WALKER (Surname
Index) |
needed |
- John Greig Walker (1896-1958)
needed |
- Merville R. Walker
(1895-1940) - 17 Sup Train, Co. D. 42 (Rainbow) Div US Motor Transport
WALLACE (Surname
Index) |
needed |
- Charles Clark Wallace
(1893-1953) - Corporal US Marine Corps, World War I
Index) |
needed |
- George James Waterhouse
(1893-1967) - Ohio, 1st Lieutenant, Company E 147th Infantry Regiment
- photo of gravestone
at Miami Cemetery - Interment
#7297 in Sec S Lot 141 on 1 Feb 1967
- Warren County Soldiers of
the 147th Infantry, 37th Division, AEF
- Name: George James Waterhouse
Age: 24
Race: White
Birth Date: 17 Aug 1893
Birth Location: Corwin, Ohio, USA
Enlistment Date: 15 Jun 1917
Enlistment County: Lebanon
Enlistment State: Ohio
Enlistment Division: National Guard
Comments: Co E 1 Infantry ONG (Co E 147 United States Infantry)
to --; Officers' Training Corps Cp Stanley Tex to 20 Apr 1918; Co
E 147 Infantry to Discharge Private Honorable discharge 29 May 1918
to accept Commission 2 Lieutenant Infantry 29 May 1918 from National
Guard 148 Inf to disharge Camp Sheridan Alabama; Camp Lee Va; AEF;
Camp Sherman Ohio Ypres-Lys; Meuse-Argonne; Defensive Sector. Wounded
in action slightly 2 Nov 1918. AEF June 22, 1918 to March 22, 1919.
Honoralbe Discharge 4 Apr 1919.
WASS (Surname
Index) |
needed |
- Francis M. Wass (1897-1958)
- Ohio, Sergeant, 166th Infantry Brigade, 42 Rainbow Division, World
War I
- photo of gravestone
at Morrow Cemetery -
Section B
- Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 at Ancestry.com
Name: Francis M. Wass
Serial Number: 95328
Race: W
Residence: Lancaster, O.
Enlistment Division: National Guard
Enlistment Location: Lancaster, O.
Enlistment Date: 19 Jul 1915
Birth Place: Morrow, O.
Birth Date / Age: 18 9/12 Years
Assigns Comment: Co L Infantry ONG to 22 Aug 1917; Headquarters
Company 166 Infantry to 26 Nov 1917; Co L 166 Infantry to Discharge
Private, first class 15 Aug 1917; Sergeant 23 Aug 1917; Private
19 Nov 1917; Corporal 1 Dec 1918. Champagne-Marne; Aisne-Marne;
Defensive Sector. Wounded In Action slightly 30 July 1918. American
Expeditionary Forces 18 Oct 1917 to 11 March 1919. Honorable discharge
25 March 1919.
Volume #: 18
needed |
- Harry T. Wass (1900-1958)
- Ohio, PFC, Company L, 166th Infantry Brigade, World War I; Purple
- photo of gravestone
at Morrow Cemetery -
Section B
- Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 at Ancestry.com
Name: Harry T. Wass
Serial Number: 95190
Race: W
Residence: Lancaster, O.
Enlistment Division: National Guard
Enlistment Location: Lancaster, O.
Enlistment Date: 19 Jul 1917
Birth Place: Morrow, O.
Birth Date / Age: 18 Years
Assigns Comment: Co L 4 Infantry ONG (Co L 166 Infantry) to --;
Section 2 Group 320 Motor Transport Corps to Discharge Private,
first class 3 Sept 1917; Private 8 June 1918. Champagne-Marne; Defensive
Sector. Wounded In Action slightly 15 July 1918. American Expeditionary
Forces 29 Oct 1917 to 23 Apr 1919. Honorable discharge 28 Apr 1919.
Volume #: 18
WATKINS (Surname
Index) |
needed |
- Jesse Watkins (1889-1970)
- Kentucky, Private, Ambulance Sec 518, World War I
WEBB (Surname
Index) |
needed |
- Melvin Webb (1897-1970)
- Illinois, Pvt Co D 31 Infantry World War I
WEBER (Surname
Index) |
needed |
- Arthur Weber (1894-1981)
- US Army, World War I
WEIDNER (Surname
Index) |
needed |
- Clarence E. Weidner
(1892-1965) - US Army, World War I
- photo of gravestone
at Woodhill Cemetery
- Sec 12 Lot 31-11
- "Clarence Weidner," obituary,
Franklin (Ohio) Chronicle, October 7, 1965
". . . He served in the U. S. Army during World
War I and retired in 1945 after working for over 30 years at the
Franklin Board and Paper Company. . . ."
WELCH (Surname
Index) |
needed |
- Thomas W. Welch (1887-1977)
WELLS (Surname
Index) |
needed |
- Russell C. Wells (1894-1978)
- Private, US Army, World War I
WELSH (Surname
Index) |
needed |
(Surname Index) |
needed |
- Roger E. Wersel (1896 - 1961) -
Ohio Sgt 35 Btry 3 AA Sector World War I
- Photo of gravestone
at Maineville Cemetery.
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at Ancestry.com
[paid site]
Name: Roger R. Wersel
Serial Number: 724640
Race: W
Residence: Cincinnati, O.
Enlistment Division: Regular Army
Enlistment Location: Fort Thomas, Ky.
Enlistment Date: 11 Dec 1917
Birth Place: Cincinnati, O.
Birth Date / Age: 21 1/12 Years
Assigns Comment: 5 Co Coast Artillery Corps Fort Morgan Ala to 6
May 1918; 35 Antiaircraft Battery Fort Monroe Va to Discharge Corporal
19 Jan 1918; Sergeant 1 June 1918; Corporal 20 June 1919; Sergeant
1 July 1918. American Expeditionary Forces 8 Aug 1918 to 8 Jan 1919.
Honorable discharge 25 Jan 1919.
Volume #: 18
(Surname Index) |
needed |
- Marion Whitacre M.D.
(1871-1938) - 164 Depot Brigade, World War I
(Surname Index) |
needed |
- Ralph Burdette Whitacre
(1898-1997) - Private, Students' Army Training Corps
- photo of gravestone
at Morrow Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at Ancestry.com
[paid site]
Name: Richard B. Whitacre
Serial Number: 5286265
Race: W
Residence: R. F. D. 3, Blanchester, O.
Enlistment Division: National Army LB 4
Enlistment Location: Columbus, O.
Enlistment Date: 12 Oct 1918
Birth Place: Blanchester, O.
Birth Date / Age: 1 Feb 1898
Assigns Comment: Students' Army Training Corps OSU Columbus O to
Discharge Private Honorable discharge 12 Dec 1918.
Volume #: 18
(Surname Index) |
needed |
- Alex White (1896-1964) -
Kentucky, Private, Company H, 18th Infantry, World War I
needed |
- Charles Lawrence White Sr.
(1896-1980) - PFC, US Army, World War II
needed |
- Grover C. White (1892-1944)
- Ohio, Private, 212 Engineers, 12th Division
needed |
- Richard W. White (1876
- 1953) - Ohio Mech Ambulance Sec 571 World War 1
- photo of gravestone
at Hopkinsville Cemetery
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at Ancestry.com
[paid site]
Name: Richard W. White
Serial Number: 641201
Race: W
Residence: 903 Mound St., Cincinnati, O.
Enlistment Division: Enlisted Reserve Corps
Enlistment Location: Cincinnati, O.
Enlistment Date: 29 Jun 1917
Birth Place: Point Pleasant, O.
Birth Date / Age: 41 6/12 Years
Assigns Comment: United States Army Amb Service to Discharge Mechanic
17 Dec 1917. St Mihiel; Meuse-Argonne. American Expeditionary Forces
13 June 1918 to 1 May 1919. Honorable discharge 16 May 1919. Called
to active duty 5 Sept 1917. Awarded or Award Italian War Service
Volume #: 18
needed |
- Virgil White (1900-1976)
- Private, US Army, World War I
Index) |
needed |
- Edward F. Wiederhold Jr.
(1898-1969) - Ohio, Pvt Stu Army Tng Corps World War I
Index) |
needed |
- Dennie Williams (1896-1972)
- Kentucky, PFC Company M, 22 Engineers World War I
needed |
- Frederick J. Williams
(1891-1975) - Pvt US Army World War I
- Herschel M. Williams
(1895-1955) - US Army, World War I
- photo of gravestone
at Lebanon Cemetery
- Interment #7354 in Section C Lot 108 on 26 May 1955
- Image: The Western
Star, Lebanon, Ohio, Thursday, May 26, 1955
"...a World War I veteran, he was an active member of the
Ralph P. Snook Post of the American Legion."
- "Ralph
E. Snook Post No. 186," The
Western Star (Lebanon, Ohio), Thursday, October 16, 1919
needed |
- Howard M. Williams
(1896-1979) - Ohio, Mech. Co. F 9 Inf, World War I
needed |
- Sylvester Williams
(1873-1919) - Private, No.2 Construction Company (Coloured), Canadian
Expeditionary Force, World War I
needed |
- Thomas Oliver Williams
- photo of gravestone
with World War I flag holder at Rose Hill
Cemetery - Interment #2592 of Thomas Oliver Williams
in Sec B2 Lot 177 on 13 Mar 1931
(Surname Index) |
needed |
124A-1 |
- Harry J. Williamson
(1896-1964) - Ohio, PFC Battery B, 70 Artillery Coast Artillery Corps,
World War I
WILLS (Surname
Index) |
needed |
- Elmer D. "Jack" Wills
(1899-1959) - US Army
needed |
- Vernon J. Wills (1888-1949)
- PFC Co B 520 Engineers Service Battalion form 18 Jun 1918 to 3 Jul
WILSON (Surname
Index) |
needed |
- Marc C. Wilson (1896-1982)
- US Army World War I
- photo of gravestone
at Miami Cemetery
- Interment #8394 in Sec K lot 287 on 16 Sep 1982
- "Marc Wilson," obituary, Western
Star (Lebanon, Ohio), September 15, 1982
" . . . He was a World War I veteran. . . ."
needed |
- Howard S. Wilson (1896-1992)
- PFC, US Army, World War II
needed |
- Oakley W. Wilson (1901-1955)
- Ohio, Private, Company E, 147 Infantry, World War I
needed |
- Wilbur Weldy Wilson (1889-1972)
- Georgia, Corporal US Army World War I
Index) |
needed |
- Harley F. Winfield
(1892-1957) - Ohio Pvt M.G. Co. 318 Inf. World War I
(Surname Index) |
needed |
- Albert Winkler (1888-1939)
- Private, Company E, 147th Infantry, 37th Division
WOLF (Surname
Index) |
needed |
needed |
- Eldron C. Wolf (1892-1947)
Index) |
needed |
- Edward Wolffrum (1894-1943)
- Ohio; Private, 158 Depot Brigade
- photo of gravestone
at Woodhill Cemetery
- Sec. 8 Lot 26-12
- Service
Record from online Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 database at Ancestry.com
[paid site]
Name: Edward Wolffrum
Serial Number: 2930595
Race: W
Residence: Blanchester, O.
Enlistment Division: National Army
Enlistment Location: Greeley, Colo.
Enlistment Date: 25 Jun 1918
Birth Place: Fayetteville, O.
Birth Date / Age: 26 Jan 1894
Assigns Comment: 158 Depot Brigade to 18 July 1918; Co D 336 Infantry
to 1 Aug 1918; 158 Depot Brigade to Discharge Private Honorable
discharge 8 Dec 1918.
Volume #: 19
- Ohio Death Certificate #72789 (1943) Edward
single white male
veteran of W.W. #I
born 26 Jan 1894 in Ohio to Humphrey Wolffrum & Marietta Hawthorne
died 23 Nov 1943 at V.A. Hospital, Montgomery County, Ohio
buried 26 Nov 1943 Franklin, Ohio
WONES (Surname
Index) |
needed |
- Stanley M. Wones (1889-1919)
- Company E, 153rd Field Artillery, World War I
WOOD (Surname
Index) |
needed |
- Lenox Wood (1895-1966) -
US Army World War I
- photo of gravestone
at Springboro Cemetery
- Franklin Chronicle November 24, 1966
"Mr. Wood was a member of Russell McElfresh Post 149, American
Legion in Franklin, of Barracks 712, Veterans of World War I, Chapter
59, Disabled American Veterans and of the State Highway Patrol Auxiliary."
WOODSON (Surname
Index) |
needed |
- Charles W. Woodson (1892-1959)
- Ohio; Cpl Co F 317 Engineers; World War I
WYATT (Surname
Index) |
needed |
- Roy Wyatt (1898-1965) - New
Jersey, PFC US Army, World War I
WYLES (Surname
Index) |
needed |
- Frank A. Wyles (1896-1947)
- PFC, Military Police
- photo of gravestone
at Lebanon Cemetery
- Interment #6693 in Section B lot 107-3 in
25 Jan 1947
- Ohio
Military Men 1917-1918 at Ancestry.com
Name: Frank Wyles
Serial Number: 1540010
Race: W
Residence: Lebanon, O.
Enlistment Division: National Guard
Enlistment Location: Lebanon, O.
Enlistment Date: 14 Apr 1917
Birth Place: Cynthiana, KY.
Birth Date / Age: 21 Years
Assigns Comment: Co E 1 Infantry ONG to--; Co B 112 Military Police
to 26 Oct 1918; 5 C Military Police Co to 12 March 1919; 284 Military
Police Corps to Discharge Private, first class 25 Oct 1918. Meuse-Argonne;
Defensive Sector. American Expeditionary Forces 27 June 1918 to
27 June 1919. Honorable discharge 5 July 1919.
Volume #: 19
WYRICK (Surname
Index) |
needed |
- Edward Wyrick (1891-1946)
- Tennessee, PFC, US Army, World War I