1906 Street Name Changes
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1906 Street Name Changes

- East Numbered Streets -

E. 1st St., SE : Formerly (Southward successively) Farnham al., from Public Sq. to Prospect av.; Iris al., from Prospect av. To High av.

E. 2d St., NE : (Formerly Park pl.) From St. Clair av. Southward to Public Square

E. 2d St., SE : (Formerly Middle st.) From Prospect av., southward to Huron rd.

E. 3d St., NE : (Formerly Wood st.) From Summit av. Southward to Superior av.

E. 3d St. SE : (Formerly Hickox st.) From Euclid av., southwrd to Prospect af.

E. 4th St., NE : (Formerly Kent st.) From Lakeside av., southward to St. Clair av.

E. 4th st., SE : (Formerly Sheriff st.) From Euclid av. Southward to Eagle av.

E. 5th Pl., SE : (Formerly Provision al.) East of E. 4th st., from Bolivar rd., southward

E. 6th St., NE : (Formerly Bond st.) From Summit av., southward to Euclid av.

E. 6th St., SE : (Formerly Miami st. and Miami al.) From Prospect av., southward to Bolivar rd.

E. 7th st., NE : (Formerly Hexter al.) From Summit av., southward to Lakeside av.

E. 7th St., SE : Formerly (Southward successively) Waller st., from Huron rd. to Bolivar rd.; Wheller pl., from Eagle av. To "Central av.; Jasper al., East of Commercial rd., from Berg st. to Minkon st.

E. 8th St., SE : Formerly (Southward successively) Oak pl., from Euclid av. To Prospect av.; Ashley al., from Huron rd. to Bolivar rd.

E. 9th Pl., NE : (Formerly Summit al.) West of E. 9th st., from Summit av. southward

E. 9th Pl., SE : Formerly (Southward successively) Avon al., from Huron rd. to Bolivar rd.; Gundry al., from a point north of Eagle av. To Woodland av.; Cross al., from Woodland av. To Broadway

E. 9th St., NE : Formerly that part of Erie st., from Lake Erie southward to Euclid av.

E. 9th St., SE : Formerly (Southward successively) Erie st., from euclid av to Woodland av.; Cross st., from Woodland av to Canal rd.

E. 10th Pl., SE : (Formerly Corlett pl.) From Sumner av. Southward to Bbronson ct.

E. 10th St., NE : (Formerly New al. and Algos la.) From Lakeside av. southward to Oregon av.

E. 10th St., SE : (Formerly Sassafras al.) From Webster av. Southward to Scovill av.

E. 11th St., NE : Formerly (Southward successively) Bethesda al., from Lakeside av. to St. Clair av.; Oak st., from Walnut av. To Chestnut av.

E. 12th St., NE : (Formerly Muirson st.) From Lakeside av., southward to Euclid av.

E. 12th St., SE : Formerly (Southward Successively) Short al., from Euclid av. to Huron rd.; Allen al. and thaat part of Allen st., from Sumner av to Scovill av.

E. 13th Pl., SE : (Formerly Hodge al.) From Brwonell ct. southward to Prospect av.

E. 13th St., SE : (Formerly Plum st. and Plum ct.) From Sumner av. Southward to Scovill av.

E. 14th Pl., NE : (Formerly Wycombe pl.) From Walnut av. At junc. With Payne av. Southward

E. 14th St., NE : (Formerly Canfield st.) From Davenport av. Southward to St.Clair av.

E. 14th St., SE : (Formerly Brownell st.) From Euclid av. Southward to Woodland av.

E. 15th St., SE : (Formerly Odell al.) From Orange av., southward to Broadway

E. 16th Pl., SE : (Formerly Brownell al.) East of E. 14th st., from Caton ct. southward to Huntington ct.

E. 16th St., NE : Formerly that part of Clinton Paqrk st. west of Clinton Paqrk, from Davenport av. To Lakeside

E. 17th St., NE : (Formerly Dodge st.) From Lakeside av. Southward to Euclid av.

E. 18th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) That part of Clinton Park st. east of Clinton Park, from Davenport av. To Lakeside av.; That part of Huntinton st., from Superior av. To Euclid av.

E. 18th St., SE : Formerly that part of Huntington st., from Euclid av. Southward to Central av.

E. 19th Pl., SE : (Formerly Cheshire al.) From Caton ct. southward to Central Av.

E. 19th St., NE : (Formerly handy st.), from Supe4rior av., southward to Euclid av.

E. 19th St., SE : Formerly (Southward successively) Cheshire st., from Prospect av., to Central av.; Vine st., from Scovill av. To Woodland av.

E. 20th St., NE : Formerly (Southward successively) Ross st., from Davenport av. To St. Clair av.; Collins pl., from Euclid av., northward

E. 20th St., SE : (Formerly Harmon st.) From Central av., southward to Woodlandav.

E. 21st Pl., NE : (Formerly Perry al.) east of E. 21st st., from Payne ct. to Chester

E. 21st St., NE : (Formerly N. Perry st.) From St. Clair av., southward to Euclid av.

E. 21st St., SE : Formerly (Southward successively) Granger st., from Prospect av. To Central av.; Kaufman al., from Central av. To Woodland av.

E. 22d Pl., SE : (Formerly Marion pl.) from Marion av., southward

E. 22d St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Briggs st., from Davenport av. To Lakeside av.; Hazard st., from Superior av. To Chester av.

E. 22d St., SE : (Formerly Perry st.) From Euclid av. Southward to Broadway

E. 23d Pl., NE : (Formerly Commodore al.) East of e. 22d st., from Payne ct. to Chester

E. 23d St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Fuell st., from Lakeside av. To St. Clair av.; Commodore st., from Superior to Chester av.

E. 23d St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Chapel st., from Scovill av., to Woodland av.; Liberal st., from Cherry av. To Broadway

E. 24th Pl., NE : (Formerly Oliver al.) East of E. 23d st., from Payne ct. to Chester

E. 24th Pl., SE : (Formerly Lindhurst ct.) From Central av. Northward

E. 24th St., NE : (Formerly Oliver swt.) From St. Clair av. Southward to Euclid av.

E. 24th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Sked st., from Central av., to Scovill av.; Henry al., from Scovill av., to Woodland av.

E. 25th Pl., NE : (Formerly Minnesota al.) East of E. 24th st., from Payne ct. to Chester

E. 25th Pl., SE : (Formerly North pl.) From St. Clair av. Southward to Chester av.

E. 25th St., NE : (Formerly Minnesota st.) From St. Clair av southward to Chester av.

E. 25th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Cleve st., from Carnegie av. To Cedar av.; Henry st., from Scovill av. To Woodlan av.; Irving st., from Woodland av. To Broadway

E. 26th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Alabama st., from the lake to Payne av.; Hawkins av., from Payne av. To Chester av.

E. 26th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Charles st., from Scovill av. To Woodland av.; Irving al., from Orange south to Pittsburgh; Holly st., from Broadway southward; palmetto st., from Reeves av. To City boundary

E. 27th Pl., SE : (Formerly Garden pl.) From Central av. Northward

E. 27th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Delaware st., from St. Clair av. To Payne av.; Calumet st., from Payne av., to Chester av.

E. 27th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Jackson ct., from Central av. To Woodland av; jackson st., from Woodland av. To Pittsburgh

E. 28th Pl., SE : (Formerly Laurel al.) From Central av. Southward to Scovill av.

E. 28th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Greenwood st., from Carnegie av. To Woodland; Fleming al., from Orange av. To Croton av.

E. 29th St. SE : Formerly (southward successively) Laurel st., from Central av. To Woodland av.; Belmont st., from Woodland av. To Croton av.

E. 30th Pl., SE : (Formerly Newton and Atkinson alleys) From Blair Ct. to Central av., then southward

E. 30th St., NE : Formerly that part of Sterling av., from Hamilton av. Southward to Euclid av.

E. 30th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) that part of Sterling av., from Euclid av. To Woodland av.; Wadsworth st., from Orange av. To Croton av.; Hartford st., from Stillson av. Southward

E. 31st. Pl., NE : (Formerly Sterling ct. and West al.) East of E. 30th st., from Danford ct. to Waring ct.

E. 31st St., NE : (Formerly Waring st.) From St. Clair af., southward to Perkins av.

E. 31st St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Fern st., from Euclid av. To Prospect av.; Newton st., from Cedar av. To Central av.; Mayflower st., from Central av. To Croton av.

E. 32d Pl., NE : (Formerly East al.) East of E. 31st st., from Danford ct. to Waring ct.

E. 32d St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Rossiter st., from St. Clair av. To Superior av.; Danford st., from Superior av. To Payne av.; Hurlbut st., from Payne av. To Perkins av.

E. 32d St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Sago st., from Carnegie av. To Cedar av.; Grove st. from Orange av to Pittsburgh av.

E. 33d St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Lawrence st., from the lake to Payne av.; Everett st., from Payne av. To Perkins av.

E. 33d St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Blair st., from Cedar av. To Central av.; Linden st., from Central av. To Woodland av.; Hunter st., from Erie R. R. to Broadway

E. 34th St., NE : (Formerly Phelps st.) From St. Clair av. Southward to Payne av.

E. 34th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Harper st., from Central av. To Scovill av.; Humboldt st., from Woodland av. To Broadway

E. 35th Pl., SE : (Formerly Arch st.) From Burwell av. Southward to Croton av.

E. 35th St., NE : (Formerly Douglass st.) From payne av., southward

E. 35th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Calvert st., from Cedar av. To Central av.; Longwood av., freom Scovill av. To Woodland av.; Perun st., from Croton av., southward

E. 36th Pl., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Scovill ct., from Central av. To Scovil av.; Back al., from Longwood ct to Moss ct.; forest al., from Trumbull st. south and east to E. 37th st.

E. 36th St., NE : (Formerly Aaron st.) From St. Clair av southward to Payne av.

E. 36th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Hayward st., from Prospect av. To Central av.; Hackman st., from Central av. To Scovill av.; Concord st., from Croton av. To Omega ct.

E. 37th Pl., NE : (Formerly Vermillion st.) From Dayton ct., southward

E. 37th Pl., SE : (Formerly Hygea ct.) From Tustin av. Northward

E. 37th St., NE : (Formerly Buckeye st.) From Payne av., southward

E. 37th St., SE : (Formerly Forest st.) From Cedar av., southward to Broadway

E. 38th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Wason st., from Lake Erie to Payne av.; Dayton st., from Payne av. To Keeley av.

E. 38th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) William st., from Cedar av. To Central av.; Putnam st., from Central av. To Woodland av.; short st., from burwell av. To Corton av.; Catawba st., from Croton av. To Tustin av.

E. 39th Pl., NE : (Formerly Dayton al.) From Webster ct. southward

E. 39th Pl., SE : (Formerly Stokes al.) From Carneie av. Southward to Cedar av.

E. 39th St., NE : (Formerly Clifton st.) From St. Clair av. Southward to Kelley av.

E. 39th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Grant st., from Cedar av. To Central av.; Osborn st., from Central av. To Woodland av.

E. 40th Pl., NE : (Formerly Clifton al.) From Webster ct., southward

E. 40th St., NE : Formerly that part of Case av., from the lake southward to Euclid av.

E. 40th St., SE : Formerly that part of Case av., from Euclid av. Southward to Kingsbury run

E. 41st St., NE : (Formerly Lyman st.) From St.Clair av. Southward to Hough av.

E. 43d Pl., SE : (Formerly Gray st.) From Clark av., southward

E. 43d St., NE : (Formerly McHenry st.) From St. Clair av., southward to Hough av.

E. 43d St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Livingston st., from Cedar av. To Central av.; Beech st., from Central av. To Woodland av.

E. 44th Pl., NE : (Formerly Standard ct.) East of E. 40th st., from Perkins av., southward

E. 44th St., SE : (Formerly Shirley st.) From Sykora rd., northward

E. 45th Pl., SE : (Formerly Wallingford ct.) From Woodland av., southward to Berkley av.

E. 45th St., NE : (Formerly Belden av.) From Lakeside av., southward to Hough av.

E. 45th St., SE : (Formerly Colorado st.) From Roseville ct., southward to Clark av.

E. 46th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Kennard st., from Euclid av. To Woodland av.; Erie st., from Finn av. To Czar av.; Huntin st., intersecting Independence rd.

E. 47th Pl., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Sanford st., from Woodland av. Southward; Cole ct., at west end of Holyoke av.

E. 47th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Aden st., from Finn av. To Czar av.; Athey av., from Chard av. To Independence rd.

E. 48th Pl., SE : (Formerly Woodland ct.) From Woodland av., southward

E. 48th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Ballou st., from Clark av. To Barkwill av.; Strybos st., from Dalton av., southward; Huck av., from Chard av. To Independence rd.

E. 49th Pl., SE : (Formerly Petrie al.) West of E. 49th st., from Czar av. Southward to Barkwill av.

E. 49th St., NE : (Formerly Kirtland st.) From L.S. & M.S. Ty. Southward to Payne

E. 49th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Arlington st., from Cedar av. To Scovill av.; Stranwood st., from Outhwaite av. To Woodland; Beacon st., from Gladstone av. To Myrtle av; Brady st., from Beraun av. To Praba av.; Petrie st., from Broadway to Fleet av.

E. 50th Pl., NE : (Formerly East Court al.) From Harlem ct., southeastward

E. 50th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Paddock pl., from Outhwaite av. To Woodland; Logue st., from Beraun av. To E. 51st st.; McReynolds st., from Dalton av. Southward; Pallister av., from Chard av. To Fleet av.; Raus av., from Fleet av. Southward

E. 51st Pl., NE : (Formerly Asylum ct.) North of Superior av. And east of e. 49th st.

E. 51st Pl., SE : (Formerly Praha al.) From Praha av. Southward to E. 50th st.

E. 51st St., NE : (Formerly Asylum st.) From St. Clair av. Southward to Superior av.

E. 51st St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Sawtell av., from Outhwaite av to Sweeney av.; towl st., from Dalton av., southward

E. 52d St., NE : (Formerly Percival st.) From St. Clair av. Southward to Superior av.

E. 52d St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Weckerling st., from Hamm av to Blanche av.; malmsbury av., from Kirkham av to Fleet av.; Kershaw st., from Fleet av. Southward

E. 53d St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Coe st., from the lake to St. Clair av.; Brunswick st., from St. Clair av. To Superior

E. 53d St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Seelye av., from Woodland av. To Julia av.; Goethe st., from Hamm av. To Blanche av.; Jirousek st., from Eliza av. To Fleet av.; Filo st., from Fleet av., southward

E. 54th Pl., NE : (Formerly Mina st.) From Lake ct. nortward

E. 54th St., NE : (Formerly Keiper st.) From Marquette st., northward

E. 54th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Verona st., from Bower av. To Bragg rd.; Randolph st., from Dolloff rd. to Blanche av.; Seabrook st., from Eliza av to Fleet av.; Hege st., from Fleet av., southward

E. 55th St., NE : Formerly that part of Willson av., from the lake southward to Euclid av.

E. 55th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) That part of Willison from Euclid av to Broadway; S. Willson av., from Mound av. To Harvard av.

E. 56th Pl., NE : (Formerly Storage al.) East of E. 55th st., from Quinby av., southward to Hough av.

E. 56th Pl., SE : (Formerly Denver pl.) From Lufkin av. Southward to Drake av.

E. 56th St., SE : (Formerly Radway st.) From Harvard av. Southward

E. 57th Pl., NE : (Formerly Dent st.) From White av. Northward

E. 57th Pl., SE : (Formerly New st.) East of E. 55th st. from Quincy av., southward

E. 57th St., NE : (Formerly Tennis st.) From Curtiss av. Southward to Euclid av

E. 57th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Van Buren st., from Central av. To Quincy av.; Van Buren al., from Quincy av. Southward,; Foljambe st., from Scovill av. To Outhwaite av.; Alexander av., from Bower av. To Ranker av.; Lufkin st., from the angle to Drake av.; Vergennes st., from Mound av., to Fleet av.; Skinner av., from Fleet av., southward; Warwick st., from Harvard av. to city boundary

E. 58th Pl., NE : (Formerly Sherbrook st.) East of E. 55th st., from Superior av. Northward

E. 58th St., NE : (Formerly Haff st.) From St. clair av., southward to Standard av.

E. 59th Pl., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Rockford st., from Superior av northward; Clara st., from Luther av. To White av.

E. 59th St., NE : (Formerly Olive st.) From Hough av., southward to Euclid av.

E. 59th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) First av., from Central av., to Woodland av.; Ezra st., from Bower av. To Banker av.; That paqrt of Ackley av., from Huss av. To Fleet av.; Thomas st., from Harvard av. To city boundary.

E. 60th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Lyon st., from St. Clair av. To Superior; N. Olive st., from Quimby av. To Hough av.

E. 61st Pl., NE : (Formerly Baker st.) From White av., northward

E. 61st Pl., SE : (Formerly Schiely ct.) From Carnegie av., at C. & P. R. R. crossing northward

E. 61st. St., NE : (Formerly Dana st.) From E. 55th st., southward to Superior av.

E. 61st. St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Lodge al., from Longfellow av. To Central av. To Central av.; Lodge av., from Central av. To Quincy av.; Slater st., from Quincy v. southward; Sheridan st., from Bower av. To Erie R. R.; Weimer st., from Kenyon av. To Fleet av.

E. 62d St., NE : (Formerly Munich st.) From L. S. & M. S. Ry. Northward to St. Clair av.

E. 62d St., SE : (Formerly Nicola st.) From Beaver av. Southward to Kinsman rd.

E. 63d Pl., NE : (Formerly Addison st.) From White av., northward

E. 63d Pl., SE : (Formerly Willcutt al.) West of E. 63d st., from Beaver av. Northward.

E. 63d St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Oxford st., from I. S. & M. S. Ry. To St. Clair; Kilfoyl st., from Glass av. To Carl av.; Kensington st., from Hough av. To Euclid av.

E. 63d St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Richland al., from Thackeray av. To Central av.; Richland av., from Central av. To Quincy av.; Florence st., from Quincy av. To Woodland av.; Willcuctt av., from Woodland av. To Beaqver av.; Evergreen st., from Francis av. to Erie R.R.; Tamworth st., from Heisley av. to Fleet av.

E. 64th Pl., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Ridgeway st., from e 65th st. west and south to C. & P. R. R.; Beaver ct., from Beaver av. southward

E. 64th St., NE : Fromerly (southward successively) Dietmer st., from Spilker av. to St. Clair av.; Light st., from St. Clair av. to Varian av.

E. 64th St., SE : Fromerly (southward successively) Dike st., from Quincy a. to Outhwaite av.; Herbert st., from Kingsbury run to Francis avc.; St. Stanislas st., from Lansing av. southward

E. 65th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) That part of Norwood st., from Superior av. to Hough av.; Dorchester av., from Hough av. to Euclid av.

E. 65th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) (No former name) From Euclid av. to Carnegie av.; Glendale av., from Cedar av. to C. & O. R. R.; That part of Second av., from Central av. to Quincy av.; Chester st., from Woodland av. to Grand a.; Tod st., from Francis av. to Union av. and from Broadway to Lansing av.

E. 66th Pl., Nee : (Formerly St. Clair ct.) From St. Clair av., northward

E. 66th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) That part of Bvliss av., from St. Clair av. to the angle; Dunham av., from Superior av. to Euclid av.

E. 66th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Cemetery st., from Quincy av. to Woodland av.; Grover st., from Wren av. southward; Poorter st., from Hoppensack av. to Bessemer av.; Trot st., from Regent rd. to Union av.; Poland st., from Lansing av. to Warsaw av.; Greenleaf st., from Harvard av. southward; that part of Tod st., from Kazimier av. to Brown st.

E. 67th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Merkel av., from L. S. & M. S. Ry. to St. Clair av.; Ranney av., from St. Clair av. to Bliss av.; N. Dunham av., from Edna av. to Superior av.

E. 67th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Baden av., from Central av. to Quincy av.; Pier st., from Woodland av. to Beaver av.; Amelia st., from Kingsbury run southward; Almond st., from Lederer av., to Rogers av.; Ashbel st., from Broadway to Fleet av.; Possen st., from Worley av., to collier av.; Markham st., from Harvard av. to Clement av.

E. 68th Pl., NE : (Formerly Margaret pl.) East of E. 66th st. from Quinby av. south to Fair st.

E. 68th Pl., SE : (Formerly Ocean al.) East of E. 68th st., from Beaver av. northward.

E. 68th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Lewiston st., from St. Clair av. to Bliss av.; Wilmars st., from Superior av. to Whitney av.; Kirk st., from Hough av. to Lucerne av.

E. 68th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Harriet av., from Cedar av. to Clarkwood rd.; Ocean st., from Woodland a. to Bushnell ct.; Deckand st., from Colfax rd. to Kinsman rd.; Justus st., from Rogers av. southward; Troy st., from Morgan av. to Temple av.; Vistula st., from Harvard av. to Claasen av.

E. 69th Pl., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Iron st., from L.S. & M.S. Ry. to St., Clair; Quinby pl., from Quinby av. southward

E. 69th Pl., SE : (Formerly Geneva al.) From Beaver av., northward

E. 69th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Ruskin st., from St. Clair av. northward; That opart of Peck av., from St. Clair av. to the angle; Edgewood pl., from Hough av. to Euclid av.

E. 69th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Euclid pl., from Euclid av. to Carnegie av.; Jessie st., from Cedar av. to Central av.; Craw av., from C. & P. R. R. south to Quincy; Geneva st., from Woodland av. to Beaver av.; Fenton st., from Colfax rd. to Kinsman rd.; Burlington av., from Kinsman rd. to Roy av. and from Bessemer av., northward; Wheatland st., from Salem av. to Union av.; Ledyard st., from Forman av. to Fleet av.

E. 70th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Hoyt av., from Lake Erie to St. Clair av.; Becker pl., from St. Clair av. to Becker ct.; That paret of Russell av. from Wade Park av.

E. 70th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Irvington st., from Cedar av. to Central av.; Cone st., from Central av. to C. & P. R.R.; Fen st. from C. & P. R.R. to Quincy av.; Sharon st., from Colfax rd. to Kinsman rd.; Manchester av. -- unoccupied; Homewood av., from Morgan av. to Union av.

E. 71st Pl., SE : (Formerly Foote st.) From Grand av. southward

E. 71st St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Becker av., from St. Clair av. to Superior av.; That part of Giddings av., from Wade Park av. to Euclid av.

E. 71st St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) That part of Giddings av., from Euclid av. to Dell av.; B st., from Kinsman rd. to Oakwood av.; Ashton st., from Ivy av. northward; Echo st., from Union av. to Broadway; Marcelline av., from Broadway to city boundary

E. 72d Pl., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Constance st., from St. Clair av. southward; Percy pl., no. of Euclid av., east of E. 71st st.

E. 72d Pl., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Rede al., west of E. 73d st. and south of Cedar; Giddings al., Chamberlain ct. to Montgomery ct.; Mathias pl., from Platt av. to Merrick ct.

E. 72d St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Gordon Park av., from the lake to St. Clair av.; Nora st., from St. Clair av. to Nora ct.

E. 72d St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Lessing st., from Quincy av. to Sherman av.; Fairbanks st., from Colfax rd. to Kinsman rd.; Stoneman st., from Kinsman rd. to Vernon av.; Maplewood st., from Morgan av. to Ivy av.; Wright st., from Union av. to Aetna rd.; Wilcox st., from Fullerton av. to Canton av.; Compton st., from Harvard av. to Claasen av.; Purkyni av., from Deveny av., northward

E. 73d Pl., NE : (Formerly Sell ct.) West of E. 74th st., from Lockyear av. northward

E. 73d Pl., SE : (Formerly Slade Park pl.) From Aetna rd., southward

E. 73d St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Florida st., from L. S. & M. S. Ry. to St. Clair; Spangler av., from Hough av. to Euclid av.

E. 73d St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Brenton st., from Cedar av. to Central av.; Brown st., from Platt av. to Woodland av.; Otis st., from Woodland av. to Dell av.; Wagner av., from Grand av. to the angle; Dickerman st., from Kinsman rd. to Vernon av.; Lilac st., from Morgan av. to Ivy av.; Sacreamento st., from Alice av. to Deveny av.

E. 74th St., NE : (Formerly Hodge av.) From St. Clair av. southward to Superior av.

E. 74th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Plymouth st., from Cedar av. to Central av.; Parker st., from Central av., to Quincy av.; Macedonia st., from Union av. to a point south of Aetna rd.; Elmwood st., from Canton av. to Harvard av.; Reade st., from Harvard av. to Hastings av.

E. 75th Pl., NE : (Formerly Lawnview pl.) Wewst of Addison rd., from Lawnview av., northward

E. 75th Pl., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Mooney's ct., from Central av, northward; Dewald pl., from Platt av. to Merrick ct.; Klee st., from Hillside av. to Colfax pl.

E. 75th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Linnet st., from Bittern av. to St. Clair av.; Ingleside av., from Hough av. to Euclid av.

E. 75th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Judson st., from Quincy av. to Stanton av.; Carr st., from Platt av. to Woodland av.; Herald st., from Woodland to Kingsbury run; Groton st., from Bessemer av. to Aetna rd.; Crosby st., from Canton av. to Worley av; Granite st., from Park av. southward

E. 76th Pl., NE : (Formerly Superior pl.) East of Addison rd., from Superior av., southward

E. 76th St., NE : (Formerly Chandler av.) From L. S. & M. S. Ry. southward to Donald

E. 76th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Brooker av., from Cedar av. to Quincy av.; Guard st., from Woodland av. to Dell av.; Phillips st., from Baqtes av. to Aetna rd.; Fayette st., from Osage av. to Marble av.; Bissell av., from Harvard av. to Park av.

E. 77th Pl., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Bluff st., from Finney av., southward; Goodman ct. at west end of Goodman av.

E. 77th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Collister st., from St. Clair av. to Donald av.; Smiley av., from Superior av. to Star av.

E. 77th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Morse av., from Euclid av. to Carnegie av.; Watkins av., from Carnegie av. to Cedar av.; Lussenden av., from a point north of Central av. to Quincy av.; Wabash av., from Kinsmn rd. to Trenton av.; Cottage st., from Aetna rd. to Marble av.; Benson st., from Maryland av. to Jeffries av.

E. 78th Pl., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Leonette pl., from Superior av. southward; Isham ct., from Wade Park av. southward

E. 78th St., NE : (Formerly malden st.) From St. Clair av. southwaqrd to Donald av.

E. 78th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Kenwood st., from Cedar av. to Madison ct.; Leon st., from Holton av. to Thayer ct.; Rutland st., from Kinsman rd. to Kingsbury run; Axtell st., from Bates av. to Broadway; Axtell pl., from Broadway to Spafford rd.; Valley st., from Harvard av. to Finney av.

E. 79th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Broad av., from L.S. & M.S. Ry. to St. Clair; Woolsey st., from St. Clair av. to Superior av.; Tht part of E. Madison av., from Linwood av. to Euclid av.

E. 79th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) That part of E. Madison av., from Euclid av. to Union av.; Eben st., from Harvard av. to Finney av.; Graves st., from Finney av.; Graves st., from Finney av. southward.

E. 80th Pl., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Robinson av., from Hoffman av. to Superior av.; Aumer ct., from Wade Park av. southward.

E. 80th St., NE : (Formerly Seedle av.) From Superior av. southward to Wade Paqrk av.

E. 80th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) (No former name) From Cedar av. to Golden av.; Stella pl., from Woodland av. northward; Atlantic st., from Kinsman rd. to Bessemer av.; Wageman st., from Union av. to Aetna rd.; Leopold st., from Harvard av. southward.

E. 81st Pl., SE : (Formerly Cedar pl.) From Cedar av. northward

E. 81st St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Marshland av. from Hoffman av. to Superior av.; Beaumont st., from Superior av. to Wade Park av.; Montrose st.,, from Wade Park av. southward; Princeton st., from Linwood av. to Euclid av.

E. 81st St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Hillburn av., from Euclid av. to Carnegie av.; (No former name) From Cedar av. to Golden av.; Mattill pl., from Woodland av. northward; Beckwith av., from Holton av. to Knsman rd.; Fredwill st., frm Preble av. to Avrina av.; Rural st., from Union av. to Aetna rd.; Hooker st., from Harvard av. southward

E. 82d St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) That part of Ansel av., from L.S. & M.S. Ry. to St. clair av.; Kossuth st., from Pulasky av. to Hoffman av.; N. Genesee av., from Hoffman av. to Superior; Genesee av., from Superior av. to Euclid av.

E. 82d St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) S. Genesee av., from Euclid av. to Carnegie av.; (No former name) From Cedar av. to Golden av.; Edwards av., from Central av. to Woodland av.; chadwick st., from Holton av. to Kinsman rd; Burdock st., from Preble av. to Avrina av.; stafford st., from union av. to Aetna rd; Dean pl., from Harvard av. to Hughes av.

E. 83d Pl., SE : (Formerly Evins ct.) From woodland av., southward to Luman av.

E. 83d St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Fancher av. from Hoffman av. to Superior av.; Minerva st., from Linwood av. to Hough av.; N. Lincoln av., from Crawford rd. to Euclid av.

E. 83d St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Lincoln av. from Euclid av. to woodland av.; Garretson aqv., from Rawlings av. to Kinsman rd.; Lockhart st., from Marble av. to Burke av.

E. 84th Pl., SE : (Formerly Luman st.) From Woodland av. southward to Luman av.

E. 84th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Anton st., from Hoffman av. to Superior av.; Van Ness av., from Superior av. to Linwood av.; Tilden av., from Crawford rd. to Euclid av.

E. 84th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Bertram st., from Cedar av. to Quincy av.; Southern av., from Quincy av. to Woodland av.; Vanek st., from Fort av. to Kinsman rd.

E. 85th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Belrose st., from Hoffman av. to Superior av.; Commonwealth av., from Superior to Hough av.

E. 85th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Alanson st., from Cedar av. to Quincy av.; Chase st., from Way av. southward; Waterberry st., from Tioga av. to Connecticut

E. 86th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Ellwood st., from Hoffman av. to Superior av.; Marcy av., from Superior av. to Hough av., Glen Park pl., from Crawford rd. to Euclid av.

E. 86th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Beechwood st., from Cedar av. to Quincy av.; Congress st., from Quincy av. to Buckeye rd.; Wales st., from Harvaqrd avc. northward; Collington st., from Connecticut av. to city boundary

E. 87th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Gloyd st., from Ansel rd. to Superior av.; Brookfield st., from Hough av. to Euclid av.

E. 87th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Vienna st., from Cedar av. to Shelburne ct.; Shelburne st., from Shelburn ct. to Quincy av.; Goulding av., from Woodland av. to Buckeye rd.; Rockland av., from Mt. Auburn to Kinsman rd.; upton st., from Harris av. to Union av.

E. 88th Pl., NE : (Formerly Wilmington st.) From Hough av. southward

E. 88th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Bratenahl av., from St. Clair av., northward; Brookdale st., from Superior to Wade Park av.

E. 88th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Billings av. from Euclid av. to Carnegie av.; Eastdale st., from Shelburne ct. to Quincy aq.; Campbell st., from Union av. to George av.

E. 89th Pl., NE : (Formerly Bolton pl.) From Hough av. northward

E. 89th Pl., SE : (Formerly Given al.) From Quincy av. southward to Folsom av.

E. 89th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Breck av., from Ansel rd. to Superior av.; Claremont st., from Superior to Wade Park av.; that part of Harkness av., from Harkness av., from Harkness rd. to Euclid av.

E. 89th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) That part of bolton av., from Euclid av. to Evarts rd.; Paton st., from St. Catharine av. to Union av.; Elmo st., from Richmond av. to Harvard av.

E. 90th Pl., NE : (Formerly Nansen st.) From Superior av. to Ann ct.

E. 90th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Lindus st., from Superior av. to Wade Park av.; That part of Harkness av., from Harkness rd. to Euclid av.

E. 90th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Bell av., from Euclid av. to Quincy av.; Bismarck av., from Buckeye rd. to Holton av.; Niagara st., from Kinsman rd to Harris av.

E. 91st St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Studley st., from Superior av. to Wade Park av.; Pansie pl., from Wade Park av. to Birchdale av.

E. 91st St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Schiller st., from Holton av. southward; Kingsbury av., from Dickens av. to Kinsman rd.; Sawyer st., from Union av. to Miles Park av.

E. 92d St., NE : (Formerly Shipherd st.) From Superior av. southward to Wade Park av.

E. 92d St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Moyer al., from Frederick av. to Cumberland; Corwin av., from Buckeye rd. to Holton av.; Wilhelm st., from Holton av. southward

E. 93d St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Houghton av., from L.S. & M.S. Ry. to St. clair av.; Park st., from St. Clair av. to Yale av.; Mather st., from Ansel rd. to Wade Park av.; Amesbury av., from Crawford rd. to Euclid av.

E. 93d St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Oakdale st., from Euclid av. to Steinway av.; That part of Woodland Hills av., from Mt. Auburn av. to Broadway

E. 94th Pl., NE : (Formerly Amesbury pl.) From Talbot av. northward

E. 94th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Fifth av., from Carr av. to Lowell avc.; (No former name) From Ansel to Crawford rd.

E. 94th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Atwater st., from Pratt av. to Miles av.; Gates st., from Gorman av. to Broadway

E. 95th St.. NE : Formerly (southward successively) Glenmore av., from St. Clair av. northward; Livingstone av., from St. Clair av. southward; (No former name) From Ansel to Crawford rd.

E. 95th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Burt st., from Cedar av. to Quebec av.; Orlando st., from Sandusky av. to Way av.; Ruggles al., from Harvard av. southward; Ruggles st., from Pratt av. to Miles av.

E. 96th Pl., NE : (Formerly Talbot ct.) West of Ansel rd., from Talbot av. northward

E. 96th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Lewis av., from L.S. & M.S. Ry. to Lowell; Pike st., from Lowell av. southward; somerset av., from St. Clair av. northward

E. 96th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) That part of Logan av., from euclid av. to Cedar av.; Orwig st., from Woodland av. to Steinway av.; Benham ct., from Gibson av. to Benham av.; Clay st., from Sandusky av. to Way av.; Fay st., from Nelson av. to Meech av.; McConnell st., from Miles av. to Farm rd.

E. 97th Pl., SE : (Formerly Sperling st.) East of Woodhill rd., from Elwell av., northward

E. 97th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Trafford st., from L.S. & M.S. Ry. to Lowell; That part of Logan av., from Lamont av. to Eudlid av.

E. 97th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) That part of Logan av. from Cedar av. to Quebec av.; Osgood st., from Sandusky av. to Way av.;Adams st., from Nelson av. to Meech av.

E. 98th Pl., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Bascom st., from Elwell av. northward; Tyson st., from Way av. to Reno av.

E. 98th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Viola st., from Heath av. to Union av.; Sidney st., from Sandusky av. to Way av.; Ames av. from Miles av. southward

E. 99th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Robinson av., from L.S. & M.S. Ry. to St. Clair; Gladmere st., from St. Clair av. southward; Hampden st., from Superior av. northward

E. 99th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Beyer st., from Wamelink av. to Elwell av.; St. Catherine st., from Heath av. to Union av.;

E. 100th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Ludwig st., from St. Clair av. to Garfield av.; Norwich st., from Olivet av. to Superior av.

E. 100th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Streator av., from Euclid av. to Quincy av.; Cadwell st., from Buckeye rd. to Elwell av.; Herron st., from Kinsman rd. southward

E. 101th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Avondale av., from Elk av. to St. Clair av.; Eaton st., from Olivet av. to Superior av.; Republic st., from Ansel rd. to Euclid av.

E. 101th St., SE : (Formerly Sayles st.) From Cedar av. southward to Quebec av.

E. 102d St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Eldridge av., from L.S. & M.S. Ry., to St. Clair av.; Elnora st., from St. Clair av., to Folk av.; Haven st., from South blvd. to Superior av.

E. 102d St., SE : (Formerly Cutler st.) From Euclid av. southward to Wilbur av.

E. 103d St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) John St., from Elk av. to Garfield av.; Lorna st., from Tanner av. to Superior av.

E. 103d St., SE : (Formerly Halsey st.) From Cedar av. southward to Quebec av.

E. 104th Pl., SE : (Formerly Euclid ct.) East of E. 102d st., from Euclid av. southward

E. 105th St., NE : Formerly that part of Doan st., from L.S. & M.S. Ry., southward to Euclid av.

E. 105th St., SE : Formerly that part of Doan st., from Euclid av. southward to Quincy av.

E. 106th Pl., SE : (Formerly Wilbur ct.) From Wilbur av. northward

E. 106th St., NE : Formerly that part of Leuer av., from present Leuer av. southward to Dupont av.

E. 106th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) Centennial st., from Wilbur av. to Cedar av.; Elmside st., from Cedar av. to Frank av.

E. 107th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Adrian st., from Superior av. to Churchill av.; That part of Fairmount st., from Park la. to Euclid av.

E. 107th St., SE : Formerly (southward successively) That part of Fairmount st., from Euclid av. to Wilbur av.; Stark st., from Wilbur av. to Cedar av.

E. 108th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Park al., from Grantwood av. to Olivet av.; Almira st., from Zhathaway avf to Churchill av.; Cactus dr., from Lee av. to Park Blvd. dr.

E. 109th Pl., NE : (Formerly Glenview pl.) From Glenview av. northward

E. 109th St., SE : (Formerly Mariner st.) From Deering av. southward to Fairchild av.

E. 110th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) That part of Lakeview av., from St. Clair av. northward; Oakwood av., from Superior av. to Ashbury av.

E. 111th Pl., SE : (Formerly Reader ct.) From Fairmount rd. southward

E. 111th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Melvin st., from Primrose av. to Ashbury av.; Lotus la., from Ashbury av. to Wade Park av.

E. 112th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Bruce st., from Primrose av. to Superior av.; Cullison st., from Superior av. to Ashbury av.

E. 113th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Lovina av., from St. Clair av. southward; Wallace st., from Primrose av. to Superior av.

E. 114th Pl., NE : (Formerly Crawford ct.) From Ashbury av. northward

E. 114th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Seabright av., from St., Clair av. northward; That part of Rosedale av., from Lakeview rd. to Superior av.; Lawndale av., from Superior to Knowlton av.

E. 114th St., SE : (Formerly Caswell st.) From Fairchild av. southward to Cedar av.

E. 115th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Victoria av., from St. Clair av. northward; Lowrie av., from St. Clair av. southward; That part of Rosedale av., from Superior av. to Euclid av.

E. 115th St., SE : (Formerly Knox st.) From Mayfield rd. southward to Cornell rd.

E. 116th St., NE : (No former name) From Kelton av. southwarad to Ashbury av.

E. 116th St., SE : (Formerly Nantucket av.) From Euclid av. southward to Mayfield rd.

E. 117th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Wshington blvd., from St. Clair av. northward; Ellen av., from St. Clair av. southward; Cloverdale av., from Superior av. to Beulah av.; Ridgewood st., from Wade Park av. to Euclid av.

E. 117th St., SE : (Formerly Luceil st.) From Euclid av. southward to Mayfield rd.

E. 118th St., NE : (Formerly Anndale st.) From Ashbury av. southward to Euclid av.

E. 119th St., SE : (Formerly Newburn sdt.) From coltman rd. southward to Mayfield rd.

E. 120th St., NE : (Formerly Oakland st.) From Superior av. southward to Hazel av.

E. 120th St., SE : (Formerly East End av.) From Coltman rd. southward to Mayfield rd.

E. 121st St., SE : Formerly that part of Coltman st., from the angle southward to Mayfield rd.

E. 122d St., NE : (Formerly elmdale st.) From Ashbury av. southward to Hazel av.

E. 123d St., NE : Formerly ( southward successively) Hazeldell av., north and south from St. Clair; Ellendale st., from Castlewood av. to Lakeview rd.; McKinley st., from Cheapside av. to Hazel av.

E. 123d St., SE : (Formerly Carabelli st.) From Euclid av. southward to Mayfield rd.

E. 124th Pl., SE : (Formerly Mayfield pl.) From Mayfield rd. northward

E. 124th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Mapleleaf av., from St. Clair av. northward; Dickinson av., from St. Clair av., southward; Archer st., from Phillips av. to Auburndale rd.

E. 125th St., SE : (Formerly Fairview av.) From Mayfield rd. southward to the angle

E. 126th St., NE : (Formerly Lonsdale av.) From Penobscot av. southward

E. 126th St., SE : (Formerly Rome ct.) From Mayfield rd. northward

E. 127th St., NE : (Formerly Dewey av.) From Penobscot av. southward

E. 128th St., NE : Formerly (southward successively) Calhoun st., from St. Clair av. to Penobscot av.; Euclid View av., from Penobscot av. to Woodland av.

E. 129th St., NE : (Formerly Winona st.) See Map (Map unavailable)

E. 130th St., NE : (Formerly Oswego st.) See Map (Map unavailable)

E. 131th St., NE : (Formerly Oneida st.) See Map (Map Unavailable)

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Lorraine "Sunny" Newsome, my co-coordinator, passed away recently. Shortly afterwards this site was attacked by a MALWARE. When it was discovered, the site was appropriately shut down by Rootsweb. Non-infected files have been uploaded but in the process some files were lost as they were ones Sunny had worked on and I did not have copies at all or have outdated copies. Please let me know about any missing or broken links.
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