The Evening Post, New York Monday, April 17, 1893 Indian Relics of an Ohio Mound Valuable finds have been made in the old Indian Mound in Walnut Grove, Martins Ferry.Jewels have been taken from this ancient tumulus, opals and emeralds and crystals, and the curious whorl-like carvings of their settings like those in ancient Irish ornaments, know to have made from Phoenicians patterns, because that were found everywhere the Phoenicians traded. The work is being carried out on slowly at Martins Ferry for fear that some of the precious relics be lost or overlooked. One skull which has been found is extremely large, nearly twice as big as the modern normal, and the skull seems higher then would be expected of prehistoric man. Spearheads, darts, arrowheads, and hatchets beautifully chipped and with neatly drilled holes, have been found in proximity to human bones. Two cup-like stones have also been found whose use is conjectural. Several of these have been found in the neighborhood of the mound, either on the surface or in the earth, but so worn that it is difficult to tell whether they had been shaped artificially or were something like “lucky stones”of concave natural shapes. Bones have been found in great plenty, which causes some to think that the tumulus was not so much erected to the memory of a great chief as it was to a tribal cemetery. However, it may have been that captives were sacrificed on the mound-tomes of the chief to be his servants in the spirit world. Contributed by Mary Staley.