Cherokee Districts
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OKbits FileCherokee Districts, 1840

Abstracted From The Constitution and Laws of the Cherokee Nation
Passed at Tah-le-quah, Cherokee Nation, 1839

An Act to organise the Nation into eight Districts and for holding elections.
Be it enacted by the National Council, that the following divisions of the Nation, into eight districts, shall continue until altered by law-to wit:

Skin Bayou District: Commencing at the mouth of Salisaw Creek, thence up the same to a point where th Rogue's Path crosses; thence along said path to Bear Meat's old place; thence on a direct line to the two Knobs or Peaks, running between the same, to the nearest point of the State line; thence south along said line to the Arkansas river, and up the same to the place of beginning.
First Precinct at the present place of holding Courts: George LOWREY, Jr. and Michael WATERS, superintendents. Second Precinct at Little John Rogers': George W. GUNTER and John ROGERS superintendents.

Illinois District: Commencing at the point where the Rogue's Path crosses Salisaw Creek; thence on a direct line to Big Bear's (Allen Gafford's) on Elk Creek, and down said Creek to its junction with Illinois river; thence crossing Short Mountain to Eli Harlin's, (including said Harlin in this district) thence along the road by Joseph Coodey's and Dennis Biggs' to Grand River, at Fort Gibson; thence on the main road to the ferry on the Verdigris River, down the same to the Arkansas River;  thence down said river to the mouth of Salisaw Creek, and up the same to the place of beginning.
First Precinct at Moses Smith's: John BREWER and Richard RATLIFF, superintendents.
Second Precinct at Cat Fields; Archibald FIELDS and Alexander FOREMAN, superintendents.

Canadian District: Commencing at the junction of the Arkansas and Canadian rivers; thence up the Canadian to the Creek boundary; thence alone the said boundary to the Arkansas river, and down the same to the place of beginning.
First Precinct at James Thorn's: Joseph VANN and John THORN, superintendents.
Second Precinct at Geo. Chisholm's: dutch and David FOREMAN, superintendents.

Flint District: Commencing at the point where the Rogue's Path crosses the Salisaw Creek; thence along the line of Illinois District to the Illinois river; thence up said river to the mouth of Caney Creek and up said creek to Buffinton's spring branch, and up said branch to the Wagon Road at Buffinton's; thence along the main old road to the crossing of the south branch of the Barren Fork of Illinois; thence up said Creek to the Sate line, and along said line to the line of Skin Bayou District; thence west along said District line to the place of beginning.
First Precinct at George Chambers' Campground: George CHAMBERS and Andrew ROSS superintendents.
Second Precinct
at Broken Canoe's; Ezekiel STARR and George STILL superintendents.

Going Snake District: Commencing on Caney Creek at Fawn's Camp on the right, and following the path leading to Thos. F. Taylor's  until the same forks on the mountain; thence along the right hand old path(leaving said Taylor's to the left) to Dick Sanders' on the barren Fork; thence along the road to James M'Daniel's on Big Illinois; thence along the road or path leading to the Grand Saline, to Spring Creek; thence up said Creek to the crossing of the Washington Countywagon road, at Gore's old cabin, following said road to Flint Creek, then up said creek to the State line; thence south along said line to the Flint District, and along the same to the place of beginning.
First Precinct at Hair Conrad's: Hair CONRAD and Samuel GOREMAN, superintendents.
Second Precinct at Rising Fawn's (in Piney Woods) : George STARR, Jon HARNAGE, superintendents.

Tahlequah District: Commencing at Fawn's Camp on Caney Creek, and following the line of Going Snake District to Spring Creek; thence down and along the line of Illinois District to the Illinois River; thence up said river to Caney Creek, and up the same to the place of beginning.
First Precinct at Tahlequah: Stephen FOREMAN and David CARTER, superintendents.
Second Precinct at William Campbell's: Thomas WILSON and Thigh WALKER, superintendents.

Delaware District: Commencing at the point on Spring Creek where Going Snake and Tahlequah Districts corner; thence to the nearest source of Little Saline Creek, and down the same to its junction with Big Saline Creek; thence on a direct line to Grand River at the mouth of Spavinaw Creek; thence up said river to the termination of the Cherokee territory, and including all the country east of the above described line to the State line and north of Going Snake District.
First Precinct at J. Buffinton's: Richard TAYLOR and William WILSON, superintendents.
Second Precinct at Johnson Fields': James D. WOFFORD and Hiram LANDRUM, superintendents.

Saline District: Commencing at the north west corner of Delaware District; thence south along the western line of the said District to Tahlequah District on Spring Creek; thence down said creek to Grand River, not embraced in any of the before described districts.
First Precinct at the Grand Saline: Nicholas M'NAIR and Brice MARTIN, superintendents.
Second Precinct at West's Saline: David VANN and Bluford WEST, superintendents.

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Sharon Burnett-Crawford
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