Ware, Wear, Weer,Weir, Were Surname Obituaries, Warren County, Ohio
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Ware, Wear, Weer,Weir, Were Surname Obituaries

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Sarah Ann (Harvey) Weir (1820-1903)

At the Fatal Second Street Crossing.

Another victim has been added to the list of those killed at the Second street Big Four crossing last Monday.
Mrs. Weir, aged about 80 years, and an old resident, had been down town attending to some business and was returning to her home on Allen street, when upon reaching the Big Four railroad crossing she found the gates closed, so she attempted to go around them. Being deaf she did not hear the 3:30 train, south. A gentleman some distance down the track tried to warn her, but was unable to make himself hear, before the train struck her, killing her instantly. Mrs. Weir was a widow, living with an unmarried son, George Weir. The friends of Mrs. Weir had just been rejoicing with her over her receipt of a notice form her attorney that a pension had been granted her, but she was not to enjoy the comforts she had hoped to obtain from this long expected income.
The remains were taken to Unglesby's undertaking establishment and prepared for burial.

SOURCE: The Franklin (Ohio) Chronicle, Thursday, April 8, 1903.

M. L. Campbell
of Oklahoma City
22 January 2012

FOOTNOTES: [email any additional information or comments that you would like to include to Arne H Trelvik ]

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This page created 22 January 2012 and last updated 22 January, 2012
© 2012 Arne H Trelvik  All rights reserved