Durham Tax Asessement 1896

Town of Durham Tax Assessment

Contributed by the Durham Center Museum and retyped by Arlene Goodwin


Names Description Dogs Acres Real Personal Total R.M. Tax Tax
Abrams, Mrs. W. M. 50 $700 $700 10.93
Armstrong, Mrs. L. 49 1000 1000 15.60
Abrams Henry E house & lot 200 200 3.12
Andrus, Henry 1
Armstrong, Joseph 1 90 1150 1150 2.00 17.94
Anthony, David house & lot 150 150 2.34
Anthony, Henry 1 30 725 725 1.50 11.30
Arnold, Charles house & lot 400 500 7.81
Alger, H. & W. house lot & shop 850 850 13.26
Adams, John   heirs of house & lot 1 500 500 7.81
Bush, Levi 4 300 300 4.18
Broadhead, W. O., Mrs. Glom, ex'x 1 10 900 900 14.05
Benjamin, DeWitt stock in store 600 600 9.36
Bennis, Edgar 1 45 700 700 1.50 10.93
Borthwick, Calvin   90 1025 1025
Borthwick, Calvin wood lot 86 75 75 17.16
Brown, Charles 47 675 675 10.54
Brown, Sobaski 1 160 1700 1700 26.62
Baldwin, William 117 2500 2500 39.00
Boughton, William 1 100 100 1.56
Boughton, James 3 350 350 5.46
Brown, Garrett 31 550 550 8.58
Bagley, Mrs. Henry 90 1625 1625 25.34
Butts, I. C. 71 6700
Butts, I. C. mountain lot 173 300 7000 109.20
Bogardus, W. G. 57 800 800 1.50 12.48
Borthwick, F. J. 128 2875 2875 44.86
Bulivant, George house & lot 10 300 300
Bulivant, George wood lot 87 250 250 1.25 8.58
Baldwin, John 1
Bullock, Mrs. Patience house & lot 800 800 12.48
Bullock, Gilbert house & lot 725 725 11.30
Bush, Frank house & lot 350 350 1.00 5.46
Bake, Mrs. Geo. house &lot 2 150 150 2.34
Bogardus, Mel 200 1000 1000 15.00
Butt, Anable house & lot 900 900 14.05
Becker, W. C. 1 60 7000 7000 109.20
Bogardus, Myron stock in store 100 100 1.75 1.56
Butts, Mark 1 30 30 0.46
Bascomb, J. B. house & lot 700 150 850 13.26
Brand, Mrs. Edward 120 1450 1450 22.62
Booth, Mrs. David 825 825 12.87
Burhans, John 2 500 500 1.25 7.80
Baldwin, Mrs. Linis 1 800 800 12.46
Baldwin, J. H. 1
Brazee, Mrs. Wm. 43 1400 1400 1.75 21.84
Brazee, Wm. 87 2000 2000 3.00 31.20
Baker, Mrs. Kinsley 1 900 900 14.04
Borthwick 90 2400 200 2600   40.56
Benton, Lawrence 3 250 250 3.91
Bascomb, Wm. wood lot 85 1175 1175 2.00 18.33
Baldwin, William wood lot 225 225 3.51
Brandow, Romaine, ex'r of Ira D. Humphrey, deceased 2500 2500 1.50 39.00
Brandow, Mrs. R. & other heirs, homestead lot of I. D. Humphrey 18 1350 1350 0.75 21.07
Brandow, Romaine & wife 100 1600 1600 1.75 24.96
Blakesley, Addison 186 900 900 3.50 14.04
Borthwick, H. S. 200 200 3.12
Byhon, Mrs. Francis 1
Blakesley, A. M. 90 2300 2300 35.88
Bell, William 1000 1000 15.60
Brand, Charles mountain lot 40 100 100 1.50 1.56
Bear, Peter 61 1400 1400 21.84
Burroughs, Ezra 110 2600 2600 39.00
Burroughs, Mrs. 500 500 7.80
Benn, James 42 900 900 14.04
Brown, Wesley R. 54 900 900 1.75 14.04
Barlow, Joseph 1 90 2500 2500 39.00
Becker, H. c.   1
Brigg, Mrs. Henerietta house & lot 350 350 700 10.92
Bell, William 1 1 500 500 7.80
Borthwick & Strong Van Wagner Place 134 2500 2500 39.00
Craft, Mrs. Jacob 52 2350 2350 3.00 36.66
Claver, John 48 650 650 10.13
Calver, Thomas 57 600 600
Claver, Thomas mountain lot 25 50 50 10.13
Catlin, Thomas 20 750 750 11.70
Cavey, Mrs. Enos 1 50 450 450 7.02
Cleveland, Amos 215 5950 5950 92.82
Campbell, Jennie 5 150 150 2.34
Curtis, Mont. G 160 1450 1450 2.00 22.62
Curtis, Mont. G 157 1600 1600 2.25 24.96
Chaffin, Mrs. L 250 250 3.91
Cunningham, J. H. 1 82 1025
Cunningham, J. H. out lot 76 600 1625 25.35
Clapper, Henry 74 1000 1000 15.60
Cowles, A. C. 12 1700 1700 2.75 26.52
Conklin, George 1 1 1000 1000 15.60
Conklin, George out lot 50 1050 16.37
Conklin, Mrs. George 1 400 400 6.24
Campbell, Thomas 1 5 1825 1825 28.46
Campbell, Mrs. Merwin 85 1275 1275 1.75 19.89
Campbell, Eli 1
Cowles, Cornelius 3 1700 150 1850 3.00 28.86
Chittenden, Mrs. J. R. 1 350 350 5.46
Chittenden, Mrs. J. R. shop 200 200 3.12
Cunningham, Jeremiah 160 1375 350 1725 26.90
Crandell, Sidney 72 1375 1375 2.25 21.45
Coe, Kirtland 60 800 800 1.50 12.48
Campbell, David 1 90 800      
Campbell, David out lot 5 50 975 15.21
Crawford, Wm. 2 2500
Crawford, Wm. out lot 5 150
Crawford, Wm. Norton place 1 600
Crawford, Wm. 2500 5650 88.15
Collins, P. C. 1
Champion, Anna J. house & lot 350 350 5.46
Case Bros., Mt. Nebo 400 400 6.24
Collins, J. D 1
Cole, James H. 75 1100 1100 17.16
Cammer, Wm 72 1800 1800 28.08
Campbell, Ralph heirs 63 1000 1000 1.25 15.60
Cleveland, Judson E. 130 2300 2300 3.00 35.88
Cunningham, George 80 2400 2400 37.44
Cleveland, Dorrance 1 111 2800 2800 43.68
Carter, Mrs. Lucinda 5 600 600 9.36
Cleveland, Judson E. house & lot 2000 1000 3000 46.80
Cleveland, Judson E. house & lot, N. Travis, occupant 500 500 7.80
Cleveland, Mrs. 300 300 4.68
Cleveland, Miss Eugenia 1500 1500 23.40
Cheritree, Mrs. J. H. house & lot 1000
Cheritree, Mrs. J. H. house & lot 200 1200 18.72
Cheritree, Walter house & lot 1800 1800 28.08
Cheritree, Mrs. J. H. 800 800 12.46
Cheritree & Pierce furnace 2100 2100 32.76
Chichester, Perry 22 600 600 9.36
Cleveland, George 153 3900 3900 60.84
Doty, David house & lot 800 800 1.00 12.48
De Lamater, George 1 125 125 1.95
Drace, Arthur 34 450 450 7.02
Dodge, Charles 800 800 12.48
Decker, Wm. E. 1 300 300 4.68
Decker, Mrs. W. E. 1 200 200 3.12
Davis, Mrs. 84 1250 1250 19.50
De Lamater, Titus 108 3400 2000 5400 84.24
De Lamater, Wm. 70 1900 1900 29.64
De Lamater, Mrs. 450 450 7.00
De Lamater, Mrs. Titus, guardian for Ada Litchfield 1500 1500 23.40
Doolittle, Mrs. W. S. 108 2000 2000 4000 62.40
Doolittle, heirs of 1000 1000 15.60
Doolittle, Wm 126 2100 2100 32.76
Dean, Silas, house & lot & grist mill 1 2500
Dean, Silas, Utter place & saw mill 1000
Dean, Silas, farm 90 1800 5300 6.00 82.68
DeWitt, Mrs. Wm. & B. C. hotel & lot 1 1600 1200 2800 43.68
DeWitt, Israel 100 3000
DeWitt, Israel house & lot 400 3400 53.04
Davis, Mrs. Clarinda 100 100 1.56
Earl, Mrs. Obediah
Elliott, Edwin W 50 1000 1000 15.65
Every, Georgiana 60 1525 1525 23.78
Every, Orlando 34 400 400 6.26
Engle, Lyman 79
Easland, George 1
Easland, George 1 90 1500
Easland, George 26 500
Easland, George 1 25 2025 31.58
Elliott, E. D. 1 75 2350 2350 36.67
Elliott, S. M. 13 375 375 5.85
Elliott, Peter W. 98 2600 2600 40.56
Ford, Emerson house, lot, store & stock 1800 600 2400 37.44
Frost, Miss Libbie 9 1300 1300 20.28
Foster, Isaac 120 2250 2250 35.11
France, Mathias 1 145 2000 2000 31.20
Fields, O. B. 160 2800 2800 43.68
Furry, Charles   3 1000 1000 15.60
French, Mrs. Otis 1350 1350 21.06
French, Otis 127 2450 250 38.22
Fields, W. E. 80 1570 1570 2.50 24.50
Fogler, Frank 15 725 725 11.30
Francis, Jane 1 60 950 950 1.75 14.81
France, Ira 140 1800 1800 28.08
Fanning, James 600 600 9.36
Faulk, Mrs. W. B. 2 1100 1100 17.16
Finch, Warren 150 1200 1200 2.00 23.40
Finch, George 84 2300
Finch, George 16 300 2600 0.50 40.56
Fogler, Frank 1 180 1650 1650 25.72
Faulk, Miss R. W. 1 1000 500 1500 2.00 23.40
Fields, O. B. out lot 100 400 400 6.24
Freece, Robert H. 142 2800 2800 43.68
Faulk, Mrs. W. B. 1 20 1000 1000 1.25 15.60
Finch, George 1 400 400 6.24
Gaylor, Alfred 116 3000 3000 46.80
Goff, Ostrander 190 1300 1300 20.28
Goodrich, Mrs. Ella 1 400 400 6.24
Goff, Orvil 1
Gilbert, J. H. 113 2375
Gilbert, J. H. 102 1500   3875 5.00 60.46
Gilbert, Antoinette 32 600 600 0.75 9.36
Gilbert, Walter 1
Goff, Newell 1
Goff, Newell 262 3125
Goff, Newell 50 1000 4125 5.75 64.35
Goff, Mrs. Newell 1 650 650 10.13
Goff, Robert 1 175 3700 3700 5.25 57.72
Goff, Charles 1
Gilsey, Mrs. Rachel 94 1400 1400 1.75 21.84
Goodfellow, Burton 15 500 500 7.80
Goff, Mrs. Charles 1
Grant, Mrs. Lyman 50 750 750 11.69
Gordon, Mrs. Wm. L. house & lot   125   125 1.95
Gibson, Oscar   b1 35 500 500 7.80
Gibson, Melburn 50 1150 1150 17.94
Gibson, Mrs. J. 5 400 400 6.24
Graham, Mrs. Henry 33 1900
Graham, Mrs. Henry house & lot b1 600
Graham, Mrs. Henry house & lot   550
Graham, Mrs. Henry house & lot 400 3450 53.83
Gifford, Miles 80 1700
Gifford, Miles creek lot 64 700 2400 3.50 37.44
Hopson, Linis 375 375 1.00 5.85
Hough, Mrs. H. H. Stewart Hough, ocpt 99 1000
Hough, Mrs. H. H. wood lot 34 50 10.5 16.37
Hallock, Mrs. L. B. 1 1 825 825 12.86
Hill, E. J. 550 550 8.58
Hess. Isban 243 3600
Hess Isban wood lot 375 625 4225 5.25 65.91
Hallock, Fan 1
Hill, John house & lot 200 200 3.12
Hill, Lewis house & lot 100 100 1.56
Hallock, Mrs. Martha 89 1300 1300 20.28
Hull, Austin 90 2000
Hull, Austin 102 1750
Hull, Austin 120 1050 4800 1.50 74.88
Hulbert, Mrs. Flora 97 1400 1400 1.75 21.84
Hull, Wm. Lyman 1
Hubbard, Ira 1 49 925
Hubbard, Ira out lot 16 100 1025 15.98
Hull, Mrs. J. D 123 3300 3300 4.25 51.49
Hull, A. O. 900 900 1.25 14.05
Hallock, J. M. (est.) 34 1125
Hallock, J. M. (est.) 40 400 1525 23.78
Hallock J. A. house & lot 1 300 300 1.00 4.69
Hotchkiss, B. C. 1 30 800
Hotchkiss, B. C. 18 50
Hotchkiss, B. C. 38 50 900 14.05
Hagadorn, W. S. 1 300 300 4.69
Hubbard, E. T. out lot 48 400
Hubbard, E. T. 1 123 2050
Hubbard, E. T. Chittenden lot 95 600 3050 4.50 47.59
Humphrey, E. A. (est.) 177 3000 3000 3.75 46.86
Hughes, Mrs. Smith 2 500 500 0.75 7.81
Hendricks, Mrs. W. 2 350
Hendricks, Mrs. W. store 250 600 9.36
Hill, Platt 1 56 1400 1400 21.84
Haines, Mrs. Adela 1 67 2000 2000 31.20
Hallock, J. A. 31 725 725 11.30
Head, Harriet 50 1100 1100 17.17
Haskins, Henry 150 3300 3300 4.75 57.49
Haskins, Elwin 93 1800 1800 3.00 28.08
Hough, Stewart 55 1400 1400 2.25 21.84
Hotchkiss, Samuel 1 200 200 0.50 3.12
Hedges, Stephen heirs of 216 5000 5000 6.25 78.00
Hallenbeck, Wm. house & lot 525 525 8.18
Hagadorn, Andrews house & lot 600 600 9.36
Hunt, Byron J. 2000 2000 31.20
Hand, Caleb 1 600 600 9.36
Hall, Charles 120 2700 2700 42.13
Hoagland, Mrs. P. T. house & lot 350 350 5.46
Hoagland, P. T. printing office 250 250 3.91
Hue, John house & lot , L. Payne, ocpt 250 250 0.75 3.91
Inphen, Jos. house & lot 150 150 2.34
Ives, Schuyler house & store 900 1600 2500 39.00
Irwin, Mrs. Robert house & lot 350 350 700 10.93
Irwin, Robert 1
Irwin, Mrs. Catherine 2300 2300 35.89
Jones, D. S. 1 95 2575
Jones, D. S. 154 1800 4375 3.75 68.25
Jones, John 8 1900 4400 6300 98.28
Jones, Nancy 46 450 450 0.75 7.02
Jones, Henrietta   200 200 0.75 3.12
Jennings, Georgiana 800 800 12.46
Jones., Phoebe Ann 250 250 3.91
Johnson, Wm. F. 12 350 350 5.46
Johnson, S. R. 165 4100
Johnson, S. R. Kiff lot 100 400
Johnson, S. R. mountain lot 45 100 4600 71.76
Jenkins, Charles 1
Johnson, Mrs. S. R. 108 1050 1050 16.37
Jennings, Hiram 95 1100 1100 17.17
Jennings, Mrs. Jerome 13 400 400 1.00 6.24
Kelsey, J. W. 1 78 800 800 1.50 12.48
Kenyon, Curtis 85 2150 2150 33.54
Kirtland, Mrs. H. B. 850 850 13.25
Kenyon, Curtris 14 200 200 3.12
Knowles, Joseph 83 1600 1600 24.96
Kenyon, Perry 70 1900 400 2300 35.89
Ladou, Charles house & lot 2000 2000 2.50 31.20
Lawrence, Erwin 1 111 1200 1200 18.72
Latta, Wm. house & blacksmith shop 300 300 4.69
Lawrence, Mrs. J. M. 1 400 400 6.26
Littlefield, Sarah C. 7 600 600 9.36
Lamereaux, Mrs. Mary 60 6000 6000 93.60
Lameraux, A. 3700 3700 57.72
Lynam, Thomas M. 133 2200 2200 2.75 34.32
Lorton, Mrs. John house & lot 80 80 1.25
Lacey, H. P. (est.) 101 1700
Lacey, H. P. (est.) 50 1750 2.50 27.40
Lounsbury, Alex 97 1800 200 2000 2.50 31.20
Litchfield, Leonard, heirs of 98 2375 2375 37.06
Litchfield, Mrs. 500 500 7.80
Laraway, Frank house & lot 700
Laraway, Frank furniture store 300 1000 15.60
Lord, Widow 100 100 1.56
Lawyer, David 1
Leeper, Eliza 2 375 375 5.85
Leeper, Eliza (est.) This property is situated in the town of Durham, County of Greene and State of New York, bounded as follows: East by lands of George Irwin, South by lands of Peter Vroman, North by lands of Edgar Smith, West by lands of I. U. Tripp.
Morehouse, Inez 100 1300 1300 1.75 20.29
Murta, John 100 1675
Murta, John mountain lot 32 50 1725 2.75 26.90
Mattice, E 111 1625 1625 25.34
Morse, Reuben 1 100 1575 1575 24.57
Morrison, Widow 1 180 1800 1800 2.50 28.08
Mathews, John (est.) 14 2000 2000 31.20
Morehouse, John 100 1175 1175 18.33
Mott, G. C. 5 200 200 0.75 3.12
Mott, W. D. 140 3000 3000 4.25 46.80
Mattice, Wid. M. D house & lot 50 50 0.78
Murta, Omar 134 2100 2100 32.77
More, John 10 200 200 3.12
Morehouse, John house & lot 1200 1000 2200 34.32
Minor, Mark house 200 200 3.12
Mackey, Mrs. H. 500 500 7.81
Meloy, James blacksmith shop 1 100 100 1.56
McLean, Wm 88 1325 1325 1.75 20.64
Montrose, Mrs. R. J. 3 1700 1200 2900 45.25
Maybee, Horace 76 800
Maybee, Horace out lot 34 100 900 14.05
Moss, Orvil 133 1600 1600 2.75 24.96
Moss, Elisha H. 1 100 1775 1775 2.75 27.69
Mullery, Eugene 1
McGarry, John 50 650 650 1.50 10.13
Miller, J. & O. 1 120 3600 600
Miller, J.& O. Hill place 21 550 4750 74.10
Meadow, Mrs. heirs of house & lot 100 100 1.56
McGarrity, John 10 400 400 6.24
Maybee, Orvil 108 2500 2500 29.00
Miller, Barton 1 154 1125 1125 17.54
More, O. W. 1 140 1500 1500 3.00 23.41
Maybee, George H 96 2000 200 2200 34.32
Mace, Henry S. 75 1700 1799 2.75 26.53
Mackey, Andrew 55 1450 1450 2.50 22.62
Mackey, Daniel H. 60 900 900 1.75 14.65
More, Ransom 142 2800 2800 43.68
McClashan, J. C. 65 1500 1500 23.41
More, Ezra,  Mrs. Brooks, ocpt 87 2500 2500 39.60
More, Almeron 100 2550 2550 39.78
More, Madison 55 1600 800 2400 37.44
Mulbery, J. W. 1 1000 1000 15.60
Nine, Oscar house & store 450 450 7.02
Newell, E. A. 1 128 1275 1275 2.25 19.89
Newell, C.& E. D b1 159 2125 2125 2.75 33.05
Newell, E. D. house & lot 300 300 1.00 4.69
Nelson, Elisha 1 31 800 800 12.46
Niles, Henry 9 900 1700 2600 3.75 40.56
Newman, Cyrus (est.) 2 600 600 9.36
Niles, Samuel house, lot, & shop 800 800 12.48
Newman, E. E. 1 178 1975 1975 3.00 30.81
Osterhout, Mrs. George 1 40 1450 1450 22.62
Olmstead, James 1 50 450 450 1.25 7.02
Olmstead, Daniel 80 1000 1000 1.75 15.60
Owen, Frank 1 9 1250
Owen, Frank 5 75 1325 20.66
Olmstead, Ichabod 145 2175 2175 3.25 33.91
Olmstead, Harriet 350 350 5.46
Olmstead, Hannah 260 260 4.07
Osterhout, Geo 1
Osborn, Mrs. Curtis house & lot 400 800 1200 1.50 18.72
Oliver, Henry 53 700 700 10.92
Oak Hill Mfg. Co 2400 2400 37.44
Olena, Theophilus Lester place 39 1100 1100 17.17
Orr, John house & lot 1   300 300 4.69
Orr, Mrs. Minnie 400 400 6.25
Orr, W. H. 1 75 75 1.17
Penny, Frank C. 1   725   725 11.30
Paddock, Albert 187 1725 1725 2.75 26.90
Paddock, Milan 1 55 900 900 14.05
Peck, W. R. 23 800 800 1.00 12.40
Paddock, Frank house & lot 350 350 5.46
Parks, H. H. 1 171 2700 1000
Parks, H. H. 45 400 4100 5.75 63.97
Potter, Proctor 1 166 3900 3900 5.50 60.85
Prior, Rufus 1 250 250 3.91
Peck, Mrs. Mansfield 1 100 100 1.56
Pierce, Miss Delia, ex'x of Wm. Pierce, deceased 50 2000
Pierce, Miss Deila out lot 37 400 2400 37.44
Partt, Addison 33 675
Partt, Addison 12 25 700 10.63
Pratt, George jr 1 100 1200
Pratt, George jr 100 100 1300 20.28
Prior, Orvil 4 400 400 6.24
Post, Mrs. Maria 1 200 200 3.12
Proper, J. W. 1
Parkers, Bros 1 260 2900
Parks, Bros out lot 45 100 3000 46.80
Palmer, Gideon 74 1600 1600 24.96
Pratt, Ezra 138 2850 2800 43.68
Pratt, W. R. 5 200 200 3.12
Place, Charles 1 96 2800 2800 43.68
Paddock, Mrs. Wm 15 1800 1775 3575 55.78
Parsonage, Episcopal Oak Hill 500 500 7.81
Porter, Wm 1 1 250 250 3.91
Russ, James & Caroline 2 150 150 0.25 2.35
Rhinehart, Widow 3 100 100 0.25 1.56
Russ, Darwin house & lot 450 450 7.02
Rockefeller, Amos 1 100 2500 2500 3.75 44.34
Russ, G. W. 150 2650 2650 4.00 41.34
Rogers, Fletcher 1 180 3200 3200 49.92
Rhinehart, Mrs. J. F. house & lot 1 825 825 12.86
Rockwell, Orson 114 1700 1700 26.53
Richmond, James 1 100 900 900 14.05
Russ. W. L. 500 500 1.25 7.81
Rogers, Wm. Wetmore place 1 400 400 0.50 6.24
Rogers, Melissa 1\2 100 100 1.56
Ruland, Oscar 1 100 800 800 1.25 7.81
Rogers, Fletcher 66 450 450 7.02
Richmond, George 69 825 825 12.86
Reynolds, A. F. 6 400 400 1.00 6.24
Reed, Mrs. John 50 900 900 14.05
Randall, S. A. 4 900 900 14.05
Rappleyea, Isaac 1
Reed, James 1
Rose, Calvin 1
Reynolds, Sidney house & lot 200 200 0.75 3.12
Reynolds, Edgar 150 150 0.75 2.34
Russ, Mrs. Omar 1 700 700 1.00 10.93
Rivenburgh & Vroman stock in store 400 400 6.24
Ride, Mrs. James house & lot 400 400 6.24
Roe, Mrs. Charles 65 1700 1700 26.53
Richmond, C. H. house & lot 150 150 2.34
Rundell, Orliff 1 100 2600 2600 40.56
Rockefeller, Jacob 95 2350 2350 3.00 36.67
Rockefeller, Mrs. 500 500 0.75 7.81
Rushmore, J. W. 400 1000 1400 21.84
Robinson, Ed 100 100 1.56
Rockefeller, Mrs. Wm 650 650 10.13
Rockefeller, Lucius house & lot 1100 1100 17.17
Smith, A. O. 77 1800
Smith, A. O. 1 121 1800 3600 2.75 56.11
Smith, Mrs. A. O. 900 900 1.75 14.05
Smith, J. M. (est. of Wm. Smith) 118 1000 1000 15.60
Smith, Edward   1 1 225 225 3.57
Smith, Bessel   1 105 1000 1000 15.60
Smith, Platt A. 1 116 1175 1175 18.33
Searing, Richard 1 71 1075 1075 2.00 16.77
Smith, M.   112 1750 1750 2.25 27.30
Smith, Zoath 100 1500 1500 23.41
Strong, Ellsworth 1 70 1100 1100 17.17
Setford, Joseph house & lot 175 175
Setford, Joseph 100 100 4.29
Smith, Armenius 2 195 3300 3300
Smith, Armenius 105 2000 5300 82.69
Strong, Mrs. E 140 1125 1125 17.54
Schermerhorn, C. A. 109 2250 2250 3.75 35.11
Stannard, Grove 1 132 2475 500 29.75 3.75 46.42
Simpson, Elisha 50 600 600 9.36
Simpson, John 1 70 425
Simpson, John 67 950 1375 1.75 21.45
Setford. L. H. 200   200 3.12
Strong, T. B. 600 600   9.36
Stewart, John 1 118 1500 1500 23.41
Sanford, Wm. 55 1100 1100 1.75 17.17
Smith, Sidney 1 12 350 350 5.46
Smith, Amanda 54 500 500 7.81
Slater, Joseph W. 191 4650 4650 72.54
Sanford, George W. 40 825
Sanford, George W. 10 25 850 1.75 13.25
Story, E. J. 1
Smith, Mrs. Bethany, est of Fanning, occupant 2250 2250 35.10
Snyder, Geo. L. house & lot b1 500 500 1.25 7.81
Smith, T & A. Co. 84 1200
Smith, T & A. Co. stock in store 900 2100 32.77
Smith, O. C. 1 110 1600 1600 24.96
Sanford, N. F. 15 200 200 0.75 3.12
Story, Ralph 103 1200 1200 18.72
Steele, John 1
Shears, Samuel 1 70 700 700 1.25 10.93
Searles, Luman 1 140 3050 3050 47.59
Sherman, Mrs. E. 10 150
Sherman, Mrs. E. 5 800
Sherman, Mrs. E. 3 150 1100 17.17
Schutt, Aaron 1 156 3000 5000 8000 10.50 125.80
Schutt, Mrs. 4000 4000 5.00 62.40
Stanton, M. house & lot 200 2200 1.00 3.12
Snyder, Bert 1
Schofield, Leander 1
Smith, Ed 47 350 350 5.46
Snyder, Wallie 6 200 200 3.12
Stedman, John 1 200 200 3.12
Schofield, Mrs. Jessie house & lot 400 1800 2200 34.32
Smith, David house & lot 600 600 9.36
Strong Bros. 1 180 2600 2600 40.56
Snyder, Wm. 278 2300 800 3100 48.37
Snyder, Mrs. Leah 60 1125
Snyder, Mrs. Leah mountain lot 25 1150 1.75 17.94
Seymour, Wm 50 1000
Seymour, Wm out lot 44 250 1250 19.50
Schutt, Wm 1
Strong, Horace 1 87 2000
Strong, Horace out lot 14 100
Strong, Horace Peck place 50 1050 3150 49.15
Schutt, Theo 1 76 1800 1800 28.08
Strong, Strong, ex'r H. B. Kirtland est 850 850 13.25
Smith, Rhoda 1 136 1050 1050 16.37
Strong, Harriet 600 600 9.36
Smith, Minthorn 1 200 4400 4400 68.64
Stedman, George house & lot 350 350 5.46
Smith, Edgar 1 1 200 200 3.12
Schutt, Richard 5 275 275 4.29
St. John, L 1 115 2150 500 2650 41.34
Snyder, A. B. 11 550 550 8.58
Snyder, Hiram house & lot 250 250 3.91
Stannard, Mrs. Idabella 100 2400 2400 37.44
Stannard, Luther N 143 3600 300 3900 60.85
Stannard, Mrs. Ransom 200 200 3.12
Searing, A. heirs of 1 100 1900 1900 2.50 29.65
Safford, Dr. Leland 1 300 300 4.69
Sutton, Nettleton, heirs of 4000 4000 62.40
Sutton, Nettleton, heirs of house & lot 100 100 1.56
Sutton, Nettleton, heirs of house & lot 100 100 1.56
Stong, Samuel house & lot 300 300 4.69
Turner, Victory 100 100 0.75 1.56
Taylor, Thomas 3 450 450 0.13 7.02
Tubbs, George 1 1100 1100 17.17
Tubbs, Charles house & store 1600 1600 24.96
Tilson, E 1 1700 1700 26.53
Traver, Erastus 1
Traver, David 206 3600 3600 4.75 56.16
Thorpe, Mrs. Ira house & lot 400 400 6.24
Taylor, Edwin R.   130 3425
Taylor, Edwin R. out lot   5 25 3450 53.83
Taylor, Seymour house & lot 500 500 0.75 7.81
Taylor, Mrs. Wm 2 250 250 3.91
Thorpe, Aaron 1 600 600 9.36
Turner, George, heirs of 100 100 1.56
Taver, Norman 1
Tripp, Isaac store & stock 1800 600 2400 37.44
Tripp, Mrs. 150 150 2.34
Tripp, Alfred (est) 27 1800 1800 28.08
Utter, Addison 11 1575 1575 2.00 24.57
Utter, James L 80 400 400 6.24
Utter, Eughene 1
Utter, Harriet 1 80 1000
Utter, Harriet 20 40 1040 1.75 16.22
Uty, George 10 300 300 4.69
Utter, James L 1 110 3800 3800 59.28
Utter, Mrs. Isaac 3500 3500   54.61
Utter, I. P. 260 5700 5700 88.93
Vincent, Samuel jr. 1 25 25 0.39
Vincent, Samuel sr. 8 75 75 0.75 1.17
Van Orden, Mrs. Peter 123 2100 2100 2.75 32.77
Van Tassel, Alanson 3 1200 1200 18.72
Van Tassel, Reuben 1 86 2700 2700   42.13
Van Aiken, G. L. 108 900 900 14.05
Van Dyke, W. C. house & lot 100 100 1.56
Van Tassel, Allen 26 600 600 9.36
Vroman, Peter house & lot b1 275 275 4.29
Van Dyke 162 2900
Van Dyke 60 150 3050 4.00 47.59
Van Gelder, Mrs. J. 56 675 675 10.53
Van Dyke, Newell 1
Woodard, Jared 90 2000 2000 31.20
Walker, Duane house & lot 25 25 0.39
Woodard, Jerome 150 1700 1700 26.53
Witman, Wm 35 275 275 4.28
Woodworth, Wm. house & lot 325 325 5.07
Walker, Reuben 40 150 150 2.34
Wetmore, Clark 122 1425  
Wetmore, Clark 78 150 1575 24.57
Wetmore, Ferris 151 1350 1350 21.06
Walker, Duane 140 200 200 3.12
Winegard, Charles 1 103 1500 1500 23.41
Woodard, Amos 1 125 1860
Woodard, Amos 138 1200 3060 1.50 47.74
Whitmore, W. H. 131 1800 180 2.25 28.08
White, W. 120 2000 2000 31.20
Wagoner, Darius 10 1300 3100 4400 68.64
Waldron, J. J. 6 2975 2975 46.42
Woodruff, Edwin 3 1600 1600 24.96
Wright, Sarah house & lot 675 675 10.63
White, Mrs. W. C. 50 2700 2700 42.13
Walker, C. wood lot 4 25 25 0.39
Woodruff, Hiram house & lot 175 175 2.73
Winans, Wm 18 250 250 3.91
Wolven, harry 55 1075 1075 16.77
Watson, Richard 1 110 700 700 10.13
Wagoner, Frank J. 1 3 800
Wagoner, Frank J. house & lot 3 200 1000 1.75 16.60
Wagoner, Darius Mills farm 92 1600 1600 24.96
Winans, Wm. house & lot 1 1175 1175 18.33
West, Mrs. Wm. 38 500 500 7.81
White, Arthur 16 500 500 0.75 7.81
Wade, Luther stock in store 500 500 7.81
Woodard, Mrs. Jacob 400 400   6.20
Winegard, Abram 4 350 350 5.46
Waters, Mrs. Josie mountain lot 36 150 150 2.32
Wood, Henry 1 100 100 0.75 1.56
Wisewell, F. H. Post place 200 200 3.12
Woodruff, Ermon 1
Woodruff, George 50 725 725 1.00 4.30
Western Union Telegraph Co., 11 miles poles 500
Western Union  Co., 11 miles wire 200 700   10.93
Winans, Orson 216 4500 4500 70.20
Winans, Rachel 200 200 3.12
Winans, Henry, Mrs. 2000 2000 31.20
Wetmore, Mrs. Charles 110 1500
Wetmore, Mrs. Charles out lot 7 25 1525 2.50 23.78
Wright, Mrs. Oliver 16 500 500 7.81
Williams, R. B. 3 375 375 5.85
Winans, Wm 50 1400 1400 21.84
Wood, C. B. 142 2575 500 3075 47.98
Wright, Anson B. 70 2100 2100 32.77
Wright, Mrs. Silas 60 1900 500 2400 35.44
Wright, Mrs. Charles 1 300 300 4.69
Winchell, O. B. (est) 700 500 1200 18.72
Winchell, Mrs. O. B. house & lot 1 100 100 1.56
Whitcomb, Frank 300 300   4.68
White, Mark 250 250 3.91
White, Mrs. Lewis 400 400 6.24
Whitcomb, N. C. 1 1600 1000 2600 40.56
West, H. C. 2 250 250 3.91
Youmans, Charles house & blacksmith shop


400 400 1.00 6.24
Yale, Josiah 1 165 2400 2400 37.44
Zielie, Mrs. Jacob 2 250 250 3.41


List of names against which rents are assessed. Also parties holding same: Farm of Aaron Jennings, Francher place, whear 12 1/4 bu. $8.58: Courtney Wood, whear 20 1/4 bu. 14.35: Ezra More, wheat  32 3/4 bu. 9.63; Barton Miller, wheat 32 1/4 bu. 22.58:              
M. T. Trumpbour and heirs of Alex. Cockburn, amount to be assessed as follows:            
Aaron, Jennings           143
Courtney Wood           240
Ezra More           161
Barton Miller           377


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