Historical Collections of Ohio pgs 789-790
Historical Collections of Ohio: Pages 789-790
| Hamilton County OhioHistorical Collections of Ohio index page |

~ pg. 789 ~

CINCINNATI (Statistical) in 1888

Cincinnati county-seat of Hamilton, largest city in the State, is in a direct line about 100 miles from Columbus.  It is on the north bank of the Ohio, opposite the mouth of the Licking river, about midway between Pittsburg and the source, and Cairo, at the mouth of the Ohio river.  It is within a few miles of the centre of the population of the United states.  Railroads entering the city are the O. & N.W.; C H. & D.; C. I. St. L. & C.; C. L.&N,; C. G. & P.; C.C.C. & I.; C.S., B. & O.; W & B; N.Y.P. & O.; O. & M.; C & M.V.; P.C. & St. L.; C & W.; C. H.; K. C.; N.N. & M.; C. J. & M.; L & N.; C. & O.; and C. N. O & T. P.

County officers in 1888.—Auditor, Frederick RAINE; Clerk, Daniel J. DALTON, John B. PEASLEE; Commissioners, William ANTHONY, Luke A. STALEY, Herman H. GOESLING; Coroner, John H. RENDIGS; Infirmary Directors, Charles S. DUNN, John H. PENNY, Tilden R. FRENCH; Probate Judge, Herman P. GOEBEL; Prosecuting Attorney, John C. SCHWARTZ; Recorder, George HOBSON; Sheriff, Leo SCHOTT; Surveyor, Albert A. BRASHER; Treasurer, John ZUMSTEIN.

City Officers in 1888.—Amor SMITH, JR.; Mayor; Edwin HENDERSON, Clerk; E. O. ESHELBY, Comptroller; Albert F. BOHRER, Treasurer: Theo. HORSTMAN, Solicitor; John A. CALDWELL, Judge of Police Court; Emil REESE, Clerk of Police Court; John G. SCHWARTZ, Prosecuting Attorney: Philip DIESCH, Superintendent of Police.

Newspapers.—The number of periodicals of all kinds is 133, of which there are 14 dailies and 46 weeklies.  The principal dailies are Enquirer, Democratic, John R. M’LEAN, Editor and Publisher: Commercial Gazette, Republican, Murat HALSTEAD, Editor: Times Star, Independent; Evening Post; Evening Telegram; Sun, Democratic.  German: Abend Presse; Independent; Freie Press, Democratic; Volksblatt, Democratic, Henry HAACKE, Editor and Publisher; Volksblatt, Republican. Religious Weeklies: American Christian Reviews, Disciples: American Israelite; Catholic Telegraph; Christliche Apologete, Christian Standard, Christian; Herald and Presbyter, Presbyterian; Journal and Messenger, Baptist;


Sabbath Visitor, Jewish; Wahrheits Freund, Catholic; Western Christian Advocate, Methodist.

Churches.— Cincinnati has over 200 churches, among which are Roman Catholic, 51, Methodist, 37; Presbyterian, 24: Congregational, 5, Protestant Episcopal, 19, Baptist, 18; German Evangelical, 15; Jewish Synagogue, 7, Disciples of Christ, 6; United Brethren, 3; Friends, 2; also 1 each Hollandische Reformed, Church of New Jerusalem, Universalist and Unitarian.

Charities.—There are five hospitals, viz.: the Cincinnati, two Catholic, one Jewish and one Homoeopathic; and other charitable institutions are numerous, as Children’s Home, Christian Association’s Home of the Friendless, Orphan Asylums, the Widows’ and Old Men’s Home on Walnut Hills, the Relief Union, Board of Associations, and the Bethel on the River, where destitute and homeless people are temporarily fed and sheltered.  With it is a church and Sunday-school for the children of the poor, which for many years has had an attendance of 3,000 and attracts many visitors.

Banks.— Cincinnati National Bank, Joseph F. LARKIN, president, Edgar STARK, cashier; Citizen’s National Bank, B.S. CUNNINGHAM, president, George W. FORBES, cashier; Commercial Bank, Charles B. FOOTE, president, W. H. CAMPBELL, cashier; Fidelity Safe Deposit and Trust Company, Briggs  SWIFT, president, J. G. BROTHERTON, superintendent; First National Bank, M. M. WHITE, President H. P. COOKE, cashier: Franklin Bank, John KILGOUR, president, H. B. OLMSTEAD, cashier; German National Bank, John HAUCK, president, Geo. H. BOHRER, cashier; Merchants’ National Bank,  D. J. FALLIS, president, W.W. BROWN, cashier; National Lafayette Bank, W. A. GOODMAN, president, president, J.V. GUTHRIE; cashier; Ohio Valley National Bank, James ESPY, president, Theo BAUR, cashier; Queen City National Bank, John COCHNOWER, president, Samuel W. RAMP; cashier; Second National Band, Charles DAVIS, president, Wm. S. ROWE, cashier; Third National Bank, J. D. HEARN, president, Wm. A. LEMMON,  cashier; Union National Bank, Edward WEIL, president, L. KLEYBOTE, cashier: S. KUHN & Sons; SEASONGOOD, Sons & Court-House; A. SEINECKE, JR.; SIMON & HUSEMAN; A.C. CONKLIN & Co., Geo.  EUSTIS & Co., brokers; H. B. MOREHEAD & Co.,; brokers, Albert NETTER, broker; Cincinnati Clearing House Association, James ESPY, president, W.D. DUBLE, manager.

Industries.—For the year 1887, the report of Colonel Sidney D. MAXWELL, superintendent of The Chamber of Commerce, give the number of industrial establishments in Cincinnati as amounting to 6,774, employing 103,325 hands, and producing in value $203,459,396, viz.: Iron, $26,966,999, hands, 14,741; other Metals, $7,674,160, hands, 5,056; Wood, $20,440,182, hands 12,589; Leather, $10,484,425, hands, 6,404; Food, $23,526,858, hands, 5,821; Soap, Candles, and Oils, $11,165,200, hands 1,845; Clothing, 23,202,769, hands, 21,951; Liquors, $29,012,711, hands 2,242; Cotton, Wool, Hemp, etc. $2,258,983, hands 1,968; Drugs, Chemicals, etc., $4,913,150, hands, 874; Stone and Earth, $4,972,730, hands 3,384; Carriages, Cars, etc, $1,109,950, hands 6,601; Paper, $6,670986, hands 2, 976; Book Binding and Blank Books, $598,724, hands, 860, Printing and Publishing, $4,456,876, hands, 4,138; Tobacco, $3,784,868, hands 3,305; Fine Arts, $1,046,250, hands, 456; Miscellaneous, $11,174,375, hands, 7,814.

In 1860, the annual value of $46,995,062l in  1880, $163,351,497; since which last date as above shown there has been an increase of about one-quarter in larger revenue than any other in the Union, amounting to over $12,000,000, having been mainly from distilled liquors, tobacco and beer.

Population in 1840, 46,338; 1850, 118.438; 1870, 216,239; 1880, 255,139; 1890, 296,908.

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