If you have any obituaries you would like to contribute on individuals
with a connection to Pickaway County, see "A
Guide for contributing your material to share with others via the Pickaway
County OHGenWeb site" All files are "as is" and I cannot guarantee the
completeness, accuracy, or timeliness of the information contained in this
database. I regret I cannot assist you in your personal research or
prevent duplication of data. My goal is to provide these files to aid you
in finding and/or correcting your family information. Also see
Newspaper section
- Allen, Viola
- Anderson, James
- Anderson,
- Arledge, George
- Arledge, Oda
- Ater, John
- Bader,
- Baker, Elias
- Barthelmas,
- Bates, Marie
- Bellamy,
- Benneman, Mary
- Bennett, Betty
- Bennett,
- Bennett, Freda
- Bennett,
- Bensenhaver,
- Betts, William
- Bierly, Lee
- Bitler, James
- Black, John
- Blakely, Ellen
- Bliss, Charles
- Blue, Flora
- Blue, Martha
- Bookwalter,
- Bosworth,
- Bouic, Fred
- Brown, Maxine
- Caldwell,
- Chappelear,
- Josephine
- Cobel, Mrs
- Connor, Ellen
- Cook, Albert
- Cooney, Child
- Crabb, Osman
- Crabb, William
- Cramblitt,
- Croman,
- Crowe, Edgar
- Curl, Joseph
Davis, Charlotte
Davis, Edward
Davis, Louise
Davis, Ray
Denman, Jessie
Dennis, Joseph
Dick, Emma
Dountz, Frederick
Dowden, Edward
Downing, Ursula
Drake, Annie
Dreisbach, Clifton
Drummond, Kathryn
Dufeu, Edward
Duff, Rachel
Easter, Roy
Ebert, Christena
Ebert, Edward
Ebert, Lawrence
Egan, Hugh
Ellis, Andrea
Emmitt, J. C.
Ensworth, Donald
Ervin, Donald
Everett, George
Finessay, Isabella
Fitzpatrick, Wendell
Fiume, Merle
Folsom, Kenneth
Forquer, Lydia
Fox, Kenneth
Fraizer, James
Fulton, Eliza
Fulton, John
Fulton, Lavinia
Fulton, Orville
Furnis, Harley
Gaines, Henry
Gearhart, William
Gentzel, Reuban
Gilmerr, William
Gochenouer, George
Good, Lewis
Gordy, Ella
Greet, Mary
Grimes, Ellen
Gulick, Cora
Hambrick, Richard
Hamilton, Winnie
Harmon, Alazuma
Harris, Aletha
Harris, George
Hayward, Charles
Hedges, Gideon
Henderson, Anderson
Hester, Harold
Hill, Myrack
Himrod, Margaret
Hoffman, Margaret
Honnold, Jesse
Hoover, Willis
Hudson, William
Huffer, Doratha
Hunter, Cleo
Hunter, Mary
Hurst, Catherine
Imler, Anna
Irvin, Roy
Jenkins, Frank
Jenkins, Ruby
Jones, Albert
Jones, Jesse
Kaiser, Frederiche
Kearney, James
Kellogg, Mattie
Kendrick, Frank
Kerns, Clifford
Kinney, Dora
Kinney, George
Kirkendall, J. T.
Kitchen, Hattie
Klein, Grace
Kramer, Susan
Kuhn, Mary
Kuntz, William
Ladd, William
Lane, Alice
Lantz, Elizabeth
Lape, Frank
Lathouse, Elizabeth
Lathouse, George
Layton, Seymour
Leach, Marie
Leach, Opal
Lee, Charles
Leist, John
Leist, Shirley
Lemley, David
Link, Toni
Lowe, Mark
Lykins, Marvene
Lyons, Catherine
Lyons, Estel
Mader, Emma
Mader, Ferdinand
Mader, Florence
Mader, Freida
Mader, George
Mader, Henry
Mader, Jacob
Mader, Jane
Mader, John A
Mader, John
Mader, Madge
Mader, Mary E
Mader, Mary L
Mader, Mary S
Mader, Nelle
Mader, Otis
Mader, Rose
Mader, Theodore
Mader, William
Maddux, Harley
Manbeavers, Edith
Maxon, George
McBee, Effie
McCrady, Lewis
McLaughlin, John
McNichols, Merle
Melvin, Susan
Merle, Walter
Merrill, Robert
Merritt, Eileen
Millar, Georgie
Miller, Margaret
Minshall, Fred
Mitchell, Gertrude
Morgan, Joseph
Morgan, William
Morris, Isaac
Neal, Hattie
Neff, Leona
Noggle, Samuel
Norman, Stella
Oberderfer, Arvid
Oliver, Bessie
Ott, Pauline
Parks, Mary
Patrick, Christopher
Patrick, Gerald
Patterson, Hattie
Patton, Alexander
Peters, James
Peters, Martha
Pfeil, Roy
Phillips, Everett
Pobst, Carol
Poindexter, Eveline
Pontius, Frances
Radcliff, Goldie
Ramey, Mary
Rawlins, Phyllis
Renick, Joseph
Rezkalla, Abdel-Sayed
Rife, Belle
Robbins, Catharine
Robison, Ruth
Rodgers, John
Rogers, Frank
Roseboom, William
Runkle, Hattie
Russ, Catherine
Russ, John C.
Russ, Dr John C
Saultz, John
Saunders, Noah
Schaal, James
Schwamberger, Dorothea
Schwamberger, Frank
Seymour, Anna
Seymour, Mary
Shannon, John
Shirey, Carolyn
Skaggs, Juanita
Smith, Clara
Smith, Emanuel
Smith, Frances
Sowers, Albert
Sowers, Earl
Spangler, Rawn
Speakman, Willard
Spencer, Martha
Springer, Mrs.
Stebleton, Mrs.
Stein, Paul
Stephenson, Joseph
Story, Benjamin
Tapp, Fern
Tarbill, Maude
Thacker, Ida
Thomas, Lizzie
Thrush, Ada
Timmons, Benjamin
Timmons, Robert
Tobin, Harry
Trone, Charles
True, Harold
Tufts, Earl
Valentine, Mrs
Van Heyde, B. C.
Van Vickle, David
Van Vickle, J. P.
Vieth, Frederick
Vincent, Mrs. John
Voltz, Jacob
Wagner, Susan
Walisa, Roy
Wallace, James
Wardick, Patrick
Wardick, Patrick
Weaver, Alonzo
Wellington, Clara
Wells, Leon
Wilkins, Mrs. Andrew
Wilkins, James
Will, Sarah
Wisecup, James
Wolfe, A. R.
Wright, Charles
Wright, Eliza
Wright, John
Yates, Socrates
Young, Jerry
Young, Mary
Zangmeister, Anna