Deeds in Oswego Co., N.Y.  

Deed Notice

Columbian Gazette, Utica, Tuesday, May 5, 1812 

In Chancery-State of New York
Silas Talbot vs George Scriba:
In pusuance of a decre____al order of this honorable cause, will be sold at public vendes under the directions of the subscriber, at the Tontine Coffee-house in the city of New York, on Monday the 8th day of June next, at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day, forty-five thousand acres of land, situated in Scriba's Patent, in the county of Oneida and State of New York, and is described on a map of said lands by Benjamin Wright, esquire, surveyor, as lying in township numbers six and twelve in said patent, a copy of which said map will be exhibited at the Coffee-house previous to, and on the day of sale.
P. G. HILDRITH, Master in Chan'y
March 1, 1812                    '68 - 3 mo. 

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