Historical Overview and Pioneer Names

Historical overview of Allen County...

    Allen County was formed April 1, 1820, from Indian Territory, and named in honor of a Col. Allen, of the war of 1812; it was temporarily attached to Mercer county for judicial purposes. The southern part has many Germans. A large part of the original settlers were of Pennsylvania origin. The western half of the county is flat, and presents the common features of the Black Swamp. The eastern part is gently rolling, and in the southeastern part are gravelly ridges and knolls. The "Dividing Ridge" is occupied by handsome, well-drained farms, which is in marked contrast with much of the surrounding county, which is still in the primeval forest condition. Its area is 440 square miles.

   The population in 1830 was 578; 1850, 12,116; 1860, 19,185; 1880, 31,314, of whom 25,625 were Ohio born, 3 were Chinese, and 4 Indians.

    The initial point in the occupancy of the county by the whites was the building of a fort on the west bank of the Auglaize in September, 1812, by Col. Poague, of Gen. Harrison's army, which he named in honor of his wife Fort Amanda. A ship-yard was founded there the next year, and a number of scows built by the soldiers for navigation on the Lower Miami, as well as for the navigation of the Auglaize, which last may be termed one of the historical streams of Ohio, as it was early visited by the French, and in its neighborhood were the villages of the most noted Indian chiefs; it was also on the route of Harmer's, Wayne's, and Harrison's armies.

    The fort was a quadrangle, with pickets eleven feet high, and a block-house at each of the four corners. The storehouse was in the centre. A national cemetery was established here, where are seventy-five mounds, the graves of soldiers of the war of 1812.

    Among the first white men who lived at this point was a Frenchman, Francis Deuchoquette. He was interpreter to the Indians. It was said he was present at the burning of Crawford, and interfered to save the unfortunate man. He was greatly esteemed by the early settlers for his kindly disposition. In 1817 came Andrew Russell, Peter Diltz, and William Van Ausdall; and in 1820 numerous others.

Allen County, Ohio Men in the Civil War

1875 Allen County, Ohio Business References

1880 Allen County, Ohio Patrons' Business References

Henry Howe's History of Ohio--Allen County

Early Settlers and Pioneers 
of Allen County

Early Mennonite Settlers
of Allen County