Mary Elizabeth (Conner) Brandenburg
Conner Donovan writes,
"Photo of Mary Elizabeth Conner & husband,
Roy Brandenburg. Mary was the sister of Nelson Conner (1907-1073) my father.
Aunt Mary (1898-1966) was born & died in Lebanon, OH. Her parents
were Owen Conner (1874-1949) & Mae Wass (1881-1931). Uncle Roy (1894-1985)
& Aunt Mary are both buried in Morrow
Cemetery, Morrow, OH
"Aunt Mary is paternal Aunt of Carol
Conner Donovan and sister to my father, Nelson Conner (1907¬1973).
She was b. 16 NOV 1898, Morrow, OH and died 8 DEC 1966 Cinti, OH. She
is buried in Morrow Cem. Aunt Mary ran a boarding house for "trustees"
of Lebanon Correctional in S. Lebanon. Our summers were spent working
with the prisoners in the fields (corn & soybean). Aunt Mary made
the best biscuits and gravy I've ever had in my life! "
Conner Donovan
15 May 2007 &
24 Jan 2008 |
Grandmother Chambers 90th birthday at Blanchester
Conner Donovan writes,
"Foto from Cousin Jackie Watkins shows "Grandmother
Chambers" on her 90th Birthday. Grandmother Chambers is Christy Ann
Jones (husband Uriel B. Chambers). This is Agnes Belle Chamber's mother.
Agnes is the wife of Andrew Jackson Conner. Agnes is the first woman on
the left." |
Conner Donovan
15 May 2007 |
Alonzo "Lon" Conner & His Wife,
Harriet "Hattie" Mullen
Conner Donovan writes,
"Lon was the fifth child born to John Conner
& Mary Elizabeth Simpson. Lon and Hattie were married 15 Dec 1898
in Warren Co. Lon was a younger brother to my Grandfather, Owen Conner.
They had one child, Harley "Lee" born 23 June 1904. They lived
on West Main St. in Lebanon, OH. Lon was an employee of the Oregonia Bridge
Hattie was a Catholic and this did not go over well with the Conners.
They called her "Mick" and made her eat in the kitchen for Sunday
dinners! Apparently, from Lon's obit, he converted to Catholicism. Wonder
how that went over?
Lon died in 1943 & followed by Hattie in 1955. Both are buried in
Miami Cemetery, Corwin, OH
"Alonzo is son of my Great Grandfather, John Conner (1829-1908) and
brother to my Grandfather, Owen Conner (1874-1949). Lon was born 26 JAN
1873 in Morrow & d. 17 APR 1943 in Springboro, OH. He is buried in
Miami Cem," |
Conner Donovan
15 May 2007 &
24 Jan 2008 |
Alvah Conner (1851-1903)
Conner Donovan writes,
"Foto of Alvah Conner (1851-1903) first born
child of Susan Osborn (1828-1904) & Andrew Conner (1827-1891)
" Alvah is son of Andrew Conner (1827-1891) who was a brother to
my Great Grandfather, John Conner (1829-1908) Alvah was b. in Blanchester,
OH, Clinton Co., not sure where he died or was buried." |
Conner Donovan
5 May 2007 &
24 Jan 2008 |
Andrew Conner (1827-1891)
Conner Donovan writes,
"Foto of Andrew Conner (1827-1891) brother of
my Great Grandfather, John Conner (1829-1908) and husband of Susan Osborn-Conner
(1828-1904). Andrew & Susan lived in Blanchester, OH Clinton Co.
"Andrew is the brother to my Great Grandfather, John Conner (1829-1908).
He was born in Murderkill Hundred, Kent Co., DE and d. in Blanchester,
Clinton Co., OH. Not sure where he or his wife were buried, can't find
it. Andrew married Susan née Osborn, 22 NOV 1850, in I: Blanchester,
OH" |
Conner Donovan
5 May 2007 &
24 Jan 2008 |
Andrew Conner (1827-1891) and wife, Susan
(Osborn) Conner (1827-1904)
Conner Donovan writes,
"Foto of Andrew Conner (1827-1891) and wife,
Susan Osborn (1828-1904). Andrew was a brother to my Great Grandfather,
John Conner (1829-1908) and son of Jimmet Conner (1805-1881), Grandson
of Jimmet Conner (1776-1861) and brother to Jimmet Conner (1839-1910).
Andrew lived in Blanchester, OH Clinton Co. He and wife Susan are buried
in IOOF Cem, Blanchester, OH Clinton Co. Foto was taken from Conner-Osborn-Hockman
Bible in hands of cousin, Melinda Hockman (Great Great Grandaughter of
Andrew Conner)" |
Conner Donovan
5 May 2007 |
Conner Brothers (ca. 1935?)
Andrew Jackson Conner (1869-1941)
Alonzo "Lon" Conner (1873-1943)
Owen Conner (1874-1949)
Conner Donovan writes,
"Foto of Pop with his brothers, Jack & Lon
was taken from the family Bible of Mary Christina Conner-Watkins, daughter
of Andrew JAckson Conner, Pop's older brother. This photo was taken at
"Uncle Jack's" home: called "Watkins
Hilltop" in Morrow, OH.
"The brothers are sons of my Great Grandfather, John Conner (1829-1908),
Grandsons of Jimmet Conner (1805-1881) & Great Grandsons of Jimmet
Conner (1776-1861). Andrew Jackson Conner & Owen Conner are buried
in Morrow Cem. Lon Conner was buried in Miami Cemetery, Corwin, OH."
Conner Donovan
22 May 2007 &
24 Jan 2008 |
Andrew Jackson
Conner (1869-1941)
Conner Donovan writes,
"Photograph of Andrew Jackson Conner
This photograph comes from the Bible of Mary Christina Conner-Watkins.
She was the daughter of Andrew and Agnes belle Chambers. Mary's Bible
contained pages written to her Grandchildren and thus the foto is addressed
as 'Grandpa Conner'. Andrew was called "Uncle Jack" to my father,
Nelson Conner (1907-1973). Andrew was the son of John Conner (1829-1908)
and was born on 17 Feb 1869 in Morrow, OH. His mother was Mary Elizabeth
Simpson-Conner (1841-1878). He died 14 Aug 1941 in Cincinnati, OH and
is buried in Morrow
Cemetery, Morrow, OH, Warren Co." |
Conner Donovan
22 May 2007 |
Arthur Conner (1858-1889)
Conner Donovan writes,
"Arthur Conner (1858-1889) son of Susan Osborn
(1828-1904) & Andrew Conner (1827-1891). " |
Conner Donovan
5 May 2007 |
Austin Conner (27 Mar 1907-22 Apr 1978)
with his mother Mae Wass Conner (1881-1931)
Conner Donovan writes,
"Photo of Mae Wass Conner (1881-1931)...my paternal
Grandmother (Mother of Nelson Conner 1909-1973). Mae died from Diabetes.
I never knew Mae, but I know that my father Nelson, was very close to
his Mother. Mae is buried in Morrow Cemetery next to her husband, my Grandfather
Owen Conner (1874-1949). Mae is holding onto my father's brother, Austin
Conner (1907-1978). Austin was called "Brother" and is buried
in Evergreen Cemetery in Seattle, WA. All of Mae & Owen's children
grew up in Morrow & Lebanon, OH" |
Conner Donovan
15 May 2007 |
and Nelson Conner
Conner Donovan writes,
"Babe Conner (1908-1982) Christened Robert
Edward Conner
Babe was brother to my father, Nelson Conner (1907-1973) and the last
born child of Owen Conner & Mae Wass. Uncle Babe was always in trouble.
He ran off to the Circus twice as a youngster, and ended up in South America
with Ringling Brothers. While there he was put in charge of transporting
the animals and repairs to the trucks and tents. This is where he learned
to be a mechanice...and I say that loosely. I remember as a child, that
when Uncle Babe couldn't fix a car, he'd take a sledge hammer to it. When
he was finished "blowing off" he'd roll the car down over the
hill behind his house & garage on Stokes & Mound St. in Lebanon.
Have no idea what his customers did!! We all loved him though. He was
quite a character. I also remember he had a Harley Davidson dealership
out of one of his barns and would take my sister Shirley and I, for rides
in his side car. He also played the bass fiddle for the Lebanon Orchestra,
hauling it around in his side car. I miss my wonderfully eccentric Uncle
Babe. He is buried in Morrow
Cemetery along side his wife, Sally Ryan.
"They are sons of Owen Conner (1874-1949); my paternal Grandfather.
They are Grandsons of John Conner (1829-1908) Great Grandsons of Jimmet
Conner (1805-1881) & Great, Great Grandsons of Jimmet Conner (1776-1861)." |
Conner Donovan
15 May 2007 &
24 Jan 2008 |
of Jimmet Conner
Taken from the bible of Andrew Conner (1827-1891)
Conner Donovan writes,
"The bible inscription reads: "Gr Grand
Pa Jimmet Conner" who was the first Jimmet Conner b. 1776-d.1861.
It was found in the Bible of Jimmet's Grandson, Andrew Conner (1827-1891).
Andrew as the son of Jimmet Conner (1805-1881) my 2nd Great Grandfather
and brother to my Great Grandfather John Conner (1829-1908). Andrew's
fourth and last born child, Malissa "Lissa" Conner (1864-1924)
never married. She inherited her parent's home in Blanchester, OH, &
kept the Conner family Bible records. Lissa was also the guardian of her
sister's son, Roger Hockman: i.e. Maria Elizabeth Conner (1856-1892) who
married Granville Hockman.
LINEAGE: Lissa Conner is the daughter of Andrew Conner (1827-1891), granddaughter
of Jimmet (1805) and Great Granddaughter of Jimmet (1776)
"Jimmet is the 3rd Great Grandfather of Carol Conner Donovan."
Also see photo of tombstone
at Bethel Baptist Church Burial
Grounds |
Conner Donovan
15 May 2007 &
24 Jan 2008 |
John Conner (1829-1908)
Conner Donovan writes,
"This photograph comes from the Bible of Mary
Conner Watkins, daughter of Andrew Jackson Conner and Agnes Belle Chambers.
Andrew, known as "Uncle Jack" was John's son, born 17 Feb 1869
in Morrow, Oh and died 14 Aug 1941 in Cincinnati, OH. Uncle Jack is buried
in Morrow Cemetery.
"He is the is Great Grandfather of Carol Conner Donovan" |
Conner Donovan
15 May 2007 |
Children of John Conner (1829-1908)
Alonzo "Lon" Conner |
Owen Conner |
Nolan Conner |
Rumina "Mina" Ayers |
Molly Braden |
Jessie Conner |
Conner Donovan writes,
"Molly conner Braden & Jesse M. Conner were
half-sisters: daughters of 1st wife, Mary Catherine Hinkins. Lon, Owen,
Nolan & Mina were children of 2nd wife, Mary Elizabeth Simpson. Molly
and Jessie lived in Fort Scott, Kansas. Have no idea why? Photo was taken
on 29 Dec 1908, for the signing of John's Administration of Estate (valued
at $500,000). Grandpa, Owen Conner, filed Guardianship in 1906 due to
John's senility. John was subsequently appointed Ward of State and removed
to the National Home for Disabled Soldiers, Dayton, OH. He died there
at the age of 77 years and was buried in Morrow
Cemetery." |
Conner Donovan
15 May 2007 |
Lillian & Maggie Conner
children of George Conner
Conner Donovan writes,
"George is son of Jimmet Conner (1805-1881) &
Maria Turner (1809-1870/80). George was born May 1849 & died between
1900/1910. His wife's name was Phenia? These are photographs of their
first two children: I assume that the son Louis F. died since he is missing
from the foto. Lilly b. Jun 1879 & Margaret "Maggie" b.
MAr. 1884; both in Chillicothe, OH, Ross Co. George's occupation is listed
as a RR conductor. He is brother to Andrew (1837-1891) and my Great Grandfather,
John Conner (1829-1908). The foto of the girls was given to me by the
Great, Great, Granddaughter of Andrew Conner & Susan Osborn: Melinda
Hockman Callahan of Cincinnati, OH. Melinda has Andrew's Family Bible
and the photographs came from there!" |
Conner Donovan
15 May 2007 |
Nelson Conner and his
wife Christine Reichert
My Father Nelson Conner
b. 7 Jan 1907 Morrow, OH
d. 25 Dec 1969 Cincinnati, OH
a quiet, gentle man.... |
Christine Reichert
b. 17 Sep 1909 Cincinnati, OH
d. 19 Apr 1990 Cincinnati, OH
her life and love were given over to her family...full of courage. |
Conner Donovan writes,
"photograph of Nelson Conner and Christine
Parents of CArol Christine Conner. They are both buried in the Reichert
Family Plot at Vine
Street Hill Cemetery in Cincinnati, OH. My father was born in Morrow,
OH but grew up in Lebanon. Nelson held the Ohio State shot-put record,
thrown at Lebanon High School, from 1925-1953.
Dad threw 58 ft. 6 inches! Now, that' some kind of strength..." |
Conner Donovan
22 May 2007 &
24 Jan 2008 |
Nelson Conner with the football team from his
senior year at Lebanon High School, 1925.
Conner Donovan writes,
"Uncle Babe, our father's youngest brother, told
me that Daddy was the strongest man he'd ever seen! Uncle Babe said Dad
could 'charge' a man, lift him right off his feet, and throw him in the
air like a "bag of chips". And this is why Ohio State University
recruited Daddy for college football. What a disastrous decision it was
for him not to accept that scholarship & go to college" |
Conner Donovan
22 May 2007 &
24 Jan 2008 |
Norman Conner (1861-1891)
Conner Donovan writes,
"Norman Conner, seated (1861-1891) s/o Susan
Osborn (1828-1904) & Andrew Conner (1827-1891)" |
Conner Donovan
5 May 2007 |
Mariah Elizabeth Conner (1856-1892)
Conner Donovan writes,
"Mariah Elizabeth Conner (1856-1892) was daughter
of Susan Osborn (1828-1904) & Andrew Conner (1827-1891). She was named
after her Grandmother, Maria Turner-Conner (1809-1891) and Great Grandmother,
Elizabeth Price Conner (1775-1848). Maria's Grandfather was Jimmet Conner
(1805-1881) & Great Grandfather was Jimmet Conner (1776-1861). Maria
died of cancer when she was just 36 yrs old, leaving one child, Roger
Hockman, s/o of Granville Hockman. Maria's sister, Lissa Conner, was guardian
of Roger Hockman and his son Robert Oliver Hockman." |
Conner Donovan
5 May 2007 |
Mary Christina Conner and Stanley Joseph Watkins
Conner Donovan writes,
" daughter of Andrew Jackson Conner (1869-1941).
She was b. 1 MAY 1893 in Morrow, OH & died 14 FEB 1980 in Pisgah,
OH. She is buried in Morrow Cemetery. Her mother, Agnes Belle Chambers,
is daughter of Christy Anne Jones and Uriel B. Chambers." |
Conner Donovan
15 May 2007 |
Photograph of the Wedding of Mary Lee Conner
(1932-2001) to Ed Mercado.
Conner Donovan writes,
"Mary Lee was the daughter of Juanita Allen (1905-1983)
& Austin Conner (1904-1978).
Mary Lee was my first cousin. Her father, Austin called "Brother"
was the brother of my father, Nelson Conner (1907-1973). Mary Lee &
Ed were married in the Lebanon Presbyterian Church. Austin, Juanita &
Mary Lee are all buried at Evergreen Cemetery in Seattle, WA. Austin was
born in Morrow, OH. Juanita was born in Warren Co: where specifically
I do not know. Mary Lee was born in Lebanon." |
Conner Donovan
15 May 2007 |
Christy Ann Jones?
Conner Donovan writes,
"Cousin Melva Brandenburg knew "Uncle Jack"
and "Aunt Agnes" when she was growing up in Lebanon, OH. She
believes this is a foto of Agnes Belle Chamber's mother. Agnes' parents
were Uriel Chambers and Christy Ann Jones.
"Melva is the daughter of Mary Elizabeth Conner
(sister to my father, Nelson Conner and daughter of Owen Conner). Andrew
Jackson Conner & Owen Conner were brothers. Melva was born 15 Mar
1917 in Lebanon, OH. She remembers visiting Uncle Jack & Aunt Agnes
at their home called "Watkins Hilltop" in Morrow, OH, near Lebanon,
OH. Melva was 24 when Uncle Jack died.
"mother of Agnes Belle Chambers, wife of Andrew Jackson Conner. Agnes
(1869-1962) is buried in Morrow Cem. I have no other info on Christy Anne
Jones." |
Conner Donovan
15 May 2007 &
24 Jan 2008 |

undated tintype |
Wesley Osborn
Conner Donovan writes,
"Foto of Wesley Osborn, nephew of Susan Osborn,
wife of Andrew Conner (1827-1891)." |
Conner Donovan
5 May 2007 |
Martha Ridge (1839-1913)
Conner Donovan writes,
"Martha Ridge (1839-1913) wife of Jimmet Conner
(1839-1910) who is a brother to my Great Grandfather, John Conner (1829-1908)
and son of Jimmet Conner (1805-1881) and Grandson of Jimmet Conner (1776-1861).
Both Martha and husband, Jimmet, are buried in the IOOF Cemetery, Blanchester,
OH. Mother of Burnice Conner-Hall (1872-1934) also buried in same cemetery." |
Conner Donovan
5 May 2007 &
24 Jan 2008 |
Anna Schooley
Conner Donovan writes,
"Foto of Anna Schooley, Lebanon, OH No dates.
The Schooley's and Osborn's are related somehow? This foto was found in
the Conner/Osborn Bible provided by my cousin Melinda Hockman (Great,
Great Grandaughter of Andrew Conner, 1827-1891)" |
Conner Donovan
5 May 2007 |
Minnie Schooley |
Conner Donovan
5 May 2007 |
Worley Watkins
Conner Donovan writes,
"Foto from cousin Jackie Watkins shows Grandmother
Worley (r), a sister to Althea Worley Watkins. Althea was mother of Stanley
J. Watkins, Maria Christina Conner's husband.
Do not know who "Mother Watkins" is nor daughter Catherine?
"Jackie Watkins is daughter of Nyale Conner Watkins (1915-1996) &
Granddaughter, Maria Christina Conner-Watkins (1893¬1980). Maria Christina
Conner is daughter of Andrew Jackson Conner, and Granddaughter of my Great
Grandfather, John Conner (1829-1908)." |
Conner Donovan
15 May 2007 &
24 Jan 2008 |
top |
bottom |
Portrait of Nelson Wass |
Engine 8807,
Engineman Edward Wass |
Conner Donovan writes, "Nelson
is the father of Mae Wass who married Owen Conner. Do not know what
year this was.
Nelson was b. 1852 in Pittsburgh, PA & d. 1912, Morrow, OH
He is buried in Morrow Cemetery." |
Conner Donovan writes, "Edward
is Mae's brother.
Edward was born 9 Oct 1875 in Morrow, OH
His father was Nelson Wass & his mother was Mary
Jane Urton.
I do not know when he died." |
Conner Donovan
22 May 2007 |
Watkins Hilltop
Conner Donovan writes,
"Uncle Jack's Homestead later called "Watkins
Agnes Belle Chambers and Andrew Jackson Conner with their daughter Mary
Christina Conner Watkins
Morrow, Ohio" |
Conner Donovan
22 May 2007 |
Clinton DeWitt Watkins & Althea Worley
Mother and Father Watkins at Fairy's
Mother's Birthday July 21
(last one together)
Conner Donovan writes,
"Parents of Stanley Joseph Watkins
(Mary Conner's Husband)
Clinton DeWitt Watkins & Althea Worley
Stanley was father of Dale Stanley & Nyale Watkins" |
Conner Donovan
22 May 2007 |