Round Top Cemetery


Provided by Norma Bodratti and transcribed by Scott Wichmann.

Annual meeting called to order at 8:15 P.M. Nov. 20, 1968.

            Merton Whitcomb made motion that John South be chairman, seconded by Alice Hale, voted & carried.  Claire Warrings asked to take minutes until new Secretary is elected.

            Officers to be elected are Treasurer, Secretary and 3 trustees.  Alice Hale, treas. and Al King Secretary wish to resign.  Al King made a motion that Ralph Phoenix, Delbert Higgins and Harold Yeadon succeed themselves for the next 3 years as trustees, term to expire at annual meeting held in Dec. 1971.  Ralph Phoenix wishes to resign, Johnny Kuenes asked to fill in.  Ovida Meyer appointed trustee to fill unexpired term of 1 year for George Cochran.  Alice Hale made motion that Secretary cast one ballot—motion carried.

            At this time lot owners meeting closed and trustee meeting started.

                                                Respectfully Submitted
                                                            Claire Warrings



                                                                         10451 – 113th Street,|
                                                                         Richmond Hill, L. I.

                                                                                                            August 5, 1927

Round Top Cemetery, Inc.
Round Top, New York

                                                                        Attention of Mr. F. H. Jones, Treas.


            Enclosed you will find check covering amount called for in the Will of Sarah H. Miller, Deceased.

            Following is the section of the Will concerning the cemetery-

            “I give to “Round Top Cemetery” of Town of Cairo, New York, One Hundred Dollars, upon trust, however to apply the income arising therefrom for the perpetual care of the Smith-Miller plot therein.”

            Thanking you in advance for your kind attention to the above matter, I remain

                                                                        Yours very truly,

                                                                        Lillie F. Burr (signature) 

The annual meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Association was held pursuant to public and private notice at the Roundtop M. E. Church on November 21st 1911 meeting was called to order with the President John W. Fiero as chairman.

On motion the report of the President was presented and accepted.

On motion S. M. Jones, J. B. Edgerly and J. W. Fiero were chosen Directors for three years.

On motion Board of Directors proceeded to elect officers for ensuing year as follows.

For President for one year:  John W. Fiero

For Vice President “  “ “   :  C. P. Johnson

For Treasurer   “     “    “   :  S. M. Jones

For Secretary   “     “     “  :  J. B. Edgerly

On motion meeting was adjourned to third Tuesday in November 1912.

                                                J. B. Edgerly, Secretary

At a meeting of the Directors Roundtop Cemetery, Inc. held Oct. 11th 1912 a resolution was unanimously adopted that an effort be made to create and establish a fund the interest theron to be used for maintaining said Cemetery in good condition.  To this end it was also resolved that an appeal be made to all lot owners and other interested parties to contribute to such fund, and further that Peter Fiero be authorized to formulate such appeal and copies be prepared in circular letter form be placed in hands of the Secretary and be sent to all such parties whose address is known or can be ascertained.

                                                                                    J. B. Edgerly, Secretary

At a special meeting of Round Top Cemetery on October 27th 1914 the following Directors being present John W. Fiero President James B. Edgerly Secretary Floyd F. Jones Treasurer, Walter Schoonmaker, Percival Johnson, E. Burdette Whitcomb, John H. Titus.  On motion of Floyd F. Jones the following resolutions were unanimously adopted.


WHEREAS, it has been the desire and purpose of the Round Top Cemetery to establish a fund, the income only of which shall be used for the care, maintenance, betterment and preservation of the Round Top Cemetery, situate at Round Top, Greene County, and

WHEREAS, certain gifts and bequests have been made to said Round Top Cemetery with the understanding and belief that said gifts and bequests shall be held in trust and the income only used for the purposes aforesaid,

RESOLVED, That a Trust Fund be created in perpetuity and to be known as the “Round Top Cemetery Endowment Fund”.  That all gifts and bequests now in the possession of said Cemetery, and which may be received at any future time be deposited in the said fund, the income only to be used for the purposes aforesaid, and that the depository of said fund shall be the Catskill Savings Bank, Catskill, New York, subject to withdrawal from said bank by the president, Secretary and Treasurer of said Round Top Cemetery, on their joint order.

[The following words (the income only to be used for the purposes aforesaid) were written before this resolution was adopted.  James B. Edgerly, Secretary]

                                                James B. Edgerly, Secretary 

I James B. Edgerly Secretary of the Round-Top Cemetery do hereby certify that the foregoing preamble and resolution was unanimously adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Round Top Cemetery held at the Round Top Post Office, duly called and held on the 27th day of October, 1914, a majority of the Directors being present and voting for the same, and duly recorded in the records of said Round Top Cemetery.

Dated October 27th 1914                                James B. Edgerly, Secretary

At a special meeting of the Directors of Round Top Cemetery held October 27th 1914 a Resolution was unanimously adopted that an assessment of One Dollar each be made on all lot owners to pay for labor in keeping Cemetery in condition during this year of 1914.                                                        J. B. Edgerly, Secretary

At the annual meeting of the lot owners of the Round Top Cemetery held pursuant to public notice at the Round Top M. E. Church November 17th 1914 the following named board of Directors was unanimously elected.

For term of three years J. W. Fiero Sr. Floyd F. Jones, Walter Schoonmaker

For term of two years J. B. Edgerly, C. P. Johnson, Anson Wright.

For term of one year, Burdette Whitcomb S. M. Jones, John H. Titus.

Immediately after the election of the above mentioned Directors they proceeded to the election of officers as follows for one year.

For President               Burdette Whitcomb

For Vice President      C. P. Johnson

For Treasurer               Floyd F. Jones

For Secretary               J. B. Edgerly

On motion meeting was adjourned

                                                J. B. Edgerly, Secretary

At a special meeting of the Directors of the Round Top Cemetery Incorporation held at the M. E. Church May 13th 1915 the following named directors being present and voting Walter Schoonmaker, John H. Titus, Burdette Whitcomb, Anson Wright, A. M. Jones, Floyd Jones, J. B. Edgerly          a resolution was unanimously approved authorizing Floyd Jones Treasurer of this Incorporation to receive from the Executor of the Will of Lydia B. Dubois, a certain bequest to said Round Top Cemetery Inc. viz Five Hundred Dollars and deposit the same in the Catskill Savings Bank subject to conditions made by a resolution adopted at a special meeting by the directors held October 27th 1914.

On motion meeting was adjourned.                J. B. Edgerly, Secretary

At a special meeting of the lot owners of the Round Top Cemetery association held pursuant to regular notice at the Round Top M. E. Church June 28-1926 Mrs. Martin Lawrence was elected chairman and John W. Fiero Jr. clerk.

            On motion of Floyd Jones, Vernon Titus, John W. Fiero Jr. and Martin Lawrence were elected directors for a term of three years.

            On motion of Martin Lawrence Floyd Jones, A. L. Wright and Burdett E. Whitcomb were elected directors for a term of two years.

            On motion of Floyd Jones Mrs. Martin Lawrence, Mrs. B. Barry and John W. Fiero Sr. were elected directors for a term of one year.  The above motions were duly seconded.

            On motion duly made and seconded the chairman was authorized to appoint a committee of three including herself to audit the accounts of Treasurer Floyd Jones.  The committee appointed was Mrs. Martin Lawrence, John W. Fiero Jr. and Vernon Titus.  They proceeded at once to audit the accounts and found them correct.

            On motion duly made and seconded the meeting was adjourned.

                                                                        John W. Fiero Jr. Clerk 

Immediately after the above meeting the board of directors met and elected their (sic) following officers:   Martin Lawrence-President, Vernon Titus-Vice President, Floyd Jones-Treasurer, John W. Fiero Jr.-Secretary.

            On motion duly made and seconded the president was authorized to select a committee of three of which he was one to act as a care and maintainance committee with authority to make repairs etc. and draw upon treasurer.  The Committee appointed was Floyd Jones, Vernon Titus and Martin Lawrence.

            On motion made and seconded meeting was adjourned.

                                                                        John W. Fiero Jr.-Secretary

            Annual Meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Inc. held at Round Top Church Hall on Nov. 2nd 1950 at 8 P.M.

            Meeting called to order by President Martin L. Lawrence.

            Nomination of Trustees were in order.  E. B. Whitcomb nominated Floyd F. Jones for Trustee for one year [seconded] by Harold Yeadon.  Carried.      

            Floyd F. Jones nominated E. B. Whitcomb for Trustee for one year seconded by George Cochran, carried.

            E. B. Whitcomb nominated Alice Hale for Trustee for two years, seconded by Harold Yeadon, Carried.

            Ralph Phoenix nominated George Cochran for Trustee for two years, seconded by Floyd F. Jones, carried.

            George Cochran nominated John South for Trustee for three years, seconded by E. B. Whitcomb, carried.

            John South nominated Ralph Phoenix for Trustee for three years, seconded by Merton Whitcomb, carried.

            Ralph Phoenix nominated Merton Whitcomb for Trustee for three years, seconded by George Cochran, carried.

            Nominations for President:  E. B. Whitcomb nominated John South for President, seconded by Ralph Phoenix, carried.

            Nomination for Vice President:  Ralph Phoenix nominated Preston Whitcomb for Vice President seconded by George Cochran, carried.

            E. B. Whitcomb nominated Harold Yeadon for secretary, seconded by Ralph Phoenix, carried.

            John South nominated Ralph Phoenix for Treasurer, seconded by E. B. Whitcomb, Carried

            Motion made meeting adjourn

                                                            Acting Secretary, Louis De Luca 

President         -           John South
Vice Pres         -           Merton Whitcomb
Treasurer         -           Ralph Phoenix
Secretary         -           Harold Yeadon


Floyd F. Jones             -            1 year
Martin L. Laurence     -           1 year
E. B. Whitcomb          -            1 year
Alice Hale                   -            2 years
George Cochran          -           2 years
Harold Yeadon           -           2 years
John South                  -            3 years
Ralph Phoenix             -          3 years
Merton Whitcomb       -          3 years 

    Feb. 15, 1951

            At a meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Inc. held at the Round Top Church Hall, at 8 P.M., the following officers were present:

                        President, John South

                        Vice Pres., Merton Whitcomb

                        Treas., Ralph Phoenix

                        Secretary, Harold Yeadon

                        Director, E. B. Whitcomb

                        Director, Martin L. Laurence

                        Director, George H. Cochran

            A check was made by Ralph Phoenix, John South, Martin Laurence, Merton Whitcomb and Harold Yeadon on the following:-

            Plots sold from Feb. 1, 1915 to July 28, 1949 amounted to a total of          $643.00

            Interest on Endowment Fund from Oct. 29, 1914 to Oct. 4, 1950              $4,895.84

            Disbursements from Jan. 1-1914 to Dec. 31, 1950                                         $2,236.18            Total amount in bank Oct. 27, 1950      $8,310.52

On motion duly made by Merton Whitcomb and seconded by John South, that the amount of $8,310.52 now on hand be divided as follows:-

            $5,000.00 to be deposited as a permanent Endowment Fund in the Catskill Savings Bank,

            $3,000.00 to be deposited as an open Fund in the Catskill Savings Bank, and

            $310.52 to be deposited as a Current Maintenance Fund in a checking account at the First National Bank of Cairo.

            The above was voted upon unanimously.

            On motion duly made and seconded the meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M.

                                                                        Harold Yeadon, Secretary

(Interest added in bank after meeting $83.10 total of $393.62 deposited in Cairo Bank in Checking account)

March 14, 1951

             At a Meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Inc., held at Yeadons’s, Round Top N. Y.  March 14, 1951 at 7 P.M. the following officers were present:

            John South                  -           President

            Merton Whitcomb       -           Vice Pres

            Ralph Phoenix, Treas, Harold Yeadon, Secretary, Alice Hale, Director, Martin Laurence, Director and George Cochran, Director.

            The Secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting and minutes were approved by by George Cochran, seconded by Martin L. Lawrence, and was voted on and carried.

            Forms from the Dept of State Division of Cemeteries for the years 1949 and 1950 were filled out by the Secretary and copies of same made for our files.  Also Forms “Notice of Assessment due” for 1949 and 1950 were made out as follows

            1949    -           3 Acres @ $3.00                                                                     $9.00
                                    4 Interments @ $1.00                                                              4.00
                                    $4.00 was paid same being the lesser amount

            1950    -           3 Acres @ $3.00                                                                       9.00
                                    6 Interments @ $1.00                                                              6.00

                                    $6.00 was paid same being the lesser amount

            A motion was made by Ralph Phoenix and seconded by George Cochran that all bills be paid.  It was voted on and carried.

            A check was made out by Treasurer to Martin Laurence for $5.50 which was a bill Mr. Laurence paid to Catskill Daily Mail for advertising.

            A check was made out by Treas. for $10.00 to the Division of Cemeteries, State of N. Y.

            A check was made out by Treasurer to Cairo Herald for $2.21 for advertising.

            President John South, appointed Harold Yeadon and Ralph Phoenix to get from William Stewart the map of the Cemetery and to do what they could about making extra copies of same.

            Three signatures of President, Secretary and Treasurer are to be shown on all checks made out, including checks from the checking account at the First National Bank of Cairo.

            The Treasurer, Ralph Phoenix reported a balance on hand at the close of meeting of $375.91.

            The secretary read the minutes of the evening for corrections and additions.

            A motion was made by Ralph Phoenix and seconded by Merton Whitcomb that minutes were accepted as read.  It was voted on and carried.

            A motion was made by George Cochran and seconded by Alice Hale that the meeting be adjourned.  Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P. M.

                                                                        Harold Yeadon, Secretary

May 8, 1951

            At a Special Meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Inc., called by the President, John South, and held at the Cemetery at 7 P.M. and after at Yeadon’s, the following officers were present.

            Burdette Whitcomb, John South, Martin Laurence, Harold Yeadon, Ralph Phoenix, and also Wm. Stewart, Supt.

            This meeting was called for the purpose of taking care of the new part of cemetery and rectifying difficulties in the old part.

[New copies of map.]

            Linen paper was purchased for new copies of cemetery man to take the place of old one and Philip Algazine sent same away to have them made up.  The cost of same, plus linen paper was $17.90.  The treasurer sent Mr. Algazine a check for that amount.

            Mr. Whitcomb made a motion that a vote of thanks be given to Ralph Phoenix for the swell job and same was seconded by John South, voted on and carried.

Pres. John South appointed Ralph Phoenix to be a Committee of one to revise the map at all times when necessary.

            A motion was made by Harold Yeadon to remove pine tree on the Volney Titus plot; seconded by Burdette Whitcomb; voted on and carried.  Wm. Stewart is to remove the tree on Volney Titus plot.

            Mr. Whitcomb made a motion to have Harold Yeadon as a Committee of one to see the Lee Construction Co. of Cairo, about taking out trees and leveling new part of Cemetery with the bulldozer tractor.  Seconded by Ralph Phoenix, voted on and carried.

            Treasurer gave a report of checks made out and reported a balance on hand of $358.01.

            President asked Ralph Phoenix to see Caretaker of Cairo Cemetery and Harold Yeadon to call up George Cochran and have George Cochran see the Caretaker of Catskill Cemetery in regards to restrictions of planting, shrubs, creeping vines, etc. on graves.  A report to be made of same at the next meeting by Ralph Phoenix and George Cochran.

            The secretary read the minutes of the evening for corrections and additions.

            A motion was made by Merton Whitcomb and seconded by B. Whitcomb that minutes were accepted as read; voted on and carried.

            A motion was made by Ralph Phoenix and seconded by Burdette Whitcomb that the meeting be adjourned, voted on and carried.  Meeting adjourned at 10 P.M.

                                                                        Harold Yeadon, Secretary

November 30, 1951

            At a Meeting of Round Top Cemetery Inc., held at the Round Top Fire House on Nov. 30, 1951, the following officers were present.

John Sount, Pres.        Martin Laurence, D(irector?), Merton Whitcomb, Vice. Pres.,

Burdette Whitcomb, Harold Yeadon, Secretary, Wm. Stewart, Supt.

            Secretary gave a list of bills paid in between meetings of May 8th, 1951 and Nov. 30, 1951—

            June 6 – Lee Construction                              $136.00

               “  16 – Welsh & Gray/pr. Shears                     3.75

            Aug. 24 – Wheel Barrow                                     9.75

And also collected $4.00 State  Tax money to open graves.

            Secretary read the minutes of previous meeting to review the business of that meeting.

            Wm. Stewart presented the following bills.

            Labor at Cemetery                                          $222.25

            Gasoline for Lawn Mower                                  2.75

            Chain he bought & paid for at Cimorelli’s       3.25


Motion made by Burdette Whitcomb bills be accepted and paid.  Seconded by Martin Laurence.

            Secretary will give Treasurer $3.00 State Tax Money to be deposited in checking account.

            Bill Stewart brought up delay of some people, paying him for digging graves.  Suggestion made by President John South, that he give his bill for digging grave to Undertaker to collect with Undertaker’s bill, and that Secretary write to Mr. Turner, in the future, to include the digging of the grave in his bill and he pay our Superintendent, Wm. Stewart, for the digging of the grave.

            A motion was made by Burdette Whitcomb that the Annual Meeting fo the Round Top Cemetery Inc. be held at the Fire House at Round Top on Dec. 21, 1951 at 7:30 P. M. for the election of officers and also necessary notices be advertised in the Cairo Herald on Dec. 6th and Dec. 13th; cards to be sent to each officer, and to have Rev. MacCormac announce said Meeting from the pulpit, on Dec. 9th and Dec. 16th, of the Cairo Round Top and Acra Churches.  Seconded by Martin Lawrence.

            Moving of Stone Wall at Cemetery.  Suggestion made by Burdette Whitcomb, that Harold Yeadon and John South see Messrs. Eppler, Kaiser and Mueller and any one else who wants stone, and set a day t move same.  Motion also made by Burdette Whitcomb in case it doesn’t seem feasible to move stone ourselves, the President appoint a Committee to hire Gunther Ohm’s ladder and trucks (at a reasonable price) to move stone wall.  Harold Yeadon would furnish a truck if possible.  Seconded by Harold Yeadon.

            Treasurer’s balance as of Nov. 30, 1951 is $223.01.

            President John South called on Secretary to read the minutes of the evening for additions and corrections.  Motion made by Merton Whitcomb minutes are accepted as read and seconded by Burdett Whitcomb.

            A motion was made by John South that the Meeting be adjourned, seconded by Burdette Whitcomb.  Meeting adjourned at 10 P. M.

                                                                        Harold Yeadon, Secretary

Dec. 21, 1951

            The Annual Meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Inc. was held at Round Top Fire House on Dec. 21st at 8:15 P. M. for Election of 3 Directors.

            Those present were John South, Alice Hale, Harold Yeadon, Ralph Phoenix, Martin Laurence, B. Whitcomb

            A motion was made by Ralph Phoenix that all three Directors be retained for three years.  Alice Hale made a motion that nominations be closed and secretary cast one ballot for each of the following Directors for 3 years.  Seconded by Harold Yeadon

                        B. Whitcomb               -           3 yrs
                        Martin Lawrence         -          3 yrs
                        Floyd Jones                 -           3 yrs

            Secretary cast one ballot for each of the above directors.

            Alice Hale made motion that meeting be closed and seconded by B. Whitcomb.

                                                                        Harold Yeadon, Sec.

A meeting was held by the Directors immediately following the Annual Meeting for Election of Directors, to elect officers for the coming year and transact any other business.

            A motion was made by B. Whitcomb that Secretary cast one ballot for each of the officers to succeed themselves.  Seconded by Alice Hale and carried.

            Secretary cast one ballot for the following officers

                        John South, President|
                        Merton Whitcomb, Vice President
                        Harold Yeadon, Secretary
                        Ralph Phoenix, Treas.

            A report was given by Harold Yeadon on removing stone wall from new cemetery.  C. Kaiser didn’t want any more.  Fritz Mueller (Glenbrook) will move stones as soon as possible, weather permitting.

            Two bills were presented by Secretary-

            1 – Cairo Herald                     $1.53

            2 – Harold Yeadon                 $1.00

            A motion made by Alice Hale bills be accepted and paid, Seconded By Burdette Whitcomb. Carried

            Secretary’s salary – Motion made by Burdett Whitcomb secretary’s salary be $25.00 for the coming year, seconded by Ralph Phoenix and carried.

            President John South asked Martin Laurence to enquire from the Cairo Cemetery, what is being charged for plots in that Cemetery and report at next meeting.

            Secretary Harold Yeadon gave Treas. Ralph Phoenix $1.00 State Tax Money for Elmer Carniff’s grave.

            Burdette Whitcomb suggested Directors meet to lay out plots and stack out roads on new cemetery.  President John South called for a meeting of the Directors to be held Jan. 6th, at the R. T. Fire House at 2 P.M. for the purpose of laying out new drive ways and other necessary work, cards to be sent to each Director.

            Burdette Whitcomb authorized Secretary to have 100 receipts printed by Round Top Press as per form below:

                                                            Round Top Cemetery Inc.

                                                            Round Top, NY                      Date ___

Received of __________________________________________

____________________________________________ Dollars

Acc’t __________                                                                              _____________________ Treasurer

            Receipts are to be of a size to fit a standard size envelope without folding.

            Treasurer, Ralph Phoenix give his report as follows:

                        Deposits in Cairo Bank Feb. 26                                              $393.62

                                                               Aug. 13                                                   17.00

                                                Balance      “                                                        410.62

                                                Expenditures                                                      187.61

                                                Balance Nov. 30                                                 223.01


Mar 14

Catskill Daily Mail (adv)


   “   14

Cairo Herald (adv)


   “   14

N. Y. State Div. of Cemeteries


Apr    4

Phil Algazzine (Blue Prints)


June   6

Lee Construction (Grading new section)


June  15

Welsh & Gray (Grass Clipper)


Aug   24

C. Weeks (wheelbarrow)


Nov   18

Ralph Phoenix  (Rubber Stamp)



Total Expenditure



Balance Nov 30



Deposits Dec 7th



Balance Dec. 20


            Burdette Whitcomb made motion Treasurer’s report be accepted as read, seconded by Alice Hale, carried.

            President John South called on Secretary to read minutes of the evening for corrections, additions and approvals.  If there are no objections on minutes they stand approved as read.

            There being no other business Alice Hale made a motion that meeting be closed, seconded by Mr. Whitcomb and carried.  Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.

                                                            Harold Yeadon, Sec.

Jan. 6, 1952

            A meeting of the Directors was held at Fire House at 2 P.M. on Jan 6, 1952, to go in a body to the new Cemetery plot to lay out road and plots, but due to weather conditions, it was impossible to go.  A general discussion was held instead.

            Meeting adjourned around 3 P.M.

                                                                        Harold Yeadon, Sec.

April 30, 1952

            A meeting of the Directors of the Round Top Cemetery was held at Round Top Fire House at 7 P.M.

            Officers present were as follows:  John South, Harold Yeadon, Merton Whitcomb, Alice Hale, Ralph Phoenix, Martin Laurence, George Cochran

            The officers met at the R. T. Fire House at 7:15 P.M. and went in a body to the new cemetery land to lay out road and plots.  They returned at 8 P.M. to continue meeting.

            The minutes were read to review the business of previous meeting by secretary.

            George Cochran gave a report on the cost of the plots -- $85.00 for a 25 ft lot, consisting of 6 4 ft graves, $45.00 for perpetual care and $40.00 for fund.  This is in the Catskill Rural Cemetery.

            Martin Lawrence gave a report on the Cairo Cemetery of a 6 grave plot (5 graves & stone) $200.00, $100.00 for perpetual care and $100.00 for fund, $20.00 per grave and $20.00 perpetual care.  In the rear of cemetery where less desirable property is and for those who can’t afford a plot, $10.00 minimum charge for 1 grave.

            Merton Whitcomb made a motion for President John South to enquire from Mr. Fred Mueller, Glenbrook, if he would care to sell an additional 50 ft of land or enough land for a driveway.  Seconded by Ralph Phoenix and a motion was made by George Cochran to call a meeting on May 7th so President can give a report on additional land.  Seconded by Ralph Phoenix & carried.

            Secretary gave Treasurer Ralph Phoenix $14.00 in cash, $13.00 Wm. Madden’s grave, $1.00 Tax money and $1.00 tax money on opening grave of Mrs. Moritz Lennon.

            Martin Laurence gave a report on building Tool shed, Ready Cert shed, 9 x 12, $225.00 as per list on file.

            Bill was presented by Wm. Stewart for labor for David Stewart for $38.50.  Alice Hale made motion to pay same and seconded by Martin Laurence.  Carried.

            Treasurer Ralph Phoenix made his report.

Balance beginning of meeting






Paid Out, David Stewart Labor


Balance at end of meeting


             President John South called on Secretary to read the minutes of the evening for corrections, additions and approval.  Alice Hale made a motion minutes be accepted as read, seconded by George Cochran, carried.

            There being no other business Martin Laurence made motion that meeting be adjourned and seconded by Alice Hale.  Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.

                                                                        Harold Yeadon, Sec.

May 7, 1952

            A special meeting of the Directors of the Round Top Cemetery Inc was held at Round Top Fire House at 8:15 P.M., May 7, 1952.

            Officers present were John South, Harold Yeadon, Ralph Phoenix, Alice Hale, George Cochran, Martin Lawrence

            The secretary read the minutes of the previous meeting to review the business of that meeting.

            Martin Lawrence gave a new report on the Cairo Cemetery.  The secretary of that Cemetery informed him that 6 grave plots cost $25.00 each or $150.00 for 6 which includes perpetual care, $15.00 for a single grave without perpetual care.

            It was suggested by Ralph Phoenix to sell plots and graves in our new part of cemetery, with perpetual care at the rate of $25.00 per grave.  No action taken on above until the next meeting.

            Secretary is to write to the State of New York for books pertaining to state laws on Cemetery Corporations.

            President John South gave his report.  Fred Mueller of Glenbrook wants a strip of land about 40 ft. along water’s edge so he can post the land, with no trees to be cut, in exchange of land he would give us 12, 14 or 16 ft.

            It was suggested that John South again see Fred Mueller and have him attend our next meeting to discuss and agree on exchange of land.

            Treasurer Ralph Phoenix gave his report. continued May 7, 1952 

Balance at beginning of meeting




                Balance at end of meeting






            Motion made by Harold Yeadon Treasurer’s report be accepted seconded by George Cochran.

            There being no further business Alice Hale made motion meeting be adjourned and seconded by Martin Lawrence.  Meeting adjourned at 10 P.M.

                                                                        Harold Yeadon, Sec.

May 13, 1952

            A special meeting of the Directors of the Round Top Cemetery Inc. was held at Round Top Fire House on Tuesday May 13, 1952 at 8:45 P.M.

            The officers present were John South, George Cochran, Harold Yeadon, Burdette Whitcomb, Martin Laurence, Ralph Phoenix, Alice Hale

            Also present was Fred Mueller of the Glenbrook to discuss land and water rights.

            The Secretary read the minutes of previous meeting to review the business of that evening.

            B. Whitcomb suggested a Committee be appointed by President South to go to Cemetery with Fred Mueller and take measurements of land etc.  Committee appointed was:  Harold Yeadon, Martin Laurence, Ralph Phoenix, B. Whitcomb and any other officers who cared to go; Committee will meet Wednesday evening at 6 P.M. at Cemetery.

            Burdette Whitcomb made a motion that the graves measure 4 x 10 and one can purchase as many as desire.  This was seconded by Alice Hale, carried.

            B. Whitcomb also made a motion that we charge $25.00 per grave with perpetual care.  This was seconded by George Cochran and carried.

            The Treasurer’s report was the same as previous meeting balance on hand of $477.48.

            The secretary read the meetings of the evening for corrections and additions and approval.  There being no objections on minutes, they stand approved as read.

            Alice Hale mad a motion meeting be adjourned and seconded by H. Yeadon.  Meeting adjourned at 10 P.M.                                    Harold Yeadon, Sec.

Jan. 9, 1953

            The annual meeting of R.T. Cemetery Inc could not be held on Jan. 9th due to weather conditions.  Postponed until Jan. 16th.

                                                                        Harold Yeadon, Sec. 

            Jan. 16, 1953

            The Annual Meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Inc. could not be held on Jan. 16th because not enough officers were present to hold a quorum.

            Officers present were Harold Yeadon, John South, Martin Lawrence, George Cochran, Ralph Phoenix.

            Meeting postponed.                            Harold Yeadon, Sec.

January 23, 1953

            The annual meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Inc was held at the Round top Fire House on January 23, 1953 at 7:45 P.M.

            Officers present were John South, George Cochran, Merton Whitcomb, Alice Hale, Ralph Phoenix, Martin Lawrence, Harold Yeadon

            Secretary read minutes of 3 previous meeting for review.

            Letter of thanks was sent to Welsh & Grey, Cairo, N. Y. for donation of 2 Planks ($7.00) for cemetery which was ordered by Harold Yeadon for Wm. Stewart for Cemetery

            Secretary turned over to Treasurer R. Phoenix $20.00 on Jan. 16th for Amelia Brucker, (Mrs. Otto’s mother) Plot.  Also $10.00 for Otto Horner’s grave.

Secretary requested no salary of $25.00 be paid him due to no work involved for year 1952.

            Alice Hale made a motion that graves should be enlarged to 5 x 10 instead of 4 x 10.  Seconded by Ralph Phoenix, carried.

            A motion was made by H. Yeadon that monuments should be in alinement at the head of grave under the direction of the custodian of the Cemetery; seconded by Merton Whitcomb, carried.

            Treas. Balance at beginning of Meeting is $477.48

            The following bills were presented:

Wm. Stewart



Examiner Recorder

Jan. 8 & 16; Two Meetings


Cairo Herald

Jan. 8 & 16; 2 Meetings


H. Yeadon

Postal cards





             Motion made by Alice Hale that bills be paid; seconded by George Cochran and carried.

            The president, John South, requested that Harold Yeadon inquire about Insurance, social security etc. on Wm. Stewart

            Treasurer Phoenix made out a check to the Catskill Savings Bank for $4.10, (which is 10% of Plots sold for 1952, amounting to $41.00) to be added to Permanent Maintenance Fund.

            Another check to the Catskill Savings Bank for $6.15 (which is 15% of Plots sold for 1952, amounting to $41.00) to be added to General Fund.

            Treasurer’s balance at end of meeting is $251.02.

            This brought the general business to a close, and next in line is the election of 3 Trustees for 3 years.

            Martin Lawrence made a motion that all three Trustees be retained for three years, as follows:  Harold Yeadon, George Cochran, Alice Hale

            Motion made by Merton Whitcomb nominations for trustees be closed and Secretary Cast one ballot for each of the above named Trustees, seconded by Ralph Phoenix and carried.  Secretary cast one ballot for each of the above Trustees.

            Alice Hale made motion that meeting be adjourned; seconded by Harold Yeadon.

                                                                        Harold Yeadon, Sec. 

            A meeting was held by the Trustees immediately following the Annual Meeting, to elect Officers for the coming year.

            A motion was made by Alice Hale, that John South succeed himself as President for the coming year.  Motion made by Geo. Cochran nominations be closed and secretary cast one ballot for John South as President, Secretary cast ne ballot for John South.

            Motion made by John South that Merton Whitcomb succeed himself for Vice President for the coming year.  Motion made by Harold Yeadon nomination be closed and secretary cast one ballot for M. Whitcomb for Vice President.  Secretary cast one ballot for M. Whitcomb, Vice President.

            Motion made by George Cochran that Ralph Phoenix succeed himself for Treasurer for the coming year.  Motion made by Alice Hale nomination be closed and secretary cast one ballot for Ralph Phoenix for Treasurer for coming year.  Secretary cast one ballot for R. Phoenix, Treasurer.

            Motion made by Martin Laurence that Harold Yeadon succeed himself for Secretary for the coming year.  Motion made by Alice Hale nomination be closed and teller cast one ballot for Harold Yeadon for Secretary.  Teller cast one ballot for Harold Yeadon, Secretary.

            There being no other business Geo. Cochran made a motion Meeting be adjourned and seconded by Ralph Phoenix.  Meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M.

                                                                        Harold Yeadon, Secretary

Feb. 13, 1953

            The Special Meeting of the officers of the Round Top Cemetery Inc was held at the R. T. Fire House on Feb. 13th at 8:10 P.M.

            The following officers were present:  John South, Ralph Phoenix, Merton Whitcomb, Martin Lawrence, Harold Yeadon, George Cochran, Alice Hale

            The minutes of previous meeting were read by Secretary for corrections, additions and approval.  A motion made by Alice Hale minutes be accepted as read and seconded by Martin Lawrence and carried.

            Harold Yeadon made a report on Public liability insurance, that R. T. Cemetery Inc. should have same.  On compensation insurance for employees according to law, we must carry same and also make out a yearly report.  Secretary wrote to Director of Internal Revenue, Albany, M. Y. Feb. 4, 19+53 for more information on same and also for an Employer’s number, and will submit this information at next meeting if same is received by then.

            A motion also was made by Alice Hale that we contact Mrs. Helen Rice and have her meet with the officers if possible, at out next meeting to submit all the information she can on liability insurance etc.  Seconded by Merton Whitcomb, carried.

            President John South stated that Fred Mueller (Glenbrook) has agreed to go fifty fifty with R. T. Cemetery Inc. for a fence along the line from highway to South line.

            Merton Whitcomb suggested he would ask his fathe4r if he would draw up a map of lots in the new part of cemetery, bearing in mind lots to measure 5 x 10, also draw a road, width of rald being ten feet.

            On Jan. 28th, 1953, interest in the amount of $228.80 was transferred from Endowment Fund to General Fund, making a total in General Fund of $2,854.51, leaving a balance in Endowment Fund of $5,004.10.

            Treasurer Ralph Phoenix reported he had a balance in the checking account, at end of Meeting of $250.02.

            A motion made by Ralph Phoenix that Meeting be adjourned, seconded by Martin Lawrence.  Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.

                                                                        Harold Yeadon, Secretary

March 13, 1953

            A special meeting of the officers of the Round top Cemetery Incd was held at the Round top Fire House, March 13th, at 8:30 P.M.

            Officers present were as follows:  John South, Ralph Phoenix, Merton Whitcomb, George Cochran, Harold Yeadon, Martin Lawrence, Alice Hale

            The minutes of the previous meeting were read for corrections, additions and approval.  A motion made by Ralph Phoenix that minutes be accepted as read with a correction on the treasurer’s report of balance’s at end of meeting, should have read $251.02 on hand instead of $250.02.  Seconded by Alice Hale and carried.

            Mrs. Recci who represents the Bogardus Agency attended this meeting and gave figures on Liability & Compensation Insurance.

            A motion was made by Alice Hale that we carry Liability Insurance as follows 10/20/5 at $18.25 per year, seconded by Ralph Phoenix and carried.

            A motion was made by George Cochran that we carry Compensation Insurance to cover employees working at the Cemetery to the extent of $1000.00 maximum payroll, at a premium of $56.00 a year.  Seconded by Alice Hale and carried.

            A motion was made by Merton Whitcomb that a check be sent to Philip Algazzine in the amount of $25.00 which covers R. T. Cemetery Inc half for services rendered on surveying property between Fred Mueller (Glenbrook) and Round Top Cemetery Inc.  Seconded by Ralph Phoenix and carried.

            Treasurer, Ralph Phoenix reported a balance at end of Meeting of $226.02.

            A motion made by George Cochran to adopt resolution in regards to sale of property between Fred Mueller (Glenbrook) and Round Top Cemetery Inc and from there on will be carried on under the direction of Lawyer Decker.

            The resolution will be worded as below:

            Mr. Fred Mueller was present to sign necessary deeds in regards to sale of property.

            President John South has been authorized by the Trustees to sign the ded for the sale of property.  Seconded by Alice Hale and carried.

            A motion made by George Cochran meeting be closed, and seconded by Martin Lawrence.  Meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M.

                                                                        Harold Yeadon, Secretary 

Resolution given over the telephone by Mr. Decker’s Secretary, 4 P.M. May 11, 1953

            Resolve:--That his Association sell and convey to Fred Mueller a strip of land along the southerly or rear of the present burial grounds, which strip will be 42 ft. deep on its West end and 6 ft. deep on its East end and running from present boundary line to high water mark of the Vly and that the President of this Association is authorized to execute and deliver the usual Deed for the same and further that this Association purchase from Fred Mueller, a strip of land about 20 3/10 ft. wide on its North End and 20 ft. wide on its South End along the Easterly side of the present burial ground extending from highway toward the Vly in exchange for the above described larger lot.

May 11, 1953

            No meeting held on May 11th, on account of officers not present to make a quorum.  There was a discussion among members present.

                                                                        Harold Yeadon, Sec.

 Sept. 21, 1953

            No meeting held on Sept. 21st, 1953 on account of Officers not present to make a quorum.  There were only three present.

                                                                        Harold Yeadon, Sec.

November 24, 1953

            The annual meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Inc was held at the Round top Fire House on Tuesday, November 24, 1953 at 8:45 P.M.

            Officers present were as follows:  John South, Alice Hale, Burdette Whitcomb, George Cochran, Harold Yeadon, Martin Lawrence, Ralph Phoenix

            Secretary read the minutes of previous meeting for review.

            Mr. Mark Jackson, representing Division of Cemeteries, Dept. of State, called on Ralph Phoenix to examine books and he requested that 10% of the sales of lots be placed in a Permanent Maintenance Fund, which amount would be $6.80 from Sept. 1, 1949 to Dec. 31, 1952.  A motion was made by Alice Hale that the above $6.80 be placed in a Permanent Maintenance Fund, seconded by Martin Lawrence, and carried.

            John South, President requested George Cochran to see Lawyer Decker and find out the cost of seal.

            A motion made by Burdette Whitcomb that Lawyer Decker have 200 Deeds made up for Round Top Cemetery Inc, seconded by Martin Lawrence and carried.

            John South, President suggested that Secretary write a letter of thanks to Lawyer Decker for his legal advice, writing up deed and cooperation to the R. T. Cemetery.

            John South was authorized by the Trustees to appoint a Committee to mark the lots and plots in the new part of Cemetery.

            Ralph Phoenix, Treasurer presented the following bills.

Secretary’s Salary


Postal Cards




            A motion was made by Ralph Phoenix that bills be paid, seconded by Martin Lawrence and carried.

            Treas. Ralph Phoenix reported a balance on hand of $119.47.

            This brought the general business to a close and next in line is election of 3 Trustees for three years and 1 Trustee for one year.

            A motion made by Ralph Phoenix that Alfred King be elected for Trustee for one year, seconded by Burdette Whitcomb and carried.

            A motion made by Alice Hale, nomination for Trustee for 1 year be closed and Secretary cast one ballot for the above named Trustee, Alfred King, seconded by John South.  Secretary cast one ballot for A. King, Trustee for 1 yr.

            Alice Hale mad a motion that the three Trustees, Merton Whitcomb, Ralph Phoenix and John South be retained for three years, seconded by George Cochran and carried.  Motion made by Harold Yeadon that nomination for 3 Trustees for 3 years be closed and Secretary cast one ballot for each of the above named Trustees, seconded by M. Laurence.  Secretary cast one ballot each for the above named Trustees.

            Ralph Phoenix made a motion that meeting be closed, seconded by Alice Hale.

                                                            Harold Yeadon, Secretary

Nov. 24, 1953

            A meeting was held by the Trustees immediately following the Annual Meeting to elect officers for the coming year.

            A motion was made by Alice Hale that John South succeeds himself as President for the coming year, seconded by M. Laurence and carried.

             A motion made by George Cochran that nomination be closed and Secretary cast one ballot for John South as President.  Secretary cast one ballot for John South, President.

            A motion was made by Ralp(h) Phoenix that Merton Whitcomb succeed himself for Vice President for the coming year, seconded by George Cochran and carried.

            Motion made by Harold Yeadon nomination be closed and secretary cast one ballot for Merton Whitcomb for Vice President.  Secretary cast one ballot for Merton Whitcomb, Vice Present (sic).

            A motion made by Martin Laurence that Ralph Phoenix succeed himself for Treasurer for coming year, seconded by B. Whitcomb and carried.

            A motion made by Alice Hale nomination be closed and secretary cast one ballot for Ralph Phoenix, Treasurer for coming year.  Secretary cast one ballot for Ralph Phoenix for Treasurer.

            A motion was made by Harold Yeadon that Jean Bancroft be elected Secretary for the coming year as he, Harold Yeadon, resigned as Secretary.  According to Cemetery by-laws, an officer must be a Trustee before he or she can hold office.  Being Jean Bancroft was not a Trustee, Harold Yeadon made a motion that Alfred King be elected Secretary for coming year, seconded by Ralph Phoenix and carried.

            A motion made by Alice Hale nomination be closed and Secretary case one ballot for Alfred King for Secretary for the coming year.  Secretary cast one ballot for Alfred King, Secretary.

            Officers for coming year are:  John South, President; Merton Whitcomb, Vice President; Ralph Phoenix, Treasurer; Alfred King, Secretary.

            John South appointed M. Lawrence, B. Whitcomb and George Cochran to audit the books.  The found same correct.

            There being no other business, George Cochran made a motion that Meeting be adjourned, seconded by Alfred King.  Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P. M.

                                                                        Harold Yeadon, Secretary

                                                Round Top Cemetery INC.

                                                            Feb. 11, 54

                                                      7 members present 

            The meeting was called to order by President John South, at 8-10 P.M.

            For the purpose of paying bills to Mr. David Stewart, Amounting to the sum of ($46.50) Mowing in New section.

            Also to William Stewart the sum of ($204.25) for Labor and general upkeep.

            A motion was made by Martin Lawrence and seconded by E. B. Whitcomb.  That these bills be paid.  Carried.

            Mr. Phoenix . Reported That the amount of ($426.30) had been transferred from the Catskill Saving Bank. To the Cairo checking account.  For the purpose of paying out standing bills.

            Sever siggestions were made as to the laying out of the new section of the Cemetery.

            Mr. E. B. Whitcomb stated that he would draw several rough scetches of the proposed lay out. To be submitted to the trustees for there inspection.  And at there acceptance.  He will then make a final drawing.

            Mr. Martin Lawrence. Made a motion . Seconded by Mr. Phoenix. To adjourn  (9-15) P.M.  Carried.

                                                            Merten Whitcomb Sect. Pro Tem.

                                                                        Alfred King, Sect.

                                                Round Top Cemetery INC.

                                                            Mar. 5/54

(8) members present

President John South-Called the meeting to order at (8-15) P.M.

            The meeting was called expressly to further study the proposed laying out of the new section of the cemetery-six different sketches were scrutinized- And sketch number six was choosan Unanimously, As the best.

                                    Presentation of bills were as follows.

To P. W. Decker, Att.,  For Deed blanks, and Corporation seal- the sum of ($50.61) and ($7.50) Respectivly.

            To Bogardus Agency, INC.,

Employees Compensation, The sum of ($55.00)

And Cemetery Premises Liabelity- The sum of ($18.25)

These bills were ordered paid, By a motion made by Harold Yeaden- And seconded by Mrs. Alice Hale.  So carried;

            The sect- was instructed to make out and send to Mrs. Bertha Sutter Miller- A receipt for ($30.00) received from her (Aug. 16-1939) For one plot of ground.

            A motion was made by Mrs. Hale That the meeting be closed- Seconded by Ralph Phoenix-

            The meeting adjourned at (9-10) P.M.

                                                Sect-Alfred King

April- 30/54

                        Round Top Cemetery-Inc.,

                        (7) Members present.

            The President called the meeting to order at (8-30) P.M.  The purpose of this meeting is to get a price on the gradeing that is necessary- In the new part of the cemetery.

            At the request of the trustees-Mr. Mongardi, Of Lee Construction was Present, To give ua a price on fore mentioned gradeing.  He, Mr. Mongardi- Said he would take the job for the (sum of $250.00 dollars) Or by the hour for the sum of $(8.00) Per.Hour.  The latter rate was excepted.

            The excavation to take place in the near future will be as follows.  The ridge between the old and new section of the cemetery will be removed, There are several high spots to be leveled, A drive way graded down not less that six inches below the surrounding terrain, And not less that eleven feet wide, except at the turn, where it will be necessary to widen the drive way by several feet.

            At the East boundary there are still, brush and small trees to be removed.  And provisions have been made to build another drive way into Fred Mullers gravel bank, This being necessary because the cemetery property has engulfed part of the present drive way to the before mentioned gravel bank.

            Mr. Mongardi stated he would like several of the members to be present when the gradeing is nearing completion to insure our satisfaction.

            Motions made and carried, Were as follows.

A motion was made by Ralph Phoenix, And seconded by Harold Yeadon that the Drive way be made not less than six inches deep and eleven feet wide.

            A motion was made by Harold Yeadon, And seconded by George Cochran, That Lee Construction, INC., Be hired to do the necessary gradeing at the rate of ($8.00) Per hour.

            The most popular motion of the evening was made by Marten Lawrence, To adjourn, Seconded by Harold Yeadon.

            Meeting closed at (9.00) P.M. by order of the President.

               Round Top Cemetery Inc,.

                        Dec. 10/54

The meeting was called to order at (8-15) P.M.

(8) Members present.

            The annual meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Inc,. Was held at the Fire House on December ( 10th) 1954 to elect three Directors,

            Those present were as follows.  Ralph Phoenix, Harold Yeadon, George Cochran, Marten Lawrence, John South, Merton Whitcomb, E. B. Whitcomb and Alfred King.

            Ralph Phoenix Made a motion that the three directors, AS followes- E. B. Whitcomb, Marten Lawrence and Alfred king be retained, For the next three years.  Seconded by Merton Whitcomb.

            George Cochran moved that nominations be closed, and that the secretary cast on ballot, each. For E. B. Whitcomb, Marten Lawrence and Alfred King.  Seconded by Harold Yeadon.  So carried.

            A motion was made by Harold Yeadon , And seconded by Ralph Phoenix, That the meeting be closed, So carried.

            A meeting was held by the Directors immediately following the annual meeting, For election of Directors To elect officers for the comeing year.  And the transaction of any other business , As may be brought be for the board.

            A motion was made by Merton Whitcomb that John South succeed him self as President, The motion was seconded by Harold Yeadon, Carried.

            A motion was made by Harold Yeadon, That Merton Whitcomb retain his seat as Vice President, Seconded by Ralph Phoenix.  Carried,

            A motion was made by E. B. Whitcomb, That Alfred King succeed him self as Secretary, Ralph Phoenix seconded the motion, carried.

            A motion was made by Marten Lawrence, that Ralph Phoenix succeed him self as treasurer, seconded by E. G. Whitcomb, carried.

Marten Lawrence and George Cochran were deligated to audit the books of the Treasure, All was found in order as was expected.

            E. B. Whitcomb- Who has been in charge of the moveing program on the property-Finds he has some parts left over, in the way of one combination wood house and privy, Mr. Whitcomb suggested that, Due to the fact the present tool house –at the cemetery is past himan help.  We could-He was sure, Fall heir to said wood house, And to show Mr. Whitcomb, that the hearts of all present were in the right place-It was unanimously agreed, That at such time as he saw fit, He-Mr. Whitcomb, can proceed with the moveing-And relocateing of the building ,To it’s final resting place in the Round Top Cemetery, Where it is badly needed for storeage.

            Ralph Phoenix suggested that it is not to early to start thinking about getting some top soil to cover the new part of the cemetery, so that there may be a perminate seeding and finish an over due project.

            E. B. Whitcomb Made a motion that we adjourn, This was seconded by Harold Yeadon. And carried.

            Meeting closed at (9-20) P.M.

                        Alfred King.  Sect-



                        (7) members present

A special meeting of the round top cemetery Inc., Was called at this time, to pass on, and pay, two bills to the Bogardus Agency.

            The first in the amount of ($51.00) for workmens-compensation, And the second, To the same Agency- In the amount of ($18.25) for Cemetery Primises Liabelity.  They were both passed on and carried,

            And at this same meeting, It was talked over and decided that in the future when bills of this kind are to be taken care of, It will not be necessary to call a meeting- as the President, Treasurer, and sect, Must sign all ckecks.

            Harold Yeadon made a motion to this effect and it was seconded by E. B. Whitcomb, And carried.

            At (8.40 p.m.) E. B. Whitcomb made the motion to adjn.  Seconded by Harold Yeadon.  So carried.

                                                            Alfred King, Sect.,

June 17/55

The meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Inc. was called to order with, Eight members present.

            The business at hand was, A joint meeting of the Round Top Cemetery, and the Round Top church trustees.  To settle an out lawed mortgage.  In the amount of $800.00

            This mortgage was money loaned by the deceased Mr. James E. Scott “1932 to Mr. Clarence Wesley Van Zile And Sophronia Ruth Van Zile.

            The money from this mortgage was willed to the two befor mentioned parties by Mr. Scott, And administered by the late Floyd F. Jones.

            Mr. Milton Chadderdon, Who is now settling the Floyd Jones Estate, says he believes, Mr. Van Zile        will settle this now outlawed mortgage for $400.00

            A motion was made by Mr. Cochran and seconded by E. B. Whitcomb, That in as much as this mortgage is now outlawed to accept the $400.00

            Voted-Passed and carried

            Mr. Phoenix made a motion to make any necessary settlement for the cemetery association that John South be empowered to sign for the cemetery association and Mr. E. B. Whitcomb for the church-Seconded by Harold Yeadon, so carried.

A motion was made by Martin Lawrence and seconded by Ralph Phoenix That Mrs. Service be given permission to remove the Stone wall between the Slater lot-And the old cemetery-at her expense.

            Voted on and carried

            This meeting was called to order at 8.30 P.M. June 17

            No further business was in order-so the meeting was ordered closed at 9.45 P.M.

                                                Alfred King, Sect.

November 29 – 1955

            The Annual Meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Inc., was called to order at (8.45 P.M.) at the Round Top fire house, for the election of three directors, for the next three years.

            Those Present were as follows-  John South – Martin Lawrence – E. B. Whitcomb – George Cochran – Ralph Phoenix Sr, Harold Yeadon – Alfred King

            Three trustees were re elected – as follows, George Cochran – Harold Yeadon – Alice Hail.

            Martin Lawrence made the motion that all three be re elected – And seconced by E. B. Whitcomb.  George Cochran moved that nominations be closed, and asked that eht sect. be instructed to cast on ballot, seconded by Ralph Phoenix, So Carried.

            Harold Yeadon – moved that the meeting be closed, seconded by George Cochran.

            All in favor – so Carried.

            A meeting was held by the directors immediately following the annual meeting to elect officers for the coming year,

            And for the transaction of any business as may be brought be for the board.

            Nominations were in order –

Harold Yeadon moved that John South succeed him self as President, Seconded by E. B. Whitcomb. – Ralph Phoenix moved that nominations be closed – and the Sect. cast ne ballot for John South.  Seconded by Marten Lawrence.  So Carried.

            Martin Lawrence moved that Merton Whitcomb succeed him self as Vice President, seconded by Harold Yeadon, who moved that the Sect. cast one ballot – Seconded by George Cochran.  So Carried.

            Harold Yeadon moved that Alfred King keep his job as Sect, - Seconded by E. B. Whitcomb.  Ralph Phoenix moved that nominations be closed and that the Sect, - cast one ballot for him self (seconded by Geo. Cochran) So carried.

            E. B. Whitcomb moved that Ralph Phoenix succeed him self as treasurer.  Seconded by George Cochran, and instructed the Sect- to cast one ballot.  Seconded by Marten Lawrence.  So Carried.

            The President – Appointed Marten Lawrence and George Cochran to audit the books, they were found to be in order and correct.

            Harold Yeadon moved that the treasure with draw ($400.--) from the Catskill Saveing bank to pay the Custodian of the Cemetery – and other outstanding bills.  Seconded by George Cochran and so carried.

            George Cochran moved that ($200--) be given the Round Top Church – As there portion of a mortgage, willed to the Cemetery and Church, by the deceased – James E. Scott.  Seconded by Harold Yeadon, and Carried.

            On Augest (8-1955) A check in amount of ($124.85 was paid to the Round Top Church which sum was one half (1/2) of the estate of the deceased James E. Scott that was deposited in the Catskill Saving bank.

            A motion was made by Harold Yeadon that the meeting be closed – Seconded by Marten Lawrence – So Carried.

                                                            Alfred King – Sect.

Nov. 27 – 1956

            The Annual meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Inc., was called to order at 8:00 P.M. at the Round Top fire house, For the election of three directors, for the next three years.

            Those present were as follows – Mert Whitcomb, John South, E. B. Whitcomb, George Cochran, Alice Hale, Harold Yeadon, Marten Lawrence, Ralph Phoenix, and Alfred King.

                                                Trustees for three years.

            Mrs. Hale made a motion that the following be reinstated for the next three years, John South President, Merton Whitcomb Vice President and Ralph Phoenix treasurer.  The motion was seconded by Harold Yeadon, and the Sect. cast one ballot for each – so carried.  Harold Yeadon made a motion that the meeting be closed, seconded by Ralph Phoenix.  All in favor, So Carried.

A meeting was held by the directors immediately following the annual meeting to elect officers for the comeing year, And for the transaction of any business as may be brought befor the board,  Nominations were in order –

            Alice Hale moved that John South succeed him self, seconded by Harold Yeadon. The sect. cast one ballot, so carried.

            George Cochran moved that Merton Whitcomb succeed him self as Vice President.  Seconded by Martin Lawrence.  And the Sect. cast one ballot, so carried.

            Harold Yeadon moved that Alfred King succeed him self as Secretary, Seconded by Merton Whitcomb, the Sect. cast one ballot.  So Carried.

            John South moved that Ralph Phoenix succeed him self as Treasurer, Seconded by Marten Lawrence, and the Sect. cast on ballot, so carried.

           President John South appointed Marten Lawrence and George Cochran to audit the books.  They in turn found the books to be in order.

            Harold Yeadon moved that a bill of $3.50 due the Catskill Daily Mail for notice be paid, George Cochran seconded, so carried.

            It was brought be for the board by Ralph Phoenix that several people have requested deeds in the old part of the Cemetery, And it was moved by Harold Yeadon that this be tabled for the present, so that the situation may be more thourely investigated, seconded by Merton Whitcomb, passed and so carried.

            John South will be a Committee of one for the purpose of having three maps made of the new part of the Cemetery.  And it is necessary that there be some kind of permanent markers at the corners of the lots, and these markers be shown on said maps.

            At this time Ralph Phoenix made a motion that the meeting be closed, All in favor, so carried.

                                                            Sect. Alfred King

Dec. 20 – 1957

            The annual meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Inc., was held at the home of Harold Yeadon, on the evening of Dec. 20 1957 – The meeting being called to order by the President John South at 9:00 P.M.

            Ralph Phoenix was called upon to act as temporary chairman-

            And those present were, Ralph Phoenix, Merton Whitcomb, Harold Yeadon, John South and Alfred King.

            John South moved that E. B. Whitcomb, Marten Lawrence, and Alfred King, Three trustees above mentioned, be re elected for (3) years.  Seconded by Merten Whitcomb, so carried.

            Harold Yeadon moved that the meeting be closed, seconded by John South – at 9:30 P.M.

P.S.      Due to the weather and the lack of attendance We talked after the meeting about fenceing the new part of the cemetery.

                                                            Alfred King, Sect.

Dec. 18 – 1958

            The annual meeting of the Round Top Cemetery, Inc., was called to order at 8:45 P.M. for the election of directors.

            Acting chairman was Mrs. Hale, And those present were Mrs. Hale, Ralph Phoenix, Harold Yeadon, John South, and Alfred King.

            George Cochran and Mrs. Hale were re elected as directors, The motion was made by Ralph Phoenix and Seconded by Harold Yeadon.  The Sect. cast one ballot.

            Harold Yeadon moved that the meeting be closed, Seconded by John South, so carried.

            The directors meeting was called to order at 9.10 P.M.

            Mrs. Hale and Harold Yeadon audited the books and found them in order and correct.

            Election of officers are as follows.  Ralph Phoenix moved that John South be re elected President, seconded by Mrs. Hale, the Sect. cast one ballot – so carried.

            Harold Yeadon moved that Merton Whitcomb be re elected and the sect. cast one ballot, seconded by Mrs. Hale, so carried.

            Mrs. Hale moved that Alfred King be re elected as Secretary, Seconded by John South sect, cast one ballot, so carried.

            Mrs. Hale moved that Ralph Phoenix be re elected tres, and the sect cast one ballot, seconded by John South, so carried.

            The President moved that Ralph Phoenix draw the interest on accounts, to be used to pay out standing bills.  Seconded by Harold Yeadon, and so carried.

            The President, called for the meeting to close at 9.45 P.M.  Moved by Ralph Phoenix and seconded by Harold Yeadon – Secretary, Alfred King

June 17 – 1959

            A special meeting of the committee was called to meet at the Cemetery – at 7.30 P.M. to discuss the problem of gradeing, and seeding the new part of the grounds, after looking the situation over, we decided to shop around and find some one who will do the most work for the least money.

            After which we met at the fire house with Angelo Canna, who was filling in for John Bamert – a representative of the investors mutial diversified funds, to see if there was some way to invest some of the money that we have in the bank – that we may have some thing substantial working for us in the future.  Since we came to no conclusion at this time, we decided to hold another meeting on the 29th of June 1959 for further discussions.

The meeting was called at 7.30 P.M. with six members present – George Cochran, Marten Lawrence, John South, Harold Yeadon, Ralph Phoenix, and Alfred King.

The meeting closed at 9.15 P.M.

Motion made to close by George Cochran – Seconded by Harold Yeadon  -- so carried.

                                                            Alfred King, Sect.

Jan. 26 – 1962

            [LEGAL NOTICES:  NOTICE:  The annual meeting of the Round Top Cemetery, Inc. will be held at the Round top Fire House on Jan. 26th, at 7:30 p.m..  Interested lot owners are urged to attend.   Jan. 16-20 26-31]

            A meeting of the lot owners of the Round Top Cemetery Inc., was called to order at 8:20 P.M.  Six members Present.  John South, Alice Hale, Joe Hale, Harold Yeadon, Merton Whitcomb, Alfred King.

            Mrs. Hale was called upon to act as chairlady.  The minutes were read for information only.

            Harold Yeadon moved that John South, Alice Hale, and Alfred King be elected trustees for three years.  Seconded by Joe Hale.  Merton Whitcomb moved nominations be closed and the Secretary cast one ballot.  So Carried.

            John South moved that Ralph Phoenix, Merton Whitcomb, and Harold Yeadon be elected trustees for Two Years, seconded by Alfred King.  Joe Hale moved that nominations be closed and the secretary cast one ballot, so carried.

            Alfred King moved that George Cochran, E. B. Whitcomb, and Charles Kaiser be elected trustees for one year.  Seconded by John South, Harold Yeadon moved that nominations be closed.  Seconded by John South.  All in favor – so carried.

            A meeting was called by the newly elected trustees for the purpose of electing a President, John South received an unanimous vote, the Secretary cast one ballot – so carried.

            Merton Whitcomb was elected Vice President unanimously – Secretary cast one ballot – so carried.

            Merton Whitcomb moved that Alfred King remain as secretary, seconded by Alice Hale.  Harold Yeadon moved that the secretary cast one ballot for him self – so carried.

            Harold Yeadon moved that Alice Hale be elected treasurer to replace Ralph Phoenix who wished to withdraw himself from this office.  Merton Whitcomb seconded, and moved the secretary cast one ballot, so carried.

            After some discourse, it was established that all sales of lots in the Round Top Cemetery, from this date January 26th 1962 be raised from $25.00 to $50.00 untill such time it may be necessary to raise them again, this is brought about by the cost of labor, also, the insurance that the state says we must carry, and the item of perpetual care.

We note that for the last three years, we are spending about $100.00 per year, above the moneys received.

            John South recommended that we gather some time in the spring and install boundry markers in the new part of the cemetery so that we can square the graves, and space them properly.

            John South moved the meeting be closed, seconded, and so carried. 

Time 10.10 P.M.                                             Alfred King, Sect.

November 14th 1962

            A meeting of the lot owners of the Round Top Cemetery Inc., was called to order at 8-50 P.M. by President John South.  Eleven members present.

Ernst Christ was Acting Chairman and the minutes of the last meeting were read for information only.

            Alice Hale moved that the trustees succeed themselves, seconded by Harold Yeadon, Mildred Henke moved that nominations be closed and the sect. cast one ballot.  Seconded by Joe Hale, so Carried  the trustees elected for three years were Harold Yeadon, E. B. Whitcomb, George Cochran, and Charles Kaiser.

            Harold Yeadon moved that all trees in the old part of the Cemetery be trimed head high, seconded by George Cochran.

            It was suggested that Charles Kaiser look into the possibility of insurance to cover vandalism, as there have been a great amount of damage to the headstones.  And it was also suggested that John South, contact Earl Greene and get an estimate for welding the gates back in place, to cut down the unnecessary use of the Cemetery driveways, by persons who have no right to trespass.

            Mildred Henke moved that the meeting be closed, Seconded by Mrs. Christ, so carried.

            Harold Yeadon moved that John South be re elected as president, seconded by Alice Hale. It was moved and seconded that nominations be closed and the Sect. cast one ballot, so carried.

            Merton Whitcomb, was unanimously elected to succeed him self as Vice President.

            Alice Hale, likewise, was unanimously elected to the office of treasurer.

            Alfred King was re elected as Sect.

            A motion was made by Harold Yeadon that William Stewart and the Catskill Daily Mail bills for services rendered, be paid seconded by George Cochran, so carried.

            Charles Kaiser moved that the meeting be adjourned, Seconded by Alice Hale, moved and carried at 10.35 P.M.

                                                                        Alfred King, Sect.

June 10th 1963

            A special meeting was called at 8:00, eight trustees present.  George Cochran-Alice Hale-Ralph Phoenix-Harold Yeadon-John South-Merton Whitcomb-Charles Kaiser and Alfred King.

            The purpose of the meeting was to have prices from several persons on mowers to be used at the Cemetery.

            Charles Kaiser is to contact Gordon H??? in Leeds.  Peter Suttmeyer was also contacted and finaly a mower was purchased from Mr. Suttmeyer of Sandy Plains.

            John South said he talked to Earl Greene about fixing the gates on the Cemetery property.  A price of $25.00 was stated.

            Charles Kaiser made a motion that Mr. Greene fix said gates.  Seconded by Mr. Hale.

            John South will also check with Mr. Green, on the possible cost of extending ??? at the Cemetery 120 feet.

            It was moved by Mrs. Hale, that marker points in the new part of the Cemetery be started at once.  Seconded by Harold Yeadon.

            It was moved by Charles Kaiser that the meeting be closed at 10:15 P.M.  Seconded by Merton Whitcomb.

                                                                        Alfred King, Sect.

Dec. 23- 1963

            The annual meeting of the lot owners was held at the Round Top fire house, The meeting was called at 8:15 P.M.

            Those present were John South, Alice Hale, Joe Hale, Alfred King.  It was moved by John South that Alfred King act as Sect for the meeting, so moved.

John South moved that Merton Whitcomb, E. B. Whitcomb, George Cochran, Charles Kaiser be elected trustees for three years, so carried, the Sect. casting one ballot for each.

            In November, 1963 because of the weather there was no trustees meeting after the lot owners meeting, only three trustees were present.  The meeting closed by the lot owners at 9:15 P.M.

                                                                        Alfred King, Sect.

[NOTICE:  The annual meeting of the Round Top Cemetery, Inc. will be held at the Round Top Fire House, Dec. 23rd at 8:00 P.M.  Those interested are asked to attend.

D13&21 2t      Dec. 21/63]

Dec. 1963 trustees elected for 3 yrs.

Merton Whitcomb       }  expires at annual meeting 66

Geo. Cochran              }  if elected for 3 yrs will expire

Chas. Kaiser                }  at annual meeting of 1969

Trustees Elected for 3 yrs

John South                  }

Alice Hale                   }  expires at annual meeting of 1967

Alfred King                } 

Harold Yeadon               to be elected for 2 yrs

Ralph Phoenix                 will expire at annual meeting of 68

to replace E. B. Whitcomb 

election of pres – moved by M.W. that J. S. pres seconded by Alice H. nom were closed sect cast one ballot, so carried.

H.Y. moved that M. W. second by A. H. that M. W. be vice Pres. It was moved noms be closed.  Sect. Cast 1 ballot

M. W. moved Mrs. Hale be tres. Seconded by H. Y. noms be closed. Sect cast 1 ballot

H. Y. moved that A. K. be sect. Sect by Mert. A. H. moved that noms be closed sect cast 1 ballot

            It was moved that the pres be empowerd to spend not to exceed $600.00 for a tool shed, size 10x12 building on 4” slab re enforced.  Completion date may 1 /67

Nov – 1964

            The annual meeting of the lot owners was called to order by John South at 8:15 P.M. at the Round Top Church.

            Those present were John South, Alice Hale, Charles Kaiser, Harold Yeadon, Alfred King.

            The lot owners appointed C. Kaiser as chairman for the evening.

There being three trustees to elect this night, as follows, John South, Alice Hale, and Alfred King, Harold Yeadon moved that we three succeed out selves as trustees for three years and that the Sect cast one ballot for each.  Seconded by C. Kaiser – so carried.

            Harold Yeadon moved all bills be paid, Alice Hale seconded.  All in favor – so carried.

            It was moved by Alfred King and seconded by H. Yeadon that we buy back two lots from Ralph Phoenix Sr. to be resold to William Russell.

            We were contacted by one John Grey who wants to sell back one grave from the old part of the cemetery for the sum of $4.00 plus 2 % interest.

P.S.      John South and myself went over the maps also the apromimate location of said grave, it is doubtful if Mr. Grey can tell us the exact location.

            It was moved by C. Kaiser that the interest from the endowment fund be taken and entered into the Service fund.  So carried.

           it was moved by Alfred King and seconded by John South that there be a cement base poured for the tool shed and the shed moved thereon.

            Harold Yeadon moved at 10:30 P.M. that the meeting be closed, Seconded by C. Kaiser.  Carried

                                                                        Alfred King, Sect.

Dec 28/65

A meeting of the Cemetery trustees, held a meeting at the Round “Top church basement at 8:45 P.M.      Those present were Alice Hale, Harold Yeadon, Merton Whitcomb, John South, Alfred King.  The purpose of the meeting was to pay bills etc.

            We also talked over the possibility of a steel building to be used as a tool shed.  The shed is a must.  The size of such a building would have to be about 8 feet x 12 feet.

            Being a meeting of few, Mrs. Hale move at 9:45 P.M. that the meeting be closed. Seconded by Harold Yeadon – All in favor.  So carried

                                                                        Alfred King, Sect.

[NOTICE:  The annual meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Association will be held December 28th at 8 P.M. in the Church basement in case if bad weather on that date, the meeting will be postponed until January 3.  All lot owners are urged to attend.

DM D22                                                                                  Pg 1

At 8:30 P.M.

Jan. 3/67          Lot owners meeting

            In view of the second attempt to hold the meeting a quarim was not present,

            So we held a meeting anyway. Those present was as follows. John South, Alice Hale, Joe Hale, Harold Yeadon, Mert Whitcomb and Al King

            J.S. was appointed temp chairman, A.K. Sect.

            The tres. Books were audited by Mert Whitcomb and H. Yeadon and found to be correct.


A discussion on delinquent payments of lot owners

A motion was made that delinquent lot owners be sent a bill for the amount due moved by Mrs. Hale seconded by H. Yeadon so carried.

Sent to

            Motion made by H. Y. and sec by A. H. Sect cast one ballot for Mert Whitcomb, Geo. Cochran, Chas Kaiser

To succede them selves.  As trustees for three years.  Joe H. noms be closed, seconded by A.H. so carried.

A. K. moved that H. Y. and R. P. be elected Adelbert Higgens (to fill vacancy of E. B. Whitcomb) as trustees for 2 years terms to 1968 seconded by M. W. so carried.

A. H. so moved that the meeting be closed.  Seconded by H. Y.  all in favor so carried time 9:15 P.M.

Jan 3/67

            The annual meeting of the lot owners of the Round Top Cemetery inc. was called to order at 8:30 P.M. by President John South.

            This is the second attempt to hold a meeting but a quorim was not present.

            So we held a meeting as best we could, Those present were as follows.  John South, Alice Hale, Joe Hale, Harold Yeadon, Merton Whitcomb, and Alfred King.

            John South was appointed chairman.  Alfred King Sect., the treasurey books were audited by Harold Yeadon and Merton Whitcomb and found to be correct..


            A discussion on delinquent payments of lot owners was in order.

            A motion was made that those who had not made payments in the amount due be sent a bill, this was a motion by Alice Hale and was seconded by Harold Yeadon  All in favor and so carried

            A motion was made by Harold Yeadon and seconded by Alice Hale that the Sect. cast one ballot for Merton Whitcomb, George Cochran and Charles Kaiser to succeed them selves for three year as trustees, Joe Hale moved that Ralph Phoenix, Harold Yeadon and Adelbert Higgens be elected for two year terms as trustees  seconded by Merton Whitcomb who moved the Sect cast one ballot for each and so carried.

            Alice Hale moved that the meeting be closed, seconded by Harold Yeadon, All in favor   time 9:15 P.M.

                                                                        Alfred King, Sect.

Dec. 6/67

            The annual meeting of the lot owners was held at the Round Top Church basement at 8:00 P.M.  those present were Alice Hale, John South, Delbert Higgens, Harold Yeadon and Alfred King.

            The business at hand was the payment of bills, William Stewart Custodian, and the meeting notices to the Catskill Daily Mail.  It was moved by John South – seconded by Delbert Higgens that these bills be paid.  All in favor – So carried.

            It was moved that the interest from the endowment fund be transferred to the working fund.  Moved by Alice Hale, seconded by John South, all in favor – so carried.

            Delbert Higgens moved that Alice Hale, John South, Alfred King succeed them Selves as trustees for three years, seconded by Harold Yeadon, Sect. cast on ballot.  So carried.

            John South moved that William Stewart see the monument dealer to see if he would reset one stone and if possible repare another that was broken by a falling tree.  Seconded by Delbert Higgens.  All in favor – so carried.

            Alice Hale moved and it was unanimous that William Stewart remove from the graves that part remaining of floral peaces in the spring – such as out dated peaces.

            It was established that we need to raise the price of graves from $50.00 to $75.00 due to the riseing cost of upkeep.  The Sect. was instructed to contact the state board of Cemetereys, Albany 164 State St., N.Y. to get there permission to do so.

            Alice Hale moved we adjourn at 10:00 P.M. seconded by Delbert Higgens, All in favor  so carried.

Dec. 13/67       8:00 P.M.

A special meeting was called by John South to discuss work on the cemetery map.

            Those present was Harold Yeadon, Ralph Phoenix, Mert Whitcomb, Dell Higgens, Alice Hale, John South, Alfred King

Tonight we are to elect the officers for the ensuing year.

We are to meet at the Cemetery on Dec.17/67 between 1:30 and 2:00 to pick a site for a tool shed.

We are to elect a president & vice

Del Higgens moved that John South be president seconded by Mert. The sect cast one ballot all in favor so carried.

Mert Vice President

Alice Hale tres, Alfred K, Sect.

            Motion is in order that we draw the new map to exclude the paths from the cemetery new section    Ralph P. made the motion Seconded by H. Yeadon.  All in favor so carried.

            A motion was made by Del Higgens that we adjourn seconded by Harold Yeadon

            All in favor – so carried.

November 20, 1968 – Annual Meeting

            The Round Top Cemetery Association held its annual meeting at the Church Hall the evening of November 20, 1968.  Following were present – John South, Alfred King, Harold Yeadon, Emmett Lawrence, Merton and Helen Whitcomb, Alice Hale, Joseph Hale, Carrie Haase, Lillian Alfeld, Claire Warrings (for half the meeting), John Kuever and Ovide Meyer.  The lot owners met first (reported by Claire Warrings, report herewith), then the trustees.  Before the meeting was called the men discussed the proposed building and fences, also installing a water pump.  Building is to be 12 ft. wide with overhead door.  Measurements must be taken again.

            Election of Officers:  For President, John South, nominated by M. Whitcomb, seconded by H. Yeadon.

            Vice-Pres., M. Whitcomb, nom. By A. Hale, sec by J. Hale.

            Treas., John Kuever, nom. by H. Yeadon, sec by Alfred King.

            Secy., Ovide Meyer, nom by Al King, sec. by John South

                        All the above-named were unanimously elected.

            Bills were presented for approval.  Maplecrest Garage for repairing fences, $100.; Wages $294. Gas and oil, $5.97.  Catskill Daily Mail bill to be paid when rendered. (see opp. page) Total bills $399.97.

            Mrs. Hale state that $140 interest would be available.  She would take $400 from drawing acct.  She explained that we try to keep $5000 in the endowment acct.  Ten per cent goes into the Permanent Maintenance Fund by N.Y. State law.  We have a drawing acct. for current expenses.  There will be about $11,000 in all accts. after the Jan. 1st interest is added.

            Mrs. Hale brought up the matter of sale of graves to “outsiders” some of whom do not live here or own property here.  (There is no law to restrict sale of graves to such persons.)  Raising price of graves was discussed.  On motion H. Yeadon, sec. John South, it was unanimously voted to raise price to $100 per grave lot beginning Jan. 1st.  Mrs. Alfeld requested purchase of two lots at the old price of $50.  With approval of John South she paid $20 on the purchase, balance due by Jan. 1st, 1969.

            On motion H. Yeadon, sec- Al King, it was voted to pay current bills.  On motion M. Whitcomb, sec. Al King, unanimously voted that Mrs. Hale draw funds from Catskill Savings Bank to pay these bills.

          The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M.

            In a conference held after adjournment, Emmett Laurence brought up the error made by the Cemetery in placement of his father’s grave.  John Sough acknowledged responsibility of the Cemetery to rectify the error.  As explained by Emmett, correct placement of his father’s grave should be at the South end of the Lawrence plot, leaving two vacant graves at the north end.  Emmett is to have a memorandum either before he leaves fro California or by mail.  The adjustment to be made at first convenient opportunity. (Sketch by Emmett below)

                                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Ovida R. Meyer, Secy

[Sketch taped to page is missing]

*(from preceding page)  Mrs. Hale wrote Dec. 25 from Florida that the C. D. Mail bill of $10.50 for 3 printings of Cem. Annual meeting notice had been paid.

Report on Dec. 1970 Meeting of Cem. Assn.

            On Dec. 2, 1970, due notice having been mailed by sec. to committee members notice posted in R.T. store, and notice printed in Catskill Daily Mail, five members met at R. T. Church, namely A. Hale, C. Kaiser, J. Keuver, H. Yeadon, and O. Meyer.  (Both pres. And vice-pres. Were unable to attend because of illness.)  Since there was no quorum, the group disbanded after some informal talk.

            Items discussed were faulty surveying of grave plots, need for deeds for plot owners, and for a circular of Cemetery regulations.  (Suggested revision of old circular is attached herewith.*)

            On Dec. 31, 1970 Pres. South requested secretary’s signature for voucher and check (for transfer of $300 from Catskill Saving to Cairo bank) so that outstanding bill to Wm. Stewart for service at cemetery might be paid and included in 1970 business.  This was done.

            Pres. intimated that in view of absence of members he felt it best to defer the regular meeting of the Cem. Assn. till spring.

12-4-70 Mail????                                            Resp. submitted

                                                                                    O. Meyer Sec.

                                                Jan. 1, 1971

[Notice]  Due to illness the Round Top Cemetery Assn. was obliged to postpone the meeting planned for December 1st.  A new date will be set as soon as possible.

* [suggested revisions missing]

(This letter was received by Cem. Assn. Officers early in February, 1973  -  O. Meyer, Sec’y.)

                                                                        Round Top N.Y. 12473

                                                                        January 30, 1973

Round top Cemetery Assoc. Inc.

Round top N.Y. 12473

            To the Secretary of the Round top cemetery and to whom it may concern.

            Due to my failing health I am no longer able to carry on the dutys which seem to fall on the president of the Association.  I therefore am handing in my resignation as of this date.

            The Vice-President “Merton Whitcomb” should take over until a new president is elected.  I sincerely hope the new president will get better cooperation than I did as it seemed almost impossible to get enough out for a meeting.


                                                            John South 

                                                Feb. 7, 1973

            Following receipt of the above letter, a meeting of officers was called for the evening of Feb. 7, 1973, at Kaiser’s house.  Present were Charles and Marge Kaiser, John Kuever and Ouida Meyer.  Neither Mr. South nor Mr. Whitcomb could attend.

            Since there was no quorum, there was no meeting, and the group agreed to hold the regular annual meeting of Feb. 21st.  (This date was checked by phone with Mr. Whitcomb.)

            The secretary was asked to send the proper notices to the Catskill Daily Mail (for three insertions) and the Pennysaver, and to post the required notice in the Round Top Post Office.  Mrs. Kaiser volunteered to notify former (most recent) trustees of meeting.

                                    (Signed)  Ouida Meyer, Sec’y.

Round Top, N.Y.  Feb. 8, 1973

Mr. Merton Whitcomb,

Winterclove House

Round Top, N.Y.   12473 

Dear Mr. Whitcomb:

            I have given some thought to this matter and have decided that, in the best interests of all concerned, it would be wise for me to resign my office as secretary of the Round Top Cemetery Assn, effective at once.  This decision is due to impaired hearing, which has worsened considerably in the past two years.

            Since my tenure as secretary has been very brief and meeting infrequent, I do not feel that my resignation will cause any noticeable inconvenience.

            If this suggestion is in order, I would like to propose Margie Kaiser as my successor.  She is very capable and is in touch with cemetery affairs over a long period.  I think she would welcome the opportunity to serve the Association in an official capacity.

            I have sent Mr. South my personal regrets at his resignation.  Please accept my best wishes for the future of the group under your direction.

                                                            Very sincerely,

                                                                        Ouida R. Meyer|
                                                                        Round Top Cemetery Assn.

P.S.  I am posting a copy of this letter in the Assn. minutes book, as a matter of record. 

Round Top Cemetery Association to Meet

Round Top – The annual meeting of the Round Top Cem. Association will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 21, at 8 p.m. at the Round Top Church.  It was announced by Mrs Ouida Meyer, secretary.  “This is an important meeting for all plot owners, and a full attendance is urged,” Mrs. Meyer reported.

            The Daily Mail, Friday (Page 5) February 9, 1973, Catskill, N.Y.


The Mountain Pennysaver, February 14, 1973

            The Round Top Cemetery Association will hold its annual meeting on Wednesday, February 21, at 8 P.M. at the Round Top Church.  This is an important meeting for all plot owners and a full attendance is urged.  M-991

February 7, 1973         8 P.M. (At Chas. Kaiser Home)

            Following receipt of John South’s letter of resignation, a meeting of available personnel was called for the above date.  The only persons present were Charles and Margie Kaiser, John Kuever and Ouida Meyer.  Mr. Whitcomb was unable to attend.  With his (phone) approval, the annual Assn. meeting was re-scheduled for Feb. 21, 8 P.M. at the Church.  The secretary was asked to post the required notice at the post office and arrange for the proper newspaper announcements (3 times each in Pennysaver and Catskill Daily Mail).  (This was done on Feb. 8th)  Margie Kaiser volunteered to alert the most resent trustees (all of whose services have expired since the Assn’s previous meeting).

            Inactivity of the Assn. has been due largely to illness and absenteeism of those responsible.  The task of re-making the map of the “new” part of the cemetery and the ceritance of deeds of ownership to plot owners now faces the group.  A new slate of officers must be elected, as well as new trustees.

            These matters are on the agenda for the Feb. 21 meeting.

            Ouida Meyer, troubled by impaired hearing which has grown progressively worse in late years tendered her resignation to Mr. Whitcomb by mail, Feb. 8th (Copy f her letter opposite.)

                                                                        Respect Fully submitted,

                                                                                    Ouida R. Meyer, Secretary

Wed. February 21, 1973

A meeting was called on Feb. 21, 1973 of the Round Top Cemetery Association for the purpose of re-organization.  No annual meeting had been held since 1970 and with President and Secretary’s resignations plus all terms of trustees expired a new election was held.

            Pres.                Charles Kaiser             3 year
            V. Pres.           Jessie Clyburne           2 year
            Sec.                  Margie Kaiser              2 year
            Treas.               John Kuever                3 year
                                     {Merton Whitcomb     3 year
            Voted              {Emmet Lawrence       2 year
               By                 {Alice Hale                    1 year
            Proxy               {Mary Zenchuk            1 year
                                     {Steven Savoia              1 year

Voted unanimously instead of three signatures on checks only the Pres. And Treasurer are required to sign.  Held discussion on various needs to make our Cemetery a place of respect for our departed loved ones.  Will make inquiries about the roadway, fix fence, price on painting fence total cleanup and check on deeds issued and make up deeds for those who have paid but have not been issued.

Next meeting on April 12, 1973 to be put in paper Pennysaver, radio and poster at store.  Meeting to be held in Church Hall.  10 members attended this meeting.

                                                                        Respectfully submitted

                                                                        Margie Kaiser, Sec.

Thursday, April 12, 1973

            A meeting was called to order by our President Charles Kaiser to conduct business for the Round Top Cemetery Assoc.  Minutes of the last meeting were read approved by Jessie Clyburne seconded by Lillian Alfeld.  Prior to business meeting Cemetery plots were sold and deeds issued where possible.

            President Kaiser explained that the American Legion from Cairo will put in a permanent flag pole with a lovely plaque in the center of the curve at the back of the new cemetery facing lake and the mountains.  It will be a lasting memorial to honor all their deceased members.  Discussion held to have the tool building moved back so roadway can be adjusted.  Spoke of booklet to set up rules for cemetery and when printed send out with the deeds.

            All foundations for stones and corner markers are to be set by the superintendent.  Motion made by Linda Kuever seconded by Jessie Clyburne that Plot owners before receiving deeds are responsible for purchasing corner stones.  Which Cemetery includes in purchase of plot for installations.  This helps in measuring plots for burial.

Resolution to correct error in designation of the land in deed to Glenbrook Farm has to be signed notized and sent back to the lawyer Curtis & Warren.  Also decided that people who designate money for perpetual care be put in the permanent maintence fund.

Motion made by Jessie Clyburne seconded Mary Zenchuk we adjourn.

                                                                        Respectfully submitted

                                                                                    Margie Kaiser, Sec.

Nov. 29, 1973

            Meeting called to order by Pres. Kaiser.  Minutes read and approved unanimously.  Old Business:  Held discussion on setting of monuments and corner stones.  Discussion was held on deeds and the advantage of having 2 or 3 maps kept up to date.  Also placement of stones to be uniform.

            Mr. Kaiser suggested the Association sending the American Legion a personal thank you for the flag, pole & plaque.  Bill from Mr. Kovacs for welding the fence.  Suggested a thank you along with payment of $20.00.

            New Business:  Mary Zenchik Trustee 1 yr, Linda Kuever 1 yr., Fritz Zimmermann 1 yr.

            The trustees were unanimously voted in for the year 1974.

            Officers:  Pres.                        C. Kaiser
                                    V. Pres.            Jessie Clyburne
                                    Sec.                   Margie Kaiser
                                    Treas.               Johnny Kuever

Motion made by Mary Zenchuk 2nd Gloria Burns all officers serve for the year 1974.

Treasurers Report:

Donations & plots




Checking Acc’t  11/29/73


 Motion to adjourn by Johnny Kuever 2nd by Mary Zenchuk at 9: 15 P.M.

Attended:  Mr. & Mrs. John Zenchuk, Mrs. Gloria Burns, Johnny Kuever, Charles Kaiser, Mildred McManus

Nov. 21, 1974

Meeting called to order by P. Kaiser.  Mr. Kaiser thanked all the people for attending the meeting and a special thanks to Millie McManus for having taken notes from the previous meeting.  Minutes were approved as read.  Treasurers Report given by John Kuever







Motion made J. Clyburne, L. Kuever

Officers for coming year were all voted unanimously.

            Pres.                C. Kaiser
            V. Pres.           J. Clyburne
            Sec.                 M. Kaiser
            Treas.               J. Kuever

Two year trustees:

            Jessie Clyburne, M. McManus, Emmet Lawrence

One year trustees:  Mary Zenchuck, Linda Kuever, Fritz Zimmermann

Hold meeting in spring for cleanup committee tentative date Mr. 30, 1974

Notice to be in paper of closure of cemetery do to weather conditions from Dec. 1st til April 1st.

Have obtained a mail box for cemetery mail 3.00 a year.  Motion made by Linda Kuever seconded by Millie McManus we have two signs made for the cemetery at each walk in gate.  Motion made by Lilliam Alfeld and seconded J. Clyburne we pay the bill for Bill Stewart 467.10

Approved transfer of interest from Endowment to Checking account.        





P. Maintance


Meeting was adjourned          motion made by L. Kuever seconded M. Kaiser

                                                            Respectfully, M. Kaiser, Sec.

Attended (6) L. Alfeld, J. Clyburne, L. Kuever, M. Kaiser, C. Kaiser, M. McManus

Nov. 20, 1975

Annual meeting fo the Round Top Cemetery Association was held on Nov. 20, 1975 at the Round Top Church Hall.  Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.  Lillian Alfeld seconded M. McManus. 

Treasurer’s report:

            Total Receipts             3,105.00

                        Debits               1,703.50

Check book balance Nov. 1975          131.81

Motion made by M. McManus seconded by M. Kaiser we accept report of treasurer.

Copy of a letter spent (sic) to Mr. Gerstberger by a lawyer retained by Mr. Bobylon (?) for a fence to be erected behind the cemetery grounds was read.  Motion was made we reimburse Mr. South for the fees incurred from an action for a fence to be installed by Mr. Gerstberger.  Charlie Kaiser made motion seconded by Lillian Alfeld.

Motion made unanimously that Plots will only be sold to residents in the Township of Cairo and then immediate family.

            Officers for 1976

Pres.                Jessie Clyburne           Pres. 2 yr Trustee
V. Pres.           C. Kaiser
Sec.                 M. Kaiser
Treas.               J. Kuever
M. McManus               2 yr.
E. Lawrence                2 yr.
L. Kuever                    3 yr.     } proxy for 1976
W. Alfeld                     3 yr.     } proxy
L. Alfeld                      3 yr.
F. Zimmermann         1 yr.     } proxy
B. South                       1 yr.     }
M. Zenchuck               1 yr.

Secretary cast one ballot to install all officers proxy and trustees

Notice to paper to Close Cemetery Dec. 15th til April 15th.  Cancel fire insurance on house and check liability insurance.

Will have cleanup in spring.

Savings Book balance General            13,970.26

Permanent Maintence                           2,305.55

Endowment                                             5,000.??

Meeting adjourned                  M. Kaiser, Sec.


                        TO THE PUBLIC

            The Round Top Cemetery Assn. urgently request that the Cemetery sign which was affixed to the iron fence near the main gate be returned to its position.

            No questions will be asked or fines levied.  The sign is of no use to anyone but its owners who appeal to the public for its return as soon as possible.

                                                Round Top Cemetery Assn. 

Special meeting called to order in April.  Bid was read for walk and roadway to surface Cemetery.            $17.80 Roadway 540 ft. long 8 ft. wide

                        $10.75 Walk    240 ft. long 5 ft. wide

                        $28.55 Total

Treasurer’s Report                  


Check Book




P. Maintance


General Fund

Accepted Bid Fritz Zimmerman made motion seconded Millie McManus, money to be drawn from General Fund.

            Motion made we adjourn:  Linda Kuever and seconded M. McManus, 9:10


                        The Round Top Cemetery will be officially closed from Dec. 15, 1976 to April 15, 1977     The Round Top Cemetery Assoc.

Dec. 1,2,3        Pg. 1


                        The annual meeting of the Roundtop Cemetery Association Inc. will be held Tuesday, Nov. 16, 1976 at 8 p.m. at the Roundtop Community Church.

Nov. 2,3,4       Pg. 1

                        November 1976

            Meeting called to order by our President Jessie Clyburne.  9 people present.  Minutes accepted as read.  Treasurer’s approved.  Motion made by E. Savoid (?) seconded Millie McManus.  Pay Bill Stewart for maintainance of cemetery.  Place notice again to close cemetery from Dec. 15th til April 15th for weather conditions.

            All officers and trustees were voted in unanimously before adjourning.

                                                                        M. Kaiser, Sec.

                        November 15, 1977

Meeting called to order by our president Jessie Clyburne.  Minutes were read and approved.  Pay Bill Stewart for work done during the season.  Table till spring for work to be done in cemetery.

Will close again from Dec. 15th til April 15th

            Officers for 1978

            Pres.                J. Clyburne      2 yr. trustee
            V. Pres.           M. McManus   2 yr. trustee
            Sec.                  M. Kaiser
            Treas.               John Kuever

Special meeting to be held 3rd Tues in April 15th

            Trustees appointed were

                        Mary Zenchuck           2 yr
                        Merton Whitcomb       1 yr.
                        B. Peak                          1 yr.
                        John Zenchuck            1 yr.

            No further business meeting was adjourned.

                                                                        M. Kaiser, Sec.


            The annual meeting of the Roundtop Cemetery Association, Inc. will be held Tuesday, Nov. 15, 1977 at 8 p.m. at the Roundtop Community Church.


            The Round Top Cemetery will be officially closed from Dec. 15, 1977 to April 15, 1978.

            The Round Top Cemetery Association

Nov. 28,29,39             Page 1

111      November 1978

            Our annual cemetery meeting was called to order by our President Jessie Clyburne.  Minutes from previous meeting were read by Margie Kaiser, Sec.  Milly McManus made motion we accept minutes as read seconded by John Zenchuck.

            Had 11 burials in 1978 and have about 100 plots left to sell.

            Motion made for Jessie to obtain legal advise pertaining to business matters and insurance for the cemetery.  Notice to be put in the daily Mail closing of the cemetery from Dec. 15th til April 15th 1979.

            Discussed sending a letter to Bill Stewart in reference to not being covered by compensation for his family.  Suggestion was made we invest our money in treasurey bonds for interest purposes.  Must start giving thought of having funds to provide care of the cemetery after all the plots are sold.

            Officers for 1979

                        Pres.                Jessie Clyburne
                        V. Pres.           Milly McManus
                        Sec.                 Fred Zimmerman
                        Treas.               John Kuever
                                    3 year              F. Zimmerman
                                                            P. Smith
                                                            Bill Alfeld
                                    2 year              Jessie Clyburne
                                                            Milly McManus
                                                            Mary Zenchuck
                                    1 year              John Zenchuck 
                                                            Millie Ignazio
                                                            Merton Whitcomb

            Decided to get estimates for lawn cutting.  Also ask other cemeteries what the going price is.

            Motion we adjourn     Fred Zimmerman & John Zenchuck

                                                            Respectfully submitted, M. Kaiser, Sec.

November 13, 1979

            Annual meeting was called to order by the President Ms. J. Clyburne at 8 P.M. at the Round Top Church with following members present:

            Mrs. E. Ignazio
            Mrs. M. McManus
            Fritz Zimmerman
            Mr. & Mrs. Zenchuk
            Mr. John Kuever
            Mrs. J. Clyburne

Minutes from previous meeting were read and accepted.  Bids were received for cutting grass and grounds general maintenance but were all deemed to be too high.  It was decided to have grass cut by the hour by Charles Kaiser.  A contract was entered into with the Gemini Construction Company for digging graves in both the old and new cemetery.

Workmans compensation coverage was taken care of as far as insurance purposes are concerned for the cemetery Assn.

The cemetery is now down to 55 plots which are available for grave sites.

The Treasurer’s Report was submitted by John Kuever.

Endowment Fund

$  5,276.70

Permanent Maint.

$  3,388.64

General Fund


Checking Acct/Nov. 13


Receipts – 1979


Burial Fees


Trans. Fm. Sv. Acct.


Expenses for 1979


Treasurers Report accepted by motion of Mrs. M. McManus, seconded by Mrs. M. Kaiser

A motion was made to close cemetery from 15 Dec 79 to 15 April 1980 for Burials.

Motion made by Mrs. J. Clyburne, seconded by Mrs. M. Kaiser.  A notice will be inserted in local newspapers advising of this fact.

Motion made by M. Kaiser seconded by Mrs. Zenchuk to raise charge for laying 4 cornerstones from $10.00 to $15.00.

The Treasurer John Kuever was asked to determine the legality of investing funds from all accounts except the endowment fund which is specifically prohibited in Treasury Bills in order to earn higher rate of interest.  Treasury bills which are renewable every 6 months are currently paying 11 to 12% interest.  Mr. Kuever agreed to do this and will report findings to the President Mrs. J. Clybure for any further action.

Motion made by Fritz Zimmerman seconded by Mrs. J. Clyburne to elect following officers.

            Trustee  -  1 yr  - J. Zenchuk

            Trustee  -  1 yr  - Mrs. M. Ignazio

            Trustee  -  1 yr  - Mr. M. Whitcomb

It was agreed by all present that all other officers for the year 1980 will be the same as for 1979

A motion for adjournment at 9:15 P.M . was made by Mrs. M. McManus, seconded by Mrs. M. Ignazio and carried.

                                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Fritz Zimmerman, Sec.


                  Round Top Cemetery will be officially closed from Dec. 15, 1979 to April 15, 1980.

                                    Round Top Cemetery Association

Nov. 30, Dec. 3. 4                                           Pg. 1

December 8, 1980

Meeting called to order at Mrs. Clyburne’s house at 8:30 P.M.  Members present were

            Charles Kaiser
            Marge Kaiser
            Mrs Senchuk
            Mrs. Clyburne
            Fred Zimmerman
            Mildred McManus
            Emmet Lawrence

Minutes of last years meeting was read to the assembled members and discussed.  The question of investing monies in savings certificates was gone over.  Minutes were accepted by motion of Margie Kaiser seconded by Mrs. Clyburne.

A motion was made by Margie Kaiser and seconded by Millie McManus to visit a local bank to find out about obtaining a tax exempt ID number for the association and also to find out the ramification of buying treasury bills to enable the association to benefit from the high rate of interest they now bring.

Marge Kaiser advised that there are only 15 grave plots left to sell after which time the books can be closed.

No treasurer’s report was given at this meeting.

New Business

Emmet Lawrence has asked the association to explore the possibility of issueing deeds for unused plots in the old portion of the cemetery from the Scmerhorn and Bogardus lineage (13 plots in all) for use by his son Emmet Jr. and his son Carl’s wife Hilda.  The subject was discussed by the members present and it was suggested that Emmet contact a notary public to attest to the fact he is a blood relative of the above deceased and it is believed such an arrangement can be legal and recognized by the association.

However it was brought out the association cannot issue deeds until all the legal aspects of the above situation have been clarified and are in conformance with all laws pertaining to such a situation.

Election of Officers

Trustee for 2 years
            Mary Zenchuk
            Millie McManus
            Jessie Clyburne
Trustee for 1 year
            J. Zenchuk
            M. Ignazio
            Emmet Lawrence

 It was agreed by all present that association officers for the year 1981 will be the same as for 1980.

A motion for adjournment at 9:30 P.M. was made by Millie McManus, seconded by M. Zenchuk and carried.

                                                                        Respectfully submitted
                                                                                    Fred Zimmerman, Sec.

            PUBLIC NOTICE

Round Top Cemetery will be officially closed Dec. 15, 1980 to April 15, 1981.

Dec. 1,2,3                                            pg. 2

Expenses for 1980 are as follows:

Gemeni Construction


Grave openings

Gemini -


Top Soil

Brabazon Ins. Co.



Catskill Daily Mail



Bob South & Charles Kaiser





Flowers, postage, etc.





Meeting called to order at Round Top Church Hall by President Jessie Clyburne Nov. 16, 1981 at 8 P.M.

Minutes of 1980 meeting was read by Fred Zimmerman Recording Secretary and accepted by motion of Millie McManus, seconded by Millie Ignazio.

Members present were

            Jessie Clyburne
            Marge Kaiser
            Mr. John Zenchuk
            Mrs. Zenchuk
            Fred Zimmerman
            Mildred McManus

Treasurers report was read by Jessie Clyburne  Motion to accept was made by Mary Zenchuk seconded by Millie McMans and accepted by vote of members present.

Treasurers report is as follows:

Balance on Nov. 17, 1981 in checking acct


Balance in savings Acct.


Certificate of Deposit # 36-2589


A/C 42254 (Endowment)


A/C 75053 (General Fund)


A/C 782136 (Perm. Maint.)




Receipts for 1981 thru Nov.


Disbursements for 1981 thru Nov.


Cemetery books audited by state and approved on 10/29/81 by John Kuever, Treas.

1981 Expenses in Detail

Gemini Construction Co.



Brabazon Insurance Co.



Catskill Daily Mail



B. South & C. Kaiser





Gas, Postage, Repairs, Flowers

Robert Bishop



Mr. & Mrs. Zenchuk


Refund of Plot




New Business

Discussion was held concerning monies invested in money market certificates, Mrs. Clyburne stated that she will be advised on Dec. 23rd by bank officials on recommendations to re-invest the monies now in certificate form to obtain the best return on any investments made.

Discussion was held concerning possibility of a gift of land to the association to enlarge the cemetery from William Nuener, concensus was such a gift would be greatly appreciated  if and when such a gift is made.

All plots in the present cemetery are sold and there is no more room.

A motion was made by Fred Zimmerman to buy a new lawn mower, seconded by J. Clyburne to buy a new lawn mower, (a Yazoo 24”) for use by Bob South who will do the maintenance work in the cemetery.  Members present voted to purchase the above machine.

The fence needs repairs and this will be looked into by Jessie Clyburne.

If and when new land is acquired by the association, new regulations concerning the layout in conformance with the way modern cemetaries are plotted will be followed

The price of burial plots in any new land acquired will be raised to the extent it will be in conformance with prices being charged in other cemetaries at the present time.

                                                            Respectfully Submitted

                                                                        Fred C. Zimmerman
                                                                                    Recording Secretary

It was agreed by all present that all officers of the association for 1981 will continue in the same capacity for the year 1982.

The annual meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Axxoc. Was held Tuesday, November 16th, 1982 at the R. T. Com. Church

No minutes of this meeting are available.

Treasurer’s Report:

A/C Catskill Savings




Permanent Maintenance



Endowment Fund



General Fund


2 ½ ye. Certificate

Due 6/30/84





Checking Account

State Bank of Albany



Balance 11/17/82


Bills paid for 1982



K & D Rapair Shop

New mower






Grave openings





Gypsy moth Program



Brabazon Ins. Agency



Bob South



Bodratti General Store

Gas for mower


Olive Simpkins

Purchase back old graves


K & D Repair Shop

Mower repair





Income for 1982




3 Grave openings



Transfer from Savings





The Annual Meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Assoc. was held Tuesday Nov. 15th 1983 at the R. T. Cem. Church.  In attendance:  J. Clyburne, M. McManus, L. Keuver, M. Kaiser, M. Ignazzio, C. Cerold & A. Smith.  No minutes of this meeting are available.

Treasurer’s Report by Linda Keuver:

Permanent Maintenance Fund


Endowment Fund


General Fund


Savings Certificate




Checking Account State Bank of Albany


Receipts for 1983


Transfer fro Savings Acc.


10 Grave openings @ $135.00 each


Grave sales and balances due








Insurance (Brabazen)


Bob South (Maintenance)


DeLosa  (top-soil)


Bodratti General Store (gas)


Catskill Daily Mail


K & D Repair


Jessie Clyburne (reimbursement)




                                                                                                            J. C.  4/11/98

The Annual Meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Assoc. was held 8 p.m.  Tuesday, November 19th 1985 at the Community Church.   8 persons were present:  J. Clyburne, R. South, L. Keuver, M. McManus, J. Corey, E. Canna, Ms. LaPesse, & Ms. Schular.

The president J. Clyburne informed those present that 12 burials took place in 1985.  (11 regular & 1 ashes)  Dausend, Scheffler, Schular, Brust, Donch, South, Osso, Fermiolli, Higgins, Myers, Lutz.  Ashes wer R. Schaefer.  29 plots were sold and 2 returned.  (R. Rose & J. Zenchuk)  29 x $200.00=$5800.00.  10% of $5800.00 to Permanent Maintenance.

Treasurers Report given by Linda Keuver:

SGIA #25-30-0413

Norstar Bank, Cairo


Checking #25-10-177-6

     “         “          “


C.D. #01-08-1869

Catskill Savings Bank


C.D. #01-08-1870

       “          “           “


Savings # 78213

Perm. Main.  “    “   “


Savings # 75053

Gen. Fund      “    “    “



Total Assets


A gift of $500.00 was received from the estate of Ruth Powell.  A letter of acknowledgement was sent to the family by J. Clyburne.


Care of grounds

R. South (251 hours)


Repair of grass cutter

K & D


2 Loads of fill



Seed, Weed Killer, Lime

Agway, Catskill


6 Geranium for box by flagpole

M. Kaiser


100 Corner Posts

Henderson, Catskill


Ledger to keep records

VanGorden, Catskill


Annual mtg. notice

Catskill Daily Mail


Cemetery closing notice

     “           “       “


Notary – 18 deeds

Susan Hilgendorf


Liability Workers Comp.

Brabazen Ins.


Bond Renewal



Return of 2 deeds

R. Rose & J. Zenchuk


Gemeni, 11 openings

10 @ $100.00 & 1 @ $250.00


Installing Corner Markers

14 sets, R. South



Total expenses


Total current assets = $46,044.78

Election of Officers for 1986:

Elected unanimously:  J. Clyburne, Pres.        E. Canna, Treas., & J. Corey, Sec.

Cemetery Grounds:

Mr. Robert South, groundskeeper, asked for cooperation from plot owners to make his job easier.  He asked that flowers be kept to a minimum and that they should be restricted to a small area near the headstone.  All present agreed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

                                                                        Respectfully submitted
                                                                                    Jessie Clyburne

                                                                                                Sec. Pro tem

            The Annual Meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Assoc. was held Tuesday Nov., 18th 1986 in the Community Church.   The meeting was called to order by the president J. Clyburne at 8 p.m.        7 persons were present.  J. Clyburne, E. Canno, J. Corey, P. South, Joseph Corey, and Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Brust.

            Secretary Joan Corey read the minutes of the meeting of Nov. 19th 1985 and the minutes were accepted as read.  The Treasurer, Edith Canna read and submitted her report for the fiscal year ending Nov. 1st 1986 which is attached to this report.

Total Expenses 1986


Total Assets


Total Current Assets


            President J. Clyburne reported that upon her return from vacation a message awaited her from Jrs. Johnson pertaining to the burial of her son and the possible amendment to the “by-laws” with relation to opening the cemetery earlier than April 15th.  Mrs. Johnson stated she knew the Cemetery Assoc., has allowed this in the past.  This was discussed in great length i.e. frost, snow, distruction of parallel graves due to dirt slides, etc.  A vote was taken and unanimously agreed to leave the cemetery closing from Dec. 15 to April 15th.  (Over)

          Mr. Obach, Eva’s grandson of Eva’s Farm wrote and requested a plot.  J. Clyburne replied and has had no response as of this date.

            Veteran’s Service has placed bronze plaques on the graves of Edwin Poole and Harold Arnold.

Fiscal Year November 1, 1986

Active Accounts



SGIA 25-30-0413



Checking 25-10-1776



CD 01-08-1869

Catskill Savings


CD 01-08-1870

      “           “


Savings 78213

Perm. Main.   “  “  “


      “      75073

General Fund   “  “  “





Expenses  1986



K & D






Gunther Ohm










Workers Comp.











B. South




Top Soil


K & D







Total Current Assets


            There were 12 burials in 1986  (10 regular – 2 ashes)  4/19 Louise Lorenz, 5/3 Edwin Poole, 5/13 Sally Alfeld, 5/31 Gus Treola, 6/11 M. Bogardus, 8/9 Harold Arnold, 8/13 Sylva Shulz (Lawrence), 8/16 Dominick Buti, 9/2 Alma Sulgar, 9/21 Peter Braughler.  Ashes:  5/2 Oscar Schelling, ? Sara Servis (Slater)

8 Plots were sold.

Robert Alfeld



L. & J. Carter



Dorothy Cuti



W. & A. Blunck






R. South, the groundskeeper requested that the small lawn mower be reconditioned.  It was unanimously decided that in the long run it would be more economical to buy a new one.

E. Canna raisid the question about the acre of land adjacent to the new section of the cemetery owned by E. South.  Had the situation changed any.  J. Clyburne informed all that yes there had been discussions but the situation remained as before.  She was keeping close to the situation and would try to get first choice should it be sold.

            Mr. & Mrs. Brust questioned if there were two plots next to or around their son.  J. Clyburne checked the map and informed them none were available.  They requested first option if any were for sale.  They also stated the concrete foundation under their son’s stone was sinking and would we please ask Mr. South to take care of it.  Mrs. Clyburne said she would handle this.

Election of Officers for 1987.

            J. Clyburne state she had been president for many years and didn’t feel it was right for her to handle plot sales and the presidency.

            Pat South suggested she would accept the position of secretary if Joan Corey would either accept the presidency or the selling of plots.

            Due to the snow storm all agreed J. Corey & J. Clyburne would discuss this further at a later date for the betterment of the association and report to the committee.  Until then the officers remain the same.

The meeting adjourned 9 p.m.

                                                                        Respectfully submitted,
                                                                                    Joan G. Corey, Sec.
                                                                                               (J.C.  4/2/98)

            The Annual Meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Assoc. was held Tuesday, Nov. 17th 1987 in the Community Church.

            The meeting was called to order at 8 p.m. by president Jessie Clyburne.  5 persons were present:  J. Clyburne, E. Canna, J. Corey, B. South & Joseph Corey.  Sec. Joan Corey read the minutes of the meeting of Nov. 18th 1986 and they were accepted as read.

The Treasurer’s report was given by E. Canna

Total Assest




Total current Assets


The treasurers report was accepted as read.

A letter of commendation was received from Div. of Cemeterys congratulating us on the care given in the cemetery.  E. Canna said she would send a copy to the Daily Mail.

Helen Chalker returned her deed to plot # 206.

There were 6 burials in 1987 (5 regular & 1 ashes)  4/26 Rose Fitten, 5/2 Richard Lehr, 7/17 Florence South, 7/26 Harry Younklaus, 8/29 Cora Russell.  Ashes:  10/16 N. Hotaling.  4 Plots were sold:  Lester Garrison, Janet Lehr, Frank & Marie Christma.

B. South, the groundskeeper reported he repaired the sign and broken fence.  The gates need new hinges.  He will follow up on this.  The blue spruce trees at Oscar Miller’s grave are growing too large and ripping up the concrete walkway.  All agreed they should be removed, and Mrs. Miller to be notified.  Mr. South has also requested that when we sell plots that corner markers be purchased & placed.  This makes for a more positive & failsafe identification of each plot in future years.

            The president during discussion of the cemetery closing for the winter brought up the fact that one of the funeral directors keeps telling people that other cemeteries remain open.  The fact that R. T. cemetery closes was discussed at great length and it was unanimous once again that R. T. cemetery will be closed Dec. 15th till (?)

Election of Officers:  The officers remain the same.  J. Clyburne, Pres., E. Canna, Treas., J. Corey, Secretary.

Meeting adjourned 9 p.m.

                                                                        Respectfully submitted
                                                                                    Joan Corey, Sec.     (j c 4/22/98)

            The Annual Meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Assoc. was held on Tuesday, November 15th 1988 in the Community Church.

            The meeting was called to order 8 p.m.  8 persons were present.  J. Clyburne, E. Canna, J. Corey, M. Kaiser, M. McManus, F. Zimmerman, B. South, & Joseph Corer.

            Secretary Corey read the minutes of the Nov. 17th 87 meeting and the minutes were approved as read.

            Treasurer Edith Canna read and submitted her report for the fiscal year ending 11/15/98 (sic) which is attached to this report.

Total Assets




Total Current Assets


The Treasurers report was accepted by Joseph Corey and 2nd by Bob South.

            The president J. Clyburne’s report was to inform us of the duties of the Cemetery Assoc.  She asked if there were any questions as how the cemetery and the business of the cemetery operated.  As the income (cemetery plots, burials, etc.) decreases the more we have to invest the Assoc., monies more carefully and budget our funds to protect the income.  The Assoc. has bills such as insurance, repairs, etc., all due during the closed season of the cemetery.  At which time there is no income but interest on the accounts.  Margie Kaiser raised the question – “What would happen to our monies in the future of the cemetery should the active members of the Assoc., no longer participate?”  Mr. South pointed out that the State would take it over and the monies and maintenance of the grounds.  This could not happen as long as it is an active assoc., and we maintain the monies properly to care for the cemetery.  The State and/or the Town would not give perpetual care, just maintenance depending on the officials.

The Fence        The fence is very old, and the assoc., is trying to save it.  It is difficult to get parts for same.  All the gates are damaged by trucks.  It was suggested that all gates be kept locked and that pedestrians use walk-in gate.  Joe & Joan Corey agreed to look into ways to preserve the fence and gates which date back to the 19th century.

Cemetery Business:     In 1988 15 plots were sold:  G. & B. Austin (3), F. & M. Amorosa (2), M. Danch/R. Berger (1), P. Costa (2), S. & P. Northrup (2), J. & R. Neugebauer (2), F. & N. Fisk (2), R. Cuccurello (1).

Burials:            12/1/87 J. Dausend, 4/9/88 F. J. Amorosa, 4/20 M. Fitzpatrick, 4/23 L. Alfeld, 5/5 L. Nash, 6/24 E. Schuler, 7/? C. South,  7/27 M. South, 4/18 R. Berger.

It was proposed to increase the price of plots by $5.[00] before the Spring.

Vaults: The subject of vaults was discussed both on a sanitary basis and maintenance.  The cemetery does provide perpetual care and this is expensive.  The funeral directors state that we live on a mountain and mountains move. – p.s. sunken or unkept looking graves.  The question:  should the assoc. make some kind of encasement mandatory as in the majority of cemeteries?  Due to what we felt might be extreme increase in price and/or any religious belief this was tabled.  [In Margin:  “Now Law”]

            Our meeting was attended by 2 guests.  Rosemary Byron, Esq. and Caroline Johnston.  A discussion ensued about the closing of the cemetery during the winter months.  Basically it was about how upsetting it is to hold bodies in a vault (Cairo) and have to go through it all over again in the Spring.  Joseph Corey raised the question “Just how does the equipment get to the proposed grave without disturbing or damaging the adjoining graves”?  Ms. Byron proposed she and/or her clients would pay for any damage caused.  Again we live on a mountain and try very hard not to damage anyone else’s grave.  They too may just have had to stay in a vault.

            It was also discussed building a vault in our own cemetery and because of security, and the expense (based on approx.., 2 burial per winter) this discussion was dismissed.

            A motion was made and carried that all unsalaried executive officers of the corporation be excluded from any compensation coverage.

Election of Officers:

            The officers remain the same for the coming year.  J. Clyburne, Pres., E. Canna, Treas., J. Corey, Sec.

                                                                        Respectfully submitted

                                                                                    Joan Corey, Sec.    (J C  4/22/98)

            The Annual Meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Assoc. was held Tuesday, November 14th 1989 in the R. T. Community Church.

            The meeting was called to order 8 p.m.  7 members were present.  J. Clyburne, E. Canna, J. Corey, M. McManus, B. South, Joe Corey, & Susan Whitcomb Hilgendorf.

            Secretary Corey read the minutes of the Nov. 15th 1988 meeting.  Accepted as read.

Treasurers Report:  by E. Canna

Total Assets




Total Assets


Reviewing the treasurers report there were questions on the increases:

            Postal Costs – more mailings – more postage

            State Insurance Fund - $249.00 didn’t have last year

            Workers Comp. - $354.00 increased from $250.00

            Did check elsewhere for better price; stayed where we are.  We also have liability.  A question was raised by M. McManus – “If we are incorporated why are we paying liability”?  Could we be doubly insured?  Joe Corey suggested perhaps because we have assets may be the reason for the liability.  E. Canna will check on this.  (Workers comp., vandalism, liability, State Ins. Fund – we are paying $600.00 per year)

            The Treasurers report was accepted by B. South and 2nd by Joe Corey.

Burials:          11/21/88          Angelo Canna
                        3/22/89            Ruth Stewart
                        6/19/89            Helen McNaught
                        6/25/89            Bud Warner
                        6/29/89            Marion Neuner
                        8/1/89              Ursula Voss,                (ashes)
                        10/19/89          Nancy Hememcin            “
                        11/5/89            Blanche Peak                   “
                        8/12/89            John Zenchuck                 “

128      Plots returned and re-sold

            Gloresso plot #16 resold to Erich Voss
            Canna        “   #156/157 resold to George & Dorothy True


          Pretty much the same.  Joe Corey to prepare a five year budget projection.

Corner Markers

            J. Clyburne was contacted by a Mrs. Brandsault.  She couldn’t find family graves; wants corner markers; sent check to cover same.  However there are corner markers on the grave with the initial “S” inscribed on them.. Smudech was her uncle.  The original plot owners are buried in New York.  She would like the initial changed.  Following discussion it was agreed that we couldn’t change without the deed and written permission from her Uncle’s widow to do so.  J. Clyburne to handle.

The Fence:

            J. Clyburne, J. Corey, Joe Corey and M. Kaiser had meetings to determine the stability of the fence in the Old section and the cost of repairing same.  Joe Corey brought a metallurgist down from his job.  The fence is in good shape.  The wires that run through it are in one piece.  He was amazed how they did that, and felt it was definitely worth saving.  B. South will prop up the weak post.  J. Corey will contact the Correctional Facility in Coxsackie.  They have a work program.  The prisoners provide the man power and we provide the supplies.  M. McManus worked with them over in East Durham.  Father Nunan of Sacred Heart was to contact them for us; they were to be here in June.  Joan Cory will write a letter and follow up on this.  If not available perhaps the Girl or Boy Scouts might consider doing the painting for a badge.  If not, maybe we all can help.

Rules & Regulations

E. Canna mailed proposed copy to Div. of Cem.  They have not answered, assumes O.K.  Joan Corey called the Div. of Cem.

They received the form but hadn’t gotten around to sending approval back to us.


Grave prices – E. Canna reported the increased price to $200.00 was never officially noted.  States want it in writing before granting approval.

Ashes – E. Canna suggested we increase the cost of burying ashes by $5.00 to defray vandalism cost.  Agreed unanimously.  E. Canna to write to Div. of Cemeteries.

Old Cemetery:

Emmet Lawrence, Sr., would like the trees taken down by his family plots at our cost.  The rules and regulations submitted to Div. of Cem. covers this.  We have the right to remove any decorations upon notifying plot owners in the event it is unsightly or endangering other plots.  The trees were planted by plot owners and we cannot afford to take them down.  However, perhaps they could be trimmed to let the sunshine in.  He, Emmet Lawrence St., a member of the Schermerhorn/Bogardus families wants to leave plots to his children.  There are no deeds to the Old Section but the map is marked for these plots.  He says there are no remains in these plots and all agreed to take his word for it.  They now belong to Emmet Lawrence, Jr., and Carl Lawrence, his sons.

Winter Closing:  The cemetery will be closed Dec. 15th to April 15th.  However, if it is possible to have a burial at those times, it will be checked by the Assoc., & burial request granted.

Election of Officers:

President:  Joan G. Corey, Treasurer:  Edith Canna, Secretary:  Susan W. Hilgendorf.

Joan Corey on behalf of those present thanked and commended Jessie Clyburne for the 16 or more years she served the R. T. Cemetery Assoc.  Joan Corey then asked Jessie Clyburne if she would accept the V. P. nomination.  She accepted.  2nd by Edith Canna.


Robert South

3 yrs

Mary Zenchuck

2 yrs

Millie McManus

3 yrs

Marge Kayser

2 yrs

Lind Kuever

3 yrs

Fred Zimmerman

1 yr

Joe Corey

2 yrs

Wm. Alfeld

1 yr

Bud Whitcomb

2 yrs



Secretary cast ballot for the Trustees.  Placed for motion M. McManus 2nd  and cast 1 ballot for the whole slate.  Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned 11 p.m.

                                                                        Respectfully submitted
                                                                                    Joan G. Corey, Sec.    J C  4/22/98

The Annual Meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Assoc. was held at the R. T. Community Church Nov. 19th 1991.  9 people were present – 7 members & 2 guests.

J. Corey, J. Clyburne, E.Canna, B. South, M. McManus, M. Kaiser & B. Alfeld.  Guests:  Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gullinger.  The meeting started promptly at 8 p.m.

Minutes:  The minutes were dispenced with due to the Secretary’s absence.

Treasurers Report:  by E. Canna.           

Checking Acc. Norstar Bank


Money Market Acc.   “    “


C. D. Catskill Savings Bank


Endowment  “      “         “


C. D. Greene Co. Savings




Receipts from burials & Plot Sales




A motion was made by Bob South to accept the treasurers report.  Seconded by Millie McManus.

Old Business:              The president J. Corey gave a full report on all the work done at the back of the Neuner Section.  It was decided unanimously to send acknowledgments to all who participated:  they were Donny South, Lanky Ross, Wilson Sand & Gravel, Barry Arp and Gemeni.  Gemeni will submit a price for mesh to hold the soil from erosion.  This area of the cemetery will be ready by Spring for sale of plots.  Approximately 70 plots should be available and can only be purchased by home owners of Cairo Township.

New Business:

(1)  E. Canna made a motion that headstones sizes should be limited to the size of Burdette South’s and that this should be in the cemetery rules and made clear to all customers before sale of plots, and all should sign a statement to this effect.  Motion seconded by B. Alfeld.

(2)  It was brought to the attention of all present that removal of all floral wreaths, etc., was becoming a problem.  Mr. Kelly had informed the groundskeeper  that all materials must be separated ant that he may have to remove his dumpster.

(3)  Mr. Gertsberger has made it known that he intends to deed a piece of land East of the New Section to the cemetery.  In return he wishes to be buried under the tree.

(4)  Encon rules that the Vly be cleaned by hand.  No motorized equipment may be used.

(5)  The Slater burial grounds was cleaned up and a new walk-in gate installed by Bob South.  Shrubs are to be planted by the signs to beautify the signs.

(6)  A motion was made by Bill Alfeld to install 3 bronze plaques (1 in each section) as suggested by the president.  2nd by Margie Kaiser.  Estimated price of each $135.00

Correspondence:  A letter of resignation was received by all the officers from Secretary Susan W. Hilgendorf.  Her resignation was accepted with regret.

Election of Officers:  J. Corey, pres., M. McManus, V. P., E. Canna, treas., and Jessie Clyburne, secretary.  Slate of officers ran unopposed and elected unanimously.  2 Trustees were added:  Norma Bedralti & Doris Gardoy.

                                                                        Respectfully submitted
                                                                                    Jessie Clyburne  Sec. pro tem

            The annual meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Assoc. was held at the R. T. Community Cuurch, Nov. 17th 1992.  6 members were present:  J. Corey, E. Canna, J. Clyburne, F. Zimmerman, B. Alfeld & Joseph Corey.

Minutes:          The secretary read the minutes of the Nov. 19th 91 meeting.  A motion was made by Joe Corey to accept the minutes as read. & 2nd by E. Canna.  Carried.

Treasurers Report:  by E. Canna

Checking Acc. 

Fleet Bank 25/10/1776


Money Market

Fleet Bank 25/30/0413


C. D.

Greene Co. Savings Bank  38/0003161


C. D.

Catskill Saving Bank SC1869



Catskill Savings Bank 3-047807














Burials:  8 Bodies/5 Ashes = Total 13

Mildred South, Walter J. Blunck, Helen F. Walls, Alfred W. Schraider, Eleanor Stevens, Donald W. Lennon, Bernard Bartels, Michael DiGvelama

Ashes:  Karen Peters, Julia England, Edrei Meichle, Wm. Porterfield, Bertram Dubin.

A motion was made by Jos. Corey to accept the treasurers report & 2nd by Bill Alfeld.  Carried.

Old Business:  (1)  The Neuner Section was discussed.  A new piece has been mapped out and is in the process of being sold.  It was decided that some plots be cut in half to make 4x4 for clients with ashes.  Also that benches similar to the ones in the New Section should be purchased for the comfort of visitors to the Neuner Section.  It was also decided that a suitable flagpole or memorial to be dedicated to the past officers who served the R. T. Cem. Assoc.

            (2)  Mathias Novak has serviced the cemetery @ $20 per dumpster load.  He has sold his business and the new owners will honor the contract.

            (3)  Mr. Gertsbverger is to be contacted re his verbal offer of a piece of land on the East side of the New Section to be deeded to the R. T. Cemetery in return for burial plots under the trees.

New Business:

            (1)  The new price of $300.00 per plot is awaiting approval from the State.  That should come in Dec. ’92.  The price for corner markers is set at $70.00.

            (2)  It was brought to the attention of the Cemetery Assoc., that young Harry Younklaus has bastered deeds to Max Tregal which is against the laws of the Assoc.  A letter is to be sent to both parties that the transfer of said deeds will not be honored.  Motion by E. Canna & 2nd by Bill Alfeld.  Carried.

            (3)  Re:  Bronze Plaques on outer fence at each section.  It was decided to place a flowering shrub at each plaque.

            (4)  Re:  Gate to Neuner Section which needs to be replaced.  A motion was made by Fred Zimmerman to get bids for replacement.  2nd by Joe Corey.

            (5)  Re:  Steps from Road to walk-in gate in Old Section.  A motion was made by Bill Alfeld & 2nd by Joe Corey to get bids for same.  Carried.

            (6)  Bob South has tendered his resignation as groundskeeper.  Accepted with regret.  A letter is to be sent to Bob and arrangements made for cemetery equipment.  A search is to be made over the winter for a replacement.  A motion was made by Fred Zimmerman to raise the hourly rate for groundskeeper fro $6.00 to $8.00 per hr.  2nd by Bill Alfeld.  Carried.

            (7)  Re:  Building to house equipment in the cemetery.  Bids for such a building to be sought from Tommy Alfeld & Al DeHeer.

            (8)  Service and gifts to the cemetery this past year was discussed and it was decided letters of thanks should be sent to each:  To Bob Thiesin for clearing debris from grounds, to Mr. & Mrs. Thornabene for a gift of $50.00, to Mr. Robert Alfeld for the 2 new benches in the New Section & to Mr. & Mrs. DeLouise for the wooden fence on the West side of the Neuner Section.

Election of Officers:   Officers ran unopposed. 

Joan Corey, Prs., Millie McManus, V. P., Edith Canna, treas., & Jessie Clyburne, secretary.  Elected unanimously.

Trustees for 1 yr. were voted in.

            Fred Zimmerman
            Norma Bodratti
            Linda Kuever

Meeting adjourned 9:50 p.m.

                                                                        Respectfully submitted
                                                                                    Jessie Clyburne, Sec.

            The Annual Meeting of the Round Top Cemetery Assoc. was held at the R. T. Community Church on Nov. 16th 1993.        9 members & 2 guests were present:  J. Corey; M. McManus, A. Blunck, M. Kaiser, J. Clyburne, E. Canna, F. Zimmerman, Jos. Corey, & W. Alfeld.  The guests were Mark & Richard Goupe.

            The meeting opened 8 p.m. with the reading of the minutes of the Nov.’ 92 meeting.  A motion was made by Joe Corey & 2nd by M. McManus:  Carried.

Old Business:

            (1) 4’x4’ plots to receive ashes was discussed.  Approximately 12 plots are available & the price is $150.00 eacxh.  2 Ashes per plot & flat markers only.  A motion by Wm. Alfeld & 2nd by M. Kaiser to accept this.  Carried.

            (2)  Re – Benches for Neuner Section.  The president said benches would be purchased as soon as quality benches can be found.

            (3)  Re:  New price for plots.  Approval of $300.00 per plot was received from the State as of April ’93.

            (4)  Re:  Shrubs by bronze plaques.  Marge Kaiser agreed to find plantings for this project.

            (5)  Re:  Repair of gates.  Gemeni Constr. welded gates that needed repair for $75.00.

            (6)  Gates in New Section.  These have been damaged by trucks.  The openings need widening.  Gary Muller to be contacted for this work.  The president is to inquire whether it might be cheaper to replace them.

            (7)  Broken wooden fence on East side of New Section.  Fred Zimmerman volunteered to nail them.

            (8)  Re:  Steps to walk-in gate in old section.  Gemeni to install some type of support & reflector at site signal the snow clearing equipment.  Gemeni agreed to do this.  They asked the assoc. to consider tree removal, and grading the strip of land outside the fence.  The town supervisor Mr. Arp to be contacted to remove trees.  Agreed.

            (9)  Re:  Building to house cemetery equipment.  Gemeni’s bid of $1,090.00 was lowest.  Accepted.

            (10)  Maintenance of grounds.  Joe Corey made a presentation of contracting this work rather than the way we have done it in the past.  A motion was made by Wm. Alfeld & 2nd by E. Canna to have a contracter with a DBA as caretakers and that new bids should be required each year.  Carried.

            (11)  2 Bids from contractors with DBA was received.  Gemeni & Naugh & Sons.  Lowest bid for the ’94 season of $3,000.00 from Gemeni was accepted unanimously.

            (12)  Re:  Water for flowers.  The president explained that environmental laws make it unlikely that the cemetery assoc. could either dig a well or bring water up by pump from the lake.

New Business:              Re:  Old Slater Family Section (private).  A member of the Slater family asked the R. T. Cem. Assoc. to take on the responsibility of care for the Slater Section.  It was agreed that the president should negotiate this if the Slater family sets up a trust fund for same.

            Re:  Meeting in Spring ’94.  A meeting is to be called in April ’94, to be held in the cemetery where any new or old business could be discussed & resolved.  OVER

Treasurers Report:  given by E. Canna, treasurer

Checking Acc.

Fleet Bank, 25-10-1776


Money Market Acc.

Fleet Bank, 25-30-0413



Greene Co. Savings, 3-0478-07



Catskill Savings, 5025990



Catskill Savings, SC8-1869



Greene Co. Savings











Sale of Tractor




N.Y. State





Total Disbursements



            Plots Sold = 12 – G. Faughnan (2), R. & E. Xedis (4), G. & S. Glogovics (3), R. & T. Calasso (2), H. Koegel (1)

            Burials:  7

                        Aldo Bodratti               12/5/92
                        Thomas Faughnan       2/5/93
                        Doris Garday (Krier)   2/20/93
                        James Hopkins             5/14/93
                        E. A. Chichester            9/3/93
                        Ralph L. Calasso          9/16/93
                       John Szambel                 10/16/93

The treasurers report was accepted as read.

Election of Officers:  Joan Corey & Edith Canna to retain their offices of pres., & treas.  Bill Alfeld was elected to office of V. P.  Norma Bodratti to be contacted for recording secretery.

Election of Trustees:  Jessie Clyburne, Annemarie Blunck and Millie McManus were elected as trustees.

Meeting adjourned 10:00 p.m.

                                                                        Respectfully submitted

                                                                                    Jessie Clyburne, Sec.

                                    R. T. Cemetery Inc.

Aug. 11, 1951             Mrs. W. Moffit

                                    1 Lot  16 ft.                 $16.00 Aug. 11 paid

            Cemetery lot sold Dec. 7 to Jos. Richards      $20.00 paid

                    “         “    “   Nov.     “ Nelson Haines

                                                Assessment made Nov. 1914



Sarah Miller


Chas. M. Lennon


Garrett Brower


Peter Fiero


S. M. Jones


Mrs. Sene J. Brandow


Mr. Edgar Chichester


Mrs. Margaret Godwin


Mrs. Mary E. Olmsted


Mrs. Elizabeth Burger


John C. Whitbeck


John W. Fiero Sr.


W. Frank Fiero


Mrs. Jos. Richards


Mrs. J. Carn


H. M. Morey


Mrs. E. J. Cochran


Nelson Warner


Walter Schoonmaker


James Scott


Mrs. George Garrison


Johnson Smith


Willis Haines


Mrs. Josephine Pitcher


John Watts


Melvin Finch


Percival C. Johnson


Floyd F. Jones



[no heading]

William Garrison



Seneca Stewart Jr.






Stephen Tompkins






Joseph Garrison



Jacob Garrison



Jacob Garrison












Orin Slater

Mrs. Dayton











J. R. Edgerly






Eli Beach



James Edgerly



















Mrs. Mary Lewis Catskill RFD 1



H. M.  Catskill, RFD 1




















Samuel Cochran









John Hart



Henry Hoffman



Peter Ensill



Subal Ross



Fred Schermerhorn



Samuel Pitcher



William Schermerhorn



John W. Fiero



Ann Priest










John Griswold






Van Vleck



Merrit Smith






Charles Stone






Joel Austin



Charles Webster



John Timmerman






Haines F. Shores



Gevige Aldridge



George Brandow









J. P. Pelhman















C. Olmstead







Mary Smith



Leonard Garrison



W. Salisbury



M. Finch



Jay Williams



Sarah Miller



James Stoddard



James Yeadon



Shubal Finch



James Thorne


J. Aldredge


Nelson Johnson






Wm. Jones






E. Cochran


Chas. Lennon


Wm. Simpkins


Robt. Johnson






J. H. Whitbeck



Wm. Scott


John Titus


M. Borit?



Saul Merritt



Frank Slater




Chas. Merritt


Jervis Scutt


Chas. Johnson



G. Deanne



Edgar Warner



John Robb



Walker Lennon



Peters & Griffin






Nelson Warner




Jane Horton



Stephen Webster



Helen Wovak






G. U. Mead




P. Novak


Wm. P. Fiero

N. Mulford


Henry Webster

W. Webster


F. H. Jones



Geo. Austin



V. Hill



P. Fiero



Fillmore Scott



Eben Slater



Stoddard & Anderson






J. W. Fiero & Goesline



A. L. Wright



C. Stoddard

A. Stoddard


James N. Moore







Mrs. T. Richards



Mrs. Davis


Knapp, Hurst & Stoddard




Eli Lindsey





Roe & Campbell




Peter, sisters & parents


J. Schermerhorn

Mrs. S.


V. Bogardus

Mrs. J. Richards


J. Schermerhorn Jr.






George Moore



Peter Fiero Sr.
























Seneca Stewart



Samuel Stewart





Lot Owner


Size of Lot Ft.

Harrison Jones

Cairo, N.Y.


Charles S. Johnson

Cairo, N.Y.


Joseph Richards

Cairo, N.Y.


James B. Edgerly

Cairo, N.Y.


S. M. Jones

Cairo, N.Y.


Christopher Lock

Cairo, N.Y.


Walter Schoonmker

Cairo, N.Y.


John H. Titus

Cairo, N.Y.


A. J. Lock

Cairo, N.Y.


James N. Moore

Cairo, N.Y.


Henry B. Whitcomb

Cairo, N.Y.


George Brandow

Cairo, N.Y.


Melvin Finch

Cairo, N.Y.


Miss Ella Webser

Cairo, N.Y.


Mrs. Emma Cochran

Cairo, N.Y.


Mrs. H. C. Schermerhorn

Cairo, N.Y.


Wm. Webster

Cairo, N.Y.


Mrs. Cilah Walker

Cairo, N.Y.


John Swenson

Cairo, N.Y.


John H. Whitbeck

Cairo, N.Y.


Fillmore Scutt

Cairo, N.Y.


Mrs. Helen Novak

Cairo, N.Y.


Mrs. Levi Dubois

Cairo, N.Y.


Wm. Simpkins

Cairo, N.Y.


Wellington Pitcher

Cairo, N.Y.


Michael Hilliker

Cairo, N.Y.


Chas. Lennon

Purling, N.Y.


Mrs. Julia Lennon

Purling, N.Y.


Mrs. Mary Olmsted

Purling, N.Y.


Anson L. Wright

Purling, N.Y.


E. M. Warner

Purling, N.Y.


Nelson Warner

Purling, N.Y.


Mrs. Dora Davis

Purling, N.Y.


Mrs. Tryphina Anderson

Purling, N.Y.


Mrs. Watts

Purling, N.Y.


B. F. Steward

Purling, N.Y.


Mrs. Matilda Boiet

Purling, N.Y.


Wm. Salisbury

Purling, N.Y.


John Greene

Cairo, N. Y.


Orrin Slater

Cairo, N.Y.


Mrs. Lillian Merrit

Purling, N.Y.


James Scutt

Acra, N.Y.



Miss Mary Scutt

Athens, N.Y.


Thomas S. Richards

Athens, N.Y.


Dr. N. H. Griffin

Cairo, N.Y.


George P. Griffin

Port Ewin, Ulster Co., N.Y.


James Aldridge

Kingston, c/o WS RR


Milo Smith

East Albany, N.Y.


Mrs. Joseph Carn

Tannersville, N.Y.


Erastus Titus

Catskill, N.Y.


Frank Slater

c/o Mrs. Wiltsie


Rollo Fowks

Leeds, N.Y.


Mrs. Marsh Van Hoesen

Leeds, N.Y.


Miss Elizabeth Conner

Catskill, N.Y.


Eli Lindsey

South Cairo, N.Y.


Mrs. Elsie Johnson

South Cairo, N.Y.


Addison Stoddard

South Cairo, N.Y.


Louis Gerogus

East Windham, N.Y.


Nelson Garrison

c/o E. Barringer, Cauterskill, N.Y.


John Robb

Jefferson, N.Y.


Ambrose Craw

Sylvandale, N.Y.


Mrs. Maggie Godwin

Britts Corners, Kiskatom, N.Y.


Hazaid Morey

Kiskatom, N.Y.


Mrs. Minerva Storie

Lawrenceville R. F. D., N.Y.


Jeremiah Schermerhorn, Jr.

Lawrenceville R. F. D., N.Y.


Mrs. Mary Lewis

Lawrenceville R. F. D., N.Y.


George Austin

Lawrenceville R. F. D., N.Y.


Mrs. Wm. Dodd

Kiskatom, N.Y.


Mrs. Elizabeth Burger

c/o Mrs. Wiltsie, Catskill, N.Y.


Wm. A. Jones

E. Purling, N.Y.


George Mead

E. Purling, N.Y.

G. U. Mead



Mrs. Jane Scutt

c/o Wiluts, Glen Cove, L.I.


Eugene Scutt

Freehold, N.Y.


Mrs. Matilda Conner

Milanville, Wayne Co. Penn.


Solomon Merritt

Waterville, Conn.


Mrs. Nora Yeadon

Purling, N.Y.


Leonard Garrison

Catskill, N.Y.


George Garrison

Palenville, N.Y.

Mrs. George Stoddard

Purling, N.Y.

Mrs. John A. Griswold

Catskill, N.Y.


Mrs. Alonzo Shries

Catskill, N.Y.


Mrs. Rhoda Timmerman

Lawrenceville R. F. D.


Lyman Webster

Purling, N.Y.


George Mulford

Acra, N.Y.


Wm. Slater




Mrs. Jane Horton

Cairo, N.Y.


Mrs. Almira Parks

Cairo, N.Y.


Peter Fiero

322a Monroe St. B’klyn, N.Y.


Hamilton Allen

Cairo, N.Y.


George Dean

Purling, N.Y.


Mrs. Sarah Dayton

Cairo, N.Y.


Jeremiah Pitham

Kiskatom, N.Y.


G. U. Mead



Mrs. Cochran Yeadon Lot



Mr. Edgar W. Chichester

94 Downs St., Kingston



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