Warren County Obituaries
This page is part of the Warren County Ohio GenWeb project
Obituaries, Death Notices and Funeral Cards
You are visitor since 11 Jun 2003

Warren County has been the home to many community type newspapers, including the Western Star which is the oldest continuously operating weekly newspaper in Ohio. The county is positioned between Cincinnati (Hamilton Co.) to the south and Dayton (Montgomery Co.) to the north. Many obits for Warren Countians can be found in the large daily newspapers serving those areas. The same is true with Middletown (Butler Co.) to the west and to some extant with Wilmington (Clinton Co.) to the east.
Obituary Resources PLEASE HELP!If you have a transcription and/or image of an death notice, obituary, funeral card or similar item pertaining to someone connected to Warren County that you would like to share, please email them to Arne H Trelvik. They will be added to the Warren County OHGenWeb site and to the obituary collection at the Warren County Genealogical Society.
Surname Index
Adams, Adkins, Akin, Albertson, Aldridge, Allison, Amburn, Anderson, Apgar, Appleton, Archdeacon, Arnold, Arvin, Atkinson, Avis, Ayers,
B Bacon, Bailey, Baker, Ballard, Banker, Barnhart, Barrett, Baxter, Beach, Beachey, Beard, Bedell, Beedle, Beichler, Bell, Beltz, Benford, Bennett, Benson, Biggs, Birt, Bishop, Black, Blackburn, Blair, Blake, Blinn, Bogan, Boggs, Bohanan, Bone, Borden, Borders, Bothe, Bottles, Bowers, Bowman, Bowker, Bowles, Bowyer, Boyd, Bradley, Brady, Bragg, Brain, Bray, Brandenburg, Breckler, Breen, Bretney, Brewer, Brewster, Brodie, Brown, Budd, Bunch, Bundy, Bunker, Bunnell, Burrowes, Burrows, Burton, Bush, Buzatt,
C Cadwallader, Cain, Caldwell, Cameron, Campbell, Carson, Carter, Cartwright, Casperson, Cassiday, Catick, Charlton, Charters, Cheek, Chew, Clapp, Clark, Clendenan, Cochran, Coddington, Coffeen, Coffey, Colbert, Cole, Conner, Cook, Coon, Cooney, Cornell, Corwin, Couden, Cowan, Cox, Coyner, Crawford, Creager, Cropper, Crosley,Cross, Crosson, Crowe,
D Dakin, Damron, Dane, Darby, Davis, Deardorf, Dearth, Decker, Dempsey, Denn, Dennis, Desmond, Dick, Dilatush, Dill, Dishman, Ditmars, Doughman, Drake, Dugan, Dunham, Dunlevy,
E Earhart, Earnhart, Edds, Eldred, Enfield, Engle, Eulass, Evans, Ewing,
F Fahle, Feerer, Fennessey, Ferguson, Fisher, Fitzwater, Flomerfelt, Foglesong, Foley, Forsythe, Foster, Frank, Frost, Fry, Fulkerson, Fye,
G Gains/Gaines, Gallaher, Gates, Geiger, Geisler, Gillis, Gillum, Gilpin, Glenny, Glossip, Goepper, Graham, Gray, Greathouse, Green, Greenup, Greider, Gustin,
H Hackman, Hadley, Hadlock, Haggott, Haines, Hall, Hallack, Hamlin, Hammond, Hampton, Harford, Harkrader, Harner, Harper, Hart, Hartsock, Hartzell, Hatfield, Hathaway, Hawk, Hawthorne, Hay/Hayes/Hays, Helton, Henly, Hidee, Hill, Hinsch, Hizar, Hoblit, Hoag, Hoff, Hoge, Holbrook, Holland, Hollon, Holloway, Holtzclow, Hopkins, Hough, Howe, Howell, Hudson, Hueston, Hufford, Hughes, Hunt, Hunter, Huntsbarger, Hurd, Hurin, Huston, Hutchinson, Hyser,
I Ingle, Ireton, Irwin,

Jackson, Jacomb, James, Jameson, Jeffrey, Jeffries, Jennings, Johnson, Jones,

K Kaiser, Kearney, Keever, Kell, Kelly, Kemper, Kennard, Kephart, Kersey, Kind, Kindred, King, Kinney, Kirk, Knight, Kokoski, Koogle, Koverman, Kripe, Krewson, Kunkle, Kurfiss,
L Lamb, Landacre, Lawler, Lawson, Legier, Leisz, Lewis, Liddell, Liddil, Liggett, Lincoln, Lockwood, Loehr, Loer, Lohr, Lollar, Long, Low/Lowe, Ludlow, Ludlum, Lukens, Lytle,
M MacMillan, Macoubrie, Maley, Maple, Marlatt, Marsh, Marshall, Martin, Maxwell, Mayhugh, McBride, McCain, McClung, McCollum, McConnaughey, McCray, McCurdy, McCurley, McElheney, McGinley, McGuire, McKinney, McLean, Meddock, Mell/Mells, MeloyMentz, Meyers, Miller, Mills, Miner, Misel, Mittelstedt, Monfort, Monger, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Mote, Mounts, Mulford, Mull, Murphy, Murray, Myers,
N Neiman, Newcomb, Newell, Newman, Newport, Noble,
O Oblinger, Oeschger, Oliphant, Orsburn/Osborn/Osborne, Osust, Oswald,
P Palmer, Paris, Parker, Parkhurst, Patterson, Pauley, Pence, Perrine, Pettit, Phillips, Philpot, Porter, Petrey, Probasco,
R Rapp, Reed, Reeder, Reedy, Repp, Reynolds, Richardson, Ridge, Rittenhouse, Robinson, Robison, Robitzer, Rogers, Roll, Roof, Rook, Roosa, Rosell/Rossell, Ross, Roye, Rue, Rumaggi, Runyan, Russell, Ryan,
S Sabin, Sandlin, Sargent, Saunders, Sawyer, Schnorf, Schuerer, Schuyler, Sears, Seiwert, Sellers, Settlemyre, Sharp, Shawhan, Sheeter, Sheets, Sheward, Shimp, Showalter, Shuter, Sides, Simonton, Simpson, Slaton, Smelser, Smith, Snell, Snider, Snuff, Spies, Spratt, Stansell, Stanton, Steddom, Steele, Steinbrecher, Stephenson, Steward, Stewart, Stiles, Stites, Stokes, Strange, Strickler, Stroop, Stroup, Stubbs, Suydam, Sweazy, Sweny,
T Taulbee, Taylor, Telford, Tharp, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Timler, Tindle/Tindall/Tindell, Titus, Totten, Tracy, Tremble, Turnbull, Turner,
U Uhlenbrock, Ullery,
V Vallandigham, Van Horne, Van Liew, Van Note, VanVleet, Varano, Verbryke, Vinson, Voorhes, Voorhis, Vorhes, Vorhis,
W Walker, Walton, Ware, Warrick, Warrington, Warwick, Weaver, Weinman, Wear, Weer, Weir, Weisenberger, Wells, Were, West, Wharton, Whitacre, White, Whitelaw, Wickerham, Wiley, Wilkerson, Williams, Wilson, Witham, Woodward, Worley, Worthington, Wright, Wroten,
Y Yaple, Yeazel, Young
Z Zimmerman,

ANDERSON (back to surname index)

APGAR (back to surname index)

APPLETON (back to surname index)


ARNOLD (back to surname index)

ARVIN (back to surname index)

AVIS (back to surname index)


BACON (back to surname index)

BAILEY (back to surname index)

BALLARD (back to surname index)

BANKER (back to surname index)

BARNHART (back to surname index)

BARRETT (back to surname index)

BAXTER (back to surname index)

BEACH (back to surname index)

BEARD (back to surname index)

BEEDLE (back to surname index)

BEICHLER (back to surname index)

BELL (back to surname index)

BELTZ (back to surname index)

BENFORD (back to surname index)


BIGGS (back to surname index)


BLACKURN (back to surname index)

BLAKE (back to surname index)

BLIN/BLINN (back to surname index)

BOGGS (back to surname index)

BOHANAN (back to surname index)

BORDERS (back to surname index)

BOTHE (back to surname index)

BOTTLES (back to surname index)

BOWERS (back to surname index)

BOWMAN (back to surname index)

BOWKER (back to surname index)

BOWYER (back to surname index)

BOYD (back to surname index)

BRADLEY (back to surname index)

BRADY (back to surname index)

BRAY (back to surname index)

BRECKLER (back to surname index)

BREEN (back to surname index)

BRETNEY (back to surname index)

BREWER (back to surname index)

BREWSTER (back to surname index)

BRAIN (back to surname index)

BRODIE (back to surname index)

BUDD (back to surname index)

BUNCH (back to surname index)

BUNDY (back to surname index)

BUNKER (back to surname index)

BUNNELL (back to surname index)

BURROWES & BURROWS (back to surname index)

BUSH (back to surname index)

BUZATT (back to surname index)

CAIN (back to surname index)

CALDWELL (back to surname index)

CAMERON (back to surname index)


CARTWRIGHT(back to surname index)


CASSIDAY (back to surname index)

CATICK (back to surname index)

CHARLTON (back to surname index)

CHARTERS (back to surname index)

CHEEK (back to surname index)

CHEW (back to surname index)

CLAPP (back to surname index)

CLARK (back to surname index)

CLENDENAN (back to surname index)

COCHRAN (back to surname index)


COFFEEN (back to surname index)


COLBERT (back to surname index)

COLE (back to surname index)

CONNER (back to surname index)

COON (back to surname index)

COONEY (back to surname index)

CORNELL (back to surname index)

CORWIN (back to surname index)

COUDEN (back to surname index)

COWAN (back to surname index)

COYNER (back to surname index)

CRAWFORD (back to surname index)

CROPPER (back to surname index)

CROSLEY (back to surname index)

CROSS (back to surname index)


DAMRON (back to surname index)

DANE (back to surname index)

DAVIS (back to surname index)


DEMPSEY (back to surname index)

DENN (back to surname index)

DENNIS (back to surname index)

DESMOND (back to surname index)

DILL (back to surname index)

DISHMAN (back to surname index)

DITMARS (back to surname index)

DOUGHMAN (back to surname index)

DUNLEVY (back to surname index)

EARHART (back to surname index)

EDDS (back to surname index)

ELDRED (back to surname index)

ENGLE (back to surname index)

EVANS (back to surname index)

EWING (back to surname index)

FAHLE (back to surname index)

FEERER (back to surname index)

FENNESSEY (back to surname index)

FISHER (back to surname index)

FOGLESONG (back to surname index)

FORSYTHE (back to surname index)

FOSTER (back to surname index)

FRANK (back to surname index)

FULKERSON (back to surname index)

GALLAHER (back to surname index)

GEIGER (back to surname index)

GEISLER (back to surname index)

GILLIS (back to surname index)

GILLUM (back to surname index)

GILPIN (back to surname index)

GLENNY (back to surname index)

GLOSSIP (back to surname index)

GOEPPER (back to surname index)

GRAHAM (back to surname index)

GREENUP (back to surname index)

GREIDER (back to surname index)

GUSTIN (back to surname index)

HACKMAN (back to surname index)

HADLEY (back to surname index)


HAGGOTT (back to surname index)

HALLACK (back to surname index)


HAMMOND (back to surname index)

HAMPTON (back to surname index)

HARKRADER (back to surname index)


HARTSOCK (back to surname index)

HATFIELD (back to surname index)

HATHAWAY (back to surname index)

HAWTHORNE (back to surname index)

HENLY (back to surname index)

HINSCH (back to surname index)

HIZAR (back to surname index)

HOBLIT (back to surname index)

HOAG (back to surname index)

HOFF (back to surname index)

HOGE (back to surname index)


HOLLAND (back to surname index)

HOLLON (back to surname index)

HOLLOWAY (back to surname index)



William A. Hough (1854-1904) Obituary from unidentified 1904 Waynesville area newspaper contributed by John Hartsock 2 Sep 2004

HOWELL (back to surname index)

HUESTON (back to surname index)

HUFFORD (back to surname index)

HUGHES (back to surname index)

HUNT (back to surname index)

HUNTER (back to surname index)


HURD (back to surname index)

HUSTON (back to surname index)


HYSER (back to surname index)

INGLE (back to surname index)

JACOMB (back to surname index)

JAMES (back to surname index)

JAMESON (back to surname index)

JEFFREY (back to surname index)

JENNINGS (back to surname index)

JOHNSON (back to surname index)

JONES (back to surname index)

KAISER (back to surname index)

KEARNEY (back to surname index)

KEEVER (back to surname index)

KELL (back to surname index)

KELLY (back to surname index)

KEMPER (back to surname index)

KENNARD (back to surname index)

KEPHART (back to surname index)

KIND (back to surname index)

KINDRED (back to surname index)

KING (back to surname index)

KINNEY (back to surname index)

KIRK (back to surname index)

KNIGHT (back to surname index)

KOKOSKI (back to surname index)

KOVERMAN (back to surname index)

KRIPE (back to surname index)

KREWSON (back to surname index)

KUNKLE (back to surname index)

KURFISS (back to surname index)

LAWSON (back to surname index)

LEGIER (back to surname index)

LEISZ (back to surname index)

LEWIS (back to surname index)

LIDDELL (back to surname index)

LIDDIL (back to surname index)

LIGGETT (back to surname index)

LINCOLN (back to surname index)


LANDACRE (back to surname index)

LOEHR - LOER - LOHR (back to surname index)

LOLLAR/Lawler (back to surname index)

LONG (back to surname index)

LUDLOW (back to surname index)


LUKENS (back to surname index)

MacMILLAN (back to surname index)

MACOUBRIE (back to surname index)

MALEY (back to surname index)

MAPLE (back to surname index)

MARSH (back to surname index)

MARSHALL (back to surname index)

MARTIN (back to surname index)



McBRIDE(back to surname index)

McCAIN (back to surname index)

McCLUNG (back to surname index)


McCURLEY (back to surname index)

McELHENEY (back to surname index)

McGINLEY (back to surname index)

McKINNEY (back to surname index)

McLEAN (back to surname index)


MELL/MELLS (back to surname index)

MELOY (back to surname index)

MEYERS (back to surname index)

MITTELSTEDT (back to surname index)

MINER (back to surname index)

MONFORT (back to surname index)

MONGER (back to surname index)

MOTE (back to surname index)

MULFORD (back to surname index)

MURPHY (back to surname index)

MURRAY (back to surname index)


Joseph Mentz, The Franklin (Ohio) Chronicle, August 13, 1922 [perhaps should be July 13, 1922]

MYERS (back to surname index)

NEIMAN (back to surname index)

NEWELL (back to surname index)

NEWMAN (back to surname index)

NEWPORT (back to surname index)

OBLINGER (back to surname index)

OESCHGER (back to surname index)

OLIPHANT (back to surname index)

OSBORN/OSBORNE (back to surname index)

OSUST (back to surname index)

PALMER (back to surname index)

PARIS (back to surname index)

PARKER (back to surname index)

PARKHURST (back to surname index)

PATTERSON (back to surname index)

PAULEY (back to surname index)

PERRINE (back to surname index)

PETTIT (back to surname index)

PHILLIPS (back to surname index)

PORTER (back to surname index)

PROBASCO (back to surname index)

RAPP (back to surname index)

REED (back to surname index)

REEDER (back to surname index)

REEDY (back to surname index)

REPP (back to surname index)

RITTENHOUSE (back to surname index)

ROBINSON (back to surname index)

ROBISON (back to surname index)

ROGERS (back to surname index)

ROLL (back to surname index)

ROOF (back to surname index)

ROOK (back to surname index)

ROOSA (back to surname index)

ROSS (back to surname index)

ROYE (back to surname index)

RUE (back to surname index)



RYAN (back to surname index)

SABIN (back to surname index)

SANDLIN (back to surname index)


SAWYER (back to surname index)

SCHNORF/SNUFF (back to surname index)

SCHUYLER (back to surname index)

SEARS (back to surname index)

SEIWERT (back to surname index)

SELLERS (back to surname index)

SETTLEMYRE (back to surname index)

SHARP (back to surname index)

SHAWHAN (back to surname index)

SHEETER (back to surname index)

SHEWARD (back to surname index)

SHIMP (back to surname index)

SHOWALTER (back to surname index)

SHUTER (back to surname index)

SIDES (back to surname index)

SIMONTON (back to surname index)

SIMPSON (back to surname index)

SLATON (back to surname index)

SMELSER (back to surname index)

SPIES (back to surname index)

SPRATT (back to surname index)


STANTON (back to surname index)

STEDDOM (back to surname index)

STEELE (back to surname index)

STEPHENSON (back to surname index)

STEWARD (back to surname index)

STEWART (back to surname index)

STITES (back to surname index)

STOKES (back to surname index)

STRANGE (back to surname index)

STRICKLER (back to surname index)

STROUP (back to surname index)

SUYDAM (back to surname index)

SWEAZY (back to surname index)

TAULBEE (back to surname index)

TAYLOR (back to surname index)

TELFORD (back to surname index)

THARP (back to surname index)

THOMAS (back to surname index)


THORNTON (back to surname index)

TINDLE/TINDALL/TINDELL (back to surname index)

TITUS (back to surname index)

TOTTEN (back to surname index)

TRACY (back to surname index)

TREMBLE (back to surname index)

TURNBULL (back to surname index)

TURNER (back to surname index)

UHLENBROCK (back to surname index)

ULLERY (back to surname index)

VALLANDIGHAM (back to surname index)

VAN HORNE (back to surname index)

Van Liew (back to surname index)

VAN NOTE (back to surname index)

VanVLEET (back to surname index)


VINSON (back to surname index)

WARRINGTON(back to surname index)

WARWICK (back to surname index)

WEISENBERGER (back to surname index)

WALKER (back to surname index)

WALTON (back to surname index)

WEST (back to surname index)

WHARTON (back to surname index)

WHITELAW (back to surname index)


WILEY (back to surname index)

WILKERSON (back to surname index)

WILLIAMS (back to surname index)

WILSON(back to surname index)

WINTERROWD (back to surname index)

WITHAM (back to surname index)

WORLEY (back to surname index)

WORTHINGTON (back to surname index)

WROTEN (back to surname index)

YAPLE (back to surname index)

YOUNG (back to surname index)

NOTICE: All documents and electronic images placed on the Warren County OHGenWeb site remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. These documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the submitter, or their legal representative, and contact the listed Warren County OHGenWeb coordinator with proof of this consent.

This page updated 13 November, 2017
© 2003-2006 Arne H Trelvik  All rights reserved