Transcription: Submitted by Arne
H Trelvik 5 Jul 2003
Source: Lebanon, OH: [unknown paper], Dec 1863
Surnames: Evans
Images: Obituary,
Invitation Card
Mrs. SIDNEY EVANS, departed this life
at her residence in Lebanon, Ohio, on the
morning of the 16th day of December A.D.,
1863. Aged 62 years.
Sister Evans, was the wife of Mr. Thomas
Evans. They were both born in Lancaster
county, Pennsylvania. In early life they emigrated
to Ohio, and settled in the immediate
vicinity of the place where she died.
She has left an aged husband to mourn
over the desolations of their long happy family
Oir! what a desolater Death is; thank
God for that glorious home-circle above,
where the insatiate invader never comes.
Into that circle, we trust our sister has entered,
and that while home and hearts are in
desolation here, she is forever happy there.
Our loss is her eternal gain. Thank God for
the compensation nature of the Gospel. The
losses of earth made up, and found again in
She died in the communion of the Cumberland
Presbyterian Church, having been a
creditable, and acceptable member for about
23 years. She bore her final sickness, which
was long and painful, with great patience and
resignation to the Will of God. Who complained
not of the monster, but rejoiced, and
was thankful for His supporting Grace.
“Sister Evans has also left a large circle of
children who feel very deeply the loss of one
so dear and so kind. One of her sons is a
ruling Elder in the congregation where she
was a communicant. May God succeed this
sore dispensation, with His enriching blessing
causing it to bring forth the peaceable fruits
of righteousness “in all their, and our heart.”
Lebanon, Ohio, Dec. 1863
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