A variety of authors starting with the letter "M" Sources |
Each "table" has full bibliography of source(s) by an individual group or individual author. |
- TITLE: Old Dutchess forever! : The story of an American county Henry Noble MacCracken
- AUTHORS: MacCracken, H. N. (Henry Noble), b. 1880
- PUBLISHED: New York : Hastings House, [c1956]
Dutchess County (N.Y.) -- History
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: viii, 503 p. : maps (on lining papers) ; 22 cm.
- NOTES: "Bibliographical notes": p. 484-496.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: David Morton (1772?-1842) of Eaton, Madison County, New York and some of his descendants / by Duncan M. MacIntyre
- AUTHORS: MacIntyre, Duncan M.
- PUBLISHED: Trumansburg, N.Y. : D.M. MacIntyre, 1991 (Interlaken, N.Y. : Heart of the Lakes Publishing)
Morton, David, 1772?-1842
Morton family (David Morton, 1772?-1842)
Eaton (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
Madison County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 298 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
- NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and index.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: The Argyle Patent and its early settlers / by James MacNaughton, Jr.
- AUTHORS: MacNaughton, James
- PUBLISHED: Hopkinsville, KY : The Sleeper Co., c1999.
Argyle (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
Argyle (N.Y.) -- History
Argyle (N.Y.) -- Biography
Washington County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
Washington County (N.Y.) -- History
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: vi, 485 p. : maps ; 28 cm.
- NOTES: Includes indexes.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: A documentary history of Yonkers, New York / by Joseph P. Madden
- AUTHORS: Madden, Joseph P.
- PUBLISHED: Bowie, MD : Heritage Books, 1992-
Registers of births, etc. -- New York (State) Yonkers
Yonkers (N.Y.) -- History Sources
Yonkers (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: v. : ill., maps ; 21 cm.
- NOTES: Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
- CONTENTS: v. 1. The formative years, 1820-1852
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Canandaigua Pioneer Cemetery, Canandaigua, New York / by Clyde M. Maffin
- AUTHORS: Maffin, Clyde M.
- PUBLISHED: s.n., 1969.
Canandaigua Pioneer Cemetery -- Cemeteries -- Recordings
Ontario County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
Canandaigua (N.Y.) -- History
Canandaigua (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
- TITLE: Index to the History of Ontario County, New York ... : edited by George S. Conover, compiled by Lewis Cass Aldrich / index compiled by Clyde M. Maffin and Dorothy E. Maffin
- AUTHORS: Maffin, Clyde M.
Maffin, Dorothy E.
- PUBLISHED: Canandaigua, N.Y. : Published by the Office of the Ontario County Historian, 1984.
Ontario County (N.Y.) -- History, Indexes
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: iii, 129 p. ; 28 cm.
- NOTES: Cover title.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Genealogy and local history materials in the Tompkins County NY Public Library / compiled by Virginia Maharry
- AUTHORS: Maharry, Virginia
- PUBLISHED: Ithaca, N.Y. : Tompkins County Public Library, 1988.
Tompkins County Public Library (Ithaca, N.Y.) -- Catalogs
Genealogy -- Bibliography
Tompkins County (N.Y.) -- History -- Sources
Ithaca (N.Y.) -- History -- Sources
- NOTES: Published to commemorate the Ithaca Centennial. Cover title.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: William Reid, Esq. : loyalist, patriot, pioneer / by Reid A. Mahaffy
- AUTHORS: Mahaffy, Reid A.
- PUBLISHED: Rochester, NY : Red Cat Press, 1999.
- EDITION: 1st ed.
Reed family
Reid family
Reid, William, 1738-1833
American loyalists -- New York (State) -- Washington County -- Biography
Scottish Americans -- New York (State)
Washington County (N.Y.) -- History
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 71 p. : ill., maps ; 26 cm.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Index to marriages and deaths in the New York herald / compiled by James P. Maher
- AUTHORS: Maher, James P.
- PUBLISHED: Baltimore : Genealogical Pub. Co., c1987.
Reprint: Baltimore : Genealogical Pub. Co., 1991.
New York herald -- Indexes
Registers of births, etc. -- New York (State)
New York (State) -- Genealogy
- CONTENTS: v.1. 1835-1855 -- v.2. 1856-1863.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Landmarks of Rochester and Monroe County : a guide to neighborhoods and villages / by Paul Malo ; photographs by Hans Padelt and others
- AUTHORS: Malo, Paul
Padelt, Hans
Landmark Society of Western New York
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, N.Y. : Syracuse University Press, 1974.
Architecture -- New York (State) -- Monroe County
Historic sites -- New York (State) -- Monroe County
Architecture -- New York (State) -- Monroe County
Historic sites -- New York (State) -- Rochester
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 277 p. : maps, photos ; 21 cm.
- NOTES: Landmark Society of Western New York, Sponsor. Bibliography: p. 252-255.
- SERIES: York State Book
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Cattaraugus County: embracing its agricultural society, newspapers, civil list, biographies of the old pioneers (with portraits) colonial and state governors of New York; names of towns and post offices, with the statistics of each town / compiled by John Manley
- AUTHORS: Manley, John, ed.
- PUBLISHED: Little Valley, N.Y. : J. Manley, 1857 (New York : Hosford & Co.)
Cattaraugus County (N.Y.)
Cattaraugus County (N.Y.) -- Biography
Cattaraugus County Agricultural and Horticultural Society
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 136 p., [9] leaves of plates : ports.
- NOTES: Advertisements included in paging. Microfiche. Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms International, 1985. 2 microfiches ; 11 x 15 cm. (Genealogy and local history ; LH 2951).
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: A military history of Monroe County, New York / by Philip G. Maples
- AUTHORS: Maples, Philip G.
- PUBLISHED: [Brockport, N. Y. : s. n., 196- ]
Monroe County, N. Y. -- History, Military
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: v. : ill., maps, port.
- CONTENTS: pt. 1. The French influence, 1612-1687.-- pt. 3. Charlotte to St. David's, 1812-1814.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: A forgotten people : discovering the black experience in Suffolk County / Grania Bolton Marcus
- AUTHORS: Marcus, Grania Bolton
Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities
- PUBLISHED: Setauket, N.Y. : Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities, c1988.
African Americans -- New York (State) -- Suffolk County -- History
Slavery -- New York (State) -- Suffolk County -- History -- Sources
Slaves -- New York (State) -- Suffolk County -- Biography
Suffolk County (N.Y.) -- History
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: vi, 152 p. : ill., facsims., port. ; 28 cm.
- NOTES: Includes bibliography (p. 150-152) and glossary.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: From Scranton to Cadosia along the N.Y.O. & W. Ry. Co. / Stephen A. Marder
- AUTHORS: Marder, Stephen A.
- PUBLISHED: [Shillington PA?] : New Visions Digital Publishing, c1998.
New York, Ontario, and Western Railway Co.
Railroads -- Pennsylvania -- History
Railroads -- New York (State) -- History
Wayne County (N.Y.) -- History
Delaware County (N.Y.) -- History
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: xii, 65 p. : ill., maps, port. ; 28 cm.
- NOTES: "A Wayne County bicentennial project" - title page. Includes bibliography.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Turneys of Fairfield County, Connecticut; Chautauqua County, New York; Ingham County, Michigan; Fulton, Hancock, and Tazewell Counties, Illinois; Burt, Hall, Merrick, Pawnee, and Richardson Counties, Nebraska; and San Luis Obispo County, California / by Lynn Marks
- AUTHORS: Marks, Lynn, 1946-
- PUBLISHED: [Phoenix, Ariz. : The Author, c1997.
Turney family
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: vii, 250 leaves ; 28 cm.
- NOTES: Cover title. Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Marshall family papers, 1849-1898
- AUTHORS: Marshall family
- SUMMARY: Manuscript books and letters on genealogy of the Marshall family, with the first record given as 898 in Normandy, thence through English history, pilgrim English, and pioneer American history, in Oneida County (N.Y.) and Windsor Connecticut; many collateral branches cited, including Henry Ward Beecher, Chief Justice John Marshall, General U. S. Grant, and the Griswold family.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: The Roses of Geneva / by Verne M. Marshall
- AUTHORS: Marshall, Verne M.
- PUBLISHED: Interlaken, N.Y. : Windswept Press, 1993.
Rose family
New York -- Genealogy
Geneva (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 158 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Carl Bornemann's regiment : the Forty-first New York Infantry (Dekalb Regt.) in the Civil War / by David G. Martin ; based on original research by Irene F. Brummerstedt ; maps by John Heiser
- AUTHORS: Martin, David G.
- PUBLISHED: Hightstown, N.J. (P.O. Box 730, Hightstown 08520) : Longstreet House, 1987.
United States. Army. New York Infantry Regiment, 41st (1861-1865)
New York (State) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Regimental histories
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Regimental histories
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- German Americans
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Participation, German
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: xvi, 323 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
- NOTES: Includes index.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: The lands of the Painted Post / John H. and Phyllis G. Martin
- AUTHORS: Martin, John H., 1922-
Martin, Phyllis G.
- PUBLISHED: [S.l.] : John H. and Phyllis G. Martin, c1993
New York (State) -- History
Chemung County (N.Y.) -- History
Painted Post (N.Y.) -- History
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 113 p. : ill., maps ; bibl.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Mystery Manor
- AUTHORS: Masi, Doris Horender, 1916-
- PUBLISHED: Schuyler, N.Y. : Canal Side Publishers, c1999.
Cullen (N.Y.) -- History
Herkimer County (N.Y.) -- History
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 78 p. ; 22 cm.
- NOTES: Cover title.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: A record of the descendants of Robert Mason, of Roxbury, Mass. : including representatives at Dedham, Medfield, Northfield, Barre, Worcester, Sturbridge, Medway, Shrewsbury, Hubbardstown, Boston, Mass., New York City, Orange, N.J. / William L. Mason
- AUTHORS: Mason, William L. (William Lyman), b. 1847
- PUBLISHED: Milwaukee : [s.n.], 1891 (Milwaukee : Burdick, Armitage & Allen)
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 8 p., 9-35 leaves, 36-39 p. ; 24 cm.
- NOTES: Call number of original: CS71.M41 1891. Master microform held by: DLC. Microfilm. Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress Photoduplication Service, 1984. 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Genealogical gleanings from newspapers of Cuba, Allegany County, New York 1866 through 1882 / compiled by Marcia Zeeb Masser
- AUTHORS: Masser, Marcia Z.
- PUBLISHED: Cary, N.C. : Author, c1994.
Registers of births, etc. -- New York (State) -- Allegany County
Allegany County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
Genealogy -- New York (State) -- Allegany County
New York (State) -- Genealogy
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 280 p. : map ; 28 cm.
- NOTES: Includes index. Compiled from microfilms. Newspapers covered: The Cuba True Patriot, The Cuba Patriot, The Cuba Daily News, The Cuba Evening Review.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: The refugees of 1776 from Long Island to Connecticut
- AUTHORS: Mather, Frederic Gregory, 1844-1925
- PUBLISHED: Albany, N.Y. : J.B. Lyon, 1913.
New York (State) -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783
Connecticut -- History--Revolution, 1775-1783
Long Island (N.Y.) -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783
New York (State) -- Genealogy
Connecticut -- Genealogy
Long Island (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 1204 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
- webmaster's note: listed on Kings, Queens & Suffolk county & rw pages
- TITLE: The refugees of 1776 from Long Island to Connecticut / by Frederic Gregory Mather
- AUTHORS: Mather, Frederic Gregory, 1844-1925
- PUBLISHED: Bowie, Md. : Heritage Books, 1990.
New York (State) -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783
Connecticut -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783
Long Island (N.Y.) -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783
New York (State) -- Genealogy
Connecticut -- Genealogy
Long Island (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 2 v. (1204 p.) : ill., maps (1 folded) ; 21 cm.
- NOTES: Facsim. reprint. Originally published: Albany, N.Y. : J.B. Lyon, 1913.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Civil War veterans in and around Allegany County, New York / by Calvin Matteson
- AUTHORS: Matteson, Calvin
- PUBLISHED: Kearney, NE. : Morris Publishing, c2000.
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Registers
New York (State) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Registers
New York (State) -- Genealogy
Registers of births, etc. -- New York (State)
Soldiers -- New York (State) -- Genealogy
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 1 v. (unpaged) : ill., ports., photos. ; 29 cm.
- NOTES: Cover title.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Voices from the front line : New York's African American statesmen of the Underground Railroad Freedom Trail and the United States Colored Troops organized in the Empire State, 1863-1865, roll call: men of the 20th USCT and 26th USCT / introductory essay and research guide by Harry Bradshaw Matthews ; undergraduate research assistance provided by Haidy Pena
- AUTHORS: Matthews, Harry Bradshaw
- PUBLISHED: Oneonta, N.Y. : Hartwick College, c2000.
African Americans -- New York (State) -- History
Underground railroad -- New York (State)
Fugitive slaves -- New York (State)
Fugitive slaves -- United States
United States. Colored Troops -- History
New York (State) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Participation, African American
New York (State) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- African Americans
New York (State) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- African Americans -- Registers
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Participation, African American
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- African Americans
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- African Americans -- Registers
United States. Army -- African American troops -- History -- 19th century
African American soldiers -- New York (State) -- History
African American soldiers -- New York (State) -- Registers
New York (State) -- Genealogy
African Americans -- Genealogy
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 193 p. ; 28 cm.
- NOTES: ". . . official introduction to the United States Colored Troops Institute for Local History and Family Research at Hartwick College." - copyright page. Includes bibliography and index.
- TITLE: Honoring New York's forgotten soldiers : African Americans of the Civil War : with research examples A-Z : a case study in historiographic genealogy / by Harry Bradshaw Matthews
- AUTHORS: Matthews, Harry Bradshaw
- PUBLISHED: Oneonta, N.Y. : Hartwick College, c1998
New York (State) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Participation, African American
New York (State) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Participation, African
American -- Research -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
African American soldiers -- New York (State)
African American soldiers -- New York (State) -- Research -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Participation, African American
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Participation, African
American -- Research -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
New York (State) -- Genealogy -- Research -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
African Americans -- New York (State) -- History
African Americans -- Genealogy
Delaware County (N.Y.) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Participation, African American
Otsego County (N.Y.) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Participation, African American
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: v, 69 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.
- NOTES: Title taken from cover. Includes bibliographical references (p. 56-63) and soldier index.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.

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