Harrison 1967 Auto Supply Okla Tire & Supply 563 Harrison 1969 Auto Supply Okla Tire & Supply Assc Store 511 Harrison 1951 Auto Supply Okla Tire & Supply Associate Store 511 Harrison 1950 Auto Supply Oklahoma Cafe 1915 Cafe Oklahoma Feed Yard 1901 Feed Yard Oklahoman & Times Agency 631 6 th 1941 Newspaper Oklahoman & Times Agency 631 6 th 1946 Newspaper Oklahoman & Times Agency 631 6 th 1947 Newspaper One-On-One cab 600 1/2 Harrison 1947 Taxi Opera House Illinois Street 1911 Opera House 1911 Opera House Opera House Illinois St. 1912 Opera House Orton L.V. 1918-19 Attorney Orton L.V. 520 Illinois 1928 Attorney Orton L.V. 520 Illinois 1941 Attorney Orton Mrs. L V Music Lessons 1912 Music Orton L.V. 1915 Attorney Orton L.V. 520 Illinois 1938 Attroney Orton & McNeill Att Over PNB 1911 Orton & McNeill Attys over FNB 1912 Attorney Orton & Moore L V & Brown 1920 Attorney Orton /McNeill PNB Bld. 1911 Attorney Orton Atty L V 520 Illinois 1947 Attorney Osborn Coin A Matic 609 Elm 1962 Laundry Osborn Help Your self 609 Elm 1957 Laundry Osborn Service Station E Hwy 64 1946 Laundry Osborne Coin A Matic Laundry 609 Elm 1963 Laundry Osborne Help Your Self Laundry 609 1/2 Elm 1947 Laundry Osborne Help Your Self Laundry 609 Elm 1950 Laundry Osborne Help Your Self Laundry "Dwight 609 Elm 1951 Laundry Osborne Help Your Self Laundry 609 Elm 1954 Laundry Osborne Help Your Self Laundry 609 Elm 1955 Laundry Osborn's Coin A Matic 609 Elm 1968 Laundry Osborn's Coin A Matic Laundry 609 Elm 1961 Laundry Osborn's Coin O Matic 609 Elm 1967 Laundry Osborn's Coin O Matic 609 Elm 1969 Laundry Osborn's Coin o Matic Laundry Dwight 609 Elm 1964 Laundry Osborn's Coin -O-Matic Laundry 609 Elm 1965 Laundry Osborn's Coin-O-Matic Laundry 609 Elm 1966 Laundry P & V Garage Porter / Varley 1918-19 Garage Palace Meat Market 1915 Grocery Palace Meat Market Swalley Bros. 1918-19 Grocery Palace Meat Market Wright Wm. 1910 Grocery Palmer Auto 621 Harrison 1956 Auto Supply Palmer Auto Lee 621 Harrison 1968 Auto Supply Palmer Auto Parts Lee 621 Harrison 1964 Auto Supply Palmer Auto Store 621 Harrison 1946 Auto Supply Palmer Auto Store 621 Harrison 1947 Auto Supply Palmer Auto Store 621 Harrison 1950 Auto Supply Palmer Auto Store 621 Harrison 1963 Auto Supply Palmer Auto Supply Lee & Freda 635 Harrison 1941 Auto Supply Palmer Auto Supply 621 Harrison 1951 Auto Supply Palmer Auto Supply 621 Harrison 1954 Auto Supply Palmer Auto Supply 621 Harrison 1955 Auto Supply Palmer Auto Supply 621 Harrison 1957 Auto Supply Palmer Auto Supply 621 Harrison 1961 Auto Supply Palmer Auto Supply 621 Harrison 1962 Auto Supply Palmer Auto Supply 621 Harrison 1965 Auto Supply Palmer Auto Supply 621 Harrison 1966 Auto Supply Palmer Auto Supply 427 Harrison 1967 Auto Supply Palmer Auto Supply 621 Harrison 1967 Auto Supply Palmer Dr. C Jay 1911 Doctor Palmer Dr. Died 4-18-12 1912 Doctor Palmer Livery NE side of Sq 1893 Livery Pasley Maud 1915 Store Paul's Confectionery H E S Side of Sq 1907 Bakery Pawnee Agency Jacobs H C Pm 1893 First Post Office Pawnee Ambulance Service 626 6th 1969 City Government Pawnee Auto Co. Holroyd O S Mgr. S E side Square 1911 Auto Supply Pawnee Auto Parts 501 6 th 1962 Auto Supply Pawnee Auto Parts 501 6th 1964 Auto Supply Pawnee Auto Parts 501 6 th 1965 Auto Supply Pawnee Auto Parts 501 6 th 1967 Auto Supply Pawnee Auto Parts 501 6 th 1968 Auto Supply Pawnee Auto Store 501 6 th 1963 Auto Supply Pawnee Auto Supply 501 6 th 1966 Auto Supply Pawnee Bill Muesum & State Park SW of City 1962 State Park Pawnee Bill Muesum & State Park SW of City 1967 State Park Pawnee Bill Museum Blue Hawk Peak 1965 Museum Pawnee Bill Museum Blue Hawk Peak 1966 Auto Supply Pawnee Bill Oil Co. 1918 Pawnee Bills Frontier Restaurant "Phillips Mrs. Mgr 1934 Cafe Pawnee Bills Indian Trading Post 621 1/2 Harrison 1950 Wholesale Pawnee Bills Indian Trading Post 427 Harrison 1951 Wholesale Pawnee Bills Indian Trading Post 427 Harrison 1954 Wholesale Pawnee Bills Indian Trading Post 427 Harrison 1955 Wholesale Pawnee Bills Indian Trading Post 427 Harrison 1956 Wholesale Pawnee Bills Indian Trading Post 427 Harrison 1957 Wholesale Pawnee Bills Indian Trading Post 427 Harrison 1961 Wholesale Pawnee Bills Indian Trading Post 427 Harrison 1962 Wholesale Pawnee Bills Indian Trading Post 427 Harrison 1963 Wholesale Pawnee Bills Indian Trading Post 427 Harrison 1964 Wholesale Pawnee Bills Indian Trading Post 427 Harrison 1965 Wholesale Pawnee Bills Indian Trading Post 427 Harrison 1966 Wholesale Pawnee Bills Indian Trading Post 427 Harrison 1967 Wholesale Pawnee Bills Indian Trading Post 427 Harrison 1968 Wholesale Pawnee Bills Indian Trading Post 427 Harrison 1969 Wholesale Pawnee Bills Old Town W. of City 1938 Pawnee Bills Old Town SW of City 1941 Pawnee Bill's Work Shop 621 1/2 Harrison 1946 Pawnee Bill's Work Shop 621 1/2 Harrison 1947 Pawnee Bottling Co. 524 Illinois 1928 Pawnee Cab 217 Kansas 1967 Taxi Pawnee Cab Co 602 1/2 Harrison 1955 Taxi Pawnee Cab Co Feaster John 602 1/2 Harrison 1956 Taxi Pawnee Cab Co 515 Granite 1961 Taxi Pawnee Cab Co 217 Kansas 1966 Taxi Pawnee Cab Co. 217 Kansas 1965 Taxi Pawnee Cafe 1918-19 Cafe Pawnee Chief 556 Illinois 1946 Newspaper Pawnee Chief 556 Illinois 1947 Newspaper Pawnee Chief 556 Illinois 1950 Newspaper Pawnee Chief 556 Illinois 1951 Newspaper Pawnee Chief 556 Illinois 1954 Newspaper Pawnee Chief 556 Illinois 1955 Newspaper Pawnee Chief 556 Illinois 1956 Newspaper Pawnee Chief 556 Illinois 1957 Newspaper Pawnee Chief 556 IIlinois 1961 Newspaper Pawnee Chief 556 Illinois 1962 Newspaper Pawnee Chief 556 Illinois 1963 Newspaper Pawnee Chief 556 Illinois 1964 Newspaper Pawnee Chief 556 Illinois 1965 Newspaper Pawnee Chief 556 Illinois 1966 Newspaper Pawnee Chief 556 Illinois 1968 Newspaper Pawnee Chief 556 Illinois 1969 Newspaper Pawnee Chief 556 Illinois 1967 Newspaper Pawnee City Hall 510 Illinois 1965 City Government Pawnee Club 1918-19 Club Pawnee Club Room 1915 Club Pawnee Commandry # 7 KT Masonic Hall 1911 Club Pawnee Concrete Construction Co. 1910 Concrete Pawnee Council # 8 R&SM Masonic Hall 1911 Club Pawnee County Courier Peter Will H. 1901 Newspaper Pawnee County Courier Shepler JN Editor 1893 Ferguson JL& Peter Will H Pawnee County Hardware 641 Harrison 1951 Hardware Pawnee County Hardware 641 Harrison 1954 Hardware Pawnee County Hardware 641 Harrison 1955 Hardware Pawnee County Hardware 641 Harrison 1956 Hardware Pawnee county Hardware 641 Harrison 1957 Hardware Pawnee County Hardware 641 Harrison 1961 Hardware Pawnee County Lumber 1934 Lumber Pawnee Creamery 405 4 th 1938 Creamery Pawnee Creamery 405 4 th 1941 Creamery Pawnee Daily News Price JG 1894 Newspaper Pawnee Dairy 405 4 th 1961 Dairy Pawnee Dairy Store 405 4 th 1962 Dairy Pawnee Dairy Store 405 4 th 1963 Dairy Pawnee Dairy Store 405 4th 1964 Dairy Pawnee Dairy Store 405 4 th 1965 Cafe Pawnee Dairy Store 405 4 th 1965 Cafe Pawnee Dispatch Holbrook Richard 1901 Newspaper Pawnee Dispatch 1893 Newspaper Pawnee Drug 553 Harrison 1956 Drug Pawnee Drug 553 Harrison 1957 Drug Pawnee Drug 553 Harrison 1961 Drug Pawnee Drug 553 Harrison 1962 Drug Pawnee Drug 553 Harrison 1964 Drug Pawnee Drug 553 Harrison 1968 Drug Pawnee Drug 553 Harrison 1969 Drug Pawnee Drug 553 Harrison 1966 Drug Pawnee Drug Store 553 Harrison 1963 Drug Pawnee Drug Store 553 Harrison 1965 Drug Pawnee Drug Store 553 Harrison 1967 Drug Pawnee Dry Goods Willis ,Price M. 1910 Dry Goods Pawnee Dry Goods W Side of Sq 1911 Dry Goods Pawnee Dry Goods 1912 Dry Goods Pawnee Dry Goods Co Willis Price M W side of Sq 1910 Dry Goods Pawnee Electric Co. Ward W L Owner 1902 Public Utilities Pawnee Electric Light Co. 1915 Public Utilities Pawnee Feed & Gasoline Co. 801 Harrison 1941 Produce Pawnee Feed & Produce 632 Illinois 1946 Produce Pawnee Feed & Produce 632 Illinois 1947 Produce Pawnee Feed & Produce L P Gordon 632 Illinois 1950 Produce Pawnee Feed & Produce 632 Illinois 1951 Produce Pawnee Feed & Produce 632 Illinois 1954 Produce Pawnee Fire began S W Corner Square 1901 City Government Pawnee Fish Bait Dr. N of City 1950 Sporting Goods Pawnee Flower Shop 624 Boulder 1946 Flower Shop Pawnee Flower Shop Mrs. Kerr 624 Boulder 1947 Flower Shop Pawnee Flower Shop Kerr Mrs C R 624 Boulder 1951 Flower Shop Pawnee Flower Shop 624 Boulder 1954 Flower Shop Pawnee Flower Shop Kerr Mrs 624 Boulder 1961 Flower Shop Pawnee Flower Shop Kerr Nellie 624 Boulder 1964 Flower Shop Pawnee Flower Shop Mrs. Kerr 624 Boulder 1966 Flower Shop Pawnee Flower Shop 624 Boulder 1967 Flower Shop Pawnee Flower Shop Kerr 624 Boulder 1968 Flower Shop Pawnee Flower Shop 511 Granite 1969 Flower Shop Pawnee Flower Shop 624 Boulder 1950 Flower Shop Pawnee Food Market 303 Granite 1941 Grocery Pawnee Food Market 1941 Grocery Pawnee Garage 1915 Garage Pawnee Gas & Power 621 7 th 1928 Utilities Pawnee General Hosp 1934 Hospital Pawnee Gin 914 Harrison 1946 Elevator Pawnee Gin 914 Harrison 1947 Elevator Pawnee Gin 914 Harrison 1950 Elevator Pawnee Gin 914 Harrison 1951 Elevator Pawnee Grain Co 600 Kansas 1946 Elevator Pawnee Grain Co 600 Kansas 1947 Elevator Pawnee Grain Co 600 Kansas 1951 Elevator Pawnee Grain Co 600 Kansas 1955 Elevator Pawnee Grain Co 600 Kansas 1963 Elevator Pawnee Grain Co. 600 Kansas 1950 Elevator Pawnee Grain Supply 600 Kansas 1954 Elevator Pawnee Grain Supply 600 Kansas 1956 Elevator Pawnee Grain Supply 600 Kansas 1957 Elevator Pawnee Grain Supply 600 Kansas 1961 Elevator Pawnee Grain Supply 600 Kansas 1962 Elevator Pawnee Grain Supply 600 Kansas 1964 Elevator Pawnee Grain Supply 600 Kansas 1965 Elevator Pawnee Grain Supply 600 Kansas 1966 Elevator Pawnee Grain Supply 600 Kansas 1967 Elevator Pawnee Grain Supply 600 Kansas 1968 Elevator Pawnee Grain Supply 600 Kansas 1969 Elevator Pawnee Grill 625 Harrison 1947 Cafe Pawnee Grill 625 Harrison 1961 Cafe Pawnee Grill 625 Harrison 1962 Cafe Pawnee Grill 625 Harrison 1963 Cafe Pawnee Grill Womack Ruby 625 Harrison 1966 Cafe Pawnee Grill 625 Harrison 1967 Cafe Pawnee Grill 625 Harrison 1968 Cafe Pawnee Grill 625 Harrison 1969 Cafe Pawnee Hardware 1918-19 Hardware Pawnee Hardware C. 1910 Pawnee Hardware & Furniture 1911 Hardware Pawnee Hardware Co. 641 Harrison 1950 Hardware Pawnee Hardware Furniture Co 521 6th 1915 Hardware Pawnee Hatchery 642 6 th 1938 Hatchery Pawnee Hatchery 600 Kansas 1941 Hatchery Pawnee Hatchery 700 Harrison 1946 Hatchery Pawnee Hatchery 700 Harrison 1947 Hatchery Pawnee High School 1900 School Pawnee Hotel 637 6 th 1938 Hotel Pawnee Hotel 637 6 th 1941 Hotel Pawnee Hotel 637 6 th 1946 Hotel Pawnee Hotel 637 6 th 1947 Hotel Pawnee Hotel 637 6 th 1950 Hotel Pawnee Hotel 637 6 th 1951 Hotel Pawnee Hotel 637 6 th 1954 Hotel Pawnee Hotel 637 6 th 1955 Hotel Pawnee Hotel 637 6 th 1957 Hotel Pawnee Hotel 637 6 th 1961 Hotel Pawnee Hotel 637 6 th 1962 Hotel Pawnee Hotel 637 6 th 1963 Hotel Pawnee Hotel 637 6 th 1965 Hotel Pawnee Hotel 637 6 th 1967 Hotel Pawnee Hotel 637 6 th 1968 Hotel Pawnee Hotel 637 6 th 1969 Hotel Pawnee House Heavner Ella SW Corner Sq 1910 Hotel Pawnee Ice & cold Storage Plant Stich A L 1907 Ice Plant Pawnee Ice & Fuel 1911 Pawnee Ice ,Fuel & Bottling Co. Jersey Cream Soda 1899 Ice Plant Pawnee Ice ,Fuel & Bottling Co. 1911 Ice Plant Pawnee Ice Ceam Co. 405 4 th 1928 Ice Plant Pawnee Ice Co. 204 4 th 1938 Ice Plant Pawnee Ice Co. 204 4 th 1941 Ice Plant Pawnee Ice Cream Co. 1918-19 Ice Plant Pawnee Ice Plant 1912 Ice Plant Pawnee Lbr Co 405 6 th 1957 Lumber Pawnee Livestock W of City 1964 Stock Yards Pawnee Livestock W of City 1968 Stock Yards Pawnee Livestock W of City 1969 Stock Yards Pawnee Livestock W of City 1967 Stock Yards Pawnee Livestock Auction W of City 1963 Stock Yards Pawnee Livestock Auction W of City 1965 Auction Sale Pawnee Livestock Marketing W of City 1966 Auction Sale Pawnee Locker Plant 405 4 th 1963 Locker plant Pawnee Locker Plant 405 4th 1964 Locker plant Pawnee Locker Plant 405 4 th 1965 Locker plant Pawnee Locker Plant 405 4 TH 1965 Locker Plant Pawnee Lumber 405 6 th 1946 Lumber Pawnee Lumber 405 6 th 1965 Lumber Pawnee Lumber 405 6 th 1966 Lumber Pawnee Lumber 405 6 th 1968 Lumber Pawnee Lumber 405 6 th 1956 Lumber Pawnee Lumber 405 6 th 1962 Lumber Pawnee Lumber 405 6th 1964 Lumber Pawnee Lumber 405 6 th 1965 Lumber Pawnee Lumber Co 405 6 th 1947 Lumber Pawnee Lumber Co 405 6 th 1951 Lumber Pawnee Lumber Co 405 6 th 1954 Lumber Pawnee Lumber Co 405 6 th 1955 Lumber Pawnee Lumber Co 405 6 th 1961 Lumber Pawnee Lumber Co 405 6 th 1963 Lumber Pawnee Lumber Co. 405 6 th 1950 Lumber Pawnee Lumber Co. 405 6 th 1966 Lumber Pawnee Lumber Co. 405 6 th 1967 Lumber Pawnee Lumber Co. 405 6 th 1969 Lumber Pawnee Marble 1901 Monuments Pawnee Marble 454 Illinois 1964 Monuments Pawnee Marble & Granite 454 Illinois 1950 Monuments Pawnee Marble & Granite Craig J T NE Corner Square 1919 Pawnee Marble & granite 454 Illinois 1965 Monuments Pawnee Marble & Granite 454 Illinois 1967 Monuments Pawnee Marble & Granite 454 Illinois 1968 Monuments Pawnee Marble & Granite 454 Illinois 1969 Monuments Pawnee Marble & Granite 454 Illinois 1966 Monuments Pawnee Marble & Granite Works 454 Illinois 1938 Monuments Pawnee Marble & Granite Works 454 Illinois 1941 Monuments Pawnee Marble & Granite Works 454 Illinois 1946 Monuments Pawnee Marble & Granite Works 454 Illinois 1947 Monuments Pawnee Marble & Granite Works 454 Illinois 1951 Monuments Pawnee Marble & Granite Works 454 Illinois 1954 Monuments Pawnee Marble & Granite Works 454 Illinois 1955 Monuments Pawnee Marble & Granite Works 454 Illinois 1956 Monuments Pawnee Marble & Granite Works 454 Illinois 1957 Monuments Pawnee Marble & Granite Works 454 Illinois 1962 Monuments Pawnee Marble & Granite Works 454 Illinois 1963 Monuments Pawnee Marble & Granite Works Craig J T NE Corner of Square 1919 Monuments Pawnee Marble Works 454 Illinois 1961 Monuments Pawnee Mercantile 1918-19 Wholesale Pawnee Mercantile 600 Kansas 1928 Wholesale Pawnee Mercantile Colvin Ed 1911 Wholesale Pawnee Mercantile Co. 1901 Wholesale Pawnee Mercantile Co. 1915 Wholesale Pawnee Mill & Elevator 1915 Elevator Pawnee Mill & Elevator 1918-19 Elevator Pawnee Mill & Elevator Santa Fe Track 1928 Elevator Pawnee Milling co Prod. Dasiy Flour 1898 Milling Pawnee Milling Co. Prod. Pawnee Princess Flour 1898 Milling Pawnee Motor 615 7 th 1938 Car Dealer Pawnee Motor 501 Harrison 1946 Car Dealer Pawnee Motor 501 Harrison 1947 Car Dealer Pawnee Motor Co. Chysler Dealer 427 Harrison 1950 Car Dealer Pawnee Motor Co. Chysler Dealer 427 Harrison 1951 Car Dealer Pawnee Motor Company 400 4 th 1966 Car Dealer Pawnee Motor Company Marcum Jack 400 4 th 1967 Car Dealer Pawnee Municipal Hosp 1212 4 th 1954 Hospital Pawnee Municipal Hosp 1212 4 th 1955 Hospital Pawnee Municipal hosp 1212 4 th 1956 Hospital Pawnee Municipal Hosp 1212 4 th 1957 Hospital Pawnee Municipal Hosp 1212 4 th 1961 Hospital Pawnee Municipal Hosp 1212 4 th 1962 Hospital Pawnee Municipal Hosp 1212 4 th 1963 Hospital Pawnee Municipal Hospital 1212 4th 1964 Hospital Pawnee Municipal Hospital 1212 4 th 1965 Hospital Pawnee Municipal Hospital 1212 4 th 1966 Hospital Pawnee Municipal Hospital 1212 4 th 1967 Hospital Pawnee Municipal Hospital 1212 4 th 1968 Hospital Pawnee Municpal Hospital 1212 4 th 1969 Hospital Pawnee National Bank Commenced Jan.10 1904 551 Harrison 1904 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1907 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1910 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1912 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1915 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1918-19 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1928 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1934 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1938 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1941 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1946 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1947 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1950 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1951 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1954 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1955 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1956 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1957 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1961 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1962 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1963 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1964 Bank Pawnee National Bank 1910 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1911 Bank Pawnee National bank 1919 Pawnee National Bank 1920 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1965 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1966 Bank Pawnee National bank 551 Harrison 1966 Bank Pawnee National Bank 531 Harrison 1967 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1968 Bank Pawnee National Bank 551 Harrison 1969 Bank Pawnee National Bank 1920 Bank Pawnee Osteopathic 411 Denver 1964 Hospital Pawnee Osteopathic Hosp 413 Denver 1954 Hospital Pawnee Osteopathic Hosp 413 Denver 1955 Hospital Pawnee Osteopathic Hosp 411 Denver 1956 Hospital Pawnee Osteopathic Hosp 411 Denver 1961 Hospital Pawnee Osteopathic Hosp 411 Denver 1962 Hospital Pawnee Osteopathic Hosp 411 Denver 1963 Hospital Pawnee Osteopathic Hospital 411 Denver 1965 Hospital Pawnee Osteopathic Hospital 411 Denver 1966 Hospital Pawnee Ostepathic Hosp 411 Denver 1957 Hospital Pawnee Paint & Body 552 Illinois 1963 Body Shop Pawnee Paint & Body 552 Illinois 1967 Car Body Shop Pawnee Paint & Body Shop 546 Illinois 1962 Body Shop Pawnee Paint & Body Shop Pauley Calvin 552 Illinois 1964 Body Shop Pawnee Paint & Body Shop 552 Illinois 1965 Body Shop Pawnee Paint & Body Shop 552 Illinois 1965 Body Shop Pawnee Paint & Body Shop 552 Illinois 1966 Body Shop Pawnee Paint & Body Shop Brien Lynn 552 Illinois 1968 Body Shop Pawnee Paint & Body Shop 552 Illinois 1969 Body Shop Pawnee Plumbing Justice Al 1911 Plumbing Pawnee Pressing Parlor Porter C M 1st dr S FNB 1910 Cleaners Pawnee Produce 1912 Produce Pawnee Produce Co. 1915 Produce Pawnee Produce Co. 1918-19 Produce Pawnee Produce Co. 620 Harrison 1928 Produce Pawnee Produce Co. 1912 Produce Pawnee Produce Co. O'Banion WT Owner Produce Pawnee Public Library Court House 1965 Library Pawnee Public Library Court House 1966 Library Pawnee Public Library Court House 1967 Library Pawnee Public Library Court House 1968 Library Pawnee Public Library Court House 1969 Library Pawnee Public School 7 th & Denver 1965 School Pawnee Public School 7 & Denver 1966 School Pawnee Public School 7 th & Denver 1967 School Pawnee Public School 7 & Denver 1968 School Pawnee Public School 7 th & Denver 1969 School Pawnee Publishing 501 6 th 1928 Publishing Pawnee Publishing 501 6 th 1938 Publishing Pawnee Publishing Co. 501 6 th 1941 Publishing Pawnee Racket Store Soulsby Geo Prop 1921 Variety Store Pawnee Rackett 521 Harrison 1928 Variety Store Pawnee Red Cross 1918-19 Club Pawnee Rendering Co 632 Illinois 1954 Animal Removal Pawnee Rendering Co 632 Illinois 1955 Animal Removal Pawnee Rendering Co 632 Illinois 1956 Animal Removal Pawnee Rendering Co 632 Illinois 1957 Animal Removal Pawnee Rendering Co. 700 Harrison 1946 Animal Removal Pawnee Rendering Co. 632 Illinois 1947 Animal Removal Pawnee Rendering Co. 632 Illinois 1950 Animal Removal Pawnee Rendering Co. 632 Illinois 1951 Animal Removal Pawnee Rendering Co. 600 Kansas 1941 Animal Removal Pawnee Sales W of City 1957 Live Stock Pawnee Sales Co W of City 1955 Live Stock Pawnee Sales Co W of City 1956 Live Stock Pawnee Sales Co W of City 1961 Live Stock Pawnee Sales Co W of City 1962 Live Stock Pawnee Sales Co. Claude Neet 430 Harrison 1950 Live Stock Pawnee Sales Co. 430 Harrison 1951 Live Stock Pawnee Sales Co. 430 Harrison 1954 Live Stock Pawnee Saloon S side of Square Saloon Pawnee Salvage 314 Harrison 1938 Salvage Pawnee Salvage & Garage 314 Harrison 1946 Salvage Pawnee Salvage Co. 314 Harrison 1941 Salvage Pawnee Scout Hales Publishing Co. Sept 22 1893 Newspaper Pawnee Scout Hale J.H. 1893 Newspaper Pawnee Separate School 116 Kansas 1941 School Pawnee Separate School 116 Kansas 1946 School Pawnee Separate School SE of City 1947 School Pawnee Separate School 105 Cleveland 1950 School Pawnee Separate School 105 Cleveland 1951 School Pawnee Separate School 105 Cleveland 1954 School Pawnee Separate School 105 Cleveland 1955 School Pawnee Seperate School 116 Kansas 1938 School Pawnee Steam Laundry Lundquist A S 1907 Laundry Pawnee Steam Laundry Lundquist A S 1910 Laundry Pawnee Steam Laundry 1915 Laundry Pawnee Steam Laundry 1918-19 Laundry Pawnee Steam Laundry 454 Illinois 1928 Laundry Pawnee Tailors & Cleaners 607 5 th 1928 Tailor Pawnee Taxi 602 1/2 Harrison 1957 Taxi Pawnee Title & Loan Co. 501 6 th 1928 Abstract Pawnee Title & Loan Co. 501 6 th 1938 Abstract Pawnee Title & Loan Co. 501 6 th 1941 Abstract Pawnee Upholstery & Furniture 624 Harrison 1950 Upholstery Pawnee Veterinarian Clinic Dr. Henry 105 Cleveland 1965 Veterinarian Pearl Bros. 1901 Cigar Makers Pearl's Beauty Shop 1215 Harrison 1961 Beauty Shop Pearl's Beauty Shop 1215 Harrison 1962 Beauty Shop Pearl's Beauty Shop 1215 Harrison 1963 Beauty Shop Pearl's Beauty Shop 1215 Harrison 1964 Beauty Shop Pearl's Beauty Shop 1215 Harrison 1965 Beauty Shop Pearl's Beauty Shop 1215 Harrison 1966 Beauty Shop Pearl's Beauty Shop 1215 Harrison 1967 Beauty Shop Pearl's Beauty Shop 1215 Harrison 1968 Beauty Shop Pearl's Beauty Shop 1215 Harrison 1969 Beauty Shop Pearson - Braddy Furniture & Undertaking North side Square 1918 Undertaking Pearson - Brady Furniture 1919 Furniture Pearson - Brady Furniture 1920 Furniture Pearson & Brady Furniture 1918-19 Furniture Pearson & Son 1911 Furniture Pearson & Son 1911 Pearson & Sons Furniture O T Furniture Pearson -Brady Furniture ?Undertaking Co. 1919 Pepper Radio & Music Store 612 Harrison 1941 Music Store Pepper's 632 Harrison 1951 Furniture Pepper's 632 Harrison 1947 Furniture Pepper's Pepper Ed 632 Harrison 1954 Furniture Pepper's Furniture 632 Harrison 1955 Furniture Pepper's Furniture 632 Harrison 1956 Furniture Pepper's Furniture 521 6 th 1957 Furniture Pepper's Furniture 521 6 th 1961 Furniture Pepper's Furniture 521 6 th 1963 Furniture Pepper's Furniture 521 6th 1964 Furniture Pepper's Furniture 521 6 th 1965 Furniture Pepper's Furniture 521 6 th 1966 Furniture Pepper's Furniture 521 6 th 1967 Furniture Pepper's Furniture 521 6 th 1968 Furniture Pepper's Photography 632 Harrison 1950 Photo Studio Pepper's Radio 463 Harrison 1946 Radio & T V Pepper's Radio 632 Harrison 1950 Radio & T V Perrine's Furmiture 641 Harrison 1967 Furniture Perrine's Furniture 641 Harrison 1965 Furniture Perrine's Furniture 641 Harrison 1966 Furniture Perrine's Furniture 641 Harrison 1968 Furniture Perrine's Furniture 641 Harrison 1969 Furniture Perry Bros.& Cockrell 1915 Garage Peter J.a. 1918-19 Dry Goods Peter C.G. 1901 Grocery Peter & Co. J.A. 1915 Dry Goods Peter & Caldwell N.W. corner of Sq. 1901 Implements Peter & CO. J A 1911 Peter Drug Goodnight M A S side of Sq 1910 Drug Peter Drug 553 Harrison 1954 Drug Peter Drug 1910 Peter Drug 1911 Drug Peter Drug J A 1912 Drug Peter Drug Co & Pharmacy S Side of Sq 1907 Drug Peter Drug Co. 1915 Drug Peter Dry Goods 529 Harrison 1928 Dry Goods Peter Dry Goods 529 Harrison 1938 Dry Goods Peter Dry Goods Co. 529 Harrison 1941 Dry Goods Peter Rexall 553 Harrison 1938 Drug Peter Rexall Drug 553 Harrison 1941 Drug Peter Rexall Drug 553 Harrison 1946 Drug Peter Rexall Drug 553 Harrison 1947 Drug Peter Rexall Drug 553 Harrison 1951 Drug Peter Rexall Drug 553 Harrison 1955 Drug Peter Rexall Drugs 553 Harrison 1950 Drug Peters James C Phys 555 1/2 Harrison 1946 Doctor Petrie City Meat Market J E NE side of Sq 1893 Grocery Philips Emerson Atty. FNB Building 1941 Attorney Philips Phys G N over Bagby's Drug 1912 Doctor Phillips Emerson FNB Building 1938 Attorney Phillips E R 1st Nat Bk Bg 1950 Attorney Phillips E R FNB Bld 1951 Attorney Phillips Emerson FNB Bld 1954 Attorney Phillips Emerson FNB Bld 1956 Attorney Phillips G H Bagby's Drug Store 1911 Doctor Phillips Geo H Dr. 1889-1892 Doctor Phillips G.H. 1918-19 Doctor Phillips 66 Bulk Station 304 Granite 1946 Service Station Phillips 66 Bulk Station 705 Granite 1947 Service Station Phillips 66 Bulk Station 701 Harrison 1966 Service Station Phillips 66 Service Station 702 Harrison 1941 Service Station Phillips 66 Service Station 701 Harrison 1947 Service Station Phillips 66 Station 702 Harrison 1938 Service Station Phillips 66 Station 701 Harrison 1961 Service Station Phillips Att Emerson 619 6 th 1965 Attorney Phillips Att Emerson 619 6 th 1966 Attorney Phillips Att Emerson 619 6 th 1967 Attorney Phillips Att Emerson 619 1/2 6 th 1968 Attorney Phillips Atty Emerson FNB Bld 1955 Attorney Phillips Atty Emerson FNB Bld 1957 Attorney Phillips Atty Emerson 619 6 th 1961 Attorney Phillips Atty Emerson 619 6 th 1962 Attorney Phillips Atty Emerson 619 6 th 1963 Attorney Phillips Atty Emerson 619 6th 1964 Refiner Phillips Bulk Station 701 Harrison 1967 Phillips Dr. G H over Bagby Drug 1911 Phillips Pet NW of City 1955 Refiner Phillips Pet NW of City 1956 Refiner Phillips Pet NW of CIty 1957 Refiner Phillips Pet Co NW of City 1951 Refiner Phillips Pet Co NW of City 1954 Refiner Phillips Petroleum NW of City 1966 Refiner Phillips Petroleum Co. NW of City 1965 Refiner Phil's Greenhouse W of City 1969 Greenhouse Pierce John Dr. Cottage Hotel 1915 Veterinarian Pierce John Cottage Hotel 1911 Veterinarian Pierce Dr. 1919 Pierce Oil Corporation 1915 Refiner Pierce Petro Mitchell J.H. 500 Kansas 1928 Refiner Pierce Veterinary John Cottage Hotel 1911 Pierce Veterinary John Cottage Hotel 1912 Veterinarian Piggly Wiggly Kline & Sons 653 Harrison 1928 Grocery Piggly Wiggly 653 Harrison 1938 Grocery Piggly Wiggly 651 Harrison 1946 Grocery Piggly Wiggly 651 Harrison 1947 Grocery Piggly Wiggly 651 Harrison 1950 Grocery Piggly Wiggly 651 Harrison 1951 Grocery Piggly Wiggly 651 Harrison 1954 Grocery Piggly Wiggly 651 Harrison 1955 Grocery Piggly Wiggly 651 Harrison 1956 Grocery Piggly Wiggly 651 Harrison 1957 Grocery Piggly Wiggly 651 Harrison 1962 Grocery Piggly Wiggly 657 Harrison 1963 Grocery Piggly Wiggly 657 Harrison 1964 Grocery Piggly Wiggly 657 Harrison 1965 Grocery Piggly Wiggly 657 Harrison 1966 Grocery Piggly Wiggly 657 Harrison 1967 Grocery Piggly Wiggly 657 Harrison 1968 Grocery Piggly Wiggly 657 Harrison 1969 Grocery Piggly Wiggly Kline Bros. 657 Harrison 1990 Grocery Piggly Wiggly 653 Harrison 1941 Grocery Piggly Wiggly 651 Harrison 1961 Grocery Pioneer tele /Telegraph 1912 Utilities Pioneer Telephone 1911 Public Utilities Pioneer Telephone & Telegraph 1915 Public Utilities Pioneer Telephone &Telegraph 1915 Public Utilities Pioneer Telephone CO. over FNB 1910 Pleasant View Osteopathic Hospital 3 rd & Cleveland 1950 Hospital Plumlee Grocery Joseph 1911 Grocery Police Station FNB Building 1938 City Government Police Station FNB Building 1941 City Government Police Station 508 Illinois 1946 City Government Police Station 508 Illinois 1947 City Government Police Station 637 Illinois 1954 City Government Police Station 637 Illinois 1955 City Government Police Station 637 Illinois 1956 City Government Police Station 637 Illinois 1957 City Government Police Station 637 Illinois 1961 City Government Police Station 637 Illinois 1962 City Government Police Station 637 Illinois 1963 City Government Police Station 626 6 th 1965 City Government Police Station 626 6 th 1965 City Government Police Station 626 6 th 1966 City Government Police Station 626 6 th 1968 City Government Police Station 637 Illinois 1950 City Government Ponton Bros. Meat Market 1901 Grocery Porter Radio Otis M 625 6th 1948 Radio Shop Porter Radio Otis M 625 6th 1949 Radio Shop Porter Radio Otis M 625 6th 1947 Radio Shop Porter Radio Otis M 625 6th 1950 Radio Shop Porter Radio & Television Otis M 612 Harrison 1951 Radio & T V Porter Radio & Television Otis M 630 Harrison 1956 Radio & T V Porter Radio & Television Otis M 630 Harrison 1957 Radio & T V Porter Radio & Television Otis M 612 Harrison 1952 Radio & T V Porter Radio & Television Otis M 612 Harrison 1953 Radio & T V Porter Radio & Television Ser Otis M 612 Harrison 1954 Radio & T V Porter Radio & Television Ser Otis M 630 Harrison 1955 Radio & T V Porter T V Sporting Goods 630 Harrison 1966 Radio & T V Porter T V Sporting Goods & Toys 630 Harrison 1965 Sporting Goods Porter T V Sporting Goods & Toys 630 Harrison 1967 Sporting Goods Porter TV Sporting Goods 630 Harrison 1961 Radio & T V Porter TV Sporting Goods & Toys 630 Harrison 1962 Radio & T V Porter TV Sporting Goods & Toys 630 Harrison 1963 Radio & T V Porter TV Sporting Goods & Toys 630 Harrison 1958 Radio & T V Porter TV Sporting Goods & Toys 630 Harrison 1959 Radio & T V Porter TV Sporting Goods & Toys 630 Harrison 1960 Radio & T V Porter TV Sporting Goods & Toys 630 Harrison 1964 Radio & T V Porter TV Sporting Goods & Toys 630 Harrison 1968 Radio & T V Porter TV Sporting Goods & Toys 630 Harrison 1969 Radio & T V Porter's Frieght Line FM 1909 Trucking Porter's Grocery F M 1910 Grocery Post Office Burned 1907 West Side Square 1907 Post Office Post Office 623 7 th 1965 Post Office Post Office 623 7 th 1966 Post Office Post Office 623 7 th 1966 Post Office Post Office 623 7 th 1967 Post Office Post Office 623 7 th 1968 Post Office Post Office 623 7 th 1969 Post Office Post Office News Stand Gray EG Prop. North Side Square 1918 News Stand Poteet Funeral Home 600 Illinois 1946 Undertaking Poteet Funeral Home 600 Illinois 1947 Undertaking Poteet Funeral Home 600 Illinois 1950 Undertaking Poteet Funeral Home 660 Illinois 1951 Undertaking Poteet Funeral Home 600 Illinois 1954 Undertaking Poteet Funeral Home 600 Illinois 1955 Undertaking Poteet Funeral Home 600 Illinois 1956 Undertaking Poteet Funeral Home 600 Illinois 1957 Undertaking Poteet Funeral Home 600 Illinois 1961 Undertaking Poteet Funeral Home 600 Illinois 1962 Undertaking Poteet Funeral Home 600 Illinois 1963 Undertaking Poteet Funeral Home 600 Illinois 1964 Undertaking Poteet Funeral Home J L 600 Illinois 1966 Undertaking Poteet Funeral Home 600 Illinois 1967 Undertaking Poteet Funeral Home 600 Illinois 1968 Undertaking Poteet Funeral Home 600 Illinois 1969 Undertaking Prake J.G. 1901 Saloon Presbyterian Church 1912 Church Presbyterian Church 1912 Church Presbyterian Church 1919 Church Presbyterian Church 1919 Presbyterian Church 1920 Church Presbyterian Church 1911 Church Progress Tailor Shop Morris Geo 3 drs W FNB 1910 Tailor Pure Food Bakery 513 Harrison 1928 Bakery Purest of Drugs /Medicines 1907 Drug Pyeatt's Feed & Grocery J.T. around square Owner "1893 Grocery Pyeatt's Feed & Grocery J T Around Square 1893 Grocery Raba Lewis Atty. 517 1/2 6th 1941 Attorney Raba Lewis 517 1/2 6 th 1950 Attorney Raba Lewis 517 1/2 6 th 1956 Attorney Raba Lewis 517 1/2 6 th 1938 Attorney Raba Lewis Atty 517 1/2 6th 1946 Attorney Raba Atty Lewis 511 1/2 Denver 1947 Attorney Raba Atty Lewis 517 1/2 6 th 1955 Attorney Radley Shoemaker J N 1900 Shoe Maker Radley's Electric 1900 Repair Shop Railway Exp 300 6 th 1951 Depot Railway Exp Agcy 300 6 th 1950 Depot Railway Express 300 6 th 1955 Depot Railway Express 6 th & Kansas 1961 Depot Railway Express Agency 300 6 th 1946 Depot Railway Express Agency 300 6 th 1947 Depot Ralph's Drive-Inn Ralph Brown 304 Granite 1947 Cafe Ralston School Ralston 1965 School Ralston School Ralston 1966 School Ralston School Ralston 1967 School Ralston School Ralston 1968 School Ralston School 1969 School Rambo & Steele Grocery 1903 Grocery Rambo Rooming House 1918-19 Hotel Rambo Rooming House 1912 Hotel Ranch Burger 405 4 th 1969 Cafe Ratliff H L 605 5 th 1965 Doctor Ratliff Dr H L 605 5 th 1963 Doctor Ratliff DR H L 605 5 th 1968 Doctor Ratliff DR HL 605 5 th 1969 Doctor Ratliff Dr. H.L. 605 5th 1964 Doctor Ratliff M.D. H L 605 5 th 1966 Doctor Ratliff MD H L 605 5 th 1967 Doctor Readdys Rooming House 1918-19 Hotel Rebekah Lodge IOOF Hall 1911 Club Red W.W. 1901 Contractor ? Builder Red Ball Horton John Prop S.E. Corner Square 1911 Pool Hall Red Front Grocery A Murray SE Corner of Sq 1893 Grocery Reddy Isom 1901 Cafe Reed Tailor Shop C G South Side Square Tailor Reid George W. 1915 Real Estate Reid Farm Loan & Ins. Geo W 1910 Insurance Reimer P.R. Osteopath 533 1/2 Harrison 1941 Doctor Reimer & Staff Clinic 536 Illinois 1955 Doctor Reimer & Staff Clinic 536 Illinois 1956 Doctor Reimer & Staff Clinic 536 Illinois 1957 Doctor Reimer D O Percy Roy Gustave 536 Illinois 1962 Doctor Reimer D O P R G . 536 Illinois 1963 Doctor Reimer D.O. P R G 536 Illinois 1961 Doctor Reimer DO P R 536 Illinois 1967 Doctor Rena's Beauty Shop 429 Harrison 1956 Beauty Shop Rena's Beauty shop 429 Harrison 1961 Beauty Shop Rena's Beauty Shop 429 Harrison 1962 Beauty Shop Rena's Beauty Shop 429 Harrison 1965 Beauty Shop Rena's Beauty Shop 429 Harrison 1966 Beauty Shop Rena's Beauty Shoppe 429 Harrison 1957 Beauty Shop Rena's Beauty Shoppe 429 Harrison 1963 Beauty Shop Rena's Beauty Shoppe Cook Rena 429 Harrison 1964 Beauty Shop Rena's Beauty Shoppe 429 Harrison 1967 Beauty Shop Rena's Beauty Shoppe 429 Harrison 1968 Beauty Shop Rena's Beauty Shoppe Cook 900 Denver 1969 Beauty Shop Renfo S. main street Owner 1893 Grocery Renfo Grocery & Confectionery Along Main Street 1893 Grocery Republican Headquarters 627 Harrison 1966 Political Rexroad H A 1911 Auction Sales Rexroad Insurance H A Auction Sales Richards Motor 548 Illinois 1954 Car Dealer Richards Motor 639 Illinois 1956 Car Dealer Richards Motor & Eqp 548 Illinois 1951 Car Dealer Richards Mtr & Equipment Co 548 Illinois 1950 Car Dealer Richards Pontiac 639 Illinois 1955 Car Dealer Riemer P.R. Dr. 533 1/2 Harrison 1938 Doctor Riemer P R Osteopath 536 Illinois 1946 Doctor Riemer P R 536 Illinois 1950 Doctor Riemer P R DO 536 Illinois 1951 Doctor Riemer P R 536 Illinois 1965 Doctor Riemer D O P R 536 Illinois 1968 Doctor Riemer D.O. P.R. 536 Illinois 1964 Doctor Riemer D.O. P R 536 Illinois 1966 Doctor Riemer DO PR 536 Illinois 1969 Doctor Riemer Osteopath P R 536 Illinois 1947 Doctor Riseling Ed C.. 1915 Tailor Shop Riseling Cleaning Ed 1911 Ritz Theather 559 Harrison 1938 Movie Ritz Theather 559 Harrison 1941 Movie Roadrunner Inn 531 6 th 1969 Motel Roberson & Mallory 1901 Blacksmiths Roberson Gulf Station 4 th & Harrison 1961 Service Station Roberson Gulf Station 4 th & Harrison 1962 Service Station Roberson Gulf Station 4 th & Harrison 1963 Service Station Robinson Apco 1010 Harrison 1964 Service Station Robinson Apco 1010 Harrison 1965 Service Station Robinson Apco 1010 HArrixon 1966 Service Station Robinson Apco 900 Harrison 1967 Service Station Robinson Apco Station 1010 Harrison 1962 Service Station Robinson Apco Station 1010 Harrison 1963 Service Station Robinson Apco Station 900 Harrison 1968 Service Station Robinson Auto LLoyd E of City 1969 Auto Repair Robinson Auto Repair Lloyd E of City 1968 Auto Repair Robinson's Apco Station 900 Harrison 1969 Service Station Robinson's Grocery Burned 1907 West Side Square 1907 Grocery Roe Grocery Wes 1915 Grocery Roe Grocery Wes 1918-19 Grocery Roe Grocery Wes 463 Harrison 1928 Grocery Roe Grocery 463 Harrison 1938 Grocery Roe Grocery 463 Harrison 1941 Grocery Roe's Grocery 1920 Grocery Rogers Dress Making Mrs Minnie 620 Harrison 1938 Dress Maker Roger's Gro 600 Denver 1951 Grocery Roger's Gro 600 Denver 1955 Grocery Roger's Gro 600 Denver 1956 Grocery Roger's Grocery 600 Denver 1954 Grocery Roger's Grocery 600 Denver 1961 Grocery Roger's Grocery 600 Denver 1962 Grocery Roger's Grocery 600 Denver 1963 Grocery Roger's Grocery 600 Denver 1965 Grocery Roger's Grocery 600 Denver 1967 Grocery Roger's Grocery 600 Denver 1968 Grocery Roger's Grocery 600 Denver 1969 Grocery Rollins Jas 539 1/2 6 th 1950 Doctor Ross Shoe Repair W H SE Corner of Sq 1907 Shoe Repair Rounds & Porter 1918-19 Lumber Rounds & Porter 704 Harrison 1950 Lumber Rounds & Porter 722 Harrison 1954 Lumber Rounds & Porter 1901 Lumber Rounds & Porter Lumber 1915 Lumber Rounds & Porter Lumber 704 Harrison 1928 Lumber Rounds & Porter Lumber 704 Harrison 1938 Lumber Rounds & Porter Lumber 704 Harrison 1941 Lumber Rounds & Porter Lumber 704 Harrison 1946 Lumber Rounds & Porter Lumber 704 Harrison 1947 Lumber Rounds & Porter Lumber 704 Harrison 1951 Lumber Rounds & Porter Lumber 1919 Rounds & Porter Lumber Yard Established West H Street 1900 Lumber Rowe P.E. 611 1/2 6th 1928 Attorney Rowe Atty Prentiss FNB 1947 Attorney Rowland Joe 518 Illinois 1938 Abstract Rowland Joe 518 Illinois 1941 Abstract Rowland Joe 518 Illinois 1946 Abstract Rowland Office Joe 518 Illinois 1947 Abstract Roxane Petro Co. 660 Harrison 1928 Refiner Royal Neighbors IOOF Hall 1911 Club Royal Neighbors 1912 Club Rust Millinery Kate Pawnee Drug 1911 Millinery Rust Millinery Miss Kate J A Peter Store Millinery S West Ice & Dairy Products 401 Ilinois 1950 Ice Plants S West Ice & Dairy Products 401 Illinois 1951 Ice Plants Safeway 657 Harrison 1964 Grocery Safeway 657 Harrison 1938 Grocery Safeway Store 657 Harrison 1941 Grocery Safeway Store 657 Harrison 1959 Grocery Safeway Store 657 Harrison 1961 Grocery Safeway Store 657 Harrison 1962 Grocery Safeway Store 657 Harrison 1929 Grocery Safeway Store 657 Harrison 1930 Grocery Safeway Store 657 Harrison 1931 Grocery Safeway Store 657 Harrison 1932 Grocery Safeway Store 657 Harrison 1933 Grocery Safeway Store 657 Harrison 1934 Grocery Safeway Store 657 Harrison 1935 Grocery Safeway Store 657 Harrison 1936 Grocery Sanders L P DDS. Dentist Sander's Grocery 814 Harrison 1968 Grocery Sander's Grocery 814 Harrison 1969 Grocery Sanders Accounting-Public Clarence 508 Illinois 1955 Accounting Sanders Book Keeping Service "Clarence FNB Bld 1954 Accounting Sanders Oil Co 402 Kansas 1951 Service Station Sanders Oil Co. 402 Kansas 1950 Service Station Sanders Service Station 402 Kansas 1947 Service Station Sanitary Market & Gro. 621 Harrison 1938 Grocery Sanitary Market & Grocery 621 Harrison 1941 Grocery Santa Fe Depot 1915 Depot Santa Fe Depot 1918-19 Depot Santa Fe Depot Lee J W Mgr. 600 6 th 1928 Depot Santa Fe Depot 600 6 th 1938 Depot Santa Fe Depot 600 6 th 1941 Depot Santa Fe Depot 600 6 th 1946 Depot Santa Fe Depot 600 6 th 1947 Depot Santa Fe Depot 300 6 th 1950 Depot Santa Fe Depot 300 6 th 1951 Depot Santa Fe Depot 300 6 th 1954 Depot Santa Fe Depot 300 6 th 1955 Depot Santa Fe Depot 300 6 th 1956 Depot Santa Fe Depot 300 6 th 1957 Depot Santa Fe Depot 6 th & Kansas 1961 Depot Santa Fe Depot 6 th & Kansas 1962 Depot Santa Fe Depot 6 th & Kansas 1963 Depot Santa Fe Depot 6 th & Kansas 1911 Depot Santa Fe Depot 6 th & Kansas 1912 Depot Santa Fe Depot 6 th & Kansas 1964 Depot Santa Fe Depot 6 th & Kansas 1965 Depot Santa Fe Depot 6 th & Kansas 1966 Depot Santa Fe Depot 6 th & Kansas 1967 Depot Santa Fe Depot 6 th & Kansas 1968 Depot Santa Fe Depot 6 & Kansas 1969 Depot Saunders L.P. Dr. 603 1/2 Harrison 1938 Dentist Saunders L.P. 603 1/2 Harrison 1941 Dentist Saunders L P 603 1/2 Harrison 1946 Dentist Saunders L.P. Dr. 603 1/2 Harrison 1915 Dentist Saunders L.P. Dr. 603 1/2 Harrison 1918-19 Dentist Saunders L.P. Dr. 603 1/2 Harrison 1928 Dentist Saunders Dr. L P 603 1/2 Harrison 1947 Dentist Saunders Dr. L P 1912 Dentist Schacher Construction Co. 716 6 th 1967 Construction Schulze M C 105 Cleveland 1965 Veterinarian Schulze DVM M C 105 Cleveland 1966 Veterinarian Schulze Veterinarian M C 105 Cleveland 1962 Veterinarian Schulze Veterinarian M C 105 Cleveland 1963 Veterinarian Schulze Veterinarian M C. 105 Cleveland 1964 Veterinarian Schwak Otto 1918-19 Pure Food Bakery Schwake's Pure Food Bakery 1919 Bakery Scott Robt Stafford Bld 1956 Attorney Scott Att Robert 534 Illinois 1965 Attorney Scott Att Robt J 534 Illinois 1966 Attorney Scott Att Robert 534 Illinois 1967 Attorney Scott Att Robt. 534 Illinois 1968 Attorney Scott Att Robert 552 Illinois 1969 Attorney Scott Atty Robt FNB BLd 1955 Attorney Scott Atty Robt FNB Bld 1963 Attorney Scott Atty Robert 1st Nat Bk Bld 1964 Attorney Scott's Iceberg 4 th & Harrison 1957 Cafe Security State Bank 1918-19 Bank Security State Bank 1919 Security State Bank 1920 Bank Seeds R.R. 604 1/2 Harrison 1941 Dentist Seevers C.T. 1901 Doctor Seevers Cleaning Pressing S. of Katz 1912 Cleaners Sellers & Jonas Agency 617 6th 1964 Insurance Sellers & Jonas Ins 406 Boulder 1956 Insurance Sellers & Jonas Ins 617 6 th 1957 Insurance Sellers & Jonas Ins 617 4 th 1961 Insurance Sellers & Jonas Ins 617 6 th 1962 Insurance Sellers & Jonas Ins 617 6 th 1963 Insurance Sellers & Jones Ins 406 Boulder 1954 Insurance Sellers Ins 561 1/2 Harrison 1951 Insurance Sellers Ins Agcy 561 1/2 Harrisoon 1950 Insurance Sellers Insurance Pawnee Hotel Bldg 1965 Insurance Sellers Insurance Pawnee Hotel 1966 Insurance Serivner 1901 Blacksmith Sewell E.W. 1901 Blacksmith Seymour Packing Co 700 Harrison 1947 Packing Co. Seymour Packing Co. 600 Kansas 1941 Packing Co. Seymour Packing Co. 700 Harrison 1946 Packing Co. Shaefer & Snyder Meat Market 2 doors W Fnd 1910 Shaefer & Snyder Meat Market behind FNB 1910 Shamrock Cafe 554 Illinois 1951 Cafe Sharp Baker's Medicines Asa 2 Miles N City 1920 Drug Shaver Butcher Shop C L West of Katz Store 1912 Grocery Shavers Meat Market C L Opposite Court House 1912 Grocery Shepard - Gordon Mercantile 1893 Dry Goods Shepard & Gordon SE Corner Sq. 1901 Dry Goods Shirley's Beauty Shop 429 1/2 Harrison 1966 Beauty Shop Shockey Mrs L.T. Dress Making 1901 School Shoe Center 633 Harrison 1968 Shoe Store Shoe Center 633 Harrison 1969 Shoe Store Shoemaker Frank 1915 Attorney Shoemaker Frank 1918-19 Attorney Shoemaker & Lee Att F C & David C 1920 Attorney Shoemaker Atty F C 1912 Attorney Silver Moon Cafe 1910 Silver Saloon Springler Fred Owner 1906 Saloon Sinclair Ser Dennis Marshel 4 t & Harrison 1957 Service Station Sinclair Service Station Johnson Dutch 4 th & Harrison 1956 Service Station Sixty Four Tavern E Hwy 64 1954 Saloon Sixty Four Tavern E Hwy 64 1955 Saloon Sixty Four Tavern E Hwy 64 1956 Saloon Sixty Four Tavern E 64 Hwy 1957 Saloon Skidgel Conoco 656 Harrison 1964 Service Station Skidgel Conoco 656 Harrison 1966 Service Station Skidgel Super Service 656 Harrison 1967 Service Station Skidgel Super Service Station 656 Harrison 1965 Service Station Skidgel's Super Service Station 656 Harrison 1968 Service Station Skywest Court Haug Glenwood 759 Harrison 1954 Motels Skywest Motel 759 Harrison 1955 Motels Skywest Motel 759 Harrison 1956 Motels Skywest Motel 759 Harrison 1957 Motels Skywest Motel 759 Harrison 1961 Motels Skywest Motel 759 Harrison 1962 Motels Skywest Motel 759 Harrison 1963 Motels Skywest Motel 759 Harrison 1964 Motels Skywest Motel 759 Harrison 1965 Motel Skywest Motel 759 Harrison 1966 Motel Skywest Motel 759 Harrison 1967 Motel Skywest Motel 759 Harrison 1968 Motel Skywest Motel 759 Harrison 1969 Motel Slim's Bar 409 Harrison 1947 Motels Slim's Bar 409 Harrison 1946 Motels Slim's Liqr Store 554 Illinois 1964 Liquor Slim's Liquor Store 554 Illinois 1962 Liquor Slim's Liquor Store 554 Illinois 1963 Liquor Slim's Liquor Store 554 Illinois 1965 Liquor Store Slim's Liquor Store 554 Illinois 1966 Liquor Slim's Liquors Store 554 Illinois 1961 Liquor Slocum F.D. S side Sq. 1915 Bakery Slocum F.D. 1918-19 Bakery Slocum Bakery F B Established East I Street 1901 Bakery Smalley's T V Service 559 Harison 1969 TV Repair Smith N.J. 1901 Dry Goods Smith Ol 613 6 th 1928 Real Estate Smith Clothing N. J. 1902 Clothing Smith Contractor Isaac 1902 Construction Smith Insurance O L Insurance Smith Oil Elzie 205 4 th 1969 Service Station Smith Oil Elzie 205 4 th 1956 Service Station Smith Oil & Gas Elzie 205 4 th 1961 Service Station Smith Oil & Gas Elzie 205 4 th 1965 Service Station Smith Oil & Gas Co Elzie 205 4 th 1951 Service Station Smith Oil Co Elzie 205 4 th 1954 Service Station Smith Oil Co Elzie 205 4 th 1955 Service Station Smith Oil Co Elzie 205 4 th 1957 Service Station Smith Oil Co Elzie 205 4 th 1962 Service Station Smith Oil Co Elzie 205 4 th 1963 Service Station Smith Oil Co Elzie 205 4 th 1967 Service Station Smith Oil Co. Elzie 205 4 th 1950 Service Station Smith Oil Co. Elzie 205 4 th 1966 Service Station Smith Oil Station Elzie 205 4 th 1968 Service Station Smith Oill Co Elzie 205 4th 1964 Service Station Smith Optometrist Mack 627 6 th 1956 Optometrist Smith Optometrist Mack 627 6 th 1957 Optometrist Smith Optometrist Mack 627 6 th 1961 Optometrist Smith Optometrist Mack 627 6 th 1962 Optometrist Smith Optometrist Mack 627 6 th 1963 Optometrist Smith Optometrist Mack 627 6th 1964 Optometrist Smith Optometrist Mack 534 Illinois 1965 Optometrist Smith Optometrist Mack 534 Illinois 1966 Optometrist Smith Optometrist Mack 534 Illinois 1967 Doctor Smith Optometrist Mack 534 Illinois 1968 Optometrist Smith Optometrist Mack 534 Illinois 1969 Optometrist Smith Real Estate O L ( Okey) Bruington Bldg 1920 Real Estate Smith Veterinarian Claude Veterinarian Snyder W.W. 1901 V S Soulsby Geo S N.side Sq. 1901 Implements Soulsby C.T. W. end of Main St. 1901 Hardware Soulsby Geo Jr. 561 1/2 Harrison 1941 Soulsby Buick 1911 Car Dealer Soulsby Hardware C T/Burned 1901 1893 Hardware Soulsby Harness Shop Geo S Established 1901 Harness Shop Soulsby Insurance Jos. D. 1910 Insurance Soulsby's Vehicles Dealer 1910 Car Dealer Sousley's Pool Hall 1912 Pool Hall Southside Bakery Champion E.J. 1912 Bakery Southwest Ice & Dairy Products 401 Illinois 1946 Dairy Southwestern Bell 605 5 th 1946 Public Utilities Southwestern Bell 605 5 th 1947 Public Utilities Southwestern Bell Tele 605 5 th 1951 Public Utilities Southwestern Bell Tele 605 5 th 1954 Public Utilities Southwestern Bell Tele. Co. 605 5 th 1941 Public Utilities Southwestern Bell Telephone 605 5 th 1955 Public Utilities Southwestern Bell Telephone 1964 Public Utilities Southwestern Bell Telephone 639 6 th 1965 Public Utilities Southwestern Bell Telephone 639 6 th 1967 Public Utilities Southwestern Bell Telephone 639 6 th 1968 Public Utilities Southwestern Bell Telephone 639 6 th 1969 Public Utilities Southwestern Bell Telephone 639 6 th 1969 Public Utilities Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. 639 6 th 1965 Public Utilities Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. 639 6 th 1966 Public Utilities Southwestern Ice & Dairy Products 401 Illinois 1947 Dairy Southwestern Utility Ice Co. 204 4 th 1928 Ice Plant Spearman T V Repair Joe 810 5 th 1968 Radio & T V Spearman T V Service 810 5 th 1965 Radio & T V Spearman T V Service Joe 810 5 th 1966 Radio & T V Spearman T V Service Joe 810 5 th 1967 Radio & T V Spearman T V Service 810 5 th 1969 Radio & T V Spearman TV Repair 810 5th 1964 Radio & T V Spearman TV Service Joe 410 Ash 1961 Radio & T V Spearman TV Service Joe 410 Ash 1962 Radio & T V Spearman TV Service 410 Ash 1963 Radio & T V Speed - Wash 527 5 th 1965 Laundry Speed Wash 527 5th 1964 Laundry Speed Wash 527 5 th 1966 Laundry Speed Wash 527 5 th 1967 Laundry Speed Wash Laundry 527 5 th 1968 Laundry Speed Wash Laundry 527 5 th 1969 Laundry Spinning & Hale 1915 Attorney Sportman's Bar 429 Harrison 1951 Saloon Sportsman's Bar 409 Harrison 1950 Saloon Spot Cash Grocery April 1902 Grocery Spurgeon E. 1915 Second Hand Store Staff F P 3rd & Cleveland 1950 Doctor Staff F P D.O. FNB Bld 1954 Doctor Staff F P 554 Illinois 1965 Doctor Staff D O F P 554 Illinois 1968 Doctor Staff D O F P 554 Illinois 1963 Doctor Staff D.O. F P 544 Illinois 1961 Doctor Staff D.O. Fred 554 Illinois 1964 Doctor Staff D.O. F P 554 Illinois 1966 Doctor Staff DO F P 554 Illinois 1962 Doctor Staff DO F P 554 Illinois 1967 Doctor Staff DO FP 531 Illinois 1969 Doctor Stafford Bros. Cold Drinks 1901 Standard Fuel Inc Park Place Add 1961 Standard Life Insurance 1215 Harrison 1965 Insurance Staneart Service 207 Forest 1950 Service Station Staneart Station 207 Granite 1951 Service Station State Highway Dept. 611 1/2 6 th 1928 State Government Steak House No 2 628 Harrison 1962 Cafe Stearnberg Bros. 1901 Dry Goods Sterling & Smith Above Brunington 1910 Real Estate Sterling & Smith 1915 Real Estate Sterling & Smith Abstract 1916 Abstract Sterling Insurance J H Insurance Stewart C.H. 1901 Lawyer Stewart & Wallace 1901 Painters&Paperhangers Stewart Bakery Lew Old Schwake Bakery 1919 Bakery Stewart Rock E of City 1967 Rock Stewart Rock M.E. & Son E of City 1969 Rock Stewart's Hotel Kansas Street 1894 Hotel Steweart Stone E of City 1968 Rock Stich A.L. 1915 Grocery Stillwater -Pawnee Gas Co. 1915 Utilities Stillwell Ins 601 5 th 1963 Insurance Stillwell Ins Agency 601 5th 1964 Insurance Stone & Haverstock Grocery& Hardware Along Main Street 1893 Grocery Stone/Haverstock main street Owners 1893 Grocery Stookey & Folkes 1911 Barbers Stookey & Folkes North side Square 1912 Barbers Stookey & Folkes 1912 Barbers Strange Meat Market Ed 1901 Grocery Strozer Dr. Colored 1912 Doctor Sturgell Jewelers P K 1941 Jeweler Sullins 5 & 10 1941 Variety Super Service 64 4 & Harrison 1928 Service Station Swalley & Stoneburner Meats 621 Harrison 1928 Grocery Swalley Bros Market 1912 Grocery Swalley Grocery T Z 1919 Grocery Swalley Market 621 Harrison 1938 Grocery Swalley Market & Grocery 621 Harrison 1941 Grocery Swalley Meat Market S.side Sq. 1915 Grocery Swalley Meat Market T Z 1911 Grocery Swatek Bros Water Main 1215 Harrison 1968 Contractors Swearingen P.A. 1893 Construction Swearingen Contractor P A Construction Swift & Co 459 Harrison 1947 Swift & Co 527 5 th 1951 Swift & Co. 437 E. Harrison 1938 Swift & Co. 429 Harrison 1941 Swift & Co. 527 6 th 1950 Swiller Bros Grocery /Hardware Around Square 1893 Grocery T & E Hardware 641 Harrison 1946 Hardware Tansey's Grocery 814 Harrison 1961 Grocery Tansey's Grocery 814 Harrison 1962 Grocery Tansey's Grocery 814 Harrison 1963 Grocery Tansey's Grocery Wayne 814 Harrison 1964 Grocery Tansey's Min It Market 814 Harrison 1966 Grocery Tansey's Min It Market 814 Harrison 1967 Grocery Tensfield Sta & Y Cafe S of City 1951 Cafe Tensfield's Phillips 66 900 Harrison 1951 Service Station Terry Phillips Home 800 9 th 1968 Elder Care The Answer Redwine Will 1894 Populist Newspaper The Appeal 1894 Newspaper The Big Racket Store Winfrey A P S of Sq 1910 Variety The Big Racket Store Wimpey A P South Side Square 1907 Variety The Free Press Everton H G Later G R Gould Newspaper The Leader Cafe Neild M J W FNB 1907 Cafe The Missouri Store Perry J.W.& Co. Prop. North Main Street Dry Goods / Hardware The Palace Livery & Feed stable "Coyner E D Near Frisco Depot 1907 Livery The Post Office News Stand 1907 News Stand The Post Office News Stand Herriman Nellie 1910 News Stand The Rail Road Restaurant Phillips Ralph NW Corner of sq 1907 Cafe The White House Hotel Brown Finley 1909 Hotel TheFashion Clothing Store 1919 Thomas General Store 509 6 th 1938 General Store Thomas General Store 509 6 th 1941 General Store Thomas General Store 509 6 th 1946 General Store Thomas General Store 509 6 th 1947 General Store Thomas General Store 509 6 th 1950 General Store Thomas General Store 509 6 th 1951 General Store Thomas General store 509 6 th 1954 General Store Thomas General Store 509 6 th 1955 General Store Thomas General Store 509 6 th 1956 General Store Thomas General Store 509 6 th 1957 General Store Thomas General Store 509 6 th 1961 General Store Thomas General Store 509 6 th 1962 General Store Thomas General Store 509 6 th 1963 General Store Thomas General Store 509 6 th 1965 General Store Thomas Gro 509 6 th 1964 General Store Thomas Ins Tony 533 6 th 1951 Insurance Thomas Ins 533 6 th 1954 Insurance Thomas Ins Tony 533 6 th 1955 Insurance Thomas Ins 533 6 th 1956 Insurance Thomas Ins 533 6 th 1957 Insurance Thomas Ins Tony 533 6 th 1961 Insurance Thomas Ins Tony 533 6 th 1962 Insurance Thomas Ins 533 6 th 1963 Insurance Thomas Ins Agcy Tony 533 6 th 1950 Insurance Thomas Ins Agency Tony 533 6 th 1964 Insurance Thomas Insurance Tony 533 6 th 1946 Insurance Thomas Insurance Tony 533 6 th 1947 Insurance Thomas Insurance Tony 533 6 th 1965 Insurance Thomas Insurance 533 6 th 1966 Insurance Thomas Insurance 533 6 th 1967 Insurance Thomas Insurance 533 6 th 1968 Insurance Thomas Insurance Tony 533 6 th 1969 Insurance Thompson & Moore Blacksmith J W- Frank NE Corner Sq 1907 Blacksmith Thompson & Shepard 1901 Grocery Thompson & Sheperd 814 Harrison 1965 Grocery Thornton S 641 Harrison 1955 Loans Thornton Ins 641 Harrison 1951 Insurance Thornton Real Estate 641 Harrison 1957 Real Estate Thornton Real Estate 641 Harrison 1961 Real Estate Thorton S 641 Harrison 1954 Loans Thorton S 641 Harrison 1947 Real Estate Thurber & Co. C.A. 1915 Grocery Thurber Grocery & Market 525 6 th 1947 Grocery Thurber's Gro 525 6 th 1938 Grocery Thurber's Gro 525 6 th 1951 Grocery Thurber's Gro 525 6 th 1955 Grocery Thurber's Gro 525 6 th 1956 Grocery Thurber's Gro 525 6 th 1957 Grocery Thurber's Gro 525 6th 1964 Grocery Thurbers Grocery 525 6 th 1969 Grocery Thurber's Grocery Glendale 525 6 th 1946 Grocery Thurber's Grocery 525 6 th 1954 Grocery Thurber's Grocery 525 6 th 1961 Grocery Thurber's Grocery 525 6 th 1962 Grocery Thurber's Grocery 525 6 th 1963 Grocery Thurber's Grocery 525 6 th 1965 Grocery Thurber's Grocery 525 6 th 1966 Grocery Thurber's Grocery 525 6 th 1967 Grocery Thurber's Grocery 525 6 th 1968 Grocery Thurber's Grocery & Market 525 6 th 1941 Grocery Thurber's Grocery & Market 525 6 th 1950 Grocery Tillery Stables 1000 Kansas 1954 Livery Tillery Stables C C & C W 1948 Livery Times Democrat Spull D.H. 1901 Newspaper Times Democrat Gray E G Pub. 1912 Newspaper Times Democrat 1915 Newspaper Times Democrat 1893 Newspaper Times Democrat 1911 Newspaper Toler W.E. S.E. Corner Sq. 1918-19 Hardware Toler Engeering Court House 1955 Engeering Toler Engeering Court House 1957 Engineering Toler Engeering Ct House 1961 Engineering Toler Engeering Ct House 1962 Engineering Toler Engeering Ct House 1963 Engineering Toler Engeering Court House 1964 Engineering Toler Engeering Co. Court House 1954 Engineering Toler Engineering Court House 1965 Engineering Toler Engineering Court House 1966 Engineering Toler Engineering Court House 1967 Engineering Toler Engineering Court House 1968 Engineering Toms Henry S. around square Owner "1893 Dry Goods Tom's Mercantile Henry S 1893 Dry Goods Tonis H.S. 1901 Dry Goods Tony's Recreation Center 628 Harrison 1967 Pool Hall Tony's Recreation Center 628 Harrison 1968 Pool Hall Tony's Recreation Center 628 Harison 1969 Pool Hall Toot & Tellem Beer Garden 1 st & Hwy 64 1938 Saloon Top Kick's Place 545 Harrison 1938 Toppers Auto Chas A. 506 9 th 1938 Garage Topper's Gro 814 Harison 1957 Grocery Tucker & Rex Road Real Estate 1910 Real Estate Tucker Abstract W S Over FNB 1907 Abstract Tucker Insurance W S Insurance Tucker Real Estate W.S. 1901 Real Estate Tucker Real Estate W.S. 1918-19 Real Estate Tuckers Furniture 641 Harrison 1962 Furniture Tucker's Furniture 641 Harrison 1964 Furniture Tucker's Furniture Store 641 Harrison 1963 Furniture Tull Service 400 Illinois 1956 Service Station Turner Joe 1901 Machine Shop Turner J A 604 1/2 Harrison 1947 Dentist Turner J A 604 1/2 Harrison 1951 Dentist Turner J A Dr. 614 Denver 1946 Dentist Turner J A 604 1/2 Harrison 1950 Dentist Turner Mill Wheeler West of town 1911 Turner Repair Joe 1900 Repair Shop Turner Repair Shop Joe 1912 Repair Shop Turner Wheeler Saw mill West of City 1911 Saw Mill Tynan Chapter # 20 RAM Masonic Hall 1911 Club U S Post Office 538 Illinois 1947 Post office U S Post Office 538 Illinois 1950 Post office U S Post Office 538 Illinois 1951 Post office U S Post Office 538 Illinois 1954 Post office U S Post Office 538 Illinois 1955 Post office U S Post Office 538 Illinois 1956 Post office U S Post Office 623 7 th 1961 Post office U S Post Office 623 7 th 1962 Post office U S Post Office 623 7 th 1963 Post office U S Post Office 538 Illinois 1964 Post office U S Post Office 538 Illinois 1946 Post office U.S Post Office 538 Illinois 1938 Post office U.S.Post Office 538 Illinois 1941 Post office Union Hotel Nelson Rice Agency Owner 1893 Hotel Union Hotel Rice Nelson Pawnee Agency 1893 Hotel United Brethern Church 1911 Church United Brethren Church 1912 Church United Brethren Church 1912 Church United Brethren Church 1920 Church United Methodist 1919 Valeteria Cleaners 703 Illinois 1938 Cleaners Valeteria Cleaners 703 Illinois 1941 Cleaners Val's Beauty Shop 555 1/2 Harrison 1950 Beauty Shop Vance Cafe 720 Harrison 1966 Cafe Vance's Cafe 720 Harrison 1967 Cafe Vance's Cafe Dick 720 Harrison 1968 Cafe Vance's Cafe 720 Harrison 1969 Cafe Vance's Pawnee Grill 625 Harrison 1954 Cafe Vance's Pawnee Grill 625 Harrison 1955 Cafe Vance's Pawnee Grill 625 Harrison 1956 Cafe Vance's Pawnee Grill 625 Harrison 1957 Cafe Vance's Snack Shop 622 6 th 1941 Cafe Vance's Snack Shop 622 6 th 1946 Cafe Vance's Snack Shop 622 6 th 1947 Cafe Vance's Snack Shop 622 6 th 1951 Cafe Vance's Snak Shop 622 6 th 1950 Cafe Vandervoot & Jay 1901 Druggist Varner Implements 525 5 th 1965 Farm Implements Varner Implements 525 5 th 1966 Farm Implements Varner Motor 525 5 th 1956 Farm Implement Varner Motor 525 5 th 1957 Farm Implement Varner Motor 525 5 th 1962 Farm Implement Varner Motor 525 5 th 1963 Farm Implement Varner Motor 525 5th 1964 Farm Implement Varner Motor 525 5 th 1967 Farm Implement Varner Motor & Implement 525 5 th 1961 Farm Implement Varner Motor & Implement 525 5 th 1968 Farm Implement Varner Motor & Implement 525 5 th 1969 Farm Implement Varner Motor & Implements 525 5th 1965 Farm Implement Varner Motor & Implmt 525 5 th 1955 Farm Implement Varner Repair Shop Bill 525 5 th 1951 Farm Implement Varner Repair Shop 525 5 th 1954 Farm Implement Varner's Repair Shop Bill 525 5 th 1950 Farm Implement Vaughn J. 1901 Saloon Veatch H. 1901 Real Estate Vesta"s Nursing Home E of City 1961 Elder Care Veterianary Clinic Henry / Schulze 105 Cleveland 1968 Veterinary Veterinary Hospital Henry/ Schulze 105 Cleveland 1967 Veterinary Veterinary Hospital Henry/Schulze 105 Cleveland 1969 Veterinary Vic' Grocery 401 Illinois 1965 Grocery Vic's Grocery 401 Illinois 1966 Grocery Vic's Grocery 401 Illinois 1967 Grocery Vic's Grocery 401 Illinois 1968 Grocery Vic's Grocery 401 Illinois 1969 Grocery Wacker Store G.F. 513 6 th 1938 Wade Floor Covering 311 Herriman 1965 Linoleum Layers Wade Floor Covering 311 Herriman 1967 Linoleum Layers Wade Floor Covering 311 Herriman 1968 Linoleum Layers Wade Floor Coverings 311 Herriman 1966 Linoleum Layers Wadlow Nu Way Help Your Self 404 4 th 1954 Laundry Waffle House 505 6 th 1928 Cafe Walsh's Barber Shop Frank 1912 Barber Walters Col. E. 1911 Auctioneer Wanaseck & Walch 1901 Barbers Waters G.A. Dr. 1918-19 Doctor Waters C B 547 1/2 1950 Doctor Waters C B Dr. 547 1/2 6 th 1951 Doctor Waters Geo Dr. 1893 Doctor Waters & Phillips 1901 Doctor Waters Dr. 1910 Doctor Waters Dr. C A 1911 Doctor We Wood Work For You Rt3 1988 Construction Wear Barber Shop J P 1907 Barbers Wear Bros Gro 1910 Grocery Wear Bros. 1915 Grocery Webber & Reid Drug Store C D - 1893 Drug Weeks Att Ralph J Pawnee Agency 1893 Attorney Weinberg 1901 Dry Goods Weinberg Dry Goods 1907 Burned West Side Square 1907 Dry Goods Weisz Bros. Gro, 1901 Grocery Weisz Bros. Gro. 1918-19 Grocery Weisz Grocery 517 Harrison 1928 Grocery Weisz Grocery 517 Harrison 1941 Grocery Weisz Grocery 517 Harrison 1946 Grocery Weisz Grocery 517 Harrison 1950 Grocery Weisz Grocery 517 Harrison 1951 Grocery Weisz Grocery Maurice Main Street 1893 Grocery Welker Feed 632 Illinois 1956 Feed Store Welker Feed 632 Illinois 1957 Feed Store Weller R E Dr. Jay Bldg 1904 Doctor Weller M.D. Ralph 1911 Doctor Weller M.D. Ralph 1911 Weller Phy Ralph E 1912 Doctor West End Feed Yard Duffy Wm 1 blk NW of Sq 1907 Feed Yard Western Auto 631 Harrison 1954 Auto Supply Western Auto 631 Harrison 1956 Auto Supply Western Auto 631 Harrison 1957 Auto Supply Western Auto 631 Harrison 1962 Auto Supply Western Auto Lucas 513 Harrison 1963 Auto Supply Western Auto Lucas Marshall 513 Harrison 1964 Auto Supply Western Auto Lucas 631 Harrison 1955 Auto Supply Western Auto 513 Harrison 1966 Auto Supply Western Auto 513 Harrison 1967 Auto Supply Western Auto 513 Harrison 1969 Auto Supply Western Auto 631 Harrison 1961 Auto Supply Western Auto 513 Harrison 1965 Auto Supply Western Auto Lucas Marshall 513 Harrison 1968 Auto Supply Western Auto Assc Store 631 Harrison 1951 Auto Supply Western Auto Associate Store 631 Harrison 1950 Auto Supply Western Auto Store 513 Harrison 1966 Auto Supply Western Feed Yard 1901 Feed Yard Western Union & Telegraph Co. 6 & Kansas 1941 Public Utilities Westside Liquor Store 1010 Harrison 1968 Liquor Westside Liquor Store 1010 Harrison 1969 Liquor Wheeler & Trone Clothiers 1911 Clothing Wheeler Butane Bud NE of City 1961 Propane Wheeler Butane Bud NE of City 1962 Propane Wheeler Butane NE of City 1963 Propane Wheeler Butane & Proipane NE of City 1955 Propane Wheeler Butane Propane NE of City 1945 Propane Wheeler Butane Propane Bud NE of City 1957 Propane Wheeler Propane NE of City 1954 Propane Wheeler Propane N of City 1964 Propane Wheeler Propane Bud NE of City 1967 Propane Wheeler Propane Bud NE of City 1968 Propane Wheeler Propane NE of City 1969 Propane Wheeler Trone Clothing Store Pawnee Reliable Clothiers 1911 Clothing Wheeler Trone Clothing Store Corner 6th & Illinois 1912 Clothing Whipple Barber Shop John Above Meador Pool Hall 1912 Barber White House Hotel 1910 Hotel White House Hotel Frost J T 1911 Hotel White House Hotel Frost J.T. Prop. N side of Square 1912 Hotel White House Hotel Frost J T Prop. N side square 1912 Hotel White House Hotel N sode of Square 1912 Hotel Whitlow Service Station 207 Forest 1946 Service Station Whitlow Service Station 207 Forest 1947 Service Station Wilkerson Livery John Livery Wilkerson Refrigeration 531 1/2 6 th 1963 Repair Shop Wilkerson Refrigeration 531 1/2 6 th 1964 Repair Shop Wilkerson Refrigeration & Electric 531 1/2 6 th 1965 Repair Willard Battery Station IOOF Bldg 1921 Repair Shop Williams Mrs. M. Cottage Hotel 1912 Chiropractor Williams Att. H W 1900 Attorney Williams Groceries Bert was Close Gro 1919 Wilson Jno T. 614 Harrison 1928 Veterinarian Wilson Snack Shop 622 6 th 1957 Cafe Wimpey Clothing A. P. was Liebenheim 1912 Clothing Wimpey's Safactory Store 1911 Clothing Winrow W F Bagby's 1911 Dray & Transfer Winrow & Teagarden Transfer WF & John 1905 Dray & Transfer Winrow Movers W F 1920 Mover Womack & Robbins Motor 639 Illinois 1957 Car Dealers Womack & Sons Service 900 Harrison 1950 Service Station Womack & Sons Service Station 900 Harrison 1950 Service Station Womack / Robbins Buick 639 Illinois 1961 Car Dealers Womack Cab Co 726 Harrison 1947 Taxi Womack Taxi Cab 626 Harrison 1946 Taxi Womack Taxi Co 626 1/2 Harrison 1951 Taxi Womack Taxi Co. 626 1/2 Harrison 1950 Taxi Wood Ins Glenn 508 Illinois 1962 Insurance Wood Ins Glenn 614 Elm 1957 Insurance Wood Insurance Agency Glenn 508 Illinois 1964 Insurance Wood's Ins Glenn 508 Illinois 1963 Insurance Woodstock Typwriters Wood J B agt 1919 Woody's Motel 1215 Harrison 1956 Motel Woody's Motel 1215 Harrison 1957 Motel Woody's Motel 1215 Harrison 1961 Motel Woody's Motel 1215 Harrison 1962 Motel Woody's Motel 1215 Harrison 1963 Motel Woody's Motel 1215 Harrison 1964 Motel Woody's Motel 1215 Harrison 1965 Motel Woody's Motel 1215 Harrison 1966 Motel Woody's Motel 1215 Harrison 1967 Motel Woody's Motel 1215 Harrison 1968 Motel Woody's Motel 1215 Harrison 1969 Motel Worrell Mrs. Orin 1911 Firewood Wrightsman Att. C J First County Attorney 1893 Attorney Wriight D.W. 616 Harrison 1928 Sewing Machine Co. Yadon Public Accountant James SW of City 1969 Accountant Yaley C.E. 1928 Real Estate Yaley RealEstate C E 1934 Real Estate Young Nursing Home 800 9 th 1969 Elder Care Youngman Constr Co H D 621 7 th 1951 Construction Your Beauty Shop 641 6th 1941 Beauty Shop Your Beauty Shop 641 6 th 1946 Beauty Shop Your Beauty Shop 641 6 th 1947 Beauty Shop