The Muskingum County Surname System is for surnames that resided in Muskingum County. Please do not submit surnames you are researching if they did not reside in Muskingum at some point. The system also allows you to submit a description of your surnames. It is not a query system so do not submit any description that is asking for help or phrase it in a way that makes it seem you are not sure they resided in the county. Including the date range they resided here and where they were located is encouraged.

The Surname System is meant to help others looking for your surnames and they in turn may be of help to you but they need to find you first. Please remember that you have registered your surnames here and if you change your email address don't forget to contact me to request a change to your submitted surnames so people can contact you.

To submit a surname just click on the "Submit Surname" option above and follow the directions on that page, If you are updating or adding information to your researcher profile do not re-submit your surname, instead choose the "Submit Change" option above.