Edwardsville Cemetery Corwin, Warren County, Ohio
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Warren County Ohio Virtual Cemetery Project
a project of the Warren County Genealogical Society a chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society
in partnership with the Warren County OHGenWeb Project.

Edwardsville Cemetery
Edwardsville Road at Kunker Road
Harlan Township, Warren County, Ohio

Index to Available Tombstone Photos
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ [no surname] [Edwardsville Cemetery Home page]

[To add your photos email them in jpg format to  Arne H Trelvik ]

Sec B Lot 130
married 65 years
Cora L. Parker Curt Parker
Mar. 99, 1916, Rock Castle County, KY
Feb. 17, 2004, Blanchester, OH
Apr. 12, 1918, Big Hill, KY
June 16, 2010, Blanchester, OH
Sec B Lot 130-6 Sec B Lot 130-7
LaVonne Smith
5 December 20122
Sec B Lot 113-4

Wilmer Dell Patrick
A2C US Air Force
Feb 16 1932 - Oct 17 1985

LaVonne Smith
5 December 20122
Sec B Lot 24
Bonnie E. Pauckner Andrew F. Pauckner Jr.
Apr. 28, 1950
Sept. 12, 2010
Apr. 27, 1949
Sec B Lot 24-3 reserved
LaVonne Smith
9 June 2012

Sec ?
Donald A. Peters E. Katherine Peters
1930 - 2000 1935 - 1985
LaVonne Smith
22 June 2013

Sec B Lot 26
married Aug. 28, 1948
Louis Frederick Peters Almeda M. Peters
TEC 4 US Army
Apr 2 1923 - Apr 3 2009
Oct. 14, 1925
Jan. 16, 2000
Sec B Lot 26-2 Sec B Lot 26-1
LaVonne Smith
10 June 2012
Sec B Lot 49-1

Kelly Renee Price
Jan. 8, 1970 - July 13, 1970

LaVonne Smith
4 December 2012

Sec B Lot 106
married Nov. 19, 1939
"Poppy" "Granny"
John D. Pridemore Opal P. Pridemore
1917 - 2001 1919 - 1994
Sec B Lot 106-6 Sec B Lot 106-5
LaVonne Smith
19 June 2013
Sec B Lot 110
Lawrence Ray Pugh [BLANK]
1938 - 1966  
Sec B Lot 110-1 reserved
LaVonne Smith
4 December 2012

Sec B Lot 110
Lula Pugh Daniel R. Pugh
1907 - 1974 1901 - 1990
Sec B Lot 110-3 Sec B Lot 110-4
LaVonne Smith
5 December 20122

Index to Available Tombstone Photos
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ [no surname] [Edwardsville Cemetery Home page]

[To add your photos email them in jpg format to  Arne H Trelvik ]

NOTICE: All documents and electronic images placed on the Warren County OHGenWeb site remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. These documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or their legal representative, and contact the listed Warren County OHGenWeb coordinator with proof of this consent.

This page created 10 August 2008 and last updated 22 June, 2013
© 2008 Arne H Trelvik  All rights reserved