Lovely Co. Arkansas Territory
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Lovely County, Arkansas Territory
"Lovely County" existed for one year, from Oct 13, 1827 to Oct 17, 1828.

The following information is from
"The Benton County Pioneer"
published by the Benton County Historical Society, Vol 12, No 1, Jan. 1967.

Copied By
Nalora Burns [email protected]

1828 Lovely County census by Will Johnson

The Benton County Pioneer
Almost mythical because its legal papers were not available either in files
or in museums, this changed in late 1966, when Mr. "Dutch" Morrows living
on Ward Bluffs above the Illinois River near Watts, Adair Co., Oklahoma
discovered many brown and yellowed papers scattered about near a dump.
He took them to Mr. Jack Gregory, principal of Watts school, who recognized
their historical value. 
Dr. Caldeen Gunter of Siloam Springs made a careful appraisal of the fragile papers, and contacted Gilcrease Museum in Tulsa. They were definitely interested not only in making copies but in making the copies available for interested historical societies,  museums and publications.
There were no printed forms for the County, so all material is handwritten. Documents and signatures of many prominent persons of that era are listed, some of the persons are: S P (Sam?) HOUSTON, Wm WOODRUFF, Robert CRITTENDEN, C F M NOLAND, A P CHOUTEAU, B L D BONNEVILLE and others.
Historically the inventory of papers is important in that Lovely County existed for one year only, and was carved out of Lovely's purchase, bounded on the west by the Verdigris river ands south just east of Fayetteville.
Its termination was the Cherokee Treaty and subsequent, present day, Oklahoma-Arkansas boundary.
Whites living in the cherokee lands were ordered east of the boundary and were given squatters rights to  320 acres in Arkansas territory. John NICKS accepted many of the listings, at his Nicksville trading post.
Lovely County was bordered on the east by the Fiery Prarie or Brown line to the Verdigris in the west, encompassing most of present day Benton, Washington and parts of Crawford county, Arkansas; Deleware, Adair, Sequoyah, Cherokee, and Mayes counties in present day Oklahoma.
The papers were given the name" Nicks and Gibson Papers of Lovely County".
The following is a list of names found in the papers and compiled by the Benton County Historical Society. Dates of documents are shown where known.
Nicks-Gibson Papers, Lovely County, Cantonment Gibson,
Arkansas Territory, 1824 and later.

ADAIR, Trustran, settler
AKINS, James 1827
ALLEN, John, Fort Smith 1852
ALTHA, Wilson 1827
ARCHER, Lieutenant John 1827
ARMITAGE, Robert 1827
ARMSTRONG, Wm 1827 ASBURY, Francis ASHER, Wm P C 1827 ASHLEY, Chester AUGUST, Francis 1827 BAGLEY, John BAKER, Henry 1827 BARKER, H P 1827 BAYLOR, Dr. J W BEAN, Mark 1827 BEATTE, P 1827 (order on Osage Agent, D BARBER) BELL, Eli, Sherriff, Crawford county 1840-6 BELL, Robert 1820, 1827 BENNETT, Samuel 1827 BERTRAND, Charles P 1843 "Advocate", 1830, Bro-in-law Robert Crittenden Big Soldier (Blk Dog, Osage) BILLINGSLEY, John 1827 BLEGGS, I 1827 BLEVINS, Wm settler BOND, Issac 1827 BONNEVILLE, Capt B L E, 1827 BONS, Paul 1827 BOWEN, James, Justice of the Peace BOWES, Charles 1827 BRADLEY, P E BRATTR, Louis 1827 BRATZ, Thomas 1827 BROCKWAY, SIMEON G 1827 BROWN, D G 1827 BRUNT, Stephen, settler BURTON, Orsomel I 1827 BUTLER, Capt P M 1827 BYRD, Richard G 1843 - Acting Governor CALHOUN, William 1827 CAMPHA, Charles 1827 CANTRALL, Fr John 1827 CAPPS, John CARNEY, Edward CARNEY, Wm 1827 CARTER, Lieut. L F 1827 CARTER, O, 1827 CATHANNA, Andrew 1827 CATLIN, Wm 1827 CATRON, Minitree CAULDER, Peter (runaway) 1827 CERROES, Ralph 1827 CHAMBERS, Adam 1827 CHOTEAU, A P -1827 CHOUTEAU, A A - 1827 CHURCH, James CLARK, Daniel 1827 CLARK, Lorenzo N CLARK, Mrs Wm 1827 CLARK, Samuel 1827 CLARK, Wm--Supt Indian Affairs 1822-1838 CLAYTON, Wiley 1843 Guardian of Cloyes CLERAMBUCK, T 1827 CLOYES, Nathan H 1843--a minor COCHE, John W 1843 COGHLUN, Michael 1827 COLE, Daniel 1827 COLLINS, Mrs M 1827 Company B, Cantonment Gibson, 1826 Company C, Cantonment Gibson, 1827 Company G, Cantonment Gibson, 1826 Company H, Cantonment Gibson, 1827 Company K, Cantonment Gibson, 1827 CON, Wm settler CONWAY, E N CONWAY, James S 1843 COREY, William 1827 CRAIG, Silas 1843 CRAWFORD, Wm CRITTENDEN, 1829, Robert, Sec of Ark Ter, 1819-1829 CUNNINGHAM, Henry A- Ft Smith 1852 CUNNINGHAM, L B -register Fayetteville Land office 1860 CURLEY, Dennis 1827 DANIEL, William W. --settler DAVID, Jope W 1840 DAVIDS, John-- settler DAVIDSON, Isha 1827 DAVIS, Anthony, 1843 DAVIS, J E 1840 DAWSON, Leiut. J L, 1827 DAY, W A --Second Auditor, Wash. DC when Richard C GATLIN applied in 1885 for extra pay as Capt. in Mexican war. DELONG, Jonathan 1827 DIAMOND, Daniel 1827 DICKSON, R J -Rec. Fayetteville Land Office 1860 DILLARD, John 1827 DOAN, Eliazur 1827 DOFS, W R 1840 DOSS, I - Justice of the Peace 1828 for Conway County, Hardin Twp. DOUGHTERY, Wm 1840 DOYLE, Francis 1827 DRENNER, John 1843 DUCON, Grover 1827 DUGAN, Mrs R 1827 DUNLAP, George DUPREY, A DUVAL Ben 1840 DUVAL, Anthony 1840 DUVAL, Columbus 1840 DUVAL, George--Capt Rogers was attny for his estate 1836 DUVAL, Peter, 1840 DUVAL, Reece, 1840 EATON, John 1827 EDMONDSON, J P EGMON, Jas 1827 ELLIS, Mr ENGLES Geo 1840 ENLOWE, Henry-- Settler ERDELL, John 1827 ETTINGER, James G FAULKNER, Frederick 1827 FAULKNER, Sanford C. --Real Estate Bank 1843 FELLOWS, C G Fort Smith 1852 FIELDS, John 1828 FLEMMING, Francis 1827 FORD, David 1827 FORKS, David 1827 FOSTER, Francis 1827 FOX, Theophilus 1840 FRIET, James, 1827 GADBERRY, Sam'l 1827 GARRETT, Wiley--Fort Smith 1852 GATLIN, Mary, Richard C's wife, daughter of Sarah Price Perkins NICKS GATLIN, Richard C GETER, Oliver 1840 GIBSON, Charles G 1827 GIBSON, Col R S --Justice of the Peace Lovely County GIBSON, Robert Stuart, son of Col R S. GIBSON, Wm W GILLOCK, Linsey 1827 GIRAND, Michael 1828 --settler GIST, Thomas, --settler GORDON, J C 1827 GOULD, J E 1840 GRADY, Burgess 1827 GRADY, Samuel D U --Crawford County 1828 GREEN, Johan 1827 GREEN, Wm 1840 GREENE, A O GREGORY, Edmon GRIFFITH, Elizabeth, Samuel's wife, daughter of John Nicks and Sarah PricePerkins NICKS, born 1826 Ft Gibson GRIFFITH, Samuel S Memphis TN GROP, Geoge--Deputy Sheriff Crawford County GUINN, John 1827 HAGERTY, Wm B HALES, Benjamin --settler HARDISTY Ragin W HARRALSON, H --Served one term as clerk in Pulaski County 1843 HARREL, Elizabeth, Joel's wife HARREL, Jane HARREL, Joel HARTEM, Wm 1827 HAWKINS, Lieut. E L 1827 HAYMES, Edmond 1827 HAYS Jacob 1827 HECKMAN, Ruben 1827 HEMPSTEAD, Samuel H 1843 HENDERSON, Alfred HIGBY, Wm HIGGINS, John HILL, George 1843 HILLYARD, Joseph HOCKERDAY, Willis G HOGAN, Samuel HOGG, L 1840 HONOR, John 1827 HOOFMAN, John HOOPER, Elias and Mary E 1843 HOUSTON, J P 1827 HOWARD, William 1827 HOWARD, Wm HOWEL, E J Pittsburgh Ark, 1856 HUDSPETH, James M HULIT, George 1827 INGRAHAM, Wm --Settler IORNS, Wm 1827 IRVIN, Wm 1840 ISSAC, Alfred 1840 JACKSON, M S 1840 JENNINGS, Wm 1827 JOHNSON, Leiut. Th 1827 JOHNSTON, James 1827 KAMPTON, John KEENER, Hugh 1827 KEENEY, R W 1840 KELLY, John--settler KELTON, John 1840 KELTON, Luamine 1827 KENNEY, John 1827 KILGORE, James 1840 KILLOP, David KINNEY, James--Settler KINTON, N W 1827 KITVEL, Jonathan 1827 KROUSER, A M 1840 KUYKENDALL, Benjamin 1840 LACOUR, Vinson LADD, Curtis LAFERTY, John C LAMETTE, Joseph 1840 LANE, LOVELL & Co, New Orleans LEEPER, Matthew,-- rec Fayetteville Land Office 1838 LEVEL, Wm--settler LEWIS, Joshua --first District Judge LA 1829 LINCOLN, Nathe 1840 LOOP, John I 1840 LOUDIN, Iss. B 1840 LUCH, John H LYPARDO, Frederick LYPUS, Ohniscian 1840 MACKEY, Thomas 1840 MACNAMARA, Henry 1827 MACNAMARA, Thomas 1827 MAJORS, Charles 1827 MALDEN, John O 1827 MANING, Michael 1840 MARCUM, John 1827 --William's son. MARCUM, William 1827 MATTHEWS, Andrew 1828--settler MAY, George 1840 MAYER, A G 1840 MCANANY, Daniel 1827 MCCARTY, Samuel 1827 MCCASLIN, Richard, 1827 MCCOLLUM, Elizabeth--settler MCCONNELL, George 1827 MCCOY, Thomas 1827 MCDERMED, Francis--settler MCDONALD Mrs. 1827 MCDONALD, John 1827 MCFADDEN, John 1827 MCGEE, J D MCIUTYN, Robert 1827 MCKAY, J P 1827 MCKESICK, James --reg Fayetteville Land Office 1838 MCKRAND, Henry 1827 MCLEAN, Alexander, --Clerk Circuit Court Crawford County MCMILLAN, Wm 1840 MCMILLIN, Colin W 1827 MCPHERSON, J B 1840 MEOILT (?) W. Sept 9, 1846 War Dept Office Indian Affairs MILES, Lieut D L 1827 MILLER, Dan'l O 1827 MILLER, Peter 1827 MILLMAIN, John 1827 MILLSPAUGH, Ira and Mrs M. 1827--settlers MITCHELL, Jacob 1843 MOORE, Matthew, -settler MOORE, Rachel--Matthew's wife MOORE, William 1827 MORGAN, Samuel T --com for Ark MORRISON, John 1827 MORRISON, John 1840 MORSE, Joseph 1840 MUNACA, Jeremiah 1827 MURPHEY, Michael MURRAY, Thomas 1827 NEVILLE, Prestty 1827 NICKS, Elizabeth Price --who later married Samuel S GRIFFITH and lived in Little Rock NICKS, John --For whom "Nicksville" is named. NICKS, John Quinton --their son NICKS, Sarah Price Perkins--his wife, who later married R S GIBSON NIXON, Wm 1827 NOLAN, C F M --Carried the Ark Terr. Petition for statehood to Wash DC;Dep clerk for Indep Co., Batesville Feb 1829 ODONNELL, Rich 1827 OFFICER, William P 1827 O'FIELD, Benjamin OGUN, Thomas 1840 OWENS, Peter 1827 PARROTT, William H --settler PASCHAL, Augustus B 1845 PASCHAL, George--settler PASCHAL, Sarah--George's wife PATTERSON, John 1827 PEET, Francis 1827 PELHAM, Wm --settler PENDLETON, Henry F 1843 PENFORD, Henry 1827 PENROD, John --settler PERCIFULL, John 1834 PERKINS, John M--It is his invoice from which all the 1840 names come PERRY, James --settler PEYTON, Wm PHARES, J H, --settler PHILBRICK, Capt John 1827 PHILLIPS, Lieut J A 1827 PICKETT, George C 1827--Court Clerk 1832 PITCHER, James--settler POLKE, Benson--settler PORTER, P B --Sec of War 1829 PORTER, Samuel 1827 PORTER, William POSEY, G 1840 POST, Wm--settler POTTS, John 1840 PRASSY, John 1827 PRITCHARD, George--Lawyer, New Orleans, 1829 PRITCHARD, Richard--Lawyer, New Orleans, 1829 PRYOR, Nathaniel 1827 --Crawford County PUTNAM, John 1840 PYNON, C L 1840 QUARLES, William 1827 QUIRK, John 1827 QUISENBERRY, Henry A 1827 QUISENBURY Bob 1840 --Thos's son. QUISENBURY Thos 1840 QUISENBURY, William 1840 RANDOLPH, Francis RANKIN, Anthony 1827 REARDON, Lambert 1843 REDDLE, August 1840 REDMAN, F 1840 REDMON, John --Justice of the peace County Of Conway 1829 REYNOLDS, Thomas S 1827 RHODES, Charles ROANE, Sam --Trustee of Real Estate Bank of Arkansas 1843 ROBERTS, (Alias Blk Bob) 1827 ROBINS John 1843 ROBINSON, Richard, --settler ROGERS, Capt John of NICKS, ROGERS & Co. 1824 ROGERS, William 1840 ROSE, E M 1827 RUMPHRIS, Edmond 1827 RUSSELL, William 1843 SADLER, Alonzo C SAWYER, Adam --settler SAWYER, Mrs A 1827 SCHOVLER, John 1827 SCOTT, I J 1827 SCOTT, J F 1827 SEMS, M O L --settler SHAW, Andrew SHAW, Wm D SHILLING, P G 1840 SHIPP, James William 1827 SIMMONS, James 1827 SIMS, John B 1827 SIMS, Wm 1827 SINCLAIR, Robert SISSON, John 1827 SLOVER, James --settler SMITH Enoch T 1843 SMITH, George 1827 SMITH, John 1827 SNYDER, Michael 1827 SOFTON, Sam 1827 SPENCER, Josiah 1827 SPRUCE, Quinton T 1827 STAPLES, John 1840 STAYNIR, Andy 1840 STAYNIR, Barnabus 1840 STAYNIR, Edgar 1840 STAYNIR, G B 1840 STAYNIR, Iplsn. 1840 STEPHENS, J R (missing) 1827 STEPHENS, S G 1840 STEWART, Henry 1840 STEWART, IRVIN --settler STEWART, John 1827 STEWART, Nancy --Irvin's wife STILL, John H 1840 STIMECKE, Dr H A 1827 STIRMAN, (Sterman) Henry STOCKTON, Charles C 1827 STRALEY, Lampion 1840 STRATTON, Newell 1840 STUBBS, John 1827 STUBBS, Wm 1827 SU, John 1827 SUMMER, James --settler SUMMERVILLE, John 1827 SUTTON, Rufus 1840 TAMIL, Mrs TAYLOR, B B 1827 TAYLOR, Timothy 1827 TENNALLA, A TENNALLA, Charles THOMAS, Lieut F 1827 THURSTON, Doc TIBBETTS, Wm TIBBS, John TILDEN, C E H TILLINGHAST, Lieut N 1827 TILLINGHAST, Mrs N. -the Lieut's wife TRAPNALL, Frederick TUMMY, Moses TWEEDY, Lewis S WAGGONER, John --settler WAGNON, Thomas 1827 WALKER, James H WALKER, Jefferson M WALTERS Saul 1840 WALTERS, Ebenezer -Trustee, of Real Estate Bank of Arkansas 1843 WALTON, Bennett WANACE, Wm WARD, Esther WARREN, Eli 1827 WASSETT, Benj 1827 WATKINS, George C 1843 WAUGH, Wm WEAVER, Powell--settler WHEELOCK, Leiut I 1827 WHIRY, Wm 1827 WHITE, Sam 1827 WHITE, William 1827 WILKINS, Samuel 1827 WILKINSON, N G WILLIAMS, J WILLIAMS, John 1827 WILSON James WILSON, E J 1840 WINN, John 1827 WINTERS, Henry 1827 WOOD, James C 1827 WOOD, John --Acting Justice of the Peace, Lovely County 1828 WOOD, Sam 1827 WOODMAN, Joshua WOODRUFF, Wm E (Arkansas Gazette) & 1843 Bank Trustee WRIGGS, Ezra L 1827 WYATT, Benjamin T 1827 YORTER (?) John G Example Of Documents:
This day came personally before me as Justice of the Peace in aforesaid county, Territory and Township, Louis P CHOUTEAU and Stephen BRUNT, who being of lawful ages and duly sworn on the Holy Evangelist, is according to law say they are  personally acquainted with Michael GIRAND and that they knew him on the twenty-third day of May, eighteen hundred and twenty eight to have actually settled both before and after said date in that part of Arkansas Territory which the first article of the treaty between the United States Government and the Cherokee Indians west of the Mississippi ratified the twenty eighth day of May one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight had ceased to be a part of said Territory and that the said Michael GIRAND is over the age of twenty-one years and that the settlement of said Michael GIRAND is about four miles from Cantonment Gibson and out of the Jurisdiction of that place and that he is the same person who has sold all his rights by reason of said settlement to B L E BONNEVILLE & Thos MCNAMARA and given said Bonneville & MCNAMARA full power touching his name.
Sworn and Subscribed by me Louis CHOUTEU
Stephen BRUNT His mark This 28th Day of July 1828
R S GIBSON, Justice of the Peace."


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Sharon Burnett-Crawford
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