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Dr. Roger Austin's 'Guyana History' website Materials

Guyana History - Some Books and Records

The late Dr. Roger Austin maintained a website of the above title until his death in October 2007.   He was an accomplished genealogist and researcher and will be greatly missed. We have been asked to present the material from his website here to continue his wish to share his data.    The files are in PDF format, requiring the free Adobe Reader which can be downloaded here.

Sugar Estate Employees:
The persons listed in the following files worked on the sugar estates in Guyana. The lists may be of interest to genealogists and family historians.
Partners and Clerks     |       Sugar Estate Engineers

Book List
     List:    List of titles, authors, publishers and year of publication of books on diverse aspects of Guyana history and culture.

Personal Memoirs:

Be sure to read these other Memoirs online:

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