Chapel Ridge - Wesley Chapel News Abstracts

Dust in the Attic

Chapel Hill Ridge or Wesley
Chapel Local News

Source: Hocking Sentinel, November 1, 1901:

Ash Cave News

   We have saw no news from here for some time so will write a few.
    Mr. Coon Reichley's daughter is on the mend.
    Mrs. Peter Hutton and Miss Mary, are better, able to go to church once more.
    Mr. Charles Pleukharp intends on making a coon chase to the Cedar Falls.
    Mrs. Charles Pleukharp is visiting her parents, Mr. Marion Mounts.
    Mrs. Steel of Chapel is visiting in Logan.
    Mrs. Clara Vest and Clifton Houston visited Saturday at Laurelville.
    Mr. Noah Woolever and wife are moving in John Allen's house, close to the Cave.
    The oil and gas is all the go, they say it will soon flow all over the Ash Cave, I don't know whether it covers the gold mine or not.
    I suppose you know what I have reference to, is that pot of gold that was discovered some time ago.
    Le thinks he would like to come to Logan, after the rain falls and lays the dust.
    Mr. O. Shaffer beats all for country stores, he buys everything that he can sell even down to rabbits and squirrels, polecats and so forth.
    Wedding bells in the near future, look out.
    Mr. Joseph Earnhart attended church at Chapel with his lady friend.
    Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gordan and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Wakes attended church at Chapel, Sunday.


Journal Gazette,  October 10,1904

                                                      Chapel Hill

   Chapel Hill, Oct. 10. ---- Miss Flora Eckhart formerly a Hocking county girl, but now in Toledo, is at the hospital in Toledo with the typhoid fever. The many friends of Miss Eckhart, especially her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lohr of Logan will see through the Journal Gazette, if the editor will be so kind as to publish the news, that through the steady care of her brother A. Q. Eckhart and the nurses at the hospital, she is improving at the last account.
   A. Q. Eckhart of Toledo, formerly a Hocking county boy, was married to Miss Grace Willis of Toledo, Wednesday, Sept. 28.
   Charles Hyatt of Whiting Ind., is visiting Mr. George Moore of this place.
   Mother Moore, the aged mother of George Moore, is quite poorly. Very little hopes are entertained of her recovery.
   John Allen is on the sick list.
   John Hutton, wife and daughter Hazel visited the latter's parents today.
   Jack Slatzer took a trip to Logan Friday.
    Rev. Dowden is back again at Chapel.
   Since we last wrote an old soldier was taken to his long home. Mr. Robert Campbell of Hue. He was out during the sixties. His death was caused from a wound he received during the war.
   The sale of Mr. Henry Williams will be on the 25th of October. He intends going to Columbus where his children reside.
   Mrs. George Barnhart is quite poorly.
   There is quite a good deal of sickness in this community.

Journal Gazette," April 3,1905

                                                                              Chapel Ridge

    Preaching at this place Sunday was well attended. Sunday school was organized and will begin Sunday.
   Mrs. Charles Pluekharp and Miss Dessie Mount are visiting their parents Mr. . and Mrs. Marion Mount.
   The sick of this place, Mrs. P. Hutton and Mrs. George Barnhart are no better.
   P. Chapman of Logan, passed through here today.
   Harry Zimmerman of Fairview, was the Sunday guest of Charles Davis and sister.
   Estella Vest left for Laurelville this week where she is expects to work this summer.
   Mr. and Mrs. J. Hutton made a business trip to Logan last Friday.
   Joseph Davis and family were the guests of relatives on the ridge recently.
   Zenna Vest visited Myrtle Edwards Sunday.
   Bert Moore visited his parents and attended preaching here Sunday.
   Misses Myrtle Edwards and Estella Vest were the guests of Flora Eckhart one day last week.
   Mrs. Joseph Vest was called to her sister's, Mrs. John Bickel of Union Furnace, recently on account of the illness of their baby.
   Mrs. Mary Hutton was the guest of  Mrs. Martha Davis recently.
   Messer. Homer and Bert Edwards attend the last day of school at Ebenezer last Friday.

Logan Democratic Sentinel, April 16, 1906

                                                        Chapel Ridge Society News


   “ Spare us good Lord”, from those persons who certainly stick their noses into other people’s business how
universal this habit is, but how quickly it would be cured if the nose increased in size each time it was used:
Evil gossip, degenerates those who utter it more than it injures those it maligns--- in this wonderful era talk
about without indulging in cheap gossip or venomous slander.

    Dan Buck called on C. H. Reichley last Wednesday.
    Mr. Peter Hutton and son John were South Bloomingville visitors last week.
    Mrs. Mary Lyon called on Mrs. Clara Cain last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Barnhart was the guest of Mrs. C.
Beery last Thursday.

    Chas. Lyons called on Mr. and Mrs. George Amerine one day last week.
    Mr. Henry Williams was a Logan visitor last Wednesday.
    Jol Hooper and Jake Redric, of near Mt. Pleasant called on Jim Cain last Tuesday.
    Mr. Chas. Lyons has disposed of his Brookside Farm to Mrs. Emens who will move to his new home in the

    Miss Clara Deffenbaugh was a business visitor in Laurelville Saturday morning.

    Harley Kalklousch and Miss Clara Deffenbaugh went to Ilesboro Saturday afternoon to meet the school
board. Miss Deffenbaugh will teach one month of school at the Iles school commencing the first of May.

    Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Walker was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Davis Sunday and Monday and will leave
for their new home at Starr this week.
    Chas. Lyons called on John O’Hara Sunday.

    Andy Woodgeard and daughter Rebecca, left for Logan Sunday. Mr. Woodgeard will attend court this
week and his daughter will visit her sister Mrs. Chas. Kennedy and Mrs. Rufus Johnson near Logan.

    Earl Steel called on Homer Hutton Saturday.

    Mr. Edwards, Homer Hutton, Jim Cain and son, George Barnhart and son Will, Chas. Lyons and C. H.
Reichley were among the Bloomingville visitors Saturday.

    Henry Williams lost a valuable cow last week.

    Miss Nellie Mount called on Mrs. Ella Barnhart Sunday.

    Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lyons were Logan visitors Monday.

    Miss Clara Deffenbaugh closed her school Wednesday at No. 4.

    Mr. John O’Hara has moved to Sam Runnells farm on Queer Creek.

    Jim Cain was at Smock Sunday. 

Logan Democratic Sentinel, April 19, 1906

Chapel Ridge No. 2 Society News


    The prayers of the righteous enter the ears of the Most high: but save us dear Lord, is good, we certainly love such prayers; it is like the ones our mothers taught us when we were children; come again my dear colleague.

   Mr. C. E. Lyons, after disposing of his Brookside farm of sixty acres, purchased one hundred and sixty
acres of Messes. Ed Ricketts and E. Q. Petitt, of Logan. Chas is going in the brush business; he will call
it Brushy Hill farm.

    There was a school election at No. 4 this Township, after much hustling among the parties the democrats
nominated Mr. Leslie Lehman, the republicans Mr. C. E. Lyons, quite a time was had. Seventeen votes were
cast, strange to say the result was 16 to 1 in favor of Lehman, carrying the news to Bryan.

   Mr. Elmer Kitchen, of Salt Creek, was seen on our ridge one day last week.

    Mr. Will Barnhart, of Whippoorwill Hollow, is employed by C. E. Lyons.

    Mrs. M. M. Blackston visited her daughter, Mrs. Delia Earnhart, of near Cedar Falls, Saturday and Sunday.

    Mrs. Earl  Steele, wife and little daughter and Carl Blackston visited C. H. Reichley and family last Saturday

    Mr. C. H. Reichley, of third place, made a business trip to Chillicothe last week, while there he called on
Mr. Albert Douglas. It is a familiar face in a strange place. Coon’s voice will ring for Douglas this fall, if
anything will best him Coon can.

    Old Uncle George Amerine attended school election April 9, he is 88 years old, he is an old democrat,
he attends elections, makes one mark and that does all the scratching, may he still continue to vote.


Logan Democratic Sentinel, April 26, 1906

Chapel Ridge No. 3 Society News


    Earl Steel closed his school at Green Brier last Friday, April 18.
    Mr. Tom Parish, of Laurelville was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cain from Saturday until Monday.
    Miss Flora Eckhart, of Logan, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Leander Amerine.
    Ben Shaw, of Bloomingville, called on Chas. Lyons one day last week.
    Dave Eby, of South Bloomingville, was seen on the ridge last week.
    Chas. Lyons was a business visitor at Laurelville last Tuesday.
    David Rose, of Cedar Grove, is doing a thriving business this season.
    S. Allison, of Ilesboro was seen on the ridge one day last week.
    Geo. W. Dupler was on the ridge last week.
    John Ferguson, of Ilesboro was seen on the ridge one day last week.



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