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Air cowntys groan purty fass in resent years and now in 1869 hits a hard
time consoomin job fur one feller to cownt all thez peeple.
The fedal govmint wants us tew cownt all peeple whut has cum to the frunteers
of Txsis so they can no qhur evrabody is an peeple fer yers to com can find
who an whur thur and sesters livd an we kned sumbodee whut can rit reel gud
and kan spel purty good is unsidered a ass set to the job. ab git wud be
a hep ifn yew had a gud my to rid fer hit is a fer pece to walk a foot tew
dew this mpotunt okeepayshun. not jus enny body kan dew this here job. Hit
tks sum body with a edeakashun wich a gud meny peepl dont got rownd heer.
If'n yew tak this mportunt job fer the Yewunited Stats uv Amuracus govmint,
yew kin cawnt them peepl woeth uv town and ile cawnt them in the northe part
ov tha cowntee. now theys a hole bunch ov thim Jermuns hav setled down in
the sowth ind of the cawnty whut kant hrdlee talk amuracun ner kan they spel
wurth nuthin so yew hav to do tha bes you kan with thim.
Dont wory bout thim marweeguns down there, they all say they name is yohansun
enyhow, yew just kowntum and put sum ledders afrunt uv yohansen an sum nummber
tween 1 and a hunert as they haint meny oven liv much pas a hunert enyhow.
bee reel kerful an git evarbode fer sum day sum body may wunt tew fin thur
four bares an thies wil bee tha plaze tew finum.
sined: jHon Dayvhsun
Cheef Cinses Tayker'
Bayhar Cownte txix.
Contributed by Lena [email protected]