Passes Pure Soul of Beloved Shaker
October thirtieth, the mortal part of Miss Emily Patterson,
ceased its activity, and the immortal part passed beyond death's portal
and entered into life's larger loves, enduring joy's and pleasing activities;
compensating for the sorrows and afflictions earth life gave. Eighty-five
years of completed life and sixty of them given to the Shaker life, recording
creditable deeds done. For many years she taught school and in early life
composed songs sung in their meeting. Joy spake to her in being and doing
good. - And the soul whose mind is attuned to the essential harmonies
of life, giving love and service to home folks and friends, their faith
be what it may, truly honor and serve God. Rev. Floyd Poe,
of Lebanon, officiated at the memorial service Monday. afternoon, and
it was the first service in one hundred and five years conducted by one
not a member of the community; and this being necessary as the aged members
are unable to carry on memoral [sic] services according to their century
old style. Had the service been of the Shaker ceremony, no more appropriate
remarks could have been offered than those made by Rev. Poe, who touched
the theme of common suffering and sympathy, to be wrought in universal
well doing. A key to the instrument of life, all can take part in; prompting
fellow helpfulness, fellow sympathy and fellow kindness; the giving of
which we bless- and are blest. A work, Rev. Poe said he believed would
be the message of the arisen soul to us all could she speak to us directly.
Mr. Will Lewis and wife, Mr. Ed Conklin-
and daughter Mildred, of Lebanon, sweetly sung the hymns,
Nearer My God to Thee and Jesus Lover of My Soul. All combined, formed
a' beautiful wreath of respect, highly appreciated by the members of the
Shaker community.