Blue Book of Ohio - 1917 clippings of Norwood interest

The Ohio Blue Book
Who's Who in the
Buckeye State

Selected biographical sketches from The Ohio Blue Book, 1917
The Ohio Blue Book or Who's Who in the Buckeye State was described as "A Cyclopedia of Biography of Men and Women of Ohio" and was compiled under the direction of C. S. Van Tassel, Toledo, Ohio. It contain sketches of some Ohioans considered leaders in the field. The following are those biographies with mention of Norwood, Ohio.

born. Point Isabel. O.. Sept. 9. 1868; son
of James M. Armacost and Catherine L.
(Plackard) Armacost; educated: De Pauw
Univ. (1893): Ohio Wes. Univ. (1899); post-
grad. Moore's Hill, Ind. College degrees:
B. A.; M. A. Married. Anna Rebecca
Croswell. 1894. Began ministry as pastor
for country circuit: pastor: New Carlisle.
O.. 1903-4: Grace Ch.. Piqua. O.. 1905-8;
Columbia Ch.. Cincinnati. O. 1909-10: Nor-
wood M. E. Ch.. Cincinnati. O.. 1911-13;
Fostoria (Ohio) M. E. Ch.. 1914----. Home
address: Fostoria. Ohio.

ATKINS, C. H. M., Manufacturer-Banker;
born, Cincinnati. O. ; son of Richard L.
Atkins and Anna S. (Warner) Atkins;
educated: Pub. Schs. of Cincinnati. O.;
Baldwin Private Sch. Married, Lilla W.
Jones, March, 1897. Pres. Warner Eleva-
tor Mfg. Co.; Pres. First Nat. Bank. Nor-
wood, O. ; Pres. Acme Machine Tool Co.;
Pres. Cincinnati Planer Co.. Socs. and
clubs: Business Men's Club; Queen City
Club; Hamilton Co. Golf Club; Cincinnati
Automobile Club; Chamber of Commerce;
Manufacturers Club. Methodist. Home
address: 4008 Rose Hill. Avondale, Cin-
cinnati, Ohio.

BOLSINGER, HIRAM C., Attorney; born,
Hillsboro, O.; son of Michael Bolsinger and
Martha (Wagner) Bolsinger; educated:
Cincinnati. O. College degrees: LL. B.
Married, Ethel Renshaw, Dec. 25, 1903.
Started to work at 13 yrs. of age. Began
nractice of law. Jan. 1, 1904. Elected
Justice of Peace. Millcreek Twp., Hamil-
ton Co.. O.. 1914. and served 4 1/2 years.
Served 3 vrs. as Civil Service Commissioner
of Norwood, O., 1912-15. Attorney-
at-law. Socs. and clubs: Chamber of
Commerce; Mason; Eagle; Moose: Red
Men. Grace M. E. Ch. Home address: 1916
Hopkins Ave.. Norwood. O.

CADMAN, W. S., Educator; Supt. of Schs..
Norwood, O. Home address: Norwood, O.

born. Dayton. O.. Jan. 26. 1864; son of
Henry Cellarius and Mary C. (Haessig)
Cellarius; educated: Central High Sch.,
Dayton, O. ; Miami Commerical Coll. Mar-
ried, Sallie E. Kinder, Oct. 1, 1889. Was
city editor, Dayton Daily Democrat; clerk
of Dayton Bd. of Education. 1886; Supt.
of Board of Trade of Dayton, 1889; Apptd.
inspector Building & Loan Assn. of Ohio,
June 1. 1891; chief deputy collector of
Internal Revenue. 1st Dist., Cincinnati,
1893; Apptd. by Roosevelt, collector of
Internal Revenue, 1st Dist. of Ohio, 1905;
resigned Oct. 16. 1907 to become general
manager of Clifton Springs Distilling Co.
Socs. and clubs: Chamber of Commerce;
Business Men's Club; Cuvier-Press Club;
Pres. San Marco Bldg. & Loan Assn.,
1898; Director Permanent Bldg. & Savings
Assn. of Dayton; Secy. U. S. League of
Local Bldg. & Loan Assns., 1896----. Home
address: 3843 Forest Ave., Norwood, Cin-
cinnati, O.

COLLINS, WILLIAM R., Attorney; born,
Cincinnati, O., Oct. 25, 1872; son of Henry
E. Collins and Mary Francis (Coffin) Col-
lins; educated: Law Dept.. Univ. of Cin-
cinnati, O. College degrees: LL. B. Mar-
ried, Lucy Rawson, June 19, 1909. Ad-
mitted to Ohio bar, practicing attorney-
at-law, Cincinnati, O., 1894---- ; city so-
licitor, Norwood, O., 1899-1903; Asst. coun-
ty solicitor. 1903-9; member Ohio Senate,
81st Gen. Assembly, 1915-17; First Lieut.,
1st O. Inf., U. S. Vol., Spanish-American
War. Socs. and clubs: Masonic Frater-
nity; Queen City Club; Univ. Club; Cin-
cinnati Country Club Business Men's
Club. Episcopalian. Home address: N.
E. Cor. Dexter & Wold Ave., Cincinnati,

Lumber Dealer; born. Wheeling. W. Va.,
May 6, 1873; son of Robert Fulton Darling
and Elizabeth (Reeder) Darling; changed
residence to Ironton, O., with parents, in
1884. Finished education in 1891 and en-
tered employ of Nicola Bros. Lumber Co.,
of Pittsburg. Pa.; 1893. became manager
of their interests in Southeastern Ken-
tucky; 1896. in sales department; 1898,
manager their Western business, offices
in Cincinnati, elected director in company;
1901. began business in Cincinnati as J.
W. Darling Lumber Co.. he being owner;
1908, also purchased Wilhelm Lumber Co.,
Wilhelm. La. Married. Florence Taylor
Smith, of Buffalo, N. Y., April 17. 1901.
Socs. and clubs: 32d degree Mason. Cin-
cinnati Consistory; Knight Templar. Cin-
cinnati Commandery; Business Men's
Club; Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce;
Director of Southern Cypress Mfrs. Assn.
Home address: 2219 Cameron Ave. (Nor-
wood). Cincinnati. O.

born, Xenia., O., Nov. 3, 1856; son of
(Rev.) William Lewis Hypes and Margaret
(Brown) Hypes; educated: Woodward
high school, Cincinnati; Wittenberg Coll.,
Springfield, O. ; Yale Annex, Cincinnati;
Ohio Wes Univ.. Delaware. O. Married,
Margaret Bassett. Nov. 2. 1882. Pastor
M. E. Churches in Cincinnati. Piqua. Ar-
canum, South Charleston, Yellow Springs,
from 1879 to 1917; pastor Fairmount M. E.
Ch.. Cincinnati, from 1911 to 1917. Mem.
Cincinnati and West. Ohio Conf. M. E.
Ch., 1879 to 1917. Home address: "Earls-
place," 3826 S. Floral Ave. (Norwood),
Cincinnati. O.

MOELLER, HENRY, Archbishop; born, Cin-
cinnati, O., Dec. 11, 1849; son of Bernard
Moeller and Teresa (Witte) Moel er; edu-
cated; St. Xavier's Coll.. Cincinnati, 1863-
9; studied, theology and philosophy in
Rome; D. D. Propaganda, Rome, 1876;
pastor: St. Patricks, Bellefontaine, O.,
1876-7; Prof. Mt. St. Marys Seminary,
1877-9; Sec. temporarily to Bishop
Chatard, Indianapolis, to July, 1880; Sec.
and chancellor of archdiocese of Cincin-
nati to Aug. 25, 1900; consecrated bishop
of Columbus, Aug. 25, 1900; promoted to
Archepiscopal See of Areopolis and made
coadjutor archbishop of Cincinnati with
right of succession, April 27, 1903; became
Archbishop of Cincinnati, Oct. 31. 1904; in-
vested with pallium, Feb. 15, 1905. Home
address: 5418 Moeller Ave., Norwood, Ohio.

born, Lynchburg, O., Aug. 4, 1870; son of
Samuel Peale and Laura (Fulton) Peale;
educated: Pub. Schs. of Lynchburg, Grad.
from High Sch., in 1888; Hillsboro Military
Coll.; Grad. from The Medical College of
Ohio, (Med. Dept. of Univ. ot Cincinnati)
in 1892. College degrees: M. D., 1892, Med.
Coll. of Ohio; D. D., 1892. Ohio Northern
Univ. Married, Anna DeLaney, Oct. 20,
1895. In 1893. became Assistant to the
Chair of Theory and Practice of Medicine
and Lecturer on Physical Diagnosis at the
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Mil-
waukee, Wis.; in August, 1895, entered the
Cincinnati Conf. of Methodist Episcopal
Church at Hamilton, O. ; held various
charges, Asbury Ch., Cincinnati, O.; Grace
Ch., Norwood, O.; Greenville, O.; and
Bellefontaine, O. ; became member of West
Ohio Conf. in Sept. 1913; present pastor of
Bellefontaine Methodist Episcopal Church.
Socs, and clubs: Sons of Veterans, being
Chaplain of Ohio Div.; York Rite, Scot-
tish Rite Mason and Shriner; I. O. O. F.;
Modern Woodmen; Trustee of Preachers
Relief Soc. in Ohio; member Assn. of
Methodist Children's Home of Ohio. Inde-
pendent voter. Home address: 308 N.
Detroit St., Bellefontaine, Ohio.

Engineer; born, March 2, I860, Pittsburgh,
Pa.; son of Hugh Stewart and Mary (Mc-
Avoy) Stewart; educated: Cincinnati, O.,
public schools. Married, Miss Moylan,
1886; 2nd. Miss Hamilton. 1899. Engaged
in railroad work, Kentucky and Nebras-
ka, 1880-1890; engaged in municipal en-
gineering, 1890 ----; city engineer, Cincin-
nati, O., 1890-1891; Norwood, 1897-1914.
Socs. and clubs: Engineers' Club (Cincin-
nati, O.); American Water Works Assn.
Catholic. Home address: 3716 Woodford
Ave., Kennedy Heights, Cincinnati, O.

born, St. Louis, Mo., Jan. I6, 1859; son of
Paul M. Strickland and Isabella (Spargo)
Strickland; educated: St. Louis public
schools; schools of Clermont Co., Ohio;
Lebanon Univ.. Ohio. College degrees: B.
S. Married, Georgie Girardey, Aug. 20,
1890. Prin. schools of Amelia. O., 1883-
1886; Supt. of schools of Bethel, O., 1888-
1890; Prin. at Cheviot, O., 1890-1892; First
Asst., Cincinnati schools, 1892-1895; Prin.
Whittier School, Cincinnati, O., 1895-1901;
Prin. Sherman School, Cincinnati, Ohio,
1901----; founder of Pioneer Mothers' and
Teachers' Club, Cincinnati, O., 1906. Socs.
and clubs: Masons; Natl. Edn. Assn.;
Principals' Assn.; Schoolmasters' Club;
City Club. Interested in orcharding, stock
raising, and forestry, and improvement of
rural life. Country residence: near Bethel,
Ohio; home address: 2005 Hudson Ave.,
Norwood, Ohio.

born. Bourbon Co., Ky.. Aug. 26, 1829: son
of Joseph Wasson and Sarah (Hearne)
Wasson: educated: Preparatory Dept. of
Princeton Univ., 1847; Bacon Coll. (now
Transylvania). Married, Laura G. Graves,
Nov. 26, 1851. Druggist in early life; on
account of ill health, engaged in farming;
located in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1863: in
commission and grain business, 1863-1868;
in grain business since 1868; member of
Grain Bd. of Chamber of Commerce, 1869-
1873; elected life honorary member of
Chamber of Commerce in 1909. Christian
Church. Elder for 20 yrs. Home address:
1938 Cleneay Ave., Norwood, Cincinnati,

man; born, Wood Co., Ohio, Sept. 1, 1868;
son of Nicholas Weaver and Sarah (Wil-
liams) Weaver; educated: public schools
of Putnam Co., Ohio; Otterbein Univ.;
Findlay College; Garrett Biblical Inst.,
Evanston, Ill. College degrees: Bachelor's
Degree, Findlay Coll., 1900; Master's De-
gree (Hon.), Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1914.
Married, Delia Ahlefeld, Aug. 17, 1905.
Reared on farm near Leipsic, Ohio; taught
in public schools in Putnam Co., Ohio. 12
yrs.; entered ministry, Methodist Episco-
pal Church, 1900; became member of
Central Ohio (now West Ohio) Conference;
has. served the following charges: Latty,
O.; Continental, O.; St. Paris. O.; Marys-
ville, O.; Norwood. O.; High St. Church.
Springfield, Ohio, since 1915. Socs. and
clubs: 32d degree Mason. Did graduate
work at Ohio Wesleyan Univ. and also at
Univ. of Cincinnati. Has been in the
ministry continuously since entering it in
1900. Home address: 222 East High St.,
Springfield, Ohio.

iness Manager; born, Newark. Ohio, March
25. 1867; son of Erasmus P. White and
Ella (Harrington) White; educated: Cooper
Inst., N. Y. Married, Olive Moore. June
27. 1905. Engaged in early life in salt
manufacturing business, in which he has
had a successful career; became president
of Columbia Gas & Electric Co., and now
manager of same; Pres. of Union Depot
and Terminal Co.; Mem. of firm of White
& Co., bankers, New York City; Dir. of
Windsor Trust Co., New York. Socs.
and clubs: Business Men's Club; Queen
City Club; University Club. Home ad-
dress: 2209 Cleneay Ave., Norwood, Cin-
cinnati, O.

(Mrs. Charles T.), Educator; born. Cin-
cinnati, Ohio, April 23, 1856; daughter of
Christian Friedrich Schweickert and
Katherine (Fischie) Schweickert; educated:
Woodward high school, Cincinnati; Nor-
mal Coll.; Univ. of Cincinnati. Married,
Charles T. Wulff, May 12, 1882. Founder
of Norwood Federation of Women's Clubs
and served 4 terms as its Pres.; active in
educational interests and original literary
work in the Woman's Press Club of Cin-
cinnati; chairman of German Com. for
Suffrage in Cincinnati, O., during the
campaign of the summer of 1912; historian
of the Harriet Taylor Upton Study Club,
1912-1913; member Cincinnati Woman's
Club; Pres. Cincinnati Woman's Press
Club. 1915-1917. Mem. Unitarian Alliance.
Author of essays, poems and translations.
Unitarian Church. Home address: 395
Terrace Ave. (Clifton), Cincinnati, O.