Please note:  This index was made many years ago for the Cattaraugus County Museum at Little Valley, NY and has been digitalized by a team of Cattaraugus County researchers. There will be errors, given the difficulty in deciphering some of the handwriting of the original census records. Please check the names carefully, as your family’s name may have simply been misspelled or misread. The page number refers to the page of the microfilm of the state census, which can be ordered through your local LDS family History Center. Our many thanks to the Cattaraugus County Memorial and Historical Museum for making these indices available through the Internet.

Laura Greene, Coordinator

[email protected]


Transcribed by Lucy Dennis


******The Town of  FREEDOM  can be found on the  1st  (Volume 1) of  3 microfilms of the 1865 NY State Census for Cattaraugus County made by the LDS church  ********


Name:                       Page # of Microfilm:



Alden, Moses                           559

Altoff, Albert                            544

Arms, Alfred                            567

Armstrong, Laura A.                 548     

Arnold, Calista H.                     566

Arnold, Ephrain S.                    540

Ashley, Enison                          544

Austin, Elroy D.                        562

Austin, William                         567

Austin, William                         533


Baier, John                               543

Baker, Joseph A.                      554

Baker, Joseph                          554

Baldwin, Benjamin                    537

Baldwin, Lycander                    537

Bartlett, Charles                        569

Basset, George                         566

Beebe, Charles                         561

Beebe, Charles, Jr.                   565

Beebe, Hiram                           569

Beekman, Fredrick                   541

Beekman, Jacob                       537

Bishop, Florilla                         542

Bixby, Daniel                            571

BixbyWilliam                            570

Bowen, Daniel                          539

Briggs, Livi W.                         541

Brown, Daniel                          545

Brown, E. C.                            543

Brown, Edwin                          542

Brown, M. J.                            553

Brown, Nathaniel                      542

Brown, Sigmon S.                    542

Burleson, Moses H.                  569

Burleson, Owens                      572

Butler, Seymour L.                   565


Chafee, Palo-una                      567

Charles, David                          538

Charles, John                            538

Charles, William                       534

Cheesman, Abner                     549

Cheny, Clark A.                       571

Cheny, George                         565

Cheny, Harrison                       566

Cheny, Josiah                           561

Cheny, Walter                          541

Clark, Sarah L.                         540

Cobb, T. J.                               569

Colebun, Josiah                        566

Collars, Harvey                        557

Congdon, Sally                         559

Cooke, Joseph                         567

Cornwell, Edwin                       553

Cornwell, T. J.                          553

Cramer, J. W.                          559

Crandall, Benj. G.                     545

Crandall, Charles                      558

Crandall, Henry                        544

Crandall, John                          546

Crandall, T. H.                         570

Crane, O. N.                            549

Crane, U. P.                             535

Crawford, Ira                           558

Crossman, Amos                      549

Crossman, Omer                      549

Crowell, Franklin                      570

Crowell, Hiram                         551

Crowell, Joseph                        571


Dagett, Franklin                        570

Dailey, S. E.                              557

Dailey, Sidney                          556

Dake, R. M.                              534

Davis, Benj.                               555

Davis, David                             559

Davis, James                            565

Davis, John J.                            555

Davis, Josiah                            543

Davis, William M.                      565

Davis, Wm. W.                         554

Day, Wm. P.                             569

Deyo, Henry                             543

Deyo, Peter                              549

Dibble, Mary A.                        541

Dorning, Hugh                          566

Durkee, Sally                            538


Edwards, Daniel                       553

Edwards, David                        551

Edwards, David                        571

Edwards, Joen                          566

Edwards, Joshua                      566

Edwards, William                     559

Eley, M. A.                               544

Ellithorp, Jacob                         572

Elsworth, John                          555

Evans, Stephen                         550

Evans, Thomas                         549

Evans, Thomas                         534

Evans, William                          533

Evens, Eleanor                          566

Evens, Levi                               560

Everetts, Faney                         552

Everetts, Orsemus                    553


Felch, Amelia                           542

Finley, Stephen                         554

Fisher, Everett                          546

Fisher, S. W.                             570

Fisk, Chester W.                       546

Fisk, W. G.                               545

Flin(n), Wm. H.                         543

Fox, H. W.                                543

Freeborn, Holden                     535

Fuller, Mary A.                          543


Gale, Henry                              547

Gibbon, Griffith                         546

Gibby, James                            569

Gibby, Joseph                          570

Gibson, James                          565

Gile, John                                 565

Gillmore, Ann                           555

Gould, Ezra M.                          571

Green, Hiram                            541

Griffith, Evan                            542

Griffith, Griffith                          554

Griffith, John  A.                        554

Guild, Seymour                         563

Guile, Elise                               538

Guile, Mary                              533


Hancock, Jabez B.                    547

Harper, Milard F.                      566

Harriet, Samuel                         571

Haskell, Sylvester                     566

Hasleton, Joseph                      539

Hatch, David                             539

Hayden, Martin                        556

Higins, John                              547

Hill, Franklin                             547

Hill, Harden                              543

Hill, Julia A.                               561

Hillman, Benj.                            569

Hinyrtner, Phillip                       547

Hitsman, Henry                         551

Holmes, George                       538

Holmes, Horatio M.                   569

Holmes, Milo                            569

Holmes, Myron                        564

Holmes, Tler                             570

Hoofriter, Frederick                  545

Hoofriter, Helen                        545

Hooper, Thomas                      549

Hopkins, Polly G.                      551

Howes, H. S.                             541

Howlet, Daniel                          534

Howlitt, John                            551

Hudson, Miner                         545

Hughs, Hannah                         566

Hughs, William                         558

Hyde, Anson                            553

Hyde, Henry                             567


Jackson, William                       535

James, Alvina                           562

James, David                            534

James, John W.                         561

James, Thomas                         548

James, Wm. P.                          569

Jaquish, Franklin                       545

Johns, Sharlott E.                      546

Jones, Daniel                            557

Jones, Ebenezar                        538

Jones, Enoch                            555

Jones, Jenkin                            555

Jones, John L.                           558

Jones, John                               539

Jones, Livi                                542

Jones, Luis L.                            551

Jones, M. M.                             550

Jones, Parley                            542

Jones, Thomas                          538

Jones, William P.                       537

Jones, William                          563

Judivine, Joseph                        555


Kittle, Joseph                           543

Knight, Daniel                           559

Knight, Oliver                           547

Knowlton, Benj.                        543

Kollmorgen, Christopher           543


Lammie, Daniel                         561

Lanckton, Harvey                     555

Lanckton, M. F.                        555

Lanckton, Manard T.                 555

Lane, James H.                          533

Leonard, Benjamin                   550

Lewis, Benjamin                       534

Lewis, George                          543

Lewis, Jane                              569

Lewis, Jerome                          551

Lewis, John M.                          550

Lewis, Sally                              559

Lewis, Sidney M.                      567

Lewis, William                          569

Lobdell, Peter                           557

Lommie, Mary                          561

Low, John                                570

Lowell, Ella                              553

Lyon, James B.                          545


Marble, Edwin                          546

Marble, Jesse                           547

Marble, Joseph                         570

Marble, Peter                           546

Mason, Corodon                      567

Masun, Rueben T.                     571

McIntyre, Leonard                   566

Mcintyre, Luis H.                       549

McKerrow, James                    537

McKnight, Laura                      553

McMurney, Samuel M.              565

Mearns, Andrew                      553

Mearns, William                       563

Merriman, William                    570

Metcalf, Abel H.                        551

Mills, Edward                           561

Mills, Mathews G.                    561

Mills, Thomas                           560

Mills, William                            562

Mitchell, Margaret                    559

More, Oliver                            542

Morgan, David D.                     553

Morgan, David                         562

Morgan, Evan                           552

Morgan, Jane                           549

Morgan, John H.                       554

Morgan, Thos. W.                     538

Morris, David G.                       563

Morris, John J.                          562

Morris, John R.                         558

Morris, Willard                         542

Morris, William                         557

Moses, Sidney                          561

Myers, Susan                           541


Nanorken, Peter                       561

Nein, Mary                               566

Nelson, Delevan                       533

Newman, D. D.                         538

Northup, Aaron                        534

Norton, Alonzo L.                     559

Norton, Orpah                         559


Osborn, Roswell                       561

Owens, Eliza                            562

Owens, John H.                         550

Owens, John W. N.                   571

Owens, Mary                           542

Owens, Richard                        562

Owens, T. W.                           549


Page, Thankful                          534

Painter, John Jr.                         538

Parrish, Mary                           555

Parry, John                                534

Peat, Edward                           550

Peat, Evan                                541

Peat, John                                 541

Pelton, James B.                        570

Phillips, Johathan                      553

Powell, Liley                             538

Powell, N. G.                            550

Pugh, Griffith                            535


Randall, Sally                            534

Rees, Thomas B.                       557

Reynolds, Luther                      548

Rich, Adison                             557

Rich, Hannah                            557

Rich, Madison                          557

Richards, David                        549

Richardson, Lyman                   543

Rider, Mary H.                          541

Rivengbergh, Bur                      534

Rivengbergh, Peter                   534

Robert, Hugh O.                        569

Roberts, Hugh H.                      535

Roberts, Richard                      550

Roberts, Robert                        563

Roberts, Zillah                          536

Roblee, Orland                         533

Rogers, Harry                           541

Rogers, Landus                        542

Rogers, Lucius                          541

Rounds, Isaiah                          563

Rounds, Jacob                          539

Run, John W.                            533

Rurr, Thomas R.                        570


Sanford, E. B.                           543

Sawyer, Earl                              559

Sawyer, J. W.                           571

Schutt, Stephen                        561

Seamon, Earl                            551

Shallieas, Nelson                      535

Skeels, Luther                          563

Smith, Lucius                            558

Smith, M. A.                             558

Smith, Sylvester H.                    558

Smith, William V.                      557

Spanky, Thomas                       564

Spencer, Elisha                         533

Spencer, Willfred                      563

Spoor, Weltha                          572

Steel, John P.                            546

Steele, Daniel                           539

Steele, Josiah                            539

Stone, Stukley                          545

Strong, W. B.                            543


Tate, Harriet                             565

Thomas, Margretta                   545

Thomas, Thomas                      571

Thomas, William                       549

Thornton, Earnest                     570

Twomley, Henry                       535


Vallaine, Alexander                   552

Vandusen, William                    567


Wait, Mary                               543

Waterman, Asa                        557

Weir, Ambrose S.                     541

Wheeler, C. D.                          533

Wheeler, George E.                   533

Wheeler, J. T.                            566

Wheeler, Wm. B.                      539

White, Thomas                         567

Wier, Samuel                            569

Wilcox, John                            535

Wilder, Frank                           571

Wilder, John L.                          551

Williams, Charles                      557

Williams, David                        557

Williams, David                        533

Williams, Elons                         538

Williams, George T.                   562

Williams, James                        548

Williams, John P.                       537

Williams, John                          563

Williams, Joshua                       557

Williams, Peter                         560

Williams, Robert                       562

Williams, Susan                        538

Williams, William E.                   558

Williams, William J.                    570

Williams, William W.                 558

Willson, Ezra                            566

Willson, George A.                   546

Wilover, Bonney                       569

Wilson, John                             535

Wilson, Seth K.                         539

Wood, D. H.                             553

Wood, Eliza                             555

Wood, Norman                        557

Wood, Phoebe                         537

Wood, Sylanus                         555

Wood, Thomas                        551

Wright, William F.                     570

Wyman, Alonzo                        565