Rose Hill Cemetery, Warren County Ohio Virtual Cemetery Project
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Rose Hill Cemetery
171 S. Mason-Montgomery Road
Deerfield Township, Warren County, Ohio
Lots 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300

Index to Available Gravestone Photos
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z [no surname/illegible] [Rose Hill Cemetery Home page]
[To contribute your photos email them in jpg format to Arne H Trelvik with any other details that you would like to share]

LOT 291; Proprietor, Charles & Alberta Marshall
LOT 292; Proprietor, Charles & Alberta Marshall
LOT 293; Proprietor, Richard Krouse
LOT 294; Proprietor, Jody Dudley (single)
Sec A5 Lot 294

Harold W. Dudley
Sgt US Army
1941 - 1986

Interment #6298 of ashes in Sec A5 Lot 294 of 23 Sep 1988

Adam Anthony
Eagle Scout
15 January 2013
LOT 295 & LOT 296; Proprietor, Ada Cole
Sec A5 Lot
left center right
Ada B. Cole Ronald Lee Cole Roy Lee Cole
Jan.22, 1915
Dec. 28, 2000
Dec. 7, 1947
Oct. 15, 1983
SP2 US Navy
World War II
Mar 13 1912 - Apr 22 1987
Interment # 7736 in lot 296 on 30 Dec 2000 Interment #7275 in lot 295 on 13 Mar 1997
[removed from Myrtle Hill Memorial Park, Tampa, Florida]
Interment #6171 in Sec A5 Lot 295 on 25 Apr 1987
Adam Anthony
Eagle Scout
15 January 2013
LOT 297; Proprietor, Ada Cole
Sec A5 Lot 297
married May 17, 1947
Emaline Bailey Willard C. Bailey
June 15, 1929
July 18, 1921
Feb. 15, 1997
  World War II Flag holder
reserved Interment #7266 of Willard Conley Bailey in Sec A5 lot 297 on 19 Feb 1997
Adam Anthony
Eagle Scout
15 January 2013
LOT 298; Proprietor, Deborah & Samuel Rich
LOT 299; Proprietor, Deborah & Samuel Rich
Sec A5 Lot 299
married Dec. 20, 1952
Lucy F. Richmond Otis G. Richmond
Mar. 27, 1925
July 19, 2000
May 14, 1930
Dec. 5, 2002
Interment # Interment #
Adam Anthony
Eagle Scout
15 January 2013
LOT 300; Proprietor, Charles & Alberta Marshall

Index to Available Gravestone Photos
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z [no surname/illegible] [Rose Hill Cemetery Home page]
[To contribute your photos email them in jpg format to Arne H Trelvik with any other details that you would like to share]

NOTICE: All documents and electronic images placed on the Warren County OHGenWeb site remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. These documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or their legal representative, and contact the listed Warren County OHGenWeb coordinator with proof of this consent.

This page created 15 January 2013 and last updated 15 January, 2013
© 2013 Arne H Trelvik All rights reserved