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Abbotts Cemetery Located in the Hamlet of Abbotts. The land for this cemetery was donated by Samuel Wood (My GGGrandfather). Some sources say it was donated my Stephen Abbott (Another GGGrandfather) but this is an error. The first known burial is 1840.

These pages were created from records compiled using old records, a stone by stone mapping, church records, obituaries, vital records, census lists, and original cemetery map. I also have a computerized map.

signed , Jerry Babcock., submitter.

Follow the links below to find the page with the surname you are looking for:

Abbott - Brown     Carr - Clayson     Folts - French    Gill - Hoag    Ingalls - Lockwood

Mabey - Nottingham    Otto - Rogers    Sherlock - Swift    Varnum - Yaw

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Thanks to Jerry Babcock for providing this information !