Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site
Send your Schoharie County related genealogical query for posting on the web site's query pages directly to Doug Boyer, put "SCHOHARIE" in subject line along with your surname. Please keep query relatively short and focused, following format example below. Also state families' connection to Schoharie County or it will not be posted.
An email message will be sent to all query submitters every six months or so to check for validity of email addresses. To obtain best results from your query, please send any change of address immediately to: Doug Boyer
HALLENBECK - Looking for information about the ancestry of Alida C. HALLENBECK, b. abt 1832. She was married to Cornelius D. SNYDER, who died in 1864 at Andersonville, GA prison. They lived in Broome and were the parents of Maranda (b. 1850), Caroline (b. 1852), Maria Catharine (b. 1854), Charles H. (b. 1856), Christina (b. abt 1856), Lorenzo (b. 1859), Levi (b. 1862), and Mary Catharine (b. 1864). Any information will be appreciated. Doug Boyer
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