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Schoharie County Mailing List Archives
At this web-site is information that may be helpful to those of you who are researching ancestors who lived in Schoharie County. When you enter this site, you will find yourself immersed not only in a genealogical journey, but in a journey through the history of Schoharie. Enjoy the trip!
Submissions for the Schoharie NYGenWeb Site
Please do not send personal research requests to Doug. Post requests of this nature to the Schoharie email LIST, or submit them as queries for posting on the Query Pages of this web-site.
Materials On This Web-Site
External Links
Links to external web sites are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or approval of any of the products, services or opinions contained in any external web site.
This web-site is a cooperative effort of those with a strong interest in
the history of
Schoharie County and genealogies of its early settlers.
Thanks to the following for helping to make this site so successful.
Assistants for preparation of electronic files
Sarah Sweeney, Richard Fox, Roger Smith, Doug Boyer, Jan Sanford, Jo Orvik, Wendy Kirkland Wilkerson,
Lisa Dougherty, Sharon Illies, Ronda Brewster Walker, Peter Ann Stenberg, Jim Newman,
Rick & Judy Kohler, Rusty Okoniewski, Frank Lemily, Nancy E McNicol
Penny Terk, David MacDonald, Norman R. Brown, Ann Palmer, Darwina Michael,
Ellie Collins, Jan Cortez, Bob DeRocher, Linda Tutt, Sue Kenyon, & Tim Brisley
Lookup Volunteers
Ernie Miles, Mike Brown , Teena "Mayham" Schroeder, Barb Hurst, Peter Ann Stenberg,
Keith Mickel,
George Conklin, Jim Myers, Pat Hults, Judy Lockwood, Ann Palmer,
Franklyn C. Ingram, James A Cross, Jan Alpert, and Doug Boyer
Joel A. Miele, Sr., P.E. Commissioner, The City of New York Department of Environmental
Edward J. Stanton, A.C.E. Manager, Office of Claims;
BSA Eagle Project of Christopher J. Lindemann, Troop 5,
Cobleskill, NY;
Eagle Scout Project of Bobby Poulsen, Troop 5, Cobleskill, NY;
Gary Abrams, Vernon C. Aldrich, DMM Allen, Joseph Amodeo, Martha Aney,
Donna M Ashbery, Charles Bailey, Nancy Barone,
Paul S. Barrett, Nancy (McCann) Bartholomew-Seltzer, Bill Bartow, Marlene Bassett, Warren Beaven, Steve Beckwith, Jerry Beeman, Dave Bellinger, Claudia Bement, Candy Bender,
Michael A. Bernstein, Craig Biegen, Genevieve Birchard, Carol Bradford, Tony
Nranfort, Bryan Braun, Henry Bray, Happy Brewster, DeForest Brooker, Jake Brouwer,
Karen Brown, Mark Brown, Norman R. Brown,
Scot Brunick, Jim Burns, Barbara Busharis, Catherine Caiazzo, Kathryn Campbell,
Sally Carrier, Marilyn Casson, Betty M. Chichester,
Carrie Chovan, Marianne Churchill, Don Chrysler, Karna Coffman, Brenda
Collins, Janet Post Coons, Michael Cornell, Howard Crapser, Kit Crumpton, Karen
Cuccinello, Karen Dakan, Sheila Dent, Luren Dickinson, Lisa Dougherty,
Lori Driver, Shelly
Duncan, Alexander Durant, Kathy Dzewaltowski, Mary Eldridge, Nadine & Donald Felter,
Jackie Fenby, Jean Z Ferrull, Jeanne Finley, Cathy Fisher, Sid Fisher,
Diane Frazier, Tonya Frickey, Josephine Fuller,
Lynn Gallup, Rebecca Garrlentini, Harriet Collins
Geywits, Joe Giannetto, Juanita Giles, Arlene Goodwin, Jean Gossman, Janet
Grace, Carol Grainger, Wanda Greathouse, Kimberly Paradis Grimes,
Scott Hager, Theodora Mereness Haines, Vern Hall,
Armadine Handy, Ann M. Hanford, Betty and David Harvey, Allison Haskins, Mary Ellen Haugen, Byron R. Hawley, Gayle Hendren, Lester Hendrix,
David A. Henry, Cathy (Herron) Hickok, Dorothy Bruce Hicock,
Kathryn Hill, Helen Hills, David and Joyce Horney, Lance W. Ingmire, Franklyn C. Ingram,
Steve Irvin, John A. Jackson, James Jimenez, Bonnie Jones, Emory Joslin, Owen Kaser, Cindy Kastler,
Marallyn Kenagy, Susan Kenyon, Lawrence Kestenbaum, Sharon King, Judy Knapp, Sue Knost,
Ed Kohinke, Diane Korf, Carol Kristen-Burns, Tim Krystopa, Mara Kugler,
Fred and Fran Lamb, Joe Landrin, Liz Lang, Jeff Lape,
Karl Lehenbauer, Laura Livingston, Cynthia Miles Lewis, Alison Ligman, Judy Lockwood, Jennifer Beam Logan,
John A Losee, Edward MacDonald, Maggie Madden, Martha Magill, Tim Mallery, Patrick Mann, Kathy
Manning, Jim Markle, Carolyn Martin, Dick Martin, Beatrice Mattice, Sean
MacDonald, Debbie
McMurry, Kathy (Caprio) McNamara, Nancy E
McNicol, Ejvor Mercley,
Keith D. Mickel, Bruce Miers, Jo Miller, Pam Moffat, T. R. Moore,
Judy Morgan, A.G. & Judy Morris, Jeanne Morris, Sandra Mount, Ellen Murphy, Kim Myers,
Colleen Mysliwiec, Joan Naegele, Paul Nance, Ernest Nelson, Richard Nesbitt, Pam
Newton, Thelma Nichols,
Susan Norris, Angeles Oakes, Linda Ogborn, Gary Ovitt, Julie Pacatte, Ann Palmer, Cheryl Parsons,
Dave J Paul, Robert Paul, Kim Peine, Warren Pickett,
Laura Pisano, Matthew Porter, Alice Puffer, Kevin S. Raatz, Beverly Radez, Corky Reed, Pat Ritrovato, Cindy Robinson, Daniel Robinson, Linda Robinson,
JoAnn Rockefeller, Linda A. Roorda, Mickey Ruiz, Sally S., Elsie Saar,
Tamara Sanford, Karen Schempp, Barry Schinnerer, George Scholhamer, Teena (Mayham)
Harriett Schultz, G. Todd Schulz, Jeff Schadl, Jeff Scism, Ernie Shea,
Richard A. Sherman, Shirley Skerritt, Frank Skidmore, Debby (Purcell) Skinner, Mallory Smith, Roger Smith, Peg Sokoll,
Peg Sponable, David Stearns, Sandy Borst Steele, Peter Ann Stenberg, Dan Stifflear, David Stott, Fred
Swart, Deborah Southworth Sweet, Russ Tallman, Penny Terk, Kathleen M.
Thomas, Gloria Trommler, Barbara Tucker, Bernadette VanBuren, Sylvia Van Houten, Helen Vedder, Glenn & Uvonne Warner, Roberta Kling Warren, Walt Warren,
Wayne E Weatherwax,
Vicki Van Schaick Weinman, Laura Westfall, Lorraine Whiting, Bonnie Bouck
Wilson, Lois Woody, Patricia C. Wright, Mindy Henningson Wroten,
Daniel Wyatt, LeRoy J Youngs,
Roy Youngs, and to all who have submitted queries, offers to share family data, comments and
Project Assistants Coordination and maintenance of this Schoharie County web-site ORIGINAL SITE DESIGN AND COORDINATION
BY JOYCE RIEDINGER � copyright 1996-2017
Karen Dakan
Dick Martin
Doug Boyer
This Schoharie County Web-Site
is part of the
NYGenWeb Project & the USGenWeb Project.
Master County List
Doug Boyer
and each contributor and author of materials herein
All rights reserved